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[Destroyed] Air Continent ~ Silver Trench

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Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"Darkwhite is a lot more... eccentric than I thought." Better that than flat out calling her kinky. Kinda like Ribombee...


Using Psyche up did a tad more than just copy Starr's stats, as Vix flexed her waxy paws and momentarily admired her "Litten" form. This was entirely new to her, but it kinda made sense? With how malleable wax is, why wouldn't she accidentally transform into a cat? Yeah... no, that still made no sense.

"All that self study and I'm still finding new things about this body. Sweet." With a swish of her waxy tail, two shadow balls soared through the battlefield and struck true on Lugia.


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
Cuicatl had warned Cynthian. While the exact thing she was worried about hadn’t come to pass, it was hard to say that this was better.

She climbed back to standing on four paws. Transferring power to Start had felt way too much like using a Z-Move.

Cuicatl had a love/hate relationships with Z-Moves. Hated the pain they caused her. Loved it because at least her punishment helped someone else.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
“I’m baaaaack!” Darkwhite called, waving at the others who were more or less completely ignoring her. The first thing she saw was Lugia getting immobilized in ice, forcing her to try to break free on her own. Darkwhite landed on Lugia’s back and seemed to press her hands against the base of her neck. Darkness flowed from Lugia into Darkwhite…

Curio's Radiant Fist dealt 94 damage to Lugia!
Dave's Assurance dealt 261 damage to Lugia!
Cabot's Stone Edge dealt a CRITICAL 445 damage to Lugia!
Starr's Shadow Claw dealt 110 damage to Lugia!
Vix's double Shadow Ball dealt 224 total damage to Lugia!

“What?! Having fun without me?” Darkwhite growled, peeking out from behind Lugia. “Clearly I’ve been going too easy on you! Get a load of THIS!” And once again, she disappeared, giggling permeating the air. Seconds later, she rose up and tried to strike at Dave, Zane, and Cabot, but she hit none of her intended targets! Still, grazing and getting near them got what she wanted… She grinned devilishly.

“What’re you gonna do without those precious little boons, huh? Nothing can block my Haze!”

Darkwhite used Darkwhite Weave, raising her speed and evasion further!
Darkwhite used Trick Room, twisting the dimensions!
Darkwhite used Haze!

Darkwhite used Darkwhite Devastation on Dave, Zane, and Cabot!
Dave: Dodged!
Zane: Dodged
Cabot: Skara took 52 damage, leaving behind a Protect barrier for Cabot!

Haze permeates the area around Cabot, Dave, and Zane, resetting their buffs and debuffs!

A strange aura thickens the air around them, too, inverting speed buffs!
...But there were no buffs to invert!

“And another thing!” Darkwhite added. “I think I’m—”

“Y-you can’t… control me…

“Eh?” Darkwhite looked back at Lugia.

Lugia was silent, and then let out a roar that was warped by Shadows.

Lugia used Aeroblast on Dave, Zane, and Astrid!
Dave: 22
Zane: 31
Astrid: Dodged!
The attack Staggered them all!

“No—” Meringue pleaded with the stars. “She’s…”

“She’s not all gone!” Owen announced. “Put more stress on Darkwhite! I think she’s drawing her power from Lugia’s corruption! If we do that again, we might free her more!”

Lugia took 7 damage from Astrid's Hail.
Curio, Dave, Cabot, Starr, Vix, Astrid, and Zane all took damage from Shadow Sky.

Celete's Wish came true, healing himself, Dave, Curio, and Starr!

Lugia shook off the ice! It doesn't look like she can be frozen again...

Lugia is Staggered!
HP: 1620

Darkwhite is back! And fast!
HP: 1000
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Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
Cynthian could only breathe a relieved sigh when Darkwhite didn't so much as glance at him when she returned. He was so sure she was out for the count, but like any Mew, she was full of her own surprises.

“She’s not all gone!” Owen announced. “Put more stress on Darkwhite! I think she’s drawing her power from Lugia’s corruption! If we do that again, we might free her more!”

Cynthian glanced at Lugia who looked on the verge of breaking free, then at Darkwhite who was as carefree as ever. He gulped.

"You guys focus on her, I'll try to slow Lugia down!" Cynthian trotted across the battlefield, purple energy manifesting in his flowers before he launched it at Lugia. The treacherous winds around Lugia chipped away at him, sending him falling back on his rear.

"Urgh, maybe I shouldn't attacked cray cray over there instead," Cynthian said muttered to himself as he winced.

The Walrein

It is what it is.
  1. gulpin
  2. kricketot
  3. bulbasaur
Great, when Jaro actually wanted to get hit, now all the enemies were ignoring him! Despite his Radiant move making him such a large target, too...

