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Destiny Colosseum

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Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"It appears that everybody is ready!" Incineroar stepped back. For some reason he seemed to be at a greater distance from the arena than usual. "Let the battle... begin!"

Kyurem... didn't move. She stared at them, unblinking, unflinching, like she didn't hear Incineroar. The atmosphere, meanwhile, got colder. Or was it always this cold, and only now did it start to seep in?

Even Astrid would feel this strange, draining chill in the air...

Kyurem's Nihil permeates the air... Stat boosts don't work when attacking her.

Kyurem: 30,000

Owen and the others watched. The crowd seemed... muted, from the perspective of Starr, Brisa, and Astrid. There were animated shouts and gestures, yet the sound didn't get to them. It seemed blurry, almost, like afterimages overlaying on top of one another. Owen and Diyem were still watching in complete, focused stillness.

And yet, still, Kyurem didn't move.


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Astrid was still ruminating on Diyem’s comment while the announcements droned on like usual, such that she nearly didn’t have time to notice everything odd about the arena. But the change in atmosphere, innate as it was to the chilled air they breathed… it was simply impossible to miss. Something was going unspoken, something exciting, something dangerous—two of her biggest motivators for competing in the colosseum to begin with.

She eyed Sprout, who’d uncharacteristically retreated to the back wall, and then the makeup of the crowd. It was munch denser than usual, not just from the lack of vacant seats, but from the occupants themselves. There were legendaries everywhere. Some of them sat in nosebleed sections they’d normally be able to avoid given their prestige, but couldn’t today due to, perhaps, not getting their tickets before the rest. She’d seen the colosseum this full when it was buzzing and lively and on the verge of blowing the roof off (if there was one)… but she’d never felt tension like this. Her eardrums weren’t pounding in her head, which meant it was way too quiet.

Astrid sought any discomfort or revelry in their opponent’s body language, but found none. She couldn’t meet her eyes. She tried, no doubt, but they were un-meetable. Blank. Staring into the yellow was oddly comforting, if not hypnotic. Her focus would break if she did that for too long.

You’re a controversial one, aren’t you…

Sprout had finished; after a brief telepathic exchange with her friends, Astrid took up her stance. The battle was underway, with Kyurem making no effort to act before they did—not much of a relief given the effort everyone was making to stay away from her. Heck.

Well. I hope we can show you a fun time. Maybe… this can be a beginning for you.

“Good luck, gals,” Astrid huffed.

She hadn’t felt this cold—hadn’t felt cold at all—in so long. Not since…

☢️ Astrid used Shadow Recurve! It chained into Spite, which will activate next turn!
☢️ Astrid used Misty Terrain!
☢️ Astrid is Winding Up!

Astrid is Unleashed!
Receiving: Rally Call [Brisa]

Δ Stats: +4 Spe
Δ Stamina: -51
Δ Corruption: +34 Shd, +20 Rad
Δ Misc: +1 Action, +Misty Terrain, +Recurve!Spite
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Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Unreal cold. So much that Starr's inner fire struggled to hold it back. She formed a tiny ball of sunlight over her head and that helped, somewhat. Even Astrid was feeling the cold. That really put things in perspective.

Starr's instincts were telling her to stay back. She knew she'd have to attack eventually, but she really wasn't looking forward to it.

Weather the snowstorm...

She glanced at her team. "Alright, let's go."

- Starr used Sunny Day!
- Starr used Void Catharsis on Brisa!
- Starr used Protect x4!
Δ Stats: +2 Atk, +2 Spd
Δ Stamina: -243
Δ Corruption: +0/40
Δ HP: Set to 125%
Δ Misc: +5 Protect, +Sun, +1 action


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
The ominous atmosphere of the Colosseum, with Kyurem's chill emptiness displacing all other feeling... There was a kind of sorrow, to it, a melancholy that tugged at your chest and bit at your skin and clutched at your bones. A coldness of the heart. Starr had her inner fire to stay warm... Astrid was naturally attuned to frigid temperatures... And Brisa just had sheer fucking grit. It'd have to do.

"Let's see you at full pelt, Astrid!" she called, her voice seeming to fade away in the all-annihilating cold. "It's yer time t'shine, darlin'!"

