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Destiny Colosseum

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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa blew a long breath and crouched into a running start. Something told her this moment wasn't just a bit of fun for her opponent after all. Perhaps she'd find out exactly what soon enough, but in the meantime, she had to be on her game.

"You got it," she drawled, before racing off in a plume of Radiant plasma to make a flurry of opening strikes. This time, she carried an unconventional set of practiced moves, and her electrical energy hummed a little less vibrantly than usual. She'd never tried out Iron Tail on a real opponent before. Maybe she could have some fun with it.

And with Icetales shielding her from harm, she could go wild.

- Brisa used Brilliant Paragon and exerted herself alone!
- Brisa used Sweeper Iron Tail on Leg and her dolls! [+5 +7, Adaptable, Guts, TypeEff, -50 Def]
- Brisa wound up...!
Δ Stats: +2 Atk, +6 Spd
Δ Stamina: -106
Δ Blacklight: +66/+10
Δ HP: -25%, then +69
Δ Misc: +2 Charge, +1 Protect, +Paragon, +1 Action
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Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Brisa's Iron Tail struck the Brisa doll for 1203 damage, and Brisa took 91 damage in recoil!
The Icetales doll took 1948 damage, and Icetales took 125 damage in recoil!
Leg took 0 damage, and her disguise was destroyed!

Leg hissed, but she knew this would be coming. She already got to work repairing the disguise--it wasn't too much damage to it, after all--but there was a worrisome glint in her eyes at the same time, as if she was ready to pull something soon...

Truffle, meanwhile, was muttering a few arcane words and waving his wings in deliberate directions, sigils forming in front of him. It was a wonder where he got those moves from, but perhaps it was a relic of his homeworld, where spellcasting or other odd effects were a combat art of some kind that his Radiance reproduced...

Leg used Mimic... and learned Iron Tail!
Leg spent some time on her disguise... repairing it completely from the one hit it took!
Leg used Snatch+5! She's ready to steal the mundane status moves used by the opponents...

Leg formed another Icetales doll...

Truffle used Reflect!
Truffle used Safeguard!
Truffle used Master Substitute, forming a copy of himself! The Substitute is protecting Leg!

Truffle's Ward activated... Reflect and Safeguard won't fade!


"...I feel that I could have helped very early on," Truffle said darkly. "When the Blacklight first attacked us... when it was awakened within Maple, I heard... a voice. A voice that was calling me to... I don't really know. But I turned away. I ignored it as a bad dream. If I answered... or if I told someone, if I thought more of it than just a strange vision or dream... Could I have saved--"

"Enough." Ionys raised a hand, eyes closed. "Too far back. You had your reasons for not saying anything."

"Potluck, too," Truffle said. "I spoke with him recently, about... all this. We both heard that voice, as if the Blacklight saw our own weaknesses and tried to pull us along. And yet, neither of us thought to..."

"Just meant you guys were potential puppets, too." Ionys dismissed these with a wave, and then looked at Leg. "Look. I know you... take responsibility for protecting the others, but it ain't a problem. It's fine, really. I'm shouldering this, and I've come to peace with that. Don't take that away from me."

Truffle flinched. "Y... yes. Of course... of course. I apologize."

A tense silence followed, but that tension loosened a little when Ionys leaned forward to scratch Leg through her disguise. She leaned into it, relaxing.

"...Regarding... regarding Flesh," Truffle went on. "I have decided that, should your duties be required elsewhere as Maple... restores Telum, and such, and you are unable to visit as often, I'll... assist. I know your notes on caring for him. I can..."


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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
So, this was how Truffle fought? Brisa specialised in striking for critical damage in the blink of an eye, but his guard was too sophisticated even for her eye, and extended over the entire team. She'd have to wear him down to open up an opportunity. And to even get that opportunity, she'd need to take out those barriers of his. She knew he'd be using protective measures of every kind, and come prepared. Including with that damned psychic technique her pa had taught her all those years back. Alright. Time to give that a go.

Eye-baffling magenta light flared around Brisa's jaws. Fuck yer barriers, fella. Gotta do more'n that.

