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Pokémon Finding Strength Through Suffering


somewhat backwards
  1. grovyle
Kieran, nooo, no need to be so hard on yourself! (But of course he is anyway.) He may have known the danger, but he was also still reeling from being tortured and everything moved quite fast once Carmine showed up... It's sad but unsurprising that he never expected Juliana of all people to be there with Carmine, but even if he suspected, I'm pretty sure Ogerpon had already made her appearance before Kieran even saw Carmine, so there was nothing he could've done anyway. And how was he supposed to prevent this without knowing that they'd show up in the first place? The amount of pressure he puts on himself is unreal. :sadwott:
Juliana only sent Ogerpon out quite late into her battle with Gustavus, so theoretically maybe Kieran could have warned her in time if he'd absolutely booked it there the moment he got rescued... but also no, that is still not remotely realistic, the poor kid was still recovering from having been tortured, please Kieran go easy on yourself :sadwott:

(of course it's all his fault though, just like it was last time with Terapagos)

I like how ironic it is that Gustavus is incapacitated early on in the fight and isn't seen again until it's over, at which point Kieran realizes he'd *completely forgotten* about the guy. Gustavus was powerless the whole fight, unlike Kieran! Kieran stepped up and was strong enough to overcome this with his friends!
The best possible karmic defeat for Gustavus: becoming irrelevant and forgotten about :quag:

I like the line "Perhaps it had never really left" - admist all the pain, amidst all the chaos, there's no way that Kieran would ever *not want to help Ogerpon* if she were in trouble. *That's* just one of many differences between him and Gustavus, who would do anything to hurt her if it meant furthering his own agenda.
Yess! Even as the torture broke him down and made him feel powerless, Kieran never stopped doing what he needed to do to protect Ogerpon, and he's finally realising this!

Implementing game mechanics in fanfic can be hit or miss for me, but I like the way you use them here. The unique challenges they pose are perfect for strategy buffs like Juliana and Kieran, who have to shift gears quite a few times during the battle. The battle is also emotionally impactful as they have no choice but to hurt Ogerpon to help her. The goal of minimizing her pain was fun to see from Kieran's issue-y perspective, and it was a testament to their good character (yes, Kieran, you are *good*) to see them persist in that goal even when they were down to one last Pokémon and were feeling more desperation, more pressure. Also, as someone who is not at all inclined to pay attention to competitive moves or abilities or anything, I was easily able to follow what was going on, which I appreciated!
I wanted the battle mechanics to feel solidly gameverse-ish, if a bit more realistic, since Kieran's canon story is strictly from the games, so I'm glad that worked and was easy for you to follow regardless! It was also fun to write a battle with stakes that were a little more complex and required a little more specific strategy than just "win". And it helps show off that Kieran is, in fact, really good at this battling thing! :pikashock:

I like the occasional descriptions of Kieran's hair; that's always fun symbolism with him. :copyka: I also like how Kieran immediately falls back into his gremlin thoughts, and he's so lost in them that he almost gets hurt even more and needs to be rescued again. It's hard to push those kind of thoughts away and keep them away; the way you write them is very realistic. And I like how Juliana admits that she messed up just like Kieran did, because whatever Kieran thinks, she's *not* perfect. Neither of them are.
For him grasping at his hair, I didn't connect that to the hairstyle symbolism! I was more thinking about how that's an anxious gesture he often does when he loses/is upset.

And yes, Kieran, Juliana isn't perfect either! Gasp. She has started to realise that maybe showing this a little bit in front of Kieran might be helpful, after his outburst in the Underdepths let her understand his issues some!

Kieran, even before your obsessive training era, you were a worthy enough opponent for Juliana to remember your team and strategies! There's also the fact that your Pokémon are your friends, and so they're important to your best friend, too!
Aww, yes, of course Juliana cares about her friends' Pokémon pals, as well as just about her friends' battle strategies!

Aw, Kieran is so floored by both Juliana and Carmine thinking that his ideas are good enough to follow up on in a high-stakes battle like this one. The wording "I see what you're going for here" is great - Carmine doesn't just *assume* and she doesn't *question* him. She sees him and she gets him. You can really see how far she's come post-game Similarly, I love Carmine asking him if he wants her to take over instead of implying Kieran *is* weak by just jumping straight to it. Kieran's *not* weak - at least, not in the way he thinks here. He's strong enough to follow through on his strategy, and so is Incineroar, but his body's betraying him at the moment. It's strong of him to rely on Carmine and take a breather.
I don't think I quite realised this, but it does say a lot that Carmine's asking if he wants help, rather than just forcefully giving it whether he wants it or not, doesn't it! Look at her go, giving him more space!

And oh Kieran, being injured is not being "weak" in any meaningful way, you confused kid.

I love this section a lot. The battle is hectic, and Kieran is not at all in a good state, but through it all he's able and willing to try to *see and understand what Ogerpon is going through*. It'd be easy for him to shrink back from doing this out of fear of knowing just how much he thinks he screwed up. But no, he's strong and brave in a way that shifts the direction of the battle, and he empathizes with their mutual fear of being ganged up on.
Kieran has always been the best at empathising with Ogerpon feeling attacked and ganged up on, so although him taking a break from the front-line helps, he would always be the first person to see this in her here! He is Good.

:sadwott: Aw, Kieran. Yes, strength can be admired and it can be a noble goal to strive for, but it can also be a curse. It can make you intimidating. It can change you and change how other people look at and react to you. And strength is often just something you can see on the surface... What you find when you dig a little deeper is what really matters!
"Making you intimidating" and "changing how other people look at you" totally has nothing to do with how Kieran became when he was Champion, of course. :copyka: He did not realise then that his """strength""" was actually kind of a bad thing, for all kinds of reasons.

oof ouch my heart. He's still got a gremlin thought following him (thinking he deserves to be attacked but not the others), but Kieran is so brave here. The last thing Ogerpon ever wanted was for her strength to be a reason for others to avoid her, shun her, paint her as a monster. But here is a boy that's withstood literal torture for her sake, running up to her despite the danger to declare that there's more to her than her strength. It's a powerful image and a powerful scene overall. :okgon:
He isssss so brave! Him calling out to Ogerpon was one of the big core moments of the chapter, glad it hit hard :okgon:

aaa, this is all so good, too! Kieran realizing the kind of strength that really matters, and how both he and Ogerpon have gotten to be strong in similar ways... It was always just easier to think he admired her because of her physical strength when he wasn't ready to tackle the emotional sides of things. It was a long road to get here, am very proud of the boy.
Me tooo ❤️ Biggest reason I decided to write this fic was upon realising that this situation with Ogerpon would allow Kieran to finally come to understand what her strength really means to him.

I like Juliana apologizing to Ogerpon the way she does. This battle has been a unique one from the start, but Juliana was treating it like any other battle anyway. She realizes now that it's not really about strategy or winning, it's about her and everyone else overcoming this challenge in a way that minimizes as much physical *and* mental suffering as possible for *everyone*.
Score two for Juliana not being perfect either! She has historically been used to solving most of her and her friends' problems by Winning Tough Battles, so she just jumped straight into that mindset at the beginning here, and is only now (thanks to Kieran) re-evaluating that this time is about more than just that.

Carmine must be feeling some guilt here, too. She *has* been afraid of Ogerpon in the past, and perhaps even during this battle. And though she's done so much to make up for that, I imagine that she's always wondering what more she can do when the going gets rough.
Carmine absolutely was afraid of Ogerpon just now in this battle and is very much feeling guilty about it after Kieran reminded her of how much Ogerpon hates being feared for her strength. :copyka: Good thing Carmine is Good and trying to make up for it!

Kieran is a Good! Of course he'd be worried about whaat he'd done to Terapagos back in the Underdepths. It *was* an awful thing he did, but he and his friends made it right in the end and Terapagos is thriving with Juliana. I hope that he can realize that Terapagos can care about him and be his friend too someday!
In particular his worries about Terapagos are at the surface right now because of everything about this battle and Gustavus that's been rudely reminding Kieran of his mistake back then :copyka:

Love the "stay strong" wording. It's the phrase "too strong" that Ogerpon recoils from and leads to Kieran's realization, after all. But he doesn't mean it in terms of battling or raw strength or anything like that here. He is a Good and knows that she (and himself too!) can stay mentally strong enough to get through this battle!
He means it in the more important and meaningful kind of strength, the kind that he's beginning to realise he showed throughout his own nightmarish torture! ❤️

FURRET!!! :veelove: I like the nod to a Route 1 'mon being sent out as a counter to a legendary, heh. But that doesn't matter when a great strategist and trainer like Kieran has been training with Furret! Besides, playing a support role in a battle is super important, too! That's been proven over and over throughout this battle, and Furret is clearly more than happy to help.
Follow Me really is super-useful in non-single battles, so even a "weak" Pokémon like Furret can have a niche and be useful! :veelove:

brb SOBBING... I love that you even brought the affection mechanics here, with Furret hanging on for one last hoorah. It's especially poignant with their history of Kieran thinking Furret is weak, and it's just a perfect mechanic to play with in fanfic for a support 'mon. Furret knew what his role was, accomplished it and then some, and *then* he's brave enough to try to make one last impact before trusting the rest to his teammates.
The ingame affection mechanics were just a delightfully relevant concept for me to use here to illustrate Furret being strong and brave because he cares about his friends, almost like Kieran himself, gasp

more sobs...... I DEMAND FURRET HUGS

I love the symbolism of this. Now that Ogerpon's got more control over herself, now that some of her agency has been restored, she's choosing to heal and avoid attacking her friends as much as she can, because that's the kind of 'mon she really is. Kieran asking Dragonite to allow Ogerpon to drain her strength is a nice touch, too. It really emphasizes - more literally, this time - that you really do have to rely on the strength of others sometimes to pick yourself back up!
Aww, yeah, that's a lovely point about Ogerpon essentially relying on Dragonite's strength to pick herself back up!

Love the callbacks to the DLC. Kieran's come such a long way, and it shows! Of course, he still has a ways to go, too, but he's equipped with a much healthier mindset and coping mechanisms now.
Loved getting to use Kieran's bad decisions back in the DLC as a vehicle to now make him the perfect person to figure out exactly how to save Ogerpon here!

Oof, you can really feel the dread Kieran feels when he realizes what he has to do to save Ogerpon once and for all. He's scared, of course he is, of course his instincts are telling him to run away. But his strength is stronger than his fear, so he does it anyway. He is so good.
He is so braaaave! ❤️ I was delighted when I'd decided on Rotom for the torture Pokémon and realised what that meant Kieran would be faced with in this climactic moment here :copyka:

Yes, Kieran, you already have because you're strong and brave! I like how multifold Kieran's motivations are here. He doesn't want his sister or best friend or anyone else to suffer the same type of torture he did, so he's willing to subject himself to it again. He wants to do it to save Ogerpon, too, and he's fully prepared to accept that this is the only way. There's no strategizing to try to find a different route, he just goes for it (albeit with a few understandable moments of procrastination). *And* this is a tangible way for him to take back some of the agency that Gustavus and his Rotom had taken from him. He's doing this of his own free will and he knows he'll come out okay on the other side (and maybe after a lot of bedrest and medical care, too :unquag:).
He is taking back his own agency, recontextualising the torture as something he chose to endure in order to protect Ogerpon! It doesn't even occur to him to try and avoid it, because he knows he can take it, just like he did before :yoomtah:

You can definitely feel not just how scared and in pain Kieran is here, but also how *determined* he is! Him screaming freely is a nice touch. He's allowed to react to his trauma in the way *he* chooses, because no, he's not helpless and paralyzed anymore. It reminds me of when he screamed after losing his champion title to Juliana at Blueberry Academy. That scream was him letting out everything he'd felt after bottling it up for so long, and it's the same here, I think. And he's not chided by goddamn Drayton here - over the screams here Kieran can hear his friends cheering for him! He's *not* weak when he's got his friends and the fortitude to withstand so much suffering for them, no matter what his brain tells him!
Aww, yeah, I like how much you enjoyed him getting to scream freely. A lot of characters might try and bite back the scream in this situation, just out of an attempt to show more "strength" (Kieran circa Indigo Disk would certainly have tried to), but Kieran in the postgame has realised that healthily letting out his emotions is good and there's no reason to bottle things up - he's still being strong for enduring it at all!

Aww, Dragonite! This is what she wanted to do in the beginning of the fic - be there to catch him and save him.
She protecc! Love that the battle choreography worked out to have her be Kieran's last Pokémon, for moments like this.

Awww, I smiled so hard when I got to the word "wowzers", heh.
:veelove: let the boy wowze! He deserves to wowzers at himself and his own accomplishments.

