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First Anniversary Fanfic Mafia


First Anniversary Fanfic Mafia

Strange disappearances plague the worlds of Pokémon fanfic. Beloved characters, places, and even stories within the stories, the legends of each individual world, have vanished so completely that few remember they ever were. Some of those who were whisked away have returned to their stories, speaking of a world-spanning council from that attempted to uncover the force behind these disappearances. But though they were able to root out the evil at work among themselves and escape to their homes, they couldn't discover the root cause of the problem--and there were many heroes who didn't return home at all. Now a new group of characters awakens in a strange, featureless place, with only the vaguest idea of the trial in store for them...

Fanfic mafia returns for a second year! The premise is simple: you choose a fanfic character (your own or one belonging to someone else) and are randomly assigned to one of two teams. You'll either become part of the mafia, working to take control of the game by eliminating your opponents, or you'll become one of the innocent, working to discover and jail the members of the mafia before they can bring the group under their sway.

If you haven't played mafia before, it works like this:

1. Players are assigned to either mafia or innocent factions. The mafia know who belongs on their team, and they may freely communicate with each other outside of the game thread. The innocents do not know the alignments of any of the other players, and they can interact only by posting in the game thread at designated times.

2. The game proceeds in a series of "day" phases and "night" phases.

During the day, all players are "awake" and able to post in the game thread. All players discuss who they think the mafia are, based on other players' posts or what they believe may have happened at night. Ultimately this leads to players voting on which person should be sent to jail. If the jailed player turns out to have been a member of the mafia, the innocents are one step closer to winning--but if they guess wrong, they'll only help the mafia in their quest to eliminate the innocents.

At night, the mafia choose one player to make disappear. They're free to talk with each other, plan, and strategize, but the innocent players cannot communicate. However, some innocent players may have a special ability that they can use during the night. What kind of ability a player might have will be determined by the character they choose to use in the game.

3. The game continues until either the mafia make up the majority of remaining players (meaning that they can control all day-votes) or the innocents successfully jail all of the mafia.

If you'd like more details, check out this beginner's guide to Mafia, which discusses how the game is played and some of the common terminology and player roles that are often used. This game will use primarily common roles (possibly including some variant(s) of cop, doctor, vigilante, roleblocker, mason, bus driver, or tracker), with the potential for one or two unique roles to be included. Please feel free to ask any questions you might have either here in the thread or by private message!

There are some additional things you'll want to keep in mind for this game:

- This is an RP-optional mafia using fanfic characters! If you would enjoy pretending to be your character, reasoning and reacting to the situation in the same way that they would, then please feel free to post in character as much as you'd like! However, to indicate that you're posting in-character, please surround any in-character text in double square brackets, [[like this]]. You are also welcome to include as much out-of-character straight strategizing and discussion in your posts as you'd like. If you'd prefer to play without RPing at all, that's totally fine! Your character choice will be used to flavor your role but have no other impact on the game.

Relatedly, roles and alignments will be assigned at random to players. This means that you shouldn't assume that anyone is a member of the mafia simply because their character is a villain! On the flip side, even very heroic characters may end up playing the bad guys here.

- This game continues the story begun last year. If you'd like to check out the old thread, you can view it here; however, this is not necessary. You should be able to jump in here and enjoy yourself even if you've never played a game of Mafia before, and certainly if you didn't play last year's. For those of you who played last year: do not make assumptions about the roles in this game, the alignment of any player, etc. based on what went on in last year's Mafia. In order to keep things fresh and prevent repeat players from having an advantage, I am changing up the roles being used, and all alignments are always randomly assigned. This doesn't mean that any role used in the previous game won't also appear in this one, but neither does the fact that a role was used previously mean it's more likely to show up in this game. In general, you should make no assumptions about what's going on based on what happened in last year's game.

- In this game, each phase will last for 48 hours.

Right now we're in the sign-up phase. If you'd like to play, post in this thread with the character you want to use. This can be one of your own fanfic characters, or a character from someone else's story, but if you'd like to use another person's character please get their permission first. They can be characters related to any franchise, Pokémon or otherwise! Also, feel free to use the same character you did last year if you like, even if they ended up getting disappeared/jailed in the previous game. Please include some basic information about your character: name, species, appearance, basic personality traits, and anything else you'd like your fellow players to know.

Sign-ups are open until midnight UTC on Saturday, May 2nd. I'll get everything set up, and then the game will begin Sunday, May 3rd.