She yowled under her breath as her vitality dived under Radiant light, and gasped as Shadows soaked and soothed her body moments later. This was it. Win or lose... This was their last fight against a Tao dragon.

Brisa rallied Astrid! Speed +4!
Brisa used Substitute!
Brisa used Brilliant Paragon, exerting herself and Starr!
Δ Stats: +2 Atk, +2 Spd
Δ Stamina: -155
Δ Corruption: +41/+0
Δ HP: +25%, -Burn
Δ Misc: +1 Protect, +Paragon, +2 Charge, +Substitute, +1 Action


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"And here we go, folks! It looks like Team Spectrum is opening with their usual preparations!" Incineroar spread his arms wide, but then quickly brought them back together, as if the cold reminded him not to spread his body too much.

Diyem murmured something. Owen nodded, a worried expression crossing his eyes. He looked like he wanted to say something, but perhaps through telepathy it would be cheating. He also seemed uncertain, like he wasn't sure himself if his thoughts were correct. But something about what team Spectrum did worried him; in particular, he seemed focused on Starr.

Kyurem continued to be motionless. Perhaps she was a statue after all? She didn't blink, either... The only hint that she was alive at all was her jaw occasionally twitching, nibbling on a few stray crumbs of her pre-battle meal.

And then, the great dragon started to move.

Kyurem tilted her head!
Kyurem stretched her neck!
Kyurem scratched her cheek!

Astrid: 569
Brisa: 871
Starr: 1075

Kyurem: 30,000


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa peered into the cold. Was Kyurem a purely reactive fighter, or something? Did she have punisher strategies? Brisa wracked her mind for possibilities.

"Astrid, keep on yer toes, she's gotta try somethin' sooner or later! Starr, brace yerself and go steady! We can handle any surprises if we stay mindful!"

Brisa shifted smoothly into her bipedal, mythic form, wiped frozen moisture from her muzzle, and loped in for an experimental strike. Facing up against an impassive titan like Kyrurem somehow gave the opposite sensation to a usual fight. Normally, the pressure was on to strike as hard and fast as possible... With Kyurem, Brisa had the oddest feeling that doing that would lead to disaster.

Let's find out what yer made of, she thought to herself, as she took a measured swing at Kyurem's flank.

Brisa rallied Astrid! +4 Eva!
Brisa rallied Starr! +2 Res, +2 Spd!
Brisa focused deeply...
Brisa unleashed her Tenacity!
Brisa used Bolt Strike! It reacted to Astrid's energy! [+0, Stab, Guts, HH, SE, Charge]
Δ Stats: -
Δ Stamina: -57
Δ Corruption: -10/+0
Δ HP: +69 Nice
Δ Misc: -1 Charge, Misty Terrain
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Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat

Astrid shook her head. No. Still-footed speculation wasn’t cutting it. They’d experiment. They'd be patient. They’d crack her shell, one way or another.

“Comfortable over there?” she called across the frigid field as the fight continued to play out. She didn’t expect a response and kept going. “Me too. But we can’t hide our secrets forever…”

It was getting colder, wasn’t it. And colder, and colder…

Blacklight Titan is revving up Starr and Brisa!

☢️ Astrid used Shadow Recurve! It chained into Spite, which will activate next turn!
☢️ Astrid used Shadow Recurve! It chained into Shining Inspiration, which will activate next turn!
☢️ Astrid Focused deeply…
☢️ Astrid is Winding Up!
Receiving: Rally Call [Brisa]

Δ Stats: +4 Eva
Δ Stamina: -75
Δ Corruption: +8 Shd, +2 Rad
Δ Misc: +1 action, +Recurve!Inspiration, +Recurve!Spite
Notes: give Misty Terrain to allies, Titan = Friendship

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Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Starr tensed up, eyeing her opponent with a frustrated impatience. Come onn... do something. Her claws twitched in agitation. She wanted to unleash all her pent-up energy in a burst of radiance and shadow, and feel that ripple of power that lingered in her body afterward. But not yet. Not until they knew what they were up against.

Two strikes. Just two. And then... she'd pace herself for the next exchange of blows.