Aw, Kieran realizing this is huge! He just wasn't in the right mindset during the first DLC to be a safe person for Ogerpon. It does make you think about how things probably would've ended the same in Kitakami even if Kieran hadn't been lied to and gone off the deep end, especially since he emphasized Ogerpon's strength so much back then. He couldn't articulate exactly what he admired about her and wanted from her all along until now.
Yeah, if the lie hadn't happened in Teal Mask... Ogerpon would almost certainly still have preferred Juliana anyway, leading to Kieran feeling vaguely upset and inferior (and assuming it's because of Juliana's strength), but without the big explosion of Issues that would eventually come to a head in Indigo Disk... nothing would ever have been fixed? Kieran would have just kept being miserable and jealous of Juliana forever without learning where he was going wrong. :sadwott:

The danger has passed and there's no more adrenaline left to keep him standing, but it's all right, because he's not alone indeed! ❤️ Looking forward to the epilogue to see even more proof that Kieran isn't alone VIA FURRET HUGS
He is very not alone and there will be very Furret Hugs, indeed! ❤️
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somewhat backwards
  1. grovyle


– One foot in front of the other –

Everything after the battle went by in a blur. The others were a flurry of activity, rounding up Gustavus and all of his Team Hydra grunts, calling in medics and police, making sure everything was dealt with. Injured and exhausted as he was, Kieran was content to just let himself get swept up in everyone else’s arrangements. He trusted his friends to handle things, taking comfort in the knowledge that the worst of it was over. Ogerpon was safe, and so was he.

He found himself brought to a hospital in a nearby Unovan city. Carmine insisted on coming with him, staying at his bedside as much as she was allowed to, which was fine by him. She kept him company with her usual chatter, relaying periodic updates from the others’ texts about how things were going.

The Blueberry Elite Four were helping get everything sorted out with Unova’s law enforcement, thanks in part to some of them being related to Gym Leaders. Juliana, meanwhile, was staying at the Pokémon Center to be there for Ogerpon. The rest of their Pokémon had been fine with just a regular heal, but after that awful mind-control forcing Ogerpon to overexert herself so badly, she needed much more intensive care than a simple healing machine could provide. Juliana reassured them that apparently her condition was ‘serious, but stable’.

Kieran tried to push down the pang of worry he couldn’t help but feel. He knew Ogerpon would pull through. She was strong.

Thankfully, all of his own injuries were relatively minor. There were just… a lot of them. He needed rest, but there was no reason he couldn’t do that in more familiar surroundings. After that first day in hospital, Kieran was allowed back to Blueberry Academy, on the condition that he stayed in his dorm room and avoided going to classes or training for a week.

At first, he worried it’d be a lot like his break in Kitakami, with nothing to stop him from dwelling on everything that had happened. But it turned out not to be nearly as bad, because he had friends to keep him company.

Crispin spent a lot of time hanging out with Kieran in his room, rewatching episodes of their favourite show together, chatting as if everything was completely normal. He even made a concerted effort to actually take notes for the classes Kieran was missing, which Lacey then helped Kieran decipher and learn the material from.

The tutoring sessions with Lacey were another refreshing piece of normality in amongst everything. Kieran didn’t even mind that he wasn’t really getting out of having to do schoolwork – it was good to have something to take his mind off things. Writing with his left hand was a little frustrating, but he managed. And he didn’t have to worry about missing the battling classes, since he was already way ahead in those.

As for Drayton… well, Drayton had finally stopped calling him ‘ex-Champ’, at least. Kieran took this as a chance to try and probe further about smoothing things over between them, but Drayton just acted oblivious to the idea that there’d ever been any tension at all, leaving Kieran still unsure where he stood. Even so, hearing the older trainer use his actual name now felt like some kind of progress. And Drayton had put a genuine effort into mounting the rescue mission, according to Carmine of all people, which had to mean something. Probably.

Carmine visited him a lot, of course, often with Amarys there as well. On one such visit, Amarys insisted on giving him the last of the syrupy apples that Carmine had brought for her from Kitakami. Kieran savoured the taste of it when he had the chance. It reminded him of home, and happy days.

Each time night fell, though, things grew harder. Lying in bed trying to sleep, without friends visiting or activities to keep him busy, Kieran found his mind beset by thoughts of what had happened after all.

Even then, he wasn’t alone. He had his Pokémon. This was another thing that was different from his break in Kitakami back then: his Pokémon seemed to get it more. Last time, even aside from all of the painful apologies, Kieran had struggled to articulate what the problem had even been in such a way that his Pokémon could grasp. But this time… well, he still had difficulty getting words around things, for a rather different reason, but by the sounds of it, Dragonite had filled the others in on what she knew.

In the end, he supposed that ‘he was kidnapped; he was hurt; he’s safe now’ was all they really needed to understand. In a way, that was all Kieran could manage to wrap his head around for now, too. Despite his injuries being physical proof, now that he was back in familiar surroundings, it all felt so distant and unreal. There was a part of him that could barely believe something that overwhelmingly awful had really happened to him.

But it had. And he’d made it through, and he was still here.

Here, in the night-time dimness of his dorm room, he was surrounded by the Pokémon who’d been his only friends for so many years – Applin, Sentret, Yanma, the Poliwag siblings, all grown-up and evolved now. They didn’t judge, or pity, or ask difficult questions like a human might. They were just… there, knowing he’d been through hell and caring so much.

Here, in their company, Kieran found himself overcome with indescribable emotion, and it burst out of him in floods of tears.

He found himself clinging to Furret, burying his face in the Pokémon’s soft fur as he sobbed his heart out. Furret didn’t mind, pressing into him, wrapping his long body around Kieran in his best approximation of a hug. All the while, Yanmega, Poliwrath, Politoed and Hydrapple stayed close, not alarmed by his outburst, just making quiet noises of sympathy.

It was as if Kieran’s Pokémon knew that he needed this, and… maybe he did. The ordeal was long over; he was completely safe here, and yet the shudders and sobs wracking his body felt just like they had when Carmine had first arrived to rescue him. Letting all of the pain out, now that he finally could.

Dragonite was there too, separate from the rest of his Pokémon. She was too big to fit into the bedroom area of his dorm room, at least without risk of her huge tail knocking everything off his desk, so instead, she sat quietly in the hallway section, watching the door. Guarding it. Kieran knew – and Dragonite must have known, too – that the chances of anyone coming after him again were basically zero… but all the same, it was a great reassurance to have her there.

He appreciated her devotion more than he could express, but it still mystified him – why she’d gone so far to save him, when he wasn’t even her original trainer. When he’d never done anything more than train her for battling.

In the end, Kieran wound up voicing this confusion to Carmine, during one of the mornings she was there keeping him company.

“Huh? Of course that makes sense!” she responded, beaming back at his look of bewilderment. Then her expression shifted into concern. “See, when you said you wanted to trade for Dratini, you were… well, you know… all obsessed with training and getting stronger. I could barely even talk to you back then. So I told Dratini about how different you were acting, and how worried I was, and I just… asked her to look out for you, y’know? ‘Cause I couldn’t. Seems like she really took that to heart, huh?”

That was all there was to it. Because Carmine had asked her to. Because his sister cared about him, so did Dragonite. Maybe there didn’t need to be any greater reason than that.

The daytime hours continued to pass with plenty to keep him occupied. There were regular check-ins with the school nurse, as well as visits from members of the Unova police to reassure him Team Hydra were being taken care of, and to discuss his options going forward. Carmine relayed updates from Juliana, too: Ogerpon was doing well, recovering slowly but surely.

After a few days, Kieran received letters from their friends in Paldea, who must have heard about everything that had happened from Juliana.

Arven shared his sympathies for what sounded like a rough time, and relief that Kieran was doing okay. His letter also included some recipes for meals that might help injuries heal, which Crispin helped Kieran cook in his kitchenette. He didn’t know whether or not they did anything for his health, but they sure tasted good.

Nemona seemed disgruntled that she hadn’t been part of their battle against Ogerpon, and wished in particular that she could have seen how awesome Kieran was back there. She promised to battle him even more than normal next time she visited, to make up for it. Kieran imagined that was her way of trying to cheer him up. It would be fun to take her on again, no stakes, just battling for its own sake.

And Penny’s, written in a near-indecipherable scrawl, contained awkward but sincere well-wishes, followed by a tirade about how annoying and inconvenient it was to send letters in this day and age, and how on earth did he survive without a phone. She had a point there, Kieran supposed. Now that he actually had friends to keep in touch with, he really ought to finally get himself a phone one of these days. Just… maybe one without a Rotom in it. For now, at least.

His Elite Four friends continued to visit, but the more they did, the more Kieran became uncomfortable about the state his dorm room was in. Even though none of them made any comment on it, it still bothered him. He’d always meant to tidy things up ever since he got back from Kitakami, but if he was honest, he’d been avoiding the task until now by hardly ever spending time in here. Now that he was stuck here for a week, though, it was a lot harder to ignore.

Eventually, he mustered up the courage to ask his friends if they’d maybe be willing to help him with the tidying – and to his surprise, they were happy to do so. Well, except for Drayton, who suddenly remembered something vague yet very urgent he needed to do elsewhere and made himself scarce. Crispin looked alarmed when the idea was first suggested but then threw himself with gusto into cleaning up the kitchenette, while Lacey and Amarys, along with Carmine, helped Kieran find ways to slowly organise the mess in the main bedroom area.

As the task progressed, throwing out piles of empty vitamin bottles and sorting through stacks and stacks of scrawled strategy notes, Kieran began to understand why he’d really been putting this off. Not because the tidying itself was especially daunting, but because it meant facing up to the person he’d been back when the room had become this way.

The memories were still there, clear as day. How much he’d bullied himself relentlessly, demanding he stay awake for yet another hour, making yet another page of notes that he could barely focus on through his exhaustion-fogged brain. Sometimes he’d even fallen asleep at his desk, only to wake up way too early from his alarm and drag himself down to the Terarium to begin the day’s training. He couldn’t afford rest, he’d thought, couldn’t afford to let up for even a single moment, or else…

…Or else what? His memories didn’t have a proper answer to that. With his friends here alongside him, helping him out simply because he’d asked them to, he knew more than ever that there never had been a good answer, no matter how convinced he’d been that he had no choice but to do this to himself.

Perhaps he just hadn’t quite had it in him to confront all of that, until now. That he’d caused so much suffering for himself, and so many others, for no good reason.

But Kieran knew now that he wasn’t that person any more. And he’d make sure he never would be again.

In a way, it felt satisfying to finally pack up that chapter of his life in a neat, organised way, and put it behind him. He kept most of the strategy notes – he might want to use them later, whenever he got back into battling competitively, after all.

Meanwhile, Kieran’s night-times slipped into what was almost a routine. He’d crawl into bed, cuddle with Furret, and wait for the tears to start flowing. Sooner or later, the darkness and the quiet would always dredge up different memories from his ordeal, bringing the flood of painful emotions along with them.

The lightning, the fragmented flashes of agony that he’d been forced to – no, that he’d chosen to endure, for Ogerpon. Perhaps worst of all, his sheer helplessness to escape the pit of suffering that had felt like it would go on forever. Somehow, it had never even crossed his mind that of course his sister and his friends would be looking for him. He really had been utterly, dreadfully convinced that it would never, ever end.

Yet here he was, safe in his dorm room with his Pokémon. Poliwrath and Politoed sat on the floor nearby, while Yanmega perched on the end of his bed. They surrounded him with a gentle, steady chorus of croaking and chittering sounds, blocking out the echo of the Rotom’s horrid staticky hum completely. Through his sobs, Kieran focused on their voices, slowing his shuddering breaths to match their rhythm.

Sometimes instead it was the water pressing in on him, flooding him, his aching, leaden limbs flailing desperately to no avail. The terror of feeling so completely small and powerless in the grip of such an overwhelming force of nature, convinced that he was going to drown, all because he was—

But Hydrapple laid his head on Kieran’s pillow, filling the air with his sweet, syrupy scent that was nothing like the acrid taste of seawater in his mouth. He breathed it in steadily between sniffles. It was a nostalgic smell, almost like the syrupy apples from the festivals in Kitakami, but with a hint of something different and new.

And once or twice, he’d be gripped by that crushing sense of failure from lying there on the floor, battered and useless, unable to stop Ogerpon being captured and controlled no matter how hard he’d tried.

Then Kieran opened his eyes, and Dragonite was there in the dim light of his room, steadfastly watching the door as always, his silent guardian. His friends and his Pokémon had dropped everything to come and save him from that nightmare, just like he’d given it his all to save Ogerpon from hers. Despite everything they’d both suffered, they were going to be okay.

So many things to shed tears over. Yet he was pretty sure that these sobbing sessions towards the end of the week had become at least a little less intense than they had been near the beginning. It was almost strange how comforting the crying could be, just holding onto Furret, running his hands through his Pokémon’s soft fur and letting everything out.

It reminded Kieran of a time when he’d been so much younger. Overwhelmed by everything that’d made him feel small and weak, there’d been many nights when he would hug Sentret hard and weep into his fur, promising that one day they’d become strong together.

It’d been a much more rocky, regret-filled road than he’d ever imagined back then, but… here they were, all the same.

By the end of the week, Kieran’s injuries were doing a lot better. His bruises had mostly faded, and he could flex the fingers on his right hand without them hurting too much. After all that time in his room, he was eager to stretch his legs and see somewhere else for a change.

On the morning he was finally allowed to do so, just as he was thinking about where he might head first, he received a knock on the door. Expecting it to be his sister or maybe one of the Elite Four, he opened it, only to find…

“Huh? Juliana?”

