Lisanna is swept up into a war that she had never signed up for. But could the Fairy Tail wizard in her actually desert?
Chapter 5: No Longer Of This World
Original Story by Riku Sanjo
Adapted Dialogue by Mark Ryan, Monica Rial and Jessie James Grelle
-Earthland, Year X782-
They heard the news but dared not believe it.
Natsu Dragneel and Happy the Cat forgot to catch their collective breath once they had rushed into the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. They stopped. Every light had been snuffed out in the main common hall. A tradition done during a period of mourning.
And there wasn't a wizard that wasn't doing just that once they looked the room around. If they weren't brooding in solemn silence, they were tearing up. If they weren't tearing up, they were outright sobbing.
Erza merely leaned against a column, folding her arms with her most stone cold of faces. Gray, shirtless as ever, just stood around with his eyes closed shut. They hid it the best but Natsu could tell that this had shook them to their core.
"I can't believe she's gone..." a shaken male voice, Macao maybe, choked out.
"There was nothing left of her..." a female voice, Laki he supposed, softly sobbed.
"I just wish she could've had a proper burial..." a teenage male voice, Warren perhaps, lamented.
However, the worst part for Natsu was seeing Elfman hanging his head in stewing guild while a injured Mirajane looked up straight at him. The punkish knit brow had receded above the most saddest eyes he had ever seen from the She-Devil herself. A silent apology, begging for his forgiveness.
"This... isn't happening, right?" Happy managed to choke out, his tears soaking his fur. "She... she just can't be..."
Natsu was still... frozen stiff, feeling like he could topple over like the buildings on his missions. His expression was just... staling out. Their last moment replayed in his mind.
Did she know?
That she'd be on a journey she could never come back from?
"I take it you were friends with the deceased," a soft spoken male voice asked from their right.
Natsu and Happy snapped out of their listlessness to see the smartly dressed Mayor Kamiya walk up to them. His expression was warm yet appropriately melancholy when he tried to keep up a small smile.
"Y... yeah," Natsu managed to get out. "We all were..."
"She..." Happy swallowed with a sniffle, "helped me hatch..." The sniffle snowballed into a full on sob no matter how much his paw tries to damn the floodgates.
Mayor Kamiya sighed solemnly and closed his eyes. "Her siblings might've taken care of the Beast," he began, reminiscing fondly, "but it was her who saw us through the evacuation even when things got too crazy for me."
"Comes with the territory..." Natsu answered disenchanted. "She's one of us after all..." He didn't dare say "was." Not now.
Mayor Kamiya lowered his smile upon seeing the state the young man was in. "I'll try not to be a bother while your guild... manages," he promised, taking out a pushed-in top hat. "But if you anything like that girl... my citizen will know exactly who to turn to when the need arises."
With that, Mayor Kamiya smiled one last time and popped out his top hat to put on. "Stay strong, young man," he softly spoked to Natsu while passing him and Happy by. "For her."
One of the longest nights of Fairy Tail had only just begun.
"Mira!" Lisanna called out for the umpteenth time.
"Elf!" Shoutmon yelled on his mic for the figuratively millionth time.
The pair had walked together down the plain amongst the small hill and plateaus while calling out for Lisanna's siblings. They didn't know how long they were out for it was enough to leave Lisanna parched and weaker in the knees.
"Usually yelling solves problems for me," Shoutmon griped, trying to adjust the setting on his mic. "Looks like we might be in trouble, Miss."
His pondering was pushed aside when he heard Lisanna collapse to the ground and looked behind her. She was sitting up but breathing heavily and letting her legs lay asprawl while wiping sweat from her brow.
Her head hung backwards, casting her gaze up to the floating islands in the sky. A constant reminder that she was certainly not in Earthland anymore.
"Not again!" Shoutmon gasped, rushing over to her side. "Are you okay?"
"A little more worn out than I should be but I'll live," Lisanna reassured. "I guess it's been a hot minute since I stopped for water." Her stomach growled like the Beast itself to her embarrassment while she made a sheepish smile. "Wish I landed in a bakery too."
Shoutmon reached into his pouch and took out a small canteen. "Lucky for you, Lilymon was extra fussy this morning," he joked while handing it to Lisanna.
"You were shouting more than I was," young Strauss claimed while taking the canteen.
"And I can shout even louder without my mic," Shoutmon boasted, sitting down next to Lisanna. "My throat was built to belt one out."