Something was coming. Something...

Starr unleashed her Resolution!
- Starr used Titanic Blue Flare! [SE, STAB, Sun]
- Starr used Blue Flare! [STAB, Sun]
- Starr focused.
- Starr is winding up.
Δ Stats: +2 Spd, +2 Res
Δ Stamina: -78 [+99 Second Wind]
Δ Corruption: +0/0
Δ HP: -
Δ Misc: Unleash, +1 action


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Brisa's Bolt Strike dealt 1325 damage to Kyurem!
Starr's Blue Flare dealt 705 damage to Kyurem!
Her second Blue Flare dealt 472 damage!

Kyurem is Staggered!

Kyurem stood and took all of the attacks. Her yellow eyes dimmed a little on the final blow, and then Incineroar spoke up.

"Kyurem!" he said with the same enthusiasm as usual, "the battle has started!"

"I know," she said. "I was waiting for their turn."

"Their--" He nearly lost his composure from sheer befuddlement. "Turn?"

"Yes... that is how a battle works, right? Pine told me... and it's like that new game on the badges everyone has. Dungeon Explorers: Rescue Mission..."

There was a brief but pregnant silence. "Battles in the Colosseum are in... real time! You can, you can attack as you like!"

"Oh." Kyurem nodded. "Then I'll attack... yaaay. Attacking time. My turn..."

Kyurem slashed at Astrid, but she dodged!
Kyurem went for a tail swipe at Brisa, striking the Substitute for 56 damage!
Kyurem attacked Starr, taking out a Protect barrier!

Now, Owen looked confused. He murmured to Diyem; he only shook his head, eyes keen. Kyurem was going to do something after the next exchange. The atmosphere was starting to get colder, like the warnings of an incoming storm.

Opposite to Diyem, watching from the other side of the arena, was Maple, with Joule curled in the very back of the colosseum, technically not taking up a seat of his own. Almost simultaneously, Maple's paw flashed with darkness, startling her, and Diyem's tail flame darkened with the same energy.

"Is this what a battle is like?" Kyurem asked slowly. "I don't feel anything about it... why do people have fun with this? Do I need to... fight more? So tiring... it's a waste of energy..."

She wasn't speaking loud enough for others to hear. It was like a whisper; only the gals heard her. Incineroar made a few calls for Kyurem's attacks, trying to hype it up, as frost grew on his whiskers.

Astrid: 569
Brisa: 940, Substitute+127
Starr: 1075, Protect+2

Kyurem: 27,498

It's getting colder...
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa took a lungful of heatless air and winced. It wasn't hurting her, not really, but the effect on morale was unnerving. 'Nothing is scarier' indeed.

"C'mon you two, whatever she hits us with, we can take it! Stay ready!"

She kept her distance from Kyurem, examining her for weaknesses... It would take a fair number of hits to take the dragon down in these conditions, but nothing they couldn't handle. But she had to have something else, something more, something to merit Owen's fear...

Keep yer head, ranger.

Brisa rallied Starr! +2 Def, +2 Eva!
Brisa rallied Astrid! +2 Acc, +2 Eva!
Brisa focused deeply...
Brisa regained stamina...
Δ Stats: -
Δ Stamina: 100%
Δ Corruption: -10/+0
Δ HP: +69 Nice
Δ Misc: -

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Starr blinked at the ice dragon. 'What was the point?' She didn't know how to answer that. She wasn't the sort to wax poetic about understanding each other through battle like Brisa or Owen.

Somehow, before Kyurem had even done anything, Starr felt paralyzed. It was aggravating. She wanted someone to shatter the silence and put an end to the suspense.

Fine. They'd never know what was coming for them if they didn't take the plunge. Someone had to hit hard. Might as well be her.

- Starr used Umbral Insolence! She lost 860 HP.
- Starr used Titanic Blue Flare! [SE, Blaze, STAB, Sun, Friendship, Crit]
- Starr used Blue Flare! [Blaze, STAB, Sun, Friendship]
- Starr is winding up.
Δ Stats: +2 Def, +2 Eva
Δ Stamina: -105 [+93 SW]
Δ Corruption: +20/40
Δ HP: 150%
Δ Misc: +1 action, Misty Terrain


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Astrid’s Titan is revving up Starr!
Astrid was Inspired by Starr!

