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Character Sorting: Hogwarts houses, MtG colors, and more!


House of Two Midnights
There are a lot of franchises out there that let you "sort" your characters according to their personality traits, from their Homestuck classpect to the color of their lightsaber. Non-fandom sorting systems like the MBTI are also welcome here! Talk about how you would sort characters from your stories or others' stories, ask people where they see particular characters being sorted, share sorting systems/quizzes for people to try out, or talk about character sorting more generally.

Since we've been talking about MtG colors on the Discord recently, that seems like a good place to start. The Magic: the Gathering card game revolves around five colors of magic, and different personality types tend to have affinities with different colors. Here's a quick run-down, with descriptions ganked from this article:

White seeks peace, and it tries to achieve that peace through the imposition of order. White believes that the solution to all suffering and unhappiness is coordination and cooperation and rules and restraint. The archetypal white organization would be a church, and a white dystopia would be a fascist regime such as the one in George Orwell’s 1984, or a stagnant society like the one in Lois Lowry’s The Giver

A white agent, when presented with a decision or quandary, asks what is the right course of action to take, where “right” depends on their moral or cultural framework.

Blue seeks perfection, and it tries to achieve that perfection through the pursuit of knowledge. Blue believes that things could be almost arbitrarily good if we could all just figure out the truth, and then apply that understanding to its fullest extent. The archetypal blue organization would be a university or a research lab, and a blue dystopia would be one in which efficiency were pursued without morals or limits, or in which intelligence were the sole axis of a meritocracy.

A blue agent, when presented with a decision or quandary, asks what course of action makes the most sense, where “sense” is determined by careful thought and the application of knowledge and expertise.

Black seeks satisfaction, and it tries to achieve that satisfaction through ruthlessness. Black wants power and agency so that it can act upon its preferences at any time, reshaping the world around it into whatever it wants. It recognizes no limits upon this pursuit except those which emerge from its own desires and self-interest. It is capable of cooperation and alliance, but only consequentially, as in game theory; at its core, black is amoral, not immoral, since it doesn’t think morality is even really a Thing. The archetypal black organization would be a hedge fund or a startup, and a black dystopia would be a totalitarian dictatorship.

A black agent, when presented with a decision or quandary, asks what course of action will leave me best off, where “best off” includes having power, influence, safety, and wealth, as well as having moved closer to one’s goals.

Red seeks freedom, and it tries to achieve that freedom through action. Red wants the ability to live in the moment and follow the thread of aliveness and passion. It’s a bit strange to speak of a red “organization,” but to the extent that it’s possible to have an archetypal red organization, it would be one of those art studios that’s owned by no one where there’s paint on every wall and it’s almost impossible to move around what with all of the dancing and debating and half-finished projects. A red dystopia, on the other hand, would simply be anarchy.

A red agent, when presented with a decision or quandary, asks what do I feel like doing?

Green seeks harmony, and it tries to achieve that harmony through acceptance. Green is the color of nature, wisdom, stoicism, taoism, and destiny; it believes that most of the suffering and misfortune in the world comes from attempts to cast off one’s natural mantle, step outside of one’s natural role, or fix things which aren’t broken — it’s the color of Chesterton’s Fence. It seeks to embrace what is — the archetypal green organization would be a hippie commune, or the pop culture interpretation of a Native American tribe (such as in Disney’s Pocahontas), while a green dystopia would be something like the society in Divergent or a tribe with absolutely rigid traditions and an unchanging and unchangeable relationship to its environment.

A green agent, when presented with a decision or quandary, asks how are these things usually done? What is the established wisdom?

A character can be any combination of colors, but is usually 1-3 out of the five, and two-color combinations are probably most common. unrepentantAuthor shared a good quiz for figuring out your characters' color combination: https://still-anchorage-15218.herokuapp.com/

What color(s) do you think your characters are? Or, if you're not sure, talk about them and see where others think they fit!


Don’t underestimate seeds.
between a hope and a prayer
  1. moka-mark
  2. solrock
  3. breloom
I love these kinds of things. It's so fun to "translate" one fandom into another, and it can give a new perspective on your story.

MtG!!! I'm so happy for this overlap of fandoms. My friend and actually I made a green/black Golgari bug deck based on a novel series we fell in love with (Jeff Vandermeer's Southern Reach trilogy.) We share joint custody.

My WIP Spring is definitely a green/white story. The first two thirds of the story sees the two main protagonists try to reconcile their opposing spiritual views, the new ways versus the old ways. Maybe some Theros stuff, because the will of the gods is a big deal in this one.

My other WIP, Continental Divides is an Aqua/Magma story, so red/blue feels obvious. And an instant-heavy deck would suit the pace of this story too-- everything at once! Taking control of other players' permanents is definitely relevant here too...

Harry Potter-wise -- Spring is definitely the story of a sweet Hufflepuff boy trying to live up to everyone's expectations and wrap his head around this confusing Ravenclaw girl in a world dominated by Slytherins. My protagonist in Divides is the most Griffindor girl I can think of, but none of the rest really fits.


House of Two Midnights

Oh man, another MtG fan! That Bug deck sounds like a lot of fun...

