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Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
A collection of dabbles, whether canon to any of my preexisting stories, random things I thought up or bingos that may or may not be expanded upon later on.

Just a Normal Day
Malasadas(3rd Anniversary Bingo)
Taking a Break(3rd Anniversary Bingo)
Diving Through the Clouds
Berry Picking (4th Anniversary Bingo)
Making a Meal Together (4th Anniversary Bingo)
A Walk in The Woods (4th Anniversary Bingo)
Warming With Fluff
Sleeping In (4th Anniversary Bingo)
A Loaf or An Onion?
Cozy (5th Anniversary Bingo)
Blush (5th Anniversary Bingo)
Stargazing (5th Anniversary Bingo)
Blushes (5th Anniversary Bingo)
The Perfect Gift (5th Anniversary Bingo)

Stark Difference
Training Session(3rd Anniversary Bingo)

A King's Journey
Blanket Fort(4th Anniversary Bingo)

Random Things
A Confession (5th Anniversary Bingo) (Non-Pokémon)
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Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
A delightful smile stretched across Fray face. "Mmm~ this is so good!" Fray said, looking down at the donut in her hands before turning towards the Pikachu wearing an apron.

Ane rubbed the back of his head, a small blush accompanying his grin. "Glad you like it," he said. "I've been practicing this new recipe I found recently and–"

The Froslass stuffed the rest of the confection into her mouth, somehow sounding clear in spite of the food. "Ooh! Mind if I add something to it?" Her eyes were wide and pleading.

Ane chuckled, already knowing what she wanted. He shook his head and pushed her face away from his. "I'm not adding a mountain load of cheese into it, Fray."

"Aw…" She whined, falling like a deflated balloon.

"But," he said, smirking upon noticing her turning towards him, "I could add a little bit."

The effects were instantaneous and the Froslass perked up, eyes sparkling. "Really?" She gasped as he nodded. "Awesome! Come on! Let's get to it!"

Chuckling, Ane trailed behind her.
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Taking a Break


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
The sound of an explosion rang through the field, along with a large cloud of dust.

After a moment, the dust settled and a small, black fox stood before a fallen Poochyena.

"Haha!" the Zorua barked, sweat dripping down her head. She looked around in search for her next opponent, a battle-hungry gleam in her eyes. "Alright! Who's next?"

Her trainer, a human-turned-Charmander, looked at her with an exasperated expression as the trainer in front of her recalled the Poochyena and sent out a Kirlia.

A grin made its way onto her face and she charged.

Half an hour later, Zeal and her group of friends stopped at a nearby Pokémon Center.

And after being nursed back to full health, she found herself in their booked room, facing the Charmander who had a tired look.

June shook his head, bringing a claw to his face. "Sometimes I feel like being able to understand Pokémon just makes things weirder."

Zeal tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

June shrugged, waving her off.

Taking that as her cue to leave, she trotted away and found her Vulpix friend, Pixels sitting on the bed along with her gooey friend, Litno and Scales the Squirtle.

She hopped onto the bed, a remote being handed to her from one of Pixels' various tails. Facing the TV, she waited for the latest episode of her favourite show as more and more of her friends huddled around. They chatted, talking about what to do tomorrow until finally the show started.
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Training Session


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Neo couldn't believe how strong that 'Steven' fellow was and man did it feel good to have another person treat him like he was a normal boy.

He shook his head, looking around the trees surrounding the small clearing they were in. He faced Peach, a Trapinch he met weeks ago and befriended. Taking in a breath, he steeled his gaze and pointed at a nearby rock that was thrice his size (which probably wasn't all that big considering he was a small Minun). "Alright, Peach! I want you to use Bite on that rock until you break it."

Peach let out a battle cry, charging at the rock with her mouth wide open.

Neo couldn't help the grin on his face as the rock shattered into pieces. He took out a notebook from his pouch and looked at his notes. Okay, next should be her speed.

"Peach! I want you to run as fast as you can from that tree and back here five times."

The Trapinch did as he commanded.

Okay, she's improved a little. Now, let's test out her stamina.

He told her to run around the field for as long as she could. Then he had her jump in place with a small log tied on her back.

Upon noticing the minor improvements in her time, Neo smiled. "Okay, Peach. Take a break. We'll continue later." He reached into his pouch and tossed a slice of meat at the downed Trapinch.

She perked up, gobbling down the treat in an instant before staggering over to her trainer.

Neo welcomed her with a head pat and the two sat there for a minute before firing back into another session of hard work and sweat.

He knew if they continued like this, they would beat Wattson eventually. Their first badge was practically within sight and soon, he'd become the champion of Hoenn.


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
Malasadas: Haha Fray the cheese-loving Froslass, I love it. Not even a savory malasada either. I am enjoying that I recognize Fray from one of the Mafia games. I don't know the greater context of her story, but this scene is very cute and whimsical and not having the context doesn't impact my enjoyment. Great little drabble!

Taking a Break: I admit, of the three drabbles for this year's bingo, this one didn't grab me as much, but maybe this one is the one where I needed the most context. I'm not sure I knew what June meant by his comment either, but I like seeing the two sides of Zeal: battle hungry Zora, and tv show loving couch potato. I'm glad to see a another character I recognize in Litno, and I like the casual way that all of the team's pokemon are hanging out and relaxing together.

Training Session: Oh my gosh Tetra, get in here. Adorable Trapinch moments! I really appreciate that this is actual pokemon training, and not just battle practice or something. Neo is actually giving Peach exercises and is tracking her progress, it's great! Peach herself is adorable and I love how enthusiastic she is in working with Neo. And of course, a nice treat after hard work is always appreciated. I am in love with the mental image of this little bobble-head trapinch motoring around a clearing as fast as her little legs can go 😂

Great stuff, thanks for writing and sharing! Congrats on the bingo!
Diving Through the Clouds


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
If there was one thing that Pixels always enjoyed, it would be hearing the adoring screams and applause of her fans and subjects alike.

The feeling of accomplishment, of love and the compliments on her beauty could never be truly replicated.

Or that was what she used to think.

Her decision to join June's team was something she'd never look back on. It was a spur-of-the-moment choice, out of nowhere and yet, she'd never regretted a single moment of it.

People and places she'd never expected to meet or see, the adventures she went through and all the adrenaline-filled stunts she'd done.

It was all so fulfilling.

And to think, she never could've experienced any of this if she had chosen to stay in her kingdom.

The Vulpix glanced back at the Charmander beside her, a look of unease and fear clear on his face as they stared down at the clouds beneath them.

The human coach beside her gave them a thumbs up, flashing a smile and urging them.

Pixels smirked, glancing back at June once more. "Come on, June! Let's go!"

She didn't wait for his reply and promptly jumped off the plane.