"Is this what a battle is like? I don't feel anything about it... why do people have fun with this? Do I need to... fight more? So tiring... it's a waste of energy..."

Astrid hesitated. “You… um, just have to get into the swing of it!”

Ice had begun to build up here and there, objectifying the cold that had only been intensifying. Some of it, at least, did not belong to Kyurem.

A wave of snow rippled around Astrid, blown about by turbulent forces in the arena—so far, just from her two friends. She did not summon a permanent hailstorm quite yet; this one was smaller, more condensed, and if she forced it hard enough, she could compact it into something the size of an Ice Beam.

“Battles… there’s something inherently pointless about them, right? Beating each other up for sport isn’t productive. Not in a vacuum, anyway.”

☢️ Astrid Called Kyurem!

“Guess that’s what makes Cibus so special. I’ve met so many people here that fight in such unique ways. This place is all about inspiring and being inspired by others, building hope—and here, Hope can change the course of history. Isn’t that right?”

Astrid aimed a line down Kyurem’s forehead and readied her attack.

“So, w-we just want you to make art with us! That’s all! That’s why we’re here. It doesn’t have to be anything exhausting or spectacular, it just has to be yours.

“Okay…” Astrid’s voice fell to a whisper. “Watch… watch this, let me just show you what I mean, and then maybe—”

☢️ Astrid used Brilliant Metanoia!
☢️ Astrid fired off a Pressurized Blizzard!

[165 BP | SE, STAB, Blaze, Sun, HH]
☢️ Astrid is Winding Up!
Δ Stats: +2 Eva, +4 Acc
Δ Stamina: -83
Δ Corruption: +20 Shd, +76 Rad
Δ Misc: +1 action, +Endure, +Metanoia
Notes: Friendship activated via Inspiration/Titan


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Starr's Blue Flare dealt 1564 damage!
Starr's second Blue Flare dealt 893 damage!
Astrid's Pressurized Blizzard dealt 1785 damage to Kyurem!

Kyurem is Staggered!

"Art?" Kyurem repeated, tilting her head even as the attacks landed on her. Despite the injuries--and they were noticeable, especially with how horrible her guard was--she didn't seem bothered at all by it. "I don't know how art works... or what art is supposed to be. Or mean..."

She looked at them all. "I guess I can start trying to fight. I don't really know if it's worth it, though. Mmh... All this fighting. I don't know what it's all for. Beating the Blacklight... woo. But the future hasn't changed... the future I see..."

Kyurem pawed at Brisa's Substitute, dealing 56 damage!

She stopped again, shaking her head. "I don't feel it. I don't feel... this joy that comes from fighting. Maybe I'm broken, for a Pokemon... Or maybe I'm adjusting... to seeing the future again."

She tilted her head to the other side. She was looking at something not there, perhaps in her mind. There, she saw silhouettes of three Pokemon--a Hydreigon standing in front of an Axew and Snivy. A blast of ice froze the Hydreigon solid... and then it shattered.

"Maybe something's wrong again... I've never been able to do it right. Why else do you think I stay home...?"

Kyurem's words weigh heavily in the air... Astrid, Brisa, and Starr lost 2 Defense and Resistance! It's an anti-Rally!

"I guess I can go for my special technique. Maybe... that will be something to see. Maybe then you'll understand... Or not. It doesn't really matter..."

The wind picked up.

"Here... the future... that nobody else can see."

It was becoming too dark to see properly amid the storm. If Owen was making any expressions now, they couldn't see it from within. The colosseum may as well no longer matter as howling winds drowned out the crowd. For those in the audience, they could still see--but by some strange illusion, Brisa, Astrid, and Starr could not see them back.

Kyurem used Divine Future! A cold aura permeates the battlefield...

Astrid: 1, +Endure
Brisa: 1009, Substitute+71
Starr: 1290, Protect+1

Kyurem: 23,256

The arena's aura is horrible... Restoring HP of any kind has become impossible!


