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Destiny Colosseum

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Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Brisa's Void Arcstrike dealt 954 damage to Potluck!
Brisa's Bolt Strike dealt a CRITICAL 1020 damage to Potluck!

Astrid's Blizzard dealt a CRITICAL 1222 damage to Potluck!
Astrid's Blacklight Meltdown dealt a CRITICAL 2707 damage to Potluck!

This time, the attacks did something tangible. Potluck skidded back on his feet, but he was still standing, and despite the gashes and scorches along his body, the ice forming over the wounds, he was still holding strong. "Wow! Was that one of your famous onslaughts?! That's so cool! Okay! But you need to give me some time before I do mine, alright? Let's do some warm-ups!"

Potluck used Multi-Attack on Astrid! Astrid was KOed!
Astrid's Grudge activated! Multi-Attack will cost all actions next turn if used!
Potluck changed types to Normal!
Potluck used Double Hit on Brisa for a partial grazing total of 95 damage!
Potluck used Double Edge on Brisa for 222 damage! He took 22 damage in recoil!

Potluck's Ignite continues! He gains +2 Defense, Resistance, Attack, and Magic, as well as +4 Speed and Evasion! Potluck gained Shield Breaker!

Potluck's next Ignite may be his last!

Astrid: Blaze of Glory
Brisa: 241

Potluck: 7517
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Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
[+10, UE, STAB, HH, Terrain, Guts, Crit]
Astrid Called out to Brisa! [+2 Defense, +2 Resistance]
Astrid used Shining Inspiration on Brisa’a Void Arcstrike!
Astrid antifocused for +20 Radiance!
Astrid used Voidbound! It chained into a CRITICAL Pressurized Blizzard! [165 BP]
Astrid used CRITICAL Blacklight Z-Burst! [164 BP]

Δ Stats: +6 Magic, +1 Speed, +4 Accuracy, +2 Valor
Δ HP: Blaze of Glory
Δ Radiance: AAAAAAAA
Δ Misc: Last Wish goes to Brisa


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
“Trust me!”

She did. All the old anxieties and concerns, the urge to protect, to limit... Now, she felt only rapturous pride as Astrid harnessed the volatile energy inside her to pull off something nobody else could. A controlled cataclysm, directed solely at her opponent.

And all that power, that valorous energy, was sent Brisa's way. Because Astrid trusted her to finish this.


First she followed up on Astrid's combo with a Shadow-soaked strike, punching above her weight as usual, and then, while Potluck was reeling, she inhaled the power-heavy air, and with the breath came the calm she needed to push herself to her limits.

Just like she always did.

[+12, Guts, Stab, Crit, Friendship]
Brisa used Shadow Facade! [UE]
Brisa focused deeply...
Brisa used Overcharged Titanic Bolt Strike! [SE, Terrain, Charge, 100 Para]
Δ Stats: +6 All, +2 Valor
Δ Stamina: Last Wish, then -85
Δ Blacklight: -10/+9
Δ HP: Last Wish, then +53
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Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Astrid's Blizzard dealt a CRITICAL 1055 damage!
Astrid's Z-Burst dealt a CRITICAL 1196 damage!

Brisa's Blacklight Facade dealt CRITICAL 880 damage!
Brisa's Titanic Bolt Strike dealt CRITICAL 913 damage to Potluck!

"Ngg... w-wow! You're... hitting hard!" Potluck nodded, even as the lights around his irises swirled faster and faster. "But I don't know if you can break through me anymore... Hee hee, I'm just too strong! But wait a little longer! I'm gonna show you my best trick! It's cool, I promise!"

But before then, Potluck still had one more onslaught to perform.

Potluck used Double Hit on Brisa, dealing a partial grazing total of 65 damage!
Potluck used Double Edge on Brisa, dealing 249 damage! Potluck took 25 damage in recoil!
Potluck used Rock Slide on Brisa, dealing 147 damage!
Potluck switched to the Ground type!
Potluck couldn't use Multi-Attack thanks to Astrid's Grudge! He used Grass Pledge instead, dealing 96 damage!