“Hi, Kieran!” she said, beaming. She paused there in the doorway, almost awkward, until suddenly she stepped forward and hugged him.

Kieran froze, taken aback, but then he leaned gratefully into his friend’s arms.

After a moment, Juliana pulled away, still smiling. “I heard you got off bed rest today!” she said. “And guess what?”

Before Kieran could respond, she opened a Poké Ball in a flash of light, and Ogerpon was standing there in his dorm room hallway, peering up at him. “Popon!”

“Ogerpon…?” Kieran breathed, his heart filling with relief to see her looking healthy again. “Does that mean… you’re all better now?”

“Poni pon! Ponyo!” she responded with a little bounce in her step.

“Yup!” Juliana confirmed. “She got out of the Pokémon Center last night! Though she’s still got to avoid any serious battling for another week or so.”

“Hehe… Same here,” Kieran said to Ogerpon, grinning. “But I sure am glad to see you’re okay!”

“Poni! Pon…” Ogerpon glanced away shyly, hesitating – then she ran forward and wrapped her stubby arms around Kieran’s waist in a hug.

“H-Huh…?!” Wowzers… Kieran looked down at her, dumbfounded, hardly able to believe this was happening. Was she… thanking him…?

“Um… Y-You’re very welcome…” he managed to say, hugging her back gently. “I just… just really wanted to do my best for you, y’know?”

Ogerpon stepped away and beamed up at him. “Pon!”

From there, the three of them decided to head down to the Terarium together. Ogerpon ran in happy circles around them as they made their way through the school building to the elevator, only stopping to hide behind her trainer when other people walked past. Kieran chatted away to Juliana, filling her in on the things he’d been doing with his sister and the Elite Four for the past week, and the letters from their friends in Paldea.

There was just something about Juliana that made her easier for Kieran to talk to than anybody else he knew. She wasn’t that talkative herself, but not in a timid way – in a way that felt like she was interested and happy to listen, without judging or talking over him or putting him down. It was that same quality that had given Kieran the courage to share with her how he’d felt about the ogre, way back during the school trip when they’d only just met.

That felt like such a long time ago now.

By the time they made it out into the Terarium, Kieran’s legs were beginning to ache just a little, a sign that he still wasn’t quite done recovering. He didn’t feel up to a big trek through any difficult terrain, so they settled for setting up a picnic nearby in the Savanna Biome. Simply being out in the open air again was enough for now.

Besides, it was already a handful just keeping an eye on their two teams of Pokémon to make sure none of them got into trouble. Kieran had picked a spot next to a waterhole for the sake of his Water-types; Poliwrath promptly set to chasing off some local wild Sobble and a Doduo that had stopped for a drink, so that she and her brother had a nice damp spot to wallow in. Yanmega buzzed excitedly around the trainers’ heads, forgetting as she often did since her evolution that she was now six feet long. Ogerpon was playing a game of trying to hit Meowscarada’s levitating flower with her cudgel, while Miraidon sat down very close to Juliana, peering at her expectantly.

That meant sandwiches, of course, and Kieran ended up helping Juliana to make Ogerpon’s favourite kind, as a treat to celebrate her recovery. There was relatively little squabbling between Hydrapple’s heads over who got to eat his portion, now that Kieran had taken to cutting it into five smaller pieces. Then once everyone was done eating, he treated Furret to a nice bath – it seemed only right after all the tears that had been staining his fur lately.

As Furret basked in the warm air to dry out, Kieran sat down to relax with his back against Dragonite, who’d dozed off sitting up. Juliana sat nearby, and Terapagos, remarkably unassuming in his base form for such an incredible Pokémon, toddled over to receive some chin scratches from her.

Watching the little tortoise, Kieran found his mind wandering. There was that familiar pang of guilt for what he’d done to the legendary Pokémon, even though he’d apologised and Terapagos didn’t seem mad at him any more. That thought spurred the memory of a different Master Ball sailing through the air, the biggest gut-punch in a long line of all those uncomfortable familiarities about Gustavus.

…Or rather, Gus.

That was another thing. It turned out the man’s real name was actually just Gus; the longer name was nothing but a self-styled moniker. It shouldn’t have made a difference, really, but something about that simple fact put things into perspective. Despite his attempts to play himself up as intimidating and all-powerful, Gus was nothing but an ordinary person with a twisted view of strength.

In a lot of ways, it helped Kieran to be able to think of his tormentor that way. But at the same time, it was unnerving to realise that any regular person could end up like him. All they had to do was think of strength in the wrong way and made a series of bad choices…

It had been on his mind a lot, since what had happened. The day he’d tidied up his dorm room, he’d found himself wanting to voice these thoughts to someone – perhaps his sister, who’d come to hang out with him for the evening. She’d been there for most of it, after all.

But as soon as Kieran mentioned that he wanted to talk about Gus, Carmine grimaced and looked away. “You mean… the bit where I had Mightyena attack him?”

He hadn’t meant that at all, but now that she’d brought it up, he couldn’t help but think back to that awful moment. To see his sister be capable of something so cruel…

“It… You really scared me,” he muttered, hiding his gaze behind his lock of hair.

“I know,” she said, sighing. “I’m so sorry, Kiki. I never wanted to do that to you.”

They sat there on his bed in silence for a moment, as Kieran tried to figure out how to come out with what he’d actually wanted to say.

In the end, Carmine broke the silence first. “You know, I’ve been thinking a lot about that thing you said to Ogerpon,” she mused. “How she went too far ‘cause someone she loved had been hurt. I guess… I’ve gotta learn from her mistake, right? I don’t want people thinking I’m a monster like they did for poor Ogerpon. ‘Specially not you.”

“Yeah…” Kieran murmured. It lifted his spirits a little to think that what he’d said to Ogerpon had helped his sister, too.

“Still…” Carmine went on. Her gaze darkened, not meeting his eye. “I get that it was bad, and I’m not gonna do it again, but… part of me doesn’t regret it, y’know? That lowlife scumbag… knowing what he did to you, I just…” She screwed up her face, her fists clenching tight against the bedsheets.

“It’s okay, Sis,” Kieran said. He put a hand on her arm and tried to give a reassuring smile. “I’m gonna be okay.”

Even so, her reaction had very much made him drop what he’d been planning to voice to her. It didn’t exactly seem like she’d be receptive to Kieran’s worries that he was similar to the man.

But Juliana was different. “There’s, um… something I wanted to talk to you about,” he said to her, tearing his gaze away from Terapagos. “About…” He swallowed. “About… Gus.”

She merely nodded and watched him expectantly. Not putting words in his mouth – just waiting for him to find them for himself.

“He… I mean, I…” Man, this was hard to admit out loud, even to her. “I…” He screwed his eyes shut and tried not to think about it, to just blurt the words out all at once. “I felt like I might be the same as him…!”

As he opened his eyes with a wince, he found Juliana looking at him in surprise. “Huh? What are you talking about?! You’re nothing like him!”

“I… I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” Kieran peered at her nervously through his lock of hair. “Throwin’ a Master Ball from behind, at a legendary Pokémon…?”

Juliana glanced at Terapagos, eyes widening in recognition. She fell quiet, concerned, giving Kieran room to speak.

“I-It’s not just that,” he went on. “There was a lotta stuff he said to me. He was obsessed with Ogerpon too, ‘cause of how str— how powerful she was. An’ he kept talkin’ like, because he was stronger than everyone else, he could just do what he wanted. Like that gave him the right to just own her, and use her, and…”

Kieran broke off, his voice tight with guilt and shame. Could Juliana really not tell how much it sounded like he was talking about himself? He took a moment to breathe, blinking away some of the tears that were pricking at his eyes.

“I-I mean… wasn’t I a bit like that, too, when things were bad?” he asked, not quite able to look at his friend. “I keep thinkin’… if it’d gone differently, if I’d made more bad choices… I coulda turned out like him. It’s… well, it’s a scary thought,” he finished awkwardly.

He wasn’t sure how he expected Juliana to respond. She took a moment to do so, peering at him thoughtfully like she was trying to understand.

“But you didn’t turn out like him,” she said at last, matter-of-fact. “You… you made better choices, in the end. Right? So you’re better than him.”

Kieran let out a breath. “…Yeah, you’re right.” he agreed. “I guess… I knew that already. But it feels good to hear you say it too.” He managed a smile, and Juliana beamed back at him.

Kieran hadn’t ended up as bad as Gus had, had he? And he was determined never to do so. That was what mattered.

He supposed this was another part of that ‘real strength’, the kind he’d only begun to understand as he was calling out to Ogerpon during the battle. With everyone treating her like a monster already, it would have been so easy for Ogerpon to have let herself actually become one. But she’d stayed true to herself, despite the pain it brought. And so had Kieran, in the end.

Even when it had been so hard, and everything hurt, and a desperate part of him felt like he had no choice but to keep going down that path as a way to escape it all… on some level, Kieran had always known what he was doing was wrong. At the time, it had felt impossible to break free, and yet somehow, he’d found the courage to do so. That made all the difference.

He sighed and leaned back against Dragonite, brushing those thoughts aside. The Terarium really was a beautiful place, and in his best friend’s company, just here to have fun and relax, the air in here felt a lot lighter than it had in a while. Terapagos lay down and curled up against Juliana’s side, beginning to doze off. Meowscarada was also taking a nap in the warm pseudo-sunlight, so now Ogerpon was engaged in some light sparring with Ceruledge, cudgel against swords. And it looked like Politoed had made peace with the Sobble, since one of them was now perched atop his head.

With a twitch of his ears, Furret scampered up to snuggle into Kieran’s lap – or try to, at least, though only about half of him fitted there. Kieran smiled and ran a hand through his Pokémon’s fur. It had only just dried, so it was wonderfully fluffy right now.

Having Furret there, that familiar comforting presence, gave Kieran a spark of courage. There was another thing on his mind, something he’d made a silent resolution about during all that time hugging Furret in bed.

“Actually, um… There’s somethin’ else I wanted to tell you!” He hadn’t voiced it aloud yet – but if he did, it’d help make sure he wouldn’t run away from his decision.

Juliana looked at him, inquisitive.

“See, I made up my mind,” Kieran said, taking a deep breath. “I-I’m gonna testify to the Unova police, about Gus.” His hand tightened on Furret, who nuzzled him reassuringly. “About what he did to me. How he t… tortured me.” The word came out with a wince, and a pang somewhere within him, but nothing more.

“Huh?” Juliana responded, and for a moment he was afraid that she hadn’t known – but no, it looked like Carmine must have told her. There was no shock there in her expression, only sympathy and concern. “Are you sure? You don’t have to—”

“I know,” he said, cutting her off. “The police lady said so too, that it was up to me.” And though a part of him had wanted to take that easy way out, to never have to talk or think about it ever again… he knew now that wouldn’t solve anything. “But… I wanna do it. I know it’s gonna be real scary, talkin’ about it… but I think I can manage it.”

It really was going to be hard, putting that awful experience into words. But in some ways, it didn’t feel any scarier than the thought of apologising to everyone in the League Club had, and he’d managed that, hadn’t he?

Furret peered up at him and gave an encouraging squeak.

With a small smile, Kieran scratched behind Furret’s ears, feeling a little bolder. “I wanna do whatever I can to make sure he can’t ever hurt anyone else like he hurt me an’ Ogerpon. That’s why I’m doin’ it.”

Juliana was still staring at him, but her concern had given way to something else. “Sounds like you’re determined!” she said. After a pause, she added, “…You’re really something, Kieran.”

Kieran’s eyes widened, his mouth hanging open, just at hearing that from Juliana of all people. And somehow, she wasn’t even the only person he looked up to who’d said that to him recently – so had his sister, that evening they’d talked about what she’d done to Gus.

“Y’know, Kiki, you’re really something.” Carmine took hold of the hand he’d laid on her arm, gripping it tight. “I mean, you’re the one all that awful stuff actually happened to, and yet look at you! You’re really showing your big sis up here.”

Kieran frowned. “What do ya mean?”

“C’mon, don’t make me come out and say it!” She gritted her teeth in frustration and glanced away, her voice lowering to a mumble. “That you’re… you’re better at this than me.”

“Huh? Better at what?”

“I dunno, this.” Carmine gestured vaguely at the two of them, then dropped her arm back onto the bed, as if in defeat. “Dealin’ with tough stuff. You tell me.”

Squeezing his sister’s hand back, Kieran almost wanted to protest that he wasn’t good at it at all. She hadn’t seen all those nights he’d spent sobbing into Furret’s fur, she didn’t know the half of it— but something stopped him. It was hard, dealing with it all, of course it was, but now that she mentioned it, well… he was managing, despite that. After all, being kidnapped, being tortured – he’d have expected something like that to turn him into a total wreck. And yet, under the circumstances, wasn’t he actually handling it all… surprisingly well…?

“I mean it,” Juliana said, and Kieran was pulled back into the present, realising that he’d been doing nothing but stare dumbly at her since she’d complimented him. “I’m…” – she paused, as if she was struggling to find words – “…really, really proud of you.”