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Astrid pleaded with Kyurem. “I already foresee that I’m gonna blow up when I’m done here, and that I’m gonna leave Cibus one day, and that I’m gonna die forever one day…”

She puffed up her cheeks. “Crazy how life still matters! I can still make a difference while I’m here, and I can still take you down with me and win, and even the heat death of the universe couldn’t take that victory away. If you truly want to enjoy this, just, y’know, just make it up as you go. Change the journey, not the destination. Then you’ll be doing it right.”

And indeed, Kyurem had just done something. Finally, finally, she’d done… what exactly had she done?

A terrifying mystery still surrounded the diety before them. In spite of that, Astrid’s smile was wide and true, barely discernible between snowbursts from the chaotic storm.

“Yeah, yeah! That’s the spirit…!”

Astrid’s Titan is revving up Brisa and Starr!

☢️ Astrid deeply Focused… [exit Unleash]
☢️ Astrid used Shining Inspiration on Brisa!
☢️ Astrid fired off a Pressurized Null Blizzard!

[165 BP | SE, STAB, Guts, Terrain, HH]
☢️ Astrid used Shadow Recurve! It chained into Spite, which will activate next turn!
☢️ Astrid is Winding Up!
Δ Stats:
Δ Stamina: -110
Δ Corruption: -26 Shd, -12 Rad
Δ Misc: +Recurve!Spite,

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
The cold got worse. Like her inner fire wasn't even there. Starr squinted through the swirling snow and reached for the soothing shadows that weren't there.

'Weather the snowstorm'... How the hell was she supposed to do that now, huh?

Every instinct was screaming that they had to finish this fight now, before things got any worse. But Diyem had acted like that would be the end of the world, so...

With an impotent snarl, Starr stood guard in front of Astrid and braced herself.

Starr is guarding Astrid!
- Starr used Titanic Shadow Blue Flare! [UE, STAB, Friendship]
- Starr focused out of her unleash.
- Starr used Power Trip! [STAB, Friendship, 30 stages]
- Starr is winding up.
Δ Stats: +2 Def, +2 Res
Δ Stamina: -89 [+97 SW]
Δ Corruption: -30/11
Δ HP: -
Δ Misc: +1 action, Misty Terrain


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Her fucking plasma. It wasn't... It wasn't working, wasn't restoring her...! And that freezing aura was ruining their defensive stances, goddamnit just how vulnerable were they gonna get? It was worst for Starr, who needed to stand by Astrid, too...

"Starr, she's fuckin' up yer guard! Stay watchful!"

Brisa snarled with effort as she raised an electric aura underfoot. She was resolved to persevere, no matter what, but she needed to hit a little goddamn harder than this.

With cold lightning at her fist, she could hit pretty fucking hard, too.

Brisa rallied Starr! +2 Def, +2 Res!
Brisa used Electric Terrain!
Brisa used Titanic Bolt Strike! [+0, Stab, Guts, Terrain, HH, SE, Charge, Crit]
Δ Stats: -
Δ Stamina: -88
Δ Corruption: +30/+30
Δ HP: +0 Not Nice
Δ Misc: -1 Charge, +Electric Terrain


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Astrid's Blizzard dealt 1430 damage to Kyurem!
Starr's Blue Flare dealt 1070 damage to Kyurem!
Starr's Power Trip dealt 1088 damage to Kyurem!
Brisa's Bolt Strike dealt 1974 damage to Kyurem!

Kyurem is Staggered!

This earned a small grunt from Kyurem this time. Perhaps even a wince from the onslaught. She crouched, closing her eyes, listening to Astrid, clearly.

"Make it up... as I go along?" Kyurem asked, her yellow eyes flickering in the snowstorm, making an easy target for the gals to focus their strikes toward. Even in the snowstorm, Kyurem was making no effort to hide, not that she was giving much effort to do anything. "How can I make things up... when I know how it all ends? When all I see when I look forward... is darkness..."

Kyurem's words echoed harshly...

"I can't... do that. Make it up... why bother, why bother..."

Kyurem swiped at Brisa, destroying the Substitute with 80 damage!
Kyurem's discouraging words held some weight... Team Spectrum's defenses went down by 1!