Potluck's Ignite reached its final stage! He gained +2 Defense, Resistance, Attack, Magic, Speed, and Evade, +6 Accuracy, and then +6 Valor! Potluck gained immunity to all self-inflicted damage!

Potluck is preparing an endless Blinding Meltdown onslaught!

Brisa: 61

Potluck: 3448

"U-um, should we be worried?" Incineroar said over the hot mic.
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa wiped blood from her eyes. Goddamn, but this motherfucker packed a wallop once he got going. She was fighting a losing battle, she knew, but she wasn't the type to ever quit. She'd give him the closest fight of his life, by thunder.

She shot the announcer a glare.

"Can it, Beansprout!" she roared, "I can take it!"

Brisa sprinted headlong at Potluck with all the Shadow in her fists that she could muster . . . while keeping a leash on her sanity.

"If you wanna beat me, y'gotta do it the hard way!"

[+12, Guts, Stab]
Brisa used Shadow Facade! [UE]
Brisa used Shadow Facade! [UE]
Brisa used Blacklight Z-Burst! [169bp, SE]
Δ : Z-Busted, then +50/+30 BL, +53 hp


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Brisa's double Facade dealt a total of 376 damage to Potluck, partially grazing!
Brisa's Blacklight Z-Burst dealt 155 damage to Potluck!

Potluck stared down at Brisa with a gleaming grin in that metallic beak. "It's okay," he said. "I know you're still strong. I know you can take it. You guys are Team Spectrum! And you guys can do anything! Now look, I'm gonna impersonate Astrid!" He put on a playful face. "Give 'em some fireworks!"

Potluck retaliated with six Blinding Meltdowns, knocking Brisa out!

Incineroar was pinned against the wall from the blasts, leaving an Incineroar-shaped hole in the stone of the stands. He pulled his microphone out and spoke into it, "It appears... that the battle is over! With Potluck still standing, and Brisa... and most of the arena..."

Before them, almost a glow fifth of the arena--the center of it--had been reduced to a crater of Radiant energy that sparked and danced with remnant volatility. Potluck was panting at the bottom, steam rising from his body, cheek bolts whirring as he cooled off his systems. "That... was great...!" Potluck said. "W-wait... how are you...?"

Potluck's Ignite boosts faded, and will begin anew!
Potluck returned to Normal type.

Brisa's Blaze of Glory activated!

Brisa: Blaze of Glory

Potluck: 2917


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Get up. Get up. C'mon... Get up.

The air tasted like blood and Blacklight. Electricity crackled in her vision and across her fur. She wasn't finished. Brisa staggered to her feet and stared down the silvally, who'd had the temerity to mock Astrid.

"Do I look done?" she barked, before extending a zeraora paw to level a challenging finger at Potluck's smug beak. "C'mon! Y'ain't got the mettle t'pull that off again, do ya? Let's see you handle me when I quit holdin' back!"

And in she went, screaming defiance, energy streaming from her every follicle, something new shining in her heart...

Brisa's Eternal Spirit is burning!

Astrid... I'll do my best fer you!

Brisa focused deeply...
[+12, UE, Guts, Stab, Terrain, Charge]
Brisa used Void Arcstrike!
Brisa used Void Arcstrike!
Brisa used Umbral Overcharge and powered up a final Void Arcstrike! [Crit]
Δ : /Blaze of Glory


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Brisa's Void Tristrike dealt a semi-CRITICAL total of 4305 damage!

In a reversal of fortune, Brisa and Astrid preparing themselves for an onslaught, and to last beyond even that pummeling, was narrowly enough to keep her going. For a fleeting instant, her return volley had knocked Potluck across the crater, where he then fell down, motionless, as his cheek bolts stopped whirring. The swirling energy around his body dissipated, though steam continued to rise from his systems.

Incineroar crawled to the edge of the crater to peer down, then stood up. "And by another slim reversal, the winner is... Team Spectrum!"


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa coughed, and blood spattered the Radiance-teeming ground. It seemed like every goddamn match these days ended with her at her final sliver of consciousness. Skyfire and thunder...

"That's me done," she choked out. "No interviews, thanks."


