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[Destroyed] Air Continent ~ Silver Trench

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R3 BOSS – VS Shadow Lugia


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Once a grand Dungeon of unfathomable depths, the Silver Trench was now a deep, dark gash in the sea near the Air Continent. Once called the Silver Trench because of the Legendary being that had once lived there, it is now called that for the great air bubble that is still held deep underwater, where the air behaves as if it is at sea level, and yet never rises to the top.

It left a great, silvery scar under the ocean’s surface, visible from even bird Pokémon in the sky. It was considered to be a remnant of the Dungeon haze, theorized that one day the air bubble would collapse and all would return to normal. But until then, this chamber at the bottom of a rocky, wet trench remained, covered in bits of dead coral, rocks, and uninhabitable, slippery slopes.


When the team first arrived, two Pokémon caught their attention. One was, of course, Darkwhite, spinning and dancing and singing some strange tune. It had no proper rhythm nor melody, constantly switching around with every beat, if they had beats. And then, behind her, bobbing her head to the rhythm that did not exist, was—

“Master!” Meringue flew forward, but a Radiant barrier blocked his way.

“Not too close,” Truffle said. “What in the world happened…?”

Lugia’s back and wings were a deep purple; her eyes crackled with red energy; her front was a dark silver. It was nothing like the Lugia of legends, and yet just similar enough to be recognizable. While her general shape was the same, and she looked like Meringue from afar, a closer view would reveal the tough scales that covered her hide; rather than a sea guardian, she looked more like a sea monster. Two sides to the same legend, perhaps, yet here that made her all the more fearsome.

A manic grin was all they could get from Lugia’s expression. Her eyes had no pupils—just a deep, glowing, crackling red. Occasionally something akin to a pupil flickered in and out, but it was fleeting.

“I’m so happy to see you!” Darkwhite said, waving. “You came just in time! Lugia’s not a very patient Legend, I’ll tell you that much!”

Lugia, at the sound of her name, perked up and let out a deep growl that shook the very bubble they stood in. The silvery lights from the sun, so, so far away from them, danced in intricate patterns that made Lugia’s dark scales glimmer like obsidian.

“Sh-she looks terrible… What happened?!” Meringue choked out.

“You can see it?” Owen asked.

“Of course I can see it!” Meringue said.

“I can as well,” Maple confirmed. “Has the corruption become so terrible that it’s visible even to us…?”


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
Visible corruption... on Lugia.

Oh no.

Orre was close enough to Anahuac that she had heard tales as a kid. Pokémon that had been made pure evil. A god shrouded in darkness and the cruise ship it had stolen and flown hundreds of miles inland. Cuicatl were never sure if she should believe it or not; Americans would certainly try to break and enslave a god, but she’d never believed they could succeed.

“Shadow Lugia,” she whispered, hopefully to her teammates more than the monster. “Powerful enough time move hundreds of tons of steel far, far inland and create a stationary hurricane. I, um, don’t really know how to fight that...”
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Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
“Enough talking, enough talking! You guys came for a fight! If you guys wanna have your precious Lugia back, you’re gonna have to get through her, first!” Darkwhite and Lugia shared a similar grin, and then Lugia roared, shaking the ground with her voice alone.

“She’s completely beyond reason—this is nothing like the corruption we’ve deal with before,” Maple hissed. “What happened to her…?”

“Watch out!”

HP: 3000
Her tough scales might be a problem…

HP: 1000
After a turn, can revive by mysterious means when HP is reduced to 0.
She knows a lot of tricky attacks…

Special Condition: defeat Darkwhite at least twice!

Lugia's maw glowed with purple and black haze, then fired skyward. Cabot recognized this technique--it was similar to what Meringue had been doing at the Bluff, except instead of sending it forward, it was around Lugia herself. Rain fell, but the rain was bright, flashing with purple and white sparks.

Maple tried to launch any of her attacks, but the strange aura in the Silver Trench was preventing her from doing anything at all. She hissed and stepped away. "Good luck," she said bitterly.

Darkwhite seemed distracted, dancing in the air, though she was clearly waiting for the team to make the first move. She practically taunted them... Though, then again, she also seemed too busy dancing in the rain.

Lugia used Shadow Sky! The area around her is raining down black sparks. Interacting with Lugia will deal 30 damage at the end of the turn!

