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Pokémon Blood is Thicker Than Poison

Introduction and A/N


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Blood is Thicker Than Poison
(aka Drake and the Backstreet Boys)

(art credit: TCG Art Tetsuya Koizumi)
Years after the fall of Cipher, Orre has entered a new era of prosperity and growth. However, a toxic poison still lurks in the streets of Orre, in the form of dangerous organized gangs. One that Drake knows well. For almost as long as he remembers, Drake has always been a loyal member of the Swords of Justice. Until a chance encounter with a new detective in Orre forces him to tread the line between justice, safety and his loyalties. Torn between the life he knew and the longing for something more, Drake finds himself thrust into a dangerous game of deception and betrayal of all he believed he held dear.


Author's Note:
So this story is the project you might have heard me briefly talk about on Discord about Orre and whump. Basically an excuse to transplant a longstanding OC pair of characters into the pokemon world so I would be further motivated to write about them. or just whump, really. Formerly they were a detective/criminal pair who end up working together together to bring down various gangs and develop a deep friendship. As such, I figured that Orre (the location from Colosseum games) would be the ideal spot to drop them into. So I fashioned a very loose idea of what my Orre looks like now, since I wanted to set it many years after the events of Colosseum and XD, and then chucked them in.

Currently the first 'setup' arc is 2 chapters. I have plans for future chapters, but I expect that this project will only be updated when I'm in the mood, and may take a anthology approach. As you'll see below, I'll warn that this isn't a narrative/plot masterpiece, but fun angst times and deep enemies to friends type material.

Feedback notes:
BiTtP is a purely for fun project and mainly a self-indulgent excuse to write whump. As such, please refrain from heavily critical feedback, or feedback with complex critiques to implement. The worldbuilding and narrative and plot are admittedly somewhat thin. Situations or context might also be somewhat unrealistic or contrived, to facilitate the fun scenes I want to write. Also some minor inconsistencies perhaps. While I don't mind a bit of advice for tweaks, this is really very much just something I am writing for the sheer self-indulgence and excuse to whump characters. Therefore, while you're technically welcome to leave a review of anything you want, I'm not trying to construct a super tight story. Please bear that in mind when it comes to reviews.

Ultimately, I want characters and their interactions to be enjoyable, as well as the whump. I would still love to hear how you felt! Did you like the angst/whump? What are your impressions of the characters and their situation and circumstances? I welcome minor tweaks in regards to improvements on these elements as well.

Otherwise, I am just posting this because I like angst and whump and I want to share it with people who enjoy that.

So please do give me any general feedback, memes, commentary, reactions, or even a 'good fic pls update'!

P.S. At the end of the day, any feedback is still ok, it won't bother me. I just would prefer you as the reviewer don't spend a lot of time on detailed critique I'll end up ignoring anyway.

Character Art:


(Credit: sind/sinderella)


(credit: hawkosa/deviantart)

Content Warnings:
Both current and future chapters: Violence, physical torture, abuse, blood, language, references and depictions of alcohol use/misuse, mental and emotional torment/mistreatment, implications of past abuse towards minors, death, suffocation/oxygen deprivation, drowning, poison, possible drug references.
Please feel free to let me know if more specific tags should be added or for a thorough rundown of each chapter
Last edited:
Part 1: Rules of the Street


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
CW: Violence, torture, abuse, crude language/swearing, blood, and a lack of Flygon

Rules of the Street

The desert night remained still as Drake crept along the outer wall of the mansion, footsteps silent on the sandy earth. To his left, the Orrean desert spread out as far as the eye could see. But he only had eyes for the sprawling piece of land beyond the wall to his right. Owned by some wealthy family whose name he didn’t care about, just the safe inside.

In, out. He kept his breaths even as he moved, eyes scanning ahead and his ears open for any errant noise. Finally, he reached the rear section of the wall, furthest from the guards at the gate, but higher than the rest, complete with barbed wire at the top.There were no doubt teleport blockers and concrete stretching underground, meaning burrowing wasn’t an option. Which left the one he’d expected. Climbing.

Steadying himself, he reached to his belt and pressed the button on the lone pokeball on his waist. With barely a glow from the modified ball, a Skorupi appeared. “Barbed wire,” he said simply, nodding to the wall overhead.

Skorupi moved quickly, scuttling easily up the wall. With two snips of its claws, the wire was precisely cut.

“Now the wall,” Drake whispered softly.

Skorupi started back down the wall, tail shimmering faintly with energy. As it descended, it sliced small gashes into the concrete. While Skorupi worked, Drake made mental notes of the positions of the cuts. Twelve feet. He could handle that, he’d scaled worse, in worse circumstances.

Once Skorupi reached the bottom, Drake nodded and returned it.

Then, cracking his knuckles, he dusted his hands with some chalk and started climbing, using the indents as handholds. He moved confidently, refusing to give himself permission to look down, refusing to consider the possibility of failure. Get in, get out, go home alive.

Holding back his winded breaths, he dragged himself carefully onto the top of the wall, easing aside the barbed wire. He could feel a tightness begin in his chest, but he swallowed it. He kept himself low as possible, quickly scanning the landscape.

A wide lawn spread before him, an oasis of perfectly controlled greenery inside the walls, a colorful testament to wealth. Bushes and shrubs snaked along pathways that encircled the large two story house, and far off near the front of the property, he could spot the dark silhouette of guards.

Gripping the inside edge of the wall, he carefully lowered himself as much as he could, then let go, dropping the rest of the way.

He landed on the grassy lawn behind the mansion. Bushes and trees dotted the area leading up to the back of the house. Wrapping his hands into fists to stop them shaking, he started forward, sticking to the shadows, working his way closer and closer to the house.

Just as he neared the back wall of the house, a noise caught his attention. His breath caught in his throat as he picked up footsteps, close. Controlling his rapid breathing, he locked his gaze onto a bush just below one of the floodlights around the house, a tiny nook blanketed in shadow.

Darting across the lawn he hurled himself into the shadow of the bush and held his breath. The footsteps drew closer. His chest ached from lack of breath. He squeezed his eyes shut, even as a part of him chided himself. For a single dreadful moment, the footsteps paused. Then they kept moving, right past his spot. Slowly, he let out his breath and relaxed.

Unable to resist, he smirked a little. The best hiding spot was always, ironically, closest to a bright light. Brightness screwed up a person's night vision. Once he was sure they had moved on, he eased out of his spot. As far as he was concerned, the hardest part was now over. The man who lived here wouldn’t be home for another hour, which meant Drake could take his sweet time inside, then get out the way he came. Another easy night.


Drake beamed as he slipped through the streets of Phenac, moving swiftly as he could, the pack on his back heavy with his prizes. Athos would be happy, and another success meant more notoriety for The Swords.

Finally, on the outskirts of the city, he allowed himself to slow and relax. A single rundown warehouse lay silent and still, ringed by rusty barbed wire fencing. To a passerby, it looked like one of the many abandoned properties on the edge of Orre’s nicest city, a forgotten attempt to rebuild after recent disasters. To a select few, it was the ‘base’ of operations for the Swords of Justice, one of Orre’s largest and most prolific gangs. But to him, it was home.

After briefly making sure no one had followed him, he worked his way around the perimeter of the fence to a spot where there was a nearly invisible gap between the links, just big enough for a person to squeeze through. Just in the distance, he could see the silhouette of a Hoothoot on the roof, watching him with a mask of indifference.

Once through, he hurried over to the warehouse. It appeared completely sealed off, bars covering the windows and the doors padlocked shut. All except for various false panels around the edges, invisible to the inexperienced observer. He ducked through one such panel, and into the warehouse.

Inside looked anything but abandoned. One side had been cleared out to make a dining area, while another had been walled off to form sleeping quarters. Most of his fellow Swords members were gathered around the tables, having their usual incredibly late dinner, and judging by them still being in their street clothes he guessed some of them must have arrived not long before him. A few waved to him, but most were focused on their meals.

Drake hurried past, intent on getting to the rear, where Athos 'office lay. Or rather, his personal quarters. Athos always reminded them that this wasn’t a business, and it wasn’t his office. The Swords of Justice were a family.

Halfway there, something smacked his ankle hard and he pitched forward, chin connecting with the concrete. Stars flashed across his vision and he groaned as a warmth trickled down his chin. A brief ripple of dizziness passed over him before receding.

“Oh man, that fall looked rough! You should be careful,” the all too familiar voice sounded sympathetic, but Drake could easily pick up the false edge in it. He felt someone grab him by his backpack, hauling him bodily up. Shame crawled up his spine and he jerked away, scowling at his antagonizer.

Victore, quite possibly the only person in the Swords he genuinely hated.

Smiling in a way that never reached his eyes, he proceeded to roughly dust Drake off. “I was beginning to worry. Thought maybe you wouldn’t make it back, buddy. You alright? Your chin is looking pretty rough.”

Drake glared at him, pushing his hand away. “I’m fine.” He stood tall as he could, chest even with Victore’s as he stared him down. He strongly suspected Victore hated him because they were nearly five years apart but Drake somehow looked every bit as old as the twenty three year old. Still, even at nearly the same height, Victore had always been slightly broader than him, a fact he seemed to relish in.

The murmurs of conversation from the other members wound down and he felt everyone’s gaze boring into the two of them. Infighting was strictly forbidden but he sorely was considering paying the consequences anyway, just to wipe the look off Victore’s face—

“Ahhh Drake! You’re home!”

The tension in the room immediately shifted, broken by Athos’s booming voice. A strange mixed relief and fear flooded Drake at his voice, as it always did. Athos was simultaneously their protector and guardian, and perhaps the single scariest man Drake knew. He still remembered how Athos looked when he was talking to other gang leaders or criminals...

He strode across the room, filling the space as he walked. His smile was bright but his eyes iron-hard. He clapped a hand on Victore’s shoulder, and Victore flinched, but remained still. Athos' hand alone was large enough to cover Victore’s entire shoulder.

Several other members quickly focused on their food, but a few kept peeking over. Victore swallowed, a much nicer smile working its way across his face. Even so, Drake knew him enough to pick up on the faint tremor in his tone. “Athos! I was just congratulating Dra-”

Athos abruptly smacked Victore upside the head, hard enough to make him stumble. Drake flinched reflexively. “I’m not stupid, Victore. How many times must I remind you that we are family here? In these walls, we must have no enemies,” Athos loomed over Victore, who for a split second, stood firm, before shrinking back and nodding meekly.

“Of course, I just got a little too heated Athos sir. I’m sorry Drake.” Without another word, Victore slunk back to his seat and returned to his meal.

Drake’s heart quickened as Athos turned back to him.

“I am glad you made it back safely,” Athos said, giving a jovial grin. He patted Drake on the shoulder, a gentle and reassuring touch, and Drake felt himself smiling in return, some of the tension in his shoulders fading. “Come, let's see what you were able to find.”

Athos guided Drake towards his personal quarters, and Drake followed eagerly. The room looked like a casual office, with a shiny wooden desk, a plush chair behind it, and a leather sofa. A single door in the rear led to Athos' own room.

Once the door had closed, Athos turned to Drake. He sat in the chair, leaning back with a slack grin. “So tell me, son, how did it go? I trust the Skorupi I provided was able to assist you?”

Beaming, Drake nodded enthusiastically, warmth filling him the same as it did every time Athos called him son. They weren’t actually related, but Drake didn’t care, given it’d been years since he’d seen his actual parents. Athos had taken care of him when no one else had. “Everything was perfect. Nobody saw me. I got in, and out, and they’ll never even know. Well, until tomorrow at least.” He smirked and handed over his backpack.

“That’s my boy!” Athos took the backpack and unzipped it.

Pride burned in Drake’s chest as Athos thumbed through it, examining the TMs, jewelry, and money he’d lifted from the safe.

Athos set the backpack aside and ruffled Drake’s hair. “Excellent work. Drop off your pokeball, get yourself some food, and rest up.”


Athos' voice cut through the morning chatter at breakfast.

Drake jumped in his chair and glanced across the hall to Athos. His chest tightened in apprehension. He rose from his table, ignoring Victore’s sharp gaze and keeping his head high as he strode across the room to where Athos waited.

“I’ve got a special job for you, Drake,” Athos said as he led the way into his personal quarters.

He stood a little taller. “I’m ready, whatever it is.”

“Good. I have a contact coming into Gateon Port today with an important shipment from Galar. Meet him, pick up the shipment, and bring it back here.” He slid a small phone across the table. “Just be at the port on time, and wait for the call. You shouldn’t have any trouble, so don’t worry about borrowing a pokemon.”

Drake put the phone in his pocket and nodded. He resisted the urge to grin in delight. Athos was trusting him. “Got it.” He started towards the door.

“And Drake?” Athos called.

Drake glanced over his shoulder. Athos fixed him with a hard look. “Don’t screw up.”


Drake kept his head down as he slunk through the warehouses along the shores of Gateon. The salty tang of the ocean mixed with occasional whiffs of smoke from the sailors hanging around. A few tourists and citizens milled around, but he ignored them, keeping away from any prying eyes, not that there was anyone around to report him to anyway. Orre might have had an increasing police presence, but it was still too small to cover everything.

Athos had told him once that Gateon had been a much smaller port. Then some group called Cipher had been excised from Orre and driven out, and commerce picked up again. People actually came to Orre and Gateon had expanded into a rather impressive little port city. Of course, Drake didn’t really remember any of it properly. All he had were fuzzy memories of coming here with his parents, maybe for some trip he couldn’t recall.

Finally, he reached the far end of the district, and ducked into an alley between warehouses to wait, shielding himself from viewing behind a broken shipping pallet. He tapped his foot impatiently, flipping the phone open and shut as he waited for it to ring. Just as he was growing antsy, it buzzed. He quickly answered.

A rough voice sounded on the other end. “Meet me at the south end of the docks. Keyword Pickup.”


Drake frowned and tucked the phone back into his pocket. “Could you be any more vague?” he muttered under his breath. Rolling his eyes, he pushed off the wall he’d been leaning on and started south.

As he got closer to the far end, he straightened up, trying his best to bundle away his apprehension. Don’t screw this up. Athos was trusting him with something, something important. He couldn’t let him down. And he was representing the Swords of Justice. He needed to keep his composure. Which meant making sure he showed no weakness.

A lone motorboat bobbed in the water, moored to the last dock. A burly looking sailor lounged on the deck, a wide-brimmed hat shielding his face, though his head was angled just far back enough that he could see from under it.

Drake narrowed his eyes, scanned his surroundings, then casually wandered towards the boat.

“Hey kid,” the man called as he drew near. Drake bristled inwardly at being called kid, but held up a hand in casual greeting. The man nodded back.“You know what a Ratatta’s ability is?”

“Pickup,” Drake replied smoothly.

With a nod, the man leaned over and scooped up a silver briefcase, then stood up, hopping off his boat to meet Drake. He seemed to size Drake up for a moment before handing over the case. “Codes 895463. Tell Athos it's a pleasure doing business. And I got plenty more where this came from, if he keeps his end of the bargain.”

And then, he was gone. He jumped into his motorboat and sped away without another word. Drake couldn’t help but wonder where he’d come from. Lapis Town? Or did he have another ship he planned to meet at sea? Last he recalled, there wasn’t much to encounter beyond Orre’s waters for quite some time.

Shrugging, he brushed the thought aside and hurried off the dock and into the relative safety offered by ducking behind a stack of crates. There he laid down the briefcase, input the code and popped it open. Inside were several neatly organized containers of blue crystals of all different sizes. EXP Candies. A pretty good amount too.

His bunkmate Milo had talked about them. They were a common training tool in Galar, but also highly regulated to avoid accidental health issues with pokemon using too many. More powerful than a Rare Candy but also something only meant for moderate use. And extremely valuable in Orre what with the resurgence of battling and colosseums.

If the Swords could get a supply going to various shops, they’d make a killing. He shut the case. Athos would be happy. Giving one last glance, he stood up and started north, towards Gateon’s outskirts, where he’d left his motorbike.

He ducked and wove through the narrow alleys between warehouses, content to stay out of prying eyes with his prize. Until a figure stepped in front of him, blocking his path forward. Drake froze, tightening his grip on the briefcase. A man stepped into the light, wearing a casual grin that pronounced a scar on his jaw. He wore a dark blue jacket, but what caught Drake’s eye was the red bandana tied around the upper arm.

Damn. A Crimson Zangoose. One of the smaller gangs trying to control Orre, but no less deadly for their size. He glared at the Crimson Zangoose. “Move,” he snarled. Show no fear. The first rule of the streets.

The Zangoose's gaze shifted to the briefcase. “Whatcha got?”

“I’m just passing through,” Drake said evasively. “Excuse me.” He took a step forward, glaring down the Zangoose, who stood at least an inch or two shorter. The Zangoose didn’t flinch, in fact he seemed to be smirking. Instinctually, Drake tensed. Footfalls sounded behind him and he glanced over his shoulder to see two more grunts emerge from the shadows.

Rule two. Always expect a fight. Always strike first.

Drake swung the briefcase as hard as he could at the first Zangoose’s head. The Zangoose jerked back and Drake’s strike missed. Sharp pain shot through the back of his knee and he crumpled to the ground. Something heavy slammed into his back, flinging him forward. He hit the pavement face first and his vision swam. A knee jammed into his back, pinning him as someone rested almost their full weight on him.

In a panic, Drake tried to gather his arms under him and push free, only for someone to pin his arms out to the side. He squirmed and writhed and spat every curse he knew as he tried to get a look at his attackers. In the midst of his struggle he tightened his grip on the briefcase. If he lost it Athos would be furious-

Then someone grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked his head roughly to the side. Twisting pain shot down his neck as sunlight from above blinded him. His vision finally cleared and he could make out two Zangoose on either side, holding his arms, and the one kneeling on his back, gripping him by his hair.

“Well well... if it isn’t a Sword of Justice,” the one on his back sneered.

Shame and rage burned inside him as he glared at his oppressor. He jerked again, but the grunts' grips only tightened.

The one on his back leaned over, his face uncomfortably close to Drake, so close Drake could see every one of his slicked back crimson-dyed hairs. His breath smelled faintly of smoke and Pecha alcohol. “What’s in the suitcase?” His voice lost all of its sneer, turning chillingly cold.

“None of your business,” Drake snarled. Now that he had gotten a better look he recognized one of them. Ira, who’d perched himself on his back. One of the Crimson Zangooses’ top enforcers. And bad news. Only three weeks ago one of his fellow Swords had staggered into base, bloody and bruised after a run in with him.

What does that mean for you? A dark voice in Drake’s mind chided him.

Ira looked over to the grunt holding his arm. “Take the briefcase.”

Drake’s heart raced. He clutched briefcase as tight as he could, despite the sweat coating his palms. One of them grabbed the briefcase and jerked on it, hard. Biting back the pain, Drake managed to keep his grip. The grunt huffed, then stood up. He raised one boot, and too late Drake realized his intentions. The grunt brought his boot down, heel first, smashing it into Drake’s right hand.

A howl escaped Drake despite his attempts to quash it. He let go, against his will, and the grunt snatched the briefcase. His hand pulsed with pain, and he felt his eyes begin to water. No. Get a grip.

Ira finally released his hold on Drake’s hair, shoving his head back to the ground. Drake let himself go limp, trying not to think about his hand, or how badly it hurt or how he couldn’t even move it properly—

“Briefcase is locked, boss,” one of them grumbled. “Keycode and failsafe, and if we open it by force we might damage whatever’s inside.”

Drake watched Ira wearily from the corner of his eye. A cruel smirk appeared on Ira’s face and he leaned onto Drake harder, digging his knee in. Drake gritted his teeth.

“What’s. The. Code?” Ira growled.

Drake frantically juggled options in his mind, keeping his face a mask. Convince them he didn’t know, or lie and give a false code. Or give him the real one. Not an option. He couldn’t betray Athos. “I don’t know the damn code,” he snapped. “You really think Athos would let me know something like that? I’m just a courier.”

Ira barked a laugh. “I like that answer. I like it a lot.”

Drake felt Ira shift, and he saw him withdrawing a pokeball from his belt. A moment later, a flash of light lit the alley and a pokemon emerged. It took Drake a moment to place the mushroom shaped body and orange chitin. Parasect.

“Looks like we’re taking you to go.” Ira eased back and made a gesture to the Parasect.

Drake's eyes widened and he thrashed harder, heaving with all his might. A small, concentrated cloud of purple spores filled the air. He held his breath as he kicked and jerked helplessly in their grasp. His eyes began to water and his chest grew tight. Don’t breathe don’t breathe don’t—

A boot connected with his side and he gasped involuntarily. Dry, sickly sweet spores coated his nose and mouth and he spat uselessly. He felt the grunts holding his arms let go and he lunged forward, trying to drag himself away. His vision swam as he forced himself to his knees, then to his feet, barely able to keep his eyes open.


His brain screamed at him to make a break, but his body felt... so sluggish... His eyelids drooped and he stumbled awkwardly, grabbing wildly at the wall. He needed... needed to... The floor tilted and he grabbed for the wall and missed.

He never even felt himself hit the ground, just felt the concrete biting into his shoulder as he lay there. Through the dark spots dancing through his vision, he could make out Ira and the two grunts watching him, wearing amused expressions.

Drake clenched his jaw. No, he refused to go down like this. He managed to get one arm under him and push himself up—

Drake returned to consciousness screaming. Searing, burning fire all over his body- no, inside his body, electricity tearing through him, seizing every muscle. At some point he realized the electricity had stopped, and his senses slowly swam back into focus. His mouth felt like he’d swallowed sand and cotton, and his throat ached from screaming. He could still smell the grass-like sweetness of the spore in his nostrils.

A dimly lit cave swam into focus, a single lantern and a cave mouth off to his right the only sources of light. Judging by the colors he could see, it was still early in the afternoon. Coarse ropes bit into his wrists, and he tugged weakly at them. He was seated on the ground and his arms were tied behind him, wrapped around a stony protrusion that ran from the ceiling to the floor. His feet were free, but it wasn’t like it did him much good right now. Ira perched cross-legged on top of a crate a few feet away.

Dammit, the briefcase, where was it? Drake scanned the room frantically. Nothing.

Then he saw the Jolteon sitting at Ira’s feet. A few stray sparks still bounced through its fur. Drake stifled the fear in chest and summoned a glare for Ira, whose only acknowledgement was the amused twinkle in his eye.

