• Welcome to Thousand Roads! You're welcome to view discussions or read our stories without registering, but you'll need an account to join in our events, interact with other members, or post one of your own fics. Why not become a member of our community? We'd love to have you!

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Catnip Circle


the cat is mightier than the pen
  1. dratini
  2. dratini-pen
  3. dratini-pen2
Review tag? No! Review roulette? No!! This is đŸ˜ș Catnip Circle đŸ˜ș, where you give a review and get a review.

The game is simple. If you want to play, you have twenty-four hours to submit a fic of your choice—keep in mind it does not have to be a fic you've written! (Though make sure you have the author's permission first.) Once submissions are closed, each participant will be assigned a fic to review by random dice roll. Participating authors, make sure you give the organizer a list of everyone fully caught up on your fic, so they don't get assigned to it. You will have 48 hours to post your review. The game only obligates you to review a single chapter, but review in whatever style suits you best!

tldr; in the span of 48 hours, you'll write a review on a fic assigned to you by random chance, and get a guaranteed review on a fic of your choice. Come one, come all, and roll around in the sweet sweet catnip of critical feedback!

See also Review Roulette, for a different flavor of reviewing game!

Catnip Circle is an opportunity to give and receive constructive criticism on your work. Giving crit can be tricky, and we’re all still practicing these skills! Here are some tips that may be helpful in writing your catnip review:

  • Phrase statements as personal rather than absolute. Instead of “This is bad” or “This doesn’t work” you could say “This didn’t work for me” or “I was confused here.” That way, you’re giving your reaction as a singular reader.
  • Ask questions! You might ask questions about the writer’s intent with a line or plot device: “Did you mean to say X instead of Y? Is this character the best perspective character for this scene? This line makes me feel XYZ—was that intentional?” Or you might ask questions about the world or characters: “I wonder what would happen if 
? What does this character think about what happened in this scene? How does this group handle such-and-such obstacle?” This is a great way to kickstart a writer’s creative problem-solving process.
  • Try to approach the story on its own terms.There’s nothing wrong with disclosing that you don’t like the genre or game that the story is pulling from, but remember that you’re here to help the author, and they probably aren’t able to change what genre or games they like. Can you offer feedback on other aspects of their work instead? How do the characters come across? Does the prose flow smoothly?
    • Not everyone will share your take on canon! Try to use what’s in the story--is it consistent with the rest of the story even if it’s different from your headcanon? Try to approach a story with fresh eyes, and avoid importing your own notions of what must be. A good way to handle this might be to say, “I’m used to seeing element X done in Y way, but you’re doing it in Z way.” Then explain the impact that had on you as a reader.
  • If something isn’t working for you, see if you can explain why! If you’re having trouble putting it into words, giving an example of an alternative you think would be better can sometimes be helpful to the author to nail down what exactly wasn’t working for you.
  • Not sure what else to add to your review? Try to answer some of these questions:
    • What literally happened in this chapter? Were there any places you weren’t sure what was literally happening? Where do the characters stand at the beginning of the chapter, and how have their situations changed at the end? Even a temperature read in these simple ways can be helpful!
    • Did the author do something different or creative in this chapter that you haven’t seen often?
    • What was your favorite moment or character?
    • Was there anything that surprised you? Or did a prediction you made earlier come true?
    • What do you think will happen next?
    • Have you noticed improvements in their work over time or since the last chapter?
    • Did you learn anything you might try in your own writing?
  • When you’re finished, reread your review before posting. Sometimes when trying to deconstruct what didn’t work, your writing can take on a tone that sounds more negative than you intended. It can be helpful to take a step back and read the review in order, as if you’re the author, to understand how they might perceive it. This is also the time to check for typos of your own, especially if you’re reviewing on mobile!

Q & A

Q: Wait, so can I submit my own fic?
A: 100%! Roll in that catnip!!

Q: But I could submit someone else's fic if I want?
A: Yup! Just get their permission first!

Q: My fic's not hosted on this forum. Can I still play with a fic hosted off-site?
A: This is a forum-based game, and for the convenience of all the players, who may not have accounts on other sites, we ask that you only submit fics that are hosted here. If you have any questions about posting your fic, you can ask them in the Help and Suggestions area, or in our discord!

Q: How do I submit the fic I want reviewed?
A: DM the organizer with the link, either via TR or discord! Let's keep this thread clean.

Q: I'm only looking for positive feedback on my fic and don't want any crit. Can I submit that story to Catnip?
A: Catnip Circle is a game centered around receiving feedback and constructive criticism. You must be willing to receive crit on the story that you submit.

Q: I'm okay with crit on [X] but I don't want reviewers giving feedback on [Y]. What should I do?
A: You can specify what you'd like and wouldn't like feedback on at the start of your story! Many reviewers will appreciate the guidance. That said, if a Catnip reviewer does feel moved to give feedback on [Y], that's their right too. Keep in mind that you are never obligated to follow feedback that you don't find helpful.

Q: Does a fic count as something I've reviewed before if it's the first few chapters? Does it have to be something I haven't read before at all?
A: As long as there are chapters left in the fic you haven't yet reviewed, you can just continue where you left off!

Q: How much do I have to read of the fic I get assigned? Do I have to read the whole thing?
A: Catnip Circle only obligates you to read and review a single chapter. Try to be courteous and fair-minded, though! If you get assigned a fic with a 300 word prologue, for example, it would be good form to read the first chapter as well.

Q: Is there a cap on the length of the oneshot/chapters I submit?
A: You can submit oneshots or stories with chapters of any length, but readers will not be obligated to read and review past the first 10k words. If you submit a oneshot or chapter longer than 10k, you may want to think ahead of time about a good break point for your assigned reader. Similarly, if you’re assigned a 10k+ chapter, clarify with the author a good place for you to break off. Of course, you are always welcome to read the full chapter—or multiple chapters—of your assigned fic!

Q: There are certain content warnings I'm not comfortable reading. What should I do?
A: If you have a good sense beforehand of what your content warning reservations are, definitely inform the organizer! EG, I don't want to read cw: sexual assault or cw: gore. If any submitted fics have those warnings, you won't be assigned to them. However, if you get assigned a fic and realize there's something in it you can't deal with, just let the organizer know and we'll also arrange an alternate for you.

Q: I don't want to read genre x, do I have to?
A: While organizers are happy to accommodate content warning reservations, they can't accommodate genre requests such as "no fluffy fics" or "only PMD." Catnip Circle involves an element of chance and getting pushed outside your usual reading comfort zone. If you prefer to only read certain specific content, consider reaching out to an author whose work intrigues you and setting up a one-on-one exchange!