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Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Flagging this in case it's a typo, because it could also maybe be a nickname?
So here's a little context on his name.

He was originally nameless but I decided to enter an RP with him and I needed to give him a name. 'Litno' was what came to me and I'd grown attached to it and I liked how foreign and unique it sounded and the name kinda plays into his character of thinking that he's 'the outcast' or 'the one that's strange and different'.

Oh and it's pronounced Lit-nö (Like how you pronounce goo, so Lit-noo)
Okay did a bit of a research rabbit hole with whether this would be "Pixels'" or "Pixels's", and I might as well share it here: most style guides recommend the latter, but some recommend the former. I've seen people say to use the former for people like, say, Jesus, but both seem to be right. Or one is wrong and the other is right, depending on if you're AP Stylebook or MLA Handbook. (I am neither, so I say do either)
Funny enough I'd went down the same rabbit hole before writing this drabble and just decided to stick with the former because I'm lazy.
* screaming * steven
The fic where Neo comes from is 15 years before the main anime time-line so...


Also a little reply to the anime question in your fic:
Is that the one with the character with the blindfold and white hair?
More of an isekai with a black-haired kid who goes through the most painful and traumatic experience you could ever imagine.

It's also pretty gory if you're into that kinda stuff.

Anyways, thanks for reading this and I'm glad you enjoyed it. Hope you have a nice day!
Berry Picking


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Pixels lived in a kingdom of Fire-types, she was an heir to the throne, a princess in every way possible. Her coat was clean, her manners were proper (most of the times) and her beauty was one that would catch the eye of many.

Despite living a life that many would dream of, she was never satisfied with just being a princess, or an heir to a kingdom.

No, she wanted to be an adventurer, an explorer. She wanted to feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins, her breaths heaving after a strenuous fight, her beautiful fur matted with scrapes and scuffs from many crazy stunts.

And like the universe had played a few cards to her favor, she had gotten her wish. Just two weeks ago, a massive Pokémon had attacked her world, leading up to her father and his rival to set aside their differences to take down. It was scary but also exhilarating, and it told her what she wanted with her dull life.

After that whole ordeal, she asked the two Pokémon that had saved her life a day prior whether she could join them on their adventures. They said 'Yes' and her daddy and mommy even gave their approval to them.

Now, here she was, on her very first and epic adventure, journeying through the woods before this 'Mount Moon'. She was provided with a task that they'd felt like only she could do: Berry Picking!

Which sure, she had absolutely no idea how to do but she was sure she could figure it out.

"Hey, um, Zeal?" she mumbled, glancing at the trees around them with an uncertain look.

The Zorua turned towards her, tilting her head with a concerned look. "Yeah? What is it, Pixs?"

"So… um, this might sound a bit silly but um…" She fiddled with her scarf, cheeks reddening a shade darker. "How do we look for berries exactly? I… never went berry picking before…"

"Huh?" A moment of surprise appeared on Zeal's face before it was quickly replaced by a radiant smile. "Oh, that's super easy! Just do what I do!" she said, bouncing on the tips of her paws. "Come on!"

Pixels followed the energetic vixen, stopping by a nearby tree.

Zeal leaned down, sniffing the tree as she gestured around, stepping aside and pointing at the ground. "Alright! Do you see these sticks and pawprints?"

Pixels nodded.

"Do you know what this means?"

Pixels shook her head.

"It means that there a Pokémon just came by and if you take a sniff around, you can see that there's a sweet scent lingering around the tracks. If we follow the scent from where it came from, we can find out where this guy got his treat!"

At first, that had sounded too simple to work, but sure enough, after only a few minutes of following their noses, they encountered an open area with bushes full of various berries lining about.

"Wow, Zeal! You really know your stuff!"

Zeal chuckled, puffing out her chest. "Only because I have the greatest big sister ever! Evie taught me everything I needed to survive on my own!" she said, grabbing a pecha berry and putting in a bag she brought. "Now come on, let's grab as much as we can!"

"Okay!" A smile graced her features as she helped her friend gather the berries.

Mission complete.
Making A Meal Together


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Today was the day! She was going to learn how to cook! She had been begging for Quil to teach her for like months! But he had finally relented and he was giving her a chance!

Zeal sat on the ground, tail wagging as their team cook stepped into view, she cheered, clapping her paws.

"Uh, okay. So Zeal," the Bulbasaur said. "The first and most important lesson will be hygiene. We must always clean our han–err paw, or… vines in my case, before cooking."

Zeal nodded, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she rushed to the sink, rubbing her paws against the soap as they came out sparkling clean. "Okie dokie! Paws wet and clean!" said the Zorua, drying her paws with a nearby towel and flashing a smile at the Bulbasaur. "What's next?"

Quil nodded, donning a chef's hat and a customized apron as he continued. "Next, we put on our trusty hats and aprons and luckily for you, I have a spare." He then placed said spare on top of her head, covering her mane as he helped tie the apron around her. She giggled, smiling at him as he smiled back. "Alright, now we can begin."

This was iiit~ "Awesome! How do we start?"

"We can start by chopping the vegetables." He twirled a knife in his vines before pausing and glancing at the Zorua. "Uh, you do know how to use knives, right?"

Oh, she knew this, she'd seen him do it so many times! She raised her foreleg like she was answering a teacher's question. "They're like big claws, you grab them and push them against the meat or veggies like, um chop chop." She moved her paws just like how he'd used the knife.

Quil looked at her for a moment before shrugging. "Good enough. I've already set the ingredients so get to chopping, Zeal."

"Aye aye!" She jumped onto the stool, reaching for the knife and cutting board as Quil grabbed a pot and filled it up.

A few minutes passed and the water reached its boiling point, Quil went to check on how she was doing, noticing the rough and jagged edges of the chopped vegetables.

Zeal, noticing the look, flushed red and turned her head away, her voice having lost most of its vigour from earlier. "It's a little hard."

Quil patted her shoulder with a vine and a smile. "It's fine, my first time didn't go so well either. You'll get better with practice."

Hearing the comforting words, she smiled back. "Okay, now what?"

"Now? We'll have to wait a few minutes before adding the necessary salt and spices so while that's happening, why don't we just listen to that new song you've been practising?"

Her smile grew and she ran to get her guitar, leaving Quil to sigh as a tired smile crept onto his face.

"At least she's trying her best."
A Walk in The Woods


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Growing up, Litno didn't have many friends. He had tried of course, but no matter how hard or how much he'd tried, it was never enough. People had talked about him, their expectations of him being the son of a well-known explorer, their judging eyes, they weren't always so subtle. Things had only gotten worse when an incident happened that left his mother dead and him and his father grieving.

Before ever meeting June, Evie, Ane, Zeal and so many others, he had been picked on, chewed on, it had left him scared of trying, of doing anything, of being someone that was truly him.