Brisa entered Lithe Stance! She's fast as fuck!
[Adaptable, Guts, TypeEff, targeting Truffle > Master Sub > Doll > Leg]
Brisa focused deeply, and reigned in her Blacklight...
Brisa used Sweeper Psychic Fangs, and destroyed Truffle's Reflect! [+9]
Brisa Unleashed her Tenacity again!
Brisa used Sweeper Crunch [+11]
Brisa used Sweeper Crunch [+11]
Brisa stayed wound up...
Δ Stats: +4 Atk
Δ Stamina: -138
Δ Blacklight: -30/+20
Δ HP: +219
Δ Misc:
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Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Um. Yes. Truffle specialized in defensive maneuvers, all right. That meant that the best approach was to break through those barriers with sheer strength.

“This is it, Brisa! Grind that barrier to powder with the sharpness of thy fangs!”

It was a good thing that she had learned a few tricks about how to shatter shields before their match, and now it was his turn. Darkness surrounded his body, and the phantasmagorical appearance of the demonic fox blended in with the dark plumes. Darting like a shadow, it struck the ghostly bird with a freezing shadowy energy.

Diamond dust fell, and its creator focused on himself, bending the darkness to his will. Unfazed.

Icetales keeps guarding Brisa!

- Icetales Rallied Brisa with Pure Words! Her Attack rose!
- Icetales focused deeply…
- Icetales focused even more deeply…
- Icetales used Void Wraith against Truffle! [+150 Freeze]

• HP: +150
• Stats: —
• Blacklight: -80/-80, then +30 Rad and +98 Shd
• Stamina: -92
• Notes: + Diamond Dust, Guardian Stance


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Brisa's Psychic Fangs dealt 208 damage to Truffle, 710 to the Icetales doll, and 211 damage to the Substitute!
Brisa's double Crunch dealt 606 damage to Truffle and 1442 damage to the Substitute!

"Gah--you're quite strong," Truffle complimented, though his Substitute remained, and it seemed like it could take another battering without too much trouble. "Do not think that I am weak from my age alone!"

It seemed like none of the hits had actually struck Truffle or the Substitute. There was a barrier that betrayed their otherwise frail appearance; perhaps that was how he was able to keep pace with the rest of the team...


"No?" Truffle said. "Why would..."

"I'm gonna be around. Enough taking things over. You're old, you need to start thinking about retiring, you know. Find a place to stay, not... all this pushing."

"Old. Me? I'm... doing just fine, thank you."

Ionys frowned. "I don't want you taking care of Flesh when you won't be able to take care of yourself in a few years. He's still young, y'know. I don't wanna set him up for that kind of thing again when I already put him through it once... Gonna be putting him through it."

"That's hardly relevant... Besides, he and Leg get along just fine, do they not?"

"Yeah, they do. What's yourt point? You can take care of Leg so you can take care of Flesh? How about if he gets upset and has a tantrum? Don't want him to hurt you accidentally. He's huge."

"You speak as if I'm weak and frail..."

Ionys looked away. "Well... Look. I'm just glad you didn't get involved in trying to save me, alright? You know how that'd go."

"...I see. You think... I am weak."

"No. I think you'd let your guard down in front of me."

"I hardly think you'd--"

Ionys lunged toward him, but he struck a barrier instead, clanging off of it with a loud, ethereal pop. Truffle had already entered a battle stance, but Ionys scoffed and crossed his arms. "You were expecting it that time."

"What is this really about?" Truffle pressed.


Truffle used Reflect again!

Truffle used Spirit Shackle on Icetales, dealing a grazing 23 damage to Icetales!

Leg used Iron Tail on Icetales, twice, dealing 290 damage!
Leg used Hone Claws, increasing her Attack and Accuracy!

Truffle used Blinding Wardmaster! Damage reduction on the enemy team's side is nullified!

Leg formed a doll of Brisa...

Truffle: 6,686
Leg: 10,000 + Substitute 847, Brisa doll 367
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Quite the defensive network. Nothing she couldn't break through with a little effort. And since she'd got a sense of how tough Truffle really was, Brisa could afford to hold back just a little longer...

"C'mon, try'n keep up with me!" she cried, mostly for the sake of the crowd's hype. "If you wanna keep that barrier up, I'm gonna make ya work fer it!"