“You know, I’m really glad you’re so adamant about not giving up the code. My boss gets all pissy about me snatching rats off the street, says it's not worth the trouble. Only for special exceptions.” A sadistic grin spread across his face. “Lucky for me, this is one of those exceptions. Whatever is in that case is pretty special, I think. And my boss will be pretty happy if I get it. So I get to play my favorite game. Shock and talk.”

Jolteon snarled, fur standing on end and sparking.

Drake tensed, fear clawing at his chest and his thoughts spinning. For some reason the only coherent thought was wondering if Ira practiced his speech with his Jolteon beforehand.

Ira hopped off the crate, stood, and stretched. “Jolteon is quite talented at delivering just the right amount of electricity to hurt without causing too much damage. Pokemon are wonderful like that, aren’t they? This would never work right with human tools.”

Tell him. Tell him now and maybe you go home tonight. Drake crushed the voice and shoved it out of his mind. He could take it. All he had to do was think about anything else, anything at all. And if he just held on long enough... Athos would realize he was gone, right? He’d send someone and they’d find him. But until then he couldn’t betray the Swords. After all, Ira had just said the Jolteon wouldn’t kill him.

Victore had explained to him one time how pokemon's techniques affected humans completely differently than the raw version of elements. Usually not lethal, unless a pokemon wanted them to be. Of course, Drake had realized at the time the only way Victore probably knew that was from practice on others. He still remembered waking up in the middle of the night and hearing the faint screams from the basement. Victore seemed so pleased with himself the next morning, and Athos had given him a pat on the back and congratulated him.

So lost was he in the hazy swirl of memories he ignored Ira asking him something, and Jolteon’s approach. Until another surge of electricity leapt across the room. His vision went white and he thrashed in the ropes involuntarily, blood dripping down his hands.

Drake breathed heavily, his body shaking as he cursed himself mentally. He couldn’t afford to be so weak. Not so soon. When his vision returned again, Ira was crouched in front of him. “Well? Feel like talking yet?”

“I told you, I don’t know anything,” he spat. He snapped his words out, maybe louder than necessary, as he twisted his hands to feel along the ropes around his wrists. The rope was thin, but had been doubled up. Too tight to slip but maybe....

Rule 3 of the streets, always have an escape route. And Ira might have stripped him of the pocket knife he carried, but he’d missed something else. Keeping his face an angry mask was easy as he gently probed the inside cuff of his jacket. There. A tiny sliver of sharp material, hardly larger than a paperclip; a pilfered scrap from a Scyther’s blade. Small but lethally sharp. Exactly what he needed to get out. But he still had to deal with Ira and his pokemon, and he had none of his own.

Mentally, he cursed. It always came down to Pokemon. He didn’t hate Pokemon, but the idea pissed him off; relying on some fickle being to get anything done. Still, what he wouldn’t give to have one of the Swords loan pokemon. That Skorupi was tiny but its poison so useful... Or the Fearow he’d used a few weeks ago. Hell, even a Spearow would be better than nothing. At least he could get help.

For a moment, he allowed himself to fantasize about getting out of the ropes and kicking the crap out of Ira himself. The fantasy was short lived as Ira backed up and gestured to Jolteon, who took a menacing step forwards. “Last chance, but by no means give me the code on my account. I could do this all day, though I’m not sure about you.” His voice was taunting and singsong. Drake wanted to strangle the amusement right out of him.

“Your boss is gonna be really upset when you fail.” Drake glared at Ira, daring him to continue. “I bet he won’t be happy about wasting his time on me, a courier, who doesn’t know anything. But go on, be an idiot, it's more fun for me that way,” Even as he said them, he regretted it. He’d meant every word, but aggravating his tormentor would do him no favors. At least it’d felt good. Through Ira’s calm facade, Drake could tell he’d gotten on the Zangoose’s nerves.

Jolteon hissed. Its hackles rose and he could see it prepping another charge of electricity. Drake tensed reflexively, heart racing. It took another step towards him, fury in its gaze over its master being insulted. One step too close. On a wild impulse, Drake threw himself forward and kicked the Jolteon as hard as he could, sending it rolling across the cave floor before it could attack.

Ira leapt after his Jolteon, dropping to his knees by its side where it’d stopped. Drake’s breath caught in his throat. A slew of curses ran through his head. He’d bought himself a tiny reprieve, but at what cost? The blow wouldn’t actually hurt a pokemon, they were way too tough for any actual damage. All he’d done was incur Ira’s wrath.

A moment later the Jolteon’s eyes flicked open. It blinked once, then twice, and turned its gaze upon him. Ira held up a hand, and Jolteon relaxed slightly. Slowly, Ira rose and turned, cold eyes devoid of all his earlier amusement.

Drake suddenly felt very small and alone. He wanted to be home, to hear Athos congratulating him on a job well done, and be back in his bunk, safe. Wordlessly, Ira took two strides, stopping before Drake. He withdrew a pokeball, held it out, and pressed the button.

Light poured out and Drake squinted. A Zangoose stood before him, an actual Zangoose, white and crimson fur gleaming in the light. Its icy gaze shifted to the Jolteon, then back to Drake, but it remained still. Dread crept through him. He worked harder at the ropes, trying to disguise his movements as shifting away from the Zangoose. He winced inwardly as the blade dug into his hand again, but kept cutting, moving faster.

Ira’s voice came out in a low hiss. “Make him pay.”

The only thing Drake saw was the glint of the Zangoose’s claws. Then they were embedded in his left shoulder. He stared dumbly at the Zangoose, its claws, and the red splotch growing under his jacket. Sparks gathered around Zangoose’s paw. Somewhere in the haze of thoughts running through his mind, he remembered Zangoose could also learn Thunderbolt.


Salandit cringed as the screams echoed through the cave again, his tail lashing side to side as he dug his claws into the rock. At sunhigh, his nap had been disturbed by heavy footfalls and the vibrations of something scraping on the ground. When he’d investigated, he’d found two humans, one of them who looked like he’d fainted and the other dragging him. They were covered in the strange Scrafty-like shed scales humans usually had, one mostly black and the other blue.

At first he’d assumed they were probably friends, and maybe the fainted one had been hurt in a fight and pulled to safety by his friend. Except that wasn’t right. The one wearing the black shed scales kept screaming and the one with red fur on his head was the one making him scream. Horrible, horrible screams, like a Rattata at a Liepard’s mercy.

Now the sun had sunk behind the rocks and they still hadn’t left. This was his cave. Where he came to find solitude, and because the little gap in the back of the cave led to a chamber with nice warm rocks. A place other Salandit hadn’t found, where no Salazzle could take his food, and he didn’t have to fight for scraps.

Another strangled howl echoed through the cave.

Leave it be. He chided himself. Stay out of human affairs and they stay out of yours. One of the laws of the desert. He’d heard the stories of course, about how pokemon working with the humans could get strong, learn how to control their energy in ways no wild pokemon had ever mastered. But he also knew some humans were as mean as a Salazzle. He started to turn around, heading for the tunnel to the thermal vents. Maybe he could get some peace there.

Another guttural cry echoed from the cave's entrance and Salandit curled his tail around his claws, ducking his head. The sound grated at Salandit’s sensitive eardrums and dredged up unpleasant memories of screeching for help in the desert, fending off attacks every time he found food, always competing... The crimson-scaled Krookodile who drove him out of his first home. Silence fell and Salandit’s tongue flicked out. Blood.

Then another sound, from the Krookodile human. The exact words were a mystery to him, but he recognized the high-pitched tone. Fun. The firesacs on his back pulsed as his anger flared. Red Fur was having fun. His eyes narrowed and he crept forwards, towards the bend in the cave. He crawled up the wall and poked his snout around the corner.

The human covered in black scales was propped against a stalagmite, head sagging and chest stained with blood. Electric-scent hung heavily in the air, mixed with fear. He didn’t look good at all, more like a Pidgey who’d tried to tangle with a Lycanroc. Red Fur stood in front of him, flanked by his Jolteon and a Zangoose.

Salandit crawled a few feet closer, sticking to the shadows and keeping his firesacks muted. Just give up, he thought to himself. Maybe if Blackscale gave up or played dead Red Fur would get bored and leave. Then Blackscale looked up at Red Fur. Sheer defiance burned in Blackscale’s gaze, even through his injuries and pain. A spark rippled through Salandit from head to tail when he saw it. How could he look so angry, so strong, when he was losing the fight?

Envy blended with admiration inside him. I want that.

Something in Salandit snapped. Poison bubbled in his throat and he hissed, flames flickering on his back. The Jolteon’s ears twitched and it glanced over its shoulder. Just in time to get a face full of the worst poisonous sludge Salandit could muster. Before Zangoose or Red Fur could react, he’d drenched the Zangoose as well.

He chittered in satisfaction. Rule one of the desert. Always strike first.

The two pokemon howled in pain and surprise, pawing desperately at their faces. A stream of angry noises came from Red Fur, who started to reach for something in his pocket, stopped, and then took out two Sphere’s, and absorbed the Jolteon and Zangoose into them.

At nearly the same moment, Blackscale lunged and tackled Red Fur. The two humans roared and screeched in their strange ways. Salandit couldn't keep up, but he kept the poison bubbling inside just in case Blackscale needed help. And then Red Fur did something, Blackscale screamed, and then Red Fur turned and locked eyes with him.

Salandit froze, then raised his tail and hissed, threateningly. Fire burned in his throat. Red Fur moved quickly, snatching something off the ground. Before Salandit could consider any further, a rock flew at his face.

He shrieked as it glanced off his snout. His claws lost their grip and he tumbled off the wall, striking the ground painfully. Blinking, he tried to gather his bearings. Just as he started to get to his feet, Red Fur’s boot crashed into his side. He soared through the air, flailing blindly, then landed and skidded across the floor, finally rolling to a stop near the cave’s entrance.

In a blind panic, Salandit gathered his legs under him and bolted out of the cave. Stupid. Getting involved with humans was stupid. What had he been thinking? He didn't want to fight, he just wanted to be left alone.

The sinking sun gave more than enough light to see by. His gaze latched onto the only thing out of place among the craggy hills and desert around his home. One of the humans' strange lifeless metal creatures that reminded him of the Revaroom that he occasionally saw patrolling the canyons rested at the bottom of the hill.

Without a second thought he darted forward and sprang onto it, wedging himself inside one of the human sacks attached to the side. He heard more shouting and fighting, from outside, but he ignored it. He’d done what he could. Now he just wanted to make sure he never saw the angry red human again.


Drake staggered out of the cave, his shoulder pulsing with every step. He was still bewildered by the sudden appearance of a tiny reptilian pokemon attacking Ira and his pokemon out of nowhere. Maybe a territory thing? He didn’t care, frankly. The distraction had been exactly what he’d needed to escape. Knocking out Ira had earned him a black eye and a finger dug into his injured shoulder, but he’d gotten the upperhand in the end.

Clutching his shoulder, Drake paused to take stock of his surroundings. The cave seemed to be perched halfway up a rocky hill, and empty desert and canyons surrounded him. Where the hell had Ira taken him? Then, far in the distance, he spotted the telltale glow of Realgam Tower against the night sky, and sighed in relief. Phenac wasn’t too far away.

At the foot of the hill, he spotted a motorbike. His motorbike, stolen by Ira he guessed, to bring him here. He stumbled and skidded down the hill towards it and collapsed against it.

His hands stung as he clung weakly to it, waiting for a wave of dizziness to pass. Just a little farther. He steadied himself then swung his leg over the bike and started it. He was about to speed as far away as he could when he paused, a cold chill settling over him.

The briefcase. It hadn't been in the cave and he didn't see it on the bike. Had Ira left it with one of the other goons? He felt his hands shaking and squeezed the handlebars harder. If he went back without the briefcase...

Rocks clattered down the hill and Drake whipped around to see Ira emerging, face contorted in rage. Drake didn't think twice before gunning the engine and speeding towards Phenac, drowning out Ira's enraged howls as he left the cave and his captor far behind.


Drake's head was spinning by the time he drew close to Phenac. The handlebars were slick with blood from his sliced up hands and the cold desert air pierced his thin day jacket far too easily. His bike ran out of gas before he could circle around to the edge of the city closest to home, so he left it hidden in an alley under a tarp and decided to walk the rest of the way on foot. It'd still be there tomorrow, it was too run down to be worth stealing anyway. He hoped.

Tall apartments surrounded him, ivy crawling up the walls and bars across the windows. The pavement beneath his feet looked cracked and worn. Not the nicest section of town. Judging by the position of the moon it was past midnight, so everyone would be asleep. He just had to cross the city without running into anyone and he'd be home free.

He started forwards, his thoughts drifting as he imagined the warm base and soft bed waiting for him. Without the sting of the cold desert air, he slowly became aware of a pooling warmth along the left side of his torso. Odd. His other side felt fine. At least his shoulder stung a little less. He pushed the thought aside and continued forward.

The alleyway in front of him stretched and warped, and he blinked. It stopped, but the end still felt far away. Unconsciously, he licked his lips. Mews marbles, he couldn't wait to eat a nice warm meal. And put on his thick night jacket. Why had he even come out here without it? Any self-respecting Orre citizen knew how dreadfully cold the nights could get if you didn't have protection. How silly of him.

He stifled a yawn and took another few steps. His legs felt oddly heavy. Probably just tired, which meant he ought to pick up the pace and get home. Athos was probably... He blinked wearily again, his thoughts sluggish. Athos was... His brain searched for the word. Expecting. Athos was expecting him. He was supposed to be home by now. Had Athos tried to send anyone looking for him? He hoped not, he hated the thought of troubling his leader...

Abruptly he pitched and swayed forward, grabbing himself at the last second on the corner of a dumpster. Something must have tripped him. So clumsy. He never tripped, he always tried to be careful. No matter, he'd be home soon, in a warm bed... Warm jacket... Soon.

With enormous effort he picked up his leg, forcing it forward, taking a step, then another. Soon.... Soon...

Stony pavement chilled his cheek as he lay on his side. When had he decided to lay on the ground? Stupid. He'd better get moving if we wanted to make it home in time.

Just had to get... Further. A little... more...

Dull, throbbing pain in his shoulder drew him out of the haze of darkness into wakefulness. A thick blanket was draped across his body, cocooning him in warmth. Had Athos found him—? His hope faded as he took in the room around him. Unfamiliar walls with peeling yellow paint, a sparsely furnished room with only a desk and a closet with a few of its wooden panels taped together, and a single barred window to his right letting in early morning light.


Slowly, his thoughts assembled themselves. Someone had saved him. Scraped him off the alley floor, brought him to their home, and patched him up. It occurred briefly to Drake that if they hadn't... Last night probably would have been his last. Death by hypothermia or blood loss, in some random alley, alone.

He looked down, brushing his fingers against his shoulder. Whoever had dressed it had cut away part of his shirt and rather cleanly bandaged it. His hands bore only thin red lines, reminders of the price he’d paid to free himself.

Gently, Drake peeled back a corner of the bandage. The wound underneath had already started to close up, to his surprise. A thick red line still showed but he could at least move his shoulder better than last night. Definitely the work of a pokemon. The Swords had an Audino healer so he was vaguely familiar with the idea, but this work looked like an even higher skill level.

Of course, the wound still stung almost as fresh as when he'd received it. Phantom pain. The one downside of pokemon healing. Small price to pay, he supposed.

Better job than even Elias and Audino he mused. Thinking poorly of the Swords makeshift medic made him uncomfortable. They always did the best they could. Besides, human healing was harder for pokemon than pokemon healing.

But where exactly was he?

His heart beat a little faster and he sat up, ignoring his shoulder’s protest. A quick glance out the window told him that A, there was no way he was getting out that way, and B, he was at least still in Phenac City. The only exit from the room, unsurprisingly, was a door to the left of the bed. What kind of weirdo puts their bed right beside the door?

Shaking the thought aside, he eased out from under the warmth of the blanket and took a quick stock of himself. His jacket was missing, and after a moment he spotted it hanging from a hook behind the door. Aside from the gash where the Zangoose had stabbed him it actually looked surprisingly clean.

He swung his legs off the bed and located his boots and threw on his jacket. To his relief, his backpack lay nearby too. Clearly whoever had saved him also had some decency he guessed, they hadn’t robbed him blind. Dummy. As grateful as he was for whoever had helped him, every instinct reminded him he needed to get out now.

Never trust anyone except family. Athos' personal rule.

Drake pressed his ear to the door and closed his eyes, listening. Nothing. Moving delicately, he crept over to the desk and slid the drawers open. Maybe they held a clue as to who'd rescued him... Or something he could snag on his way out. No sense returning home empty handed.

There was nothing in the first drawer save for a dusty pair of glasses and broken watch. Rolling his eyes, he slid open the other drawer. His eyes bulged and his blood turned to ice.

A badge.

His rescuer was a cop.

He muttered a curse under his breath as he stared at the badge. Marcel Benedetti. Great. Just great. Being seen by a cop was bad enough, being rescued by one was even worse.

Shoving the drawer shut, he crossed the room and poked his head into the closet. A slow grin crept over his face as he spied a safe on a shelf. The safe was good, but one he’d seen before, and definitely one he could crack.

Five minutes later, the safe was open. Jackpot. A whole case of Ultra Balls, a sizeable haul of cash, a pack of Rare Candies, and a set of Hyper Potions. He also noted a few documents and a photo, which he ignored. Papers were worthless in Orre. The real value was items. Things the Swords could use. Moving quickly, he packed everything into his backpack, shut the safe and locked it again.

Everything in the apartment was still quiet, so he risked poking his head out the door. Outside the room looked like a fairly regular apartment. He'd never lived in one but he'd robbed enough to know how they looked. Except this one seemed particularly plain. Only the basics of furniture. A small table with one chair, a rumpled couch with patches, and a kitchen area off to the side. Either this guy was super into minimalist loser or he was a terrible interior decorator.

No sign of anyone, either. He could only guess they'd left for whatever reason. Good. Made leaving much easier. Giving the room one last check, he bolted out the door.


Ten minutes later, he was on his bike, dry desert air whipping through his hair and his backpack heavy with supplies as he sped towards home base. For the first time in hours the pressure in his chest eased and he could relax. Safe. He was safe. Alive.

A few minutes later the familiar district of his home came into view. He stashed his bike in his usual spot, practically sprinting the last stretch until the warehouse came into view. The Hoothoot at the entrance gave him a curious look, then greeted him with a soft churr as he entered.

The chatter of the main room ceased, every eye turning to him as he entered. Drake wilted, pulling the straps of his backpack tighter and ducking his head. Whispers rippled down the hall, and a tension thickened the air. His gaze roved over everyone, hurrying past Victore and doing his best to ignore the older boy's dark look.

At the far end of the room, the door creaked open. Drake swallowed and started forward. Athos stood in the doorway, arms crossed and his face unreadable. He stopped in front of Athos and kept his eyes trained on the ground.

“Come in,” Athos said softly. He wrapped his arm around Drake’s shoulders, drawing him inside and shutting the door. Some of the tension left Drake’s body. Athos sat on his chair, leaning forwards onto his desk. Drake could feel his hard gaze analyzing him, settling first on his empty hands then on his shoulder. When he spoke, his voice was calm, even. “What happened, Drake?”

Allowing himself to relax, Drake set his backpack down and pulled out the red bandana he’d taken off Ira. “A group of Crimson Zangoose attacked me. They...” his voice faltered. Zangoose’s cold eyes flashed through his mind, and his shoulder throbbed. “Captured me and stole the briefcase. And then they- he— Ira,” he fumbled for his words, pushing out the thought of the Jolteon. “One of them tried to make me give up the code.”

Athos’ eyes narrowed. “And?”

Drake smirked. “I didn’t tell him anything. I managed to escape and get back here.”

“And the briefcase?” Athos asked pointedly.

“Gone,” he replied, voice cracking. “They took it somewhere else.” Noting the irritation in Athos’ eyes, he picked up his backpack and unzipped it. “But I did get something good, stole these from some cops apartment who-”

“A cop?” Athos tensed, his jaw tightening.

Drake scrambled to figure out how to explain his story. “It was an accident, but I found us a lot of good supplies and he never even saw me leave so he has no idea who I am...”

Athos rose to his feet and held out a hand. Drake handed him the backpack and sat down on the couch. Wordlessly, Athos probed through the backpack before setting it down on the desk. “These are excellent and will be very helpful. Good job.”

Relief flowed through Drake and he allowed himself to grin.

“But Drake, you understand that losing the briefcase and getting found by a cop is very serious. The Swords are a family, and everything you do affects all of us.” He rose slowly from his desk, stepping around it to stand in front of Drake.

Drake’s stomach twisted as Athos stood over him.

“I asked you not to screw up. I trusted you, and you let me down.”

Hot shame trickled through Drake and he bowed his head. He mentally cursed himself, fighting the lump in his throat. I let him down. Not just Athos, but everyone. All the Swords. His family. Because he’d been careless. “I’m sorry,” he choked out the words. “Next time I’ll do better—”

Athos' voice cut him off like a whip. “This isn’t about next time! You failed today, and you must not forget the gravity of failure.” In a flash, Athos’ hand shot out, grabbing Drake by the throat.

Drake wheezed and scrabbled desperately to loosen his grip. All semblance of gentleness and care had vanished from Athos’ eyes. With a jerky movement, Athos thrust him across the room. He struck the wall hard, sending pain flaring through his shoulder again as he stumbled. Dark spots danced across his vision. Tears gathered in his eyes but he swallowed them back. If you hadn’t failed this wouldn’t be happening.

In two strides, Athos crossed the room. Drake saw him raise his fist and his mind blanked. The blow hit his jaw, snapping his head to the side and into the wall. A garbled cry escaped his raw throat and he tried to move away, only to back into the corner of the room.

Athos shook his head. When he spoke, his voice was low, tinged with disappointment. “I asked one thing of you Drake. Because I trusted you, because I saw potential in you.”

Drake shrank back even further and dropped his gaze to Athos’ boots. The words stung deep. Potential. Athos’ had believed in him, and he’d returned that with carelessness and stupid mistakes. If he’d paid more attention, fought better or just gotten the damn briefcase back, this wouldn’t have happened. It was his fault again, just like always.

Athos swung again, this time striking Drake with an open palm on the other side of his face. His ears rang from the blow. Before Drake could find his bearings, Athos jabbed him in the stomach. He doubled over, gasping as Athos held him up by the back of his shirt. Drake barely felt the other blow, or the kick when he finally crumpled to the floor.

At some point, he realized Athos was talking to him, saying something. Kneeling to look him in the eyes. Drake stared at Athos in a half lucid state, hating himself when he saw the disappointment in Athos’ expression.

