somewhat backwards
- Pronouns
- she/they
- Partners
Juliana only sent Ogerpon out quite late into her battle with Gustavus, so theoretically maybe Kieran could have warned her in time if he'd absolutely booked it there the moment he got rescued... but also no, that is still not remotely realistic, the poor kid was still recovering from having been tortured, please Kieran go easy on yourselfKieran, nooo, no need to be so hard on yourself! (But of course he is anyway.) He may have known the danger, but he was also still reeling from being tortured and everything moved quite fast once Carmine showed up... It's sad but unsurprising that he never expected Juliana of all people to be there with Carmine, but even if he suspected, I'm pretty sure Ogerpon had already made her appearance before Kieran even saw Carmine, so there was nothing he could've done anyway. And how was he supposed to prevent this without knowing that they'd show up in the first place? The amount of pressure he puts on himself is unreal.![]()
(of course it's all his fault though, just like it was last time with Terapagos)
The best possible karmic defeat for Gustavus: becoming irrelevant and forgotten aboutI like how ironic it is that Gustavus is incapacitated early on in the fight and isn't seen again until it's over, at which point Kieran realizes he'd *completely forgotten* about the guy. Gustavus was powerless the whole fight, unlike Kieran! Kieran stepped up and was strong enough to overcome this with his friends!
Yess! Even as the torture broke him down and made him feel powerless, Kieran never stopped doing what he needed to do to protect Ogerpon, and he's finally realising this!I like the line "Perhaps it had never really left" - admist all the pain, amidst all the chaos, there's no way that Kieran would ever *not want to help Ogerpon* if she were in trouble. *That's* just one of many differences between him and Gustavus, who would do anything to hurt her if it meant furthering his own agenda.
I wanted the battle mechanics to feel solidly gameverse-ish, if a bit more realistic, since Kieran's canon story is strictly from the games, so I'm glad that worked and was easy for you to follow regardless! It was also fun to write a battle with stakes that were a little more complex and required a little more specific strategy than just "win". And it helps show off that Kieran is, in fact, really good at this battling thing! :pikashock:Implementing game mechanics in fanfic can be hit or miss for me, but I like the way you use them here. The unique challenges they pose are perfect for strategy buffs like Juliana and Kieran, who have to shift gears quite a few times during the battle. The battle is also emotionally impactful as they have no choice but to hurt Ogerpon to help her. The goal of minimizing her pain was fun to see from Kieran's issue-y perspective, and it was a testament to their good character (yes, Kieran, you are *good*) to see them persist in that goal even when they were down to one last Pokémon and were feeling more desperation, more pressure. Also, as someone who is not at all inclined to pay attention to competitive moves or abilities or anything, I was easily able to follow what was going on, which I appreciated!
For him grasping at his hair, I didn't connect that to the hairstyle symbolism! I was more thinking about how that's an anxious gesture he often does when he loses/is upset.I like the occasional descriptions of Kieran's hair; that's always fun symbolism with him.I also like how Kieran immediately falls back into his gremlin thoughts, and he's so lost in them that he almost gets hurt even more and needs to be rescued again. It's hard to push those kind of thoughts away and keep them away; the way you write them is very realistic. And I like how Juliana admits that she messed up just like Kieran did, because whatever Kieran thinks, she's *not* perfect. Neither of them are.
And yes, Kieran, Juliana isn't perfect either! Gasp. She has started to realise that maybe showing this a little bit in front of Kieran might be helpful, after his outburst in the Underdepths let her understand his issues some!
Aww, yes, of course Juliana cares about her friends' Pokémon pals, as well as just about her friends' battle strategies!Kieran, even before your obsessive training era, you were a worthy enough opponent for Juliana to remember your team and strategies! There's also the fact that your Pokémon are your friends, and so they're important to your best friend, too!
I don't think I quite realised this, but it does say a lot that Carmine's asking if he wants help, rather than just forcefully giving it whether he wants it or not, doesn't it! Look at her go, giving him more space!Aw, Kieran is so floored by both Juliana and Carmine thinking that his ideas are good enough to follow up on in a high-stakes battle like this one. The wording "I see what you're going for here" is great - Carmine doesn't just *assume* and she doesn't *question* him. She sees him and she gets him. You can really see how far she's come post-game Similarly, I love Carmine asking him if he wants her to take over instead of implying Kieran *is* weak by just jumping straight to it. Kieran's *not* weak - at least, not in the way he thinks here. He's strong enough to follow through on his strategy, and so is Incineroar, but his body's betraying him at the moment. It's strong of him to rely on Carmine and take a breather.