It did, to be fair, fucking kick ass to strike this fast.

Brisa is still fast as fuck!
[Adaptable, Guts, TypeEff]
Brisa focused deeply, and reigned in her Blacklight...
Brisa used Sweeper Psychic Fangs, and destroyed Truffle's Reflect! ...Again! [+9, vs Truffle, Sub, Icetales Doll]
Brisa Unleashed her Tenacity again!
Brisa used Sweeper Crunch! [+11, vs Truffle, Sub, Brisa Doll]
Brisa used Sweeper Crunch! [+11, vs Leg, Dolls, Truffle]
Brisa stayed wound up...
Δ Stats: +4 Def
Δ Stamina: -138
Δ Blacklight: +10/+10
Δ HP: +219
Δ Misc:
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Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
“…Heh.” Even with the many scratches covering his body, Icetales afforded a confident smirk. “That is quite the impressive show of wizardry thou have pulled off here, Sir Truffle. My, how truly outstanding, I must say.”

A pulse of darkness flared outward, before receding back into the depths of its host as he reigned over his empowering darkness.

“But thou must pull off thy best tricks to break through my guard!”

Icetales turned to Brisa. “Keep thy defense high as well, Brisa! They might be tough, but we are tougher!”

With those encouraging words, Icetales heeded his own advice and took a defensive stance, ready for other fierce assaults.

Icetales didn’t drop his Guardian Stance!

- Icetales focused deeply…
- Icetales kept focusing deeply…
- Icetales Rallied Brisa with Pure Words! Her Defense rose!
- Icetales used Psych Up! He matched Brisa’s Defense!

• HP: +150
• Stats: +5 Def
• Blacklight: +0 Rad, -50 Shd
• Stamina: -46
• Notes: Guardian Stance


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Brisa's Psychic Fangs and Crunch combo struck at several foes!
Brisa doll: 1567, destroyed! Brisa took 91 damage in recoil.
Truffle: 823
Substitute: 1334, destroyed!

"So, your strength continues..." Truffle sighed. "We need to find a way to cut that down, and quickly... don't we? Thankfully, I already know of one way to get that done...!"

Truffle continued to concentrate. His Wardmaster progresses! Heal Block was applied to the enemy team as a field effect!
Truffle used Reflect!

Leg used Iron Tail on Icetales, dealing a grazing 116 damage!
Leg used Iron Tail again, dealing 165 damage!
Leg used Hone Claws, further raising her Attack and Accuracy!
Leg recreated a Brisa doll...

Truffle created another Master Substitute and used it to protect the Brisa doll created by Leg!
Truffle entered Super Guardian Stance, protecting Leg!

"I'm not weak," Truffle murmured to himself, glancing at the stands, where Ionys watched quietly. "I can protect others... just fine. It's as I do. As I always have... To help them succeed!"

"...When your time comes... you intend to return to the world you came from. Is that true?" Ionys asked. "Why?"

Truffle shifted. "Well, why not?" he said. "I... must return to my family eventually. You know this."

"That's probably why the Blacklight was after you, y'know. Playing with that need to go back... Even though you know they're--"

"They live on. My world... operates on reincarnation. They have new lives, now."

"Lives that don't involve you," Ionys said. "...I've been doing some thinking, Truffle... When I made my choice. What are you going back to? You'll just be reincarnated. The chance you'll wind up in the same family with the same life as before isn't--"

"It's only right," Truffle stated firmly. "I shall at least be within the same realm as them. And..."

"And you're just gonna choose to throw all this away?" Ionys pressed. "Your whole self? How can I trust you with Flesh if that's how you're gonna go?"

"Some things are better left behind. Some lives better ended so new ones can begin." Truffle looked down. "I accepted death long ago. To continue after I have fallen would dishonor their own losses."

"What kind of bullshit is that?" Ionys snarled, crouching. "How can you--"

"It's my home," Truffle stated firmly, puffing out his feathers. "No matter how far I leave, it will always be my home."

"And everyone leaves home eventually," Ionys said. "Stop clinging to your family and tossing yourself aside when you can live on for them. Do you really think they'd want you to--"

"Do not," Truffle interrupted, "assume how they feel."

"You, too." Ionys clicked his claws.

