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Pokémon bric-à-brac [a flash fiction collection]


All shall be well
  1. arceus-beta
  2. arceus
  3. arceus-shiny
Written with prompts from Third Anniversary Drabble Bingo.

Stealing some time to write these during family trip. Word barfs coming through. Something something connection to LLV.

"A Walk Through the Woods" / Sendoff Spring

Giratina rarely crosses over the boundary between their world and the material world, but when they do, they prefer it to be at dawn or dusk – a moment of liminality, neither day nor night. Now is one of such times: the woods are cold with mist and dew, and the sun has yet to wrap everything in its light. Carefully, they become one with the mist, floating away from the small lake connecting the two worlds.

They can hear the chirps of birds waking up, the rustling of leaves brushing against their wings as they take flight. A caterpillar crawls on the ground, tiny feet stepping on dead leaves with crunching sounds just as small. A snoring noise vibrates from somewhere, so relaxed this deep in the woods. In the distance, bells ring faintly alongside the gentle wind.

These sounds fill their mind; songs they don't have – refuse to have – in their world. After all, if they had these songs in their world, they are sure that they would hide under a rock soon enough. They can't even bear to stay in this world for more than a day.

Yet they still peek into this world every now and then, doing nothing but observing the sounds they hear beyond the mist. Perhaps that's just as well.

"PC Box" / Oreburgh City

"Error here, too. Yup, I guess that's it," mutters Luca under their breath. The trainer clicks on an icon on the screen, making the cylindrical machine next to the PC pop open. Inside it, a red-bordered white Poké Ball sits innocently.

After staring at the ball for a while, they press the button to minimize it and shove the thing into the depths of their backpack. Considering the strange happening at the Spear Pillar (that oddball is a god? Really? Really?), it's probably for the best that the system thought the Poké Ball was broken. Maybe it really is broken. If nothing else, they can act like it's broken and the capture never happened. (If it really did, it didn't feel like it, anyway.)

Yes, this will be their little secret. They, and the error log of their Pokémon storage account.

They reach for the internet browser and start looking up whether such error logs will be deleted from the system.

"City Lights Again" / Jubilife City

Perhaps he would have been less surprised if he didn't sleep through most of the centuries. When he decided to return to the "TV station" to look at the painting depicting his daughter again, when he looked outside the window by chance, he wasn't expecting himself to be captured by the sight of the city at night.

In his memory, the light that the mortals held at night was a modest glow, just enough to keep themselves safe. Now, however, it's as if they had taken a shard of the starry sky and made its brilliance their own to decorate the earth with. If he felt generous, he would compare it to the sight he had seen from his realm – the lights of many worlds and possibilities, swaying between the real and the imaginary.

How pompous. How adorable. Was it this that his beloved wished to see? If only he could know. Until the end of time, these thoughts will be for him alone.
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Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
Walk through the Woods: I'm really digging the contrast between giant eldritch god and peaceful woodland scenery. There's something amazingly gentle about this, this kind of marco observation of these minute details; the touch of dawn's light, dewdrops on leaves, caterpillars! And the one making these observations is an all-powerful deity who can travel between planes of existence. Its rejection of these things as normal is also in contrast with the desire to experience these little joys sometimes, when no one is looking. It's sad, you feel for Giratina here, and it's beautiful.

PC Box: Ha, I got a laugh out of this one. Nothing to see here, definitely didn't do anything illegal, move along. A premier ball? Interesting. (I always loved the look of them) Wonder who is inside? The whimsical nature of the suspense is a nice mix, making this feel more like a "whoopsie" than something shady happening. It's fun! The browser search at the end is the icing on the cake.

City Lights Again: And then we return to another piece of beautiful imagery. Sights this time, instead of sounds. I love how quickly you are able to give the history of a character. Our POV character is old, older than humans can imagine, and pretty distinctly not-human as well. The ethereal way in which they depict the electric light of modern cities vs torchlight of more primitive human settlements, it's poetic, it's otherworldly, it's (again) beautiful.

Congrats on the bingo, and thanks for sharing!


  1. hoppip-bluesidra-reup
  2. hoppip-bluesidra-pink
  3. hoppip-bluesidra3
LLV content that I have not been made aware of? I must rectify this mistake immediately!
A new word has been added to my dictionary
floating away from the small lake connecting the two worlds.
:eyes: 📝 Thanks for giving me an idea...
These sounds fill their mind; songs they don't have – refuse to have – in their world.
Gira is hypersensitive confirmed.
a red-bordered white Poké Ball
Also, alfa is illegal and banned from any tournaments :sadbees: And Luca is taking active steps to rig the system in their favour...
when he looked outside the window by chance, he wasn't expecting himself to be captured by the sight of the city at night.
Oh man, I've had the best mental camera-pan ever!
Until the end of time, these thoughts will be for him alone.
Looks like I, the reader of this document, have bad news for you, Alfa.