Q: Who should go on my reroll list?
A: Your reroll list should include 1) people fully caught up with reviews on your fic and 2) betas and those you have a planned review exchange already scheduled with. Please don't add people to your reroll list for other reasons. If you have a special case, you can always check in with the organizer.

Q: I love Catnip Circle and never want to miss a game. What should I do?
A: Make sure you have the catnipper role enabled on the server. You can do that by following this link and reacting with the cat emoji below!

How to Host

So you want some catnip but there's no game scheduled. No worries, it's super easy to host a round yourself!

1) Announce the game! Use @catnipper to ping people on the server and make a new post in this thread announcing when fic submission are due by and what the reviewing window is. You can use this website to create a countdown so there's no timezone confusion over deadlines. Remind people to PM you with their fic submissions and info about anyone who is caught-up and should be excluded from their fic when rolling.
2) Roll! This is made easy with Negrek's handy Catnip Roller. You simply input the person's name and anyone they should not be matched with, and click. You'll then want to give everyone playing a ping in the server and update the forum post with the assignments.
3) Give reminders as necessary. Use your discretion here. Generally a polite ping at 12 hours or 8 hours remaining is appreciated. If there's an individual straggler, you can remind them over PM to avoid singling people out.

If any questions come up while you're hosting the game, feel free to reach out to @Pen or @kintsugi!
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the cat is mightier than the pen
  1. dratini
  2. dratini-pen
  3. dratini-pen2
April 22 Game

Organizer: @Pen
DM me your fic submission!

Signups open until Friday evening, see countdown
You have until the end of the countdown to submit your fic of choice. You may change it anytime up until the rolling takes place.

Reviews window opens: once your assignment is rolled
Review window closes: Sunday evening (see countdown)

Players: @Pen @kintsugi @OldschoolJohto @Chibi Pika @unrepentantAuthor @windskull @canisaries @NebulaDreams @Adamhuarts @Cresselia92 @The Walrein @Negrek

Submitted fics:

@Pen: Spring
@OldschoolJohto: handfuls of dust
@kintsugi: The Suicune's Choice
@Adamhuarts : A Mew Me: Kuki's Tale
@canisaries: Seiren
@Cresselia92 [cw note: no graphic violence/heavy gore]: The Meaning of Ambition
@windskull: Places We Call Home
@The Walrein: The Butterfree Effect
@Negrek: Salvage
@unrepentantAuthor: Different Eyes
@Chibi Pika: The Legendarian Chronicles
@NebulaDreams: The Curious and the Shiny

Fic Assignments:
@Chibi Pika [*]Spring
@NebulaDreams [*]handfuls of dust
@The Walrein [*]The Suicune's Choice
@kintsugi [*]A Mew Me: Kuki's Tale
@Pen [*]Seiren
@unrepentantAuthor [*]Meaning of Ambition
@Adamhuarts [*]Places We Call Home
@Negrek [*]The Butterfree Effect (Alternate: Sword n Shield Shorts)
@OldschoolJohto [*]Salvage
@canisaries [*]Different Eyes
@Cresselia92 [*]The Legendarian Chronicles
@windskull [*]The Curious and the Shiny
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golden scars | pfp by sun
the warmth of summer in the songs you write
  1. silvally-grass
  2. lapras
  3. golurk
  4. booper-kintsugi
  5. meloetta-kint-muse
  6. meloetta-kint-dancer
  7. murkrow
  8. yveltal
  9. celebi

let's go on an adventure together~~

May 1 Game! Lighting Round!
Organizer: kintsugi (that's me!)

Signups open for ~thirteen hours from this post (countdown here)

You have until the end of the countdown to submit your fic of choice. You may change it anytime up until the rolling takes place.

Reviews window opens: once your assignment is rolled
Review window closes: Monday May 4, 9:30:01 AM EST (see countdown)

@OldschoolJohto @Pen @Cresselia92 @kintsugi @windskull @NebulaDreams @Negrek @Namohysip @Virgil134 @Adamhuarts @unrepentantAuthor

Submitted Fics:
OldschoolJohto: The Days of Miracle and Wonder
Windskull: Places We Call Home
Cresselia92: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Delta Dossiers
NebulaDreams: Selling Out
Pen: Continental Divides
Negrek: Salvage
kintsugi: Wandersword
Namohysip: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Hands of Creation
canisaries: Whelp
Virgil134: Fledglings
Adamhuarts: A Mew Me: Kuki's Tale
unrepentantAuthor: Different Eyes

OldschoolJohto [*]: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Delta Dossiers
Windskull [*]: Wandersword
Cresselia92 [*]: Continental Divides
NebulaDreams [*]: Salvage
Pen [*]: Fledglings
Negrek [*]: Selling Out
kintsugi [*]: Different Eyes
Namohysip [*]: Whelp
canisaries [*]: Places We Call Home
Virgil134 [*]: The Days of Miracle and Wonder
Adamhuarts [*]: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Hands of Creation
unrepentanatAuthor [*]: A Mew Me: Kuki's Tale
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Don’t underestimate seeds.
between a hope and a prayer
  1. moka-mark
  2. solrock
  3. breloom

May 12 Game!
: @OldschoolJohto

Signups open until tomorrow at 11:59 pm EST on Wednesday, May 13th (countdown here)

You have until the end of the countdown to submit your fic of choice. You may change it anytime up until the rolling takes place.

Reviews window opens: once your assignment is rolled
Review window closes: Sunday 11:59 pm EST (see countdown)

@OldschoolJohto @qva @canisaries @kintsugi @Pen @Namohysip @Virgil134 @Cresselia92 @windskull

Submitted Fics:
OldschoolJohto: Spring
qva: Wandersword
canisaries: Mail for Welltown
kintsugi: The Tesselation Solution
Pen: Dragon's Dance
Namo: PMD: Hands of Creation
Virgil: Fledglings
Cresselia92: The Meaning of Ambition
Windskull: Stained Paws

If there's anybody entered you already know is fully caught-up on the fic you've chosen, let me know before I roll and I can re-roll if it lands on them. If you don't PM me and let me know, I'll assume we're good to go and the roll will stay as-is.

OldschoolJohto [√]: PMD: Hands of Creation
qva [√]: The Tesselation Solution
canisaries [√]: Stained Paws
kintsugi [√]: Wandersword
Pen [√]: Mail for Welltown
Namo [√]: Spring
Virgil [√]: Dragon's Dance
Cress [√]: Fledglings
Windskull [√]: The Meaning of Ambition
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the cat is mightier than the pen
  1. dratini
  2. dratini-pen
  3. dratini-pen2

May 27 Game!
Organizer: Pen

Sign-ups open until Friday, May 29 at 10:00 pm PT (countdown here)

You have until the end of the countdown to submit your fic of choice. You may change it anytime up until the rolling takes place. Submit via PM on TR or Discord.