"Why do you care where I go?" Truffle stated. "What is this? You hardly cared for the team to begin with."

"Fuck off with that," Ionys spat. "I care enough that I'm trying to help you here."

"Help me with my frailty? Of mind or body? Or spirit? Why do you see me as weak? Not ten months ago you were remarking about your own retirement options. The very thought that you may return home as well! What of that?"

"I learned, Anthus," Ionys growled, and Truffle flinched. "Your family is gone. We're the same. And even if they get their memories back one day--they always do... it'll be too buried by new experiences to matter. New families. New lives. You really think out of everyone, they'll snap back to how they were, only choose the memories with you in them?"

Truffle felt cold.

"You said the Blacklight spoke to you. This is why. Maybe you should learn from it. If you're so strong, then show me how you can handle it."

"...Death has clouded your perspective on things," Truffle said, turning away. Leg had hidden herself in her pile of toys. She likely didn't understand exactly what they were talking about. "You have an eternity ahead of you. I... was never meant to handle that burden, Ionys. Perhaps that is why I am meant to return."

Brisa: 656
Icetales: 898

Truffle: 3363
Leg: 10,000 + Truffle Guardian
Brisa doll: 367 + Truffle Substitute
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Truffle muttered to himself, troubled by something Brisa's sharp ears couldn't quite detect. Perhaps it would only come to light after the battle, perhaps it was something she could address now. In any case, she had an opportunity, and she intended to take it.

Gods, she was tired. Fucking wards interfering with Icetales' Heal Bell... Soon she'd have no choice but to rest. But first...

"Even the strongest fighters may still be defeated," she growled, as Shadows billowed around her fists.

Finally striking with light-scouring Shadow moves, she'd take her opponents apart, barrier or not. But the final strike, borne on Radiant tethers, carried with it a message...

You have nothin' to prove, Decidueye Anthus.

Brisa dropped out of Lithe Stance...
[Adaptable, Guts]
Brisa used Spreader Void Arcstrike! [+11, Ultra Effective, Umbral Nebula, Charge] [vs Truffle, Leg->Truffle, TruffleSub]
Brisa used Spreader Shadow Facade! [+11, Ultra Effective, Umbral Nebula] [vs Truffle, Leg->Truffle, TruffleSub, redirects to Brisa Doll]
Brisa used Shining Whiplash, chaining into Sweeper Blacklight Z-Burst! [148 bp, +12, +296] [vs as above]
Brisa stayed wound up...
Δ Stats: +4 Eva
Δ Stamina: Bust
Δ Blacklight: Bust, then +58/+30
Δ HP: Bust
Δ Misc: Bust, -1 Charge


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
As someone who was accustomed to magic and sorcery, Icetales could feel that the incantation was rapidly weakening his own spells. The soothing effect of his healing snow was gone, with each grain of ice thumping weakly on his dark pelt.

“Hmph. You are plenty capable opponents, no doubt. Many kudos to thee for disrupting my powers, Sir Truffle.” He smiled. “Thou managed to impress this humble warlock. Congratulations, indeed, but I have still a few tricks under my pelt!”

He grit his fangs as the wounds burned more fiercely. Indeed, it was time to change gear once more.

“It appears that playing defensive will not cut it…” Icetales turned to Brisa, a determined expression on his face. “Time to hasten our reflexes! We must not let their strikes chip away at our health!”

And so, they became two blues, ready to strike from the shadows…

Icetales keeps guarding Brisa!

- Icetales focused deeply…
- Icetales Rallied Brisa with Pure Words! Her Evasion rose!
- Icetales used Psych Up! He matched Brisa’s Evasion!

• HP: —
• Stats: +4 Eva
• Blacklight: —
• Stamina: -35
• Notes: Guardian Stance


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Brisa's Void Arcstrike dealt 2307 damage to Truffle and 1053 to the Substitute!
Brisa's Shadow Facade dealt 1512 damage to Truffle and 758 to the Substitute! Anthus was...!
Brisa's Z-Burst dealt 775 damage to the Substitute, destroying it, and then 4023 damage to the Brisa doll, destroying it! Brisa took 91 damage in recoil!