Kieran let out a brief laugh of surprise. A funny, tingly feeling spread through him, the same as he’d felt the first time Juliana had called him a friend. “F-For real?”

It was a reflexive question, but now that he looked, he could already see it was true. That expression on her face, one he almost hadn’t recognised because he never dreamed he’d see it – that was admiration. From her, towards him.

“Of course!” Juliana insisted. She paused again, glancing away, like she was feeling awkward, embarrassed, even though that didn’t make any sense for her. “I mean… remember when we first met?” she said, haltingly. “You were so shy… You’ve… you’ve been through so much, and… well, I just think it’s really cool,” she concluded. “How far you’ve come.”

She gave a smile, one that really was kind of awkward. “Sorry, I’m… not good with words sometimes,” she confessed. “But I mean it.”

“Wowzers…” Kieran breathed. He chuckled nervously, one hand going to fiddle with his lock of hair, hiding his flustered gaze. “Th-That sure means a whole lot, comin’ from you…”

He was spared from any more compliments he didn’t know how to process as Ogerpon strolled towards them, still with a bounce in her step. She must have been so glad to be out of the Pokémon Center and able to run around again after all that time forced to rest. Kieran knew how that felt.

“Hey, Ogerpon, guess what?” Juliana said. “Kieran’s gonna help make sure that bad guy won’t hurt anyone else again!”

“Pon? Ponyo!” Ogerpon turned to him with a fierce look of determination, like she was cheering him on for an upcoming battle.

Kieran managed a shy smile. It wouldn’t exactly be anything like a battle, but… “I’m… I’m gonna do my best…!”

With a squeak and a perk of his ears, Furret unspooled out of Kieran’s lap to scamper towards the ogre. Ogerpon’s face lit up, and she dashed away together with him. Ceruledge seemed to have had enough of sparring, but now Ogerpon had Furret as a playmate, the two of them chasing each other back and forth in what looked a bit like a game of tag.

Kieran beamed as he watched them, relieved beyond words to see Ogerpon so lively and energetic. After everything she’d been through, she’d bounced back remarkably well. That really was the kind of strength he’d always admired in her the most, even if he hadn’t quite realised it for all that time.

And, as incredible as it seemed to think it… that same kind of strength was something Kieran could admire in himself, too.



  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus


– One foot in front of the other –
Had some emotions just at this chapter title. Kieran is going to put one foot in front of the other and be okay! :veelove:

Ogerpon was safe, and so was he.
Made me smile that he first says Ogerpon is safe, but then also is able to affirm that he is safe. He and his safety are also important!

He found himself brought to a hospital in a nearby Unovan city. Carmine insisted on coming with him, staying at his bedside as much as she was allowed to, which was fine by him. She kept him company with her usual chatter, relaying periodic updates from the others’ texts about how things were going.
Aww, she would.

Kieran tried to push down the pang of worry he couldn’t help but feel. He knew Ogerpon would pull through. She was strong.
She iiiis!

Crispin spent a lot of time hanging out with Kieran in his room, rewatching episodes of their favourite show together, chatting as if everything was completely normal. He even made a concerted effort to actually take notes for the classes Kieran was missing, which Lacey then helped Kieran decipher and learn the material from.

The tutoring sessions with Lacey were another refreshing piece of normality in amongst everything. Kieran didn’t even mind that he wasn’t really getting out of having to do schoolwork – it was good to have something to take his mind off things. Writing with his left hand was a little frustrating, but he managed. And he didn’t have to worry about missing the battling classes, since he was already way ahead in those.
Aww, really good to see this casual normalcy and the way the Blueberry Elite Four really are his friends.

As for Drayton… well, Drayton had finally stopped calling him ‘ex-Champ’, at least. Kieran took this as a chance to try and probe further about smoothing things over between them, but Drayton just acted oblivious to the idea that there’d ever been any tension at all, leaving Kieran still unsure where he stood. Even so, hearing the older trainer use his actual name now felt like some kind of progress. And Drayton had put a genuine effort into mounting the rescue mission, according to Carmine of all people, which had to mean something. Probably.
Well, that's something, at least! Drayton probably would remain this low-key and kind of frustrating about it, but nonetheless, no longer mocking Kieran as 'ex-Champ' does help.

Last time, even aside from all of the painful apologies, Kieran had struggled to articulate what the problem had even been in such a way that his Pokémon could grasp.
Aww, of course. But he's grown to understand his problems much better now! The boy is good :veelove:

In the end, he supposed that ‘he was kidnapped; he was hurt; he’s safe now’ was all they really needed to understand. In a way, that was all Kieran could manage to wrap his head around for now, too. Despite his injuries being physical proof, now that he was back in familiar surroundings, it all felt so distant and unreal. There was a part of him that could barely believe something that overwhelmingly awful had really happened to him.

But it had. And he’d made it through, and he was still here.
I liked this description a lot, this sense of unreality that something like that could even happen to him. (And yet he made it through it!)

Here, in their company, Kieran found himself overcome with indescribable emotion, and it burst out of him in floods of tears.

He found himself clinging to Furret, burying his face in the Pokémon’s soft fur as he sobbed his heart out. Furret didn’t mind, pressing into him, wrapping his long body around Kieran in his best approximation of a hug.
FURRET HUUUGS ❤️ ❤️ :veelove:

It was as if Kieran’s Pokémon knew that he needed this, and… maybe he did. The ordeal was long over; he was completely safe here, and yet the shudders and sobs wracking his body felt just like they had when Carmine had first arrived to rescue him. Letting all of the pain out, now that he finally could.
;-; He does need it! He can finally let the pain out and that's good!

“Huh? Of course that makes sense!” she responded, beaming back at his look of bewilderment. Then her expression shifted into concern. “See, when you said you wanted to trade for Dratini, you were… well, you know… all obsessed with training and getting stronger. I could barely even talk to you back then. So I told Dratini about how different you were acting, and how worried I was, and I just… asked her to look out for you, y’know? ‘Cause I couldn’t. Seems like she really took that to heart, huh?”

That was all there was to it. Because Carmine had asked her to. Because his sister cared about him, so did Dragonite. Maybe there didn’t need to be any greater reason than that.
Awww. Of course Carmine just wanted Dratini to take good care of him. Makes sense that that drove her to see him in that light from the start, even when he was acting the way he was.

Now that he actually had friends to keep in touch with, he really ought to finally get himself a phone one of these days. Just… maybe one without a Rotom in it. For now, at least.
Ahahaha, yeah, best no Rotom... He should do fine with a regular old phone, at least.

As the task progressed, throwing out piles of empty vitamin bottles and sorting through stacks and stacks of scrawled strategy notes, Kieran began to understand why he’d really been putting this off. Not because the tidying itself was especially daunting, but because it meant facing up to the person he’d been back when the room had become this way.

The memories were still there, clear as day. How much he’d bullied himself relentlessly, demanding he stay awake for yet another hour, making yet another page of notes that he could barely focus on through his exhaustion-fogged brain. Sometimes he’d even fallen asleep at his desk, only to wake up way too early from his alarm and drag himself down to the Terarium to begin the day’s training. He couldn’t afford rest, he’d thought, couldn’t afford to let up for even a single moment, or else…

…Or else what? His memories didn’t have a proper answer to that. With his friends here alongside him, helping him out simply because he’d asked them to, he knew more than ever that there never had been a good answer, no matter how convinced he’d been that he had no choice but to do this to himself.
Loved this whole bit of cleaning up his room and how he'd never quite gone ahead with cleaning it up because it would mean having to face up to all the baggage associated with that awful time in his life. And yet, now he's managing to go ahead and do it, with the help of his friends, and do that painful reflection, and face up to the way that he really was bullying himself onward for no good reason. The boy is healing!

Perhaps he just hadn’t quite had it in him to confront all of that, until now. That he’d caused so much suffering for himself, and so many others, for no good reason.

But Kieran knew now that he wasn’t that person any more. And he’d make sure he never would be again.
The determination to not be that person again is so important! Being a good person isn't about never having bad impulses or doing anything bad; it's about caring when you do and working to change and not repeat it.

The lightning, the fragmented flashes of agony that he’d been forced to – no, that he’d chosen to endure, for Ogerpon. Perhaps worst of all, his sheer helplessness to escape the pit of suffering that had felt like it would go on forever. Somehow, it had never even crossed his mind that of course his sister and his friends would be looking for him. He really had been utterly, dreadfully convinced that it would never, ever end.
❤️ Kierannnn. Of course they were looking for him, and of course it would end. But it's hard to believe that in that horrible moment, isn't it.

I like that he's reframed it as choosing to endure it for Ogerpon. He was of course forced to have that horrible choice. But it's good to emphasize his own agency here, because that's where he showed his strength.

It reminded Kieran of a time when he’d been so much younger. Overwhelmed by everything that’d made him feel small and weak, there’d been many nights when he would hug Sentret hard and weep into his fur, promising that one day they’d become strong together.

It’d been a much more rocky, regret-filled road than he’d ever imagined back then, but… here they were, all the same.
Awww. It must have been such an awful decision to leave Furret behind when he did. Kind of want fic of that now. (Which I'm sure exists, but.)

“Poni! Pon…” Ogerpon glanced away shyly, hesitating – then she ran forward and wrapped her stubby arms around Kieran’s waist in a hug.

“H-Huh…?!” Wowzers… Kieran looked down at her, dumbfounded, hardly able to believe this was happening. Was she… thanking him…?

“Um… Y-You’re very welcome…” he managed to say, hugging her back gently. “I just… just really wanted to do my best for you, y’know?”
:veelove: Ogerpon hugs!!! She's feeling well enough to do that now! He did do his absolute best for her sake. What a brave kid.

There was just something about Juliana that made her easier for Kieran to talk to than anybody else he knew. She wasn’t that talkative herself, but not in a timid way – in a way that felt like she was interested and happy to listen, without judging or talking over him or putting him down. It was that same quality that had given Kieran the courage to share with her how he’d felt about the ogre, way back during the school trip when they’d only just met.
Love this interpretation of her as the player character who rarely speaks in-game - of course she's a person who just listens well and puts others at ease about talking to her!

That thought spurred the memory of a different Master Ball sailing through the air, the biggest gut-punch in a long line of all those uncomfortable familiarities about Gustavus.

…Or rather, Gus.

That was another thing. It turned out the man’s real name was actually just Gus; the longer name was nothing but a self-styled moniker. It shouldn’t have made a difference, really, but something about that simple fact put things into perspective. Despite his attempts to play himself up as intimidating and all-powerful, Gus was nothing but an ordinary person with a twisted view of strength.
Very appropriate that this insignificant little man who became irrelevant for the final confrontation also had a normal and insignificant and non-intimidating name.

In the end, Carmine broke the silence first. “You know, I’ve been thinking a lot about that thing you said to Ogerpon,” she mused. “How she went too far ‘cause someone she loved had been hurt. I guess… I’ve gotta learn from her mistake, right? I don’t want people thinking I’m a monster like they did for poor Ogerpon. ‘Specially not you.”

“Yeah…” Kieran murmured. It lifted his spirits a little to think that what he’d said to Ogerpon had helped his sister, too.

“Still…” Carmine went on. Her gaze darkened, not meeting his eye. “I get that it was bad, and I’m not gonna do it again, but… part of me doesn’t regret it, y’know? That lowlife scumbag… knowing what he did to you, I just…” She screwed up her face, her fists clenching tight against the bedsheets.

“It’s okay, Sis,” Kieran said. He put a hand on her arm and tried to give a reassuring smile. “I’m gonna be okay.”

Even so, her reaction had very much made him drop what he’d been planning to voice to her. It didn’t exactly seem like she’d be receptive to Kieran’s worries that he was similar to the man.
Oh noooo. Yeah, understandable it would've been hard to broach that with Carmine when she was saying that. Still not always the most sensitive, but in the end it's all just driven by her caring too much.

(I think it would be clearer/more correct to write these little Carmine flashbacks in the past perfect, since they're happening earlier than the main past where the story is being told - "In the end, Carmine had broken the silence first," and so on, or else to set them off with italics or the like... I didn't have big trouble following them or anything since they're fairly brief and telegraphed, but nonetheless.)

Kieran hadn’t ended up as bad as Gus had, had he? And he was determined never to do so. That was what mattered.

He supposed this was another part of that ‘real strength’, the kind he’d only begun to understand as he was calling out to Ogerpon during the battle. With everyone treating her like a monster already, it would have been so easy for Ogerpon to have let herself actually become one. But she’d stayed true to herself, despite the pain it brought. And so had Kieran, in the end.
:veelove: They're both strong in the right wayyyy

Really glad Kieran could tell Juliana about it, and that she could point out what matters - that Kieran knew this was wrong and worked to change it. He is good and growing!

“See, I made up my mind,” Kieran said, taking a deep breath. “I-I’m gonna testify to the Unova police, about Gus.” His hand tightened on Furret, who nuzzled him reassuringly. “About what he did to me. How he t… tortured me.” The word came out with a wince, and a pang somewhere within him, but nothing more.
The first time he's actually managed to say the word torture, internally or externally! He is healing! ❤️

“I know,” he said, cutting her off. “The police lady said so too, that it was up to me.” And though a part of him had wanted to take that easy way out, to never have to talk or think about it ever again… he knew now that wouldn’t solve anything. “But… I wanna do it. I know it’s gonna be real scary, talkin’ about it… but I think I can manage it.”

