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Destiny Colosseum ~ Training Rooms

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R6 - A Protector Arrives [Cabot, Starr, and...?]
  • Virgil134

    PMD Writer
    1. sylveon
    2. weavile
    3. kommo-o
    4. noivern
    5. mothim
    A few days after Icetales' party Cabot found himself at one of the training rooms of Destiny Village's Colosseum. Since the team had moved on from Treasure Town the rooms at the stadium had become Cabot's main place to train, with today being no exception.

    He charged forward towards a training dummy and flicked several sharp stones at it, before hastily following up by slamming it with a rigid, steely tail. Cabot looked satisfied at the result, before turning to his Shade who was still inside his rock at the side of the room.

    "I think I used those two attacks pretty fast!" the Cranidos exclaimed. "And I didn't even need Shadow Accelerate in order to do it."
    R7 – Brisa & Dave Discuss Outsourcing
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    Last edited:
    [R7] Best Morph Buddies (Nate, Rocky, and Mia)
  • Negrek

    House of Two Midnights
    The training rooms under the colosseum were a familiar spot by now, although Nate didn't give much of a shit about training himself. They were usually pretty quiet, though, and they had doors that shut, and it was rare that anyone would come and bother you while you were supposed to be learning to punch or whatever the fuck. Plus Rocky liked practicing his fake attacks or whatever they were, and once in a while, what the heck, Nate was even in the mood to give a few commands.

    As usual Rocky'd picked up a bag of caramel corn from the snack bar and was cheerfully eating it by smashing one handful at a time against his core, and as usual Nate was pretending not to notice. He was on the lookout for an empty training room, not paying more than a thread of horrified attention to his familiar, when Rocky abruptly veered off towards one of the training rooms. "Ooh, look, it's that scyther girl who came to the hideout with us! I wanna talk to her!"

    "Hey! Fuck's sake, you shouldn't just bust in on someone while they're in the middle of training. Do you really have to make friends with every single fucking familiar?"

    Inside the room, Nate could hear Rocky already going through his routine. "Hi, I'm Rocky! What's your name? What're you doing? Are you training?"

    "Fuck's sake," Nate grumbled, and padded towards the room himself before the bullshit psychic tether started yanking on him.
    [R8] Frozen or Tangled? Why not both?
  • Cresselia92

    Gym Leader
    1. ho-oh
    2. sneasel-nyula
    3. rayquaza-cress
    4. celebi-shiny
    Thick layers of ice covered the entire room, giving to the entire place an azure misty appearance. Keeping an almost subzero temperature was a must for Icetales, as what he was going to test required specific condition to preserve the shape. Also, he really liked the cold.

    “Very well. It is time to see if my hard work bore its fruit.”

    With that said, Icetales unlocked a metallic box with a paw, revealing a set of four rapiers made of ice and crystals. Not exactly the work of a smith, as they were rough in some places, but they should have served the purpose nonetheless.

    The Ninetales took out a rapier in his jaws and swung it. Fast. Light. Somewhat easy to handle, even with the mouth.

    “Good, good. Now, to test its endurance…”

    He turned to a dummy that was placed in the corner of the room and approached it. His tails wagged, his breathing steadied and his claws dug through the frozen floor.

    Then, he charged forward. The fox angled his head sideways and pivoted his entire body in a swift motion…



    Icetales looked at the dummy: not even a scratch. Perhaps the ice surrounding it was too thick? Or was his sword not sharp enough?

    …Sword. Just thinking about that word made his fur stand. Sword.

    Icetales grumbled and began pacing back and forth. Why, oh why things couldn’t go right for once? Between Sword’s disappearance and Cynthian’s tormented mood and refusal to open up — Was Icetales a bad friend? Or untrustworthy? — the negativity was restarting bubbling in his spirit.

    Worthless. Worthless.

    ‘No, I am not! My friends trust me. My friends
    need me! I must… I must…’ He took a deep breath and glanced at his rapier. ‘I must… focus, yes. Hone my finesse, my skills, my prowess…’

    He glanced around the empty room. ‘It would be swell if I could practice some good-natured fencing with someone…’
    R9 ~ Apocalypse Training
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    After visiting the infirmary to make sure Diyem and Bahamut were doing alright, Owen had taken a trip around town to make sure nobody was completely gone from panic. The initial wave of terror had gone, but the looming threat still left everyone with a sense of dread and unease--understandably so. They were facing down what might have been the end of the world as they knew it.

