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Hey @slamdunkrai such a pleasant surprise to learn you've done some stealth-reading in the past here! I'm glad the early chapters work well for you, though funnily enough, after reading the first chapters of Hey, Space Cadet, Dragon's Dance may be the fic of mine that's least in line with some of the things you've got going on there--a lot of my other writing is more strongly myth and religion focused--DD's the more conventional journey story. You might enjoy The Tessellation Solution--which involves a mysterious psychic intrusion and labyrinths--or The Days of Miracle and Wonder, featuring a girl's brush with the divine--or The Suicune's Choice, which opens with a boy making a decision that is both deeply irrational and at the same time essential to who he is.
She is thirteen and extremely adult, can't you tell? "Boring Hard-Nosed Square" cracked me up--very on-point.I also thought the way you showed his relationship with Ibuki here was excellent; her dedication to laundry and just generally being A Responsible Grown-Up Teen, and him bemoaning her for being A Boring Hard-Nosed Square, really helped sell their kinship.
There's a shade of xenophobia to it all that Wataru will be unpacking for a while.It both sets up the actual plot going forward, and drives home the idea that these adults are making questionable decisions, they're irrational, and they're just priming the poor kid to watch his tongue at all times and then form some strong opinions about authority that he's going to have to unpack later.
Badge-quest wise things go off the rails . . . imminently, but I had fun trying to do Pewter and Cerulean without making it just about going to a gym and the groundwork in these chapters isn't going away.I also appreciate that you've found a way to make those first two badges interesting parts of his character arc, and you do a good job of reinforcing the dancing motif in chapter three (which was just all-around very charming!
Episodic feels accurate--it's definitely a balance of honing in on some things and zipping through others.I like the pacing here; it feels... I don't know if episodic is quite the word I'm after, but I like how we're learning about the start of his journey in slow, almost awkward, detail.
I'm not entirely sure what link you mean?Like, this isn't really an actionable thing, but I thought Toku evolving so early on was an odd move in terms of pacing; I understand why you did this (the line about this being the last year he'd wear the miniryu's blue in the first chapter came to mind), but I think I would've liked to see this link made clearer at the end of the chapter (the comment about him being closer to home yet further away was... serviceable, I think, but I think it's a point that's already pretty clear by that point).
I see how it would read that way; should be a pretty easy fix!I understood the intent with this passage, and I think his trepidation here would work better if it was the first time he'd heard dragonite as the word for kairyu. It lost its impact for me though; it felt like he already knew this before, and he did! Airi calls them dragonite in the first chapter and he makes that exception. I think this reads as him hearing that word for the first time again, and it feels out of place.