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
Aw yay, this looks like fun! Thanks so much for putting this together :D

Name: Yami Bakura
Species: ancient demon-spirit inhabiting the body of a 16-year-old boy
Appearance: kinda scrawny pretty-boy with long white hair
Basic personality traits: bloodthirsty (literally and figuratively); master of deceiving others; enjoys manipulating those around him; somehow possesses enough strength to hold his own in a fight; not an ounce of mercy or kindness


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
In. RPing as Genesis.

Name: Genesis
Species: Human (Self-Reported), Capitalist Pig (per Kekoa)
Appearance: Conventionally pretty blonde teenager. Tends to dress in reasonably modest clothing.
Basic Personality Traits: Kind of flighty, generally kind, deeply religious. Grew up rich and has her knowledge/views shaped by it.
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Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
Oh cool. I'll bring someone as well and see where it takes me. This isn't someone from HoC, but Blacklight, since I may as well have some fun with that before it officially starts~

Name: Diyem
Species: Charizard
Appearance: Charizard
Basic personality: Deadpan, joyless, unamused, tired, unfazed, done. Generally done.


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
I'll be there as Dave again, since I had such fun with him last time~

His profile from the last game, for anyone else's benefit:

Name: David Ambrose (Dave)
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Personality: Has for his entire adult life covered up his many issues and insecurities with anger, sarcasm and general jerkassitude. He is very smart and also kind of an idiot and generally terrible and often pretty self-destructive, including rampant alcoholism that he is somehow still in denial about. He also created (with a team of other scientists whose significant contributions he kind of brushes over) some unholy Pokémon-human hybrid abominations, including his half-Vulpix daughter Jean and the half-Scyther that he likes to take out for hotdogs and try to debate ethics and societal norms with, and they're pretty much what keeps him getting out of bed in the morning. He will be a raging fire of justice for their sake.
Appearance: Human man, average height, level of personal grooming will very much depend on what day you catch him on. If people are disappearing (are the Pokémorphs disappearing, oh boy, is this going to be Fun Dave), he probably Does Not Care, does he.


Ace Trainer
  1. hawlucha
They're free to talk with each other, plan, and strategize, but the innocent players cannot communicate.
In this game, each phase will last for 48 hours.
Players are assigned to either mafia or innocent factions.
Quoting these so I don't forget because Bulbagarden rules are different.

I'll go with Professor Finnar. (Maybe I'll roleplay a bit but probably not.)

Name: Professor Serena Finnar
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Appearance: Finnar has long, honey-colored hair that she wears in a low ponytail, light blue eyes, and light skin. She wears a black t-shirt and matching jeans and shoes, and due to the time at which she was whisked away from her usual dimension, a white lab coat.
Personality: Finnar is calm and focused, but generally prefers to look on the bright side of things. She's not much of a fighter in any way, instead preferring to gather data from the sidelines. As head of the Kalosian Branch of the Faererwell Organization, she's learned to be extremely organized, and as such, she has grown to the point where a lack of it annoys her. Due to her lack of skill fighting and her rank, she tends to expect others to do the hard work, while occasionally trying to set them in the right direction. As a scientist, she cannot resist the opportunity to run any experiment she can.
Additional info: Her six Pokémon were brought to the alternate dimension as well, and thus she has Chestnaught, Altaria, Vaporeon, Meowstic, Absol, and Xerneas (named X) with her, all of which have nicknames, but it's not relevant what those are because a. I have not come up with any nicknames for any of them besides Xerneas and b. it's highly probable that I won't be roleplaying at all, and even if I do she probably won't let any of them out. She used to be a trainer, and at that point in time, she had a friendly rivalry with the now-Champion Calem, though the nature of that rivalry has since changed and they no longer consider each other friends.
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Friend of All Chu
Rhyme City
Name: Desper
Species: Raichu
Appearance: 1587949535463.jpeg
Basic Personality: An ol’ owl hoot been addin’ notches since he was knee high to a phanpy. Ain’t ever met a ranger could clear leather afore him, ‘n’ he’s mighty proud of it. Livin’ a shocker in the desert ain’t easy; made ‘m hard ‘n’ made ‘m cold. Known for his distance ‘n duels and ‘n life. Ne’er does he tarry long enough in town for more than a tail of slugs shot ‘n’ bought be made of his time.

‘Course, some few guttersnipes’ve made claims’f his kindness some time after he’s been gone, but all who’ve met ‘im know he ain’t the kind to keep a deed untold. Bars keep firewater reserves just’n case he comes for tale of this drifter’s tales. Tall’s they look, ‘nough’ve seen his feats to know there’s more to his hoss than a shoe. Th’idea’e’d pass some poké’n hide the fact’s taller’n a fire’s hot.