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Astrid would’ve run up to bump Brisa, but as things usually went, there was nothing left in the tank. Tough challenge after tough challenge came with the territory of being a self-appointed gladiator; in the dirt was how she usually ended up, expected to end up, and sometimes ended up for the very sake of victory. Like today. But she raised her head just a bit, and heard the crowd, heard Brisa, saw the score, saw the look on her face, took it all in… and could find solace once again that it was worth it.

When she had the strength to stand, she gave Potluck her best compliments and then approached her friend.

“Wow! That was…” she began, voice ragged, “hhharder than I expected. But super fun! Gosh. At the end there, Brisa, I caught glimpses of you, doing your, ahh, what… what was that? Whatever it was, way to finish.”

She cast a glance at their special audience. Her smile became weighted slightly. They were watching for a reason—because Brisa and herself had grown strong enough to make a fight with Potluck interesting and competitive, but also because their final act was surely approaching. They were on the verge, supposedly, of nabbing that final parasite, and they would need this very same strength to do that successfully. If she were in Maple’s shoes, she’d want to watch too. Astrid wasn’t sure how she felt about that type of pressure.

She supposed it wasn’t hers to deal with alone, and that brightened her up almost instantly.

“Victory spoils?” she jibed, clearing her throat to unsuccessfully mask her rumbling stomach. “After that final exchange, I bet you’re righteously hungry.”


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa struggled to make her way to Astrid's side, everything hurting as much as when she'd taken on gods in this arena. Wasn't that what Potluck was? A divine being of some kind?

In that body, are you?

She shook her head clear and winced at the ringing pain in her skull. Everything hurt!

But she'd always have a smile for Astrid.

"Hey, partner," she said, more softly than she thought she still could. "Thanks. You did spectacularly fuckin' well too, and... Yeah. Food sounds good."

What had it been that she'd done, right at the end there? She hadn't really thought about it, she'd just pushed herself as hard as she possibly could... The feeling in her, it hadn't been either Radiance or Shadow. It'd been something else for sure. She'd figure it out.

Before then, she had a friend to celebrate with.

R15 ~ The Gals vs Reshiram


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
The crowd seemed to be, somehow, muted as they stared at the great, white dragon on the northern end of the battlefield. Reshiram stared the trio down, the trio that had defeated his sister. Of course, that was to be expected; the way they fought was up to her standards. He wondered, then, if the same could be said for his own. It was possible... But it may also be too much for them.

Incineroar did his usual ceremonies. Reshiram nodded respectfully, but his blue eyes were already trained on his opponents. "I trust you are ready," Reshiram said. "I wish you the best of luck, Team Spectrum. But while I am an inventor have have spent most of my time indoors as of late, do not think that means I am weaker. I will show you the power of the world's Truth."

Embers danced around his body as a silver light surrounded him. This Legend wasn't going to hold back! Owen watched from the stands, hoping the information he had provided would be enough...

Reshiram's Truth activated! He completely ignores Defense buffs and evasion!

Reshiram: 30,000


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Starr hadn't talked about it much, but Brisa could tell this match mattered to her somehow, the way squaring up against Zekrom had mattered to her. Plus, the way Owen told it, this would be a substantially harder fight for them. In a way, that made it even more invigorating than the challenge against Zekrom. One way or another, Brisa would give her all to support Starr in this one. She glanced sidelong at Starr, wondering how her time in the Eterna storm had affected her. What she wouldn't give to see the first use of Starr's latest combat technique up close and personal.

Brisa's body shifted, her energies flared, and she knew — if it came to it, she'd bite the dust before Starr did.

Brisa Unleashed her Tenacity!
Brisa wound up...
Brisa used Electric Terrain!
Brisa used Brilliant Paragon!
Brisa heard Astrid calling to her...
Brisa was soothed by Starr's Catharsis...
Δ Stats: +2 Atk, +6 Spd
Δ Stamina: -103
Δ Blacklight: +50/+0
Δ HP: 150%
Δ Misc: +2 Charge, +1 Protect, +Paragon, +Unleashed, +1 Action


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Usually, Astrid would be jumping up and down. She would be standing with her friends in the epicenter of the crowd’s energy. From all directions she’d hear their unified cries, feel their fervor.