"Thank you," Lisanna smiled before gulping down all she could from the canteen.
Her eyes couldn't help but glance down at Shoutmon's boyish smile and spot all the hallmarks of Natsu. Especially when they had played house while hatching Happy's egg.
Her mind especially remembered when she had forgotten her own snack coming up to play house and tried to tough it out. Just like Shoutmon, Natsu was way too kind to her with his own food even with the appetite of a dragon. Lisanna was glad to see that somethings were a constant amongst other worlds.
Shoutmon couldn't help but notice this when she stopped drinking and smiled at him for a second or two. "Is there something on my face or what?" he asked curiously while taking back the canteen.
"Just noticing how cute you can be," Lisanna snickered, getting blush on Shoutmon's already red face. "When you're not trying to kill me at least."
Shoutmon scoffed at the "cute" comment with a rather immature pout. "You fired the first shot," he retorted, folding his arms. "You sure you're not part-Gatomon?"
"I'm... guessing that's a feline Digimon," Lisanna presumed, still not over being dimensionally displaced. "But I am sorry that I assumed the worst in you." She put out her right hand towards Shoutmon to get his attention. "Lisanna Strauss of the Fairy Tail Wizard Guild."
Shoutmon took a second to drop his pout and see her hand. Thankfully, it was only another second before he put out his right hand and took Lisanna's to shake on it.
"Guess we both have a lot to learn about each other," Shoutmon admitted, smiling back at her. "Shoutmon at your service." He never had a big sister before yet saw one in this stranger from another world.
"We'll keep it between us once we found Elf and Mira," Lisanna promised, standing back up on her rest legs. "I don't suppose you know a good search party, Shoutmon."
"Lady, you just met the right Digimon," Shoutmon proclaimed boisterously, jumping back up with his usual energy. "I lead of a ragtag resistance in the Village of Light, kind of a big deal around these parts." Lisanna grinned when he puffed out his chest, hand to his hips. "One word from me and we'll literally leave no stone unturned."
"If my luck holds out, they might already be with them," the young wizard proposed hopefully, following Shoutmon towards his home. "Let's just hope Mira's not giving them a hard time." She could only imagine her big sister giving her a nasty noggie for scaring her.
"So long as they're no fans of the Bagra, consider yourselves family already," Shoutmon boldly claimed while hopping down from a small hill.
"Judging by your tone, I'm guessing these Bagra characters are bad news," Lisanna surmised at the right moment, sliding down after him.
The ground tremored a little at first to snap her and Shoutmon out of their little talk before a veritable quake made them stumble. When they looked back to see what was going on, their faces both feel with astonishment at the sight of a massive orange-furred elephant lumbering their way.
At least, it looked like an elephant. It seemed to have a metal mask with a golden-eye carved into it. Lisanna and Shoutmon didn't have time to take in the details once it lifted its fore-legs to slam on the ground, flattening the little hill into rubble. The pair jumped back just in time to avoid most of it but fell onto their backs from the shake.
"That answer your question?" Shoutmon snarked while effortlessly bouncing back up, his eyes trained at the threat ahead.
"My bad," Lisanna apologized for tempting fate while getting up more slower.
The Mammothmon, as Shoutmon recognized, alone was imposing enough. Soon it was flanked by two on its right and then two more on its left, each lining up in formation. By their massive feet, the sloth-like Troopmon marched mindlessly into their positions.
Lisanna looked up when she heard what sounded like Natsu's Fire Dragon attacks blazing and saw a small murmuration of metalic birds known as Pteramon. They didn't flap their wings but seemed to blast heat from their tails, a feat of tech Fiore only dreamed of. They were flanked by floating spike balls that look about as friendly as their friends.
It was all just like in Lisanna's dream. Right down to the gas-masks and rifles that the Troopmons displayed.
"How did they just... sneak up on us?" Lisanna asked in her growing exasperation. "These guys don't exactly seem like the subtle type."
"Anyone rubbing elbows with the Bagra Army can warp from Zone to Zone in an instant," Shoutmon angrily claimed, extending the staff on his microphone. "Especially with one of the top three call the shots."
Just when they thought they had met the worst of it, a shadowy behemoth pounced from Mammothmon to Mammothmon before touching down upon the leader. Lisanna and Shoutmon look up at the snarling beast just as it let out a roar from behind its blood red teeth. It stretched out both skinny arms to display very bulky fore-paws.