    It was remarkable, then, that complete pandemonium had not arisen. Perhaps the people of Destiny Village had more faith in Arceus and the other Legends than they thought...

    Business facilities were functioning at the very minimum. Attendants and workers all had a nervous air about them, making frequent glances skyward--or, in some cases, making a point to never look up. So when Owen asked for a room to train and practice in, no charge was made, and he was allowed through without any sense of registry.

    "Don't worry too much," Cal told the attendant. "We've got this." She winked, which for her, was making one of her eye-embers flicker.

    Owen headed inside and called for Brisa to come along as well--he half-expected the facilities to not be open, after all, yet they were. Dutiful. "It's weird," Owen admitted. "World's close to ending to some people, and they're still just... doing what they usually do. Maybe it's for coping..."
    R9 - Everything is Fine [Cuicatl/Val, Starr, and Lexx]
  • Persephone

    Infinite Screms
    1. mawile
    2. vulpix-alola
    It wasn't hard convincing Coco to go find her Aunt Astrid. Val honestly didn't know where the fox was, allowing for games of "hide and seek" and "see how much biting she lets me do before I get frozen solid." Meanwhile, she was with Cuicatl. As always. What was new is that Cuicatl had finally flipped across the thin line from despair to rage as she charged and tore at anything that even vaguely smelled like a practice dummy. Val let it happen, happy to offer support but simply offering her silent company for now.

    She was sad that she wouldn't see Achcauhtli again. Or even Alice for a while. But she had the feeling that she should be sadder. It was making her rethink things: she'd previously assumed that she was the embodiment of her original state, what she had been like as a child while Cuicatl was what experience had molded her into. Nature and Nurture. Except her nurture had sucked. That theory might still be correct, but it wasn't as much of an unambiguously good thing anymore. Her attachments all felt shallow now that she thought over them. She could probably lose any or all of them and be fine the next day. Nothing really brought her down. Maybe that's what she was made for. To be the half that could get up and get things done when the world became too much. A mask. Maybe a coping mechanism. And with her gone, Cuicatl had nothing left to hide behind.

    Val was fine with all of that.

    Why wouldn't she be?
    [R9] Blooming Doubts (Cynthian and Icetales)
  • Cresselia92

    Gym Leader
    1. ho-oh
    2. sneasel-nyula
    3. rayquaza-cress
    4. celebi-shiny
    The echoes of the cheering crowd could be heard clearly even from the training rooms -- apparently there was another match ongoing, but Icetales has no way to know for certain who was fighting who.

    Perhaps it was the match of Astrid and Vix versus Brisa and Owen? The Ninetales sighed: surely his comrades were handling the battle so much better, especially the other Ninetales. She had always good strategies (even if most of them were about exploding on her opponents), and her teammate was an equally strong teammate. And he knew from experience that Brisa and Owen were also excellent battlers, if that match at the beach was any proof.

    Meanwhile, what did he do? He couldn't even keep his teammate safe from the attacks of Nip, whose speed was unparalleled, and Starr, who had the rawest firepower. What kind of supporter was he, if he couldn't even support his own friend properly?

    Icetales sighed and turned to the door. It was a good thing that the training rooms had a small infirmary for minor accidents. Even though, he wondered if being incinerated by a Flare Blitz could be considered minor...

    And then, the door opened, and Cynthian came out of it. Icetales bolted forward, looking down in concern.

    "S-Sir Cynthian, how art thou feeling?" He blinked and rubbed his cheek with a forepaw. "Oh, apologies! It's Miss Cynthian now, right?"
    R9 – Show Me What You've Got – Brisa & Celeste
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    Endless training was nothing new for Brisa, but for whatever reason it was so much more exhausting now. Maybe because she was drilling so many different moves? Or the pressure? Or just because she was working practically around the clock. Whatever. She had a list of folks with new shadow moves to test out.

    [Brisket > Nazo]: How do you do, Celeste? I'm spending the next hour at the training grounds. If you'd care to join me, I've been hoping to assess your combat readiness. I hope to see you shortly! Yrs, Brisa

    Brisa would train either way but... She really hoped he'd show. She'd barely seen him lately. She hit a training dummy with an electric swipe so strong the wood sizzled.
    R9: Cynthian and Owen.
  • Adamhuarts

    Mew specialist
    1. mew-adam
    2. celebi-shiny
    3. roserade-adam
    Shortly after parting ways with Icetales, Cynthian strolled her way back to one of the training rooms. Watching the outcome of that last battle in the colosseum, oh how brilliant Brisa, Owen and Starr had looked. If only she could be like them.