Reviews window opens: once your assignment is rolled
Review window closes: Sunday, May 31 11:59 pm PT (countdown here)

If there's anybody entered you already know is fully caught-up on the fic you've chosen, let me know before I roll and I can re-roll if it lands on them. If you don't PM me and let me know, I'll assume we're good to go and the roll will stay as-is.

Submitted Fics:
@OldschoolJohto: Incubation
@Pen: World Myth Encyclopedia
@canisaries: Attack of the 50-Foot Brent
@unrepentantAuthor: Different Eyes [reroll if Pen, kintsugi, OSJ, or canisaries]
@Adamhuarts: Kuki's Tale [reroll if kintsugi]
@kintsugi: Dragon's Dance [reroll if OSJ]
@Cresselia92: SWAP [reroll if uA, kintsugi]
@Negrek: The Best Game
@Namohysip: Hands of Creation [reroll if adam or windskull]
@windskull: Places We Call Home (blood and dark themes regarding carnivores and what-not) Alt: Stained Paws
@NebulaDreams: The Curious and The Shiny [reroll if namohysip or canisaries]

@OldschoolJohto[*]: The Best Game
@Pen[*]: Hands of Creation
@canisaries[*]: SWAP [alt needed]
@unrepentantAuthor[*]: The Curious and The Shiny
@Adamhuarts[*]: Different Eyes
@kintsugi[*]: Attack of the 50-Foot Brent
@Cresselia92[*]: Kuki's Tale
@Negrek[*]: Places We Call Home
@Namohysip[*]: Dragon's Dance
@windskull[*]: Incubation
@NebulaDreams[*]: World Myth Encyclopedia
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golden scars | pfp by sun
the warmth of summer in the songs you write
  1. silvally-grass
  2. lapras
  3. golurk
  4. booper-kintsugi
  5. meloetta-kint-muse
  6. meloetta-kint-dancer
  7. murkrow
  8. yveltal
  9. celebi

Organizer: kintsugi

Sign-ups open until Monday, June 8 at 8:00 pm EST (countdown here)

You have until the end of the countdown to submit your fic of choice. You may change it anytime up until the rolling takes place. Submit via PM on TR or Discord.

Reviews window opens: once your assignment is rolled
Review window closes: Wednesdsay, June 10 11:59 pm EST (countdown here)

If there's anybody entered you already know is fully caught-up on the fic you've chosen, let me know before I roll and I can re-roll if it lands on them. If you don't PM me and let me know, I'll assume we're good to go and the roll will stay as-is.

Submitted Fics:
@Namohysip: Hands of Creation [reroll if windskull, luke, chibi, shadow of antioch, tanuki, canis, madderjacker, nebula, or adam]
@Tanuki: Song of Two Worlds
@Pen: The Envy of Eden [reroll if OSJ, Pen]
@OldschoolJohto: The Suicune's Choice [reroll if OSJ]
@kintsugi: Continental Divides [reroll if Pen]
@Cresselia92: SWAP [reroll if uA, kintsugi, Namo, canis, or nebula]
@Adamhuarts: Kuki's Tale [reroll if kintsugi]

@kintsugi: Hands of Creation [ * ]
@Pen: Song of Two Worlds [ * ]
@Namohysip: The Envy of Eden [ * ]
@Adamhuarts : The Suicune's Choice [ * ]
@Tanuki: Continental Divides [ * ]
@OldschoolJohto: SWAP [ * ]
@Cresselia92: Kuki's Tale [ * ]
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the cat is mightier than the pen
  1. dratini
  2. dratini-pen
  3. dratini-pen2

June 17 Game!
Organizer: Pen

Sign-ups open until Friday, June 19 at 10:00 pm PT (countdown here)

You have until the end of the countdown to submit your fic of choice. You may change it anytime up until the rolling takes place. Submit via PM on TR or Discord.

Reviews window opens: once your assignment is rolled
Review window closes: Sunday, June 21 11:59 pm PT (countdown here)

If there's anybody entered you already know is fully caught-up on the fic you've chosen, let me know before I roll and I can re-roll if it lands on them. If you don't PM me and let me know, I'll assume we're good to go and the roll will stay as-is.

Submitted Fics:
@OldschoolJohto: Basic Mineral Components [reroll if Pen]
@Tanuki: Better Left Unown [reroll if OSJ or Chibi]
@Chibi Pika: The Legendarian Chronicles
@kintsugi: Envy of Eden [reroll if Pen or OSJ]
@windskull: Lost to Retellings [reroll if OSJ or Chibi]
@Namohysip: Hands of Creations [reroll if windskull, luke, chibi, shadow of antioch, tanuki, canis, madderjacker, nebula, or adam]
@unrepentantAuthor: Different Eyes
@Cresselia92 Finding Mahoun [reroll if Pen, OSJ, Chibi][no extreme gore/violence]
@canisaries: Metanoia [reroll if Cress]
@Pen: Dragon's Dance [reroll if OSJ, kintsugi]

@OldschoolJohto: Metanoia [√]
@Tanuki: Basic Mineral Components [√]
@Chibi Pika: Envy of Eden [√]
@kintsugi: Better Left Unown [√]
@windskull: Different Eyes [√]
@Namohysip: Lost to Retellings [√]
@unrepentantAuthor: The Legendarian Chronicles [√]
@Cresselia92: Dragon's Dance [√]
@canisaries: Finding Mahoun [√]
@Pen: Hands of Creations [√]
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you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
i dont know where to get a cool gif sorry :(((

July 3rd Game!
Organizer: canisaries

Sign-ups open until Monday, July 6 at 00:00 UTC (countdown here)

You have until the end of the countdown to submit your fic of choice. You may change it anytime up until the rolling takes place. Submit via PM on TR or Discord.

Review window opens: once your assignment is rolled
Review window closes: Thursday July 9 00:00 UTC (countdown here)

If there's anybody entered you already know is fully caught-up on the fic you've chosen, let me know before I roll and I can re-roll if it lands on them. If you don't PM me and let me know, I'll assume we're good to go and the roll will stay as-is.