"N-no...!" Truffle was blown back, toppling into the sand a few feet away and leaving Leg completely exposed, aside from her disguise. She stiffened up at this, but then shrank away, bracing behind her disguise. with her eyes shut. Almost blindly, she lashed out.

Leg used Iron Tail twice on Icetales, dodged once, but then a full 245 damage!
Leg used Hone Claws, gaining more Attack and Accuracy!


The rest of Truffle and Ionys' time together was quiet and tense, with occasional exchanges, but one punctuated by a knowing, mutual understanding. Eventually, when their meal was finished, Truffle stood first, and then Ionys.

"...That will be all, then." Truffle turned away, tending to Leg. "I can assure you, I am quite strong. You will see it soon, in fact. I have a battle in the Colosseum with Leg. It will be quite productive."

"That's not the kinda strength I'm lookin' for," Ionys said, and Truffle stayed put, knowing it wasn't over. "Not everyone has the opportunity to choose how they die, or where they go after. And you're choosing that?"

"I truly do not think you're going to miss me," Truffle replied dismissively.

"Fucking--maybe I will! But that's not even the point, my point is, if you're such a protector, why are you thinking about stopping now? What is this?!" Ionys grabbed Truffle by the shoulder, grasping it. "How much did the Blacklight get to you that you haven't said?"

"...Release me."

There was a tense staredown, but eventually Ionys let go.

"I understand that now that you are tied to Maple," Truffle went on, "perhaps you do not wish to see others drift away from you. But I..."

"Answer my fucking question."



"Ionys," Truffle growled, "I do not understand your line of questioning. I feel as if we are... speaking about two different things. I offered to care for Flesh, now that your duties may take you elsewhere. You don't want me to leave. Then you bring up your realization as if it's the only correct one..."

"What will you gain by throwing away your self, now?" Ionys pressed.

"I'll... return to where I must."

"Do you not want to protect others?"

"I do..."

"You turned away from the Blacklight. You're better than me. And now you're... weakening. Here? Now?"

"I'm not possessed, if that's your concern," Truffle replied with an irritable bite. "I've... I don't know what I feel."

"...I know why," Ionys said. "It's funny. But now that I've got a bit of Maple's... Voice powers, I've felt it from you. The sense of willpower. That's inherent to all Voices. I know why you want to return, if you'll hear it."

"I'll humor it," Truffle said tersely.

"You're afraid to lose someone again. If I didn't join up with Maple... would you be standing here right now? When I died, it reminded you of--"

"Goodbye, Ionys. I shall see you later."

"I was fuckin' right, wasn't I? You're gonna run again. So you can forget, you're gonna--"

"I said

"What're you gonna do in that fight, Anthus?" Ionys accused, but Truffle was already using strange wards to push Ionys out against all odds. "Don't think you can block this out! I'll squeal to Maple like you wouldn't
believe if you--"

The door closed. Leg stood behind him, trembling. Truffle offered her a sweet smile. "No need to worry, Leg," he said. "Ionys is... moody."

"Anthus... Okay?"
Leg asked.

Truffle nodded, placing her back in the pile of toys. "Death can do things to a person. But I shall be fine."


"I'm not... done."

"What's this?!" Sprout called. He looked at the vitality machine, confused, and murmured something into his ear, perhaps contacting a technician. But then, making a show of it, he said, "Despite all odds, despite his vitality dropping off completely... Truffle is still in the fray! Incredible!"

Truffle... used Substitute again! His vitality cannot be read! The Master Substitute protected Leg... but it seemed incredibly weak!
Truffle used Spirit Shackle on Icetales, dealing 1 damage!
Truffle maintained his concentration on Wardmaster, rendering status barriers ineffective for Icetales and Brisa!

Leg formed an Icetales doll.

Brisa: 276
Icetales: 816

Truffle: 0?
Leg: 10,000, +Truffle? + Icetales doll+500


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa narrowed her eyes and grit her teeth. Truffle... Truffle had to yield if he was past his limits, right? And he had to be by now. C'mon. She'd hit him hard enough already.

"Truffle, it's a sporting match, not a goddamn fight t'the red end," she growled.

But the fight continued. Stubborn old bastard. Her heart lurched. And she held back.