In the end, he had given up, he wanted to just let go, he wanted to…

Fortunately, life had plans for him.

And to that, he was grateful.

Taking in the fresh air, Litno listened to the cheery tune from his latest friend. Fray, a Froslass he'd encountered just a week ago, was flying around, eyes wide with childlike awe as she marvelled at every little thing. A solemn smile wormed its way onto his face as he remembered just what had occurred when he met her.

"Litno! This place is so cool! Everything's so green and warm and big and–Aaah! I never got to see anything like this back home! Thank you for taking me here!"

Seeing her so happy from just a simple walk through the woods, brought a warm feeling in his heart. His smile grew, the sheer joy that his friend was exuding was working its way into him, pushing away his worries. "I'm-I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, Fray," he said, watching as she continued to fly around.

He then let himself enjoy the warm sun and the quietness of the woods, he remembered always going on walks with his mother and with his father, and how they would always talk to one another and how he would always talk about his school, or his training, or his aspirations to be a better explorer than his father.


He blinked, a close face derailing his train fo thought as he yelped, jumping back but before he could hit the ground, he was scooped into the chilly hands of the Froslass.

"I found something you gotta see, Litno! It's so–" she squealed in excitement. "You gotta check it out! It's gonna blow your mind!"

"Um, o-okay," he said and she took him around and through the woods, heading deeper and deeper. The winds blew against his slimy body and despite his typing, he was enjoying the cool breeze that seemed to be amplified by his friend's presence.

It was a new experience, and it was one that he truly enjoyed.

"Here it is!" she exclaimed, pushing aside some bushes and hovering a free hand over him, preventing the sun's sudden assault from hurting him.

His eyes widened in awe, stunned speechless by the view before him.

Flowers stretched across the horizon, waving along with winds, their colors merging into one, practically glowing in the sun's rays. A river settled its way firmly through the field, leading off into a small pool for Pokémon and people to enjoy.

Above him, Fray drew his attention with a giggle, a pleasant breeze blew by, her ribbons swaying along with little petals and pollen. "Isn't this beautiful?"

Litno felt his cheeks heat up at the sight, his voice trembling as he found it hard to tear his sight away from her. "Y-yeah… it-it is…"

"Come on! Let's go pick some!"

Flying in her arms, he realised that this experience was one that he would never forget.
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Blanket Fort


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Finally! The Wormadam leapt headfirst onto the bed, snuggling deeper into the mattress. Man, it'd been weeks since she'd slept on something soft and comfortable (not counting her cloak of course). She was starting to go crazy sleeping out in the wild, the noise, the wind ruining her coat, it was just–Argh!

Just quiet down, Whimmy. You get to sleep in a bed until the next week, enjoy it while you can and stop complaining!

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in–

"What are you doing?"

Whimmy jumped at the sudden voice before quickly relaxing as she directed an eye towards the newcomer, a Larvitar her trainer had caught a few days ago. "Hey, little G. Why don't you join me on this soft and awesome bed?"

The newcomer was a strange one. He was always talking about monsters and kings and weirder was the fact that, he didn't even know what a Pokémon was. She assumed it was probably because he had lived all by himself as Larvitars weren't exactly known for being in a pack in Sinnoh.

It was a sad thought and it was also one of the reasons why she wanted to share the first spot with him.

"Bed? What in the world's a bed?" he muttered, he probably didn't mean for her to hear it but with her hearing, she couldn't really help it.

"Oh you know, just the most wonderful invention mankind has ever created! Come on, where have you been living under, a rock?"

Okay, that was probably insensitive. Being a Rock-type, he probably did sleep under a rock and– oh Arceus, that sounded like she was generalizing Rock-types. Crap, she didn't mean it like that–

"No, I lived in the ocean."


Whimmy blinked, staring at the Larvitar with a bewildered look. "But you're a Larvitar."

"And I already told you I've no clue what that is." He narrowed his eyes in clear annoyance.

Deciding to put that discussion on hold, she shook her head and took out her vines, wrapping it around the small Pokémon's waist before he could react and deposited him right next to her. Upon touching the soft covers, he relented his squirming a moment later and was in total bliss.

Whimmy muffled a giggle at the sight before her features lit up as an idea crossed her mind. "Hey, G. Wanna know what's the best part about being a trainer's partner?"

Moments later, a trainer and a Misdreavus came in to a room completely filled with pillows and blankets.
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Abscission Ascendant
Hey, Shini. Happy birthday! Glad to see you're still working on your drabbles. I thought this most recent one was very cute. Kind of a mix of a wild pokémon being introduced to some of the creature comforts of human society and a fish-out-of-water human getting used to pokémon life. Except not human, apparently? I don't know the backstory for these characters, but I'm intrigued by the fact that Larvitar doesn't seem familiar with pokémon or human society and claims to have lived in the water... Regular fish turned larvitar??? It's a fun spin on the usual concept.

I think you do a nice job of getting across Whimmy's personality in this small space, as well as the relationship between the two characters. It's a simple story, but there's a lot of information in here that would easily tie it into a larger work. I thought the ending was particularly cute, too!

If you're looking for areas of improvement, one thing to do might be to watch out for run-on sentences, which are cases where you have multiple sentences smushed together with commas. For example, "Man, it'd been weeks since she'd slept on something soft and comfortable (not counting her cloak of course), she was starting to go crazy sleeping out in the wild, the noise, the wind ruining her coat, it was just–Argh!" should be two separate sentences: "Man, it'd been weeks since she'd slept on something soft and comfortable (not counting her cloak of course). She was starting to go crazy sleeping out in the wild: the noise, the wind ruining her coat, it was just–Argh!" Likewise, "The newcomer was a strange one, he was always talking about monsters and kings and weirder was the fact that, he didn't even know what a Pokémon was." would want to be split into two sentences: "The newcomer was a strange one. He was always talking about monsters and kings and weirder was the fact that he didn't even know what a Pokémon was."

Best of luck with your future drabbles!
Warming With Fluff


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Jynn awoke with a sharp gasp, her head laced sticky with sweat as her eyes darted around, breaths shallow and quick. Where was she? What was she–

A familiar warmth brushed against her, bringing her back to her senses as she peered through the darkness, the fluffy fox cuddled beside her, cute little breaths accompanied by the occasional ember reeling in her attention and calming her with their familiar presence.

Her breathing slowly returned to its normal pace and she laid back in the sleeping bag, snuggling closer to her Pokemon and falling asleep with a quiet smile on her face.
Sleeping in


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
"... wake up."

"Five more minutes..." the Charmander grumbled, pushing away the paw and snuggling deeper into the blanket.