Submitted Fics:
@Namohysip: Hands of Creation [reroll if windskull, luke, chibi, shadow of antioch, tanuki, canis, madderjacker, nebula, amby, adam]
@canisaries: Hunter, Haunted [reroll if nebula, chibi, ua, amby, namo, negrek]
@NebulaDreams: Out Of Hand [reroll if canis, johto, pen, walrein]
@unrepentantAuthor: Different Eyes [reroll if pen, johto, canis, dragonfree, kint, adam, windskull]
@Chibi Pika: The Legendarian Chronicles [reroll if negrek]
@Ambyssin: Path of Valor [reroll if namo, virgil, demi]
@Virgil134: Fledglings [reroll if amby, namo, windskull, chibi, del] [do not assign horror or extreme gore]
@kintsugi: the envy of eden [reroll if pen, johto]
@windskull: Places We Call Home [reroll if virgil]
@Adamhuarts: Kuki's Tale [reroll if kintsugi] [do not assign pmd, gore or heavy violence]
@SparklingEspeon: Pocket Monsters
@zion of arcadia: Instruments of Creation [reroll if negrek]
@Cresselia92: Finding Mahoun [reroll if pen, johto, chibi, canis] [do not assign extreme gore/violence]
@DeliriousAbsol: The End: Rekindled [reroll if adam] [do not assign horror, supernatural/paranormal]
@OldschoolJohto: Basic Mineral Components [reroll if sike, pen, negrek, tanuki]
@Tanuki: Song of Two Worlds
@Pen: Dragon's Dance [reroll if johto or kint]

@Namohysip: Instruments of Creation [x]
@canisaries: Pocket Monsters [x]
@NebulaDreams: Places We Call Home [x]
@unrepentantAuthor: Finding Mahoun [x]
@Chibi Pika: Different Eyes [x]
@Ambyssin: the envy of eden [x]
@Virgil134: Basic Mineral Components [x]
@kintsugi: The End: Rekindled [x]
@windskull: Out Of Hand [x]
@Adamhuarts: Song of Two Worlds [x]
@SparklingEspeon: Fledglings [x]
@zion of arcadia: Dragon's Dance [x]
@Cresselia92: Hands of Creation [x]
@DeliriousAbsol: The Legendarian Chronicles [x]
@OldschoolJohto: Kuki's Tale [x]
@Tanuki: Hunter, Haunted [x]
@Pen: Path of Valor [x]

By the way, congratulations to you all for making a new catnip record of 17 participants!
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golden scars | pfp by sun
the warmth of summer in the songs you write
  1. silvally-grass
  2. lapras
  3. golurk
  4. booper-kintsugi
  5. meloetta-kint-muse
  6. meloetta-kint-dancer
  7. murkrow
  8. yveltal
  9. celebi

July 17th Game!
Organizer: kintsugi

Sign-ups open until Friday, July 17 at 23:59:59 EST (countdown here)

You have until the end of the countdown to submit your fic of choice. You may change it anytime up until the rolling takes place. Submit via PM on TR or Discord.

Review window opens: once your assignment is rolled
Review window closes: Monday July 20 10:00:00 EST (countdown here)

If there's anybody entered you already know is fully caught-up on the fic you've chosen, let me know before I roll and I can re-roll if it lands on them. If you don't PM me and let me know, I'll assume we're good to go and the roll will stay as-is.

@windskull - Places We Call Home [reroll if Nebby or Virgil]
@OldschoolJohto - Spring [reroll if Pen or kint]
@Bluwiikoon - pcb0000 [reroll if Dragonfree, Chibi, or uA]
@Namohysip - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Hands of Creation [reroll if windskull, luke, chibi, shadow of antioch, tanuki, canis, madderjacker, nebula, amby, adam, or cress]
@kintsugi - Dragon's Dance [reroll if OSJ]
@Chibi Pika - The Legendarian Chronicles [reroll if Negrek]
@unrepentantAuthor - Different Eyes [ [reroll if pen, johto, canis, dragonfree, kint, adam, windskull, or chibi]
@Tanuki - Song of Two Worlds
@Umbramatic - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Tales of Arrival [reroll if Tanuki]
@DeliriousAbsol - The End: Rekindled
@Adamhuarts - Kuki’s Tale
@Pen - the envy of eden [reroll if OSJ or Pen]
@Negrek - Salvage [reroll if OSJ, Dragonfree, or Ambyssin]
@zion of arcadia - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Instruments of Creation

Zion of Arcadia - Kuki’s Tale [*]
Namo - Different Eyes [*]
Chibi - Spring [*]
Negrek - pcb0000 [*]
Pen - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Hands of Creation [*]
Adam - Dragon's Dance [*]
windskull - The Legendarian Chronicles [*]
Bluwiikoon - the envy of eden [*]
Tanuki - Salvage [*]
Umbra - Places We Call Home [*]
uA - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Tales of Arrival [*]
OSJ - The End: Rekindled [*]
Delrious Absol - Song of Two Worlds [*]
kintsugi - Instruments of Creation [*]
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golden scars | pfp by sun
the warmth of summer in the songs you write
  1. silvally-grass
  2. lapras
  3. golurk
  4. booper-kintsugi
  5. meloetta-kint-muse
  6. meloetta-kint-dancer
  7. murkrow
  8. yveltal
  9. celebi

August 1 Game! Blacklight Edition!
host: kintsugi

Sign-ups open until Saturday, August 1 at 11:59:59 (AM) EST [countdown here]

You have until the end of the countdown to submit your fic of choice. You may change it anytime up until the rolling takes place. Submit via PM on TR or Discord.

Review window opens: once your assignment is rolled
Review window closes: Monday August 3 at 18:00:00 EST [countdown here]

If there's anybody entered you already know is fully caught-up on the fic you've chosen, let me know before I roll and I can re-roll if it lands on them. If you don't PM me and let me know, I'll assume we're good to go and the roll will stay as-is.

@kintsugi - the envy of eden [reroll if Pen, OSJ]
@canisaries - Hunter, Haunted [reroll if Nebula, Chibi, uA, amby, negrek]
@Cresselia92 - Finding Mahoun [reroll if uA, canis, OSJ, Chibi, Pen, Umbra, Dragonfree]
@Ambyssin - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Path of Valor [reroll if Namo, Vergil, Demi]
@Adamhuarts - A Mew Me: Kuki's Tale [reroll if Equital, Zion]
@Umbramatic - Heroes After All [reroll if Equital, canis]
@Pen - The Last Con [reroll if kintsugi]
@windskull - Places We Call Home [reroll if Nebby or Vergil]
@unrepentantAuthor - Different Eyes [reroll if pen, OSJ, canis, dragonfree, kintsugi, adam, windskull, chibi, namo]

Cress - Different Eyes [*]
Ambyssin - Finding Mahoun [*]
Pen - Hunter, Haunted [*]
Umbra - the envy of eden [*]
Canis - The Last Con [*]
Windskull - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Path of Valor [*]
uA - A Mew Me: Kuki's Tale [*]
kintsugi - Places We Call Home [*]
Adam - Heroes After All [*]
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the cat is mightier than the pen
  1. dratini
  2. dratini-pen
  3. dratini-pen2

August 21 Game
Host: Pen

Sign-ups open until Saturday, August 22 at 8:00 am EST [countdown here]

You have until the end of the countdown to submit your fic of choice. You may change it anytime up until the rolling takes place. Submit via PM on TR or Discord.