Red/Blue does feel obvious for a Magma/Aqua story, but I feel like the actual characteristics of the team are almost the opposite of their usual elemental associations? Like, especially after the ORAS update, I feel like Archie seems like a more Red character and Maxie more Blue... Like Aqua is all pirates! Big personalities! Rip-roarin' adventure! And then Magma is like... climate models and restraint, idk.


I'm not sure where the Harry Potter bits are...
Ah, I didn't include any in particular since I figured most people need no introduction to how the houses work, but if you're looking for a solid quiz I think this one is good. (And if not there are many, many, many other versions to choose from, heh).

Blue and Red make for fun character archetypes to play off each other, I think. It's sort of a classic pairing!


Don’t underestimate seeds.
between a hope and a prayer
  1. moka-mark
  2. solrock
  3. breloom
@Negrek It’s so good! Convoluted story, huge nasty monsters, inter dimensional travel — everything in that world is very tasty. A couple of the artists live in my city and I’m like “😶 Hi, be my friend.” Winona Nelson (painted Arlin Kord) in particular is so impressive. She wears all these neon blazers and takes sword fighting lessons and is probably one of like 5 indigenous artists for MtG and —


Yeah, the bug deck is my child. I think my personality is way more white + ... something. Red, maybe. Maybe mono white. But I LOVE playing black decks.

You’re 1000% right about the Magma/Aqua color swap! My rendition of them is both a mix of RSE and ORAS... and also unlike either. But regardless, my version of Magma is way more tricky, political, and persuasive. Very control. And Aqua is impatient, messy, and prefers direct action (read: acts of eco terror). If Archie could lightning strike DevCo to the face, he so would.

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Alllllright, it's been a while since we all got caught up in the MtG colors train, time to finally sort my cast. Anyone who knows me knows that I frickin love personality tests, and I love sorting and categorizing things, so this was very much my jam. Let's start with the protagonist trio~

Jade, your scores are...
| White: 106 | Blue: 52 | Black: 36 | Red: 117 | Green: 82 |
A Red/White Planeswalker asks the question what needs to be done? What would a good person do? Red and White are the colors of heroism and passion channeled through morality, and adherence to laws that may be higher than law. The best of warriors, soldiers, and vigilantes is red/white, as are heroes and martyrs.
Yeah, this is pretty unsurprising. Basically everyone pegged her as White/Red, lol.

Starr, your scores are...
| White: 91 | Blue: 67 | Black: 123 | Red: 84 | Green: 39 |
Mardu is a combination of Red, White, and Black.
Mardu is the folk hero archetype, wandering from place to place, who chooses a people or principle to defend and then when satisfied, moves on. Those of Mardu colors beleive making the most of your experiences is what it is to be fulfilled in life, and find order in a code of conduct that promotes this philosophy.
Starr was difficult. Her results tended to fluctuate a lot, with some giving Black/Red and a few even landing mono Red. But the moment I rolled the questions for loyalty and protector, the white suddenly shot up.

Ajia, your scores are...
| White: 135 | Blue: 146 | Black: 73 | Red: 126 | Green: 111 |
Jeskai is a combination of Blue, Red, and White.
Jeskai live within a cycle of inspiration, investigation, and evaluation. Those of Jeskai colors show a refusal to be content with what is already known. They have a desire to out out in search of new information, to return and share their findings in comunal progress. Jeskai put their ego second in the process of reaching for something greater.
I was expecting White/Blue for Ajia, but this isn't all that far off. I'd forgotten that she'd have a decent amount of red from being the paragon of optimism and enthusiasm.

Aaand now for the guys:

Rudy, your scores are...
| White: 73 | Blue: 42 | Black: 73 | Red: 152 | Green: 70 |
Red wants freedom.
A Red Planeswalker, when presented with a decision or quandary, asks what do I feel like doing?
Everyone seems preoccupied with the meaning of life. Red's not, because red already knows the answer. You see, your heart tells you what it needs in order to be fulfilled. All you have to do is listen to it and act accordingly. It's not a mystery. You are literally bombarded with constant feelings that guide you down the correct path. The problem is all the other colors ignore the message.
Rudy being mono Red surprises no one. He's basically the archetypal shonen protagonist.

Darren, your scores are...
| White: 100 | Blue: 115 | Black: 63 | Red: 69 | Green: 103 |
Bant is a combination of the White, Green, and Blue colors.
Bant displays a calm and peaceful stability underlying a slow progression towards knowledge, wisdom, and fulfillment. Those of Bant colors are respectful and have an absence of urgency, and restlessness. They believe in building scaffolds rather than cages, and are patient in lifting others up towards a better future.
Darren was tough, but I expected him to be something that would basically balance out Jade and Rudy, acting as the grounded, realistic one who can take them down a few notches when needed.

Sebastian, your scores are...
| White: 97 | Blue: 132 | Black: 140 | Red: 64 | Green: 70 |
A Black/Blue Planeswalker asks the question how can I best achieve my goals? It's fair to describe blue/black as the combination of "enlightened self-interest". Blue and black both agree on growth mindset, the idea that one is not defined by one's origins or constrained to the role society has set. Blue/black characters are often intelligent, clever, arrogant, and aloof.
This is perfection. Pure, calculated, unwavering ambition is his defining character trait.