Madleomon dropped down in front of his campaign's obstructions with a BOOM, bracing himself with his fists. His large fore-arms were wrapped with black bandages while his legs had a pair of torn up pants. Spikes came out from his shoulders and head in pairs to add a cherry on top of an already menacing cake.
"Lisanna, stay behind me, okay?" Shoutmon demanded, trying not to show his mounting dread. "Liz, you copy?"
Lisanna had heard Shoutmon's suggestion but couldn't respond. The second Madleomon had touched down before them, her pupil shrunk while her dread turned into pure horror. Her breathing was becoming way too audible while her body trembled in mounting anxieties.
"N-No..." Lisanna choked out.
Those arms. That hunch posture. The mounting size that cast a shadow over the pair of them.
"Not here..."
Memories of the Beast looming over her replayed in Lisanna's mind just by looking at Madleomon.
"Not again..."
Memories of that death-blow and all of the agony that had come packaged with it. Such images were far too livid flashing before Lisanna's eyes.
"Shoutmon, please," she begged, her composure coming undone. "We have to run now."
Shoutmon glanced behind him and surmised that Lisanna was in no shape to fight with him. However, he was quick to face forward once more when Madleomon leaned his head down to stare with a pair of black eyes and bloodshot pupils. His sniffing was loud even for a Shoutmon but the Small Dragon Digimon stared back bravely.
"Stand aside, puny lizard," Madleomon snarled with a hoarse if vile tone of voice. "I'm not interested in small-fries."
"You have no right to lay claim to our land, Bagra scum," he venomously spat at the invader. "Tell your emperor that he picked the wrong Zone to invade." He wielded his microphone's staff with both arms with his spiked grillie in his foe's nose.
"Such audacity!" Madleomon balked. "I could sweep you aside like feeble-" His eyes were drawn to the paralyzed Lisanna and gave off a look of angered disgust. "-human?!"
The young wizard felt herself singled out when Madleomon rose up swiftly and snarled in what she recognized as a predator's anger. Shoutmon saw where the invading Digimon's eyes led and cursed under his breath.
"T-T-Takeover!" Lisanna cried out, trying to invoke her magic. "H-Harpy-!" However, Madleomon cut her off by reaching down with his right hand wide open and scared her with another flashback.
"Leave her alone!" Shoutmon shouted when he rushed to get in front of Lisanna. "Liz, book it!"
Madleomon grabbed her in a tight grip and brought the terrified wizard up to his face before Shoutmon could stop him. She only snapped out of her paralyzing fear when it gave was to frantic panic and struggled to push herself out of the grasp. The breath of the savage Digimon also helped by making her want to retch.
"Master claimed to have sense a unique disturbance in the dimensional barriers," Madleomon snarled, staring at Lisanna with contempt. "Your kind has cause his lordship enough problems and another one's the last thing we need."
"There... are others?" Lisanna questioned, only briefly fighting through her fears. "Where...?" She was cut off by a tight squeeze that made her wince.
"It won't matter," Madleomon balked, raising his left paw to extend his razor-sharp claws. "Not once I've deleted you like the virus you are." He relished the terror in Lisanna's eyes when he brought them just shy of her nose.
"She's not worth it!" Shoutmon cried out, hesitating to attack with Lisanna in the line of fire. "Put her down and try me on for size, hairball!"
"Oh, I'll 'put her down' alright," Madleomon growled, pulling back his left paw for a strike. "Starting with her head!"
Lisanna shut her eyes when the index claws came in for her neck before...
The ground under Shoutmon crumbled when a blue metal horn burst out just shy of him and rammed right into Madleomon's chest. The Small Dragon Digimon found himself lifted up suddenly while the dark hulk of a lion was knocked back by the unforeseen sucker jab, letting Lisanna go in the process.
"Whoa!" she yelped, falling backward with her arms free and flailing. "Takeover!" She would've tried her Bird Soul if a pair of giant metal hands didn't catch her like a newly wed, the right holding her legs while the left had her back.
"Gotcha, l'il lady!" a fast-talking yet monotone voice told Lisanna. "I'd come sooner if a certain somebody remembered to use their communicator."
Lisanna looked to her left to find two yellow eyes on a robotic beetle's blue face looking back at her. There would've been a time in her life when she would've spazzed out in fright but after the last hour?
"What can I say, Balistamon?" Shoutmon bantered back from up on his best friend's flat-top. "I owe Jijimon fresh DigiBytes."