Review window opens: once your assignment is rolled
Review window closes: Monday August 24 at 11:59 pm EST [countdown here]

If there's anybody entered you already know is fully caught-up on the fic you've chosen, let me know before I roll and I can re-roll if it lands on them. If you don't PM me and let me know, I'll assume we're good to go and the roll will stay as-is.

Note that while hosts can accommodate cw restrictions, we can't accommodate genre requests.

@OldschoolJohto - Spring [reroll if Pen or kintsugi]
@kintsugi - the envy of eden [reroll if OSJ or Pen]
@Keleri - Gods and Demons [reroll if Pen][cw family abuse]
@Cresselia92 - The Meaning of Ambition
* no gore/violence
@love - Cosmic Reversion [cw: moderate violence/injury]
@Pen - Dragon's Dance [reroll if OSJ or kintsugi]
@Dragonfree - Go [reroll if Pen]
@cynsh - Fighting Nature
@canisaries - Hunter, Haunted [reroll if Nebula, Chibi, uA, amby, negrek, Pen][cw gore, violence, murder]
@Starlight Aurate - Drowning
* no suicide/sexual content
@Umbramatic - Greenhorn Prometheus [reroll if OSJ, kintsugi, Dragonfree, Chibi]

@Keleri - Hunter, Haunted [*]
@Starlight Aurate - Greenhorn Prometheus [*]
@cynsh - Spring [*]
@Dragonfree - the envy of eden [*]
@canisaries - Dragon's Dance [*]
@love - Gods and Demons [*]
@kintsugi - Cosmic Reversion [*]
@Umbramatic - Go [*]
@Pen - The Meaning of Ambition [*]
@Cresselia92 - Fighting Nature [*]
@OldschoolJohto - Drowning [*]
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golden scars | pfp by sun
the warmth of summer in the songs you write
  1. silvally-grass
  2. lapras
  3. golurk
  4. booper-kintsugi
  5. meloetta-kint-muse
  6. meloetta-kint-dancer
  7. murkrow
  8. yveltal
  9. celebi

August 28 Game
Host: kintsugi (ps why do we have this line? has a host never made the post?)

Sign-ups open until Saturday, August 28 at 23:59:59 EST [countdown here]

You have until the end of the countdown to submit your fic of choice. You may change it anytime up until the rolling takes place. Submit via PM on TR or Discord.

Review window opens: once your assignment is rolled
Review window closes: Monday August 31 at 10:00:00 EST [countdown here]

If there's anybody entered you already know is fully caught-up on the fic you've chosen, let me know before I roll and I can re-roll if it lands on them. If you don't PM me and let me know, I'll assume we're good to go and the roll will stay as-is.

Note that while hosts can accommodate cw restrictions, we can't accommodate genre requests.

@kintsugi - the envy of eden [reroll if Pen or OSJ]
@windskull - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Double-Edged
@Chibi Pika - The Legendarian Chronicles [reroll if Dragonfree, Negrek, Adam]
@Dragonfree - Go [reroll if Pen, Umbra]
@OldschoolJohto - Training Data [reroll if Pen, Negrek, kintsugi]
@Namohysip - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Hands of Creation [reroll if windskull, luke, chibi, shadow of antioch, tanuki, canis, madderjacker, nebula, amby, adam, or cress]
@canisaries - Hunter, Haunted [reroll if Nebula, Chibi, uA, amby, negrek, Pen][cw gore, violence, murder]
@DeliriousAbsol - The End: Rekindled [nh]
@Starlight Aurate - Drowning [reroll if Negrek]
@Caliburn - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Between Twilight and Daybreak [reroll if Tanuki]
@Flaze - Trenches [reroll if Starlight, kint]
@Umbramatic - Steam Over the Post Apocalypse

@kintsugi - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Between Twilight and Daybreak [*]
@windskull - Steam Over the Post Apocalypse [*]
@Chibi Pika - the envy of eden [*]
@Dragonfree - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Double-Edged [*]
@OldschoolJohto - The End: Rekindled [*]
@Namohysip - Hunter, Haunted [*]
@canisaries - Trenches [*]
@DeliriousAbsol - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Hands of Creation [*]
@Starlight Aurate - Go [*]
@Caliburn - The Legendarian Chronicles [*]
@Flaze - Training Data [*]
@Umbramatic - Drowning [*]
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Don’t underestimate seeds.
between a hope and a prayer
  1. moka-mark
  2. solrock
  3. breloom

Sept 11th Game

Sign-ups open until Friday, Sept. 11 at 10pm EST [countdown here]

You have until the end of the countdown to submit your fic of choice. You may change it anytime up until the rolling takes place. Submit via PM on TR or Discord.

Review window opens: once your assignment is rolled
Review window closes: Monday, Sept. 14 at 12:01 AM EST [countdown here]

If there's anybody entered you already know is fully caught-up on the fic you've chosen, let me know before I roll and I can re-roll if it lands on them. If you don't PM me and let me know, I'll assume we're good to go and the roll will stay as-is.

Note that while hosts can accommodate cw restrictions, we can't accommodate genre requests.