Giovanni, your scores are...
| White: 107 | Blue: 67 | Black: 145 | Red: 45 | Green: 60 |
A White/Black Planeswalker asks the question who's in my circle of concern? The colors White and Black combine to form tribalism, the "us versus them" mentality. Think Don Corleone and the other gangsters from The Godfather, a strict system of codes and honor within the group, and almost total impunity with outsiders. You can also see the white/black ingroup/outgroup dynamic in certain swaths of social justice culture.
Some people wanted me to do Giovanni. I wonder if this will surprise anyone.

Chibi, your scores are...
| White: 112 | Blue: 174 | Black: 135 | Red: 84 | Green: 128 |
Sultai is a combination of Black, Blue and Green.
Sultai have a driven wanting, not fiery or passionate, but sure and unyielding. Those of Sultai colors do not believe in adhering to rules, norms, or laws if it does not benefit them, but they are respectful to the power of nature and fate. Sultai seek opportunity and believe in maximizing their true potential, willing to do anything necessary that moves them closer to their goals.
Moving onto the Pokemon, I had basically no idea what to expect from Chibi. He's driven and ruthless, but also fiercely loyal and protective. He's quiet and curious, but also prone to intense rage. And to make things even worse, he has a huge reverence for the Legendaries. That's all five colors, right there! As expected, his spread is pretty even, but I like the description that was given for Black/Blue/Green. Driven and unyielding fits him to a tee.

Gonna run through the rest of Jade's team real quick:

Firestorm, your scores are...
| White: 74 | Blue: 18 | Black: 31 | Red: 54 | Green: 34 |
A White/Red Planeswalker asks the question what needs to be done? What would a good person do? Red and White are the colors of heroism and passion channeled through morality, and adherence to laws that may be higher than law. The best of warriors, soldiers, and vigilantes is red/white, as are heroes and martyrs.

Swift, your scores are...
| White: 60 | Blue: 78 | Black: 14 | Red: 35 | Green: 31 |
A Blue/White Planeswalker asks the question how do we know what's right and good? The whole concept of a "rationality technique" is extremely white/blue, the idea that we might create carefully defined, algorithmic heuristics for doing things better according to some outside standard is not one that other color combinations are likely to produce.

Aros, your scores are...
| White: 45 | Blue: 39 | Black: 80 | Red: 68 | Green: 66 |
Jund is a combination of the Red, Green and Black colors.
Jund has a feral realism with no sugar coating, a self aware self indulgence that doesn’t pretend to be anything it isn’t. Those of Jund colors show a refusal to slow down or be contained, and do not follow standards that are contrived and ephemeral in the first place.

Stygian, your scores are...
| White: 58 | Blue: 52 | Black: 71 | Red: 26 | Green: 49 |
Esper is a combination of Blue, Black, and White.
Esper takes a coolly calculated, methodical approach towards building a better future for oneself and those in one's circle of interest, without frivolous emotion or an excessive concern for harmony or the status quo. They do what needs to be done in the name of progress.

Jet, your scores are...
| White: 31 | Blue: 19 | Black: 29 | Red: 69 | Green: 39 |
Red wants freedom. A Red Planeswalker, when presented with a decision or quandary, asks what do I feel like doing?
Aros and Stygian were the only ones I didn't really know how to predict beforehand, but their descriptions match them quite nicely, I think. Notably, Firestorm has the same colors as Jade.

Now for some Legendaries...

Mew, your scores are...
| White: 79 | Blue: 56 | Black: 19 | Red: 48 | Green: 77 |
A White/Green Planeswalker asks the question what's fair and good? They both agree on community, on the sense that the whole can be greater than the sum of its parts, and that there are things larger than oneself that are worth sacrificing for. Green/white institutions tend to be centered around compassionate endeavors, but if they go astray it's in the direction of well meaning lost purposes and wasted signaling
Unsurprising. That last sentence is amusing for Reasons.

Lugia, your scores are...
| White: 71 | Blue: 86 | Black: 113 | Red: 58 | Green: 60 |
A Black/Blue Planeswalker asks the question how can I best achieve my goals? It's fair to describe blue/black as the combination of "enlightened self-interest". Blue and black both agree on growth mindset, the idea that one is not defined by one's origins or constrained to the role society has set. Blue/black characters are often intelligent, clever, arrogant, and aloof.
Same colors as Sebastian, but less for ambition and more for arrogance.

Palkia, your scores are...
| White: 61 | Blue: 57 | Black: 75 | Red: 226 | Green: 79 |
Red wants freedom.
A Red Planeswalker, when presented with a decision or quandary, asks what do I feel like doing?
The reddest red to ever red.

Dialga, your scores are...
| White: 108 | Blue: 152 | Black: 72 | Red: 33 | Green: 127 |
A Blue/Green Planeswalker asks the question what do I not yet understand? Blue/Green is the combination of truth seeking. While they disagree strongly about what to do with understanding, both blue and green are deeply committed to seeing and understanding the world as it is, with blue pursuing knowledge and green striving for wisdom.
If Palkia is chaos, Dialga is order.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with the variety in my cast! There's a ton of different colors represented. I did notice that almost everyone is either red or blue. I think that sort of reveals that hot-cold is my favorite way to write contrasting character dynamics, haha.
Last edited:


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
Not sure if I'll get to ninja Chibi or not.