Not today. Clearly, Reshiram was different.

But, ironically, that was a theme she’d grown used to by now. ‘Different’ was all the same to her. If the difference in strength was great enough, so be it, but it would not change her strategy.

Reshiram readied his stance, they readied theirs, and then, the battle had begun. The stillness collapsed; the silence was dismissed; everyone was upon each other. Astrid channeled all the energy she could into the very fabric of her words—Cibus physics were so cool!—and let her tongue do the rest.

“Brisa! We’re depending on you!” Help me create an opening for Starr. “Don’t you dare hold back!

“Starr, it’s all you!” I’ll try to distract him or something. Create an opening for you and Brisa. “You better not be holding back!”

Astrid faced Reshiram, her voice enhanced by Radiance. “Oho, did I mention we don’t hold back? Doesn’t matter who we’re fighting. It’s kind of our thing~”

Astrid is in Lithe Stance!

Astrid Rallied Brisa! [+4 Speed]
Astrid Rallied Starr! [+2 Attack, +2 Speed]
Astrid used Protect +4!
Astrid is Winding Up.

Δ Stats:
Δ Stamina: -91
Δ Shade:
Δ Radiance:
Δ Misc: +4 Protect, +1 Action
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Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
And there he was. It sort of hit different to see Reshiram facing them from across the battlefield, as opposed to having a mundane chat in a stuffy science lab. Already with the full fiery display of his power (what a show off). Starr could practically feel his burning blue eyes staring the trio down. Waiting to see their so-called 'truth.'

Their truth...

What is your truth? What sort of person are you, really?

Starr met Astrid and Brisa's eye. They were counting on her for this one. And she didn't plan on letting them down.

- Starr used Sunny Day!
- Starr used Protect! [x5]
- Starr used Void Catharsis!

-304 Stm [+76 Second Wind], 125% HP, +36 Shd, +6 Atk, +6 Spd, +6 Protect, +1 Action


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"I see," Reshiram said, watching as the team huddled together, then split off into a prepared formation. His eyes trailed toward the large Charizard in the stands, then back at the team. "So, you've studied my methods. This is a departure from your usual preparations... if only slightly."

He spread his wings. "But it will take more than knowledge to overcome me. There is a clear weak point in your preparations. Perhaps that was intended... But I will take your opportunity graciously!"

He roared, and a plume of fire erupted beneath all three of them at once. The flames were weak, but there was an enfeebling property about them that they'd all narrowly avoided. However, Brisa's single barrier--weaker than the other two--was not enough. When the heat lines settled, Reshiram was upon her. Wordlessly, he incinerated her with blue fire from above.

Reshiram used Incinerate! All three blocked it!
Reshiram used Blue Flare on Brisa, dealing a Sunny 593 damage!
Reshiram used Rock Slide on the team! Astrid and Starr blocked it, but Brisa took 135 damage! Astrid's barrier was destroyed!

Brisa is Staggered!

"I know how you operate," Reshiram said. "Do not think I will be fooled by theatrics. Your momentum is rapidly building; I will take you out before you have the chance."

Astrid: 485
Brisa: 120
Starr: 895

Reshiram: 30,000


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa had known since the start that she'd struggle to stay standing in this fight. She'd accounted for that, not by drilling defensive measures, but by being damn sure to guarantee the hardest-hitting onslaught possible before she went down.

She accepted the plume of fire wordlessly, her will to fight equal to the pain.

Let's see how y'handle this.

Brisa heard Astrid call out to her...
Something inside Brisa reacted to Astrid's Unleashed power...!
Something inside Brisa reacted to Starr's Brilliant Flarestrike...!
Brisa's Friendship made her attacks stronger!
Brisa's Eternal Spirit is burning!
[+9, Stab, Guts, HH, Link Boost 40%]

Brisa used damn near everything in her arsenal against Reshiram. If you know you're gonna fold like a paper scrap, you just had to do what you could, while you could. Fists blazing with plasma, searing Radiant tethers, Shadow-wreathed lightning blows, all to put her best striking power ahead of her inevitable early collapse.