    Cynthian grit her teeth and called upon the faux sunny orb above her. She was weak, she'd always been weak. More than anything, she would continue to be weak. Knowing that frustrated Cynthian.

    With an angered yell, she swung her flower and shot a noxious sludge at one of the dummies. It sizzled and melted, revealing its foamy interior.

    No, she shouldn't be overcome with emotion like that. Elegance and grace, those were the virtues Mama Rosa symbolized. Cynthian needed to emulate that, or else she'd never amount to anything.

    "How do they all do it?" she muttered to herself.
    R9 – Umbral Urgings – Saltriv & Brisa
  • IFBench

    Rescue Team Member
    Pokemon Paradise
    1. chikorita-saltriv
    2. bench-gen
    3. charmander
    4. snivy
    5. treecko
    6. tropius
    7. arctozolt
    8. wartortle
    9. zorua
    So little sunlight, and so much blacklight. It was like poison to Saltriv. It hurt to be outside while it was like this. They hurried into the training center, for shelter from the poisonous light.
    [R10] Nate and Mia
  • Dragonfree

    1. butterfree
    2. mightyena
    3. charizard
    4. scyther-mia
    5. vulpix
    6. slugma
    7. chinchou
    8. misdreavus
    Fighting Ivy had been predictably easy, but even while being chopped into goo several times, Ivy'd been having fun. When she left she wanted to spar again. That was good.

    Mia remained in the training room for a while, practicing moves against a punching bag, but it was never as fun against an inanimate object, and before long she'd grown bored of it. She headed back out the door and discovered Nate in the corridor, looking around, like he was searching for something.

    "What are you looking for?" she said.
    R10 – Not Okay Either – Luz & Starr
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    Starr was nothing if not self-controlled, and so, as usual, she was in the training rooms at her usual allotted time. The incineroar was testing out her new body's endurance lifting weights, it seemed. She could lift . . . a lot. Wow.

    It was easy enough to find her. It always had been. The hard part was approaching her. Especially after how poorly the last... Well, how poorly every interaction with her had gone. She hadn't cared before, but with Brisa gone, Starr's enmity felt like another lost bond.

    Luz swallowed her reservations, and stepped in.

    "Starr. How d'you do."

    She grinned sheepishly, confident that her usual confidence would just be grating. Like last time.

    "Howdy, Starr! Listen, I was jus' thinkin' about how things are all mixed up right now, an' you must be feelin' pretty sore about it yerself, an' I figured maybe we could get t'gether an' make some plans, figure out what to do! Whaddaya say, partner?"
    R10 – Up To Speed – Koa & Brisa
  • Flyg0n

    Flygon connoisseur
    1. flygon
    2. swampert
    3. ho-oh
    4. crobat
    5. orbeetle
    6. joltik
    7. salandit
    8. tyrantrum
    9. porygon
    10. giratina-origin
    In high spirits, Koa pranced through Destiny Village, leaving the library behind and making his way towards the colosseum. Now that'd he'd managed to get some reading done, he felt ready to do some *training*.

    He made his way into the training, room, prepared for some good time alone, working on... something, only to see someone else there.

    He did a double-take and his jaw dropped upon spying the large feline that could only be a Luxray. Yet it stood nearly twice as large as any he'd seen and possessed an unusual body. Was that some strange evolution of Luxray he'd never seen?

    No, impossible. Maybe it was something that only happened in another world? He trotted up to her, excitement putting a bounce in his step.

    "Hey! You're um... Luz's friend right?"

    He was sure Luz had mentioned her, and he remembered seeing her at the Tree of Life after being revived. She'd been with an Incineroar. Although her name escaped him...

    She was huge. Even as a human, she would have stood at his shoulders. Her face was also different from Luxray he was used to. Definitely not from his world.

    "Wow, I've never seen a Luxray like you. Where are you from?"
    [R11] – [x] – Kate & Starr
  • Spiteful Murkrow

    Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
    1. nidoran-f
    2. druddigon
    3. swellow
    4. lugia
    5. growlithe
    6. quilava-fobbie
    7. sneasel-kate
    8. heliolisk-fobbie
    In the quiet days following the battle with Red, Kate finally had time to turn her mind to other matters. One of which was a matter that had bugged her since that fateful day that Joule killed off half of Team Spectrum's front line and led to the whole mess in the Voidlands. The whole reason why Kate was here in the Training Rooms staring down a lonely green lizard-like Substitute instead of doing something actually fun like hitting up the juice bar.