These are my current thoughts on characters. Other interpretations are valid and possibly better readings of the text as it is. The author is a walking corpse or whatever. Spoilers up to 2.6.

Pixie: Mono-black. Pixie's primary concern is Pixie. Is bored when things that are not Pixie are being discussed. Humans exist to serve Pixie. She'd kill her own siblings if it advanced her cause. One of her main long term arcs is proving to herself and/or her mother than she's strong enough to stand on her own. She needs power for that. Since her worldview centers around herself and one of her arcs is about getting stronger this is an easy enough call.

Cuicatl Ichtaca: Black/Green. Pixie aside Cuicatl is the most ruthless of the protagonists and is consistently willing to hurt others or her own pokemon to advance her goals. When hurt she's quite willing to dish out hurt back, usually by pressing on mental weak points because is smol and her team's kind of weak. She's enamored with power in general and dragons in particular. Unlike Pix and even Kekoa she sees people as problems that can be solved with the right words and sentiments, although she often does genuinely believe what she says. If she has to burn down the world and everyone in it to get back a fraction of what she's lost she'd do it in a heartbeat. The green comes in from her genuine respect for her culture, gods and family. She's willing to overlook a lot of things, including human sacrifice and harm to herself, out of pride and loyalty. Aztec philosophy held that true ethics was communal rather than individual so there's an argument that white and green aren't so different for her but at least from a modern Western perspective I see her as Black/Green.

Kekoa: Some mix of Blue, Black, and Green. Kekoa wants to remake society towards what it always should have been. This puts him into the Blue camp of aiming to understand and improve the world around him and Green for caring deeply and primarily about the community he identifies with. The Black comes in because he intends to gather the power needed to personally topple one symbol of the status quo he hates. At times his personal abrasiveness and almost compulsive need to lash out make the black entirely overshadow his loyalty to community members or a critical assessment of his plans, diminishing the blue and green. But on his best, most idealistic days he ranks as a solid Blue/Green.

Genesis: Mono-white. All that matters is what Xerneas has declared is good. Even her own personal ambitions and desire for freedom must be suppressed to serve the Lifegiver.

JK's a terf and I don't really want to dignify the whole houses thing. Unless it's Fire Emblem: Three Houses. In which case.
Kekoa's in Black Eagles because down with the Church and Crests. Genesis thinks that Rhea/Dmitri did nothing wrong and that Edelgard is a fascist. Cuicatl wanted to side with Rhea because is a dragon but that's apparently not an option post-timeskip so she went with Claude because he rides a wyvern like a badass and gets the whole outsider thing.
Ugh now I kind of want to write that AU and I know I shouldn't.


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
Here are major chars of mine! All but Red were taken with 25 questions because I'm impatient. Red I took multiple times because I was stubborn, but this one I've set on was 50 questions.

Red, your scores are...
| White: 14 | Blue: 80 | Black: 125 | Red: 79 | Green: 34 |

Red I took to be black and red at first, but thinking about how he acts, there are many blue qualities, I suppose. He needs to have self-awareness and analytical skills to keep his real self secret and get away with his crimes - he can't act with passion alone. His blackness and redness are pretty apparent, though, given his lack of remorse, hedonism and rebel spirit. He does also have some green traits, though, those being love and admiration of nature and his core desire for peace of mind.

Samson, your scores are...
| White: 55 | Blue: 21 | Black: 13 | Red: 32 | Green: 70 |

I think Samson is more white given his whole character idea is to be this extremely nice, virtuous and socially adjusted person to contrast Red's misanthropy, though I do know he's also pretty green. He wants people to live harmoniously and show kindness to not only one another but also to non-sapient mon. His third color being red also makes sense, as he can get pretty upset when he witnesses injustice or disrespect.

Michi, your scores are...
| White: 31 | Blue: 40 | Black: 17 | Red: 27 | Green: 23 |

Michi I don't have a super great grasp on as a character, but I think I expected her to be more red. She's a free spirit haha spirit get it she talks to ghosts and walks her own path - a pretty red trait. She does also have a "passion for justice" like Samson, but she can easily decide to not help someone if they're being prickly, while Samson's morals make him more forgiving. Blue does make sense for Michi as she has good wits and caution, but intellectual is not something that she strikes me as. She also prefers nature to technology.

Fonz, your scores are...
| White: 26 | Blue: 16 | Black: 23 | Red: 22 | Green: 32 |

Fonz is a somewhat similar character to Samson, but he's more passive and go-with-the-flow, so bigger green makes sense for him.

Shirlee, your scores are...
| White: 22 | Blue: 30 | Black: 31 | Red: 57 | Green: 28 |
(mono red)

Shirlee being red makes sense. She's an artist and not afraid to have emotions. Her being more black than white I suppose comes from a streak of self-centeredness, but it could just be a fluke. Probably is.

Pletora, your scores are...
| White: 11 | Blue: 15 | Black: 24 | Red: 12 | Green: 27 |

Pletora being black surprised me a little, but it does make sense if I think about her solitary lifestyle. She isn't all too worried about others (until Sisi shows up and her dang conscience tells her to help the poor babby) and prefers to have others deal with their own problems. Her greenness, though, is obvious considering she lives a simple life in the woods and likes it that way.