Go ahead an' take me out, if y'can. I know my friends'll finish the fight fer me.

Brisa used Shining Whiplash! [SE]
Brisa used Plasma Fists! [Terrain, Charge, 50 Para]
Brisa used Electric Facade! [Terrain, Charge, 50 Para]
Brisa used Electric Facade! [Terrain, Charge, 50 Para]
Brisa used Overcharged Titanic Bolt Strike! [SE, Terrain, Charge, Crit, 100 Para]
Brisa used Overcharged Arcstrike! It became Fusion Arcflare! [SE, Terrain, Charge, Crit, 50 Para]
Δ Stats: +4 Atk
Δ Stamina: No change!
Δ Blacklight: +30/+90
Δ HP: +53
Δ Misc: N/A

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Starr shielded her eyes against the explosive burst of flame. For a moment her heart leaped into her throat--Brisa was down, they hadn't guarded her well enough, she'd fallen before the battle had even--but no. Brisa was struggling to her feet, fur scorched, but still going, and brimming with electrical power.

Well yeah, of course she was. Who'd Starr take her for, anyway?

"Go ahead and lay the hurt on him. I want to try something."

Starr Unleashed Her Resolution!
- Starr used Brilliant Flarestrike! [150bp, +10, SE, STAB, Sun, Friendship]
- Starr used Umbral Insolence! Some HP was stored.
- Starr is Winding Up.

She'd felt it, ever since they got back from the storm. Some energy building inside her, threatening to let loose. She grabbed at it. It didn't burn like the Radiance. It wasn't suffocating like the Shadows. For a moment, it was like all the pain, all the uncertainty, all the bullshit... all of it had been... nullified. For just that one moment, everything felt right.

Starr's Eternal Spirit is burning!
Starr used Blacklight Z-Burst! [180bp, +12, UE, STAB, Friendship]
HP: 50% + Insolence
Stm: 50%
+2 Valor


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
“Oh, okay,” Astrid said, “Let me just…”

Astrid used Shadow Recurve! It chained into Brilliant Metanoia!

“There we are.” Content that Reshiram would be utterly defeated by her infinite durability (and willing to risk that he wouldn’t focus solely her in the meantime—geez, that would be bad), Astrid whipped around to her allies. “C’mon Brisa!! Channel that same thing you did against Potluck and strike with everything you’ve got! He can’t match your power or your speed!”

Astrid Rallied Brisa! [+4 Attack]
Astrid used Spite on Reshiram and made Rock Slide more difficult to use!
Astrid is Winding Up.

Astrid activated Snow Warning.

Astrid Unleashed!
Astrid’s Blacklight Titan is revving up Brisa…

Δ Stats:
Δ Stamina: -95
Δ Shade: +44
Δ Radiance: +86
Δ Misc: Recurve!Metanoia, +1 Action
Last edited:


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Brisa's Shining Whiplash dealt 877 damage to Reshiram!
Brisa's Plasma Fists dealt 1137 damage!
Brisa's Electric Facades dealt a total of 2911 damage!
Brisa's Bolt Strike dealt 2797 damage!
Brisa's Arcstrike dealt 3157 damage!

Starr's Brilliant Flarestrike dealt 961 damage!
Starr's Blacklight Z-Burst dealt 1569 damage!

"Strong as always," Reshiram hissed lowly, having to take a few steps back to gain some distance. He beat his wings to get away from Brisa before she performed her onslaught. But then, he pulled back and shouted, "Yet, you left an opening!"

He crouched down, wincing at the spectral feelings wrapped around his body, but he did not let it hinder him. They considered it a threat, and he knew they wouldn't be able to handle another.

"Do not gamble with the Truth!"

Reshiram's Blue Flare dealt 332 damage to Astrid!
Reshiram's Rock Slide took two actions! Starr blocked it!
Astrid: 201, KO!
Brisa: A CRITICAL 136! Brisa is Flinching!

Reshiram took some damage from hail.

Astrid: Blaze of Glory
Brisa: 37
Starr: 978

Reshiram: 16,543
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