    "Alright, let's try this again..."

    Kate lunged for the Substitute, flashing her claws and raking them across as she passed her dummy target, much as she had to numerous others over the past couple hours.


    The Substitute rended around a prominent gash, spilling out something that looked like sand out. Even if she couldn't tell who made it, it evaporated into the ether not wholly unlike the Substitutes in her own world did. Kate looked back at the empty air, and down at her claws. No matter what she tried, she just couldn't seem to manage to reproduce that one attack that had made her claws shine gold and left a coat of hoarfrost behind on the dragon. The Sneasel curled her face down into a sharp frown and let out an exasperated sigh.

    "I don't get it. What am I missing here?"
    R11 – A Violent Dialogue – Brisa & Koa
  • Flyg0n

    Flygon connoisseur
    1. flygon
    2. swampert
    3. ho-oh
    4. crobat
    5. orbeetle
    6. joltik
    7. salandit
    8. tyrantrum
    9. porygon
    10. giratina-origin
    Koa took the time to warm up once he reached the training rooms. The day was early, but he felt more awake than ever. Brisa had promised to meet him again and help him do more training, and he'd made sure to be up early.

    Just like back home, he reflected. Waking up early, doing special training. Only thing missing was his team. At least he had Brisa, she seemed like a good teacher. His last session had been enjoyable. He couldn't wait to see what he could do this time.
    R12 - Dave, Mia, Nate and Rocky Discuss Going Into the Light
  • Dragonfree

    1. butterfree
    2. mightyena
    3. charizard
    4. scyther-mia
    5. vulpix
    6. slugma
    7. chinchou
    8. misdreavus
    Mia was at the Colosseum, like she often was, probably with Rocky or somebody. Would Nate be there right now? Whatever. If that guy was going to give him shit right now over his own weird dramatic insistence that he couldn't bear to have Dave in the same room as him, so fucking be it.

    He headed for the stadium, first at a quick walk and then, in a rush of impatience, breaking into a run. He arrived, panting, and headed for the training rooms where she'd usually hang out.

    It didn't take long to find her. She was engaged in a duel with the Infernape familiar, the Mudkip watching from the sidelines. Great. He'd just be in and out.


    She didn't look up. "Hi," she said without losing a beat, still trying to aim a series of slashes at the other familiar. He'd told her she had a lot more time than this, hadn't he. Probably she'd be annoyed with him. He'd just have to live with that.
    [R13] Breaking Walls [Brisa and Icetales]
  • Cresselia92

    Gym Leader
    1. ho-oh
    2. sneasel-nyula
    3. rayquaza-cress
    4. celebi-shiny
    [Bechamel > Brisket]: Greetings, Brisa. It is Icetales here.

    I would desire to discuss about a few important topics, especially… recent events. Just a simple discussion, to clear out a few details. I… hope thou art willing to listen to this humble soul. Image of a fox that bows.

    I shall see thee soon. Image of a waving paw.

    Another double-check to make sure that the message hits the right tone, a few seconds to breath in and focus, and then…


    That was it. The message had been sent.

    Icetales sighed and paced back and forth, in the shadow of the Colosseum. Nervousness seeped from his pores in the form of blue smoke, but with another series of deep breaths he managed to cram his emotions back down.

    While he waited for the message, he glanced at the clear sky. Ah, if only his mind was as limpid…

    But… no. It was fine. Icetales was going to sort things out, yes. He even decided to get earlier so that he could discuss matters before the big fight.

    There was no going back. Only forward.

    “No hesitation. Let us get over with this… today,” said Icetales with determination, before marching toward the training rooms. If there was something he could say for certain, it was that he would most likely find Brisa there.

    May the stars assist me…
    R14 - Mia and Owen
  • Dragonfree

    1. butterfree
    2. mightyena
    3. charizard
    4. scyther-mia
    5. vulpix
    6. slugma
    7. chinchou
    8. misdreavus
    Mia couldn't find Nate or Rocky. They were probably out working getting everything prepared before they went to fight Eien, which made sense. Mia would rather train, though. Everyone else was already working on it, and adding more people would have diminishing returns. Technically Dave was asleep right now, which was annoying, but he was going to do things when he woke up.

    She found an empty training room, grabbed some of the equipment with a temporary human hand - training dummies, Substitutes - and placed them irregularly around the field, before morphing her hand back into a scythe, aiming, and zooming zigzag around the room to strike each of them in turn.
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