“—pains me to do this, Drake. The Swords are my family, and yours. All I want is for us to be strong. And we’re only strong when we stick together and work together. You understand how important that is, right? Our mistakes are not just our own, they are all of ours. Getting seen by a cop like that is serious.” He patted Drake’s good shoulder and gave it a friendly squeeze. “We must be cautious at all times if we’re going to survive and keep our way of life. Do you understand?” The friendly squeeze grew slightly less friendly.

“I understand,” Drake mumbled. A yawning pit of shame still churned in his stomach and every part of his body ached. If he’d just kept himself together longer and made it back... “I’m sorry, Athos.”

The barest hint of a smile returned to Athos' face. “Just don’t do it again.” He ruffled Drake’s hair and Drake felt a weary smile tug at his lips. “Now,” Athos said, standing up and pulling Drake to his feet, “why don't you go see Elias? Then get yourself something to eat and some rest.”

Drake nodded, managed to mumble an acknowledgement, and limped out of the room.


The rest of the day passed by in a daze. Their Audino patched him up well enough, and Elias, their medic, commented that his cracked ribs still needed to heal properly so he ought to avoid strenuous activity for a day or two. Elias also asked about the healing job on his hands and shoulder, but Drake brushed him off.

Once Elias was done, he got himself a plate of food and hurried out of the warehouse, away from all the prying eyes and questions he was sure to get from the other Swords. And most of all, Victore’s smug looks.

As much as he loved the Swords, he couldn’t face them right now. Not after he’d messed up. He just wanted to be alone. So he took his food to the one place where he wouldn't be disturbed.

A spot on a roof a few buildings away, where the low wall and piles of rubbish shielded him from prying eyes, but gave him a nice view of the desert and the Realgam Tower, shining in the distance. Getting up proved trickier than usual with his aching ribs and sore body, but it was nothing he hadn't done before. It was worth it once he sunk into the sun warmed pile of cushions he'd stolen for himself and heaved a shaky sigh.

Blissful solitude. Just him and a nice meal.

Halfway through eating he heard a scuffling sound and whipped around, hands already clenched into fists and his body tense. Victore? Some other Sword perhaps, or had the Crimson Zangoose tried to follow him?

To his surprise, a scaly black head poked over the edge of the roof, lavender gaze fixed on him. Drake squinted at the reptilian pokemon. Same species as the one from the cave. Saldnit or something? Salandit? That sounded right.

Either way, Salandit definitely weren’t street pokemon. They lived in the wilds, in canyons and around Mt Battle and near Pyrite. What was one doing here in Phenac? Unless... “Were you in the cave? Are you the one who helped me?” He felt stupid even asking such a question, considering it meant the Salandit had somehow followed him across the desert all the way here, which sounded ridiculous.

The Salandit slowly nodded, and Drake blinked, stunned. “Wow... ,” he said finally. "Probably would have been a lot harder without your help." Why? Why care about him, why intervene, and then follow him here? He wasn’t important. On an impulse, Drake held out a chunk of meat from his lunch. “Here. You can have this. As payment.”

Its gaze lit up and it scuttled forward, snatching the meat out of his hands and swallowing it in a few gulps. Drake chuckled. “Hungry, huh? Food must be hard to come by in the desert.” It nodded again, then edged closer. A flicker of sympathy grew in Drake. It had been a long time ago, before he joined the Swords, but he still remembered how it felt to be hungry. And alone.

With a shrug, he handed the last piece of his lunch to it. “Take the rest.” Thanks to the Swords, it had been years since Drake had gone hungry, and he could always get more. As the Salandit scarfed down the food he reached out, then rested his palm on its back, stroking it. It paused eating and chittered happily, nuzzling against his hand.

Drake smiled. His gaze once again fell on the horizon as he ran his hand down Salandit’s back. Salandit had risked his life to help him. If Salandit hadn’t acted... Drake shivered in the desert heat. Would he still be in that cave? Unconsciously, he rubbed his shoulder with his other hand.

As he did, Salandit churred happily and curled up under his touch. He looked down at the tiny lizard pokemon. “Thank you.”
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Part 2: Law and Orre-der


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Part 2: Law and Orre-der

As soon as Marcel started down the hallway and neared his apartment, he knew something was wrong. Sixth sense, cop intuition, or subconscious observation. He wasn’t really sure which, but he could feel a prickle down his spine and unease. His thoughts immediately jumped to the guy he’d practically pulled out of the dumpster late last night.

No ID, and roughed up pretty bad. Wearing a jacket way too thin for a desert night, leaking blood from a bad stab wound on his shoulder, and his hands sliced up. At the time, he’d speculated he was some civilian, assaulted by one of Orre’s gangs.

Normally he’d never leave a stranger alone in his apartment, but he’d had no choice when a disturbance on the first floor required his intervention. Less than ten minutes he’d been gone. Surely nothing had happened in that time?

The pokeball on his ankle clip twitched, and then burst open. The light faded and his Dachsbun, Loaf, appeared at his side, tense and ready to spring into action. Marcel leaned down to pat Loaf on the head. All his standard issue pokeballs were equipped with an emotion sensor, in case of danger and Loaf had always been the first to respond.

With Loaf close to his heel and his nose to the ground, Marcel started down the short walk to his apartment. He stopped in front of his door. Loaf sniffed at the base then gave a soft growl and a whuff. Safe, but something was still agitating him.

Marcel turned the knob, then stepped inside and froze. The door had been locked when he left it. His heart sank. He hurried inside, Loaf squeezing past him and sniffing the air before announcing the room was clear.

Loaf shot him a pointed look, and Marcel nodded, making a beeline for the bedroom and to his safe. With a sinking heart, he opened it to find it empty. All Marcel could manage was a long sigh as he slumped to the ground in front of it. His heart lurched and for a moment, he feared everything had been stolen, before he spotted the single photograph haphazardly jammed in the back.

With a sigh of relief, he slid it out. His heart twisted as it always did when he looked at it. It showed two grinning officers in training gear, arms around each other’s shoulders and an Alolan beach behind them. The picture had been taken a few years ago, at a training camp he’d attended with his partner. Swallowing, he put the photo back in the empty safe and shut it.

Loaf whined and pressed against his side. “Leo should have been here,” he muttered to him. Shaking his head, he stood up with a sigh, glancing around the empty room.

The safe had contained all of his most valuable possessions he’d brought when he moved from Paldea. And now he had nothing. Whoever the guy was he’d helped last night had thanked him by bleeding him dry. That’s what I get for being nice. His Chimecho, Coda, had done such a nice job healing him too. She’d be furious. Despite his annoyance, Marcel didn’t regret it. He couldn’t. Thief or not he wouldn't leave someone to die in an alley.

Shaking his head, he chuckled to himself. “Been here a week and already been robbed,” he muttered, trading a look with Loaf. “They really weren’t kidding about Orre.”


After confirming with Loaf there was no sign of his mystery thief around the apartment, and the scent trail ended cold in the alleyway, Marcel set to work. He’d thankfully taken a photo of the thief after patching him up, just in case, so he at least wasn’t completely in the dark.

Pulling out his phone, he swiped open the gallery, then pressed a button on the back of the phone and waited. A few seconds later, a holographic image of a Porygon flickered to life above the phone. “Good morning Marcel!” it chirped in its usual mechanical voice. “I was just doing a bit of file cleaning, did you need something?”

“Yes, actually. Our friend from last night cleaned out my safe.”

Porygon’s eyes widened, and its form flickered. “You’re k-kidding!” it beeped, its speech skipping slightly, as it did whenever it got too annoyed. “He looked so nice in his photo too...”

Its limbs spun and Marcel could sense the mischief from the cyber pokemon.“So we’re gonna find him, right?”

Marcel nodded. “I was hoping you could poke around the police databases actually, see if there’s anything on him. But just ... don’t alert Admin yet? I’d prefer to know more before I have to explain getting robbed.”

Porygon gave a short, high pitched beep, then promptly vanished.

Tucking the phone away, Marcel grabbed the rest of his things (thank goodness the guy had left his gun alone, or else things would be way worse) and after securely locking his door again, started for the precinct headquarters.

He kept his eyes peeled as he strolled the streets of Phenac, and his senses on high alert. Phenac was a good deal larger of a city than ten years ago, and it had already been one of Orre’s larger cities. It was easily still the wealthiest too, alongside Gateon. Which meant it was a thief's dream. Overhead, he could just make out the flicker of red that was his Talonflame, Scorch, keeping watch. Her eyes were second to none, and he had little worry while she was on watch.

His thoughts turned towards his thief, and the state he’d found him in. Mugged? Gang attack? Maybe a gang war incident? That meant his thief might belong to one of Orre’s shadowy organized crime rings. But which one? From what he recalled researching before he moved, there were several that had cropped up ever since Orre became more peaceful and Snagem and Cipher had been properly brought down.

Both of their respective leaders were either dead or in jail, and the resulting period of peace that followed had tempted plenty of petty criminals trying to make easy money. Authorities doubled down on the small time ones, causing a pushback that led to more organized crime. A blessing and a curse, as far as he was concerned. Organized meant less violence for the average citizen, but brought plenty of its own issues.

Namely, a surge in colosseum fight fixing, predatory loans, illegal distribution of battle items, and plenty of high-end thievery. Anything from battle items to jewelry and money had become fair game. Coupled with Orre’s lack of a true organized league or gym circuit, it meant that various gangs would front as benevolent protectors while trying to make as much money as they could.

The Crimson Zangoose and Silver Seviper were two of the prominent ones always at odds, but they tended to operate in other cities, like Pyrite Town. Which meant—


His phone vibrated and a moment later, Porygon emerged in its physical form. “I think I found something!” it said, its electronic voice sounding like a tv with the volume on low.

Marcel nodded in acknowledgement. “Let’s get to my desk and then you can tell me.”

Picking up his pace, he hurried the last block to the precinct, jogging inside and giving a few waves to some of the officers he’d met. He was early, so hopefully he’d have a bit of time to hear what Porygon had found.

Once he settled in, Porygon popped out and began explaining. There wasn’t much, it was all extremely flimsy but a home security camera caught a tiny glimpse of someone in a dark jacket, moving quickly down a street, right after a robbery that had happened at a fancy mansion on the outskirts. Then there were scraps of chatter in cyberspace about a shipment of EXP candies from Galar. Supposedly the guy was meeting a member of the Swords of Justice.

Ironic name, considering they were actually one of the largest gangs in Orre, and definitely not dedicated to justice. Marcel knew a little about them, although they were fairly good at keeping things very low profile. Their leader went by ‘Athos’, a self-given name based on an ancient Kalosian myth. They were suspected of many crimes, especially high-end theft and dealing in stolen and illegal goods, but of course were never actually caught.

“So our thief might be a member of the Swords of Justice?” Marcel mused.

Porygon nodded, bobbing its head. “I’ll keep poking around though, maybe I can find something.”

Something in its tone fizzled and Marcel quirked an eyebrow. “You’re thinking of checking the dark net?”

Its eyes flashed and it nodded again eagerly.

Marcel shook his head. “Well, I can’t really stop you. Just be careful. And stay away from other security Rotom and other Porygon. Last thing we need is a trace.”


One week slipped by. Marcel did his best to acclimate to Orre, his new coworkers and Orre’s PD. It was so different from what he was used to in Paldea. Whereas Paldea put an emphasis on human partners; Orrean officers were expected to work independently to cover more ground, and have a strong team. One of the requirements to join had been a minimum three pokemon squad, with at least two battle ready mon.

Time was split between street patrols and desk work, and he was expected to work with the other officers whenever he was on desk duty to build cases. Most of his coworkers were dedicated and serious, and generally more cynical; unsurprisingly. Orre seemed to have a way of hardening those that called it home. They worked hard but he struggled to see himself becoming close friends with any of them, a thought which brought a faint pang to his heart.

Fortunately, his Chief at least seemed pleasant and agreeable enough. He’d worked with bad chiefs before, but Jensen was dedicated and seemed honest.

During that week, he kept his eyes and ears peeled for any signs of his mystery thief. Any time he went on patrol, he closely watched anyone even close to his thief’s description. Then one day, near the end of his shift, his vigilance paid off.

It happened while he was on patrol in Phenac’s upperclass districts. A flash of a familiar dark jacket and hair, and a glimpse of a face burned into his memory. Just ahead, moving quietly through the crowd. Marcel followed, keeping his movements casual. Keeping his hand by his waist, he made a discreet waving motion, then pointed towards his target. He didn’t need to look up to know Scorch would be tracking from above.

His Mystery Thief was good, moving through the crowd effortlessly. Even so, Marcel kept pace with him. Navigating crowded streets and tailing targets without arousing suspicion was something he was familiar with. And then his target slipped around a small crowd and ducked into an alley.

Marcel made his move, breaking into a light jog and closing the distance. When he ducked around the corner he saw his Mystery Thief halfway to the other side. He raised his weapon. “Freeze, Orre PD!”

The Thief glanced over his shoulder, and his eyes widened.

Marcel recognized the telltale tensing of a suspect's body and the way he bent at the knees, ready to make a run. The thief had barely even turned back around before Marcel raised a finger to his lips and gave a sharp whistle.


A bolt of fire crashed to the ground in front of the thief, halting him. Scorch flared his wings in front of the stunned thief and shrieked. Marcel wasted no time, grabbing him and shoving him toward the wall, pinning him. A stream of curses came from the thief’s mouth as he tried to struggle free, but a warning cry from Scorch made him pause.

“Let me go! I didn’t do anything this is unjust-”

Marcel finished clipping the handcuffs around his wrists and turned him around, staring up into his eyes. The thief stared back with equal ferocity, vitriolic hatred and disgust in his gaze. He stood almost a half a head taller than Marcel, and given his puffed up stance, seemed to be trying to leverage that. Marcel returned his gaze without flinching.

A face he’d recognize anywhere. No such recognition seemed to pass through the thief’s gaze though.

“I know the rules. I’m innocent. You can’t arrest me for anything,” the Thief snarled.

A wry grin spread across Marcel’s face. “Except say, robbing an officer of the law after he picked your sorry self off the street and saved your life?”

The reaction was instant. Widening eyes, face growing suddenly paler and a subtle panicked swallow. And then the mask of anger returned.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“We’ll see about that.” Still smiling, Marcel nodded to Scorch before returning him, and then locked eyes with the thief again. “You and I are gonna have a little chat.”


Marcel studied his adversary as he sat across from him. He’d found a rather useful closed down little shop just off the alley and ducked into it. The thief’s hands were cuffed behind him and he was seated on a dusty bucket Marcel had found. At first, Marcel had considered radioing for a teleport and bringing him to the station. But something gave him pause. Something he couldn’t shake. Maybe this guy could be reasoned with...

The thief looked younger than him by a good few years, Marcel guessed early twenties perhaps. Had the usual hard edge to his face and seemingly endless defiance and anger. Locking eyes with him, Marcel chose his next words carefully.

“So you’re a member of the Swords of Justice...” he let his words hang ever so slightly, wavering between a question and a statement.

A scowl deepened on the thief’s face, and he spat, but otherwise remained silent. Marcel suppressed a triumphant smirk of his own. The scowl was genuine, but it was also secondary. Fear had come first, which meant Porygon’s theory was correct. This guy was a member of the Swords.

“Who put you in that alley?”

The only answer was a glare.

Marcel continued, keeping his tone affable. “I could help, if you knew something. It wouldn’t come from you, of course, and no one would kno—”

“I ain’t no damn rat,” he snarled. “And if you think that trying to get me to talk will get you anything, it won’t. I know your game, and I’m not playing.” He shifted and sat up straighter, doing his best to glare down on Marcel.

“I’m serious,” Marcel said evenly. “I don’t care what experiences you’ve had with other officers, I’m ready to talk, off the books.” He spread his arms to gesture to the rundown shop around them. “I could have brought you to the station, but I didn’t.” He paused. He still had one more card to play, if he couldn’t get anything from him, but he wanted to keep things close to his chest for now. “If it's a rival gang, just do yourself a favor and get them out of your way. What do you say?”

The thief curled his lip and glared, shifting again. “Go lick a Muk.”

Marcel stood. “Fine. Hard way then.”

Abruptly, the thief’s gaze shifted, focusing on something over Marcel’s shoulder. On instinct, Marcel ducked and spun around, just in time for a hissing Salandit to land where he’d sat a moment ago, fire sizzling down its back and fangs bared.

At the same moment, the thief shot to his feet, hands suddenly free, and lunged. He drove his shoulder into Marcel, tackling him onto his back, then raised his hand. The thief brought his hand down in a slashing motion just as Marcel threw up his arm to block.

For a brief moment, something stung, but Marcel ignored it, gathering his legs under him and thrusting the thief off. He rolled to the side and rose into a crouch, just as Loaf burst from his pokeball. The light flashed to Marcel’s right, meeting a snarling Salandit midair and knocking it aside as Loaf took form.

Salandit retaliated, drenching Loaf with a face full of poisonous sludge. Loaf howled, and Salandit lunged for him, ready to strike again. Marcel leaped in front of Loaf, shielding the stunned Dachsbun and knocking Salandit back with a swift kick, sending it rolling a few feet away.

Marcel grimaced and turned just in time to see the thief rushing for the back door. He gave chase, making it three steps before the floor pitched under him and he crashed to the ground, hard. The room tilted as Marcel pushed himself to his feet. The thief had reached the back exit, fumbling with the door. Once more Marcel tried to rise, making it to his knees before his limbs gave out.

His heartbeat thrummed in his ears, and his vision shifted in and out of focus. He glanced over his shoulder to see Salandit and Loaf still facing off. Salandit hissed, waving its tail. Loaf snarled back, poison still dripping from his snout and face, and launched a rapid-fire Mud Shot, striking Salandit and knocking it into a wall.

It managed to rise again, then opened its jaws and let out a stream of thick black smoke. With clumsy movements, Marcel quickly released Scorch into the small room. The Talonflame reacted swiftly, beating her wings and dispersing the smoke cloud as Marcel’s eyes watered and he held his breath.

In a few moments, the smoke had cleared, but it was enough - the Salandit was gone, and so was the thief. Marcel blinked, trying to gather himself, and rose again, grabbing at a shelf to pull himself to his feet. It broke under his weight and he collapsed again. Through still blurred vision, he saw Scorch’s gaze turn to him, alarm in her eyes.

In a daze, Marcel rolled onto his back, darkness creeping in. Poison. The little snake had poisoned him somehow.

Scorch gave a frantic shree, and he saw Loaf coming to his side. His Chimecho’s pokeball opened unbidden, and the last thing he saw was her worried face hovering close to his own, and a distant, pleasant chiming...


Marcel jolted awake with a gasp, a weight tumbling from his chest as he sat up. The world took a few seconds to stop spinning as he quickly gathered his bearings. Still in the rundown shop, Loaf on his lap while Scorch perched a few feet away and Coda hovered in front of him.

He blinked and licked his lips.”Is everyone alright?’ he asked hoarsely. Loaf looked fine at least, the poison on his face gone, and his pokemon appeared concerned but otherwise uninjured. They all nodded, and Marcel’s gaze shifted to Coda. She drifted down and draped herself around Marcel’s neck, and he patted her head. “All good, Coda?”

She gave a low chime and nodded.

“Was it bad?”

She shook her head, chiming again, and Marcel frowned. He understood her enough to catch her drift - the poison hadn’t been bad or even slightly lethal. Curious, Marcel checked his watch. Only a few minutes had actually passed. And already he could feel the fogginess fading and his senses returning to normal.

After thanking Coda again, she returned to her ball to rest, as did Loaf, leaving Marcel alone for the moment. Shaking his head, he sighed deeply, then looked around until he located his cuffs. How had the thief escaped them? He examined them closer, noting the tiny cuts around the lock. Picked? Marcel frowned. He’d searched the thief fairly thoroughly and checked all his pockets and his ankles and boots. Where had he hidden a pick?

“Next time,” he growled, putting his cuffs back on his belt. He gave the shop one last check, his mind still racing. Had the Salandit been working with the thief? Or had someone sent it? Another Sword maybe? No, unlikely, considering they hadn’t shown themselves at all. So his thief had acquired a pokemon.

Exhaling sharply, he slowly left the alley. Part of him felt annoyed that the thief had escaped. Now he’d go to ground most likely and be twice as hard to locate. Some tiny part of him was slightly impressed. He liked a challenge, and clearly this thief wasn’t completely stupid. Somehow he’d hidden a lockpick and escaped... and poisoned you. “Must be going soft,” he muttered wryly to himself. That and Orre's criminals were probably worse. Lugia’s scales, he missed Leo...

What fascinated him was that his mystery thief wasn’t a killer. Not that there were many poisons so effective on humans they could kill that fast but still... He’d made no attempt to land a lethal blow. Or even use a stronger poison...

The rest of the day passed by quickly. He caught one purse snatcher, who he let off with a severe warning, and defused an argument between a shop owner and a pretentious patron.

By the time he got home he was ready to turn in early.

As he flopped onto his worn couch, which he’d gotten at a discount to avoid the hassle and fees of cross-region furniture transport, a beep from his phone drew his attention. He withdrew it to see Porygon bouncing excitedly between the 4 corners of the screen. “I got something!” It buzzed.

“What, no ‘glad to see you’re okay?’” he teased.

Porygon gave him a deadpan look. “Of course you’re fine! Coda said you were, which means no need for me to worry!”

Marcel raised an eyebrow and chuckled. “Fair. What’d you find?”

“A name.” Porygon paused dramatically for effect before its voice buzzed out. “Drake.”


Three weeks passed before Marcel saw Drake again. He arrived at work one morning to find the holding cell occupied by one very angry looking and familiar face. Along with two others he didn’t recognize in the second cell. A couple of his fellow officers were hanging nearby, one of them with a black eye.

“Interesting morning?” Marcel said as he watched Drake curiously. The younger man didn’t meet his eyes, simply glaring at the wall with his arms crossed.

The officer with the black eye, Rafel, snorted and nodded. “Broke up a fight between four guys and got myself this for my trouble,” he gestured to his eye.”Between me and Hypno though, we got three of them. Chief plans to try and get as many charges to stick as he can. Put ‘em away and off the streets for a bit.” His scowl deepend. He jerked his head in Drake’s direction. “That one gave me the black eye, so we can definitely charge him. The other two are from the Crimson Zangoose.”

Marcel frowned. Aggravated assault and battery, and assault on an officer would land Drake in jail for a good while. Drake would be useless in jail...