@Cresselia92 - Fl4k3s (reroll: Bluwi, Equitia, Kint, uA)
@Equitia - Find a Way Home (Reroll: Kint)
@canisaries - Hunter, Haunted (Reroll: Nebula, Chibi, uA, Amby, Negrek, Pen) [cw: gore, violence, murder]
@OldschoolJohto - Continental Divides (Reroll: Kint, Pen, Negrek, Starlight Aurate )
@Dragonfree - Go (Reroll: Pen, Umbra, Starlight Aurate or Flaze)
@Umbramatic - Tales of Arrival
@kintsugi - envy of eden (Reroll: Pen, OSJ)
@unrepentantAuthor - Different Eyes (Reroll: Dragonfree, Bluwi)
@qva - Wandersword (Reroll: Pen, Kint)
@Bluwiikoon - Go!Go! Pokecure Warriors (Reroll: Kint, uA, OSJ, Equitia, Adam)
@love - Cosmic Reversion (Reroll: Kint, Negrek) [cw: injury, violence]
@Pen - Starfall
@Negrek - Salvage (Reroll: OSJ, Pen, kint, Chibi, Dragonfree, keleri, Persephone, Ambyssin, or Starlight Aurate) [cw: violence, gore]
@Flaze - Stranger in a Strange Land
@SparklingEspeon - Pocket Monsters (Reroll: Canis)

@Cresselia92 - envy of eden [*]
@Equitia - Tales of Arrival [*]
@canisaries - Starfall [*]
@OldschoolJohto - Find a Way Home [*]
@Dragonfree - Cosmic Reversion [*]
@Umbramatic - Continental Divides [*]
@kintsugi - Go [*]
@unrepentantAuthor - Salvage [*]
@qva - Hunter, Haunted [*]
@Bluwiikoon - Pocket Monsters [*]
@love - Wandersword [*]
@Pen - Different Eyes [*]
@Negrek - Fl4k3s [*]
@Flaze - Go!Go! Pokecure Warriors [*]
@SparklingEspeon - Stranger in a Strange Land [*]
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The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde

September 23 game!

Sign-ups open until Saturday, Sept. 26, at 12:01 AM EST [countdown here]

You have until the end of the countdown to submit your fic of choice. You may change it anytime up until the rolling takes place. Submit via PM on TR or Discord.

Review window opens: once your assignment is rolled
Review window closes: Tuesday, Sept. 29 at 12:01 AM EST [countdown here]

If there's anybody entered you already know is fully caught-up on the fic you've chosen, let me know before I roll and I can re-roll if it lands on them. If you don't PM me and let me know, I'll assume we're good to go and the roll will stay as-is.

Note that while hosts can accommodate cw restrictions, we can't accommodate genre requests.


@Equitia - Find A Way Home (reroll if OSJ, Kintsugi)
@SGMijumaru - Seasons Of Heaven
@Umbramatic - Heroes after All (reroll if Equita, Canis, Kintsugi)
@Chibi Pika - Leg Chronic (reroll if Negrek, Adam, or Dragonfree)
@SparklingEspeon - Do Psychic Type Pokemon Dream Of Electric Sheep
@Namohysip - -clears throat, coughs- hock (reroll if windskull, luke, chibi, shadow of antioch, tanuki, canis, madderjacker, nebula, amby, adam, or cress)
@Ambyssin - Path Of Valor (reroll if namo, virgil, or adam)
@Cresselia92 - Fl4k3s (reroll if Bluwii, Equitia, SparklingEspeon, Negrek, uA/Jackie, kint, or a fic with extreme gore or voilence)
@canisaries - Bouquatro (Reroll if Cynsh)
@Virgil134 - Casting Off (reroll if Amby, Namo, Chibi, Umbra, Wind, Negrek, or a fic with extreme gore or horror)
@Starlight Aurate - Drowning (Reroll if Negrek, Sike Saner, or a fic with suicide or sexual content)
@OldschoolJohto - Continental Divides
@cynsh - Fighting Nature (Reroll if Goat)
@Flaze - Stranger In A Strange Land (reroll if SparklingEspeon or Pen)


@Equitia - Fighting Nature [*]
@SGMijumaru - Stranger In A Strange Land [*]
@Umbramatic - Find A Way Home [*]
@Chibi Pika - Path Of Valor [*]
@SparklingEspeon - Drowning [*]
@Namohysip - Continental Divides [*]
@Ambyssin - Fl4k3s [*]
@Cresselia92 - Casting Off [*]
@canisaries - Seasons Of Heaven [*]
@Virgil134 - Leg Chronic [*]
@Starlight Aurate - Do Psychic Type Pokemon Dream Of Electric Sheep [*]
@OldschoolJohto - Heroes after All [*]
@cynsh - -clears throat, coughs- hock [*]
@Flaze - Bouquatro [*]
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golden scars | pfp by sun
the warmth of summer in the songs you write
  1. silvally-grass
  2. lapras
  3. golurk
  4. booper-kintsugi
  5. meloetta-kint-muse
  6. meloetta-kint-dancer
  7. murkrow
  8. yveltal
  9. celebi

October 9th Game

Sign-ups open until Friday, October 9 at 11 pm EST [countdown here]

You have until the end of the countdown to submit your fic of choice. You may change it anytime up until the rolling takes place. Submit via PM on TR or Discord.

Review window opens: once your assignment is rolled
Review window closes: Monday, October 12 at 11:00 AM EST [countdown here]

If there's anybody entered you already know is fully caught-up on the fic you've chosen, let me know before I roll and I can re-roll if it lands on them. If you don't PM me and let me know, I'll assume we're good to go and the roll will stay as-is.

Note that while hosts can accommodate cw restrictions, we can't accommodate genre requests.

@Namohysip - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Hands of Creation OR Death is Lonely [reroll if Windskull]
@SparklingEspeon - Pocket Monsters [reroll if Bluwiikoon]
@Umbramatic - Out in the Cold [reroll if Dragonfree]
@OldschoolJohto - Continental Divides [reroll if kint, Pen, Starlight Aurate]
@Adamhuarts - A Mew Me: Kuki's Tale [reroll if Pen, kint, Sike Saner, Starlight Aurate, Equitia]
@Pen - Dragon's Dance [reroll if OSJ, kint]
@kintsugi - the envy of eden [reroll if OSJ, Pen]
@Equitia - Find a Way Home [reroll if OSJ, Umbra, kint]
@unrepentantAuthor - Different Eyes [reroll if Bluwiikoon, Dragonfree,Pen, OSJ
@DeliriousAbsol - The End: Rekindled [ng]
@Negrek - Of Sand and Shadows
@Chibi Pika - The Legendarian Chronicles [reroll if Negrek, Dragonfree, Adam]
@SGMijumaru - Project: Wight Constellation
@Rainfall - PMD: Broken Reality


Umbra : A Mew Me: Kuki's Tale [*]
Namo: Find a Way Home [*]
Rainfall: Continental Divides [*]
Negrek: Dragon's Dance [*]
Adam: the envy of eden [*]
Sparkling Espeon: Different Eyes [*]
kint: The Legendarian Chronicles [*]
Chibi: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Hands of Creation OR Death is Lonely [choose your fighter???] [*]
OSJ: Pocket Monsters [*]
uA: Out in the Cold [*]
Pen: The End: Rekindled [*]
SGMijumaru: Of Sand and Shadows [*]
Del: Project: Wight Constellation [*]
Equitia: PMD: Broken Reality [*]
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the cat is mightier than the pen
  1. dratini
  2. dratini-pen
  3. dratini-pen2
October 23 Game


Sign-ups open until Saturday, October 24 at 9am PT [countdown here]

You have until the end of the countdown to submit your fic of choice. You may change it anytime up until the rolling takes place. Submit via PM on TR or Discord.