Bah! That didn't matter! If no-one wanted to hit Jaro, he'd just use one of his new tricks to switch places with someone the foe was focusing on! But who? Jaro had been too distracted by his disappointing Radiant Move to really notice what had been going on. Hmm... everyone hated Zane, right? Swapping with him had to be a fair bet.

Where was he, though? Jaro blinked and scanned the battlefield. He could still barely see anything after the flashing lights, cutting wind, and burning rain of the Shadow Storm attack had all but blinded his large, sensitive eyes. Just a moment earlier, he thought he'd seen the white-and-red furred Pokemon over there, but then Darkwhite had swooped in and concealed him behind a cloud of thick Haze. Now all he could make out was vague swirls of movement in the haze suggesting where people were...

Picking one of them at random, Jaro concentrated on readying his Bide, and prepared to Ally Switch...


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
With all her energy taken out of her from those last two shadow balls, Vix melted into a puddle. It was so much easier to get worn out than normal, she had to remember not to push herself so hard like that.

"Go get 'em, guys! Just gotta push a bit harder!"

Unfortunately, her hypocritical words sounded more like "BLub blooob blip pop bliub," to anyone that would have heard her.


Friend of All Chu
Rhyme City
Zane scoffed at the edge of stone stabbing at Lugia. "That hard-headed pebble pusher really givin' you trouble? Y'ain't even worth my time," Zane mocked. He leaned slightly back, crossing his arms in smug self-assurance. Something about pretending he really could do anything but stand there and get skinned made him feel good. Warm, even. Hell, maybe he even could beat Lugia better than Cabot.

"Go ahead'n keep the girl busy, Rocky," he shouted to Cabot. "I'll help out when a real threat shows up."


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
“Go, go!” Owen shouted. “Like before! We’re a little weak now, but maybe we can push through and get some momentum!”

“Momentum? For what? I’m barely breaking a sweat here!” Darkwhite fanned herself, but indeed, she did not appear to be sweating. Could she even sweat? It was all just a haze…

Nip's Strike dealt 278 damage to Darkwhite!
Ashwood's Strike dealt 177 damage to Darkwhite!
Dave's Assurance dealt 168 damage to Darkwhite!
Starr's first Leech Life dealt 246 damage to Darkwhite, restoring her HP by 25! But then, her stats were reset! The second strike dealt 111 damage to Darkwhite!
Astrid's Weather Ball dealt 80 damage to Darkwhite!

“Wait, Astrid! Attack Lugia, you got Darkwhite!” Owen called, and indeed, Darkwhite was flying away, encased in a ball of ice. She was striking a suggestive pose from within.

Curio's Radiant Fist dealt a CRITICAL 145 damage to Lugia and lowered her defense further!
Cabot's Stone Edge dealt 259 damage to Lugia!
Astrid's second Weather Ball redirected to Lugia, dealing 45 damage!

Meanwhile, the dual Toxics were working their way into Lugia’s scales, but it didn’t look like they were having an effect just yet. Still, after all of the attacks that came her way, she looked noticeably weaker, panting with various minor gashes along her tough body. Meringue couldn’t bear to look at such a wounded, corrupted form any longer and had to focus on the ground.

“Stay strong,” Maple said, placing a paw on the side of his chest. “Lugia would.”

“Funny y-you should say that,” Owen said, crossing his arms for a Protect.

Lugia used Aeroblast on Zane, Starr, and Dave!
Zane: 31
Starr: 44
Dave: Jaro blocks for 87 damage!

Lugia used Shadow Storm!
Astrid: Dodged!
Cabot: 97, KO!
Celeste: Dodged!
Curio: 39
Cynthian: 19
Dave: Jaro blocks for 93, and then takes even more for 47 damage!
Starr: 47
Vix: 15
Zane: 33

Owen opened his eyes when his Protect barriers faded. “Is everyone alright?!”

The Shadow Sky pelted everyone in the battlefield for 30 damage…
Curio, Starr, and Zane succumbed to the rain!

Lugia took 7 damage from Astrid's Hail.

All of the pent-up damage from Jaro came blasting forward in a ball of pure elemental light, smashing and skidding Lugia back several paces.

Jaro's Bide activated, dealing 514 damage to Lugia!

She grunted and keeled over, but it looked like she was about to rise for another strike. The black rain washed over her and slid between the ridges of her scales, and her glare, still red and fierce, had a hint of sanity to them. Her pupils were returning.


Curio, Cabot, Starr, and Zane were revived!