Darkwhite used Celebrate!
It’s party time!


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Bahamut, reverted to his broken state, looked at Darkwhite. “There is a special place in the underworld for vile creatures like you.”


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
Cabot stared at Lugia in disbelief as the shadowy rain poured down on her. Darkwhite had said that she'd given Lugia a 'makeover', but this was absolutely horrifying! He could only imagine what Meringue was going through right now, seeing someone you're close to being turned into a mindless monster... Was Lugia even aware of what was going on?

The Cranidos turned towards Darkwhite with a glare as his body started to glow. Small rocks materialized around him and formed a protective shield, prompting him to dig in his feet and grit his teeth.

"We're not gonna lose to you."

The Walrein

It is what it is.
  1. gulpin
  2. kricketot
  3. bulbasaur
Jaro didn't really know what a 'hurricane' was, or why a stationary one would be worse than a mobile one. Whatever it was, Cuicatl was right about one thing: This 'Shadow Lugia' certainly looked pretty formidable.

But Jaro wasn't afraid. (Maybe he was a little afraid...) He had some new tricks down his gizzard, and this time, he wasn't going to just get beaten to a pulp like the last two battles! Or, well, actually, his new strategy did involve him getting beaten to a pulp, but this time he was going to accomplish something with it! The harder these monsters hit him, the harder Jaro would hit back! (Assuming that crazed Darkwhite creature didn't do anything to disrupt his strategy, of course...)

Jaro slicked back his hair curl and confidently strode towards the front lines, managing to not think about the massive weight of water overhead waiting to crush him. Now, for his plan to work, he'd have to do something to draw the enemy's attention. His new Radiant power should be perfect for that! Uh, whatever it was. He still hadn't really tested it yet.

...And, if he was being honest with himself, he didn't really want to use his Radiant power. It wasn't that he was afraid of overloading on it and exploding like Brisa had earlier - although that may have been a small part of it - but more that, well... if Radiant moves were supposed to be a reflection of one's own inner self - what if Jaro's move turned out to be something... bad?

Was he really prepared to see what he truly was on the inside? Jaro knew he had a lot of problems - he gave up too easily, he was violent, he was envious... but were those things he could one day overcome, or were they an indelible part of him, stamped into his very soul?

Maybe he wouldn't use his Radiant move just yet. Instead, Jaro looked around the battlefield to see what everyone else was doing, and his attention was immediately drawn to Cabot, beginning to emit a strange glow as rocks rose up around him, turning him into a living fortress. That was- that was what a good person's Radiant power looked like, wasn't it? But something still worried Jaro - if Cabot had taken on the Radiant type now, wouldn't that make him more vulnerable to shadow moves - which that corrupted Lugia probably knew a lot of?

"Hey, Cabot!" Jaro called out to him. "You're - you're the strongest member of our team, okay? We can't lose you! I trust you, but - be careful about how much Radiance you're using..."


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
"Hey Darkwhite, since you think it's sooo funny messing around with others, why don't you have a taste of this!"

Cynthian swung a flower forward and winked, sending a string of hearts towards her. It was... probably not going to work. But at least it was sure to annoy her. That'd give her a taste of her medicine!


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
From an unseen puddle of clear wax, Vix arose and solidified. She was silent, but held a smile on her face regardless. Sure, studying and researching alone is rather lonesome, but she was proud of herself for getting as far as everyone else, perhaps reaching even further than a few of them. Unfortunately, she wasn't all that aware on the going-ons of everyone else, but she didn't really need to know that for this particular fight.

Shadow Lugia, not an unfamiliar situation, but certainly an unfamiliar Pokemon. The God of Winds, overtaken by some odd looking cat thing. If only there was a way to combat this "Shadow" affliction on Lugia.

"Guess we'll have to resort to the tried and true method of fixing things," Vix cleared her throat. "Hit her really really hard."

A dark, congealed blob of ghostly magic formed before Vix. She waved her wax hand, firing it at Lugia and hitting dead on. It might not do a bunch of damage, but it's enough for now.


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Two days hiding her face hadn't helped. It didn't matter. She would meet her purpose.

Brisa was quiet at the edges and back of the party as they gathered, left for the Silver Trench, and faced up against Lugia. All that mattered was that she fought. Did her duty. This is what you're good for.