"Wake up. I can't move if you don't," she said, poking his scaly cheek but that only caused him to bury himself deeper into her fur. She sighed. "Fine. Five more minutes. Then you're up, got it?"

A satisfied hum answered her and she couldn't fight the smile worming onto her face.

They slept a bit longer than five minutes.

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. quilava-fobbie
  6. sneasel-kate
  7. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, I was working my way down my list of author targets for Review Blitz tonight, and since it was also one-shot week, I decided to give your Drabble Bingo a whirl. I’m not fully sure what these are going to be about since the tag says “Pokémon and Non-Pokémon”, but I suppose I’ll see as I read along.


A delightful smile stretched across Fray’s face. "Mmm~ this is so good!" Fray said, looking down at the donut in her hands before turning towards the Pikachu wearing an apron.

Ane rubbed the back of his head, a small blush accompanying his grin. "Glad you like it," he said. "I've been practicing this new recipe I found recently and–"

The Froslass stuffed the rest of the confection into her mouth, somehow sounding clear in spite of the food. "Ooh! Mind if I add something to it?" Her eyes were wide and pleading.

Part of me wonders if we should’ve had the species established before they started talking, but meh, it’s established soon enough. I wonder if this is in a PMD-esque setting or else if this is from a part of a Trainerverse, I’m kinda getting vibes of the former, but…

Ane chuckled, already knowing what she wanted. He shook his head and pushed her face away from his. "I'm not adding a mountain load of cheese into it, Fray."

"Aw…" She whined, falling like a deflated balloon.

"But," he said, smirking upon noticing her turning towards him, "I could add a little bit."

Wait, but aren’t Malasadas effectively donuts? Would they even taste good with cheese?

The effects were instantaneous and the Froslass perked up, eyes sparkling. "Really?" She gasped as he nodded. "Awesome! Come on! Let's get to it!"

Chuckling, Ane trailed behind her.

Whelp, I suppose that those two will find out soon enough as to whether or not cheesy malasadas taste good or not.

Taking a Break

The sound of an explosion rang through the field, along with a large cloud of dust.

After a moment, the dust settled and a small, black fox stood before a fallen Poochyena.

Well, talk about an explosive end to a battle there.

"Haha!" the Zorua barked, sweat dripping down her head. She looked around in search for her next opponent, a battle-hungry gleam in her eyes. "Alright! Who's next?"

Her trainer, a human-turned-Charmander, looked at her with an exasperated expression as the trainer in front of her recalled the Poochyena and sent out a Kirlia.

A grin made its way onto her face and she charged.

Oh, so this is in some sort of PMD-esque setting. I can’t tell if this is just a more obscure part of Trainerverse or if they got yeeted to another world together.

Half an hour later, Zeal and her group of friends stopped at a nearby Pokémon Center.

Oooooor it could be an Ashchu episode. That would work, too. Though I’m wondering what on earth happened to that ex-human Charmander.

And after being nursed back to full health, she found herself in their booked room, facing the Charmander who had a tired look.

June shook his head, bringing a claw to his face. "Sometimes I feel like being able to understand Pokémon just makes things weirder."

Zeal tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

June shrugged, waving her off.

I kinda wonder if Zeal should’ve tipped the audience off to her trainer being called ‘June’ a bit more organically, either through dialogue, or else in the bit where we find out that June is a human-turned-Charmander.

Taking that as her cue to leave, she trotted away and found her Vulpix friend, Pixels, sitting on the bed along with her gooey friend, Litno and Scales the Squirtle.

Wait, but Litno’s species is never established here. I’m kinda getting Goomy vibes? But it’s not exactly easy to tell from the context (or more accurately, the lack thereof) here.

She hopped onto the bed, a remote being handed to her from one of Pixels' various tails. Facing the TV, she waited for the latest episode of her favourite show as more and more of her friends huddled around. They chatted, talking about what to do tomorrow until finally the show started.

Heh, guess that one rubbed off from June. Though I wonder what said show was about.

Training Session

Neo couldn't believe how strong that 'Steven' fellow was and man did it feel good to have another person treat him like he was a normal boy.


I know it’s not deliberate, but my mind instantly went to the character from the The Matrix, which made for a bit of a lulzy image.

He shook his head, looking around the trees surrounding the small clearing they were in. He faced Peach, a Trapinch he met weeks ago and befriended. Taking in a breath, he steeled his gaze and pointed at a nearby rock that was thrice his size (which probably wasn't all that big considering he was a small Minun).

"Alright, Peach! I want you to use Bite on that rock until you break it."

Peach: “*Um. Is that good for my jaws-?*” [wtfuckle]
Neo: “Your Pokédex entry says they can go through boulders, so it should be a piece of cake there!”

Peach let out a battle cry, charging at the rock with her mouth wide open.

Neo couldn't help the grin on his face as the rock shattered into pieces. He took out a notebook from his pouch and looked at his notes. Okay, next thing we work on should be her speed.

I’m assuming that Peach is being trained for attacking / movement / etc. here, though if so, it probably makes sense to state things a bit more explicitly there.

"Peach! I want you to run as fast as you can from that tree and back here five times."

The Trapinch did as he commanded. [ ]

Okay, she's improved a little. Now, let's test out her stamina.

IMO, you missed a bit of an opportunity to describe just how that Peach’s speed training played out. I assume it went well, but it’s not really described happening.

He told her to run around the field for as long as she could. Then he had her jump in place with a small log tied on her back.

Upon noticing the minor improvements in her time, Neo smiled. "Okay, Peach. Take a break. We'll continue later." He reached into his pouch and tossed a slice of meat at the downed Trapinch.

Wait, “downed”? I wasn’t under the impression that Peach got that worn out from training there. .-.

She perked up, gobbling down the treat in an instant before staggering over to her trainer.

Neo welcomed her with a head pat and the two sat there for a minute before firing back into another session of hard work and sweat.

He knew if they continued like this, they would beat Wattson eventually. Their first badge was practically within sight and soon, he'd become the champion of Hoenn.


More seriously, you’ve got a ways to go before you’ll be able to hold your own with Steven, Neo. Even if I suppose that it’s nice to have high goals in life.

Diving Through the Clouds

If there was one thing that Pixels always enjoyed, it would be hearing the adoring screams and applause of her fans and subjects alike.

The feeling of accomplishment, of love and the compliments on her beauty could never be truly replicated.

Or that was what she used to think.

Oh, so Pixels is a Contest circuit ‘mon, huh? Since I remember her being mentioned from the earlier drabble with June and Zeal, and this feels very ‘contest circuit ‘mon’ in thought process.

Her decision to join June's team was something she'd never look back on. It was a spur-of-the-moment choice, out of nowhere and yet, she'd never regretted a single moment of it.