The air is getting colder... It's getting dark. Even Starr's flames cannot fully cut through the darkness. Stamina regeneration has been completely nullified; negative stamina is treated like a KO!

Astrid: 1
Brisa: 1,009
Starr: 1,290

Kyurem: 17,694


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa growled against Kyurem's fatalism and the joyless, sunless darkness engulfing them. Was this... was Kyurem fucking Shadowing?

"Starr, don't lose yer nerve! We'll make it through, just keep goin' steady! C'mon, light on yer toes now, like practice drill!"

Brisa loped back around and slammed a fist into Kyurem again, doing everything she could to keep her Blacklight low, keep her energy up, warm her body, stay on guard, everything, everything...

She could hardly see or hear her allies, let alone the crowds or the sky. But she could still see victory, even now. She had faith in the ones she loved, even in the pitch black.


Brisa rallied Starr! +4 Evas
Brisa focused deeply...
Brisa used Titanic Bolt Strike! [+0, Stab, Guts, Terrain, HH, SE, Charge, Crit]
Δ Stats: -
Δ Stamina: -43
Δ Corruption: -10/-10
Δ HP: +0 Not Nice
Δ Misc: -
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Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Icicles formed in the crevasses between her teeth as she grit them against the raging cyclone. They continued fighting in its belly; the crowd was simply a figment of the past now. Could they even see the battle? It was impossible to tell. Even Sprout’s cries over the intercom had been drowned out.

And again, Kyurem, perhaps out of sheer disinterest, had invalidated Astrid’s latest disabling spell by simply not using any moves at all. Geez, that was one way to avoid it. Oh well.

"I can't... do that. Make it up... why bother, why bother..."

“Huh.” Astrid blinked. “I recognize that pitch…”

She knew very little about the Bittercold near-apocalypse, except that Kyurem had been a harbinger of death during that time—the same Kyurem widely regarded as among the closest to Arceus himself.

Maybe, in a roundabout way, she was the closest thing to Dark Matter as well.

Shadow Kyurem. The Radiance inside Astrid sparked with excitement from the very thought, bringing back memories of noteworthy Shadow opponents she’d let loose on in the past. That would have to wait until more built up, it seemed… and she grunted with effort to keep her brimming Radiance from breaking through right away. Forcing it down was always uncomfortable, kinda like eating when you’re beyond full. The effort made her dizzy, and the uniquely bitter shade in the air that instantly took its place wasn’t any tastier.

“Ghhuh… we n… to…” Curses. The storm had grown way too loud. Switching to telepathy.

‘Gals, gals, we need to keep going—! Balance longevity with playing to our strengths! Um, I can keep powering you up for as long as I’m on my feet, but we gotta be prepared for…’

For what? There was no telling. She prayed there was more to this fight, that a new beginning would arise before the end…

Astrid Unleashed!
Blacklight Titan is revving up Starr and Brisa!

☢️ Astrid deeply Focused… [exit Unleash]
☢️ Astrid used Shining Inspiration on Brisa!
☢️ Astrid used Null Tail Slap!
[125 BP | SE, STAB, Guts, Terrain, HH]
☢️ Astrid deeply Focused…
☢️ Astrid is Winding Up!

Astrid Unleashed again!
Δ Stats:
Δ Stamina: -99
Δ Corruption: -28 Shd, -22 Rad
Δ Misc: +1 action
Notes: using Tail Slap for extra stagger

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Starr could feel the cold in her bones. It was getting hard to move. Kyurem's words felt like bags of wet sand tied to her limbs. Man. What was the point of all this? Starr wasn't sure she could remember.

She could hear Brisa's words cutting through the wind, though. Brisa... still wanted to keep going. Starr wasn't sure why, but... alright.

So she sat, and she focused, and she waited until she could feel that tiniest bit of flame left inside her, and then she grabbed it.

Starr is guarding Astrid!
Starr unleashed her Resolution!
- Starr focused... Once, twice, three times.
- Starr used Titanic Blue Flare! [SE, STAB, Sun, Friendship]
Δ Stats: +4 Evade
Δ Stamina: -46
Δ Corruption: -40 shd
Δ HP: -
Δ Misc: Misty Terrain
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