These are the chars that came to mind for me. May add more later, dunno!


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
My characters from The Curious and the Shiny:

You are a Red/Black Planeswalker (Welcome to the Cult of Rakdos).
Curio, your scores are...
| White: 32 | Blue: 59 | Black: 85 | Red: 95 | Green: 45 |
A Red/Black Planeswalker asks the question how do I get what I want? Because of its dismissive attitude toward judgment and social mores, black/red is often the combination of endorsed hedonism and "live and let live." Black and Red both agree that independence. For red it is something to be fostered and defended in an attempt to avoid coercion or pressure, and for black it is out of a desire for self reliance and agency. Many black/red characters lean evil, such as the Joker from Batman and Voldemort from canon Harry Potter, but the combination can also be one of impishness or chaotic selfishness, as with Peter Pan, Deadpool, or Cap'n Jack Sparrow.

Doesn't surprise me. She is committed to living life to the fullest and not being so preoccupied with what the meaning of life is as long as she lives in the present, but there is a deeper reason for this in that she does it out of self preservation. While I haven't revealed the full extent of this yet, she's dodging responsibility on a lot of things, and any situation that forces her to back down to someone destroys her emotionally since her purpose is greatly tied to doing whatever she wants. She greatly antagonises anyone that tries to take that away from her even if it is arguably for the greater good.

You are a White/Blue Planeswalker (Welcome to the Azorius Senate).
Shine, your scores are...
| White: 122 | Blue: 100 | Black: 57 | Red: 56 | Green: 53 |
A White/Blue Planeswalker asks the question how do we know what's right and good? The whole concept of a "rationality technique" is extremely white/blue, the idea that we might create carefully defined, algorithmic heuristics for doing things better according to some outside standard is not one that other color combinations are likely to produce. Effective Altruism is also a white/blue movement, though it makes efforts to reach out to red (compassion) and black (taking the long view on self interest)

I wouldn't say Shine is a very morally centred character or a perfectionist, but he does find joy in helping others and that's what eventually becomes his raison d'etre. And blue does align with his goal to also better himself and change so that he isn't stuck in such a rut.

You are a White/Green Planeswalker (Welcome to the Selesnya Conclave).
Tony, your scores are...
| White: 104 | Blue: 72 | Black: 85 | Red: 78 | Green: 104 |
A White/Green Planeswalker asks the question what's fair and good? They both agree on community?on the sense that the whole can be greater than the sum of its parts, and that there are things larger than oneself that are worth sacrificing for. Green/white institutions tend to be centered around compassionate endeavors, but if they go astray it's in the direction of well meaning lost purposes and wasted signaling (a lack of blue's epistemic hygiene) rather than in the direction of cold, heartless efficiency or relentless pursuit of knowledge or the bottom line. They include institutions like the YMCA, Habitat for Humanity, Teach for America, and most small town churches, basically any organization whose primary purpose is to foster the web of connection between people and to maintain the society's culture.

Tony's the odd duck here since he's a major character, but not the protagonist compared to the two Pokemon. As a human, his role is the everyman and counterpoint to the two MCs who have had very traumatising experiences. I agree with his alignment here, in that he's commited to help others but he has the confidence that Shine lacks.

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
So the chat fell down a Myers-Briggs hole yesterday, and I decided to sort my main cast. :P

Jade: INFP (Mediator)
Mediator personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, Mediators have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine. People with the Mediator personality type have no interest in having power over others, and don’t much care for domineering attitudes at all. They prefer a more democratic approach, and work hard to ensure that every voice and perspective is heard. A live-and-let-live attitude comes naturally to Mediators, and they dislike being constrained by rules. Mediators give the benefit of the doubt too, and so long as their principles and ideas are not being challenged, they’ll support others’ right to do what they think is right.

Mediators often take their idealism too far, setting themselves up for disappointment as, again and again, evil things happen in the world. This is true on a personal level too, as Mediators may not just idealize their partners, but idolize them, forgetting that no one is perfect. Mediators sometimes see themselves as selfish, but only because they want to give so much more than they are able to. This becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, as they try to push themselves to commit to a chosen cause or person, forgetting to take care of the needs of others in their lives, and especially themselves.

Ajia: ENFJ (Protagonist)
Protagonists are natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma. With a natural confidence that begets influence, Protagonists take a great deal of pride and joy in guiding others to work together to improve themselves and their community. The one thing that galls Protagonists the most is the idea of letting down a person or cause they believe in. If it’s possible, Protagonists can always be counted on to see it through. More than seeking authority themselves, Protagonists often end up in leadership roles at the request of others, cheered on by the many admirers of their strong personality and positive vision.

People with the Protagonist personality type can be caught off guard as they find that, through circumstance or nature, or simple misunderstanding, people fight against them and defy the principles they’ve adopted, however well-intentioned they may be. Protagonists can bury themselves in their hopeful promises, feeling others’ problems as their own and striving hard to meet their word. If they aren’t careful, they can spread themselves too thin, and be left unable to help anyone. Protagonists define their self-esteem by whether they are able to live up to their ideals, and sometimes ask for criticism more out of insecurity than out of confidence, always wondering what they could do better. If they fail to meet a goal or to help someone they said they’d help, their self-confidence will undoubtedly plummet.