Lugia is on her last legs!
HP: 657

The Walrein

It is what it is.
  1. gulpin
  2. kricketot
  3. bulbasaur
Seeing Lugia opening her mouth to unleash another Aeroblast, Jaro unleashed the Ally Swap, warping through space to take - Zane's? - position. Dizzy from the teleport, he didn't have any time to brace himself against the powerful winds that gusted forth, but... that didn't actually seem to matter that much? It was strong enough to knock him off his feet and roll him backwards, but he only completed two full rotations before returning to his feet. Eh? How was that possible?

Perhaps his Radiant growth had actually made him heavier too, not just larger as if he'd puffed himself up with air. And, come to think of it, he normally would've had great difficulty using both Ally Switch and Bide in such quick succession, but this time it'd felt, if not easy, at least doable. Another side effect of the growth? Hey, maybe his Radiant Move actually didn't suck-

Aaaaaaaaarrrrggh! That stupid Shadow Storm again! At least his eyelids were a bit thicker now, which seemed to help filter out the worst of its effects on his vision. When the attack ended, Jaro still felt like he could keep going, more or less...

"Ha... heh... is that the worst you've got?" Jaro boasted. "That was nothing! That was-"

Aaaaaaaaarrrrggh! That stupid Shadow Sky rain was burning him again!

Okay, enough of this! Time for some payback. The stored energy of the bide was building up within him, yearning to be let out...

"Alright, Lugia!" he declared, plodding towards her with oversized steps. "This is for- uh- for..." Actually, Lugia wasn't really the one at fault here, was she? "FOR DARKWHITE BEING OUT OF RANGE RIGHT NOW! BLAAAAAAAARGGGHHHHHHHHH!" he yelled, ejecting a massive ball of glowing light from his mouth at her. The great Sea Guardian skidded back, but... crap, she still wasn't finished yet! What to do now?

"Lugia! You are huge!" Jaro cried. "But I'm also huge! That means I have HUGE FISTS! PUNCH AND TEAR!" he screamed, and charged directly at her.

He hoped that all the Radiance flowing through him wasn't having too much of an effect on his behavior.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Puddle didn't bother solidifying when she regained her energy, getting a sudden wave of laziness. She shot two more dense blobs of shadows at Lugia, blubbing and blooping victoriously.


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
Cynthian was panting heavily, both from his exhaustion and also from the wounds decorating his body. It was a good thing Darkwhite was sent flying again, but she'd be back. However, they had to defeat Lugia before that happened. They'd be in a pinch otherwise.

"I'm probably gonna run out of steam soon, so here's my final contribution!" Cynthian repeated his last maneuver and chucked another toxic goop at Lugia. He immediately toppled over and fell afterwards from exhaustion. Cynthian wheezed. He raised his head forward and grit his teeth.

"Quickly guys, take her down before the poison wears off..."


Friend of All Chu
Rhyme City
"You wanna see what a real man can do?" asked the least qualified demonstrator of such on the team. He was pretty sure he just died, but Lugia looked like she was on her last legs, and dying clearly wasn't all that bad. It just made him feel like the slightest move could send him tumbling into the abyss of unconsciousness, but he'd power through.

Reaching into his bag, he pulled out his trusty, pristine, entirely unblemished (besides the smiley face with cheeks colored in) lump of stone. He called him Jolt, and they were great friends. Zane would complain about whatever bothered him at the moment, Jolt would annoy him with his stupid, unchanging smile, and then Zane would be mad at Jolt instead of whatever was bothering him before. It gave him a little slice of home.

Just like home, he hurled Jolt towards the enemy with all the strength he had. It hurdled towards Lugia at speeds very before seen by most creatures in most universes but was a decent throw nonetheless. "That's how you throw a rock!" he proudly declared vaguely in Cabot's direction.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Curio's Radiant Fist dealt 172 damage to Lugia!
Starr's Shadow Claw dealt 120 damage to Lugia!
Dave's Assurance dealt 258 damage to Lugia!
Jaro's Attack and Assurance dealt a total of 83

"Wait!" Owen shouted. "She's weak! I think it's--"
"No, she's still fighting," Meringue said. "But--um, excuse me? What're you guys DOING!?"

"These things react in a weird way to possessed Pokemon!" Cabot said, rushing forward now that Lugia was stunned, reeling for an attack.

"Hang on!" Starr shouted, running as fast as she could to keep up with Cabot. Celeste was faster, rushing through with her lump.

Brisa ran forward with Starr, but realized seconds later what that meant. They flashed a glare at each other.

Back off, bitch.