People and places she'd never expected to meet or see, the adventures she went through and all the adrenaline-filled stunts she'd done.

It was all so fulfilling.

Oh, we’re going to get a flashback of a skydive or something like that, huh? Since that would definitely fit well with that title you have there.

And to think, she never could've experienced any of this if she had chosen to stay in her kingdom.

The Vulpix glanced back at the Charmander beside her, a look of unease and fear clear on his face as they stared down at the clouds beneath them.

Oh, nevermind, I guess that we’re going to be skydiving now, then.

The human coach beside her gave them a thumbs up, flashing a smile and urging them.

Pixels smirked, glancing back at June once more. "Come on, June! Let's go!"

She didn't wait for his reply and promptly jumped off the plane.


So… how long did it take for June to follow after her anyways? :V

Berry Picking

Pixels lived in a kingdom of Fire-types, she was an heir to the throne, a princess in every way possible. Her coat was clean, her manners were proper (most of the time) and her beauty was one that would catch the eye of many.

Well, scratch that about Pixels being from the contest circuit.

Despite living a life that many would dream of, she was never satisfied with just being a princess, or an heir to a kingdom.

No, she wanted to be an adventurer, an explorer. She wanted to feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins, her breaths heaving after a strenuous fight, her beautiful fur matted with scrapes and scuffs from many crazy stunts.

I can already tell that this was a repeated source of friction with her parents, since… yeah. This is quite different from the life of a reigning monarch. ^^;

And like the universe had played a few cards to her favor, she had gotten her wish. Just two weeks ago, a massive Pokémon had attacked her world, leading up to her father and his rival to set aside their differences to take down. It was scary but also exhilarating, and it told her what she wanted with her dull life.

Dynamax incident? Since this sure feels like a Dynamax incident.

After that whole ordeal, she asked the two Pokémon that had saved her life a day prior whether she could join them on their adventures. They said 'Yes' and her daddy and mommy even gave their approval to them.

Now, here she was, on her very first and epic adventure, journeying through the woods before this 'Mount Moon'. She was provided with a task that they'd felt like only she could do: Berry Picking!

Well, it must not have been Dynamax, then. Since I’m pretty sure that we’re in Kanto right now.

Which sure, she had absolutely no idea how to do it, but she was sure she could figure it out.

Ah yes, this is going to lead to some top comedy already. I can already tell. o<o

"Hey, um, Zeal?" she mumbled, glancing at the trees around them with an uncertain look.

The Zorua turned towards her, tilting her head with a concerned look. "Yeah? What is it, Pixs?"

"So… um, this might sound a bit silly but um…" She fiddled with her scarf, cheeks reddening a shade darker. "How do we look for berries exactly? I… never went berry picking before…"

Zeal: “Are you serious, Pixs?”

Pixels: “No, I’m being genuinely serious here. How’s this work?” ^^;

"Huh?" A moment of surprise appeared on Zeal's face before it was quickly replaced by a radiant smile. "Oh, that's super easy! Just do what I do!" she said, bouncing on the tips of her paws. "Come on!"

Pixels followed the energetic vixen, stopping by a nearby tree.

Zeal leaned down, sniffing the tree as she gestured around, stepping aside and pointing at the ground. "Alright! Do you see these sticks and pawprints?"

Pixels: “Yes…? Where are you going with this, Zeal?”

Pixels nodded.

"Do you know what this means?"

Pixels shook her head.

"It means that there a Pokémon just came by and if you take a sniff around, you can see that there's a sweet scent lingering around the tracks. If we follow the scent from where it came from, we can find out where this guy got his treat!"

I mean, wouldn’t this be a way to find where berries were? Since you’d think that a lot of Pokémon would be big enough to strip a bush or tree clean without a ton of effort.

At first, that had sounded too simple to work, but sure enough, after only a few minutes of following their noses, they encountered an open area with bushes full of various berries lining about.

"Wow, Zeal! You really know your stuff!"

Zeal chuckled, puffing out her chest. "Only because I have the greatest big sister ever! Evie taught me everything I needed to survive on my own!" she said, grabbing a pecha berry and putting in a bag she brought. "Now come on, let's grab as much as we can!"

inb4 they piss off some wild Pokémon that claim these bushes as a part of their territory.

"Okay!" A smile graced her features as she helped her friend gather the berries.

Mission complete.

Huh, well that ended better than I’d expected there.

Making a Meal Together

Today was the day! She was going to learn how to cook! She had been begging for Quil to teach her for like months! But he had finally relented and he was giving her a chance!


Ah yes, stoat detected.

Zeal sat on the ground, tail wagging as their team cook stepped into view, she cheered, clapping her paws.

"Uh, okay. So Zeal," the Bulbasaur said. "The first and most important lesson will be hygiene. We must always clean our han–err paw, or… vines in my case, before cooking."

Oh, well never mind that then. Guess that’s a side effect of me having read Power Trip in the past.

Zeal nodded, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she rushed to the sink, rubbing her paws against the soap as they came out sparkling clean.

"Okie dokie! Paws wet and clean!" said the Zorua, drying her paws with a nearby towel and flashing a smile at the Bulbasaur. "What's next?"

Wait, where are they right now such that they have a sink? At first I thought that they were out camping in the field.

Quil nodded, donning a chef's hat and a customized apron as he continued. "Next, we put on our trusty hats and aprons and luckily for you, I have a spare."

He then placed said spare on top of her head, covering her mane as he helped tie the apron around her. She giggled, smiling at him as he smiled back.

"Alright, now we can begin."

This was iiit~ "Awesome! How do we start?"

Cue the fun getting sucked out of things in 3… 2…

"We can start by chopping the vegetables." He twirled a knife in his vines before pausing and glancing at the Zorua. "Uh, you do know how to use knives, right?"

Oh, she knew this, she'd seen him do it so many times! She raised her foreleg like she was answering a teacher's question. "They're like big claws, you grab them and push them against the meat or veggies like, um chop chop." She moved her paws just like how he'd used the knife.

Quil looked at her for a moment before shrugging. "Good enough. I've already set the ingredients so get to chopping, Zeal."


"Aye aye!" She jumped onto the stool, reaching for the knife and cutting board as Quil grabbed a pot and filled it up.

A few minutes passed and the water reached its boiling point, Quil went to check on how she was doing, noticing the rough and jagged edges of the chopped vegetables.

Zeal, noticing the look, flushed red and turned her head away, her voice having lost most of its vigour from earlier. "It's a little hard."

Zeal: “Look, I don’t have thumbs, okay?” >_>;

Quil patted her shoulder with a vine and a smile. "It's fine, my first time didn't go so well either. You'll get better with practice."

Hearing the comforting words, she smiled back. "Okay, now what?"