It really was going to be hard, putting that awful experience into words. But in some ways, it didn’t feel any scarier than the thought of apologising to everyone in the League Club had, and he’d managed that, hadn’t he?
I like this a lot here, with the setup of how he hasn't been able to frame it as torture to himself - this step represents Kieran being willing to face up to and articulate and talk about what happened to him instead of bottling it up, and that's just really important. It is scary and hard but he's very very brave and strong ❤️

“I mean it,” Juliana said, and Kieran was pulled back into the present, realising that he’d been doing nothing but stare dumbly at her since she’d complimented him. “I’m…” – she paused, as if she was struggling to find words – “…really, really proud of you.”

Kieran let out a brief laugh of surprise. A funny, tingly feeling spread through him, the same as he’d felt the first time Juliana had called him a friend. “F-For real?”

It was a reflexive question, but now that he looked, he could already see it was true. That expression on her face, one he almost hadn’t recognised because he never dreamed he’d see it – that was admiration. From her, towards him.
:veelove: She's proud of him! Of course she is, but it's so important for Kieran to just be able to see and hear that for himself. What a good. Love his sincerely baffled reaction, but still being able to tell that it's true. You are important and worth being proud of, Kieran!

This was a really lovely way to cap this off; good followup for whump is so satisfying. Kieran really is dealing admirably well with this; he needs to have a good cry sometimes, because what he went through was awful, but he's still staying strong, hanging out with friends, slowly working through his issues, cleaning up his room. It's so good and important to see characters who are not okay but are nonetheless dealing and coping and growing. The hugs, and Juliana telling him he's proud of him, and Kieran managing to use the word torture at last and make a decision to help stop Gus from hurting anyone else even though he doesn't have to, are all just really cathartic.

Thank you for writing this! It's been a really good journey to follow, and despite the difficult times intersecting with the writing of it, I hope writing it has brought you some good catharsis as well. You really nail good emotional moments and buildups and followup, and that makes this fic just really strong and satisfying.


somewhat backwards
  1. grovyle
Had some emotions just at this chapter title. Kieran is going to put one foot in front of the other and be okay! :veelove:
With thanks to Amarys for providing this title, given my naming theme of "things Kieran said in canon". She encourages him to "put one foot in front of the other" in her clubroom dialogue with him, and he repeats it back enthusiastically, like that wording really resonates with him.

Fun fact: I'd already decided on the chapter naming theme and the first four chapter titles before the DLC epilogue came out, and I had to hope that when it did, it'd contain a line from Kieran that would be appropriate for the final chapter here. Then the epilogue itself kinda... didn't have such a line, and neither did most of Kieran's main clubroom dialogue, and I resigned myself to probably having to use "I can let it go" from the main DLC (which I guess would have worked okay? but not quite as well). As it happened, Kieran's clubroom dialogue with Amarys was the absolute last piece of Kieran dialogue I saw, and I totally wasn't expecting it of all things to give me the chapter title I'd been looking for, but hey, there it was!

Made me smile that he first says Ogerpon is safe, but then also is able to affirm that he is safe. He and his safety are also important!
He thinks of Ogerpon's safety first because he is still 100% willing to put himself at risk again to keep her safe if he has to - but since she is safe, it means he can now focus on himself and be glad that he isn't about to be hurt any more either.

Aww, really good to see this casual normalcy and the way the Blueberry Elite Four really are his friends.
Again, thanks to the postgame clubroom scenes for giving me an idea of what Kieran's friendships with each of them are like and what kind of things they might do while hanging out with him.

Well, that's something, at least! Drayton probably would remain this low-key and kind of frustrating about it, but nonetheless, no longer mocking Kieran as 'ex-Champ' does help.
Oh, Drayton. I was Very Annoyed with him continuing to be an unnecessary dick to Kieran in the postgame, but this fic was an opportunity to improve that at least a little, since I figured that Kieran getting kidnapped and tortured might just make Drayton decide that hey maybe it's time to give the kid a break actually. On the other hand, I cannot imagine Drayton actually being direct and sincere and apologetic about his prior unnecessary dickery, so frustrating evasiveness it is.

I liked this description a lot, this sense of unreality that something like that could even happen to him. (And yet he made it through it!)
I was very much drawing from some personal experience there. ❤️

Awww. Of course Carmine just wanted Dratini to take good care of him. Makes sense that that drove her to see him in that light from the start, even when he was acting the way he was.
And imagine Dratini seeing her new trainer acting Like That and knowing that it's Wrong somehow and wanting to help, like she was asked to, only she doesn't understand what's going on in Kieran's head well enough to help, and even if she did it's not like she can directly communicate with him. So all she can do is just do her best for him in battles and hope that's somehow enough (which it isn't really; he got better in the end but it had nothing to do with her). Then the beginning of this fic happened, and suddenly Kieran was in trouble in a way that Dragonite actually could help with - of course she was utterly determined to do whatever it took to help him this time.

In a sense, Dragonite is kind of a Pokémon representation of the purely protective aspect of Carmine - including the part where she gets a little too protective and makes things worse for Kieran over not wanting him to suffer even a tiny bit, whoops.

Just… maybe one without a Rotom in it. For now, at least.
Ahahaha, yeah, best no Rotom... He should do fine with a regular old phone, at least.
Still, I included that "for now" in there to suggest that Kieran does intend to work on overcoming his Rotom trauma at some point! After all, he knows that it wouldn't be fair on other Rotom to be afraid of them for something that isn't their fault, doesn't he?

Loved this whole bit of cleaning up his room and how he'd never quite gone ahead with cleaning it up because it would mean having to face up to all the baggage associated with that awful time in his life. And yet, now he's managing to go ahead and do it, with the help of his friends, and do that painful reflection, and face up to the way that he really was bullying himself onward for no good reason. The boy is healing!
He is! :veelove: I initially thought of him doing this just because I was thinking of things he might do when stuck in his room for a week. And the out-universe reason for his room still being like that is bound to be because the devs wanted to do some tasty environmental storytelling about how he was when he was obsessive - but when I thought about it, it made sense that the in-universe reason would be him being hesitant to face up to that! But now he can, especially when surrounded by friends as obvious undeniable proof that he never needed to become the Strongest Ever in order to deserve happiness and good things.

❤️ Kierannnn. Of course they were looking for him, and of course it would end. But it's hard to believe that in that horrible moment, isn't it.
It really is. ❤️ Especially if you're Kieran and still working on the whole "acknowledging that other people care and want to help you" thing.

I like that he's reframed it as choosing to endure it for Ogerpon. He was of course forced to have that horrible choice. But it's good to emphasize his own agency here, because that's where he showed his strength.
That final shock he freely chose to endure at the end of the battle really helped him reframe all of it that way to himself!

:veelove: Ogerpon hugs!!! She's feeling well enough to do that now! He did do his absolute best for her sake. What a brave kid.
Kieran deserves an Ogerpon hug, and she really would be grateful to him for all the brave things he's done to help her! She especially appreciates the things he said to her in the middle of the battle, because she really did need to hear that ❤️

Oh noooo. Yeah, understandable it would've been hard to broach that with Carmine when she was saying that. Still not always the most sensitive, but in the end it's all just driven by her caring too much.
Whoops, Carmine still has a bit too much of a black-and-white view of these things. Gus tortured her brother, therefore he is just Bad And Evil and not at all still a human person who could possibly be similar to Kieran in any way, right???

(I think it would be clearer/more correct to write these little Carmine flashbacks in the past perfect, since they're happening earlier than the main past where the story is being told - "In the end, Carmine had broken the silence first," and so on, or else to set them off with italics or the like... I didn't have big trouble following them or anything since they're fairly brief and telegraphed, but nonetheless.)
I've thought about this, and I want to leave it as it is. It was a very deliberate choice I made to have these mini-flashbacks included in the flow of the story without setting them off using italics, as I felt that might seem kind of clunky. Imagining those bits written entirely in past perfect for something that is otherwise written with the same kind of "immediacy" as the rest of the main events in the fic also feels very off to me. I don't believe that doing it this way is incorrect, just an unusual stylistic choice. If you say you found it decently followable because the flashback bits are brief and telegraphed, then I think it's as it should be! I did carefully try and make the transitions clear and non-jarring.

The first time he's actually managed to say the word torture, internally or externally! He is healing! ❤️
Actually, as it turns out in the following Carmine flashback, he did manage to think the word torture that evening a few days ago. Slowly working up to it!

I like this a lot here, with the setup of how he hasn't been able to frame it as torture to himself - this step represents Kieran being willing to face up to and articulate and talk about what happened to him instead of bottling it up, and that's just really important. It is scary and hard but he's very very brave and strong ❤️
Yess, I really liked this idea as something for him to bring up in the epilogue as a solid example of Kieran still Making Brave Choices for the sake of himself and others. He is so strong ❤️

:veelove: She's proud of him! Of course she is, but it's so important for Kieran to just be able to see and hear that for himself. What a good. Love his sincerely baffled reaction, but still being able to tell that it's true. You are important and worth being proud of, Kieran!
Juliana admires him???? That is so bafflingly backwards for Kieran, and yet, it's true!

This was a really lovely way to cap this off; good followup for whump is so satisfying. Kieran really is dealing admirably well with this; he needs to have a good cry sometimes, because what he went through was awful, but he's still staying strong, hanging out with friends, slowly working through his issues, cleaning up his room. It's so good and important to see characters who are not okay but are nonetheless dealing and coping and growing. The hugs, and Juliana telling him he's proud of him, and Kieran managing to use the word torture at last and make a decision to help stop Gus from hurting anyone else even though he doesn't have to, are all just really cathartic.

Thank you for writing this! It's been a really good journey to follow, and despite the difficult times intersecting with the writing of it, I hope writing it has brought you some good catharsis as well. You really nail good emotional moments and buildups and followup, and that makes this fic just really strong and satisfying.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Making this epilogue a good cathartic ending to what Kieran went through was really important to me; I'm glad I pulled it off well!


  1. sableye
Okay, long overdue catch-up time!

An icy spear of sheer terror stabbed into Kieran. The pain reawakened, flaring up in every muscle like it had never faded, just a fraction of the agony that was in store for him again—!

Right off the bat starting off strong. I imagine this is probably a decent way of coping for someone in Kieran's position. All they can really do is sit there and anticipate... or try to ignore it. But this detail of the pain flooding back to him the moment his thoughts return to anticipation... juicy. :okgon:


Oooh! I should have expected we'd see Carmine somewhere. I know you were unhappy with her game iteration, so I imagine you're going to fix her up, looking forward to that!

“But…” Kieran fumbled to sift through all this information, trying to make sense of it. Dragonite was here. Dragonite had gone and fetched help, had come all this way, to save him.
She said it without hesitation, as if it was obvious. As if Dragonite would never have done anything else.

Yes, silly Kieran, Dragonite still loves you. :veelove:

“You’re paralysed?!” she added, aghast.

Some detached, strategy-obsessed part of Kieran’s brain helpfully pointed out that with that many Thunderbolts, paralysis was practically guaranteed. The rest of him shuddered.

Oooh, fun extra complication! I am taking notes. I imagine this isn't going to be a permanent feature going forward (I forget how sturdy humans are in your settings), but it's gonna make getting him out of there more fun.

“I—” Kieran bit back the reflex to say he didn’t know; he didn’t want to lie to her.

Of course Kieran would be sensitive to this little detail. And he does the right thing. :quag:

“I-I think… he was the boss…? G-Gus… something…” He shivered, opening his eyes to try and combat the irrational sense that the man was there in the room, towering over him, about to bring down the lightning once more with him helpless to— No. Carmine was right here, but…

Love this, his mind constantly wandering back to 'but what if...'
Also I see berries work on humans just as well as on pokemon! No more 'who has to carry Kieran out'. It does make me wonder who else is with Carmine though, no way she found her way there just with Dragonite and Mightyena.

“I-I’m here, alright?” she said, a hint of flustered uncertainty in her voice. “I’ve… I’ve got you.”

And there's awkward Carmine trying to be comforting! Awwww.

Honestly at this point, I'm half expecting them to be discovered and then both of them are in for a round of shocks. I know Kieran needs time to unwind from the experience and is overwhelmed in the moment, but I'd absolutely be the guy going 'come on, we have to get out of here, break down at home' in this situation. They're not out of danger yet!

She was still standing there as steadfast as ever, peering at him, her expression unmistakably one of affection and concern. Had… had she really always looked at him like that, and he’d never noticed it?

This is kind of heartbreaking to to read, but it's good that he's finally realizing it!

He tried to recall Dragonite to her Poké Ball, only for it to vibrate in his hand as she resisted the beam with a soft yip of protest. He stopped, hesitating.

Awkward detail to focus on in the midst of their escape, but I do like that a 'mon can actually refuse being recalled like this rather than simply have to wait for it to end and break right out again.