The thought was mutual, and they went in separate directions, yet when Lugia brought a massive wing up, Brisa and Starr both took the same action, tackling Lugia and pressing her back. Starr's claws raked along Lugia's chest, followed by several smacks from Dave and Jaro, who conjured a similarly sinister fist above him.

"Now!" Owen shouted.

Something was wriggling near the center of Lugia's chest. That was all they needed--the two of them smashed the Lump into the chest, and suddenly, that dark lump was gone from Lugia... but the colors didn't quite go away.


Lugia has been defeated! ...?

"Um--" Owen cleared his throat. "G-guys! Start... getting back! Darkwhite's--"

Owen's voice was cut off by a shrill scream as something grabbed him by the tail, tugging him into the air and smashing him back into the stone. Something dull cracked and Owen stopped screaming.

"You've been giving them enough tips!" Darkwhite snarled, and then disappeared. She reappeared on top of Lugia. "I wanted to have you guys begging to win! Fighting to the bitter end, and then MAYBE you'd get a victory after I saw you all CRY! But noooo, you guys are somehow way smarter than the dumb ones, like him!" She pointed at Celeste. "You know what? I don't even want to fight anymore. I'm done. It's not fun anymore."

She looked back, tilting her head at Lugia, who was stirring and growling lowly.

"Uh oh."

Owen groaned, regaining consciousness. "Did we win..."

"Welp!" Darkwhite raised her little hands. "Bye!"

And she was gone.

Lugia snarled and rose again. The lights in the sky were shifting oddly... they weren't the rhythmic ripples that they had seen before.
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Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
"You've been giving them enough tips!" Darkwhite snarled, and then disappeared. She reappeared on top of Lugia. "I wanted to have you guys begging to win! Fighting to the bitter end, and then MAYBE you'd get a victory after I saw you all CRY! But noooo, you guys are somehow way smarter than the dumb ones, like him!" She pointed at Celeste. "You know what? I don't even want to fight anymore. I'm done. It's not fun anymore."

Celeste bared his teeth in a grin. “Aww, did Grey’s widdle plan not go the way they wanted? Gonna cry about it? Throw a hissy fit? Come on. I’m sure you want to. It’s not like you can seem any more childish than you already are, either!

“Heh, our colouring book villain must have taken a name from a book appropriate for their age level.”

The lights in the sky were shifting oddly... they weren't the rhythmic ripples that they had seen before.

The grin faded. “Oh. That’s probably bad.”


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
The sweet taste of victory was short-lived. Nip's ear and feathers drooped as he looked at the shimmer of sunlight above them. "Not to cut the celebration short but... I get the feeling we better get out of here..."


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
"Miss Maple, we could use a portal right about now..." Cynthian said, trembling as he got back on his feet. If the air bubble breaks, they'd all drown for sure.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"Damn it," Maple grunted, looking up. She made a quick motion to conjure a portal, but it was fizzling improperly. "I need a few more seconds but it's already collapsing."

"Collapsing...?" Owen struggled to his feet, tiredly searching for an Oran to eat. "What do you mean?"

"The Silver Trench," she said, motioning above. "The bubble that maintains its name. The intense fighting, or something else, it must have caused it to collapse. As we speak the water is probably--"

She looked back. A tidal wave was about a minute away from reaching them, and from there the rest of it probably would follow.

"Oh, that's bad," Owen murmured deliriously, munching messily on his Oran. His flame flickered to life. "M-Maple, portal? Badge?"

"Get your badges ready," Maple stated. "In case this fails, I'm going to have to--"

Lugia suddenly roared again. Starr and Brisa had tackled her in an effort to subdue another attack, but Lugia instead wound up swinging them around and away. The lob was a lot further than expected, and it was followed up by a poorly aimed Aeroblast.

Owen cried out, "Starr! Brisa! Guys--watch--"

Maple said nothing and instead slammed her hand within her bag. Something clicked. "Giratina! Escape plan!"

It seemed this was her secret.

Suddenly, a pit of darkness appeared beneath the team, and two deep, bright red eyes stared at Maple.

"No, no!" Maple hissed, and then pointed behind the shadowy wraith. "Get them! I'll handle here!"

The shadowy creature swam through the ground, leaving an aura of darkness around its trailing path--but then Lugia blasted Giratina with a beam of darkness with the very last of her strength. Darkness evaporated off of her scales, pristine, silver and azure feathers returning to their former glory...

It was now or never. "Everyone!" Maple shouted. "Gather up! We need to--"

Lugia unleashed the very last of her attack in the form of another, Shadowy whirlwind that twisted everyone up, even as Giratina tried to pull whatever she could into the depths. The water was collapsing around them; everything was dark; the rushing waves overwhelmed anything they would try to shout or hear.
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