"Um... thank you..." was all Lisanna could say back to the robot bug. "Ballistic-mon?"
"Eh, close enough," Balistamon took in stride.
"Loosen up, Liz!" Shoutmon praised, slapping the horn jovially. "These guys are my resistance against the Bagra!"
Lisanna had just stepped on the ground when Balistamon lowered her from his hand before a talking gold star with shakes floated up to her face.
"Howdy, ma'am!" Starmon greeted the bewildered wizard with a friendly sort of drawl. "Ah'm Starmon, leader of th' Pickmon crew."
"It's super nice to meet you," Lisanna heard from her left shoulder where a white star with a cuter face landed on.
"Is it true humans don't lay eggs?" she heard from her right shoulder where a silver star also wearing shades hopped onto.
"Who does your hair?" a red star with a disgruntled look grunted on top of her head.
Lisanna was too overwhelmed by the very new and very strange faces to answer any one of them with a blank stare that spoke volumes.
"Um... howdy?" she managed to put out for the sake of gratitude.
However, questions would be shunted to the sidelines when Madleomon grabbed their attention with an angry punch to the ground.
"You'll pay for your insolence, lizard!" the Undead Digimon declared. "Pteramon and Chikurimon, rain terror from the sky!" He punched the air to signify his order to sortie. "Mammothmon and Troopmon, mow them down!"
The Pteramon squadron veered down collectively with the spiked Chikurimon hanging back in reserve. All the while, the Mammothmon marched a slow but steady pace that they'd make up for in strong footstomps upon their enemies. The Troopmon mindlessly followed along their massive comrades, preparing their blaster rifles.
"You guys... do have a plan, right?" Lisanna asked nervously, looking around at her strange new entourage.
"Fight to the last terabyte," Shoutmon cheered almost too happily while jumping off of Balistamon and over Lisanna. "No hostages means that we can all cut loose."
"Been a while since our last tussle," Starmon seconded the emotion. "Y'all ready to rock, boys."
"Yeah!" the Pickmonz cheered in unison, floating off of Lisanna.
"But there's so many of them!" Liz protested, amazed and concerned by such bullheadedness.
"I know," Balistamon began, sounding serious initially. "I thought they'd be bigger too." He clenched his metal fists and pumped them in the air excitedly. "Dibs on the Mammothmon!"
Lisanna was taken aback when this cocktail of cocksure and confidence started to sound... too familiar. "Who even are you guys?" she could only ask, their enemies only half way near by this point.
Shoutmon smirked while his mic grew and re-extended the staff. "I know what you're thinking, Liz," he sniffed. "You're wondering why I'm still smiling and not scared stiff of Madleomon."
Lisanna couldn't help but smile back with a touch of cocksure herself. "It might've crossed my mind," she replied with some playfulness to her tone.
"Because I, Shoutmon, am the future king of the Digital World," the Small Dragon Digimon declared, spreading out his stance wide. "And I'll make sure the ugly furball knows it!"
Shoutmon yelling out his attack wasn't just to be cool. His microphone channeled and amplified all of the heated passion blazing within his chest. The second the Pteramon were in range, an orange blast launched up from the grill and engulfed them within the boiling heat. All three were shot down and deleted into data bytes.
"Impossible!" Madleomon balked, his forces slowing down over their opponent's first move.
"Oh, it's always possible with Shoutmon!" Starmon cheered with his posse. "Not so brave now, cowardly lion!"
Lisanna was awestruck by the display of power and felt the heat radiate from where she was. It was hard not to think of Natsu's ever showstopping Fire Dragon Roar and even harder not to grin so broadly. She realized soon what was so familiar about this motley crew.
Little guys against impossible odds. Never backing down from the darkest of vile souls. Always keeping the faith in themselves and their friends.
"That was amazing Fire Magic, Shoutmon," Lisanna praised with unbridled optimism.
"I don't know anything about this 'magic' stuff," Shoutmon replied, turning his head to grin back at her, "but I do know one thing: you're the first human friend I've ever had."
Lisanna nodded in warm approval.
Even in another world, another dimension far from Fiore, the spirit of Fairy Tail was an ever constant force.
-Earthland, X782, Four Days Later-
Wan Chanzi took a slow walk towards his house just along the water while holding the latest Sorcerer Weekly issue, his head hung listlessly. He was lucky to get the last issue of Magnolia's best seller. Just the cover spoke volumes without a need to turn a page.
"A Tribute To A Fallen Fairy. Lisanna Strauss. Friend. Sister. Hero."