She hid from Curio and Astrid, Cabot and Celeste. She was only here to fight. She couldn't answer their questions right now. So she stayed away, keeping less familiar mon between herself and them.

But she kept looking at Starr. She could still see where she'd left wounds on the litten's body. With her goddamn teeth, no less. Why? She'd meant to apologise, and somehow everything was worse now. Goddamnit.

She would fight. She wouldn't let her feelings get in the way of that, at least. She'd give covering fire to Starr, and allow her to use that burning Radiance to empower herself unhindered. It was a good plan. It wouldn't make up for what Brisa had done. It wasn't meant to. She wished it could. But she'd still try.

Time to be a violent animal.
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Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
And so the battle began, and Owen made it a point to announce as much as he could while looking for an opening. He still didn't feel his strength returning to him in battle, and felt he would be more useful as an informant than anything. "Cynthian!" Owen shouted. "I think that Attract worked!"

“Uhuhu, you’ll have to be better than that! I’m playing hard to get!” Darkwhite spin and spun, though she did give a little wink to the Roselia regardless. “I can transform into aaaaanyhting you want!”

Several Pokémon guard Cabot as he prepares!
Starr prepares to strike, while several others duplicate her preparation!
Vix’s Shadow Ball dealt 28 damage to Lugia!

The Shadow Ball struck Lugia at the center of her chest, chipping off a few shadowy scales, but she barely felt it.

“Are you gonna let them just DO that to you?!” Darkwhite said, pointing at the team.

Lugia replied with an angry roar.

“That’s right! You better work off some of that steam! Blast ‘em! Blast blast blast!”

Lugia’s maw opened wide, revealing a core of darkness in the back of her throat that coalesced into a dangerous beam.

Lugia used Shadow Blast on Dave, Astrid, and Starr!
Dave: Dodged!
Astrid: Dodged!
Starr: Dodged!
What was left behind was nothing but a huge crater in the ground, leaving the three who had narrowly avoided the blast to gape in surprise. If that had hit them head-on…

“Oh, come on! You can’t just dodge out of the way of attacks like that! That’s MY schtick! These kinds of battles aren’t supposed to be all dodgey and stuff, you hit! And hit! And hit!” Darkwhite pointed angrily at Lugia. “Hey! Try the other thing!”

Lugia roared confusedly.

“The other thing, the thing! BOO!”

Lugia seemed to understand, and then let out a monstrous roar toward her opponents. A sickly aura pulsed from her mouth like a shockwave, and her eyes glowed even more menacingly than usual.

Lugia used Shadow Fright on Astrid, Dave, and Celeste!
None of them were fully affected!

Darkwhite blinked. “…Maybe you’re just a dud.”

Lugia roared sadly.

“Oh well! I guess that means it’s my turn to do stuff! Looks like they’re a little tired from dodging anyway, uhuhu… Alright, boys and girls! Here I come!”

Darkwhite suddenly disappeared, giggling madly from all directions as a barrage of attacks came in.

Darkwhite used Darkwhite Jab on Celeste, Astrid, Dave,!
Astrid: 1
Dave: 1
Celeste: A harmless, grazing blow!

Darkwhite used Darkwhite Weave, raising her Speed and Evasion by 2!

Darkwhite used Toxic Spikes! Darkwhite became surrounded in Toxic Spikes—physical contact will add 100 to Poison!

Darkwhite used Happy Hour! Confetti falls from the sky! It smells vaguely of fermented berries…

“Do I look pretty to you now, Roselia-poo?” Darkwhite swooned, showing off the sphere of toxic thorns that now surrounded her.

Everyone that interacted with Lugia took 30 damage:
Vix, Dave, Astrid, Starr, Celeste took 30 damage from Lugia’s Shadow Sky!

Starr, Lugia, and Darkwhite took 7 damage from Astrid's hail!

HP: 993

HP: 2965
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Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Astrid still wasn’t used to this. Back home, she would usually flank; here, it was all about reacting. That was her game now: strengthening her aura at the cost of the air in her lungs, if only briefly.

But that was okay. She had more stamina than last time. She would have even more next time, should they survive. She could do this—

Celeste sneered at Darkwhite. As of a few days ago, he’d been scared of her to no end, but now, with the eminent fight, he felt nothing but contempt. “Hello, Grey. It’s nice to see you again.”