[Adaptable, Guts, TypeEff]
Brisa focused deeply, and reigned in her Blacklight...
Brisa used Spreader Psychic Fangs, and destroyed the Reflect! [+11, vs Truffle, TruffleSub, Doll]
Brisa unleashed her Tenacity again!
Brisa used Spreader Crunch! [+12, vs Truffle, Leg, Doll]
Brisa stayed wound up...
Δ Stats: +4 Acc
Δ Stamina: -33
Δ Blacklight: set to 30/30
Δ HP: -0
Δ Misc:
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Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
And once more, Icetales felt metal striking his body, the sharp tip slicing more of his fur and leaving scratches behind. But the Ninetales took the hits with stride, with only low growls as a sign that he was starting to feel the fatigue on his body.

Also, Leg had just spawned another doll shaped like him. Another curse that was going to sap away at his health.

How lovely… but he wasn’t going to let that deter him. If he was going to fall, he would have fallen with dignity.

“Alright, Brisa! I feel like we are starting to disrupt their defense! Let us look for a weak spot to strike, and—”

Icetales trailed off as he noticed Truffle… standing. Despite taking all those hits, he was still… standing.

“…By the stars,” he muttered, amazed by the sheer willpower shown by that Decidueye. Though, if there was something that many ghosts were known off, it was their incredible resilience. “Sir Truffle, why…?”

And then, he felt his own powers diminishing further as Truffle exerted his sorcery once more. Icetales gritted his fangs — this wasn’t good! His mist powers had been rendered useless!

But… no. There was still something he could do! Truffle wasn’t the only one who could power through another spell!

“…Very well. Let us see if you can stop this, then!”

Icetales channeled his bells once… nothing. Twice… nothing again. And thrice! This time he felt the energy, slowly removing the sensation of entrapment from his body.

Icetales keeps guarding Brisa! He’s relentless!

- Icetales Rallied Brisa with Pure Words! Her Accuracy rose!
- Icetales used Heal Bell! [Snatch]
- Icetales used Heal Bell! [Snatch]
- Icetales used Heal Bell!

• HP: —
• Stats: —
• Blacklight: +30/+30
• Stamina: -103
• Notes: -Trapped; Guardian Stance


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Brisa's Psychic Fangs dealt heavy damage to Truffle and 9999 damage to the Substitute, destroying it! The doll of Icetales took 903 damage, leaving 125 damage in recoil!
Brisa's Crunch dealt heavy damage to Truffle and ruined Leg's disguise once more!

Leg retaliated with another Iron Tail, dealing a grazing 71 damage!
Leg used Hone Claws one last time, gaining 1 Attack and Accuracy!
Leg spent some time repairing her disguise... It's fully repaired again!

"It seems that they can only barely break through that disguise!" Sprout said. "Truffle is still hanging on, but how long can it last?!" And then, swiftly while the crowd was paying attention to the battle, he spoke into his earpiece. The words were a little more hushed, but sensitive ears in the arena would catch a curse or two as he asked whoever was on the other line what some 'call' should be.

Truffle conjured another Substitute...
Truffle concentrated on Wardmaster! Status healing has been disabled!
Truffle used Spirit Shackle, but it missed completely!

Truffle wobbled, vision focused but in the wrong place.


That night, Truffle slept fitfully in his sleep. What a horrible way to prepare for a match. So fitfully, in fact, that it attracted Leg's attention, who prodded him awake.

"Oh... yes, Leg? It's quite late..."

"Khh... Bad dream..."

"Ah... I see..." Truffle sighed and picked her up. Like a habit, she nestled under his wings the same way she did with her dolls. "Very well. You may rest with me tonight."

Truffle had an easier time drifting off. Peaceful. Quiet. Ionys flashed in his mind now and then, but he ignored it.


Truffle blinked awake. "Hm?"

"...I miss... family."

"Ah..." Truffle gently stroked at the body beneath the disguise. Her strange tendrils curled around his feathers, grasping him. "It will be all right, Spear. I am sure your family is peaceful in whatever Overworld they wound up. Maple saw as much, yes?"

Leg shifted. "...Khh... Used... wrong word."


will... miss... family."

will...?" Truffle repeated, thinking. "But that's..."