And oh Kieran, being injured is not being "weak" in any meaningful way, you confused kid.
Kieran has always been the best at empathising with Ogerpon feeling attacked and ganged up on, so although him taking a break from the front-line helps, he would always be the first person to see this in her here! He is Good.I love this section a lot. The battle is hectic, and Kieran is not at all in a good state, but through it all he's able and willing to try to *see and understand what Ogerpon is going through*. It'd be easy for him to shrink back from doing this out of fear of knowing just how much he thinks he screwed up. But no, he's strong and brave in a way that shifts the direction of the battle, and he empathizes with their mutual fear of being ganged up on.
"Making you intimidating" and "changing how other people look at you" totally has nothing to do with how Kieran became when he was Champion, of course.Aw, Kieran. Yes, strength can be admired and it can be a noble goal to strive for, but it can also be a curse. It can make you intimidating. It can change you and change how other people look at and react to you. And strength is often just something you can see on the surface... What you find when you dig a little deeper is what really matters!
He isssss so brave! Him calling out to Ogerpon was one of the big core moments of the chapter, glad it hit hardoof ouch my heart. He's still got a gremlin thought following him (thinking he deserves to be attacked but not the others), but Kieran is so brave here. The last thing Ogerpon ever wanted was for her strength to be a reason for others to avoid her, shun her, paint her as a monster. But here is a boy that's withstood literal torture for her sake, running up to her despite the danger to declare that there's more to her than her strength. It's a powerful image and a powerful scene overall.![]()
Me tooo ❤️ Biggest reason I decided to write this fic was upon realising that this situation with Ogerpon would allow Kieran to finally come to understand what her strength really means to him.aaa, this is all so good, too! Kieran realizing the kind of strength that really matters, and how both he and Ogerpon have gotten to be strong in similar ways... It was always just easier to think he admired her because of her physical strength when he wasn't ready to tackle the emotional sides of things. It was a long road to get here, am very proud of the boy.
Score two for Juliana not being perfect either! She has historically been used to solving most of her and her friends' problems by Winning Tough Battles, so she just jumped straight into that mindset at the beginning here, and is only now (thanks to Kieran) re-evaluating that this time is about more than just that.I like Juliana apologizing to Ogerpon the way she does. This battle has been a unique one from the start, but Juliana was treating it like any other battle anyway. She realizes now that it's not really about strategy or winning, it's about her and everyone else overcoming this challenge in a way that minimizes as much physical *and* mental suffering as possible for *everyone*.
Carmine absolutely was afraid of Ogerpon just now in this battle and is very much feeling guilty about it after Kieran reminded her of how much Ogerpon hates being feared for her strength.Carmine must be feeling some guilt here, too. She *has* been afraid of Ogerpon in the past, and perhaps even during this battle. And though she's done so much to make up for that, I imagine that she's always wondering what more she can do when the going gets rough.
In particular his worries about Terapagos are at the surface right now because of everything about this battle and Gustavus that's been rudely reminding Kieran of his mistake back thenKieran is a Good! Of course he'd be worried about whaat he'd done to Terapagos back in the Underdepths. It *was* an awful thing he did, but he and his friends made it right in the end and Terapagos is thriving with Juliana. I hope that he can realize that Terapagos can care about him and be his friend too someday!
He means it in the more important and meaningful kind of strength, the kind that he's beginning to realise he showed throughout his own nightmarish torture! ❤️Love the "stay strong" wording. It's the phrase "too strong" that Ogerpon recoils from and leads to Kieran's realization, after all. But he doesn't mean it in terms of battling or raw strength or anything like that here. He is a Good and knows that she (and himself too!) can stay mentally strong enough to get through this battle!
Follow Me really is super-useful in non-single battles, so even a "weak" Pokémon like Furret can have a niche and be useful!FURRET!!!I like the nod to a Route 1 'mon being sent out as a counter to a legendary, heh. But that doesn't matter when a great strategist and trainer like Kieran has been training with Furret! Besides, playing a support role in a battle is super important, too! That's been proven over and over throughout this battle, and Furret is clearly more than happy to help.
The ingame affection mechanics were just a delightfully relevant concept for me to use here to illustrate Furret being strong and brave because he cares about his friends, almost like Kieran himself, gaspbrb SOBBING... I love that you even brought the affection mechanics here, with Furret hanging on for one last hoorah. It's especially poignant with their history of Kieran thinking Furret is weak, and it's just a perfect mechanic to play with in fanfic for a support 'mon. Furret knew what his role was, accomplished it and then some, and *then* he's brave enough to try to make one last impact before trusting the rest to his teammates.