Ain’t no hidden heart o’ gold, ‘less’n y’mean what’s got his love. He ain’t nothin’ but a houndog. Got more pride’n a luxray ‘n’ less heart’n’n ace o’ spades. Nothin’ but’n owl hoot hoppin’ fences. All’s he’s gots t’look for’rd to ‘s the hangin’ tree at the end of any desperado’s trail.
Likes: Apple Pie, Spanish guitar, omelette du fromage
Dislikes: law, class inequality, zangoose
  • Like
Reactions: Pen


Losing her head
HELL YES I was just wondering when another Mafia was gonna happen! I'm gonna sign up with Fiametta Fortunata, from Not A Number.

A teenaged trans girl trying to make her way in a dystopian hellscape ruled by the AXSIS corporation, Fiametta is sardonic, sarcastic, and apathetic, at least until lives are on the line.

Assuming this is okay by Negrek, true to her "appearance" in Not A Number, Fiametta doesn't show up in person around everyone else; she communicates through a chat program on her phone.

Appearance: human, roughly six feet tall. Lanky. Dresses in baggy clothes. Pink hair that hangs over her face. Perpetual bags under her eyes. Freckles.

Abilities: she's really good at texting. Like, REALLY good.
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Sike Saner

*aurorus noise*
  1. glalie
(Whoops, I almost posted this in last year's signup. :V Thanks, pollen, for making me have to take diphenhydramine at this hour.)

Name: Ntairow Fade
Species: kwazai, an evolved wobbuffet
Gender: female
Appearance: A seven-foot-tall, somewhat humanoid biped with long, stiltlike legs and two pairs of arms. She has sky blue skin, a black tail that splits into four branches with an "eye" near the end of each, and a face very smiliar to a wobbuffet's.
Personality: Doesn't like to take "can't" for an answer. Once she's put her mind to something, it's best not to get in her way. She tries to stay civil and often succeeds, but her impatience can get the better of her.
Abilities: Basically a wobbuffet who can also attack proactively, whether through simple physical blows or psybeams. Though capable of holding her own in many situations, her lack of formal training causes her to fall somewhat short of the potential of her kind. Has empathic abilities which are keen--but not infallible.


Assuming this is okay by Negrek, true to her "appearance" in Not A Number, Fiametta doesn't show up in person around everyone else; she communicates through a chat program on her phone.
Totally doable! The way I'd flavor this is with a phone that would be held by one of the other members of the game, where they'd be able to read what Fiametta was typing and text back to her about what was going on. It'll be great to see Fiametta again, too.

We already have an awesome list of characters here! I think we'll have a real fun game this year.


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
I haven't played a Mafia game since I fourteen (jailed the first day, was Mafia), but I'll try! I'll be using one of my own OCs.

Name: Jen
Species: Human. Mostly. Human-ish.
Age: 12-14
Gender: Nonbinary (any pronouns, but I’ll probably stick with he/him for this game)
Personality: Jen is a foster kid and generally has had a rough life, leaving him with trust and other issues. He usually keeps to himself and feels like he doesn’t connect with other people, though he can be a good friend if he warms up to a person. Bad with emotions, including his own.
Appearance: Looks like a typical human kid. Brown skin, dark brown hair, blue eyes. Much shorter than average for his age, also a bit scrawny. Probably wearing clothes a size or two too large for him.
Abilities: He can use Psychic-type moves and is telepathic (just communication, no mind-reading or anything like that).


somewhat backwards
  1. grovyle
Whooooops I may have just signed up on these forums solely for this. I, uh... hope that's okay. I had great fun spectating last year's game, and it made me kind of wish I could have taken part. At least, it did once I realised that I have a character who is kind of perfect for playing Mafia as.


Name: Tefiren
Species: Archopy (prehistoric alternate Grovyle evolution: see my avatar, or alternatively, here's specifically Tefiren himself)
Gender: Male
Personality: Born into a world in which a complete genocide of his species is being gradually, inexorably carried out, Tefiren lives in perpetual terror of his looming inevitable death. Or, at least, he would, had he not subconsciously twisted everything around and turned constantly running and hiding from his would-be murderers into a fun and exciting game that he is definitely always going to win. This all-encompassing coping mechanism of his also involves blocking out the part of him that cares when anyone else is killed so that he doesn't have to think about that happening to him one day, making his tact and people skills rather... not great.

