A cat that writes stories.
"Hey," said Luz, with as disarming a smile and spread arms as she could muster, "the team were worried for a spell that folks'd see their wild Blacklight powers as pretty scary. Turns out the crowd love that stuff. They were big fans of Leg when she went all-out recently. I bet you'd do fine, and I know Brisa'd be thrilled to take a loss against a truly powerful opponent!"
The shade leaned over to Flesh and gave him a firm pat on the flank. "Let's give it a go, fella. Lookin' forward to it already!"
She sauntered over to Soda's corner, taking a swig of her juice as she did and appreciated the sensation of the coolness and flavour sliding down her throat as being the sort of sensory experience that wasn't too different for her compared to flesh and blood 'mon.
"Y'think Soda would go fer a match like that?" she asked, taking a closer look at Soda's quarters.
The shade leaned over to Flesh and gave him a firm pat on the flank. "Let's give it a go, fella. Lookin' forward to it already!"
She sauntered over to Soda's corner, taking a swig of her juice as she did and appreciated the sensation of the coolness and flavour sliding down her throat as being the sort of sensory experience that wasn't too different for her compared to flesh and blood 'mon.
"Y'think Soda would go fer a match like that?" she asked, taking a closer look at Soda's quarters.