Aww, yeah, that's a lovely point about Ogerpon essentially relying on Dragonite's strength to pick herself back up!I love the symbolism of this. Now that Ogerpon's got more control over herself, now that some of her agency has been restored, she's choosing to heal and avoid attacking her friends as much as she can, because that's the kind of 'mon she really is. Kieran asking Dragonite to allow Ogerpon to drain her strength is a nice touch, too. It really emphasizes - more literally, this time - that you really do have to rely on the strength of others sometimes to pick yourself back up!
Loved getting to use Kieran's bad decisions back in the DLC as a vehicle to now make him the perfect person to figure out exactly how to save Ogerpon here!Love the callbacks to the DLC. Kieran's come such a long way, and it shows! Of course, he still has a ways to go, too, but he's equipped with a much healthier mindset and coping mechanisms now.
He is so braaaave! ❤️ I was delighted when I'd decided on Rotom for the torture Pokémon and realised what that meant Kieran would be faced with in this climactic moment hereOof, you can really feel the dread Kieran feels when he realizes what he has to do to save Ogerpon once and for all. He's scared, of course he is, of course his instincts are telling him to run away. But his strength is stronger than his fear, so he does it anyway. He is so good.
He is taking back his own agency, recontextualising the torture as something he chose to endure in order to protect Ogerpon! It doesn't even occur to him to try and avoid it, because he knows he can take it, just like he did before :yoomtah:Yes, Kieran, you already have because you're strong and brave! I like how multifold Kieran's motivations are here. He doesn't want his sister or best friend or anyone else to suffer the same type of torture he did, so he's willing to subject himself to it again. He wants to do it to save Ogerpon, too, and he's fully prepared to accept that this is the only way. There's no strategizing to try to find a different route, he just goes for it (albeit with a few understandable moments of procrastination). *And* this is a tangible way for him to take back some of the agency that Gustavus and his Rotom had taken from him. He's doing this of his own free will and he knows he'll come out okay on the other side (and maybe after a lot of bedrest and medical care, too).
Aww, yeah, I like how much you enjoyed him getting to scream freely. A lot of characters might try and bite back the scream in this situation, just out of an attempt to show more "strength" (Kieran circa Indigo Disk would certainly have tried to), but Kieran in the postgame has realised that healthily letting out his emotions is good and there's no reason to bottle things up - he's still being strong for enduring it at all!You can definitely feel not just how scared and in pain Kieran is here, but also how *determined* he is! Him screaming freely is a nice touch. He's allowed to react to his trauma in the way *he* chooses, because no, he's not helpless and paralyzed anymore. It reminds me of when he screamed after losing his champion title to Juliana at Blueberry Academy. That scream was him letting out everything he'd felt after bottling it up for so long, and it's the same here, I think. And he's not chided by goddamn Drayton here - over the screams here Kieran can hear his friends cheering for him! He's *not* weak when he's got his friends and the fortitude to withstand so much suffering for them, no matter what his brain tells him!
She protecc! Love that the battle choreography worked out to have her be Kieran's last Pokémon, for moments like this.Aww, Dragonite! This is what she wanted to do in the beginning of the fic - be there to catch him and save him.
Awww, I smiled so hard when I got to the word "wowzers", heh.
Yeah, if the lie hadn't happened in Teal Mask... Ogerpon would almost certainly still have preferred Juliana anyway, leading to Kieran feeling vaguely upset and inferior (and assuming it's because of Juliana's strength), but without the big explosion of Issues that would eventually come to a head in Indigo Disk... nothing would ever have been fixed? Kieran would have just kept being miserable and jealous of Juliana forever without learning where he was going wrong.Aw, Kieran realizing this is huge! He just wasn't in the right mindset during the first DLC to be a safe person for Ogerpon. It does make you think about how things probably would've ended the same in Kitakami even if Kieran hadn't been lied to and gone off the deep end, especially since he emphasized Ogerpon's strength so much back then. He couldn't articulate exactly what he admired about her and wanted from her all along until now.
He is very not alone and there will be very Furret Hugs, indeed! ❤️The danger has passed and there's no more adrenaline left to keep him standing, but it's all right, because he's not alone indeed! ❤️ Looking forward to the epilogue to see even more proof that Kieran isn't alone VIA FURRET HUGS
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