Murmuring a thanks, Marcel quickly hurried across the station to the chief’s office and knocked on the door. He’d only spoken to the man a few times since he’d started working, since he always seemed busy - rarely did Marcel ever see him leave before the other officers on shift, and it seemed like every morning he was always in the office before everyone else or helping with patrols.

“Come,” came Chief Samo’s mumbled voice.

When Marcel entered, he saw Chief Samo sitting behind his desk, staring at a folder in his hand. An absolute giant of a Purugly occupied half the room, and lay on its bed idly grooming herself. She looked up at Marcel as he entered, scrutinizing him.

Marcel glanced away from her piercing gaze and to Chief Samo.

“Sir, I have a request.” Might as well be forthright.

Chief Samo set down the folder and looked up, adjusting his round spectacles. “What is it?”

“The man Rafel brought in, Drake. I have reason to believe he’s connected with the Swords of Justice and the mansion robbery.” And robbing my house. “I think he could be a valuable asset.”

Chief Samo rubbed his chin thoughtfully. He traded a glance with his Purugly. “Go on,” he said finally.

A spark of excitement flared in Marcel. “Here’s my proposal.”


A few minutes later, he had Drake transferred to an interrogation cell. Of course, he thoroughly searched him this time, discovering the tiny poison coated shard of Scyther blade tucked into his jacket sleeve. Clever.

Marcel studied him from the other side of the glass. Drake sat leaned back in his chair, arms folded and a scowl on his face. Exactly like plenty of other criminals Marcel had seen. All attitude and anger, full of every excuse under the sun. Except something was off slightly. Shoulders too hunched, and despite Drake leaning back casually, he looked too tense. Nervous.

Could he use that? Drake was the first real lead they had on the Swords of Justice, and if he could convince him to help, then they might get a proper shot at taking them down. Chief Samo had approved his suggestion, under the condition Marcel handled it himself. Now all that remained was convincing Drake this was in his best interest as well.

Drake was young too, maybe twenty three or twenty four by Marcel’s estimate. He had his whole life ahead of him, and if he could get him to see that and take the deal, he had a chance to get out of the life he was in. Gathering himself, Marcel tucked the folder he held under one arm, and stepped into the room.

He stepped up to the table, studying Drake’s reaction.

Dread and anger. Frustration burned in his dark eyes. “You can only hold me for 12 hours. And I have nothing to say to you, so you might as well stop wasting your breath.” Drake said icily. “I have nothing to say to you.”

Marcel sat down across the table and set the folder down before folding his hands. “We can hold you for a lot longer than that, Drake,” he said gravely. “The minimum is five years.”

The color drained from Drake’s face and he tensed, but remained silent.

“That’s not counting whatever other charges that might come up. I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess you’re not interested in spending the next several years of your life in jail.”

Still Drake said nothing.

Marcel slid the folder across the table. “We’re prepared to give you a deal.” Drake’s gaze dipped briefly to the folder, lingering as he leaned forward ever so slightly. “I know you run with the Swords of Justice. And you’re more familiar with Orre’s underbelly than most officers. Help me get information on them, and other gangs. And in exchange, you get a reduced sentence...” he paused to let his words sink in. “And immunity for yourself.”

Drake snorted. “I told you already I’m no rat.” Despite his anger, his tone lacked conviction compared to last time he’d said it.

“So you’d go to jail to protect rival gangs?”

“I’m not protecting anyone. But I’m not telling you anything.”

Marcel sighed through gritted teeth. Dense kid. “Listen. Don’t think of this as ratting anyone out. This is the same as anything else. A job.”

“Seriously? A job? I guess you’re too stupid to know this, but being a squawkabilly doesn’t. pay. In Orre we don’t turn belly up just because some newbie cop in town wants to try and impress his boss.”

“Really? That’s what you’re sticking with?” Marcel slammed his hand on the desk, and Drake flinched. “Those guys out there don’t have any standards, and neither do the sort of people you run with. Don’t try to play the tough guy. You don’t have options. It’s jail, or this. And if you really believe you’re being tough by choosing jail, then you’re a fool. Enjoy losing the next years of your life to being stuck in a tiny cell.”

Reaching across the table, Marcel took the folder back, stood up, and started for the door.

His handle was on the knob before Drake spoke. “Wait.”

Marcel turned around slowly.

Drake was sitting forward now, hands resting on the table. “Look. Clearly you need me. Maybe I’ll help, but there’s gotta be something in it for me.”

“You’re kidding,” Marcel muttered under his breath. “You’re not going to jail. That’s what’s in it for you.”

“I’m sticking my neck out for you. I want to get compensation.” Drake sat back and folded his arms as if he’d just played a winning hand in poker.

For several seconds, Marcel stared at Drake in utter disbelief. First he’d wanted nothing to do with it, now he wanted to negotiate? Marcel chuckled and rolled his eyes. “How will I ever do my job without the street thief who left his blood and fingerprints all over my house.” Still chuckling he shook his head. “I think I’ll just ask them to add another count of theft and maybe breaking and entering. Or exiting, in your case.” He started for the door again. “And try not to collapse in my alleyway again, I’m not saving you a second time.”

This time, Marcel made it halfway out the door before Drake stopped him.

“...I’ll take it.” The vitrol was mostly gone from his tone, and as Marcel turned around, he could see the defeat in Drake’s eyes, and resignation. Marcel resisted the urge to grin. Trapped. He’d won. He slid the folder across the table to Drake and tossed him a pen.

After skimming the contract, Drake scrawled a messy signature on the contract and shoved it across the table. Marcel picked up, unable to resist a slight smile. “Don’t worry, as long as you’re CI, I’ll look out for you. You’re more useful to me alive, which means I’ll try to keep you that way, got it?” It wasn’t always a sentiment shared by every officer he knew, given that a CI could just as easily try to get a cop killed, but Marcel had always disagreed. He couldn’t stand by and let someone get hurt under his watch.

Drake snorted, glaring at him. “I don’t need anything from you. I can handle myself.”

Marcel gave him a dubious look. “Right.” He stepped up to the table and unlocked Drake’s handcuffs from the loop on the table, then led him towards the door. “Well, since you can ‘take care of yourself’, you probably don’t want to put on a show for the guys outside, right? I’m sure they won’t mind if I show them the fancy deal you made.”

Resentment bristled in Drake’s eyes.

With a grin, Marcel opened the door and shoved Drake roughly out. The holding cells were just past the interrogation room, and making sure he was close enough to be heard, he said, “if you don’t want to talk, then have fun in jail.”

After a little show of struggle, Marcel put Drake back into the cell and returned to his desk. He’d be processed shortly, and all his personal information added to their private database, and then they’d likely make a show of letting him out with ‘not enough to make the charges stick or the like.’

As he sat at his desk, staring in the direction of the holding cells, Loaf emerged from his ball to keep him company.

“This is just the beginning,” he murmured.

Loaf growled softly, and Marcel patted his head. “I know, I don’t trust him either. And everything he says might be a lie. Or a misdirect. But even a misdirect can be useful, once you know what they’re trying to make you look away from.”

The only response from the Dachsbun was a doubtful huff.

Marcel just smiled in turn. Despite his apprehension, he couldn’t help but feel a slight excitement. He could only hope that this arrangement turned out well. Not just for the sake of a more peaceful Orre, but maybe he could even help this kid find a better life. He gave Loaf one last scratch under the chin.

“All we can do is try, Loaf.”
Last edited:


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Hi Tetra! Getting started with catching up on my reading list with your Drake story! I know I already gave you some thoughts but I figured i'd go ahead and drop a small review here too for posterity's sake. I read your review preferences so I'll try to keep things on the lighter side. My critiquing chops are admittedly kind of dead right now so I've just got some very generalized feelings and a few specific callouts here and there.

First of all, I love the way Drake is written so far. You do really well in capturing the mix of "hardened, brainwashed thief" and "emotionally damaged and terrified little kid who's just trying to survive" and I love it a lot. It makes me actually feel bad for him 99% of the time when the other 1% I kind of just want to grab him by the shoulders and scream "WHAAAAAAAAAAT ARE YOU DOOOOOOOOING???????"

Also, Athos gives me the fucking SKEEVIES, and I ALSO fucking love it. You really butter us up with him being all friendly to Drake and defending him from Victore being an assfuck, calling Drake "son," and being all nice to him after a successful mission, only for shit to go horribly wrong on the next (by means that were totally and completely out of Drake's control, mind you) and he just doubles down by beating the shit out of Drake, because he totally needed another beating directly after being tortured. Then he plays it off all nice like "I don't want to have to do this but you've given me no choice. But know I love you, you're my family! Go eat and have a nice sleep :)" Some real abusive relationship shit going on there, I hope he gets eaten by.......something.

And poor Marcel; homie can't catch a break. I feel like he's the walking embodiment of "no good deed goes unpunished" but uhhhhhh is he ever going to learn from that? Ofc not, because he's too good a person. The world needs more Marcel's honestly, and I hope he can make Drake understand that what he's doing, and who he's doing it for aren't.......good things. FATHER FIGURE DRAKE NEVER HAD????? Lets fucking go.

OH, ALSO. The Salandit!!! I really enjoyed how he seems to be a sort of Pokemon parallel to Drake. That showed in the way he thought about his "rules of the desert" in the same manner as Drake thinking of his "rules of the streets," I thought that was very clever. It also sets up a nice foundation for their friendship, being that Drake seems to be so "eh" about having a Pokemon partner while Salandit is very "eh" about humans. Unlikely friendship, HERE WE GO.

The whump in this was A FUCKING %. I was HELLA cringing the whole time, that's how I know. The part with the fucking Zangoose stabbing Drak just to shock him, like WHAT?????? PAIN BRO, PAIN. I am also terrified at what else Athos might be capable of doing because I get the vibe he has done much worse to Drake and the other Swords before and just.....beeg uh-oh vibes all around.

I know you said the worldbuilding is a little thin right now, but honestly, I liked what you had going so far! The "emotion sensors" on the Pokeballs, and the whole bit about exp candies having to be regulated because they can damage a Pokemon's health?? I really liked those little bits and am excited to see you build more into it, even if it's just a little!

My critiques are mostly little technical things, but I noticed throughout the prose you had a tendency to get repetitive with some phrases and it caused some parts to read a little weird. I pulled some examples just so you could see what I'm talking about:

The desert night remained still as Drake crept along the outer wall of the mansion, footsteps silent on the sandy earth. To his left, the Orrean desert spread out as far as the eye could see. But he only had eyes for the sprawling piece of land beyond the wall to his right. Owned by some wealthy family whose name he didn’t care about, just the safe inside.

In, out. He kept his breaths even as he moved, eyes scanning ahead and his ears open for any errant noise. Finally, he reached the rear section of the wall, furthest from the guards at the gate, but higher than the rest, complete with barbed wire at the top.There were no doubt teleport blockers and concrete stretching underground, meaning burrowing wasn’t an option. Which left the one he’d expected. Climbing.

Steadying himself, he reached to his belt and pressed the button on the lone pokeball on his waist. With barely a glow from the modified ball, a Skorupi appeared. “Barbed wire,” he said simply, nodding to the wall overhead.

Skorupi moved quickly, scuttling easily up the wall. With two snips of its claws, the wire was precisely cut.

“Now the wall,” Drake whispered softly.

Skorupi started back down the wall, tail shimmering faintly with energy.

A Crimson Zangoose. One of the smaller gangs trying to control Orre, but no less deadly for their size. He glared at the Crimson Zangoose.

After skimming the contract, Drake scrawled a messy signature on the contract and shoved it across the table.

Just little instances of repeating the same phrase in short succession might bog down the rhythm you have going, so I might suggest making edits to these parts just to reword them a little.

Other than that, this was solid! I know you said this is something just self-indulgent for you, but I do look forward to seeing what comes out of this and how Drake continues on, because I'm definitely invested ;> Thanks so much for sharing!
Bar Exam


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Bar Exam
I'm done for.

You screwed up. You really screwed up this time.

Athos would be rightfully pissed.

Drake swallowed another gulp of the beer, savoring the buzz that came. He studied the lines on the countertop for what had to be the hundredth time, then took another long gulp, only to realize halfway through that the glass was empty.

Muttering empty curses under his breath, he fished out a handful of cash from his pocket, slid it across the bar, and grabbed the bottle the bartender gave him in return. He paused, glancing at the three empty bottles beside him, then shrugged it off.

Tonight was an 'off' night and he had no one to answer to. No errands to run for Athos and the Swords, although he'd already snagged a few bucks from some unsuspecting patrons on the way in. He was free.

Unless that cop shows up—

Drake tried to banish the memory from his mind. Signing that paper and essentially dooming himself. Screw that cop. You're the idiot who got caught. You endangered your entire family. What kind of idiot lets himself get caught because of a street fight? His hands clenched into fists and he squeezed the bottle. It had almost been a week and he'd done his best to stay off the streets and under Athos radar as well, but he couldn't hide forever.

Reflexively, he glanced over his shoulder. The odds of seeing either that stupid cop or another Sword at this bar was unlikely, but the last thing he needed was to be seen. This particular rundown bar was close to the edge of Phenac and not a place Swords would go. No protection, but at least he got solitude in exchange. Turning back to his drink, he took another few gulps, until the chatter of the bar faded to a swirling buzz and his racing thoughts finally lulled. Maybe tonight he'd get some proper sleep.

Athos and the Swords were family. They'd understand. He nodded to himself. After all, he'd been in a tough spot after getting caught. It had been that deal or prison, and it wasn't like he'd rat on the Swords. Just other gangs. He nodded to himself again. "Yeah... not so bad."

Victore might cause a scene, but screw him.

"I'll spin this," he mumbled, the words feeling heavy in his mouth. "Yeah... use Marcel to get information." Athos would be proud. He smiled to himself. Maybe he'd even head back now and explain everything. As his thoughts looped, picturing Athos's proud smile and Victore seething about it, he sipped at his drink, enjoying the reprieve from his darker thoughts and anxieties.

Shoving himself away from the bar, he stood up, then steadied himself on the counter as the room spun. Once he'd managed to settle himself, he polished off the last of his bottle and started for the door. His limbs felt slightly weighty and he longed for the comfort of his bed. He'd probably end up with a headache tomorrow but it was a small price to pay for the sleep the drink would bring.

A flicker of movement caught his eye, and a hand grabbed his arm. Hard. Blinking, he turned to see an unfamiliar face, a man a good deal larger than him, and older, with a tangle of beard covering his tanned face.

Dully, Drake stared at him a moment before his mind caught up. His anger rose and he shifted to a glare, trying to jerk away, only to realize the man's grip was stronger than he realized.

"Don't I know you?" Beardy growled. His breath reeked of one too many drinks and Drake scowled, leaning away.

"Get your filthy hands off me." He could feel Beardy's fingers digging in, and he saw behind him two of the guy's friends standing up and drawing closer. He didn't recognize any of them, one was a wiry man who looked like a human sneasel and the other a woman with tangled turquoise hair and a sour expression.

"What'd you say to me, you little rat?"

Drake took the opportunity to spit on him and fix him in his most hateful glare. He suddenly very much wished that little Salandit was here, but he was pretty sure he was hanging around back at base. You're safe. You're a Sword, they won't hurt a Sword.

A crooked grin like a mightyena worked its way across Beardy's face. "Yeah I know you. You're a mukin' Sword of Justice."

So Beardy and his friends had to be from another gang then. He didn't really care which. Someone who either had a beef with the Swords or Athos.

"You don't belong out here. This is my bar. Getting real tired of you lot, acting high and mighty like you go where you want, like you own everything."

Drake rolled his eyes. "I'm getting tired of your breath," he sneered. "Been licking trubbish lately or something? Maybe the juices went to your brain, because you'd know better than to bother me."

The grip on his arm tightened, and Drake resisted the urge to flinch. I'm safe. He tried to reassure himself. Most of the smaller gangs or angry thieves or criminals knew better than to harass a sword. A Seviper or a Zangoose you could get away with, but Athos protected his own, and anyone on the streets knew that.

Beardy didn't.

By the time Drake's mind registered the dark look in Beardy's eyes, Beardy's fist had already come up. Pain exploded across Drake's skull and he smashed into a chair before hitting the ground.

The room spun. A dull pain flared over his ribs and he grimaced and quickly scrambled to stand. Beardy swung again, and Drake dodged, barely. He grabbed haphazardly at something to steady himself. Adrenaline and alcohol didn't do much to waken his senses but he tried to take a swing at Beardy, going wide. Then a bottle cracked across the back of his skull and he pitched forward, catching himself on a table.

Darkness throbbed and pulsed through his vision and his stomach knotted as his senses swam in and out of focus. Shouts of fear and annoyance from other bar patrons, and a snatch of conversation from Beardy and his friends.

"Take him outside."

Before he could compose himself, two strong hands grabbed him by his jacket and hauled him off the table, then bodily half dragged, half shoved him out the alley exit. Head still spinning, he felt a shove and he crashed into the wall.

The chill of the night air jarred him into a sluggish wakefulness. Leaning dizzily against the wall for support, he faced his attacker.


Beardy was flanked by his two friends from before, Tangelahair and Sneaselface.

His thoughts muddled and he struggled to try and compose himself. Suddenly that fourth bottle seemed like a bad idea. Maybe on a good day he could handle them enough to escape. Stay... calm. Right. Watch their moves... Watch

The ringing in his ears was still going.

And then suddenly, Beardy made a snide comment he missed, Snealface smirked and replied, and then Beardy charged.

Drake clumsily ducked the first blow, then the followup from Sneaselface, only for a sharp jab to catch him in the stomach. He gasped and doubled over, choking for air. A second and third blow interrupted him, and then he found himself on the ground, arms wrapped around his stomach as he tried to breathe, and think straight, and get up get up he had to get up

The next blow glanced off his head and for a moment, he thought he blacked out entirely. Then he remembered. Digging his hands into his jacket sleeve, he clutched his makeshift blade in his fist. A burst of adrenaline rushed through him.

Another kick landed, and he caught a snatch of laughter from one of them. From the corner of his eye, he saw one of them rearing back to kick again. He lunged, and slashed, managing to catch Snealselface in the leg.

Sneaselface swore and fell back. The blink of a distraction was enough for Drake to throw himself sideways, narrowly dodging Beardy's followup blow. In a daze, he got to his feet, back to the wall and ears still ringing. His vision kept doubling as he put his fists up to face them.

"Little skitty has some claws I see."

Drake's eyes darted between Tangelahair and Sneaselface, who'd gotten to his feet and looked unimpressed. His pant leg was sliced open and a thin smear of red coated his shin.

Beardy spoke again, his voice menacingly low. "You know, I only wanted to rough you up, but maybe I'll make an example of you instead." From somewhere, he drew out a knife. The other two moved back, and Beardy advanced.

In a flash of motion, he lunged, and Drake jerked his arms up in front of his face. He felt the blade slice through his jacket and across his skin. Ignoring the pain, he jabbed him as hard as he could in the stomach, then braced himself against the wall as he kicked.

Beardy staggered back and spat angrily.

Drake tensed and tried to gather himself. The alley was narrow, and between Beardy and friends, they had the sole exit blocked off. The wall behind him was all concrete, too high to scale, and he couldn't reach the door that led back into the bar. His best bet was to get past them, to his bike, and escape that way.

Except given he could barely see straight much less think straight, he didn't like his odds.


A sharp shout from the alley's entrance drew their attention.

At the end of the alley, he spotted a lone figure. Human, not a very tall but with a confident stance. A tickle of familiarity pricked at the back of Drake's addled mind. Then he spotted the small doggish pokemon at the man's heels and his heart sank. Only one guy he knew of had a Dachsbun.


Of all the bad odds and horrible timing and wretched coincidences...

"Screw off," Beardy snarled, turning to face Marcel. "My friend and I are settling a private matter."

Marcel folded his arms and didn't move. Drake met his eyes for a moment, glaring at him, hoping he got the message. Back off. The last thing he needed was Marcel's help, or anyones for that matter.

To his dismay, Marcel showed no signs of moving, or even that he acknowledged Drake. "Orre PD. Doesn't look like much of a conversation to me." A growl came from the Dachsbun.

Beardy took a step towards Marcel, weapon still drawn.

A raspy squawk from above echoed ominously through the alley. Drake turned to look up, as did Beardy and co. Perched on the railing of the building was a very angry looking bird-pokemon, embers dancing off its red feathers.

"Muk this." In a second, one of Beardy's friends tossed out a pokeball, and an orange glow lit the alley as a Magmar materialized. The glow was quenched a second later as Magmar spewed out a thick cloud of black smoke.

No sense waiting for someone to try and shank him in the dark. Drake sprinted forward, shoving blindly past whoever was in his way, aiming for the door back to the bar as he held his breath. Tears streamed down his face as he threw the door open, rushed inside, past the shocked patrons, and out the front exit.

Just a few yards away lay his bike; his ticket to freedom.

From the corner of his eye, he spotted Marcel, still by the alley entrance, who spun to look at him. For a split second, their eyes met. He saw Dachsbun tense as if about to attack. And then he swore Marcel made a motion as if calling it off. Drake didn't bother waiting. Half-sprinting, half-stumbling, he crossed the last few yards to his bike. He threw his leg over the seat, gunned the engine, and didn't look back.

Yet somewhere inside he couldn't shake the feeling Marcel had let him go on purpose. He hadn't truly escaped. What if Marcel never came at all? The thought burned a hole in Drake's stomach. He didn't slow down until he reached his own territory, settling into a swift cruising speed until the Sword's home base came into view.

The past hour finally caught up to him as he dropped his bike in the alley and staggered towards the entrance. His head pounded with every step and his stomach twisted. The steady stinging of his forearm had cranked up to more of a burning. The gash wasn't deep, but with every small movement it sent fresh pain through him. Every step felt like lead and the ground felt like it kept shifting.

"Drake?" A voice from the darkness hissed.

Drake jumped at the voice then relaxed. From the shadows emerged Del, one of their scouts. Probably on guard duty. He was one of the younger Swords members, a half year older than Drake himself.

"You look terrible," he remarked. He moved beside Drake to support him, and Drake gratefully leaned against him. With one arm around Drake, Del started into the base. "Athos was really worried about you," he added.

Instantly Drake's stomach twisted into knots and he felt like throwing up. "He was? Wh-why?"

Del gave him a puzzled look. "Well you didn't come home at the usual hour, obviously. What happened?"

"Oh right... ran into some 'friends'," he muttered. Just regular concern then. At least Athos hadn't somehow found out about Marcel yet.