Despite his sister’s triumphant grin, hearing that name just sent a shiver down Kieran’s spine. He remembered the insignia on the leader’s – Gustavus’s – jacket: the three-headed dragon, with its middle head the largest.

He's very clearly improving already just by being on the move, if he now remembers the guy's full name. Team Hydra, huh? Wonder what the significance of that is, other than like... bringing in members from other teams. And the symbolism, of course.

“The Elite Four…? From… Blueberry?”

“Yeah, keep up!” He’d almost stopped moving out of sheer bewilderment, but Carmine kept pulling him along. “C’mon, even I’m not reckless enough that I’d come charging in here all on my own – not if I didn’t have to, at least.”

I should have expected this, yet I did not. It does answer a bit of how Carmine got in there, though. Although, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a bunch of kids are doing all this on their own, so maybe I'm thinking too much about this.

“No… no, no, she can’t be…!” Of course she’d have brought Ogerpon, she’d be pulling out all the stops, bringing her strongest fighters – but, she didn’t know—!

This can only end well. :copyka:

The ball fell to the ground and began to wobble. Kieran watched it helplessly, hoping against hope that somehow, magically, Ogerpon would just break out (just like he’d half-expected Terapagos to), and everything would be okay.

Oh god, the parallels!
I guess the mind-control device thingie is for after capture, then. I am somewhat concerned that the Master Ball still worked despite Ogerpon (presumably) already having a ball from when Juliana battled/caught her...

“But…” Juliana had Ogerpon’s Friend Ball in her hand now, pointing it uselessly at the ball on the floor. Hers seemed to have gone inactive. “How…?! You can’t just…”

“Snag Ball,” said Gustavus,


Trapped, helpless, Kieran watched Gustavus’s body tremble and jerk horrifically, his face a grimace of agony from the lightning coursing through him.

Retribution! :okgon:

The moment the attack faded, his sister’s Pokémon let out a furious roar right in Gustavus’s face before he could even try to scream, her lightning-laced fangs terrifyingly close to his throat. Everything was closing in on Kieran, crushing him, smothering him – he couldn’t do anything, couldn’t speak, couldn’t even breathe

Ooooooh... oops. I too did not consider the effect this would have on Kieran.

And Ogerpon screamed.

Oh no

I feel like I had surprisingly little to say here than I'd expected. That said, this was a lovely little rescue and reunion here with some touching revelations for Kieran that he should have always known! and some tasty post-whump trauma. I've said it before, but I am taking notes! I'm especially loving the symbolism and the comparisons between Kieran and Gustavus.


  1. sableye
And chapter 4!

A legendary Pokémon, Terastallised and out of control, and it was—

Another Terapagos comparison, I see! I do like how you've given Ogerpon control (....well, you get it) of all four masks at once here rather than one at a time, definitely makes her feel a bit more threatening, even with another legendary (Miraidon) to combat her.

This was the one thing, the only thing in this whole ordeal that had been up to Kieran: keeping Ogerpon safe from precisely this. He was the one who’d known the danger; he was the one who’d been in a position to prevent it. He’d been trying so hard, and yet… it’d all been for nothing. In the end, he’d just messed up and made things worse, like always.
Oh no, he's rationalizing the irrational again! Sure, he knew in advance, but he'd passed the word on, and everyone forgot about the abandoned master ball on the ground, nor did anyone anticipate the rotom collecting it on its own! He may be at fault, but he's not the only one at fault!

Somewhere in his periphery, Miraidon vanished, replaced with Juliana’s Ceruledge. “Be on guard, she’s even tougher than usual! Keep away from the masks you’re weak to, and try to get in some Bitter Blades!”

This struck me as slightly odd... surely she didn't recall Miraidon here, did she? There's no reason not to be ganging up on Ogerpon here, considering the threat she poses... especially after Leavanny tag-teams her, too. Unless Miraidon is just out of Kieran's range of vision, anyway, and is still there shielding them.

—Because he was hurt; they didn’t expect him to be able to help. They were just trying to keep him safe. That was the whole reason they were here in the first place.

I love this little flashback and argument with himself here. He's already been through this once, he knows deep down that it's not true, that he's useful and I fully expect him to get up, dive in, and come to the rescue at some point here. At least, in the moment, he's able to rationalize correctly this time!

“But I can help!” Kieran protested as he managed a few steps forward. “My whole team’s still fresh!”

There ya go! I'm sure even with Juliana and Carmine having half their teams, Kieran's got enough firepower to handle this. Although, of course, now we're going to get to watch him suffer through attacking the ogre... right? :copyka:

Kieran nodded to steel himself, then pulled out two Pokéballs and threw them into the fight. “Grimmsnarl, use Reflect! Hydrapple, Syrup Bomb! Slow those masks down as much as you can!”

Okay, so in hindsight maybe the other two were being cautious specifically because their teams were worn down, but this at least breaks the worry that you were somehow trying to keep in-line with some imaginary limitation on how many pokemon can battle at once. (Although... with Kieran only sending in two, this does feel like an in-game Tera Raid battle, which maybe is exactly what you intended.) Either way, this feels more appropriate. Taking note of Hydrapple here specifically, too... not sure if there's anything to come out of it, but I'm keeping my eye on it.

Kieran stared as he realised what this meant. Gustavus had said the machine would bring out Ogerpon’s full strength, never mind if it hurt her. “…You mean, she’s breakin’ the four-move limit?”

Pokémon could only safely channel the energy of four different moves at a time; it took some out-of-battle coaching to shift which ones they had ready to go. If the machine was overriding that, forcing Ogerpon to draw on every move she’d ever learned, all at once… how much strain would that put on her?

Very glad you explained this immediately how it works in your universe. Minor nitpick overall, but I'm not a big fan of that restriction just for the sake of having it there.

Kieran’s hands flew to his head as his stomach dropped in horror. Ogerpon was the target of a critical hit, not the masks. Of course she was. How could he have been so stupid? What was he doing, trying to hurt her more when she was already suffering enough?!

Here we go. Kind of ironic, but I expected this to be the way they'd ultimately have to win the battle. I mean... that's how you do it, right? You KO the other 'mon. Were they just expecting to shatter the masks and outlast the onslaught until she's tired?

It's a bit extra juicy though that Kieran's battle plan ultimately sets Juliana down another pokemon, though!

“It’s alright,” she said with an anxious smile. “I messed up, too. We need to rethink this!”

I think Kieran needs to hear this more often. Surely having someone else, especailly Juliana, admitting to their mistakes would help him de-stress a bit. Even she's not perfect!

(Side note, there's Miraidon again, so definitely recalled earlier; I'd probably have left it out, just as a defensive measure, but I guess that's neither here nor there at this point.)

“Yeah, any bright ideas?” Carmine called as she approached the two of them. Leavanny had fallen back as well, blades raised defensively to deflect attacks but nothing more. “How the hell are we supposed to win this without, you know, attacking Ogerpon? Even hitting one of the masks still hurts her!”

Thank you, Carmine, for bringing up the point I'd already questioned, for proving that an answer was already forthcoming.

“I think… Ogerpon’s still Grass, but the masks all have their own types. So… what if we used types that’re super-effective on the masks, but not very effective on Ogerpon?”

Oh, interesting! Very clever!

Carmine patted his shoulder once more and beamed at him. “Great idea, by the way!” she said, before scooping up Incineroar’s ball without flinching and tossing him back into the fray.

Kieran blinked, taking a step back as he watched his Pokémon halt Ogerpon in her tracks again with another Fake Out. Great idea. Even if he’d been too weak to pull it off himself, his sister still thought…

Ah, this too! Having others admit their own mistakes would help, for sure, but showing support for what genuinely have been two very good strategies probably works far better!

“She must have nullified her debuffs,” said Juliana, her eyes wide. “You know, that thing from raid dens?”

Oh no

Suddenly, just when it looked like everyone's settling into a rhythm and had a path to victory, now things are far more intense! Everyone's a bit wiped out (appreciated the explanation for why Miraidon's performance been mediocre so far too), and if Ogerpon resets her power every time a mask goes down... yeah, they're in trouble.

Kieran’s heart hammered, his breaths coming fast. Okay, he was scared, he couldn’t deny that – but he was scared of that horrible machine and what it was doing to Ogerpon. Not of her. Never of her.

Aw, another twist! Another one I probably should have seen coming and didnt, but it makes so much sense. Backing out of the story for a moment, you've woven this together delightfully, and it's all coming back full circle now!

“I thought so – it’s one of those barriers,” said Juliana. “We need to Terastallise to break it.”

Wow, and all of this even before the shield phase! You've done very well in writing this controlled chaos of a battle that feels like it has tension!

“Go, Furret!”


“Furret…!” Kieran gasped in surprise. His Pokémon should have been on the brink of fainting already before taking that hit, and yet… “But… how…?”

A little more slowly than before, Furret scampered forward towards the fray. He stopped for just a moment to rub against Kieran’s side as he passed, as if in silent communication of how and why he’d endured the hit – for you.

:veelove: :veelove: :veelove:

This part actually got a 'lil tear out of me.

“No, Sis,” Kieran insisted, surprising himself with just how firmly he cut her off. “L-Let me do this. Please.” Even as his insides twisted with gut-wrenching terror at the thought of it, even if he couldn’t express why, he knew this was how it had to go. “I… I gotta do this. Y’know?”

The delicious irony here. That's all.
As he watched her comforting her Pokémon, it dawned on him that… maybe this had always been why Ogerpon had chosen Juliana. Not because of her strength, but simply because she was able to make Ogerpon feel safe, in the way she needed most.

The intensity of the battle and action up to this point was wild! And it all comes to a satisfying conclusion. You can write one hell of an exciting battle!

I'm not entirely sure what to add here, other than it's nice to see Kieran realizing what it is that Juliana had that he lacked.

For some reason, he’d had it in his head that Ogerpon just didn’t care about him one bit, but on reflection, that was a pretty silly thing to think, wasn’t it?


Ahh, that was delightful! What a rollercoaster ride from beginning to end (The story as a whole, I mean, but this chapter's fight, too)! I was beginning to wonder just how you'd managed another chapter plus an epilogue; Again I probably should have seen the whole 'Ogerpon gets hurt, hurts Kieran' thing coming, but I'm glad I didn't!

Alright, gonna try to hit up the epilogue before bed, too.


  1. sableye
Epilogue time! It's a lot longer than I anticipated, good.

The others were a flurry of activity, rounding up Gustavus and all of his Team Hydra grunts, calling in medics and police, making sure everything was dealt with.

You know, I have to take a moment to appreciate how quickly Team Hydra was dealt with. Even Team Skill wasn't disbanded by a single encounter with the PC. :mewlulz: I do wish we got more about them, though... we know they have ties at least to Plasma and... Snagem/Cipher somehow. I wonder if there was more significance to the team name than I picked up on? It seemed to just be the association with Hydrapple for the most part... I'd guessed previously that maybe it was related to having recruited members from other organizations but that feels like a stretch, and only a tangentally related one at that. Would be interested to hear more about them if you had anything!

I do also want to reiterate here just how impressed I am that everything tied together so neatly! The number of comparisons, not just between Kieran and Gus even, was shocking! Very satisfying.

As for Drayton… well, Drayton had finally stopped calling him ‘ex-Champ’, at least. Kieran took this as a chance to try and probe further about smoothing things over between them, but Drayton just acted oblivious to the idea that there’d ever been any tension at all, leaving Kieran still unsure where he stood. Even so, hearing the older trainer use his actual name now felt like some kind of progress. And Drayton had put a genuine effort into mounting the rescue mission, according to Carmine of all people, which had to mean something. Probably.

Oh yeah, I do seem to recall you taking issue with how Drayton interacted with Kieran, especially post-champion-status. Kind of sad there was no smoothing things over here, but understandable given that wasn't what the story was about. That said, I'll take this opportunity to note that you succeeded in making Carmine a more outwardly-expressing caring older sister! And did so in a way that didn't diminish her fiery temper, too.

He found himself clinging to Furret, burying his face in the Pokémon’s soft fur as he sobbed his heart out. Furret didn’t mind, pressing into him, wrapping his long body around Kieran in his best approximation of a hug. All the while, Yanmega, Poliwrath, Politoed and Hydrapple stayed close, not alarmed by his outburst, just making quiet noises of sympathy.

I do appreciate the mentions of his 'mon not present at the battle, too; proof that he hasn't been neglecting them and cares for them just as much. (I can't help but wonder where Grimmsnarl and Incineroar are right now though... I know PorygonZ never made an actual appearance, but it doesn't feel right that those two were left out here. I guess you could cite the 6 'mon limit, with Dragonite, who also isn't here at present, being the 6th in this lineup, but... eh. This is a minor detail in the long run.)

That was all there was to it. Because Carmine had asked her to. Because his sister cared about him, so did Dragonite. Maybe there didn’t need to be any greater reason than that.

Aww, this is so cute!

As the task progressed, throwing out piles of empty vitamin bottles and sorting through stacks and stacks of scrawled strategy notes, Kieran began to understand why he’d really been putting this off. Not because the tidying itself was especially daunting, but because it meant facing up to the person he’d been back when the room had become this way.