The wind carried the rest of his words away. He held her a little tighter. Leg reciprocated.

"Don't worry about things, Leg. You are far too young. You have too much talent to spend all your worries on an old 'mon like me."

Leg hissed something quietly, slowly drifting off. In an effort to help her sleep, the old avian trilled a small lullaby. In the end, he'd fallen asleep first.

Something is distracting Leg. She didn't create a new doll, but her disguise is back in working order!

Brisa: 276
Icetales: 620

Truffle: 0?
Leg: 10,000, Substitute+?
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa tensed up, a pit in her stomach. Beside her, Icetales still gave voice to eterna-empowered exhortations and encouragement, to which her body yet keenly responded.

"C'mon, Truffle, give it up! I ain't fuckin' smack-talkin', cut it out already!"

Maybe if she broke that disguise for good, he'd call it quits...

Brisa entered Lithe Stance.
Brisa used Spreader Crunch... four times. [+12, Adaptable, Guts, TypeEff]
Δ Stats: +4 Res
Δ Stamina: -76
Δ Blacklight: +10/+10
Δ HP: -0
Δ Misc:


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
A pang of sorrow pulsed inside of Icetales’ heart as he saw Truffle working past his limits. He was so distracted by what he was seeing that he barely registered the Iron Tail striking him again, and he didn’t even feel his own powers being disrupted once more.

Why was Truffle doing that? Why was he… pushing himself so hard?

Hm. I wonder if he is trying to prove something. Perhaps to… himself.

Prove something… hm. But what?

“Brisa…” he started, but he felt his words dying in his throat. What could he say? “Just… Brace thyself, yes?”

Icetales idly wondered if they should have called off the match. But maybe… maybe reaching the end was what Truffle needed.

If there was some closure out of that… then Icetales would have helped.

Red and black energy flared up inside his core, and Icetales dashed toward Leg, like a dark-colored comet. And then, he let out all his power, tearing the disguise to shreds.

Icetales’ guard is still high! He’s guarding Brisa!

- Icetales Rallied Brisa with Pure Words! Her Resistance rose!
- Icetales focused his darkness! [+20 Shd]
- Icetales used Shining Revontulet! It turned into Blacklight Quasar!
[Icetales’ Eternal Power is burning!]
- Icetales used Blacklight Z-Supernova against Leg!
[BP 176 | +11 | UE | Room | HH | STAB | Crit]

• HP: Set to 500
• Stats: +2 Valor
• Stamina: Set to 260
• Blacklight: Set to +30/+30
• Notes: +Quasar, Guardian Stance


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Truffle took every strike!
The Substitute was destroyed quickly!
Leg took three of the hits, thoroughly damaging her disguise!
Leg's disguise was destroyed even more by Icetales' Z-Burst!

Leg focused and spent some time repairing her disguise...
Leg spent even more time trying to repair it...
Leg used Blinding Torment... but there was no target!

"S... ssss..." Leg hissed a few times, looking between them. She recognized their strength; she knew, in the end, that she would not be able to last against an onslaught while her disguise was down. She'd run out of time... And their hits, just from how hard they'd gone toward Truffle... Yes. She wouldn't last, and she couldn't outpace them anymore. There was simply no way.. especially now that Icetales was about to cut through them with his Chaos Scythe.

She could see it slice through Truffle and then...

Truffle, he... "S... ssssurren..." She couldn't remember the word, and her wispy voice was lost to the crowd; Incineroar, announcing and speaking to someone urgently, was too far away to hear it unfocused.

Truffle used Substitute...!

They walked into the arena first and Truffle had an alive, resolute light in his eyes, like he always did. Leg looked worriedly at him, but he only smiled that blazing smile. With a beak, it always showed through his eyes exclusively.

Why, then, did Leg feel so sick...?

The crowd's cheers redoubled. Brisa and Icetales were coming... Truffle was looking at Ionys in the stands. And Ionys was glaring back. Truffle was going to fight his hardest... So, she would too.

That's what Papa wanted, right?

The Substitute faded...

"Gh--" Truffle winced. "N-no matter. I still have energy yet! Now watch, Leg, as I show you the power if a master guardian!"

He swooped in front of Leg...