Inside was mostly dark, which wasn't surprising, given the absurdly late hour. The room swayed as he made his way forward. Crud. He needed to see their medic. His chest hurt too much and he didn't need to deal with an infection from the cut on his arm. His ears still hadn't quit ringing either. Together they limped through the dark, past Athos office and towards Drake's bunk.

"Drake." A voice cut through the dark and the quiet, and Drake spun to face the room. Silhouetted in the door stood Athos.

Drake's stomach dropped. A thousand thoughts ran through his muddled mind. All he could manage to do was stare blankly at Athos.

"Drake what happened?" Concern colored Athos' voice and he hurried across the room. He gave a nod to Del, who backed away. Drake swayed on his feet, and Athos steadied him with a firm hand.

"Let's get you to Elias," he said gently.

Drake nodded, trying his best to ignore the way his vision swirled every time he moved his head. He didn't manage to make it two steps before his body finally gave out.

He felt Athos catch him before he could fall, holding him up. His thoughts drifted into a hazy blur until he realized with a jolt he was lying on the bed in their medical bay, Elias leaning over him. A bright light shone into his eyes and he squinted wearily, trying to look away.

"You with us, Drake?" Elias asked.

Drake tried to give a reply, which ended up coming out as a garbled mess instead. His head pounded even harder and the ringing in his ears seemed worse somehow.

Elias was talking again, saying something, but Drake couldn't focus at all. "...ssion. Pr- ad. Hea-... n't much."

Through hazy vision, he watched Athos, who loomed behind Elias. Athos looked... worried? He felt bad, making Athos worry about him. But at the same time it felt oddly nice. Athos had always taken care of him. Maybe telling him about Marcel would be fine. Maybe he'll kill Marcel. The thought slithered into his mind and a prickle of unease sparked in him.

Doesn't matter. He's just another stupid cop. He's not your friend. He's not family.

... Except he didn't have to help after Ira, or tonight.

A heavy hand gently shaking his shoulder stirred him from his stupor. He looked over to see the room had changed. Athos had brought him to his own bunk at some point...? His voice was soft and gentle when he spoke. "Rest, Drake. I'll see you in the morning."

Drake managed a tired smile before he gave himself over fully to his exhaustion.

Everything would be fine tomorrow.
Last edited:


  1. sableye
Okay, this is relatively new on my list, but after finishing LA and seeing that this is only three (two and a half? Two and an extra?) chapters long, I figure I can bust through it in a day. I need some whump, and you're today's dealer. :mewlulz:

Somewhat surprising and not surprising at the same time, given the contents, I have a lot of thoughts so far.

Unable to resist, he smirked a little. The best hiding spot was always, ironically, closest to a bright light. Brightness screwed up a person's night vision.

Ooooh, that's really clever! I honestly loved everything about this break-in scene. It does a good job of showing that Drake really knows his stuff. And the skorupi clearly has done this before, too. But I really liked this side line about the brightness screwing up night vision. It's true, but not something I anticipated, and it just struck me as really clever!

“Of course, I just got a little too heated Athos sir. I’m sorry Drake.” Without another word, Victore slunk back to his seat and returned to his meal.

Hate this guy. Picking on your own teammates just because you don't like them for whatever reason, when you know you have to rely on him... not a smart idea, dumbass. You may not like him, but he could still save your ass some day.

That aside, I thought he was a girl at first, because I don't know how to pronounce his name. :copyka: Thought it was like "Victorie" but without the i. So maybe it's like "Victor" but with an e? Not sure, either way, but I do enjoy seeing these different names.

“Hey kid,” the man called as he drew near. Drake bristled inwardly at being called kid, but held up a hand in casual greeting. The man nodded back.“You know what a Ratatta’s ability is?”

“Pickup,” Drake replied smoothly.

This, too, was clever! Any normal person either would give a proper answer, or otherwise wouldn't know at all that rattata doesn't actually get pickup. (Also doubles as a pun; Drake is there for a pickup. :mewlulz:)

Drake swung the briefcase as hard as he could at the first Zangoose’s head. The Zangoose jerked back and Drake’s strike missed. Sharp pain shot through the back of his knee and he crumpled to the ground. Something heavy slammed into his back, flinging him forward. He hit the pavement face first and his vision swam. A knee jammed into his back, pinning him as someone rested almost their full weight on him.

Wow, you weren't kidding, whump already! Waste no time, good.

Drake's eyes widened and he thrashed harder, heaving with all his might. A small, concentrated cloud of purple spores filled the air. He held his breath as he kicked and jerked helplessly in their grasp. His eyes began to water and his chest grew tight. Don’t breathe don’t breathe don’t—

Huh. I figured this was poison powder, given the spores were purple. Sleep made more sense, though, given the situation and the parasect. (Also, hell yeah, parasect!)

Drake returned to consciousness screaming. Searing, burning fire all over his body- no, inside his body, electricity tearing through him, seizing every muscle. At some point he realized the electricity had stopped, and his senses slowly swam back into focus. His mouth felt like he’d swallowed sand and cotton, and his throat ached from screaming. He could still smell the grass-like sweetness of the spore in his nostrils.

wait what :eyes: Here's the good stuff.

“You know, I’m really glad you’re so adamant about not giving up the code. My boss gets all pissy about me snatching rats off the street, says it's not worth the trouble. Only for special exceptions.” A sadistic grin spread across his face. “Lucky for me, this is one of those exceptions. Whatever is in that case is pretty special, I think. And my boss will be pretty happy if I get it. So I get to play my favorite game. Shock and talk.”

Hold the fuck up, why didn't you tell me you wrote this specifically to cater to my interests??? You wrote electricity whump and didn't tell me?? :copyka: Have I shown you the draft of my torture scene? I will be taking notes.

Of course, Drake had realized at the time the only way Victore probably knew that was from practice on others. He still remembered waking up in the middle of the night and hearing the faint screams from the basement. Victore seemed so pleased with himself the next morning, and Athos had given him a pat on the back and congratulated him.

So lost was he in the hazy swirl of memories he ignored Ira asking him something, and Jolteon’s approach. Until another surge of electricity leapt across the room. His vision went white and he thrashed in the ropes involuntarily, blood dripping down his hands.

Oh, you know, maybe Victore isn't that bad. I wasn't expecting torturer tips when I started this, but he and Ira are good tools for me to gauge Costas' brutality against.

Also, oooh, blood. Must be very tight ropes. I wonder if chains can cause blood. (Not that I can't just do that if I want, anyway.)

Rule 3 of the streets, always have an escape route. And Ira might have stripped him of the pocket knife he carried, but he’d missed something else. Keeping his face an angry mask was easy as he gently probed the inside cuff of his jacket. There. A tiny sliver of sharp material, hardly larger than a paperclip; a pilfered scrap from a Scyther’s blade. Small but lethally sharp. Exactly what he needed to get out. But he still had to deal with Ira and his pokemon, and he had none of his own.

Mentally, he cursed. It always came down to Pokemon. He didn’t hate Pokemon, but the idea pissed him off; relying on some fickle being to get anything done. Still, what he wouldn’t give to have one of the Swords loan pokemon. That Skorupi was tiny but its poison so useful... Or the Fearow he’d used a few weeks ago. Hell, even a Spearow would be better than nothing. At least he could get help.

For a moment, he allowed himself to fantasize about getting out of the ropes and kicking the crap out of Ira himself. The fantasy was short lived as Ira backed up and gestured to Jolteon, who took a menacing step forwards. “Last chance, but by no means give me the code on my account. I could do this all day, though I’m not sure about you.” His voice was taunting and singsong. Drake wanted to strangle the amusement right out of him.

On the other hand, it's more fun when your victim doesn't have an escape tool on and to get out on their own. :copyka:

This does bring me to a non-whump point, though. Given the fact that rival gangs are all over, I would think that even a mission like this, especially with it's status seemingly having extra importance to Drake, would be worth providing a pokemon defender for. Not like you couldn't have had it incapacitated by the parasect before Drake even realized it was there; and once he's in the cave, at that point he doesn't even know where it would be, so the end result is basically the same. Assuming he gets out, you could either have him find and grab it, or just leave it behind - a prize for the Crimson Zangoose, I suppose. Just a thought, though. Not sure I'd be comfortable doing any kind of job knowing that I'd be an easy target for other gangs.

Anyway, back to the important stuff. I love Ira's taunting here. He very much enjoys what he does. I wonder what Jolteon thinks about it? Obviously he's willing enough to do it, whether because he just obeys his trainer or because he actually enjoys it, too.

“Your boss is gonna be really upset when you fail.” Drake glared at Ira, daring him to continue. “I bet he won’t be happy about wasting his time on me, a courier, who doesn’t know anything. But go on, be an idiot, it's more fun for me that way,” Even as he said them, he regretted it. He’d meant every word, but aggravating his tormentor would do him no favors. At least it’d felt good. Through Ira’s calm facade, Drake could tell he’d gotten on the Zangoose’s nerves.
Snarky sass-back with a confidence he doesn't feel, and knowing it's only going to make his own suffering worse as soon as he says it. Glorious. :okgon:

Jolteon hissed. Its hackles rose and he could see it prepping another charge of electricity. Drake tensed reflexively, heart racing. It took another step towards him, fury in its gaze over its master being insulted. One step too close. On a wild impulse, Drake threw himself forward and kicked the Jolteon as hard as he could, sending it rolling across the cave floor before it could attack.

Ira leapt after his Jolteon, dropping to his knees by its side where it’d stopped. Drake’s breath caught in his throat. A slew of curses ran through his head. He’d bought himself a tiny reprieve, but at what cost? The blow wouldn’t actually hurt a pokemon, they were way too tough for any actual damage. All he’d done was incur Ira’s wrath.

I do kinda wonder why Jolteon would feel the need to get closer here, but minor detail.

Glad the second point was addressed, too. I was like, "no way that kick is going to KO a pokemon". Intrigued that Jolteon actually held back when Ira stopped him, though.

The only thing Drake saw was the glint of the Zangoose’s claws. Then they were embedded in his left shoulder. He stared dumbly at the Zangoose, its claws, and the red splotch growing under his jacket. Sparks gathered around Zangoose’s paw. Somewhere in the haze of thoughts running through his mind, he remembered Zangoose could also learn Thunderbolt.

Oh dear. I wonder if being in physical contact would make the thunderbolt worse. Regardless, an open wound probably will.

Then another sound, from the Krookodile human. The exact words were a mystery to him, but he recognized the high-pitched tone. Fun. The firesacs on his back pulsed as his anger flared. Red Fur was having fun. His eyes narrowed and he crept forwards, towards the bend in the cave. He crawled up the wall and poked his snout around the corner.

Oh, well this explains why you intentionally didn't give Drake a pokemon. Still think it would have made sense, even if he loses it, though.

Anyway, I love Salandit's description of clothing, hah. Sounds like he has a valid reason for getting involved.

Abruptly he pitched and swayed forward, grabbing himself at the last second on the corner of a dumpster. Something must have tripped him. So clumsy. He never tripped, he always tried to be careful. No matter, he'd be home soon, in a warm bed... Warm jacket... Soon.

Absolutely adore your atmosphere in the aftermath here. I haven't quite reached that far yet (I've only written the actual interrogation part), but I could still use some of this there, too. Anyway, yes, powerful Drake tripping over his own feet in his weakened state. Maybe I'm just forgetting, but I don't think he had his night jacket because he was captured earlier in the daytime. So making him think he just forgot it is a nice touch.

Five minutes later, the safe was open. Jackpot. A whole case of Ultra Balls, a sizeable haul of cash, a pack of Rare Candies, and a set of Hyper Potions. He also noted a few documents and a photo, which he ignored. Papers were worthless in Orre. The real value was items. Things the Swords could use. Moving quickly, he packed everything into his backpack, shut the safe and locked it again.

Oh dear. Not only does he not have an issue stealing from a cop, but he's stealing from his savior! This is gonna end well for sure.

Athos' voice cut him off like a whip. “This isn’t about next time! You failed today, and you must not forget the gravity of failure.” In a flash, Athos’ hand shot out, grabbing Drake by the throat.

As if the dude hasn't suffered enough. He hasn't.

Once he settled in, Porygon popped out and began explaining. There wasn’t much, it was all extremely flimsy but a home security camera caught a tiny glimpse of someone in a dark jacket, moving quickly down a street, right after a robbery that had happened at a fancy mansion on the outskirts. Then there were scraps of chatter in cyberspace about a shipment of EXP candies from Galar. Supposedly the guy was meeting a member of the Swords of Justice.

Ooooh, so Drake didn't get caught at the mansion, but elsewhere as he escaped! Uh oh!

“I’m serious,” Marcel said evenly. “I don’t care what experiences you’ve had with other officers, I’m ready to talk, off the books.” He spread his arms to gesture to the rundown shop around them. “I could have brought you to the station, but I didn’t.” He paused. He still had one more card to play, if he couldn’t get anything from him, but he wanted to keep things close to his chest for now. “If it's a rival gang, just do yourself a favor and get them out of your way. What do you say?”

The thief curled his lip and glared, shifting again. “Go lick a Muk.”

Marcel stood. “Fine. Hard way then.”

Love that Marcel is trying to appeal to Drake's dislike of the law, and still he's defiant. (Epic comeback, too.)

In a daze, Marcel rolled onto his back, darkness creeping in. Poison. The little snake had poisoned him somehow.

Oh good, so it's not just Drake getting the whump treatment!

Three weeks passed before Marcel saw Drake again. He arrived at work one morning to find the holding cell occupied by one very angry looking and familiar face. Along with two others he didn’t recognize in the second cell. A couple of his fellow officers were hanging nearby, one of them with a black eye.

Drake got caught three times already, oh my god. :mewlulz: What's Athos got to say about that?? It's a good thing he showed his stuff in the opening scene, or I'd think he's got Biff-like levels of competency.

It had almost been a week and he'd done his best to stay off the streets and under Athos radar as well, but he couldn't hide forever.

Oh, yep, he knows he's in some deep shit. Avoiding the Swords is only going to make the punishment worse when he does go back (or is found)!

Drake took the opportunity to spit on him and fix him in his most hateful glare. He suddenly very much wished that little Salandit was here, but he was pretty sure he was hanging around back at base. You're safe. You're a Sword, they won't hurt a Sword.

Oh, this is interesting... if Salandit is back at base, then Drake has been back at least once since the second capture. (Probably not since this third time, if I had to guess based on the previous quote?)

I actually originally quoted this part though because laughed at Drake spitting on this guy. He really does not know when to quit or bite his tongue. Or he just secretly enjoys getting beat up. Or the author likes beating him up.

The grip on his arm tightened, and Drake resisted the urge to flinch. I'm safe. He tried to reassure himself. Most of the smaller gangs or angry thieves or criminals knew better than to harass a sword. A Seviper or a Zangoose you could get away with, but Athos protected his own, and anyone on the streets knew that.

This is also interesting... I wonder if the Swords struck back at Ira for his treatment of Drake? Also I wonder how many other gangs heard about what Ira did in that cave? Because so far, from a reader perspective... Athos is all bark and no bite, except to beat up his own family. For Drake to be so confident he's not about to get his ass shoved down his throat here is puzzling. Or maybe it's just because he's drunk.

"You look terrible," he remarked. He moved beside Drake to support him, and Drake gratefully leaned against him. With one arm around Drake, Del started into the base. "Athos was really worried about you," he added.

Instantly Drake's stomach twisted into knots and he felt like throwing up. "He was? Wh-why?"

Del gave him a puzzled look. "Well you didn't come home at the usual hour, obviously. What happened?"

"Oh right... ran into some 'friends'," he muttered. Just regular concern then. At least Athos hadn't somehow found out about Marcel yet.

Oh, huh. This implies that Drake actually has been back to base ever night since. Hm. Not sure what to make of that. How has he managed to avoid Athos then?

Everything would be fine tomorrow.

Narrator voice: :copyka:

Ooooh boy, you weren't kidding about this being purely for whump! And we're only getting started! This boy gonna be unrecognizable by the end of this.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon

Glad u enjoyed! quick replies bc wynaut

That aside, I thought he was a girl at first, because I don't know how to pronounce his name. :copyka: Thought it was like "Victorie" but without the i. So maybe it's like "Victor" but with an e? Not sure, either way, but I do enjoy seeing these different names.
I think its like, instead of 'vic-ter' its like a 'vic-tor' like victory, if that makes sense. Its like, a slight adjustment to how the second syllable is enunciated (and it looked cool)
Hold the fuck up, why didn't you tell me you wrote this specifically to cater to my interests??? You wrote electricity whump and didn't tell me?? :copyka: Have I shown you the draft of my torture scene? I will be taking notes.
I SWEAR i thought I told you lololol

Also, oooh, blood. Must be very tight ropes. I wonder if chains can cause blood. (Not that I can't just do that if I want, anyway.)
I bet they could! tbh as long as there's some kind of edge or friction, and presumably the character is thrashing about in their bindings, that can cause abrasions, and repeated abrasions will bleed so

This does bring me to a non-whump point, though. Given the fact that rival gangs are all over, I would think that even a mission like this, especially with it's status seemingly having extra importance to Drake, would be worth providing a pokemon defender for. Not like you couldn't have had it incapacitated by the parasect before Drake even realized it was there; and once he's in the cave, at that point he doesn't even know where it would be, so the end result is basically the same. Assuming he gets out, you could either have him find and grab it, or just leave it behind - a prize for the Crimson Zangoose, I suppose. Just a thought, though. Not sure I'd be comfortable doing any kind of job knowing that I'd be an easy target for other gangs.
Okay see you're like the 3rd person to mention this and I think you're right, it does make more sense. Its probably not very clear in the fic but in my head it as one half plot necessity and one half character and world driven.

The idea is a couple factors that are probably too hard to glean that I would end up making clear in later chapters or in edits.

- Drake doesn't like to use pokemon, except as tools, and even then he'd rather not. If he can get away with not bringing one, he's used to running solo. He uses one in the opening but would otherwise like to not carry them. Not the most sensible choice but hey
- This was supposed to be a decently clandestine pickup and simple. interference wasn't really expected at all. On review, the narration sort of makes it seem like its not unusual, so one day maybe i'll fix idk. Its supposed to be more like "huh, Zangoose don't usually come out here and I wasn't expecting trouble"
- The other gangs are getting a little bolder
- I guess Athos is kind of a jerk tbh?

Also I just needed it to happen okay, i wanted him to be caught with nothing

I do kinda wonder why Jolteon would feel the need to get closer here, but minor detail.
Honestly just a case of jolteon being annoyed at the insult and getting angry/not thinking

Glad the second point was addressed, too. I was like, "no way that kick is going to KO a pokemon". Intrigued that Jolteon actually held back when Ira stopped him, though.
Ira's just lettin Jolteon know he has Jolteon's back:copyka:

Maybe I'm just forgetting, but I don't think he had his night jacket because he was captured earlier in the daytime. So making him think he just forgot it is a nice touch.
Yup! Definitely Drake going slightly delirious before collapsing.

Oh good, so it's not just Drake getting the whump treatment!
Nope :copyka:. Definitely got plans for lots of both (although Drake is currently my favorite target)

Drake got caught three times already, oh my god. :mewlulz: What's Athos got to say about that?? It's a good thing he showed his stuff in the opening scene, or I'd think he's got Biff-like levels of competency
Oh my gosh yeah he sure does seem incompetent lately, he's got a bad string of run ins (although, there's some hidden context going on to one that will be revealed later, and the other is Marcel/Porygon being fairly good at what they do). Gotta give poor Drake a W.

Oh, this is interesting... if Salandit is back at base, then Drake has been back at least once since the second capture. (Probably not since this third time, if I had to guess based on the previous quote?)
Oh for sure! Its a bit unclear since we're only getting narrow perspectives but he's been back just kind of been dodging things/making himself scarce. At this point him and Salandit have a tenuous alliance of sorts so they're not always together.

This is also interesting... I wonder if the Swords struck back at Ira for his treatment of Drake? Also I wonder how many other gangs heard about what Ira did in that cave? Because so far, from a reader perspective... Athos is all bark and no bite, except to beat up his own family. For Drake to be so confident he's not about to get his ass shoved down his throat here is puzzling. Or maybe it's just because he's drunk.
This time, its a mix of being drunk and the guy he's dealing with not caring. As for the Ira bit, well :copyka: that will definitely come to fruition assuming I keep writing things.
Probably word got around to at least a few Zangoose and then a couple Seviper heard about it.

Oh, huh. This implies that Drake actually has been back to base ever night since. Hm. Not sure what to make of that. How has he managed to avoid Athos then?
So Athos doesn't know that Drake made the deal and I think the idea is that since it hasn't been long he didn't even know he was arrested (no actual record). He's been around base but I picture the way Swords works is you could totally get away with trying to just hang around and not do any big errands for athos for a few days at least without getting sus.

Hang out around the streets most of the day, stop in for meals, drop off stolen goods, but otherwise kind of conveniently be somewhere else when someone might be looking for you. Also Athos doesn't actually know anything happened but its definitely a matter of time before he does, which is why Drake is increasingly uneasy.

Narrator voice: :copyka:
This boy gonna be unrecognizable by the end of this.
So tru, in so many ways

Glad you enjoyed and yeah basically every chapter gonna be some kind of whump so. have fun, kek
Deep Breath


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Back again with more tightly crafted seamless plot and worldbuilding- oh no wait, this one is still just whump.

As mentioned, this is a self indulgent project, so positive comments are appreciated too. However minor crit is still accepted and welcomed.
  • Grammar and spelling
  • Awkward prose/phrasing
  • Confusing dialogue
  • Simple 5 min edits
I am well aware the uh. circumstances are a biitt contrived. But still feel free to give general impressions! As always I dig whatever thoughts you have on a general level, and about characters

CW: "drowning"/suffocation, as well as aforementioned fic wide warnings

Deep Breath

Marcel clung to his father's hand. It felt so small. Frail. "I'm scared," he whispered, choking out the words through the lump in his throat. His chest heaved and he blinked fruitlessly through tears.

Despite the tremor in his tone, his father spoke with conviction, his eyes shining through his gaunt visage. "Deep breath, my little Marcello. Everything will be okay."

Marcel strode through the doors of the hospital, humming lightly under his breath. Today felt like a good day, even better than usual thanks to the lovely little tip he'd gotten. A kind nurse tipped him off to a patient admitted under rather suspicious circumstances, and he was concerned for the patients safety. It could be nothing, of course. This was Orre, and injuries were not uncommon. But it could also be a lead on something.