Ooh, yep. Bad memories. Fitting that those friends he'd bullied are the ones to help him clean it out of his room, though! (I know he focuses a lot on how he bullied himself here, obviously, but it's not like he was kind to the rest of them, either!)

Then once everyone was done eating, he treated Furret to a nice bath – it seemed only right after all the tears that had been staining his fur lately.

This was adorable; Always love to see trainers and their teams just having a casual hang out like this.

“You know, I’ve been thinking a lot about that thing you said to Ogerpon,” she mused. “How she went too far ‘cause someone she loved had been hurt. I guess… I’ve gotta learn from her mistake, right? I don’t want people thinking I’m a monster like they did for poor Ogerpon. ‘Specially not you.”

This is a cute little bonding moment for the siblings, and especially pointed due to the nature of Carmine doing the very thing Kieran was just contemplating a paragraph above; that 'any normal person' who could lose control could even be his own sister.

“I’m…” – she paused, as if she was struggling to find words – “…really, really proud of you.”

Another touching scene with Kieran and Juliana here! And something I think Kieran definitely needed to hear, and it's about time he did! And, naturally it's the truth, but it's still a big step for him to be willing to testify against Gus, all on his own, so she has good reason for it!

And, as incredible as it seemed to think it… that same kind of strength was something Kieran could admire in himself, too.

I'm not really sure how to articulate my thoughts and feelings on this all, but it's comforting to see Kieran finally recognizing the true reason he empathized with Ogerpon for so long.

This was a touching ending for such an intense buildup last chapter! I wasn't sure what to expect when I saw the length, but it made sense that Kieran did a lot of reflection, and spent some time coming to terms with the aftermath of his kidnapping. I kind of do wish we got to see more of those nightly recovery sessions, but I suppose after the climactic battle it didn't feel appropriate to go into further detail of him reliving the experience.

Anyways, this was so well put together, far more in depth than I'd been expecting for a 'let's torture someone' fic! You've got a remarkable handle on your characters and their personalities and quirks, and the way you managed to weave everything together into a satisfying conclusion impressed me! I don't really think there were any loose ends, at least none that I picked up on. Lots of symbolism, some of it even I recognized but plenty more I'm sure flying far over my head. The torture scenes themselves were marvelous, and I've definitely picked up a thing or two from those as well as the pre-rescue mental mindset. I'm kind of sad this is over now, hah! Cheers!


somewhat backwards
  1. grovyle
Right off the bat starting off strong. I imagine this is probably a decent way of coping for someone in Kieran's position. All they can really do is sit there and anticipate... or try to ignore it. But this detail of the pain flooding back to him the moment his thoughts return to anticipation... juicy. :okgon:
To be fair, most people in Kieran's position would probably try and cope by hoping for rescue. Buuuut it has failed to cross Kieran's mind that there might be anybody trying to rescue him at all... :unquag:

Oooh, fun extra complication! I am taking notes. I imagine this isn't going to be a permanent feature going forward (I forget how sturdy humans are in your settings), but it's gonna make getting him out of there more fun.
In this story in particular, I've been sticking very PG and kid-friendly to keep things feeling in the same tone as the games, so paralysis inflicted on humans was always going to be a fairly easily-fixable thing. Still a fun extra complication, though - and one which gives Carmine a pretty good guess as to which elemental type was involved in Kieran's suffering... :copyka:

Honestly at this point, I'm half expecting them to be discovered and then both of them are in for a round of shocks. I know Kieran needs time to unwind from the experience and is overwhelmed in the moment, but I'd absolutely be the guy going 'come on, we have to get out of here, break down at home' in this situation. They're not out of danger yet!
In Carmine's defence, she neutralised all the grunts she encountered on the way here, she knows the E4 are busy dealing with a bunch more grunts, and Dragonite and Mightyena are there keeping watch over the one exit. In those circumstances, giving Kieran just a few minutes to collect himself emotionally before they start escaping feels reasonable to me.

Awkward detail to focus on in the midst of their escape, but I do like that a 'mon can actually refuse being recalled like this rather than simply have to wait for it to end and break right out again.
This is a canon detail - Terapagos did that in the climax of Indigo Disk! I wanted to have a little reminder of that being a thing here, since it was going to be relevant later. And given that it's a thing, Dragonite just would. She Protecc.

I should have expected this, yet I did not. It does answer a bit of how Carmine got in there, though. Although, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a bunch of kids are doing all this on their own, so maybe I'm thinking too much about this.
This is gameverse Pokémon, kids with strong Pokémon teams take on evil organisations all the time. =P

Oh god, the parallels!
Yup. :copyka: I just had to. Right down to Gustavus yelling the exact same words Kieran did when he threw the Master Ball.

I guess the mind-control device thingie is for after capture, then. I am somewhat concerned that the Master Ball still worked despite Ogerpon (presumably) already having a ball from when Juliana battled/caught her...
“Snag Ball,” said Gustavus,
Haha, I'm a little surprised you didn't figure that sooner, since I know you're familiar with the Orre games!

Retribution! :okgon:

Ooooooh... oops. I too did not consider the effect this would have on Kieran.
tfw revenge is actually just bad and twisted and cruel and only ends up further traumatising the person you're supposedly doing it for :unquag:

an excellent response to the end of this chapter :copyka:

Another Terapagos comparison, I see! I do like how you've given Ogerpon control (....well, you get it) of all four masks at once here rather than one at a time, definitely makes her feel a bit more threatening, even with another legendary (Miraidon) to combat her.
I considered how to showcase Ogerpon being insanely powered up but still in a way that felt 'quantifiable', so to speak, and this just felt like the obvious way to do it! She is now effectively four very powerful opponents at once.

Oh no, he's rationalizing the irrational again! Sure, he knew in advance, but he'd passed the word on, and everyone forgot about the abandoned master ball on the ground, nor did anyone anticipate the rotom collecting it on its own! He may be at fault, but he's not the only one at fault!
Sure, everyone forgot about the Master Ball on the ground, but that was because they were worrying about Kieran, because he'd gone and got himself hurt, so it clearly is all his fault for being weak, right??? (no, Kieran, it still isn't)

This struck me as slightly odd... surely she didn't recall Miraidon here, did she? There's no reason not to be ganging up on Ogerpon here, considering the threat she poses... especially after Leavanny tag-teams her, too. Unless Miraidon is just out of Kieran's range of vision, anyway, and is still there shielding them.
(Side note, there's Miraidon again, so definitely recalled earlier; I'd probably have left it out, just as a defensive measure, but I guess that's neither here nor there at this point.)
Honestly, you make a good point here; Juliana probably should have left Miraidon out at least for defence purposes. For this battle I had in my head a very game-like structure in which Juliana and Carmine only had one "slot" each for their Pokémon (while Kieran would later join with two), hence the switching. I suppose you can say that they're being more cautious, because they each have only three Pokémon left, and if they sent them all out and they all got downed at once by some kind of super-attack, that'd be bad.

I love this little flashback and argument with himself here. He's already been through this once, he knows deep down that it's not true, that he's useful and I fully expect him to get up, dive in, and come to the rescue at some point here. At least, in the moment, he's able to rationalize correctly this time!
Look at him being able to realise on his own this time that he's useful! He has grown!

There ya go! I'm sure even with Juliana and Carmine having half their teams, Kieran's got enough firepower to handle this. Although, of course, now we're going to get to watch him suffer through attacking the ogre... right? :copyka:
As the only one with a full team, Kieran's got to not just incidentally help out like he did in the Underdepths, but be the main anchor of the fight! Look at him goooo :yoomtah:

Okay, so in hindsight maybe the other two were being cautious specifically because their teams were worn down, but this at least breaks the worry that you were somehow trying to keep in-line with some imaginary limitation on how many pokemon can battle at once. (Although... with Kieran only sending in two, this does feel like an in-game Tera Raid battle, which maybe is exactly what you intended.) Either way, this feels more appropriate. Taking note of Hydrapple here specifically, too... not sure if there's anything to come out of it, but I'm keeping my eye on it.
I very much did intend for it to feel a bit like an ingame raid battle! As well as sort of just a four-on-four, since Ogerpon is effectively four opponents in one right now. Four "slots" felt right (and was probably plenty for a reader to keep track of, too).

Very glad you explained this immediately how it works in your universe. Minor nitpick overall, but I'm not a big fan of that restriction just for the sake of having it there.
This fic fully adheres to Kieran's canon gameverse story, so I wanted things to feel very strictly gameverse, hence the four move limit. For it to work the way it does in the games, it'd have to be some inherent biological restriction for the Pokémon... but that means that something like Gustavus's machine could override it, thus increasing both Ogerpon's threat level as an opponent, and the danger to her wellbeing :copyka:

Here we go. Kind of ironic, but I expected this to be the way they'd ultimately have to win the battle. I mean... that's how you do it, right? You KO the other 'mon. Were they just expecting to shatter the masks and outlast the onslaught until she's tired?

It's a bit extra juicy though that Kieran's battle plan ultimately sets Juliana down another pokemon, though!
I go into this a bit in my response to Dragonfree, but... they honestly didn't really have a plan of how to get through this battle at all! Attacking Ogerpon directly sure was a fun way to make Kieran feel bad, though :copyka:

Oh, interesting! Very clever!

Ah, this too! Having others admit their own mistakes would help, for sure, but showing support for what genuinely have been two very good strategies probably works far better!
The boy is good at battling :yoomtah:

Oh no

Suddenly, just when it looked like everyone's settling into a rhythm and had a path to victory, now things are far more intense! Everyone's a bit wiped out (appreciated the explanation for why Miraidon's performance been mediocre so far too), and if Ogerpon resets her power every time a mask goes down... yeah, they're in trouble.
Too bad their strategy up to this point has been so heavily focused on debuffs, whoops! :unquag:

The thought behind the Miraidon thing went something like:
- Electro Drift is so extremely overpowered here (powerful legendary + STAB + Electric Terrain + super-effective + bonus damage when super-effective) that even a powered-up Wellspring Mask would probably only take a couple of hits to go down
- but I have a bunch of story beats I want to fit in before this mask goes down so it can't happen that fast
- so Miraidon needs to not be at its best for some reason
-...oh wait, didn't it fly Juliana all the way here from Paldea, that makes sense, problem helpfully fixed itself :quag:


:veelove: :veelove: :veelove:

This part actually got a 'lil tear out of me.
Furret toughed it out so Kieran wouldn't feel sad! :veelove: a good brave noodle

The delicious irony here. That's all.
Now you see why the torture Pokémon had to be a Rotom and nothing else. :copyka:

Fun fact: I didn't even decide on that for this moment specifically. I just knew I needed one of Gustavus's Pokémon to put the Master Ball in the machine for him once he was incapacitated, so I was looking through Pokémon that could potentially do so sneakily without being noticed, and I saw Rotom... and I instantly realised, oh, right, of course it's a Rotom, I guess that decides the torture Pokémon as well. And then this just conveniently happened to also create this climactic moment where Kieran has to endure one more shock in order to truly save Ogerpon. :quag:Accidental bonus whump unlocked!

The intensity of the battle and action up to this point was wild! And it all comes to a satisfying conclusion. You can write one hell of an exciting battle!
Glad you enjoyed! :quag: It's been a while since I've written a Pokémon battle, but I had fun choreographing it and making it feel fairly gameverse-ish in its mechanics while also including lots of moments for Kieran's character beats and some whumpiness. :copyka:

Ahh, that was delightful! What a rollercoaster ride from beginning to end (The story as a whole, I mean, but this chapter's fight, too)! I was beginning to wonder just how you'd managed another chapter plus an epilogue; Again I probably should have seen the whole 'Ogerpon gets hurt, hurts Kieran' thing coming, but I'm glad I didn't!
I assume you mean you were wondering that as of the rescue in chapter 3? Back when this fic was being posted, I tried to be a bit coy about the planned chapter count, so that people would be less likely to think the rescue happened suspiciously early in the story... but the point's a bit moot now that the fic's final chapter count is public knowledge, heh. You weren't expected to see specifically this coming, though! After all, as chapter 3's title said, this wasn't supposed to happen - poor Kieran was enduring torture precisely so that Ogerpon wouldn't have this happen to her!

You know, I have to take a moment to appreciate how quickly Team Hydra was dealt with. Even Team Skill wasn't disbanded by a single encounter with the PC. :mewlulz:
Shush, the games always gloss over Actual Law Enforcement being a thing, but let's make it a thing here, so that the poor boy doesn't have to worry about Team Hydra coming after him for revenge or something and he can have a proper safe happy ending. something something the BB E4's parents/grandparents got their shit together and dealt with it.

(Perhaps Unova in particular is good at cleaning up this type of thing by now, since it canonically got overrun twice.)