Starr: ESTJ (Executive)
Executives are representatives of tradition and order, utilizing their understanding of what is right, wrong and socially acceptable to bring families and communities together. Executives defend their ideas and principles relentlessly, and must be proven clearly and conclusively wrong for their stance to budge. Executives trust facts far more than abstract ideas or opinions. Straightforward statements and information are king, and Executive personalities return the honesty (whether it’s wanted or not). Executives work to exemplify truthfulness and reliability, considering stability and security very important. When Executives say they’ll do something, they keep their word.

The problem with being so fixated on what works is that Executives too often dismiss what might work better. Everything is opinion until proven, and Executive personalities are reluctant to trust an opinion long enough for it to have that chance. Executives take pride in the respect of their friends, colleagues and community and while difficult to admit, are very concerned with public opinion. This need for respect fosters a need to maintain their dignity, which can make it difficult to cut loose and relax for risk of looking the fool, even in good fun. This is all evidence of Executives’ greatest weakness: expressing emotions and feeling empathy.

So as always, I'm gonna start with the main trio. And seriously, I can't get over this: Mediator, Protagonist, Executive, can we just talk about how perfect those labels are. I've always said that Ajia is the kind of person who should be the protagonist of LC, which is exactly why she's not. Then we've got Jade, the kind of person who defaults to conflict resolution, codified as mediator. And Starr. Executive. It might seem weird that her type has an emphasis on honesty, but I'd argue that her pathological lying is a learned defense mechanism. And the emphasis on loyalty, well... loyalty is the primary keyword on my character bio for her (Ajia's is optimism and Jade's is Determination.)

Also, I love that Jade and Starr turned out to be diametric opposites of each other, with Ajia precisely in the middle. No wonder I love writing their dynamic so much. I'm also pleased that none of them are the same as me (ISFP), although Jade naturally comes closest, seeing as she used to be a self-insert. (For added fun, the "weaknesses" section of each personality type kinda foreshadows where their Book 2 character arcs are going.)

Firestorm: ESFP (Entertainer)
To Entertainers, the world is meant to be felt and experienced. Truth is stranger than fiction, and Entertainers prefer to see and do than to wax philosophical about “what-ifs”.

Swift: INFJ (Advocate)
Seeing through dishonesty and disingenuous motives, Advocates step past manipulation and sales tactics and into a more honest discussion. Advocate personalities see how people and events are connected. They are then able to use that insight to get to the heart of the matter.

Chibi: ISFJ (Defender)
Defender personalities often form an emotional attachment to the ideas and organizations they’ve dedicated themselves to. Anything short of meeting their obligations with good, hard work fails their own expectations.

Rudy: ESTP (Entrepreneur)
Entrepreneurs are the likeliest personality type to make a lifestyle of risky behavior. They live in the moment and dive into the action – they are the eye of the storm.

Darren: ISTJ (Logistician)
Integrity is the heart of the Logistician personality type. Emotional manipulation, mind games and reassuring lies all run counter to Logisticians’ preference for managing the reality of the situations they encounter with plain and simple honesty.

Sebastian: INTJ (Architect)
This personality type always looks for new tactics, strategies, and contingency plans. They constantly outsmart their peers as they maintain control, all the while making the most of their independent style of thinking. With this, they can achieve any goal they apply themselves to.

Lexx: ISTP (Virtuoso)
Virtuosos are usually up to their elbows in some project or other. Cheerful and good-natured, people with the Virtuoso personality type (especially Assertive ones) rarely get stressed out, preferring to go with the flow.

These are all pretty self-explanatory. Of note is the fact that Sebastian is basically the living incarnation of the INTJ page, lol. Much like with the MTG colors quiz, Lugia hits the same category as Sebastian, but for different reasons. Rudy and Firestorm both ended up very close (and both were a solid red in the color quiz), but Rudy is more deliberate and proactive with his energy; Firestorm more emotional and reactive.


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
I love this kind of stuff!

I've not taken the test on behalf of my characters (although it is the best test I've found) as I already know their colours, and indeed designed them with colours somewhat in mind! Here are the colours and some analysis for the four main protagonists of Different Eyes.

, with a splash of Black at first that will shift to White somewhat over time. She's painfully inquisitive and seeks knowledge and understanding, she's highly deceptive at times, and she tends to flee problems, all of which are Blue traits. Her Red comes from her tendency to act in the interests of her emotional state, her drive to seek freedom and agency, and her rash decision-making. These colours being an enemy pair makes her full of both thoughts and feelings, and much internal conflict comes from prioritising either over the other! The Black is mostly down to the self-centred worldview she begins with, but eventually she becomes motivated by more selfless objectives.

This is another enemy pair, and an unusual one at that, and the balance of self-interest and selflessness that these colours are concerned with is borne out in her choices which prioritise her in-group, or circle of concern. Her actions are often informed by both colours: she's ruthless in her pursuit of what she perceives as noble goals, seeks to empower herself within the confines of a hierarchy, and what's best for the whole is what's best for her and vice versa. Perfect unity of Black and White. It's difficult to identify a third colour for her, at least this early in the story.