Review window opens: once your assignment is rolled
Review window closes: Monday, October 26 at 11:59 PT [countdown here]

If there's anybody entered you already know is fully caught-up on the fic you've chosen, let me know before I roll and I can re-roll if it lands on them. If you don't PM me and let me know, I'll assume we're good to go and the roll will stay as-is.

Note that while hosts can accommodate cw restrictions, we can't accommodate genre requests.

@canisaries - Hunter, Haunted (Reroll: Nebula, Chibi, uA, Amby, Negrek, Pen, Equitia) [cw: gore, violence, murder]
@Adamhuarts - A Mew Me: Kuki's Tale [reroll if Pen, kint, Sike Saner, Starlight Aurate, Equitia]
@Umbramatic - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Tales of Arrival (reroll if equitia)
@OldschoolJohto - The Tessellation Solution or Starfall (reader's choice)[reroll if kintsugi, love]
@cynsh - Fighting Nature
@Cresselia92 - Fl4k3s (reroll if Bluwii, Equitia, SparklingEspeon, Negrek, uA/Jackie, kint, Amby, rainfall)
@Flaze - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Path of Valor (reroll if Adam, Negrek, Del)
@kintsugi - Continental Divides [reroll if OSJ, Pen, love, flaze, starlight]
@SparklingEspeon - Do Psychic Pokemon Dream of Electric Sheep? [cw: Bullying, Near-Death Situations, Actual Death, Violence, Politics, (Minimal) Blood, Fantasy Racism, and Heavy Themes all throughout ]
@NebulaDreams - The Inalienable Dreamless (reroll if Cress)
@Rainfall - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Obscure Encounters

@canisaries - Continental Divides [*]
@Adamhuarts - Fl4k3s [*]
@Umbramatic - Fighting Nature [*]
@OldschoolJohto - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Path of Valor [*]
@cynsh - A Mew Me: Kuki's Tale [*]
@Cresselia92 - Do Psychic Pokemon Dream of Electric Sheep? [*]
@Flaze - Hunter, Haunted (Seiren) [*]
@kintsugi - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Tales of Arrival [*]
@SparklingEspeon - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Obscure Encounters [*]
@NebulaDreams - The Tessellation Solution or Starfall (reader's choice) [*]
@Rainfall - The Inalienable Dreamless [*]
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golden scars | pfp by sun
the warmth of summer in the songs you write
  1. silvally-grass
  2. lapras
  3. golurk
  4. booper-kintsugi
  5. meloetta-kint-muse
  6. meloetta-kint-dancer
  7. murkrow
  8. yveltal
  9. celebi

Sign-ups open until Friday, November 13 at 9pm PT [countdown here]

You have until the end of the countdown to submit your fic of choice. You may change it anytime up until the rolling takes place. Submit via PM on TR or Discord.

Review window opens: once your assignment is rolled
Review window closes: Monday, November 16 at 9 AM PT [countdown here]

If there's anybody entered you already know is fully caught-up on the fic you've chosen, let me know before I roll and I can re-roll if it lands on them. If you don't PM me and let me know, I'll assume we're good to go and the roll will stay as-is.

Note that while hosts can accommodate cw restrictions, we can't accommodate genre requests.

@Flyg0n - Pokemon: Legendary Adventures
@canisaries - Hunter, Haunted [cw gore, violence, murder] -or- Bouquatro [reroll if Nebby]
@SparklingEspeon - Pocket Monsters [reroll if bluwii]
@Navarchu - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Liberators of Fate
@DeliriousAbsol - The End: Rekindled
@kintsugi - The Tesselation Solution [reroll if kint, OSJ, love, sike, qva, Nebby]
@SGMijumaru - Project: Game of Sky
@IFBench - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Eternal Shadows
@Umbramatic - Heroes After All [reroll if Equitia, kintsugi, canis]
@Ambyssin - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Path of Valor [reroll if Namo]

Bench - Heroes After All [*]
Kintsugi - Pokemon: Legendary Adventures [*]
Umbra - Hunter, Haunted [cw gore, violence, murder] -or- Bouquatro [*]
Sgmijumaru - Pocket Monsters [*]
Canis - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Liberators of Fate [*]
Navarchu - The End: Rekindled [*]
Sparklingespeon - The Tesselation Solution [*]
Ambyssin - Project: Game of Sky [*]
Deliriousabsol - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Eternal Shadows [*]
Flygon - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Path of Valor [*]
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Don’t underestimate seeds.
between a hope and a prayer
  1. moka-mark
  2. solrock
  3. breloom

Sign-ups open until Saturday, November 21st at 5pm EST [countdown here]

You have until the end of the countdown to submit your fic of choice. You may change it anytime up until the rolling takes place. Submit to @OldschoolJohto via PM on TR or Discord.

Review window opens: once your assignment is rolled
Review window closes: Monday, November 23 at 10 PM EST [countdown here]

If there's anybody entered you already know is fully caught-up on the fic you've chosen, let me know before I roll and I can re-roll if it lands on them. If you don't PM me and let me know, I'll assume we're good to go and the roll will stay as-is.

Note that while hosts can accommodate CW restrictions, we can't accommodate genre requests.

@Flyg0n - Pokemon: Legendary Adventures
@OldschoolJohto - Continental Divides (CW: minor blood) (reroll: Kint, Pen, Starlight, Flaze, Espy, love)
@unrepentantAuthor - Different Eyes (reroll: Bluwiikoon, Dragonfree, Pen, OSJ, Espy)
@Navarchu - Liberators of Fate (CW: Blood)
@IFBench - Eternal Shadows (CW: minor blood) (reroll: Neb)
@canisaries - Hunter Haunted (Reroll: Nebula, Chibi, uA, Amby, Negrek, Pen, Equitia) [CW: Blood & gore, violence, murder] / Boquatro (reroll if cynsh, flaze, adam, nebula)
@NebulaDreams - Out of Hand (Reroll: OSJ, PeN, Walrus or Canis)
@DeliriousAbsol (*No gore/occult) - The End: Rekindled
@cynsh - Fighting Nature
@Cresselia92 (*no gore) - The Meaning of Power
@Starlight Aurate (*no gore) - Drowning (reroll: OSJ, Negrek, Sike)
@Dragonfree - Butterfree (reroll: uA, Chibi)
@SparklingEspeon - Do Psychic Pokemon Dream of Electric Sheep? (CW: blood)