Wan read all these flashy phrases around the most flattering image of the deceased's brightest smile and sighed depressingly. The one time Sorcerer Weekly had glowing things to talk about the rambunctious Fairy Tail hooligans would be one of them croaks.
Not even a snide thought like that could make any of this okay for Wan. He remembered being the one to reach out to her and offer to hang with his team to help her, knowing how it felt to see themselves as an extra in a movie of their life.
So many missions they could've had.
So many chances for her to shine like the star he knew she was.
All dashed.
A movie series cut off before its prime.
Wan couldn't even bring himself to go to Lisanna's funeral and took a mission to get away from it all. Even as he came back to Magnolia, Fairy Tail's loss was still keen to bring down the room. Store owners she'd helped. Lost kids that she helped back to their parents. So many melancholy looks.
"I need a movie," Wan sighed when he reached the front door of his modest one-story home just before the bridge. "Something to riff to."
He had just opened the door only to look left to his dimly lit living room and was surprised to see the Movie Lacrima Projector playing on the table. Even more so that it was the most infamous adaptation of Kemu Zaleon's DAYBREAK novel financed by Duke Everlue himself. On widescreen no less.
"Oh no..." Wan groaned with dread when he stepped into the living room.
There was a barefoot Joey and Chico manspreading on their movie night futon with snacks spread further out. They both guffawed at a very infamous scene involving Duke Everlue's actor, a woefully inaccurate seven foot four, trying to be dramatic. Well... at least they wanted to think he was trying.
"I don't like poor people," Duke's actor sighed in a monotone attempt to sound poetic and deep. "They're course, irritating and get everywhere."
Wan hadn't felt himself wince this much since he spied on Erza attempting theater and forgot about his friends breaking in. Not that it was hard. Breaking and entering your guildmates' spaces was considered traditional amongst Fairy Tail's teams. Who was he to argue with a dubious tradition?
"At least the effects are decent," he muttered, getting his friends to turn his way.
"Dude, you're just in time for movie night!" Joey Fullborn cheered. "I got pizza baking in the oven with my mom's own recipe!"
"Sorry we got ahead of ourselves," Chico M. Hammitt swore while getting up to pause the film. "We just saw this "gem" lying around and couldn't believe you really got it."
"I... might've had a request to review it a while back," Wan admitted in his embarrassment, going over to snatch the Lacrima. "As you can guess, my take might've been... a tad too hot."
"Now I really wish I went with you," Joey chortled when a strong smell wafted into the room.
"Is the pizza... burning?" Chico asked with growing concern.
"In my oven?!" Wan balked.
"It's, uh, suppose to smell like that!" Joey hastily claimed, forcing a smile while backing away towards the kitchen. "Followed it to the letter for that nice smokiness." He made the most fake chortle ever before bolting towards the very much on fire pizza.
"Guess we're ordering out," Chico groaned.
"I'm just surprised we're even having movie night," Wan remarked, still a bit bewildered in taking a step back. "I mean, it... wasn't my turn to pick..."
Chico glanced at the magazine cover in his right hand and understood immediately what he was talking about. It was hard not to think about that little scheme of their's that never was.
"I miss her too," Chico sadly admitted. "Joey doesn't let it show but... he was a wreck at the funeral." She looked back up at Wan's sollemn face. "Still if-"
"-if Lisanna were here now, she wouldn't want us to keep moping around," her friend sighed with a slight smile returning to his face. "It's cliched but only because it's true."
"Who knows?" Chico began, taking the magazine to see her face. "They just might make a movie of her life."
"Only if I get to direct," Wan promised with a grin and fold of his arms. "Movie 'based on a true story' rarely get the facts straight."
"Funny... you should mention that," Chico replied while picking up another movie Lacrima from the table.
"The... Dragon King Festival Trilogy?!" Wan exclaimed upon reading the title, glancing up at Chico in confusion. "You?"
"I thought that we'd finish this one in her memory," she admitted sheepishly if warmly. "See her off with some fun action."
"And some spicy riffs I imagine?" Wan snarked with a knowing look while Chico set up the Lacrima. "Don't hold back on my account."
"Oh, trust me," she promised with a smirk. "I will be merciless."
Chico set the magazine down upside down to let Lisanna's picture face the movie. Just on the off chance she might be watching.
To Be Continued...
If they only knew how much Lisanna's life was becoming just like their favorite fantasy movies...
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