I can see no trace of word-barf here, all of them are very beautiful. My fave is the Giratina one, just for how eerie and quiet it feels. But Luca and Alfa always have a top spot in my heart, so....

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, squeezing in a review of your LLV-based Drabbles as a bonus to my review of Chapter 4 tonight. Since hey, I remembered you talking about them back in the spring, and why not take a gander?

"A Walk Through the Woods" / Sendoff Spring

Giratina rarely crosses over the boundary between their world and the material world, but when they do, they prefer it to be at dawn or dusk – a moment of liminality, neither day nor night. Now is one of such times: the woods are cold with mist and dew, and the sun has yet to wrap everything in its light. Carefully, they become one with the mist, floating away from the small lake connecting the two worlds.

So how much moaning does Giratina usually get off on these jaunts about “this is so boring, why isn’t there any ground overhead?”

They can hear the chirps of birds waking up, the rustling of leaves brushing against their wings as they take flight. A caterpillar crawls on the ground, tiny feet stepping on dead leaves with crunching sounds just as small. A snoring noise vibrates from somewhere, so relaxed this deep in the woods. In the distance, bells ring faintly alongside the gentle wind.

Wait, so is Gira moonlighting as a human right now, or else are they just in full six-limbed dragon mode and prowling through this forest where nobody’s bothering to look.

These sounds fill their mind; songs they don't have – refuse to have – in their world. After all, if they had these songs in their world, they are sure that they would hide under a rock soon enough. They can't even bear to stay in this world for more than a day.

Kek, I knew that I was onto something with Giratina finding our world off-putting and alien. Even if I didn’t peg how grating they’d find it.

Yet they still peek into this world every now and then, doing nothing but observing the sounds they hear beyond the mist. Perhaps that's just as well.

So people encountering Gira in Turnback Cave every blue moon is a “get off my damn lawn” moment for them, isn’t it? :V

"PC Box" / Oreburgh City

"Error here, too. Yup, I guess that's it," mutters Luca under their breath. The trainer clicks on an icon on the screen, making the cylindrical machine next to the PC pop open. Inside it, a red-bordered white Poké Ball sits innocently.

Oh, so we’re getting a proper appearance from the LLV cast, huh? I mean, I suppose Gira is part of the cast, too, but I hadn’t gotten far enough into the story for them to be relevant.

After staring at the ball for a while, they press the button to minimize it and shove the thing into the depths of their backpack. Considering the strange happening at the Spear Pillar (that oddball is a god? Really? Really?), it's probably for the best that the system thought the Poké Ball was broken. Maybe it really is broken. If nothing else, they can act like it's broken and the capture never happened. (If it really did, it didn't feel like it, anyway.)

I kinda wonder if this would’ve worked better with Luca’s thoughts being hard-separated from the rest of the paragraph in parts, since it admittedly threw me a bit to read the “oddball is a god” part in the middle of an ongoing line of narration.

Yes, this will be their little secret. They, and the error log of their Pokémon storage account.


Yeah, no. Bebe’s gonna see this in short order, since she almost certainly gets tipped off to weirder error logs.

They reach for the internet browser and start looking up whether such error logs will be deleted from the system.

Narrator: “They won’t. And your internet searches will lead to an even bigger footprint.”

Since when has information logged for surveillance purposes ever wound up truly being deleted?

"City Lights Again" / Jubilife City

Perhaps he would have been less surprised if he didn't sleep through most of the centuries. When he decided to return to the "TV station" to look at the painting depicting his daughter again, when he looked outside the window by chance, he wasn't expecting himself to be captured by the sight of the city at night.

Oh, it’s an Alfa-perspective drabble now. Duly noted.

In his memory, the light that the mortals held at night was a modest glow, just enough to keep themselves safe. Now, however, it's as if they had taken a shard of the starry sky and made its brilliance their own to decorate the earth with. If he felt generous, he would compare it to the sight he had seen from his realm – the lights of many worlds and possibilities, swaying between the real and the imaginary.

Until Alfa notices that he can’t see the stars in the sky properly anymore around modern cities and takes that an affront over “how dare you upstage my creation”, anyways. :V

How pompous. How adorable. Was it this that his beloved wished to see? If only he could know. Until the end of time, these thoughts will be for him alone.

Bold of you to assume that humans consciously wanted this and it isn’t an externality of their thoughtlessness. Though I suppose Alfa always has given off a vibe of “seen humans in brief slices, spread widely apart”.

A fun trio of drabbles, really and they weirdly enough were a good companion to the parts of LLC I’d gotten up to. Since aside from the Giratina drabble, everything here dovetails right in along with moments that happen in the story within the first 4 chapters of LLV. I don’t know if that was conscious or not, but it’s a nice touch.

