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Destiny Village ~ Sundae Park

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Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
"Heh. Never learned myself. More of an American...more of a different culture's thing." It would sometimes strike her how American this place was in little ways. The society itself wasn't necessarily like anything in her world, but the little details sometimes had a cultural analogue and it wasn't hers. Oh well. It's not like Owen would have any insight on why that was. "And you were stronger before? I thought with all the new abilities people were picking up everyone was bound to be stronger here."

The thought of Owen, the biggest dragon she'd ever seen, being stronger before was exhilarating. And terrifying. But mostly the former.

Maybe she should go to therapy...


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"Yeah, er, but I think it's sort of a give and take," Owen explained. "In some worlds, being strong means that there are probably even bigger threats to deal with, compared to worlds where maybe you don't have gods flying around all the time, you know? So I guess... a world where people aren't as strong is also okay." He tittered nervously. "Bahamut's another example of someone who's apparently a lot weaker here compared to, you know, their homeland."


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
And her human will was cracked and nearly shattered. Did that negate her main strength?

“Perhaps. In my world our strength as a species was that we were smart, had a body that helped with toolmaking, liked each other, and had a lifespan long enough to learn and short enough to push us to do big things now.”


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Owen nodded. That made sense. He always wondered if humans and Pokemon were closer than he'd assumed at first, especially now that he was on Cibus seeing Pokemon do very human things... but maybe there was something else.

"Either way, I think that helped you here, you know? Otherwise, I don't think you would have been able to take a lot of what's been happening in stride." Maybe she's seen worse, or maybe she was familiar with this kind of power in other ways. She was Psychic, after all...

"What's it like?" Owen asked. "Going from psychic to Dark?"


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
"Hmm. It felt lonely for a bit. Not having the ability to feel other minds brush against mine." It had really reminded her a lot of another unpleasant thing in hindsight. At the time she'd been too happy to notice, though. "I got much better smell in return. And got to be a dragon. That more than made up for everything. So much power."


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"Being a dragon is cool," Owen agreed, curling his tail around. "Charizard and a few other Pokemon can mingle with dragons and have families with them, but they don't have the indigo flame. There's a rumor that apparently Charizard can do it with very special circumstances, like they either used to have the Dragon element, or they will one day gain it, but for one reason or another, Flying was more favorable in the environments they lived in. But I hope I can find that one day back home.

"It's kind of silly... I'm still a dragon, just not, you know, elementally. I don't know why I care so much about that... Though, then again... maybe it's because I wanted to be closer to, er. Someone important to me from a while ago, who looks kind of like Bahamut, or Joule."


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
"I get that. My big sister was a hydreigon at home. I've always wanted to be more like her. Seemed a lot better than being human. For what it's worth she considered mating with a charizard for a bit. Definitely considered him a dragon. But he couldn't overpower her even when she was barely trying so she kept looking for other mates."


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Owen frowned, nodding. "I think I understand that. A lot of Pokemon value strength. Usually physical strength. I knew someone like that--a Dragonite. Except, he was my best friend for a while, and even though he valued his own strength, he didn't look for it in others. And, er, I don't think he was that strong in other ways... He used to hide out near me if he was scared, because he didn't like being in the dark. But I could never beat him in a fight; he always had the advantage there..." He sighed, realizing he was rambling. "They say that humans who work with Pokemon take on some of their traits. I think since you grew up with a Hydreigon, maybe you have some of that in you, even at home."


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
"That's a nice thought." Maybe she had a little bit. In a few ways. Like with meat. Genesis thought she was weird because she ate it, but humans were natural predators and you saw no reason to act otherwise. "It's not really that my sister hates the weak." She loved them, really. Especially if they combined weakness with a good flavor and texture. "She just didn't want her kids to be weak. Her mate had to be nearly as strong as her. Ideally stronger. Um, she's really tough so it was taking her a while to find someone. Was starting to think about settling for someone weaker so that her strength could be passed down."


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"I understand that, too," Owen said. "You should try to talk to her about maybe not settling, but finding someone that's the best of who she knows. If she really is extremely powerful, it's better to find the second most powerful, right? Or whatever's closest to it. You know, as long as their personalities agree, and, uh... Well. I guess it depends on what her priorities are. Some people just want to continue the bloodline."

He let out a small laugh. "For example, I don't think I'd qualify for that at home, if she ever tried to evaluate me. I'm not that strong. I have some talents, but raw strength isn't one of them... Not compared to my other allies, at least."


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"I'm hoping I at least keep an echo or two of what happened here," Owen admitted, sighing. "I'm used to losing my memories, but it'd be nice to keep them for once..." He thumped his tail on the ground once, then shook his head. "Hey. How about we go and fly together? I bet you haven't been able to get any good flights in, and if I'm near, the cold air won't be as bad, either."
R15 ~ Imperfection


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin

Koa strolled through the peace and quiet of the park, Echo perched on his head. A cool wind blew, stirring the trees, scattering flecks of early dawn light across the earth. At this hour, there was no one around, which was just how he liked it. It gave him a chance to spend some quality time with Echo after what had happened.

A few minutes of silence slipped by as he walked, his thoughts wandering with his steps. He could almost pretend he was a trainer again, wandering through some forest in Sinnoh, Echo on his head, his team at his side...

Except he wasn't. He was here, on an alien planet, far from home, far from his team, and his cousin. Fighting gods and creatures he'd never dreamed of, with unstable powers and struggling to cope with things he'd thought weren't even a problem to begin with. Some part of him still felt as if he were in shock after everything. His ear twitched and his thoughts paused. He almost expected to hear that voice inside his head, that same dark one he always heard. Instead he sensed.... nothing.