"Now? We'll have to wait a few minutes before adding the necessary salt and spices so while that's happening, why don't we just listen to that new song you've been practising?"

This… sounds like a fantastic way to lost track of time, just saying.

Her smile grew and she ran to get her guitar, leaving Quil to sigh as a tired smile crept onto his face.

"At least she's trying her best."

Yeah, I had a feeling that cooking would be a lot harder than Zeal was making it out to be.

A Walk in The Woods

Growing up, Litno didn't have many friends. He had tried of course, but no matter how hard or how much he'd tried, it was never enough. People had talked about him, their expectations of him being the son of a well-known explorer, their judging eyes, they weren't always so subtle. Things had only gotten worse when an incident happened that left his mother dead and him and his father grieving.

Well, that opening certainly got heavy fast.

Though I wonder if that means that in this setting, that PMD-esque and mainline settings exist side by side in the same world.

Before ever meeting June, Evie, Ane, Zeal and so many others, he had been picked on, chewed on, it had left him scared of trying, of doing anything, of being someone that was truly him.

In the end, he had given up, he wanted to just let go, he wanted to

Fortunately, life had plans for him.

I mean, considering how your buddies roped in a literal princess into their fold… yeah, they seem to be a bit of a magnet for unusual events.

And to that, he was grateful.

Taking in the fresh air, Litno listened to the cheery tune from his latest friend. Fray, a Froslass he'd encountered just a week ago, was flying around, eyes wide with childlike awe as she marvelled at every little thing. A solemn smile wormed its way onto his face as he remembered just what had occurred when he met her.

Oh, so Fray is tied to the same setting as June and Zeal. Duly noted. Though I kinda wonder if we cut away a little fast from Litno’s backstory, since it’d have been interesting to find out a bit more about where he came from as a once-aspiring explorer.

"Litno! This place is so cool! Everything's so green and warm and big and–Aaah! I never got to see anything like this back home! Thank you for taking me here!"

Seeing her so happy from just a simple walk through the woods, brought a warm feeling in his heart. His smile grew, the sheer joy that his friend was exuding was working its way into him, pushing away his worries.

"I'm-I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, Fray," he said, watching as she continued to fly around.

I’m… admittedly a little surprised that a Pokémon that’s part Ice-type would find a warm place to be pleasant to be in, but I won’t question it too hard.

He then let himself enjoy the warm sun and the quietness of the woods, he remembered always going on walks with his mother and with his father, and how they would always talk to one another and how he would always talk about his school, or his training, or his aspirations to be a better explorer than his father.

Oh. That will certainly help Litno’s mood, won’t it? :<


He blinked, a close face derailing his train of thought as he yelped, jumping back but before he could hit the ground, he was scooped into the chilly hands of the Froslass.

Fray: “Is something on your mind, Litno?”

"I found something you gotta see, Litno! It's so–" she squealed in excitement. "You gotta check it out! It's gonna blow your mind!"

"Um, o-okay," he said and she took him around and through the woods, heading deeper and deeper. The winds blew against his slimy body and despite his typing, he was enjoying the cool breeze that seemed to be amplified by his friend's presence.

It was a new experience, and it was one that he truly enjoyed.

Wait, what is Litno's species anyways? Since that’s still not clear to me by virtue of the story never explicitly mentioning it, even if I’m getting very “Goomy” vibes right now.

"Here it is!" she exclaimed, pushing aside some bushes and hovering a free hand over him, preventing the sun's sudden assault from hurting him.

His eyes widened in awe, stunned speechless by the view before him.

Flowers stretched across the horizon, waving along with winds, their colors merging into one, practically glowing in the sun's rays. A river settled its way firmly through the field, leading off into a small pool for Pokémon and people to enjoy.

Litno: “Whoa….”

Above him, Fray drew his attention with a giggle, a pleasant breeze blew by, her ribbons swaying along with little petals and pollen. "Isn't this beautiful?"

Litno felt his cheeks heat up at the sight, his voice trembling as he found it hard to tear his sight away from her. "Y-yeah… it-it is…"

"Come on! Let's go pick some!"

Flying in her arms, he realised that this experience was one that he would never forget.

I wonder if this ending note would’ve been a bit stronger if it was tied back towards Litno’s earlier aspirations in life to be an explorer. Like did he dream of one day coming across places like these? If so, it might have been nice to see a callback to it and how in a way, Litno's accomplished that earlier dream in his own way or something like that.

Blanket Fort

Finally! The Wormadam leapt headfirst onto the bed, snuggling deeper into the mattress. Man, it'd been weeks since she'd slept on something soft and comfortable (not counting her cloak of course). She was starting to go crazy sleeping out in the wild, the noise, the wind ruining her coat, it was just–Argh!

Huh, you wouldn’t think of Pokémon growing attached to creature comforts of being trained, but it does make sense. Going from getting used to a mattress or the like and would definitely make going back to hanging from a tree be a hard jump.

Just quiet down, Whimmy. You get to sleep in a bed until the next week, enjoy it while you can and stop complaining!

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in–

Yeah, I’ll take the under on her making it for a week. Though I’m a little surprised that the thought of resting in a Pokéball didn’t come to mind unless something about the sensation is “off” to Whimmy.

"What are you doing?"

Whimmy jumped at the sudden voice before quickly relaxing as she directed an eye towards the newcomer, a Larvitar her trainer had caught a few days ago. "Hey, little G. Why don't you join me on this soft and awesome bed?"

Aha, so different team from June and Zeal. Or at least I think that that’s the implication.

The newcomer was a strange one. He was always talking about monsters and kings and weirder was the fact that he didn't even know what a Pokémon was. She assumed it was probably because he had lived all by himself as Larvitars weren't exactly known for being in a pack in Sinnoh.

Oh, this is Godzilla from that reincarnation isekai story you have, isn’t it? Since that description definitely feels like the thought process of a Godzilla there.

It was a sad thought and it was also one of the reasons why she wanted to share the first spot with him.

"Bed? What in the world's a bed?" he muttered, he probably didn't mean for her to hear it but with her hearing, she couldn't really help it.

G: “Is it like an ocean trench, by any chance?”

"Oh you know, just the most wonderful invention mankind has ever created! Come on, where have you been living under, a rock?"

Technically, prior to getting the hard downgrade in height and power, deep under the sea, but close enough.

Okay, that was probably insensitive. Being a Rock-type, he probably did sleep under a rock and– oh Arceus, that sounded like she was generalizing Rock-types. Crap, she didn't mean it like that–

"No, I lived in the ocean."


I can only imagine Whimmy’s face after G starts waxing poetic about all the times he destroyed Tokyo.

Whimmy blinked, staring at the Larvitar with a bewildered look. "But you're a Larvitar."

"And I already told you I've no clue what that is." He narrowed his eyes in clear annoyance.