I thought that you got a decent spread of scenarios from three prompts, and you’ve got me interested in seeing what Giratina is like in LLV from that opening one since I can already tell that their reaction to our normal reality has some prime comedy / Starfish Alien potential. The PC Box one was pretty funny from a ‘digging yourself deeper’ sort of comedy perspective, and the Jubilife City one felt like a nice breather that fits in quite organically after LLV #4. It felt kinda like reading a supplement to the main story.

I don’t have a whole lot to complain about these drabbles, since they’re kinda inherently cut down by the choice of format of delivery. That said, I did feel that the paragraph from the PC Box drabble where Luca’s thoughts interrupt the narration mid-sentence was a little jarring. I do wonder if you could’ve accomplished the same effect by just breaking it up into two paragraphs and interleaving Luca’s thoughts in between those. Something to consider if you’re making any post-publishing revisions at all.

Nice work on the drabbles, @silurica . They’re cute companion pieces to your main work and hopefully this won’t be the last we see of such drabbles in the future, since hey. Sometimes a reader just needs to have a little bite-sized breather to put a smile on their face.


All shall be well
  1. arceus-beta
  2. arceus
  3. arceus-shiny
Returning with prompts from Fourth Anniversary Drabble Bingo. These new ones have a darker mood than last year's batch; sorry for any mood whiplash that may occur!

Content warning for a wounded character dying (not graphic).

"Regret" / Relic Castle, or so it will be called in the future

It looks like this is the end of the road for us. I saw them – torches blazing brightly on the horizon, like candles about to fall on a beloved curtain – our pursuers will reach this castle in no time. Should a miracle happen, I hope at least His Majesty will manage an escape.

More direly for myself, I can't stop my bleeding. I can't stand anymore. So dizzy. I can't focus on my healing. Unsurprising – I've always had poor aptitude for these spells. Mother said so too. This pitiful attempt isn't enough, never enough.

Never enough. In the end, I'm only half of a whole. No, perhaps even less than a half.

I wonder how Zekrom is doing? Are people growing uneasy in her presence too now? It's the victory of her side this time, I hope she will celebrate it with her men… no, she probably won't. After all, it's not victory that she seeks.

Ah, I'm a fool. I understood her words, her actions, her screams. What use is understanding if I didn't do anything about it?

So dizzy. I feel like I can pass out anytime now. Then what? Will I die? Can I die?

I wish I could see her for one last time… not as enemies, but as….

"Outrage" / Dragonspiral Tower

It's bright. I can feel jolts of electricity running under my skin. And there is the smell of dust and desolation in the air. Ah, I see. I'm awake now, and the person who undid my seal is…

This green-haired boy looks like a ruler that fool Resh used to serve. But he doesn't speak the same… oh, who cares? It doesn't matter as long as he can understand my words and I can understand his.

Oh, of course he is yet another human who wants my power. Another human who wants to use me as a tool. And when they are done, seal me again they will. A world only for my kind, he said? Hearing that from a human is so sickening I could laugh. Yet his eyes are so pure, so resolute.

"You were born to be your mother's hand." "You were born to serve the kingdom." "You were born to be a symbol of ideals." These are the words that bind my existence. What could he know about them?

But it's fine. It's not as if anything good ever came from mingling with humans. If this boy betrays his words, it will simply be another mark in my history. But in the slight chance he keeps them, perhaps I will finally be free. So I have made my decision: if destroying the foundation of the world is what you wish, I will lend my power to you.

"The Littlest Things" / Plasma Frigate

I let myself get carried away. This man clearly views my predicament as an object of curiosity. The many books he gave me (some of these are for children, judging from the simpler sentences and the whimsical pictures). The way he tap-tap-taps on his white tablet after he speaks or looks at me (is that for taking notes?). The smile that never leaves his face.

If before he did nothing but inflict pain on me, now he treats me like a box of puzzles. And that smile of his always remains the same, with a tinge of familiarity he cannot possibly know about.

My memory is hazy, but the familiarity is unmistakable and somewhat irritating: he reminds me of how I used to be long ago. The boundless thirst for the unknown. The unconcerned trials-and-errors in search for an answer. And perhaps even…

"Hey, you. Do you yearn for… do you yearn to do something with your knowledge?"

He freezes. After a moment of silence, he laughs and says something again, and starts tapping on his tablet as usual. Of course. What was I hoping to achieve by asking that? He doesn't understand the words I speak. Nobody does now, except…

"Don't touch me! I hate you, Mother! You cold-hearted monster! I've always hated you!"

…all things considered, being an object of curiosity is fine.
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  1. hoppip-bluesidra-reup
  2. hoppip-bluesidra-pink
  3. hoppip-bluesidra3
What can I say other than 😭

I expected some daiya/tia bickering, and maybe a gira-reveal. But looks like over in unova, they are even more dysfunctional. They come across as less deified and more as servants, which is a cool interpretation. But that makes me wonder what the arguments between the three of them were about.

Also, shoutout to the second entry, I really liked the dismissive way zek talks about N. Not because his ideas are against the eternal friendship-principle, but because he dares to ask her for help / assume she wants help.
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