Laura Weir
This sad gal just wants to be happy. She accepts the way things are, but she struggles with her lack of autonomy, and she has a dream for her own destiny that she must fulfil in order to be happy. More than anything, she wants a community to belong to that lets her express herself, and her preferred style of Pokémon Journey is one in which she's one with nature and has wonderful adventures with her party of friendly and beloved pokémon. What's more, she doesn't really think about the world in terms of systems and logistics, only in terms of how individuals are affected by their immediate environment. That's Red and Green to me.

The version of Mewtwo in the Different Eyes continuity is a complex figure, with elements of all colours! I think that their primary colour may well be Green, however. This poor creature just wants to understand where they come from, what they're meant for, where they belong, who they are. These are Green concerns! It feels strange assigning Green to an artificially-created psychic, but to be fair Mewtwo is also doubtless Blue, if only for their tendency to use mind-reading and technology to solve problems. "Becoming stronger" as a psychic is also a Blue-Green sort of thing. They also have splashes of the other colours!

Bonus: Brisa
Brisa serves the common good, and she does so selflessly, by means of forethought, adaptability, and intelligent insight, but she is also an emotionally turbulent individual who strikes out on her own in fits of wanderlust. Brisa holds three colours in a difficult balance within her, always feeling that her emotions and personal concerns are interfering with what's best for everyone, her rational perspective, or both. At the same time, her feelings about other people inform and temper her actions, so that she is not merely an enforcer of the general interest, but someone with a caring heart.


Y'know, like, nya
The Thracian Peninsula
Alright, decided to throw my fic's main characters into the MtG color thing. Here's what I got.

Cassie - White/Red
(Forgot to write down her score, oopsie)
A White/Red Planeswalker asks the question what needs to be done? What would a good person do? Red and White are the colors of heroism and passion channeled through morality, and adherence to laws that may be higher than law. The best of warriors, soldiers, and vigilantes is red/white, as are heroes and martyrs.
Yeah, this tracks. Cassie's a sweet girl who wants to help out as much as she can, but she has some nasty anxiety problems as well. I wouldn't say that she's ruled by her emotions, but they can make it tough for her to do or say the sensible thing sometimes.

Mona - Black/Red
| White: 40 | Blue: 43 | Black: 67 | Red: 59 | Green: 27 |
A Black/Red Planeswalker asks the question how do I get what I want? Because of its dismissive attitude toward judgment and social mores, black/red is often the combination of endorsed hedonism and "live and let live." Black and Red both agree that independence. For red it is something to be fostered and defended in an attempt to avoid coercion or pressure, and for black it is out of a desire for self reliance and agency.
Also sounds about right. I've only put out one chapter of BT&D so far so I dunno how much I can elaborate without minor spoilers but Mona's a very bitter kitty who will steal your pepsi and call you a bitch.

Might revisit this thread later, but this is all I've got for now.


Bug Catcher
Decided to look at some old threads (possible to try revive some of them) and I think this could be interesting. So here's what Harry Potter houses I think would fit the characters in Guided By The Unknown.

Maybe Hufflepuff since he is quite trusting of others
Duca (Sequo's older sister):
Ravenclaw would make sense due to her intelligence when it comes to battling.
I feel Gryffindor would make the most sense (at least for my iteration) since she bravely faces a large threat at the climax.
The Voice:
Slytherin due to him being cunning and manipulative and overall evil.


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
My cast for roost/transversal

An: seriously theres not mon nature chart here i'm disapointed!

An2: and no dnd charts? (Makes tiaking noises.)

I found one... here you go...
Dnd alignment breakdown

Magic notes complwtion list
Gio complete
grace complete
Silver. Complete
Green. Complete

Gios results...

Hogwarts house, slytherin

Personality. Istp

Mon nature: serious (has a love/hate relationships with sweets)

Dnd alignment: starts lawful neutral, tilts towards lawful evil per life

Magic card result:
You are a Blue/Black Planeswalker (Welcome to House Dimir).
A Blue/Black Planeswalker asks the question how can I best achieve my goals? It's fair to describe blue/black as the combination of "enlightened self-interest". Blue and black both agree on growth mindset, the idea that one is not defined by one's origins or constrained to the role society has set. Blue/black characters are often intelligent, clever, arrogant, and aloof. Notable examples include Odysseus from The Odyssey, Sherlock Holmes, and Lex Luthor. Transhumanism is a fundamentally blue/black worldview, in opposition to the imperative to accept death as a crucial and inevitable part of life.
Blue wants perfection
Blue believes that each and every one of us is born a blank slate with the potential to become anything. The entire point of life is figuring out what you could achieve with the right education, experience, and tools. Note that this is not a task with an end goal, but one that continues throughout your life. There will always be things you can do to improve, change, or adapt. The journey of life is one of constant discovery as you keep seeking to better yourself.
Much as blue wishes to perfect itself, it also wants to perfect the world it lives in. Part of this is to ensure that blue has access to the resources it needs, but part of it is the belief that an element of reaching one's potential is living within a world that has reached its own potential. As such, blue is the color most interested in technology and wants the latest and greatest version of whatever it is using.
Black wants power.
Black believes it is the only realist, the only color to look and see the world as it is. An individual is free to have whatever they want, provided they have the power to obtain and keep it. This makes power the most important resource, because it's the one thing that can guarantee your ability to control your life and thus your happiness.
Black's philosophy is very simple: There's no one better suited to look after your own interests than you. Therefore, if everyone looks out after their own interests, you've created a system where everyone has someone looking out for them. In addition, black's system allows everyone the opportunity to succeed. Will everyone succeed? Of course not—but once again, that's not black's doing. That's just how the world works.