Whimmy: “It’s what you are? How do you not know that?” ^^;
G: “I mean, it helps that I used to be much, much bigger than this.” >_>;

Deciding to put that discussion on hold, she shook her head and took out her vines, wrapping it around the small Pokémon's waist before he could react and deposited him right next to her. Upon touching the soft covers, he relented his squirming a moment later and was in total bliss.

I can only imagine the chaos that will ensue if G gets back up to Kaiju size but still has his yearnings for a proper bed.

Whimmy muffled a giggle at the sight before her features lit up as an idea crossed her mind. "Hey, G. Wanna know what's the best part about being a trainer's partner?"

Moments later, a trainer and a Misdreavus came in to a room completely filled with pillows and blankets.

Aha, so that’s where the ‘pillow fort’ title came from.

Warming With Fluff

Jynn awoke with a sharp gasp, her head laced sticky with sweat as her eyes darted around, breaths shallow and quick. Where was she? What was she–

Wait, who is ‘Jynn’ here again?

A familiar warmth brushed against her, bringing her back to her senses as she peered through the darkness, the fluffy fox cuddled beside her, cute little breaths accompanied by the occasional ember reeling in her attention and calming her with their familiar presence.

Her breathing slowly returned to its normal pace and she laid back in the sleeping bag, snuggling closer to her Pokemon and falling asleep with a quiet smile on her face.

D’aww… :>

Sleeping In

"... wake up."

"Five more minutes..." the Charmander grumbled, pushing away the paw and snuggling deeper into the blanket.

Narrator: “It will not be five more minutes. It is never five more minutes.”

"Wake up. I can't move if you don't," she said, poking his scaly cheek but that only caused him to bury himself deeper into her fur. She sighed. "Fine. Five more minutes. Then you're up, got it?"

A satisfied hum answered her and she couldn't fight the smile worming onto her face.

They slept a bit longer than five minutes.

Yeah, I figured. :V

Though this was a fun batch of drabbles here, and you’ve got quite the colorful cast of characters on display. It seems like the bulk of them were drawn from whatever setting Zeal and June are from… maybe. For all I know, you cameo your stories’ characters in each other’s tales, but these drabbles are a pretty effective advertisement to come and check out more of your content.

I won’t criticize things too hard since these were basically drabbles that were most likely written as a spur of the moment thing, but I do wonder if some of these would’ve benefitted a bit more from providing further context, either in their story, or in some sort of introductory blurb. Like I only picked up on what the story was behind G in the drabble he was in because I happened to check your other works and noticed that one of them was a Godzilla reincarnation isekai. People reading these in a vacuum would’ve most likely had that go over their heads completely. Some of the other drabbles also felt like they withheld major details for some reason that would’ve been fairly easy to introduce in like a sentence or two without being kludgy (e.x. Litno’s species).

But all-in-all, I think that your drabbles did what you seem to have intended them to as cute little breathers @ShiniGojira . I don’t know if all of them also feature in other stories beyond Whimmy and G, but I sure hope that they do. They’re fun characters to see in action, and it’d certainly be nice to read more of them. ^^


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
I wonder if this is in a PMD-esque setting or else if this is from a part of a Trainerverse, I’m kinda getting vibes of the former, but…
Technically speaking, it's kinda... both? The story is a multiverse type of fic, some of the characters are from one universe and some are from another. Fray is from a PMD spinoff world and Ane is from RL.
Oh, so this is in some sort of PMD-esque setting. I can’t tell if this is just a more obscure part of Trainerverse or if they got yeeted to another world together.
They're currently in a Trainerverse world or 'The Anime' as I call it.
Wait, but Litno’s species is never established here. I’m kinda getting Goomy vibes? But it’s not exactly easy to tell from the context (or more accurately, the lack thereof) here.
He's a Goomy. I didn't confirm it since I didn't really know whether throwing out a bunch of info was fine or not when writing a drabble. (These were kinda my first attempts at doing so)
More seriously, you’ve got a ways to go before you’ll be able to hold your own with Steven, Neo. Even if I suppose that it’s nice to have high goals in life.
Ha ha, that may be true for current Steven but this is taking place 15 or so years before the first episode of the anime so Steven is around 10 or so here.
Well, scratch that about Pixels being from the contest circuit.
She is. She just really loves doing stunts and adventures while also loving to keep herself fabulous and gorgeous.
Wait, where are they right now such that they have a sink? At first I thought that they were out camping in the field.
They are. I was more so using anime magic since I remember them being able to pack a portable sink, stove and table and whatnot.
I’m… admittedly a little surprised that a Pokémon that’s part Ice-type would find a warm place to be pleasant to be in, but I won’t question it too hard.
Well, considering she'd spent over a thousand years in a frozen wasteland without anything but the occasional outing to a nearby village as a distraction. It gets kinds boring and she also loves experiencing something new.
Aha, so different team from June and Zeal. Or at least I think that that’s the implication.
Yup, different team. And timeline wise, a few months after June and his brothers get isekaied.
Wait, who is ‘Jynn’ here again?
Uh... nobody important. Yup, she is not someone that will play any significant role in June's story, no siree.

On a more serious note, she's another trainer who occasionally shows up in Just a Normal Day. And let's just say her story is... considerably dark compared to June and co.
Some of the other drabbles also felt like they withheld major details for some reason that would’ve been fairly easy to introduce in like a sentence or two without being kludgy (e.x. Litno’s species).
Yeah... drabbling ain't my strong suit and I've no clue how much info is too much when I first started writing. I'll try to keep that in mind for my future drabbles.

I don’t know if all of them also feature in other stories beyond Whimmy and G, but I sure hope that they do.
They do! Neo and Peach are from Stark Difference (Not yet written though), Jynn's story is a little side story in Just a Normal Day and they also sometimes cameo in each other's story since they take place in the same world.

Anyways, thanks for reading this and I'm glad you enjoyed it! Hope you have a nice day!
A Loaf or An Onion?


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
The Charmander, June, blinked at the sight before him, turned around and blinked again. "A-are you loafing?" he said, looking a bit bewildered at the sight of his Bulbasaur brother.

Quil cracked open an eye and barely moved his head to address him. "Oh really? Hadn't noticed." He yawned.

To a normal trainer, it was probably a common sight for them but to June, he and his brothers were all humans before and weren't of this world, the sight of a loafing animal that was previously his human brother was... weird to say the least. "You're a plant frog-dinosaur thing... Why the hell can a frog-asaur loaf like a cat and why are you even loafing in the first place? That doesn't look comfortable."

Quil shrugged. "None of the other positions were comfortable either," he said as if that answered his question... which it sorta did... huh...