(Although, for the sake of flavour, it might be fun if this takes place during the period after he's met and started living with Forsira, who is definitely just a fellow player who makes this game more varied and challenging for him and not at all someone he's attached to or cares about or would be remotely sad over if she were to, I dunno, go missing or anything.)

Also, he's from prehistoric times, so he's not going to have any idea what a human is, or any Pokémon species that isn't native to his home. Not that he will care - he is absolutely going to be thinking of this as basically just an extension of the "game" he plays in his regular life, and players of the game are just players of the game.

Here's the fic he's from, if anyone is interested, especially since it's from ages ago and only Dragonfree and I think maybe Negrek (?) have read it.

Man, it has been A While(TM) since I've written Tefiren or thought about him a lot at all, so I may be a bit rusty, but this should be fun.

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
Alright, after a lot of deliberation, I'm going with:

Name: Chibi (Experiment Number Nine)
Species: Zapdos-Pikachu Hybrid
Gender: Male
Personality: Quiet, moody, and contemplative. Fiercely loyal to those who have helped him. Suspicious of humans, but willing to work with them if necessary. Struggles with his anger and will absolutely want revenge when he's crossed. Does not enjoy secrets and lies, so you know he's going to have a fun time here.



Back on Her Bullshit
a Terrace of Indeterminate Location in Snowbelle
  1. espurr
  2. fennekin
  3. zoroark
Why not. I'll bite. I'll use the main character of my fic, as that seems best-suited to a game like this.

Name: Espurr
Species: ...Same as name :)
Age: 13-ish
Gender: Female
Appearance: That of a normal espurr; nothing notable. Prefers to carry around a bag of some kind for keeping things handy, if possible.
Personality: Quiet on average, and incredibly sharp too. Good at improvising if faced with a difficult situation. However, she possess a sense of arrogance and overconfidence in her abilities that leads her to overestimate herself. Prideful, and won't take being talked down to very well. Very good at playing a straight face - it's hard to tell what she's thinking at any time just from reading her face and body motions.
Abilities: Her species endows her with the ability to use telepathy, telekinesis, mind reading, and teleportation, none of which she is skilled in. The first two are rudimentary at best, and the second two are completely out of her reach. She has no clue she's not an expert.


Okay, that's it for sign-ups! It looks like we have fourteen players, which is perfect for what I had in mind. I'll put the role PM's together tonight and look to start the first phase off tomorrow morning, ideally somewhere between 10 and 11 EST.

A couple of important mechanical notes:

- Since I originally posted I've gotten a better idea of the number of players to expect and therefore the kind of setup I'd use. I'm therefore going to expand the pool of roles to expect; the majority of roles used in this game will be some variant of the following: strongman, vanilla town, watcher, vigilante, roleblocker, mason, bus driver, cop, lover, oracle, doctor, bulletproof, seraph knight, mafia goon, backup, tracker. I can also confirm that there will be at least one custom role used in this game. However, please don't feel pressured to scour the internet trying to figure out what I might be using besides what's on the list; you won't find it/them.

- The previous fanfic mafia had a mechanic where no player could die on the first night. That will not be used for this game. It will be possible for players to die during the first night in this game.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
[[Testing, testing, 123... Are we set to begin? I think using that Countdown website will be helpful for getting an idea on when the games begin. We're starting with the morning of the first night, right? does that mean we get to meet&greet before the first elimination?]]


Oh, my bad, I probably should have thrown up a link to the game thread! Night zero is already rolling, so any players with a night action, please feel free to send them in! The night will end on Monday at the latest, at which point the initial meet&greet will happen and the Innocent faction will have their first chance to vote out a Mafia player. Unfortunately that does mean that someone might be out of the game before they get a chance to interact with the other players.

I've also had a couple of people ask about their roles and their relationship to the role options I posted above (doctor, tracker, etc.). None of the roles are named the same thing as on the wiki, so the fact that your role calls you a "combat medic" or something doesn't mean your role is a custom one. I just gave them all custom names because I thought it would be a bit more fun. If you'd like to know which of the wiki roles yours corresponds to, feel free to ask, although you don't need to look anything up to understand what's going on! All the information you need should be in your role PM, and if you have any questions about how it works, please do ask! And if you do read the wiki, PLEASE check to make sure what it says aligns with your actual role PM; there are a lot of different variants of some of these powers, so when in doubt, trust what I sent to you and not what's on the wiki page.
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