Or perhaps it was silence, he wasn't sure.

He stopped walking, his thoughts drifting further away. Echo said nothing, but he could sense the question on his starter's mind.

"Echo... I'm sorry."

Koa, you don't have to apologize to me.

"I know. But I should, because you deserve one. I'm sorry that I didn't appreciate you better. I spent so much time tearing myself apart for not being perfect I completely took for granted how you felt. You always believed in me, from day one, and I.. I treated that belief like-like it meant nothing."

Echo shifted on his head, then hopped off to perch beside him. He stared off into the trees for several moments before speaking. "It did hurt, sometimes. But... I know how it feels to be scared. The other Echo felt it, and I feel it too."


"Always feeling like everyone just... tolerates you. That one day they'll get tired of you, tired of your mistakes, tired of something about you." His voice grew quieter. "Because you're... you're not good enough. But you try your best anyway because maybe if you do... maybe they won't leave. Maybe you can't be hurt." Echo wrapped his wings around himself.

A strange dampness gathered in Koa's eyes but he barely felt it. A pit yawned inside him as he listened to Echo's words. Words he knew had nothing to do with any kind of telepathic link.

"But that's not true. Thinking we can be perfect just hurts more." A flicker of a grin crossed the Crobat's face. "I might as well try to swim to the bottom of the ocean, or you fly. We'd always fall short."

Koa managed a nod, and a small smile. It still hurt a little, still felt weird to think about. He'd been trying for so long without realizing it, to get something he'd never reach. His gaze drifted to the ground.

"That's why you transformed back there." Echo turned to look at him suddenly, his yellow gaze burning brightly.

He drew back slightly and cocked his head. "What are you talking about?"

"I know you think about why it took you so long to be able to be able to evolve like the others. But I think... I think it's because you finally accepted it. The same way I broke free because you accepted me, you were willing to let me attack you because you didn't want to hurt me... You accepted you didn't have to be perfect."

It's not enough. You'll never be perfect.

I know.

Cracks suddenly rippled across ethereal red chains that had bound his body, chains he hadn't even seen until just now.

And thats ok.

Koa blinked, and tipped his head to the side. Then he laughed. He laughed like he felt he hadn't in a long time, tears slipping from his eyes. After a moment, Echo joined in too, his squeaking chuckles filling the forest. Finally, some time later, he managed to stop, though a a few more chuckles still slipped out. He lay on the ground, leaning against Echo, one of the Crobat's wings draped around him.

"I'm such an idiot," he said, grinning. It was obvious but he gotten so caught up he'd missed the simple truth. He could imagine what Blake or Kitto would say to him. Of course Echo would be the one to point it out.

Echo nuzzled him, smiling. "I know."

A few moments of pleasant silence fell. Koa closed his eyes and smiled, enjoying the presence of his best friend. These were the best moments, he realized. Not the endless pushing himself, not obsessing over every mistake... This was what he loved best.

I love you.

I love you too.

Koa decided. Perfection is overrated anyway.


Echo's voice chimed in again. Honey is way better.

[RD16] Another Path (Nate, Rocky, and Lucius)


House of Two Midnights
Nate still wasn't up for any long walks. Ever since all the moon shit, even just being out in the sun was enough to give him a headache sometimes. Being fucking sick all the time wasn't something he missed from being human, but at least he knew this bullshit would go away eventually now that he was a marshtomp. If they actually stayed on Cibus long enough, that was.

Even making it as far as the park was an accomplishment. Nate was fully intending to find someplace shady to flop, and then after he'd rested he'd back home and call that all the effort he needed to put in for the day. As he was scanning for a nice place to rest, though, he caught sight of a lopunny strolling along one of the paths, and hang on. That was one of the members of the other Blacklight team, wasn't it?

Nate hesitated. The lopunny had at least seemed level-headed; Nate didn't think he could stand even one more fucking second of whimsy after all the bullshit he'd had to endure on Cibus. If that fucking zoroark, the mildly less insane one, ever showed up again, he was probably just going to fucking snap and punch the asshole into next week. Legendary hero or not.

Rocky caught where he was looking and perked up immediately. "Oh! That lopunny's from the other team, aren't they? Are you gonna say hi?"

"Sure. Hi," Nate muttered. He shook his head faintly to chase off something he definitely couldn't have heard, and started towards the lopunny.

"Be nice," Rocky said warningly, and of course Nate wasn't going to dignify that with a response.

Instead he drew himself up as tall as he could and made for the lopunny. "Hey," he said. "You were at that picnic, weren't you? Visiting from that other Cibus? You're, ah..."

Lucius. Rocky supplied for him.

"...Lucius, right?"


Bug Catcher
Lucius was walking along the park path, mostly minding his own business for now. There was quite a lot to take in from these past events and he was still trying to fully wrap his head around it. It wasn't like he was unusual with alternate worlds, in fact life had made him all too aware of them. But with so many new faces along with the sudden return of memories of his own time on Cibus, it was a bit much to take in. So he walked about the place, seeing what was familiar and what wasn't.

He figured he would need to spend some time with Gene sometime, but she seemed to be having fun mingling with the rest of the group, so that could come later.

As he was stuck in his reverie, he heard Nate's voice call to him, so he glanced over towards the Marshtop.

"Oh, hello. Yeah, I am. And you're one of Team Spectrum. Umm..." Lucius paused for a moment. "Sorry. I don't think I caught your name."
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