@IFBench - Different Eyes ✅
@Flyg0n -Liberators of Fate✅
@unrepentantAuthor -Continental Divides✅
@Cresselia92 -Out of Hand✅
@cynsh -Eternal Shadows✅
@DeliriousAbsol - Boquatro ✅
@canisaries - Drowning✅
@NebulaDreams - Butterfree✅
@Starlight Aurate - Pokemon: Legendary Adventures ✅
@Navarchu - The End: Rekindled ✅
@Dragonfree - Fighting Nature✅
@SparklingEspeon - The Meaning of Power✅
@OldschoolJohto -Do Psychic Pokemon Dream of Electric Sheep ✅
Last edited:


golden scars | pfp by sun
the warmth of summer in the songs you write
  1. silvally-grass
  2. lapras
  3. golurk
  4. booper-kintsugi
  5. meloetta-kint-muse
  6. meloetta-kint-dancer
  7. murkrow
  8. yveltal
  9. celebi
Review Blitz x Catnip!! Claim the Throne!


Sign-ups open until December 13 at 00:00:01 EST [countdown here]

You have until the end of the countdown to submit your fic of choice. You may change it anytime up until the rolling takes place. Submit to @kintsugi via PM on TR or Discord.

Review window opens: once your assignment is rolled
Review window closes: Tuesday, December 15 at 08:00:00 AM EST [countdown here]

If there's anybody entered you already know is fully caught-up on the fic you've chosen, let me know before I roll and I can re-roll if it lands on them. If you don't PM me and let me know, I'll assume we're good to go and the roll will stay as-is.

Note that while hosts can accommodate CW restrictions, we can't accommodate genre requests.


@SGMijumaru - Heroica Legends: An Undesired Hope
@OldschoolJohto - Training Data [reroll if kint, Pen, Negrek, Flaze, Persephone]
@Navarchu - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Liberators of Fate [reroll if Sparkling Espeon]
@Namohysip - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Hands of Creation OR Death is Lonely [reroll if Windskull]
@IFBench - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Eternal Shadows
@canisaries - Hunter, Haunted OR Boquatro [reroll if Nebula, Delirious Absol]
@Equitia - Find a Way Home
@qva - Iktsuarpok [reroll if cynsh]
@Dragonfree -Butterfree [reroll if fly0n, kint, love, Nebula, uA, Chibi]
@zion of arcadia - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rebirth [reroll if Namo]
@SparklingEspeon - Do Psychic Type Pokemon Dream of Electric Sheep?
@Flyg0n - Pokemon: Legendary Adventures
@Negrek - Transveral, crossing the back of legends
@Cresselia92 - The Meaning of Power OR Fl4k3s [reroll if Sparkling Espeon]
@unrepentantAuthor - Different Eyes [reroll if Bluwiikoon, Dragonfree, Pen, OSJ, or Sparkling Espeon]
@DeliriousAbsol - The End: Rekindled
@kintsugi - the envy of eden [reroll if Pen, OSJ]
@Flaze - In the Streets of Lago [reroll if Pen, OSJ, kint]
@thenatureking - Raingurl, Make It
@Rainfall - Communication



@Namohysip - Training Data [*]
@SparklingEspeon - Butterfree [*]
@Cresselia92 - Different Eyes [*]
@Flyg0n - In the Streets of Lago [*]
@OldschoolJohto - Communication [*]
@IFBench - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Liberators of Fate [*]
@Navarchu - Hunter, Haunted OR Boquatro [*]
@Rainfall - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rebirth [*]
@Equitia - The Meaning of Power OR Fl4k3s [*]
@qva - the envy of eden [*]
@Negrek - Heroica Legends: An Undesired Hope [*]
@zion of arcadia - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Hands of Creation OR Death is Lonely [*]
@DeliriousAbsol - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Eternal Shadows [*]
@SGMijumaru - Find a Way Home [*]
@unrepentantAuthor - Iktsuarpok [*]
@kintsugi - Do Psychic Type Pokemon Dream of Electric Sheep? [*]
@Flaze - Pokemon: Legendary Adventures [*]
@thenatureking - Transveral, crossing the back of legends [*]
@Dragonfree - The End: Rekindled [*]
@canisaries - Raingurl, Make It [*]


hey look at that we have a new record <3 wonderful job, everyone!
Last edited:


the cat is mightier than the pen
  1. dratini
  2. dratini-pen
  3. dratini-pen2
January 27 Game!


Organizer: Pen

Sign-ups open until Friday, Jan 29, 11:00pm EST [countdown here]

You have until the end of the countdown to submit your fic of choice. You may change it anytime up until the rolling takes place. Submit to me via TR or Discord DM.

Review window opens: once your assignment is rolled
Review window closes: Sunday, 11:59 EST [countdown here]

If there's anybody entered you already know is fully caught-up on the fic you've chosen, let me know before I roll and I can re-roll if it lands on them. If you don't PM me and let me know, I'll assume we're good to go and the roll will stay as-is.

Note that while hosts can accommodate CW restrictions, we can't accommodate genre requests.

@OldschoolJohto Continental Divides [reroll Flaze, love, Pen, Kintsugi, HelloYellow, qva]
@Adamhuarts Spring [reroll Pen, kintsugi, Persephone]
@IFBench PMD: Eternal Shadows [reroll if Pen, Phantump, Namo, Navar, Kint, Chibi, Amby, HelloYellow, Spinal, and Ribbon]
@NebulaDreams The Inalienable Dreamless [reroll if canisaries, Starlight Aurate, DeliriousDelirium, cynsh, uA or Rainfall]
@Equitial Find a Way Home [reroll if Pen, Bench, Kintsugi, Umbramatic, SGMijmaru]
@SGMijumaru Heroica Legends - Ruby Episode 1
@Umbramatic Pallete
@canisaries Hunter Haunted [reroll if nebula, chibi or negrek, Pen]
@HelloYellow17 Of Sand and Bacon [reroll if Pen, kintsugi, tetra, OSJ, flaze]
@love Instruments of Creation
@Cresselia92 The Meaning of Power
@windskull Places We Call Home [reroll if love, lukergamerz]
@Flaze In the Streets of Lago [reroll if Kint, osj,Pen, Zion of Arcadia, the nature king, kyeugh, tetra, persephone]
@Pen The Days of Miracle and Wonder [reroll if OSJ, kintsugi]




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