"So Bulbasaurs are part cat now?" He didn't get a response better than a droopy shrug. "Weird..." he muttered as he left his brother to his nap, not quite sure what he could do with this newfound knowledge weighing on his mind.

Through it all, a certain question began to form. Were there any other Pokémon he knew that were nonknowingly part cat?

A certain distance away, a certain brown vixen sneezed, ruining her concentration and making her release a stream of curses at the trees she'd accidentally set ablaze.


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
No one on the left.

No one on the right.

She glanced around, her body kept low and her steps as quiet as could be. Sneaking around the pokécenter was usually pretty simple, especially for someone of her calibre.

June was busy training his fire with Pixels, Ane was making some sugary treats and the others were all equally busy doing their own things.

It meant today was once again the perfect time for some leisure reading.

Evie pushed through the door to their rented room, skillfully moved around the scattered blankets and pillows, and towards a nearby cabinet. She opened it with a paw, scavenged through the countless snacks and towels before–

“There it is,” she murmured to herself, a tiny smile on her vulpine face. The source of her joy, you may ask? Why it was simply the little book she hid whilst everyone was too busy to notice or pay attention.

The cover was a ruse, a piece of paper with a paragraph of the most boring thing she could think glued on it, it kept others from prying or caring too much about when she snuck it away from their view. And thank Arceus she thought of that a while back, the original cover would've been too awkward to explain and she did not want anyone to know her taste in literature.

With a flick of her tail, she brought a small candle close to a nearby table and lit it up with a small puff of fire. “Finally,” she sighed, dragging a blanket over herself as she made herself snug.

Now that she was nice and cozy, it was time to just lay down and relax~


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
June let out a tired gasp, his tail flame flickering after the intense workout as he laid flat on his back. This was fine. He was making progress. Not as much as he’d like but it was something.

“Woohoo! We're done! We’re done! Come on, get up! You promised we’d get ice cream once we're done, June!” the Vulpix said with an excited grin on her face as she hopped on the tips of her paws.

“Yeah… just let me catch my breath first, Pixels,” he panted.


After a minute or two, he slowly got onto his feet. Somehow, in that short amount of time, Zeal caught wind of his plans and the Zorua was now happily chatting with Pixels. It didn't take a genius to know that it wouldn't take long for the rest of his team to hear everything. They may all be stronger than he was but they were still kids and kids loved ice cream (unless they were lactose-intolerant, of course).

Though the fact that the money he was about to spend wasn't technically his — a majority of it was from the Professor’s sponsor — did make him feel a lot less reluctant when it came to treating his team.

And after a quick affirmation to the two vixens, he made his way back to the pokécenter. He couldn't believe he forgot to bring his bag out. Thank god he didn't challenge anyone today, that would've been awkward if he’d won or lost and had nothing to give them.

He rounded the corner and up the stairs where the trainer lodge was. What was his number again? It was something like–oh wait, never mind he found it. Huh… why the hell was it open? Didn't he lock the damn thing? He thought for sure he had–eh, whatever. Wasn't like he had anything worth stealing in there.

“Now, where is that bag?” He flicked open the lights.

A sudden tension seized the air around him as he gazed at the sight in front of him. He blinked. Evie blinked. Silence washed over them as June took in the sight of the vixen wrapped up in a bundle of blankets, his eyes then travelled down, spotting a book with an illustration of–

“Ah! Wh-what are you doing here?” she questioned him with a blush on her cheeks, hiding the book faster than the blink of an eye.

It took a moment too long for the question to register in his head and he chuckled nervously when he realised he was staring. “I uh, was looking for my bag.” His eyes definitely did not divert to where he thought Evie was hiding that book and she definitely didn't give him a glare when he tried.

“It's over there,” she said, trying to act nonchalantly but the redness in her cheeks betrayed her.

“Right right… I'll leave ya to it, I guess.” He rushed over and took the bag while not-so subtly giving her a look. After securing the bag over his shoulders, he trotted out of the room. “Happy reading?”

“You will not speak of this to anyone, got it?” The glare she sent him burned a thousand times hotter than anything he could produce and his only response was a nervous laugh before skedaddling away.

Despite the scary encounter however, his mind couldn't help but focus on the illustration he saw.

So she likes those types of novels, huh? Though it wasn't like he would judge someone based on their taste in literature.

Still, he didn't take her for a romantic.


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
The night sky was certainly a beautiful sight to see especially out here in the middle of nowhere. Back home, he used to look at the sky from time to time and while he did live in a rural place, the night sky wasn't nearly anything like this.

Stars twinkled in the sky, the darkness that permeated the heavens wasn't one of forever dark but a glittering mix of dark blue and purple. It was a breathtaking sight to behold and one he was fortunate enough to see in all it's glory.

But still, June couldn't help but feel like something was weighing on his chest, tugging at his heartstrings as his mind came to a solemn thought.

He didn't recognise anything.

Sure, he didn't quite know every constellation back in his world but it didn't make it any harder to know that something wasn't right. This world wasn't his and despite the shortcomings in his life, he couldn't help but wonder whether one day he’d return to his original world and if he did, what would happen to his team, the friends he made, the people he’d gotten to love.

Would they miss him? Would they be sad when he left? Would he even leave if the time came? He made a promise a few months ago that he wouldn't abandon his world but what was the point of returning to his old life if it meant abandoning his world?

Could he bring himself to not see any of them smile again? Could he bring himself to not ever speak to them or hang out with them again? Could he bring himself to leave them?

It hurt not knowing the answers and only time would tell what his final decision would be.

“Hey, you doing fine, June?” a comforting voice cut him off his musings and he turned to face the vixen standing beside him. “Is this seat taken?”

“Go on ahead.” He shrugged. “It's not like I own the grass.”

Evie laid flat on her back, similar to his position though whether it was comfortable for a quadruped to lay like that he didn't know. “Looks like Sol and Luna are out tonight.”

“Sol and Luna?”

“Yeah, see how those stars up there make a pattern? If you go from up there to there, you can make up a Solrock and Lunatone battling.”

Indeed he could. With a bit of guidance from her, he could spot it as clear as day. “Heh, are all the constellations named after Pokémon?”

Evie let out a huff. “Of course not. There are about five different constellations named after famous explorers and researchers, two of which are currently out over to your left.” She pointed to the sky, telling which was which and what was what.

He rarely ever got to see Evie be this passionate about things, it was… quite lovely to see this side of her. June chuckled. “You sure know your stuff, Eves. I barely know more than a couple back in my world.”

The conversation after that lulled and the two stared into the beautiful night sky, enjoying each other’s company in the glorious festival of stars and blues.

He may not recognise the endless sea of blue and purple but he didn't need to know everything to enjoy being with a dear friend. The night sky was certainly a beautiful sight to see and it was even better in the presence of his friends that encompassed his world.
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