Truffle entered Super Guardian Stance in front of--

"SURRENDER!" Leg screamed. The cry pierced through every other sound.


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Eternal energy flared around Icetales’ cosmic matter, and the dusts and sparks of energy converged into a single dot. The quasar quivered and became solid, reconstructing the body of the half-daemon. Alongside it appeared the red scythe, brimming with chaotic energy and glowing with that ominous light.

…For some reason, that blade felt heavier than usual. Almost unbearable to wield.

Icetales stared at the sharp blade of the scythe, then at his opponents. To his shock, Truffle had swooped in just in front of Leg, a mighty wall of ghostly feathers against a demon born from hell itself.

With his eyes narrowed, Icetales took a few steps forward…

"SURRENDER!" Leg screamed. The cry pierced through every other sound.

Icetales shuddered as memories of Cynthian rushed back into his mind. Oh, how much she adored talking about her time with Leg and about everything she had learned about doll-making.

And the miniature Roserade made of stuffing and gifted by Leg was one of Cynthian’s most prized treasures. The indelible memory of a dear friend.

A friend who… was going to leave soon…

Once back to reality, Icetales lifted his scythe…

Icetales used Chaos Scythe…

…and then, the scythe went down with a fluid motion.

…against the floor.

Horrid noises came from the daemonic weapon as it shattered into millions of shards. Red noxious fumes spewed from the now useless weapon.

Icetales dropped the handle. A loud clang echoed across the battlefield, and the Chaos Scythe dissipated, nowhere to be seen.

“…That’s enough.”

With those words and a wave of his paw, Icetales dispelled his own sorcery. Clear skies shone once more as the quasar’s crumbled into cosmic dust, and the blackness of the half-daemon made way to the familiar mismatched pelt.

“A great warrior knows when it is time to yield, and this is the time.”

Icetales glanced at Brisa, his pupils going back and forth between her and Truffle. Then, he leaned down and took a step toward Leg, his tails wagging.

“Surrender. Yes.”

Icetales dropped his Guardian Stance.

- Icetales refused to use Chaos Scythe.
- Icetales refused to use Chaos Scythe.
- Icetales refused to use Chaos Scythe.
- Icetales dispelled his Blacklight Quasar.
- Icetales focused deeply, and his Blacklight receded.
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Seven strikes. That's how many lightning flash-step blows she could deliver, at her current level of fatigue. Truffle still thought he could win, but if she fought for real, she could fucking kill him. Damn it, should she refuse to fight? Would he even stop fighting if she did? Truffle's eyes still blazed with that Radiant mania he'd shown since their acquaintance was new. The drunkenness of the life-light, of uninhibited intent... Did Truffle really not understand what was happening to him?

"Truffle!" she barked, fists tight, "That's enough! I ain't gonna strike you down."

Brisa took a hard breath, made no attack, her Blacklight streaming away from her as she discarded its potential striking power for once.

"Stand down, fella. This thing is over."

Brisa exited Lithe Stance. She's still wound up...
Brisa focused deeply.
Brisa called out to Truffle!
Δ Stats: -
Δ Stamina: +50%
Δ Blacklight: -10/-10
Δ HP: -0
Δ Misc:


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
The arena was silent, even if the audience was still abuzz with activity, cheering even more than before. It didn't match what was happening in the arena, but only keen eyes would spot Ionys making subtle gestures with his claws that might have been showing the audience a different story.

"An amazing display of power and restraint between both sides!" Incineroar called out.

Truffle was readying another arrow, spectral threads using his wing as a shaking bow, like he didn't want to stop, perhaps trying tp provoke another attack. But then, finally, his energy gave out, and he stumbled.

Just then, a loud POP! sounded, and a deluge of ribbons and confetti clouded the air and rained down on the arena.

"Whoops! Sorry, folks, but it looks like we're having some technical difficulties! A round of applause for our fighters!" Incineroar called, but even as he did, amid the obscuring confetti, he was walking forward in a fast sprint toward Truffle. Faster than Brisa's electricity, he scooped Truffle up and an Alakazam appeared right next to him. In a blink, all three of them disappeared. That was a medic; it seemed that when something happened, they acted fast. The confetti must have been a cover.
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