House: hufflepuff

Personality: enfp

Mon nature: jolly ( loves sweet, hates dry everything)

Dnd alignment: neutral good

Magic notes
You are a Planeswalker of The Naya Shard.

Naya is a combination of Green, White, and Red.

Naya has a passionate presence, tempered by tradition and a sense of belonging, Naya has a full and vibrant commitment to one’s chosen way of life. Those of Naya colors have an almost total lack of selfishness or dissatisfaction, resulting in a fierce desire to protect the good that already is.

Green wants harmony.

The other colors are all focused on how they'd change the world to make it better. Green is the one color that doesn't want to change the world, because green is convinced that the world already got everything right. The natural order is a thing of beauty and has all the answers to life's problems. The key is learning to sit back and recognize what is right in front of you.

White wants peace.

White wants to create a world where there is no unnecessary suffering, a world where life is as good as it can be for each individual. The key to making this happen is teaching individuals the importance of taking actions which benefit the group as a whole, even if those actions might not benefit them personally.

Red wants freedom.

Everyone seems preoccupied with the meaning of life. Red's not, because red already knows the answer. You see, your heart tells you what it needs in order to be fulfilled. All you have to do is listen to it and act accordingly. It's not a mystery. You are literally bombarded with constant feelings that guide you down the correct path. The problem is all the other colors ignore the message.

House: Hufflepuff

Personality: isfj

Pokemon nature: careful (loves bitter sour everything, hates sweet and dry with a passion)

Dnd alignment: chaotic neutral, per training and life most good natures been stomped out. While not cruel silvers main goal is making sure himself and his friends are happy, fed, and taken care of, society can hang itself.

Magic notes:
You are a Planeswalker of The Esper Shard.
Esper is a combination of Blue, Black, and White.
Esper takes a coolly calculated, methodical approach towards building a better future for oneself and those in one's circle of interest, without frivolous emotion or an excessive concern for harmony or the status quo. They do what needs to be done in the name of progress
Blue wants perfection
Blue believes that each and every one of us is born a blank slate with the potential to become anything. The entire point of life is figuring out what you could achieve with the right education, experience, and tools. Note that this is not a task with an end goal, but one that continues throughout your life. There will always be things you can do to improve, change, or adapt. The journey of life is one of constant discovery as you keep seeking to better yourself.
Black wants power.
Black believes it is the only realist, the only color to look and see the world as it is. An individual is free to have whatever they want, provided they have the power to obtain and keep it. This makes power the most important resource, because it's the one thing that can guarantee your ability to control your life and thus your happiness.
White wants peace.
White wants to create a world where there is no unnecessary suffering, a world where life is as good as it can be for each individual. The key to making this happen is teaching individuals the importance of taking actions which benefit the group as a whole, even if those actions might not benefit them personally.

House: slytherin

Personality: esfp

Pokemon nature: jolly. (Give her all the sweets and chuck the dry at gio... w a laxitive twist.)

Dnd notes: chaotic neutral, she looks after her own first and will hurt others to do so. But she is neither disceplined or respectful enough to go lawful or cruel enough to tip evil.

Magic notes:

(Really only her love of silver and yellow keeps Green from hopping from chaotic neutral to chaotic evil)

You are a Black/Red Planeswalker (Welcome to the Cult of Rakdos).
A Black/Red Planeswalker asks the question how do I get what I want? Because of its dismissive attitude toward judgment and social mores, black/red is often the combination of endorsed hedonism and "live and let live." Black and Red both agree that independence. For red it is something to be fostered and defended in an attempt to avoid coercion or pressure, and for black it is out of a desire for self reliance and agency. Many black/red characters lean evil, such as the Joker from Batman and Voldemort from canon Harry Potter, but the combination can also be one of impishness or chaotic selfishness, as with Peter Pan, Deadpool, or Cap'n Jack Sparrow.
Black wants power.
Black believes it is the only realist, the only color to look and see the world as it is. An individual is free to have whatever they want, provided they have the power to obtain and keep it. This makes power the most important resource, because it's the one thing that can guarantee your ability to control your life and thus your happiness.
Black's philosophy is very simple: There's no one better suited to look after your own interests than you. Therefore, if everyone looks out after their own interests, you've created a system where everyone has someone looking out for them. In addition, black's system allows everyone the opportunity to succeed. Will everyone succeed? Of course not. But once again, that's not black's doing. That's just how the world works.
Red wants freedom.
Everyone seems preoccupied with the meaning of life. Red's not, because red already knows the answer. You see, your heart tells you what it needs in order to be fulfilled. All you have to do is listen to it and act accordingly. It's not a mystery. You are literally bombarded with constant feelings that guide you down the correct path. The problem is all the other colors ignore the message.
To outsiders, red might seem a bit chaotic; but that's only because others can't see what's in red's heart. They cannot feel red's emotions guiding them. Living life to its fullest takes a lot of dedication and perseverance, but red is always up to the task.
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Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
I happened to do an mtg test for Koa very recently so this is juicy.

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