On top of that, some small part of him liked hospitals. Not that he like liked them. Being in them wasn't fun, and he wasn't happy that anyone else had to go. Rather he always admired them. People and pokemon who studied for years to dedicate their lives to helping and healing the injured. Protectors of life. It was admirable to him. The strength it took to do that every day... Even in the face of failure.

He stopped at the front desk, checking in with the receptionist, who waved him through since she expected him. The nurse, a young man named Russel, was waiting for him just inside. Russell led him further into the hospital.

Gateon had one of the larger human equipped hospitals in Orre, next to Phenac, but even so it was rather plain. Only two stories, and not very wide. Probably only as big as some of the full-size pokemon centers in Paldea. Many of the rooms they passed were actually empty, but he wasn't terribly surprised about that. Between field medicine and Gateon being more of a tourist city, there weren't as many long term care issues. Most people who got hurt would probably prefer to return home if they needed that anyway.

The hallway ended and Russell gestured to the last door on the right, whose door was shut. "We've had him under intensive healing therapy to help the recovery process, so he should be ready to leave tomorrow. But when he came..." Russell trailed off, a briefly haunted look flashing through his eyes. "I worked in Johto before coming here, and sometimes we'd see the results of Rocket thugs who took things too far. But this guy... whoever hurt him, it wasn't random. It's like they tried to make him suffer. It's thorough."

Dark anger rose in Marcel, and he nodded and gave a quick thanks before walking into the room. A clean, pleasant floral scent met his nose. Sun streamed through the east facing window, giving the room a surprisingly cheerful feel. Which was a stark contrast to the miserable shape on the hospital bed.

His target lay on the bed, looking half asleep, a cream-colored sheet tucked around his chest. The man looked a bit younger than Marcel himself, maybe late twenties he estimated. The faint remains of dark bruises splotched his face and bandages covered much of his body, particularly his right arm. He could almost imagine how much worse shape the man had to have been in when he was brought in. Pokemon healing could take the worst of an edge off non serious injuries.

Marcel slipped into the room, peering closer. The man had streaks of red in his dark spiky hair, and weathered face. His eyes were only ever so slightly open, as he was faking sleep. Inside, Marcel smiled, though outwardly he kept his expression neutral. This man he knew. Which always made things a little more interesting.

Ira, an enforcer for the notorious Crimson Zangoose gang.

"You look like you had a good week," Marcel commented. "And don't play that sleep nonsense with me, I know you heard me outside the door."

Ira's eyes flashed open, and he gave Marcel a dark glare, mouth twisting into a sneer.

"Lick a muk, cop scum." His voice came out scratchy, and there was a waver to it. His eyes darted to the door, and Marcel could see tension in his body.

As far as he knew, Ira was no pushover. But whoever did this had Ira on edge, which made Marcel much much more curious. And angry.

"Uh huh. Look. Let's cut out the nonsense, and skip the bit where you insult me for a while and I pretend to not know what's going on. I'm going to explain it to you. Somebody worked you over good." He let his words hang for a moment, and saw fear flash behind Ira's anger. "You were probably the biggest hotshot in the Zangoose, then suddenly you bit off more than you could chew. Tell me who."

Ira's gaze met his. He could feel Ira sizing him up, turning over options.

"I ain't a damn Chatot."

"Right, and you think that'll make a difference? Whoever attacked you doesn't care. And your own people probably can't protect you. You're clinging to your misplaced pride to salvage your dignity after getting the daylights kicked out of you. You really think you can save face?"

Ira's hands balled into fists. "I wasn't attacked." He seemed to speak almost without meaning to.

Marcel raised an eyebrow, but kept his mouth shut, letting the silence build. He could practically see the gears of thought churning behind Ira's eyes.

"He tortured me. Kept me for a week. Didn't even want information or a ransom or any of that, just kept going on about— Look, the guy's a psychopath. Wouldn't shut up about teaching me a lesson, roughed me up for awhile. I lost track of time, then next thing I know he dumped me here."

A week. He had no sympathy for people like Ira who preyed on the weak, but tortured? For a week? Who... Marcel put the pieces together a second later. Not the Seviper, they'd never be so bold. Not one of the even smaller ragtag groups of criminals either. Someone in the Swords of Justice.

Folding his arms, Marcel spoke directly. "Give me something. You're far past any kind of saving face, like I said. Word of what happened to you has to be all over the streets. If you want payback, talk, Ira."

Using Ira's name seemed to really garner a reaction, particularly more anger, to Marcel's delight.

"All I'll say is word on the street is some hotshot in Paldea or whatever snatched some tech. He claims it can block pokeball signals and stop them from releasing. And the Swords are gonna want to buy it. It would sure suck if they couldn't." A smug sneer came back to his face, his eyes glinting with petty delight.

Cold gripped Marcel's heart. Pokeball blocking tech from Paldea. He'd heard something like that was being tested, but last he was aware the project was stopped. But if criminals in Orre got their hands on that... But it was a good clue. No doubt the Zangoose were also trying to get it, and that was the only reason Ira talked.


There was a baited silence before Ira replied. "A little Rookidee told me the Swords got a new spot away from prying eyes in west Phenac. Behind a storefront for a Charpotle. It's got a hidden backroom. If it's gonna be anywhere, probably there."

Marcel kept himself from grinning, and instead simply nodded. Gut instinct told him the information was probably true, but that didn't tell him when. Which was much harder. If they staked out the area now, they risked the Swords catching on...

"Hey," Ira snapped out. "You didn't hear this from me."

Marcel snorted, giving him a dubious look. "Doesn't seem like I'm the one you should worry about. If you change your mind about your luck on the streets..." He withdrew a card from his pocket and flicked it onto Ira's bed.

Ira spat at him.

"For your sake, you'd better watch your back. Doesn't seem much like your people are doing a great job." Marcel didn't wait for his reaction before walking out.


Marcel leaned back in his chair at his corner desk, staring vacantly at his computer monitor as Porygon bounced around the screen. He'd checked in with the chief, explained what he'd found, and then checked in with all the sources he could, but even Porygon had yet to find anything conclusive about who the thief could be, or where a deal might take place. Rather irritatingly, he'd gotten hold of Drake for a bit but he'd claimed he also had no idea. Whatever was going on, there wasn't much digital chatter about it.

Which left him with nothing. Even trying to go back to Ira didn't give him anything, he'd left against orders not too long after Marcel's visit. He needed to get ahead of this somehow.

"Porygon, can you bring up a map of Orre?"

Porygon bounced twice more around the monitor before striking the corner with a delighted beep. A moment later, the monitor flickered and shifted to a zoomed out map of Orre. A lot had changed in the years since Cipher moved out. More towns. Cities expanding. An opportunistic thief looking to offload hot tech could be anywhere, and trying to check it all before they did would be nigh impossible...

No, he had to think smarter. Taking a breath, he leaned forward, staring at the map. The kind of tech Ira was talking about would be sought after. So whoever had it would want to be away from the various gangs, to avoid an ambush. And they'd probably want somewhere to lie low. That ruled out the bigger cities, particularly Phenac. Gateon would be too crowded, he hoped.

The newer cities like Emera and Granite were also probably less appealing, thanks to their population and police presence.

Pyrite wasn't considered desirable to criminals anymore. Outskirt stand was dubious, but he mentally marked it as a maybe. And Lazuli Town... actually it was possible, but there tended to be some stronger trainers who retired there, like Agate, so he wasn't sure it was feasible. The coastal location did mean it was worth checking still though.

Or... his gaze settled on a spot roughly near central Orre. Talc Scrapyard. A failed attempt at developing the ruins of Ciphers labs into an industrial complex. It had all but been reclaimed by wild pokemon. Risky, to be sure. Wild pokemon further into the wilderness tended to be stronger and less kind to human presence. But aside from the occasional reports of the Silver Sevipers using it, it could provide cover to a thief waiting to offload something.

"Porygon, let's take a little trip."


An hour later, Marcel was on the back of a desert bike, speeding across the dunes towards Talc Scrapyard. He'd filled in his chief and the other officers about where he planned to head, just in case. This was strictly recon only, to see if he could pick up anything useful, and if necessary he could just radio for backup, or return to HQ.

As he got a little closer to his destination, he turned off the bike, leaving it behind a dune, then released Scorch. The Talonflame emerged quietly, fluffing her feathers. "Time to scout," Marcel said.

She flared her wings and then took off, away from Talc before soaring high into the sky and angling back towards it.

Satisfied, Marcel climbed up the dune, crouching before he reached the top and then withdrawing a pair of binoculars he brought. Far ahead and below, a mass of rust and metal and old construction sprawled out, nearly the size of a tiny neighborhood. He quickly scanned the area with his binoculars.

Sandaconda slithered between crumbled heaps of concrete and Revaroom sped around the perimeter, every so often bashing into each other. A few Sandile lounged on sunny walls.

Overall, the area appeared quiet. He glanced up at the tiny red speck gliding overhead. By squinting, he could just barely spot a puff of flame from Scorch. One puff, which meant an all clear.

Keeping alert, Marcel carefully made his way down the dune. He trusted Scorch fully, but if someone was here, they could be hidden. Moving slowly, he slid down the dune and crossed to the ruins.

He moved in a methodical grid, doing his best to stay covered as he slipped between crumbling pillars and concrete walls. Half constructed roofs dotted the area, providing a small degree of aerial shelter for a smart thief. Bit by bit, Marcel quietly worked his way deeper into the scrapyard, relieved that the wild pokemon didn't seem interested in a fight today.

Soon Marcel approached a spot near the center where the most intact structure remained, a four walled building that still had most of its roof. As he scanned the area reflexively, he wiped a few beads of sweat from his brow. A heat shimmer shone in the air by the structure. Ever so carefully, he edged up to the opening in the wall and used a small angled mirror to look around the corner.

His breath caught. There, leaning against the opposite wall, lay a figure in light desert garb, apparently dozing beside the remains of a smoldering campfire. The figure looked like a young man, and he noted two pokeballs at his belt. Peering closer, Marcel noted a large box positioned beside the man, his hand resting on the box. Perhaps that was the tech... If it came to a fight, he felt confident his two pokemon were strong enough to handle almost anything.

Now he just needed to prepare to call for backup. And catch this guy before he could ever even try to sell that kind of tech. Marcel was about to back away when something pinged in the back of his mind. He blinked, then stared harder at the figure. His senses were screaming danger for some reason, his heart pumping. Something wasn't right.

His gaze settled on the man's hand, resting atop the large box. One, two.. . Five... Six. Marcel's blood ran cold. "Oh sh—"

The building rippled then vanished as Marcel scrambled backward. In its place stood a crumbled foundation with no roof, a still smoking fire and a ragged Zorua smirking at him triumphantly.

"Sand Tomb!"

Marcel whirled just in time to see the man from before appear from seemingly nowhere, a Nidorina at his side.

The Nidorina slammed its forelegs into the ground. The ground under Marcel's feat softened abruptly, then turned almost liquid. In a second, it was up to his ankles, and in two, up to his knees. On instinct he lunged in a hopeless attempt to grasp at something solid as sand swallowed him further, creeping up his legs and over his waist as his fists grabbed at more sand. In the back of his mind he realized the thief had vanished again.

No no no- Scrambling madly he fumbled for his now submerged pokeballs. Scorch shrieked overhead. Thick sand sucked at him, pulling him deeper, the weight pressing in on his hands, around his pokeballs. They wouldn't work underground as a failsafe—he had to get to them or his team would be trapped and he would be trapped, alone.

He grabbed two pokeballs, heaving to pull his arms free, sand oozing up to his stomach, nearing his chest. With each breath, the sand sucked tighter around him. He yanked his arms free with a panicked grunt and threw the balls as far as he could manage. Loaf and Coda emerged, yards away at the edge of the pit, crying out in distress when they saw him.

Sand wrapped around Marcel's chest and he drew another breath before he could stop himself. It closed around him like a vice and his next breath came as a strangled wheeze, the weight of a Donphan crushing around him, pressing his ribs and chest in. Panic flooded him and he thrashed harder, only sinking more. He tried to call out but couldn't make more than a choked shout.

A familiar telekinetic glow wrapped around his outstretched arms, Coda heaving fruitlessly at them with psychic energy. It only slowed his sinking slightly. He was going to die, out here in the middle of nowhere, crushed by a sandpit. Loaf barked again, high and angry and afraid. He felt another tug on his body, Coda pulling at him above, unable to free him.

Think! "No," Marcel coughed out the word. His mind scrambled to conjure a way out. The sandy liquid crept towards his neck. Marcel's vision swam. He tipped his head back. "Screen, Hurrica..." he wheezed. There was no time to clarify or give another command as he sucked a final tiny snatch of air and sand closed around him.

He flailed in slow motion, grasping at nothing. Helpless. Panic blurred rational thought, his body clamoring for air that wasn't coming. So much sand. Alone. If he could... His mind screamed at him. His flailing grew weaker. His limbs turned leaden. Please... Please not like this. His chest burned and constricted. The impulse to gasp for air surged through him. The world darkened. Just breathe—

His foot struck something solid. Walls pressed around him as he sucked in a reflexive gasp, sand flooding his mouth. Coughs wracked him as something howled around him, the world spinning end over end as he tried to scream, enclosed on every side, boxed in by something, and then...

Air! Conscious thought flooded his brain once more. He lay curled on his side, heaving and coughing sand, his throat raw and ragged. He tried to breathe through his nose only to cough more, his body shaking as he tried to get the awful taste out of his mouth, the grit and gristle and bile. He couldn't stop shaking or even muster the strength to move, just cough endlessly, sending jarring pain through his lungs and tearing his throat.

For a brief moment, a flood of pink light filled his vision and he made out Coda hovering over him, desperately channeling healing energy into him. It worked. Somewhere in the haze of agonized breaths he drew, he felt giddy relief. Tears leaked from his sand crusted eyes. Coda had managed to surround him in a protective shield, and Scorch had used Hurricane to rip him right out of the pit.

I'm alive. He lay still, not caring if he got up or not, dancing on the edge of consciousness as he lay there drawing ragged breaths. Time oozed by. Alive. Alive...

He knew he should get up, try to compose himself, but he was exhausted, his lungs still aching, spasms and coughs wracking him. A cool rain sprinkled across his body and he flinched in surprise, squinting to see a small cloud hovering above, shading him from the sun and a light drizzle pouring from it. Loaf whined anxiously.

He nodded in thanks for the rain. At some point, he managed to wipe the worst of the sand from his damp eyes and quell his coughing, though he could only manage shallow wheezes. He propped himself half upright against a wall as he tried to gather himself.

"Over here!"

The sound of voices jolted him from his stupor and he twisted to look around, suddenly on edge. Relief replaced his tension as he recognized two of his fellow officers. An Alakazam floated behind them.

"Benedetti!" One of them rushed to his side, kneeling next to him. "You alright?"

Marcel tried to speak, but grit coated his mouth still, so he settled for a weary nod.

"Don't worry, we're getting you out of here."

Marcel's gaze drifted to his pokemon, who had crowded a few feet away, watching him. He caught the gaze of Scorch, then Coda and Porygon, who had appeared. Porygon must have taken it upon himself to call for backup. He felt too exhausted to speak, but he blinked meaningfully. Thank you.


To Marcel's dismay, he was kept in the hospital overnight. A psychic specialist healer had done its best to clear the worst of the sand from his throat and lungs, but the doctors wanted to make sure any risk of complications or infection was nullified with further treatment.

As much appreciation as he had for the nurses and doctors, he was glad when they finally sent him home with a bottle of thick pecha medicine and an antibiotic. Of course, he was also strictly ordered to stay home and rest to not aggravate his lungs further, but at least he was home with his team.

But it was hard to fully relax. The run in with that thief and brush with death had left him on edge. His fellow officers had done their best afterward to search for the thief, but it seemed they had come just barely too late. Marcel couldn't help but feel deeply aggravated. If only he'd seen it sooner. Zorua were such a rare thing, especially ones that could do good illusions. It also made finding their thief trickier. Wherever he was now, he'd definitely have gone to ground. Literally, possibly.

The Under was a thing of the past for the most part, but a few criminals and unsavory types still tried to use the maze of tunnels. And they didn't have a good description to go off, meaning they were back at square one. Unless...

The thief would probably be trying to sell that tech soon, to the Swords.

Maybe it was time to talk to his favorite new friend.


"Are you actually serious right now," Drake snapped, arms folded as he glared at Marcel. "I agreed to inform on other gangs. Now you think I'm just going to tell you where my own team is doing a buy?"

Marcel shrugged casually. "Maybe if I ask nicely?" He grinned, keeping up a face of aloofness. He wasn't expecting Drake to actually tell him anything useful. Yet. This was more of a test than anything. He'd called him on a burner he'd given to him, and convinced him to meet in a private booth in a slightly upscale restaurant in Phenac called WeepinBell. For the most part his throat and lungs had healed, although there was still an uncomfortable rawness in his chest.

"You been huffing too much koffing gas? Or are you just that stupid?" Drake stood, starting to leave. "I came here because you claimed you had something to tell me, not the other way around."

"Sit down."

Drake winced, almost imperceptibly, and hesitated. He shot Marcel a nasty glare. "Give me one good reason."

"Because we're not done."

He saw Drake's gaze flick subtly towards the door, then back to Marcel. Finally, he sat down, still scowling, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"The Crimson Zangoose are making a move on that tech." Hook.

"What te-"

"Don't play stupid, it fits you too well." Marcel continued, momentarily relishing the annoyance on Drake's face. "Saturday. Thought you might be interested to know that." Line.

The hungry gleam in Drake's eyes almost made Marcel smirk. He kept his expression neutral. "...Why tell me?" Drake growled. Sinker.

"Tell me where the Zangoose do business. Cripple the competition. My team and I will wait for them to make their move, and catch whoever we can in the act," he said with practiced triumph.

To his absolute delight, Drake answered without too much thought. Which meant he was either a fast liar or a stupid truth teller. Marcel banked on the latter.

"Fine. Spot over in Gateon is where they've been lately. Warehouse district." He rattled off a number. "It's a front, the Zangoose paid off the warehouse owner to use it."

Marcel nodded eagerly, although he only barely noted Drake's words. Maybe it would be useful for later, but the real trap had already been set. Saturday gave the Swords only one smart day to make the buy, the day before. With any luck, Drake would hurry right back to his boss, and Marcel could swoop into the Swords 'hidden' spot behind the Charpotle.

Drake scowled deeper. "But you didn't—"

"- hear it from you," Marcel finished. This time he looked into Drake's eyes and spoke sincerely. "Nothing that happens gets back to you. I meant what I said about my informants being my responsibility."

"I'm not your damn informant or pet." He stood up, pushing the empty plate of food away. "Good luck going up against the Zangoose," he sneered.

Thank you, Marcel thought to himself smugly. Now to see if the trap would be sprung.


The precinct was a flurry of activity all through Thursday. Training drills, equipment checks, and several tactical reviews of plans. They had one undercover officer already in place watching the area, and the rest of them were preparing to teleport in once they got word.

The plan was straightforward, to avoid confusion. First, the guards outside the room would be disabled. Then two squads would enter the room; one on each entrance. The room was fairly wide, giving them just enough space to launch a surprise attack. Inside were two Swords, plus the Paldean thief selling the stolen tech. Hopefully they could disable everyone without a fight, but if needed they were prepared. The goal was to disrupt the buy, catch the thief and whichever Swords they could, if not all of them.

Once he'd reviewed everything with his human teammates, he took some time to run through the operation with his pokemon, drilling them on their techniques, as well as speaking to Porygon about an idea that had come to him.

All too soon and not long enough at all, the signal came in. Swords, spotted at the secret room behind Charpotle. Whoever was guarding the entrance to the buy would have been put to sleep by now, making sure that the way was clear for them.

"Time to go," he said grimly to his team, recalling them for the time being.

He checked in with their Alakazam teleporter, and a few minutes later, he and the rest of their team were dropped off in a side alley that led to one of the entrances to the room. He shared a brief nod with the other two officers with him, Rafel and Javin. Rafel's Hypno stood at the ready, flanked by Javin's Primeape. They returned his nod, stone faced and serious. On his comms, he heard the go ahead from the other team at the other entrance. Then they moved in.

A powerful punch from Primeape blasted the door open, and Marcel charged ahead, falling into step behind Rafel and Hypno. Three heads whipped around to face them. And then from the shadows of the room, three more figures burst out from behind a crate.

What the- Zangoose. Marcel swore, his mind racing. Somehow, the Zangoose had made their own move early.

Chaos broke out.

The Swords and Zangoose reacted swiftly, sending out their teams. Linoone, Makuhita and Watchog and Liepard emerged. Alongside them was a Plapitoad and Cacnea. Hypno and Primeape charged into battle as Marcel sent out the rest of his team. A three way brawl erupted. "Quickly, Porygon," he said in a low voice. Porygon zipped away as Marcel turned his attention to the fight.

Attacks flew across the room as the cries of pokemon filled the space. Marcel drew back, scanning the battle and watching his teammates backs. This was for the pokemon to settle.

Swirling pink energy from one of their own Clefable rippled across the ground, a way to disrupt potential illusions from Zorua. Loaf and Scorch tag teamed the Palpitoad, Scorch peppering Loaf with flames to bolster his defenses. Coda hung back, using her ranged attacks to strike any pokemon too distracted, and provide healing.

Where, where was the Paldean— There. He spotted a figure edging away from the fight. Not again, he refused to let the thief get away again.

"Runner!" A voice called.

"I got him!" Javin was closer, already running for the Paldean. Except he'd be alone out there.

Marcel launched into a dead sprint after the figure leaving the warehouse, who was tailed by Javin. Ducking around stray attacks and pokemon, he reached it several seconds after Javin had left.

He'd barely crossed the threshold of the doorway when something smashed painfully across his temple and he staggered back. Before he could gather his bearings, a loud bang echoed as something struck him in the chest and threw him off his feet.

The world swam and a strange, choking gasping sound played through Marcel's addled hearing on repeat as he fought back a thousand needle pricks of pain exploding across his chest. And then his awareness trickled back to him and he realized he was on his back, and the gasping noise was coming from him.

Every inhale felt like agony, and he couldn't even draw a proper breath. Stars danced across his vision and a groan slipped past his defenses. He gasped, each moment only sending more crackles of pain flooding through him.

After a good second the darkness pulsing through his vision receded just enough to make out a figure, standing over him. His breath hitched and he drew a wheezing gasp as his thoughts finally caught up.

Adrenaline exploded through him. They were aiming a gun at his head. He scrambled for his own weapon, only to realize he'd dropped it when he'd been shot — shot? — and he was defenseless. His assailant seemed to realize it at the same time, a cruel smirk playing across his lips.