Her focus was shattered by a snort and a giggle. “‘Grey,’”she repeated, covering her maw. “Nice one. ‘Cause it’s like, she’s dark and white, and together they—yeah.”

Focus! Focus. She still had plenty of energy left. If she could just reach Cabot for a Power Swap…


Back on Her Bullshit
a Terrace of Indeterminate Location in Snowbelle
  1. espurr
  2. fennekin
  3. zoroark
Tricky had known exactly where she was going right from the beginning. She'd been uncharacteristically quiet the whole day, stewing in some twisted form of seething hate. She listened to the others talk about how best to defeat the Darkwhite at their scheduled battle, but all she could think of was how much she hated that creature, whatever it was, from the very depths of her heart. If they won... no, when they won, she'd be happy to see it die. These weren't thoughts she was used to having, but she had them anyway.

The presence of that massive dark lugia once they'd entered the cave did nothing to deter Tricky. Once she spotted the Darkwhite, dancing around the cave to some atonal tune that actually sounded kind of good no would you stop don't compliment the monster that terrorized a village and kidnapped one of your teammates and almost... shut up!

When the battle's opening insults were lobbed out into the open, she hung back. He mouth sparked and crackled with the heat of an ember, charged with all of her hate and meant for one specific target. Then the first attacks were thrown, and she lunged forward, opening her mouth and letting her white-hot attack fly from her tongue.

Tricky used Ember!

She underestimated just how hectic the battle would be. The attack didn't even get to the front lines before it was snuffed out by the commotion raised by the others' attacks, and Tricky tumbled face-first towards the ground.

The attack failed...


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
"Cynthian!" Owen shouted. "I think that Attract worked!"

“Uhuhu, you’ll have to be better than that! I’m playing hard to get!” Darkwhite spin and spun, though she did give a little wink to the Roselia regardless. “I can transform into aaaaanyhting you want!”

"Wait, it worked?" Cynthian asked Owen in bewilderment, and Darkwhite's words that came afterwards made him jerk back slightly. If she wasn't a malicious ball of evil, then maybe he'd have remotely considered it.

And while Cynthian was in a daze, Darkwhite had gone and spread toxic spikes around her and the field.

"Oh no, guys watch out for the poi—" Cynthian stepped on a toxic spike and it disintegrated into purple energy, which his body harmlessly absorbed. He furrowed his brows as a revelation hit him. "Wait a second... I'm a poison type!"
“Do I look pretty to you now, Roselia-poo?” Darkwhite swooned, showing off the sphere of toxic thorns that now surrounded her.

"Of course, you look pretty! In fact, why don't I give you a gift from the bottom of my heart?" Cynthian smirked at her and then he bolted forward into her sphere of thorns. His body vacuumed up every single one of them and then Cynthian smacked her in the face with his flower. Something told him he shouldn't have done that.

The Walrein

It is what it is.
  1. gulpin
  2. kricketot
  3. bulbasaur
Jaro winced from the force of the Shadow Blast attack, and then again as confetti rained down around him, but it didn't seem to be harmful - or, at least not immediately so...

Alright, it was time to stop procrastinating. Refusing to look at his true nature didn't actually change it. And, if it did turn out to be something awful, then at least Jaro would have the comfort of knowing that he'd been living with that his whole life already. Here goes...

Drawing a deep breath, Jaro began to gather Radiance. His eyes began to glow, and a feeling like electricity surged throughout his body. This was it! He was using his Radiant Move! Jaro steadied his trembling arm enough to aim it in Lugia's direction. This would get her attention for sure! ...but what happened next was that a laser beam of pure Radiant force did not emerge from the tip of his outstretched arm to strike her. Instead... his arm seemed to be growing larger? No, his whole body was! The floor receded away from Jaro until the growth was complete, then it stopped. He tried waving his arm around a bit to see if anything else would come after that, but nothing did.

"Seriously!?" Jaro exclaimed out loud. "That's it? It just makes me bigger? I could've done that just by puffing myself up!" What was this even supposed to represent? It was almost worse than if his radiant move had unleashed some sort of horrible darkness!


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Cynthian's strike dealt 14 damage to Darkwhite!

Darkwhite gasped in surprise and held her cheek. "Roselia!" she declared, and then looked down at herself. "I can't believe it..." she drifted closer. "I LOVE when my playmates are ROUGH--"

Dave's Assurance was a grazing shot, dealing only 257 damage to Darkwhite!