I do wish we got more about them, though... we know they have ties at least to Plasma and... Snagem/Cipher somehow. I wonder if there was more significance to the team name than I picked up on? It seemed to just be the association with Hydrapple for the most part... I'd guessed previously that maybe it was related to having recruited members from other organizations but that feels like a stretch, and only a tangentally related one at that. Would be interested to hear more about them if you had anything!
The significance of the name Hydra basically is just that - multiple old teams forming a new one. Plus the idea that if you try and kill them, they'll just come back in a new, stronger form. (Carmine briefly alluded to that interpretation of their name in one of her lines.) I came up with the name just because I was trying to think of something that symbolically fit the team Gustavus had built... and then it just so happened that this matches with Kieran's beloved ace Pokémon, welp, guess I'm giving Gustavus a Hydrapple too just to really rub it in :copyka:

(It may not be entirely a coincidence that this happened, since the whole comes-back-stronger-when-defeated theming may well be part of why the gamedevs decided to make the Pokémon designed to be Kieran's ace be a hydra in the first place.)

I do also want to reiterate here just how impressed I am that everything tied together so neatly! The number of comparisons, not just between Kieran and Gus even, was shocking! Very satisfying.
I had fun with all the parallels! Obviously Gus was literally created to parallel Kieran as much as possible, but meanwhile one of my big goals with the Ogerpon battle was to make Kieran understand how much she'd suffered and parallel her suffering and strength with his own, finally letting him see exactly why he is strong too.

Oh yeah, I do seem to recall you taking issue with how Drayton interacted with Kieran, especially post-champion-status. Kind of sad there was no smoothing things over here, but understandable given that wasn't what the story was about.
I sure did. :unquag: I wanted to have things be smoothed over at least a little here - not calling him "Ex-Champ" any more is progress, and I figured that after Kieran being kidnapped and tortured, Drayton would decide that maybe it's time to give the poor kid a break actually. He did not seem the type to not continue to otherwise be frustrating and evasive about things, though.

That said, I'll take this opportunity to note that you succeeded in making Carmine a more outwardly-expressing caring older sister! And did so in a way that didn't diminish her fiery temper, too.
To be fair - in response to this and what you said when she first appeared - I wasn't really changing her here. I wouldn't feel right changing a canon character, and canonically she does care a lot about her brother; she's just socially-inept and emotionally-dysregulated such that she often doesn't show it or expresses it in a way that accidentally makes him feel worse, especially in Teal Mask. In Indigo Disk, I really enjoyed how Carmine spent most of her screentime just being really worried about her brother, and I had a lot of fun writing that side of her here. And she does develop a little in canon; in her postgame clubroom scenes, she's resolving to be less overprotective of him, which is something else I tried to bring out here a bit, despite this situation in which Kieran very much does need his big sister to come and save him.

Of course, her fiery temper would absolutely still make itself known when her brother is hurt and in danger, and I also had a lot of fun with her emotionally-dysregulated fury accidentally making things worse for him again :copyka:

I do appreciate the mentions of his 'mon not present at the battle, too; proof that he hasn't been neglecting them and cares for them just as much. (I can't help but wonder where Grimmsnarl and Incineroar are right now though... I know PorygonZ never made an actual appearance, but it doesn't feel right that those two were left out here. I guess you could cite the 6 'mon limit, with Dragonite, who also isn't here at present, being the 6th in this lineup, but... eh. This is a minor detail in the long run.)
It is pretty much because of the six-mon limit! I figured the six Pokémon he'd most want to be with while recovering would be his five longtime friends from Kitakami, plus Dragonite, whom he's now realised also deeply cares about protecting him. (She is there in those scenes, just more distant from the rest of the group, because she doesn't know him as closely as his main five.)

Alas, poor Porygon-Z, the Sir Not Appearing In This Fic of Kieran's Pokémon. sorry not sorry, Furret is the far more important Normal-type :veelove:

Grimmsnarl and Incineroar (as well as Porygon-Z) are just in the PC for now. Kieran still kind of views his relationship with them as more like work colleagues: they're there to battle for him and he's there to train them and that's it. That said, given recent realisations about Dragonite, maybe sometime soon he'll try to talk to them more to see how they really feel about him beyond that.

Ooh, yep. Bad memories. Fitting that those friends he'd bullied are the ones to help him clean it out of his room, though! (I know he focuses a lot on how he bullied himself here, obviously, but it's not like he was kind to the rest of them, either!)
The E4 probably weren't even the people he bullied the most; we saw Kieran being a huge dick to that one guy because he saw him as weak, whereas at least the E4 are undeniably strong. He definitely wasn't nice to them, though, so yeah. They are all Good to forgive him and be his friends now! (except Drayton, lol)

This is a cute little bonding moment for the siblings, and especially pointed due to the nature of Carmine doing the very thing Kieran was just contemplating a paragraph above; that 'any normal person' who could lose control could even be his own sister.
Oh, huh, I didn't even think about how Kieran's musings that any normal person could turn bad could be read as referring to his sister - I intended it to be about Kieran himself. The Carmine reading of it works too, though!

Another touching scene with Kieran and Juliana here! And something I think Kieran definitely needed to hear, and it's about time he did! And, naturally it's the truth, but it's still a big step for him to be willing to testify against Gus, all on his own, so she has good reason for it!
He really is so brave and strong and impressive and of course his friend would admire that about him! But of course Kieran feels so chronically lesser than Juliana that he wouldn't realise it until she said it outright. :pikashock:

This was a touching ending for such an intense buildup last chapter! I wasn't sure what to expect when I saw the length, but it made sense that Kieran did a lot of reflection, and spent some time coming to terms with the aftermath of his kidnapping. I kind of do wish we got to see more of those nightly recovery sessions, but I suppose after the climactic battle it didn't feel appropriate to go into further detail of him reliving the experience.
I guess I could have put more focus on the nighttime recovery and processing the trauma for some more whumpy feels, but narratively, it didn't feel necessary, you know? I wanted the first half of this epilogue to feel less in-the-moment, just kind of summarising how his week of slowly getting back to normal went, and going more in-the-moment just for those nighttime bits would have messed with the pacing and the feel of it, I think. Better left to the reader's imagination to fill in the details of it (and all of the good Furret hugs :veelove:).

Anyways, this was so well put together, far more in depth than I'd been expecting for a 'let's torture someone' fic! You've got a remarkable handle on your characters and their personalities and quirks, and the way you managed to weave everything together into a satisfying conclusion impressed me! I don't really think there were any loose ends, at least none that I picked up on. Lots of symbolism, some of it even I recognized but plenty more I'm sure flying far over my head. The torture scenes themselves were marvelous, and I've definitely picked up a thing or two from those as well as the pre-rescue mental mindset. I'm kind of sad this is over now, hah! Cheers!
Haha, this was always going to be more than just a simple "let's torture someone" concept! I may like to self-indulgently imagine such hypotheticals in my head for fun, but in order for me to feel comfortable actually writing them out and publishing them as a fic, there needs to be more of a meaningful story behind it. That happened around about the time my hypothetical imaginings of Carmine arriving for some comfort continued onto the logical next step that Juliana was there too, and had brought Ogerpon, and... oh no. This was when I realised I just had a really good story here, not just for whumping Kieran but also for giving him a chance to truly realise why he always admired Ogerpon's strength, and to explore that aspect of his character a whole bunch, in ways his canon arc never quite gave closure to.

Thanks for coming along for this ride; I'm thrilled you enjoyed it! :quag:
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Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
Merry Blitzmas! I don’t think I’ve reviewed anything by you before, which makes this a perfect time to dive into your fic. I think I’m only going to cover the first chapter today, but this is short enough that I’ll probably swing by for the rest of it later in the blitz. With that said, let’s get started!

So for one thing, I think you do an amazing job of making the crux of the chapter - the attack and near-drowning - tense. Dragonite desperately trying to help Kieran and starting to use a thunder attack only to realize that it would hurt Kieran too and pivoting to another attack that unfortunately was not super strong against a super defensive pokemon like cloyster, costing precious time.

Then you’ve got Kieran’s clear self worth issues shining through. Just. Mmmm. That trust he has in Dragonite, but colored by worry that Dragonite doesn’t value him. Because why would she? He wasn’t her original trainer! Just because he made up with the SV protag and recognized that he was behaving poorly doesn’t mean all his issues are going to go away.

Pacing-wise, I like that the story jumps right into things. No mucking around, just a few paragraphs to establish where in Keiran’s story we are why he’s in the position he’s in and then the plot kicks off full-throttle

I did notice one typo that I want to point out.
Still, he’d hadn’t ever had any problems with her disobeying him
It should be “he hadn’t” instead of “he’d hadn’t” since when separated that comes out to “he had had not.”

But overall, I really liked this! Definitely want to swing back around to finish this before the end of blitz. But we’ll wrap up here for now. Until next time!


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
Hey Elyvorg! I said I’d be back sometime during the blitz for the remaining chapters. I spun a wheel for the fics I wanted to catch up on and this came up, so let’s get to it and see what happens this time.

Chapter 2
Let me talk briefly about the villain before I talk about Keiran and the meat of the chapter proper. I like the justification for who the villain is and how he would know about Ogerpon. The idea of this mystery group being made up of more energized remnants of Team Rocket, Plasma, and Cipher makes a lot of sense. And it serves as an easy shorthand for “ok, genuinely bad guys who would hurt a child and who actively see pokemon as tools.” Because, well, they’re not really the focus of the story. All that was needed was a malicious enemy that could believeably kidnap Keiran. And they serve that point.

Gustavus does somewhat serve as a foil to Keiran, but only slightly. They both have or had toxic views of strength, but Keiran is someone that recognizes that there’s a point where pursuit of strength goes too far.

But Kieran doesn’t view himself as strong. Because clearly a strong person can’t be caught off guard. This wouldn’t happen to a strong person, right? It plays back into his insecurities, which come out in full force here when he can’t protect himself and he can only barely protect Ogerpon and Julianna by staying silent. Kid’s gonna have nerve damage after this one.

Chapter 3
And as I’m going through chapter three, I can see that the parallels/foil aspect of Keiran and Gustavus was definitely intentional, given that Kieran directly acknowledges it. I do take back what I said about the focus. The choice to include Rocket and Plasma remnants had clear reasoning in hindsight. Kitakami being a japan-based region wouldn’t be too far from the organized crime of Team Rocket. And then with Buleberry Academy technically being in Unova, it would make sense to use Plasma members to have a nearby base. But I didn’t put two and two together about the inclusion of Cipher (beyond the “would hurt a child” and view of pokemon as tools) until they got in the room with Gustavus and it was clear what his plan to control Ogerpon had been the entire time.

Carmine is great in this chapter, by the way. I think you nail her characterization pretty much on the head, from what I remember about the DLC plot. She cares deeply about her brother, but she can be scary when she feels the need to be.

Also, it’s so good seeing all of Kieran’s connections come to help hi, reminding him that, yes, they do actually care about him. Now he just needs to work on that self worth.

Kieran couldn’t help but feel like the heroes they saw in the movies would find a way, somehow
Well sure but they’re movies my dude :mewlulz:

Only one more chapter (A chunky one!) and the Epilogue left, so let’s see how they overcome shadow Ogerpon.

Chapter 4
Woof, what an intense chapter. This is basically just one massive fight. I think it does start to drag a bit by the end (11k words is a lot of battle to read through), but at the same time, I kind of think it works because of that. The whole point of the fight is that it is a massive endurance run, tearing through their entire teams.

And in the end, it's not fighting that ends the battle (though it was necessary to a point to get through to Ogerpon), but instead Kieran calling upon his knowledge from previous experience with Terrapagos and taking a chance - directly putting himself in danger and willingly choosing to go through the same type of pain he'd been tortured with not that long ago - that finally frees Ogerpon. I think it's an effective callback.

Also, I think it's kind of great tbh that Gus basically wasn't a factor in the fight at all beyond the initial capture of Ogerpon and attack on Kieran. He just has to lay there, helpless, and watch his plans unravel. It feels like a suiting end to his part in the story. Despite all his bravado, he doesn’t have the strength of friendship and the care and support that help Kieran out.


As for the ending, I think it does a good job of tying things up nicely in a bow. Kieran is hurt and needs time to recover, but he has his sister and friends to help him get by. And it becomes exceedingly clear just how much he means to them. It’ll take time, but he’s starting to understand that he has value. He finally gets answers regarding Dragonite. His sister was worried. She asked Dragonite to watch out for him when she couldn’t, so she does. Simple as that. What a wonderful, loyal pokemon.

And then you have Ogerpon. It’s good to see her doing better. More on her in a moment.

Overall, I really enjoyed the fic! I do enjoy whump, but I do have my limits. But nothing felt over the top here. The more whumpy moments (especially chapters 1 and 2) have really strong tension and made me want to keep reading and reading, just to see how it resolves.

Kieran has a really strong arc. I’ve touched on it a lot, already, but I like that he starts out clearly still struggling with his self worth and with how his views on strength have affected him. But by the end he’s able to tangibly see how much everyone cares for him.

Part of that is him coming to understand Ogerpon and her struggles, and how his views of strength clash with hers. How her strength - the thing he thought he was seeking out - has been nothing but a burden for her. How it alienated her. But now I think they can understand each other just a little better!
But I think I’ll leave things off there. I had a lot of fun with one and I’m glad I chose to read it. Thanks for sharing!
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