Panic flooded his pain-addled mind. I'm gonna die here in the alley alone I'm dead and there's no one—

The gunman's finger tightened, his world narrowed and Marcel couldn't breathe—

A blob of purple ooze arced over Marcel's head and onto the gun. The gunman howled and dropped it, looked over at something behind Marcel. He sneered, then turned and ran, clutching his hand. Marcel drew a sharp breath and winced. His vision swam again and he hissed out a curse. Ribs. He'd seen it happen before but he'd never had it happen to him, not at close range.

Get up.

He tried to sit up, but the motion only brought more pain, darkness swirling through his vision. Someone had chased off his would-be shooter. Dazed, he craned his neck and saw a figure scurrying past him and towards the alley exit.

A familiar figure... Dark jacket and dark hair and on the shoulder... a Salandit? Drake? He sank back into the pavement. From inside the warehouse came a shout, and then footsteps rushing towards him. One set shot past him towards the alley exit, another stopped beside him. More darkness bled into his vision, though he just made out the silhouette of one of his other officers kneeling beside him, saying something.

"Vest," he mumbled between gritted teeth. The officer eased him onto his side, unstrapping the vest. Some of the pressure was relieved and Marcel drew a shaky breath.

Somewhere beyond the alley's exit a shout sounded, and the sounds of a skirmish. A tense silence fell across the alley. A moment later, the officer came into view with his Hypno, holding the restrained Paldean thief.

Marcel held back a sigh of relief.

"The pokeball blocker," Rafel said. "He doesn't have it."

"Don't worry," Marcel mumbled. "Wherever it is, its no good. Porygon fried it beyond recognition." he managed a grin at the thought. His fail safe he'd discussed before the raid, just in case. If Porygon could, he'd been assigned to seek out the tech, get into the circuitry and fry it until nothing remained. He didn't want anyone to get their hands on such tech, not even his own side. Too big a risk.

Rafel cast him a surprised look. "Well... that's good I guess," he muttered. He cocked his head, listening to something on his earpiece.

Marcel realized his must have fallen out when he was shot.

"Looks like the fight inside died down. We got one of the Zangoose, but the others managed to teleport away," he grumbled. He shrugged. "Least Javin got the thief though."

Closing his eyes, Marcel laid his head on the warm pavement. Finally. The hunt was over. There'd be another later he was sure, but at least for now, they'd won.

...Thanks to Drake.


Marcel lay in bed and stared at the wall a few inches away from his face. His fingers dug into the mattress and he scowled. It'd been over a week. He'd taken the last dose of medicine earlier in the evening, but a raw scratchy sensation lingered in the back of his throat. During the day sometimes, it was actually easier to forget, but at night coughing still kept him awake. And tonight, every withheld or shallow cough sparked pain in his ribs.

That, and sometimes he felt like was still there, in the alley and the sandpit, alone, with the world closing in around him and pressing down on his chest, death looming over him...

"Some week, huh, Leo," he murmured out loud. For a moment, a nagging doubt surfaced. Had he made the right choice coming here? He let the thought rest, then dismissed it. He knew why he'd come, and a rough couple weeks didn't change that. Orre had needed more help, with the gangs growing and trying to get bolder. He'd promised.

Besides, in the end he had been able to make some headway, however small. The Crimson Zangoose he'd helped catch wanted to make a deal. The thief had been caught. Ira didn't seem like the type to listen but... His thoughts turned to Drake.

Something about Drake pinged as odd. The guy was angry, evasive and untrustworthy. Yet... not a killer, as evidenced by their first encounter with the poison. And there was the matter of what happened in the alley.

By now, he was fully convinced that Drake had been the one to show up and save him. Payback, perhaps, for that night outside the bar? That was the most likely explanation. Yet he couldn't help but hope that maybe there was something more. That he could help Drake somehow.

I hope so. The thought lingered as his body's exhaustion finally began to overtake his mind. He exhaled gingerly, relishing the breath. His last thoughts were of his team, before sleep finally overtook him.
Last edited:


  1. sableye
"Deep Breath"

Alright, so this one was a mixed bag for me. Mostly positive, but no electricity whump ruined it there were a few things that had me a little puzzled. I did enjoy the new forms of whump we get introduced to, though, at least in terms of variety. I found that I kind of really like the idea of quicksand whump - it's like drowning, except it's like a slow-burn. So you get all that juicy panic without the sudden-ness, and even better, you're restrained too. That's the good stuff. On the other hand, gunshot whump doesn't do a lot for me (call me Magneto), but I did generally enjoy Marcel suffering all the same.

In regards to plot, I wonder if you actually do have some over-arching storyline here or if this is just meant to be only very mildly connected to each other, like a TV show that's episodic rather than continuous. (Like, obviously the pre-established Drake/Marcel relationship still matters here and all that, but otherwise it feels like everything plot-related "important" that is non-whump seems to be contained to each individual chapter so far. I don't think pokeball-blocking tech was mentioned before, for example.) Honestly I don't think it matters in the long run if there is some large over-arching plot or not, since it's simple enough to do episodic chapters full of whump without it. (I'm mostly just curious.)

Back again with more tightly crafted seamless plot and worldbuilding- oh no wait, this one is still just whump.
Oooooh boy, here we go! Fantastic opening.

Question: The threadmark here also doesn't have a tag (IE 'part 3') or anything, just like the Bar Exam one. Is this just another side/special chapter?

Starting off with Marcel visiting a hospital... oh no, what happened to Drake now? :copyka: Part of me wonders why he's in Orre of all places; for a man who admires the world hospitals do, and hates criminals so, he's living in the wrong region.

Something else about this scene that stands out to me right off the bat was... why was Marcel called in here to begin with? I am wondering what "admitted under suspicious conditions" means. I feel like half the people in an Orre hospital will be showing up there under suspicious conditions, given the region's known for it's gang activity. Maybe we'll get that answer in a few paragraphs, but I am writing as I read so I'm just speculating.

Ira, an enforcer for the notorious Crimson Zangoose gang.
Oh. It's not Drake. Good, everyone gets a little torture in this fic! As a treat. (A treat for me.)

"Lick a muk, cop scum."
"I ain't a damn Chatot."
Love the use of pokemon-themed insults and such here. I did wonder if there's meaning behind chatot being capitalized while muk is not, or if that was a grammar error thing.

"He tortured me. Kept me for a week. Didn't even want information or a ransom or any of that, just kept going on about— Look, the guy's a psychopath. Wouldn't shut up about teaching me a lesson, roughed me up for awhile. I lost track of time, then next thing I know he dumped me here."
Oh, actual torture. Fun! I do love me a guy who tortures just for the fun of it, or on some personal principle or something. Also, it's interesting that the torturer himself was the one to dump Ira at the hospital. Wonder how that was accomplished, unless he just somehow knew Ira wouldn't rat him out.

Future Me update: In looking to see if I mentioned anything about the Bar Exam chapter not having a prefix [spoiler, I didn't], I remembered that Ira was the dude who kept Drake captive. Was Athos the one who did this to Ira??? (Or the Swords, but point.)

Rather irritatingly, he'd gotten hold of Drake for a bit but he'd claimed he also had no idea.
This is interesting, that Marcel and Drake like... actually interact off-screen. It's weird to think about them cooperating with each other.

The newer cities like Emera and Granite were also probably less appealing, thanks to their population and police presence.
This whole mini-scene was neat! For a whump fic, this is a cute bit of Orre worldbuilding. This line in particular answers my previous statement about Orre and it's criminal activity/lack of law enforcement.

His gaze settled on the man's hand, resting atop the large box. One, two... Eleven. Marcel's blood ran cold. "Oh sh—"
I'm not entirely sure what's going on here. The zorua apparently was disguising the scene with an illusion but... like, was Marcel counting the guy's fingers? Is that what tipped him off about the illusion? That's genuinely a guess, because I can't imagine what else the number counting could be a reference to...

But if it is... is it implying he counted 11 fingers on one hand? Cause the reader's attention is only drawn to the single hand resting on the box. So if that's the case, I would expect a six, not an eleven... unless I'm just off the mark here entirely, but that means I don't think it's clear why Marcus was counting.

The ground under Marcel's feat softened abruptly, then turned almost liquid. In a second, it was up to his ankles, and in two, up to his knees.
Oh wow, quicksand whump is not what I was expecting in this chapter (I guess I shouldn't be surprised, given Orre is one giant desert and quicksand is kind of a form of drowning whump if you squint). Not one you see a lot of, but I hope we get more of this in the future. Pretty interesting way of getting himself rescued, too!

A psychic specialist healer had done its best to clear the worst of the sand from his throat and lungs, but the doctors wanted to make sure any risk of complications or infection was nullified with further treatment.
Oooh, I love this idea of a psychic healer who can manage to get unwanted debris out from inside the body. I may have to steal this. I don't know for what, but this is cool.

"I agreed to inform on other gangs.
Should be a "you" in here somewhere I think?

a slightly upscale restaurant in Phenac called WeepinBell
More pokemon naming stuff. Love this one because it implies that Taco Bell is in any way remotely 'upscale'. :mewlulz: At least, that's what I assume this one's based off.

"Saturday. Thought you might be interested to know that."
This bit puzzled me, too. I thought the whole point of contacting Drake was that Marcel didn't know when this delivery was taking place?
Unless this is a bluff.

Marcel nodded eagerly, although he only barely noted Drake's words. Maybe it would be useful for later, but the real trap had already been set. Saturday gave the Swords only one smart day to make the buy, the day before. With any luck, Drake would hurry right back to his boss, and Marcel could swoop into the Swords 'hidden' spot behind the Charpotle.
Oh, wait. Is... Marcel trying to bait Drake/the Swords into buying the tech on his schedule by... I don't really know his angle, honestly. Pretending to know when they're going to do it and naming an earlier date? I'll admit, I'm pretty confused here.

More pokemon naming theme, though!

Swirling pink energy from one of their own Clefable rippled across the ground, a way to disrupt potential illusions from Zorua. Loaf and Scorch tag teamed the Palpitoad, Scorch peppering Loaf with flames to bolster his defenses. Coda hung back, using her ranged attacks to strike any pokemon too distracted, and provide healing.
I'm glad you addressed this, although perhaps a bit late in the scene; I'd been concerned about zorua being a plot hole as soon as this scene begun.

Also of note here; I love how Marcel's team is basically built to support each other here. Loaf is clearly the main attacker, getting support from Scorch in both offense and defense, while Coda stays in the back and plays sniper while keeping them healthy. Very good teamwork, and also not something even most trainerfic don't get into since it's triple battling. And even most "free-for-all" battles don't have this level of inter-team coordination!

"Some week, huh, Leo," he murmured out loud.

Leo? LEO? WES?? (Wasn't Leo originally Wes' Japanese name or something?) Can't remember if we've heard Marcel mention a Leo before, so this stuck out to me (thanks to Yellow for the Orre lore, lol).

A quick ctrl+f tells me that Leo was mentioned twice before, both in chapter/part 2, and I didn't catch/address it. What. Who is Leo?!


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
TY so much for the reviews, it means everything to me!! :veelove:

Some answers..
In regards to plot, I wonder if you actually do have some over-arching storyline here or if this is just meant to be only very mildly connected to each other, like a TV show that's episodic rather than continuous.
Its mostly whump, little bit of overarching plot, but I think I'm trying to go for an angle where each piece can really be read in any order, depending on what kind of whump one feels like reading. There will naturally be character continuity (so this does take place after all the others) but the plot is half background I guess, heh.
Question: The threadmark here also doesn't have a tag (IE 'part 3') or anything, just like the Bar Exam one. Is this just another side/special chapter?
The Part 1/2 is mostly an introduction to the concept and setup. Marcel, Drake, Orre and gangs that way anything I write after has a sort of foundation. For example, one could probably read this chapter without reading Bar Exam. So they're not exactly side specials they're just. things I guess.? (can you tell I have no idea what I'm doing lol)

Future Me update: In looking to see if I mentioned anything about the Bar Exam chapter not having a prefix [spoiler, I didn't], I remembered that Ira was the dude who kept Drake captive. Was Athos the one who did this to Ira??? (Or the Swords, but point.)
(Yes. So after your last review I realized yes, Athos did/would retaliate, but I had no way of showing that onscreen for now, which is why I wrote this. Athos 100% snatched him and tortured him for a week straight as punishment, but Drake didn't realize this (hence why drake doesn't bring it up or think about it). This was a fun way to allude to the things going on in the background that neither Marcel or Drake are fully privvy to yet.

Oh, actual torture. Fun! I do love me a guy who tortures just for the fun of it, or on some personal principle or something. Also, it's interesting that the torturer himself was the one to dump Ira at the hospital. Wonder how that was accomplished, unless he just somehow knew Ira wouldn't rat him out.
It would be extremely embarassing (from ira's POV) to admit who tortured you and also invite the fear of more retaliation. Bad look to admit you kidnapped another gang member, tortured him, then let your guard down and got kidnapped a few weeks later and yourself got tortured for a week.

Athos knows Ira won't rat/admit who did it because it means admitting the Swords have that kind of pull. Also its a display of power, a sort of "I don't even care if you did try and tell someone because it won't mean anything and I can't be stopped"

I'm not entirely sure what's going on here. The zorua apparently was disguising the scene with an illusion but... like, was Marcel counting the guy's fingers? Is that what tipped him off about the illusion? That's genuinely a guess, because I can't imagine what else the number counting could be a reference to...

But if it is... is it implying he counted 11 fingers on one hand? Cause the reader's attention is only drawn to the single hand resting on the box. So if that's the case, I would expect a six, not an eleven... unless I'm just off the mark here entirely, but that means I don't think it's clear why Marcus was counting.
..... Ooops. Yeah this is a gaff on my part, probably can exposit about this in the story in a different part. It should be six (to make more sense) and the idea is unskilled Zorua are like AI art generators and mess up hands and eyes. So Marcel realizes the hands are all wrong. Anyways ty for pointing this out, I'll tweak it to make it clearer

More pokemon naming stuff. Love this one because it implies that Taco Bell is in any way remotely 'upscale'. :mewlulz: At least, that's what I assume this one's based off.
:mewlulz: so there's no way to say this in-universe but its both a pokemon naming and a funny meta joke for me. In Orre, WeepinBell is actually upscale and more like a niche taco shop that serves good food, Charpotle (Chipotle) is the taco bell of this world. Just funny meta thing that's irrelevant. But also if people read this and think that Orre see taco bell as upsacle is also hilarious, so it works on both counts

This bit puzzled me, too. I thought the whole point of contacting Drake was that Marcel didn't know when this delivery was taking place?
Unless this is a bluff.
Oh, wait. Is... Marcel trying to bait Drake/the Swords into buying the tech on his schedule by... I don't really know his angle, honestly. Pretending to know when they're going to do it and naming an earlier date? I'll admit, I'm pretty confused here.

More pokemon naming theme, though!
Yep! its a bait. He's 'letting it slip' to Drake (A Sword) that the Zangoose are totally moving up the buy (lie). He knows Drake will run home and rat, thus goading the Swords into moving up their buy. He has no idea if/when the Zangoose are actually trying to buy it but thats irrelevant. (funnily enough, they are planning to try and buy). He came here to subtly get the Swords to move their own buy to a predictable date.

Also of note here; I love how Marcel's team is basically built to support each other here. Loaf is clearly the main attacker, getting support from Scorch in both offense and defense, while Coda stays in the back and plays sniper while keeping them healthy. Very good teamwork, and also not something even most trainerfic don't get into since it's triple battling. And even most "free-for-all" battles don't have this level of inter-team coordination!
Aaaaa Im so happy you noticed! A big thing in Orre and on the police forces is having strong team synergy. Especially Orre, because unlike other regions, officers are often in the field only with their team, so they have a minimum requirement of 3 mon who can battle. (As opposed to Paldea, where Marcel frequently worked with a human partner as well)
A quick ctrl+f tells me that Leo was mentioned twice before, both in chapter/part 2, and I didn't catch/address it. What. Who is Leo?!
If you didn't surmise it I won't tell lol
(JK)It's his old partner, who we saw him thinking about back in Part2 right after Marcel realizes he's been robbed. He looks at a picture of him he keeps in his safe. No relation to snagem Leo or Wes, but that is FUNNY and a great coincidence

Thank you SO MUCH for the review it delighted me immensely and made my morning, hopefully this cleared up any confusion


Hey, Tetra! I enjoyed getting acquainted with this story for the Festival of Masks, and now that I'm caught up, it's time for a Blitz review!

This story is a lot of fun. I can tell you're having a great time with it, which always makes for a positive reading experience. And I love how you pack so many fun little details into the story--Orre is perhaps an even blanker slate than the other pokémon settings, and you've put a lot of fun twists on it to make it your own. It's the little details that count: Charpotle is just such a great spin on a real-world brand, and I love the idea of zorua illusions having AI qualities where they can't get the damn hands right (extra fun because so many old shapeshifter stories speak of similar weaknesses...). One of the benefits of taking a relaxed approach to what you want out of a fic is that you can kind of throw whatever neat ideas you have into it and see what happens, and you've obviously got a lot of neat ideas to play around with! It's a good time to see just what you'll come up with next.

However, it's clear that your primary focus here is on the characters, and particularly on the relationship between Drake and Marcel. It's a classic setup, with the cynical, streetwise kid with a heart of gold playing off the straight-laced do-gooder who recognizes something special in him, and it remains as good a time as ever here. I enjoy Drake's unapologetic shitheadedness when he interacts with 90% of people--tbh I don't think we've seen him show real respect to anyone but Athos up til now? We do love a character who's a paragon of Good Decisions Only. The fallout when Athos finds out that Drake's been working with the police is going to be delightful. I do like the Athos/Drake dynamic in general; it's fun to see a character who's obviously in a bad situation but is stubbornly determined that their REAL problem is something else entirely. You've done a good job of getting across how poorly Athos treats Drake as well as why Drake idolizes him anyway--and Athos comes across as an appropriately terrifying figure to loom in the background while Drake keeps having secret meet-ups with Marcel. When/if we get to the point of Drake leaving the Swords, willingly or otherwise, that final confrontation is bound to be a juicy one.

We haven't actually gotten to see a lot of interaction between Drake and Salandit at this point, which I was kind of surprised by--given Salandit's prominent role in the first chapter, I thought their budding alliance would be the major focus of the story, but we actually haven't seen a ton of them together outside that first chapter. Can't complain, because I do think

Right now we definitely know less about Marcel than we do Drake--obviously he has some trauma around the death of his partner, and presumably he came out here to Orre as a result of that event, whether because he promised something to said partner or because he was inspired to come out here by something about said event. And I'll bet whatever happened to Leo (any relation to Wes???) was pretty wrenching; looking forward to eventually getting some some fun flashbacks covering that. But probably not until more extreme circumstances have prompted Marcel to open up to Drake a bit first. Someone has certainly gone to great lengths to repress his trauma. :) :) :) All that to say, I look forward to where you end up going with Marcel; Drake's the main character and certainly steals the show, but I see a lot of fun stuff ahead for Marcel, too.

It seems like Drake's already starting to warm up to Marcel, much though I'm sure he wouldn't admit it. Getting his ass saved once or twice apparently isn't too easy to brush off. Nonetheless, I was surprised Drake ended up saving Marcel in the most recent chapter! I'd expect him to be pretty pissed to have the police show up during the Swords' deal--surely he's got to think Marcel had betrayed him somehow? Unless, of course, Salandit decided to intervene on his own. Or perhaps Drake's decided he doesn't hate Marcel enough to want him dead... not that he actually cares about the guy or anything. :P

The Zangoose showing up there though, hmm. Seems pretty lucky for them, although admittedly everybody seems to know about this hideout, so perhaps they just decided to stake it out... in case something preempted their own deal? Almost seems like there's got to be a mole in the Swords passing them info. We all know it's you, Victore.

I was a bit confused about the timing of the last scene of the most recent chapter. Towards the beginning it's mentioned that it's been "over a week," but then later on Marcel's thinking about "the matter of today," which would seem to suggest that this is actually happening on the same day as the previous scene.

Right now this story's set up a lot of fun threads that it feels like you could pull on at any time, generally focused on character relationships--between Drake and Salandit, Drake and Victore and/or Athos, and the central relationship between Drake and Marcel. It seems like a solid foundation for an episodic story, where you can spend some time developing one thread or another according to what you feel like. Meanwhile, the Zangoose/Sword conflict gives some sense of structure for an overarching plot. I don't know whether you have a full plotline sketched out for this story or if you're kind of letting it go where it will without any particular end in sight, but I think the ingredients are there for you to spin this out as loosely as you like or dip more into plot if you want to shake things up a bit instead. I think it'll be a good time either way, and I'm always happy to hang out in Orre for a bit, take in a bit of gang drama. All in all this has been a super entertaining read so far, and I'm glad I decided to check it out!
Beach Episode [Special Episode]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Ohhh im back again, but not with anything anyone probably wanted lol. Not me continuing the story.

Beach episode! Somehow. Don't ask. (Maybe they're on a vacation...?)

I can't explain when or how this happens beyond saying "sometime after Drake warms up to Marcel a little but before he tries to cut ties with the swords entirely". Think of it as very ambiguously canon. The way Ash movies are to the ash-anime. Did it happen? Didn't it? I'll never tell. When did it happen? I don't know!!

It is very self indulgent, very spur of the moment and not meant to be thought about super hard on stuff like how they got there, how hypothermia or ocean rescue works, when this takes place, where this takes place, or any of those details lol.

I am hoping the whump is fun and the emotional stuff makes some sense! Or, as much sense as it can make considering I sort of time skipped emotionally oops.

The ending was not planned in particular, as I originally just wrote this as an obvious excuse to drown them both on this beach. I just needed some kind of closure I guess, figured they might have feelings about what down. So i kind of took forever and noodled on how to get those vibes right.

As per the opening post though, its unlikely I'll change much wrt to trying to explain or give context hah.

But commentary is welcomed! If the whump or emotions resonated at all lmk. I know it's probably hard to connect with the character beats considering the timeskip heh.

Warning: Reynisfjara black sand beach is dangerous...

Drake gazed across the black, rocky beach, eyes wide with awe. He'd seen the ocean before, of course, but nothing like this beach. When Marcel described it, he'd dismissed it at first as lame, but a part of him had been intrigued, wondering if Marcel was lying. Black sands sounded like something dumb from a story. (Except Marcel wasn't a liar.)