She narrowly avoided Dave's attacks, giggling as the dark slash knocked her shoulder. It was a gentle haze, yet she didn't seem to be in any pain from it... or was she simply unable to express that kind of emotion?

"You even took off my coverings just to see the r e a l m e !"

Starr's Leech Life dealt 246 damage to Darkwhite, restoring her health by 24!
Cabot's Iron Tail dealt 491 damage to Darkwhite!

Darkwhite is stunned!

"Aaaaahhhh!" It sounded more satisfied than pained, and when she turned her gaze toward Cynthian, she reached for her, even as she was flying far, far away from the arena. She wasn't done--she'd probably be back in a moment's notice... But for now, they had someone else to focus on.

"Lugia!" Meringue shouted.

"Wait, don't get too close!" Owen shouted. "She's still dangerous!"

"But now's our chance, right?"

"She's still corrupted beyond hope," Maple stated. With Darkwhite away, she attempted an attack of her own, slashing through the air. The crescent wave of light sliced along Lugia's abdomen--

Maple's Blinding Crescent dealt 0 damage to Lugia!

She cursed. "Then something is still being suppressed."

Curio's Radiant Fist dealt 75 damage to Lugia!
Celeste's Assurance dealt 129 damage to Lugia!

"Watch out! She's mad!" Owen warned, and the skies rapidly darkened. Even as Lugia roared and spread her wings, a malevolent, cutting gale twisted around the whole arena, carving the rocky ground like it was butter. Several of the team got caught up in it, but what hurt more was the flashing lights and dark rain that accompanied it. Despite the rain leaving no physical marks, it burned like acid...

Lugia used Shadow Fright on Dave, Cabot, and Starr!
Cabot's Ward blocks the attack!
Starr and Dave avoided the hit!

Lugia used Shadow Storm on everyone!
Astrid: Dodged!
Cabot: Skara takes the hit for 14 damage!
Celeste: Dodged!
Curio: 39
Cynthian: 13
Dave: A grazing 8
Jaro: 47
Starr: A grazing 24
Vix: Dodged!
Zane: Dodged!

"I d-don't think she can do that attack twice in a row," Owen hazarded to guess. "But Darkwhite's gonna be back! I think we only have this volley before she attacks again!"

The storm is surging... Everyone took 30 damage to Shadow Sky!
Cabot took 7 damage from Astrid's Hail.

Darkwhite: Will attack next turn!

HP: 2761


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
Darkwhite gasped in surprise and held her cheek. "Roselia!" she declared, and then looked down at herself. "I can't believe it..." she drifted closer. "I LOVE when my playmates are ROUGH--"

"Wait hold on, let's talk about this first, okay?" Cynthian said, taking steps backwards as Darkwhite drifted closer. And then—

She narrowly avoided Dave's attacks, giggling as the dark slash knocked her shoulder. It was a gentle haze, yet she didn't seem to be in any pain from it... or was she simply unable to express that kind of emotion?

"You even took off my coverings just to see the r e a l m e !"

"Uuuuuh... put your flesh back on!" Cynthian said, pointing at the ethereal wound. She was creepy. Reeeally creepy. It was time to run.

"Aaaaahhhh!" It sounded more satisfied than pained, and when she turned her gaze toward Cynthian, she reached for her, even as she was flying far, far away from the arena.

Cynthian was already skidding back to the others as Darkwhite got blasted away. He looked at her over his shoulder and as much as he didn't want to admit it... he kind of felt sorry for her.

"Sorry love, maybe in another lifetime if we meet again!"

Cynthian didn't know she was going to revive again right away.
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Friend of All Chu
Rhyme City
Zane watched Cabot smash Lugia with stone. A lesser mon might look impressed, but Zane was no ordinary mon. Zane had something none of the rest of them could dream of holding.

A crisp snap of an opened can broke through the shouts of battle, echoing across the field. “What, you gonna let some rocks bother you? I’d do more with a pebble than he could do with a mountain!” he derisively declared, glowing as he took a deep drink of his Pop Star.

The drink went down smooth as a slide, taste best described as heavenly. In an instant, he felt all the fatigue of fighting wash away. A picturesque perfect threat. All thanks to his Pop Star.

Pop Star: A Bubbly Gulp of Heaven.
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