Eyes still roving the beach, he started forward, hungrily taking in the sights. The distant shapes of sea cliffs poked from the ocean off to either side. Strange rock formations surrounded the cliffs, looking almost like they'd been carved out, except supposedly they were natural. Glimmering black sand stretched out, oddly flat and free of dunes. Here and there, pokemon hung about, but the beach was otherwise quiet.

Almost in a daze, he moved forward, still enthralled by the sight. Sand and rock crunched under his boots. He reached down to brush his fingers against it, marveling at how different it felt than Orre's desert sand. Thick and heavy, and cold as hell. Shaking it off he grimaced. He was halfway to the waterline before he paused, glancing behind him. No sign of Marcel. Was he still on his phone call or whatever it was that had held him up, further inland?

Drake shrugged. Marcel could suit himself. He'd said something before Drake started out about "stay away from the water" as if he wanted to get near water, but the seas at least looked calm today. Or at least, calm enough. He'd seen some waves around Lazuli Town and Gateon, and these didn't seem any worse.

As much as he wasn't a water person, being here was... not so bad. Waves crashing on the shore, a deliciously chilly breeze, and faint pokemon cries. He could forget just for a moment about everything.

Curiosity drew him ever forward, compelled to get a better look. He spotted a large sign just off to the side, text all in bold font and painted bright yellow and black. Shoving his chilly hands in his pockets, he ambled towards it, leaning closer and squinting.

He rolled his eyes after skimming the sign. Something about 'waves' and 'undertow' and DANGER except the water was clearly pretty tame this morning. Besides, he wanted to get a closer look. With a final glance behind him to see that Marcel was nowhere to be seen, he started forward again, towards the water.

The waves sloshed rhythmically onto shore before drifting back to sea. At first, Drake stood a reasonable distance away, watching them, just taking in the sights and reveling in how... distant everything felt. Like out here was another world. It was strangely separate from anything happening back... in Orre, from any problems. He could imagine for a moment, he would never have to go back, that this moment of peace could last forever. It made him both antsy and... captivated.

This sea was so far from it all.

Hands still crammed deep into his pockets to stave off the chill, he tucked his chin into the warmth of his jacket collar and advanced further towards the water. Marcel had been right about wearing layers, at least.

A small wave came out, just a few yards from his boots. Another small wave dampened the sand, and reached up to his boots. Drake smirked. This wasn't so bad. Letting out a deep sigh, his breath clouding the air, he wandered along the shore, towards the nearby rocky cliffs.

Soon they loomed up to his left. He'd never considered himself a tourist type but even he had to admit seeing the rock formations up close was... Cool. Balsam or something, Marcel said? Another wave splashed him, but didn't even reach to cover his boots.

A distant cry pierced the air. A bellow or a howl, maybe from a pokemon? It came again, loud and demanding. Who-


Turning around, he spotted Marcel a ways off, further up the beach, waving frantically, mouth open in a shout. He rolled his eyes and started to tromp towards him. "Relax old man," he muttered, a vague grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

He heard the sound of another wave hitting the shore with a crash. In his peripheral vision, he saw the foamy white water sloshing closer, about to peak and recede. It didn't. Ice water slammed his calves. The sand underfoot shifted abruptly. Water surged around his knees then yanked. He didn't even have a chance to free his hands from his pockets before his legs slid from under him, his back slammed into the surf and then suddenly he was being dragged away from the shore as if seized by some beast.

The shock of the cold stabbed straight through his jacket and he gasped, then choked, flailing for purchase. He was moving, tumbling, floundering like a pathetic weak magikarp, his chest knotting as his lungs protested the shock. As the wave dragged him out to sea, his thoughts dragged him to the past.

"Well Drake? Are you sorry? Have you understood your mistake?"

Drake clawed at the slick sides of the basin, exhaustion leadening his limbs. "I am!" he begged Athos. "I'm sorry, please! I'll be better I promise!"

Athos' face gazed down at him, disappointment etched across his face. "Better? Is that all you have to say?"

"I-i-I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking! I never should have said anything. I swear it won't happen again."

"How am I meant to believe you?" Athos growled.

A spasm of exhaustion overtook Drake and his head slipped beneath the water. He surged back up again, his head breaking the surface as he spluttered. His movements were becoming frantic now, erratic and less effective, harder and harder to focus on treading water, staying afloat. "Th Swords are-" he gagged, his head slipping below the surface. "-family!" His eyes and throat burned.

Not a flicker of emotion showed on Athos face, aside from the same disappointment. He opened his mouth to say something, but Drake couldn't hear it, as water once again closed over his head. This time it was several seconds before he found the strength to force himself to the surface again.

"...Get him out," Athos snapped.

Marcel's voice reached his ears. Drake got his hands under him a moment, half rising to his hands and knees, throat raw. Get up you weakling! He choked and wheezed and got one leg under him. Another wave slammed into him and swept it back from under him. He fell to his side and inhaled a lungful of water that left him spluttering and dazed, distantly aware that Marcel's voice was moving away and his body was shifting and suddenly he couldn't feel the sand under him.

Feral desperation overshadowed his rational thought. He tried to grab and clutch at anything but there wasn't anything but sand and water and ice. He kicked and thrashed more, feeling like a caged animal, his ice cold clothes turning to lead, his eyes burning.

A powerful force suddenly jerked him back, back towards shore, towards safety. Another jerk, a muffled desperate voice, a hand grabbed his arm. The waters surged up again. He kicked and scrabbled, throwing himself back, his legs stumbling sluggishly as he felt someone - Marcel? - dragging at him.

The water began to recede, but this time not taking Drake with it. For a fleeting moment hope broke through his panic that he could get away- A huge white spray of water shot into the air as a wave three times the size of others slammed the shore and surged forward and swallowed them both.

For a second, he spotted Marcel's panicked face flash above the waves. Drake shrieked in shock as the ground underneath vanished proper. His boots and clothes sucked at him, pulling him down, his head slipping beneath the surface.

No up, no down, only cold. Terrible, pervading cold that stole his breath and clamped around his lungs like a vice and burned his eyes and sapped his strength. He thrashed a couple times, but found it so tiring... It's not like he could reach the surface, was it? And the cold had faded to a far off numbness now. Black crowded his vision and he realized he wasn't moving his limbs at all now. Death, drowning like a pathetic Rattata. Disappointing.

That was okay though... Marcel would... Marcel was... Oh. He was here too, in the water, wasn't he? That was unfortunate. His eyes were still open but he wasn't sure he could see or not. He vacantly tried to look around to catch a glimpse of Marcel but... no sign. Probably too late now.

I'm sorry.


"No!" he'd sent out Coda, who'd channeled every ounce of her psychic strength to catch Drake by his hoodie and hold him, slow him enough so he wasn't dragged out to sea. Marcel charged towards the dark shape in the water. In the back of his mind, he knew full well it was a fool's errand and he wasn't supposed to enter the water.

That didn't matter not with this, not with Drake, he couldn't let this happen. It was Drake, and he had to try, he had to try—

Throwing himself forward he splashed through the surf and managed to just grab Drake, catching him by the shoulders. The kid thrashed and kicked in his grasp, consumed by panic. His waterlogged clothes made him weigh even more and it took all of Marcel's strength to try and heave him backwards.

Hope sparked in him for a second as he realized he was making progress.

Then icy water swallowed everything.

He'd trained before, in the basics of swimming, and was good at it. Working in Paldea meant you were expected to learn, and he always loved the beach. In fact, he considered himself a good swimmer.

But all his training couldn't stifle his body's reflexes. The shock of the cold made him gasp and he was choking, even as he tried to swim, kicking and thrusting himself upwards against the tug of water. He broke the surface and gasped, coughing out water, whirling desperately trying to catch a glimpse of Drake. No no he couldn't-

Too much water, too much cold. Ice clouding his thoughts. He thrashed anyway, pumping his limbs on instinct. Please no.

Air met his face and he gave a ragged cough. Air, he tried to suck in air but he couldn't get a breath couldn't fight the cold. For a second, there was a lull between waves. Brief clarity. I'm going to die. Adrenaline exploded through him, a haze of fear swamping him. He tried to swim, kicking and clawing at the water, half frenzied. Not here not like this I can't I can't I can't.

Shrill high pitched chiming met his ears, he spotted a flick of red and gold. Coda, still on shore. A tug of psychic energy around him. Then another wave slammed down, the ocean rose and swallowed him, and he felt nothing.

I don't want to die please don't let me die. He started praying and begging every legend and myth and being he could think of. His body no longer felt like his own. He was still moving, fighting the ocean. But they were weak strokes, powerless to get him anywhere. His body stopped responding.

Horrible numbness overwrote panic and he found himself trapped, trapped in his body yet his mind cool and clear. One thought came through, louder and clearer than the rest. Not like this. Please not like this.


Drake's stomach heaved and his lungs spasmed. In an instant, he found himself on his side, gagging and spitting up acrid water and a liquid. The world around him pulsed and spun, and his limbs shook. He slumped back to the ground, panting and shivering, suddenly aware of the needling numbness flaring across his body. A distant ringing came from somewhere far off.


A sharp bellow broke through the pulsing darkness clouding his mind. Drake's eyes shot open. Shapes and colors pooled around him before coalescing into something resembling a coherent image. Blue, white. Black. Gray. he blinked a couple times, until his brain caught up.

Chiming sounded from somewhere. Two yellow eyes surrounded by thick white fluff glared down at him. A Walrein...? Neither of them had a Walrein, did that mean a trainer had rescued them-

"Marcel!" his panicked cry came out more like a raspy whisper and he heaved himself upright. The world swayed and he almost fell, but he fought through it as he glanced frantically around. His brain caught up as he took in the world around him properly.

One very annoyed looking Walrein standing over him. No humans. A wild one then...? And the water was a good distance away. It must have dragged them farther up the beach. Shrill chiming still sounding. Beside him? A few yards away, Coda, hovering over Marcel's body, sending healing energy into him. Marcel's very unnaturally still body.

For a moment, Drake didn't move, frozen in brain and body. His brain kicked into overdrive. With thick, clumsy movements he heaved himself onto his hands and knees and over to Marcel. His lips had gone blue, and his eyes were shut.

Swearing and panic and cold clouded his mind. "Marcel!" he mumbled his name over and over in a daze, frantically cradling his head and shaking him by the shoulders. No no no- Drake brushed the icy hair from his face and peered at him, looking for any sign that he was alive. As far as Drake could tell, Marcel was limp and still, and his fingertips tinted blue.

What had Marcel had taught him before?! Warmth. They needed heat. With numb hands, he scrabbled for the pokeballs around Marcel's belt. His dumb dog was back home with the Porygon but he'd said Talonflame had wanted to see the beach too.

After a moment, he got the ball and flipped off the safety that must have triggered when Marcel went into the water. In a burst of light, his Talonflame emerged with a screech, her eyes going wide as she took in the situation.

"S-s-sunny dda-day," Drake managed to force the words out through chattering teeth.

To his relief, she didn't hesitate to listen to him. Flames curled around her body and orangey energy flared across her wings. With a twirl of movement she generated a ball of energy above them that sent waves of heat cascading down. Drake couldn't feel anything, but it was a start, he was sure.

Still trembling, he tried to check for a pulse, but his fingers were too numb to feel anything. "I—s si is-i-i-is..." he couldn't even form the words properly. "B-b-breathing?" he rasped to Coda.

It took a moment for Coda to respond with a nod. Talonflame tore at the sand with her talons, still radiating waves of heat.

"Wake up please," Drake mumbled. His body was shaking still, the Sunny Day feeling like nothing more than a tickle. "Please." He couldn't... If Marcel died all because... They were at least away from the wet sand, but Marcel was still soaked to the bone in wet clothing. What if it had been too long?

With fumbling hands, and Coda's help he managed to work off Marcel's outer jacket. "You've got to warm him up." Drake forced out the words. Talonflame nodded, then perched on Marcel's chest and settled down, pressing her feathers against his body.

Warmth pulsed in visible waves from her body, tinting the air orange with carefully controlled heat.

The worst of the cold consuming Drake felt far away now, and to some extent, it was almost... gone. Everything felt numb at least. His own freezing clothes were still pressed against his body but he barely felt it. Maybe between the sun and Talonflame it was making a difference. Except Marcel was still not moving. Coda had stopped using her healing on him, given that too much could be toxic to a human, and instead draped herself around his neck.


An awful feeling churned in his gut. His numb fingers clutched at Marcel's shoulders, his other hand cupping his head. If he lost him... he'd be alone. His heart thumped dully in his ears. What if he didn't wake up, if the cold had been too much, if- Nausea rose in him.

"I'm sorry..." why, why had he come, why had he done this? Why-

Marcel's eyelids fluttered.

Drake's heart lurched.

His eyes opened and he gazed vacantly up, before his eyes finally focused on Drake. He blinked. "I'm alive." His voice sounded ragged and confused. Talonflame gave a soft chirp, and Chimecho gave a soft cry, snuggling against him tighter.

Relief washed across Drake and he sagged, nodding and blinking away and dull sleepiness creeping over him. "Guess it rescued us," he mumbled, nodding at the Walrein still watching over them.

It gave a barking noise that Drake could only interpret as annoyed.

Drake ignored it, sitting back on the sand, feeling more tired than before. The warmth from Sunny Day felt distant on his face, and didn't penetrate to his chest. Marcel was okay, and that's what mattered. He couldn't let Marcel die because of him.

Blinking again, he flopped onto the sand, exhaustion tugging down at his limbs and drawing his eyelids shut. A chill still surrounded him, but maybe if he slept he'd feel better when he woke. The waves and wind lulled his thoughts. Walrein barking furiously and a voice that might have been Marcel's did little to rouse him.

For a moment, he got the impression maybe the voices were calling to him? And that someone was shaking him, but he was too cold and tired to pay it mind.

Yeah, a nap was good.

"He's a damned idiot." Soft voices, muffled. Warmth coconing Drake. Real warmth, wrapped around him, soothing and tight.

"I thought I was done for, you know?"

A grunting noise, and a thump.

"I had to."

Forcing his eyes open, Drake's brain caught up and he was able to process the disparate sights and sounds. He was cocooned in a blanket, inside the SUV they'd driven out here, the heater running at full blast. The windows were cracked slightly for airflow.

Through the windshield he saw Marcel sitting in front of a fire, equally bundled up, sitting next to the Walrein that had rescued them.

It barked something else out.

"I am sorry, and thank you again for rescuing us. I knew going in that rescues in cold water are a bad idea."

Drake blinked, realizing he must have fallen asleep after he'd helped Marcel. Or passed out. The exact memories were fuzzy.

Walrein thumped the ground and grunted.

Marcel was silent for several moments. "Because I believe in something, I suppose."

Apparently satisfied, the Walrein made no reply. Drake frowned, pulling the blankets around himself as he stared dully out the window. A minute dragged by as he watched them, and did his best not to think about what had just happened.

Eventually, Marcel glanced back up at the car, and seemed to realize Drake was awake. Murmuring to the Walrein, he stood up and walked the few steps to the car. With some difficulty, he opened the door, letting in a rush of cool air, and sat in the driver's seat, slamming the door behind him.

Silence fell. Drake stared straight ahead. The Walrein was still outside, watching the beach. He set his jaw.

"Do you care?"

Drake blinked, shifting to side-eye Marcel. "Care?"

"About anything. About your own life. About anything other than yourself?" His voice was colder than the surf.

"Of course I do," he growled irritably. Drake scowled and wrapped his arms around himself tighter. Marcel's words stung for some reason.

Silence dragged out, almost unbearable. The far off sound of the surf occupied Drake's mind, and he focused on that over any of the scattered thoughts in his head. He felt Marcel's gaze on him, and instinctively wanted to shrink away, get out of the car and leave. Who cared what Marcel thought? Why did his opinion matter?

Marcel leaned back in his seat. "Do you think your life has any value?"

The question sucker punched Drake and he blinked, mouth open for a moment in surprise before he shut it and frowned again. "What kind of sappy tauros dung is this?"

"The kind you're going to answer because I saved your life," Marcel replied cuttingly. "You owe me that."

Drake cringed inside at the word. Marcel never talked about owing him anything. He stared sullenly at the dash of the car. "Hell if I know or care."

Marcel said nothing, but he could see the disappointment and annoyance in his eyes. Whatever. If he wanted to be weird about it that was his problem. Still, the stony quiet was unnerving coming from the usually affable detective. It made Drake squirm.


Why couldn't Marcel drop it? Drake scowled. "Why what?"

Marcel shot him an annoyed look. A rare look. "Don't play stupid, Drake. Why did you go down to the water? What were you thinking?"

He rolled his eyes. "I told you, I don't know. Wasn't thinking, I guess." He shrugged. "It was stupid."

"Stupid that almost got me killed."

"Then just let me die next time! Clearly that's easier."

Marcel rounded on him. "What? No. That's not what I'm saying!"

Drake turned (as hard as that was when he was wrapped in a thick blanket) to glare fully at Marcel. "Then what? What do you want from me? My loyalty? Money? More information? What else do I owe you?"

"Dammit Drake I don't want anything from you."

"Then why did you save me!"

"Because I care! And maybe, beneath all your idiocy, I keep hoping one day you'll accept that." Marcel groaned and ran his hands through his hair. "I only ever wanted to help you."

"Why?" Drake hissed out the word, halfway between a plea and a furious demand. Help him for what reason? What was Marcel trying to get from him? Convince him to do something? Use him for something? "What, so I can help you get rid of the Swords?"

Marcel barked out a laugh. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to. But I don't need you to do that. And that's not why I saved your life."

"So why then?" This was pointless. Nothing Marcel said made sense.

He could practically see gears turning in Marcel's head, but he simply shook his head to himself. Finally, Marcel sighed. "I don't have any answer that'll satisfy you."

"Try me."

Marcel sighed, as if resigned. He stared vacantly into the distance for a time, as if lost in thought, his gaze softening slightly. He didn't look at Drake. "Love."

Drake groaned and rolled his eyes. "If you're going to lie you'll have to think of a better one."

To his surprise, Marcel didn't argue. He extricated a hand from the blanket around his shoulders and started the car. When he replied, his voice sounded weary. "Maybe one day you'll understand."

For the rest of the car ride, Drake said nothing. He tried to focus on the landscape, instead of Marcel's words. Despite his efforts, his thoughts kept circling back anyway. Love. A paltry lie, especially by Marcel's standards.

Except he knew Marcel's tells. And unless he'd managed to hide them all just now Drake hadn't seen any. He'd told the truth.

Somehow, that knowledge chilled him to his core more than ocean they left behind.
Last edited:


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
We haven't actually gotten to see a lot of interaction between Drake and Salandit at this point, which I was kind of surprised by--given Salandit's prominent role in the first chapter, I thought their budding alliance would be the major focus of the story, but we actually haven't seen a ton of them together outside that first chapter.
Lol yeah, you're right thats a good point. A holdover from this essentially being a couple characters transplanted into pokemon setting, I tend to forget about the pokemon. It'll definitely be something to allude to more later.

But I'll pretend I did it on purpose as a character flaw bc Drake doesn't like relying on pokemon. Yeah. Definitely intentional. :galaxeon:
Someone has certainly gone to great lengths to repress his trauma. :) :) :)
Character?? repress trauma?? never

Or perhaps Drake's decided he doesn't hate Marcel enough to want him dead... not that he actually cares about the guy or anything. :P
Definitely the latter here. It'll probably crop up later but its a bit of "I owe him and refuse to let him hold this over my head". kind of a, rules of the streets thing about repaying the favor. Or at least, so Drake counts it. Maybe deep down he cares

We all know it's you, Victore.
I was a bit confused about the timing of the last scene of the most recent chapter. Towards the beginning it's mentioned that it's been "over a week," but then later on Marcel's thinking about "the matter of today," which would seem to suggest that this is actually happening on the same day as the previous scene.
I am awful at keeping track of timelines lol, ty for pointing this out. Will have to fix, I think its supposed to have been some time.
Charpotle is just such a great spin on a real-world brand, and I love the idea of zorua illusions having AI qualities where they can't get the damn hands right (extra fun because so many old shapeshifter stories speak of similar weaknesses...)
:quag: I'm glad you enjoy that! Its been fun tossing in hints of pokemonified places and random details
I do like the Athos/Drake dynamic in general; it's fun to see a character who's obviously in a bad situation but is stubbornly determined that their REAL problem is something else entirely. You've done a good job of getting across how poorly Athos treats Drake as well as why Drake idolizes him anyway--and Athos comes across as an appropriately terrifying figure to loom in the background while Drake keeps having secret meet-ups with Marcel. When/if we get to the point of Drake leaving the Swords, willingly or otherwise, that final confrontation is bound to be a juicy one.
Aw thanks! I'm glad the character dynamics are working out for you. Its tried and true and very fun, and I'm glad it makes sense from Drake's perspective, even if he's completely delusional. I really want that figure of Athos to work well enough (even in my melodrama) to show he's both dangerous and can pretend to have those caring moments but be utterly poor in his treatment.

There will certainly be some juicy fallout:copyka:


  1. sableye
Deep Breath

This took me far longer to get to than I expected, but here I am now for some juicy oxygen deprivation! :quag:

I know how passionate you are about your drowning whump in particular, so I hope you don't mind me being a bit nitpicky with this one.

He'd seen some waves around Lazuli Town

Okay, so first off, I want to acknowledge that I did read your note at the start about ignoring details, but I can't help but wonder where this might be happening. IIRC, Alola did have a black sand beach somewhere (I wanna say it was the third island, near the mimikyu trial?), but that's the only one that comes to mind. I suppose it doesn't matter in the long run, but it's fun to think about. Anyway, reason I bring this up is because I'm curious where Lazuli Town is. I'm not sure Drake has ever been outside of Orre before, so I imagine this is somewhere there, but I don't recall it being a canon location? Maybe I'm wrong about that, but either way, I didn't recognize it so I figured I'd ask.

With a final glance behind him to see that Marcel was nowhere to be seen,

I don't know if you particularly care about grammar or anything for this particular bonus chapter, but this sentence read funny to me, I'd consider re-wording it. "A glance behind him did not show Marcel anywhere in sight" or something, idk.

Soon they loomed up to his left. He'd never considered himself a tourist type but even he had to admit seeing the rock formations up close was... Cool. Balsam or something, Marcel said? Another wave splashed him, but didn't even reach to cover his boots.

I'm enjoying the buildup here quite a bit. Drake probably doesn't get a lot of time to just stand around and not worry about anything, so here he's getting to enjoy just not feeling stressed. (I do wonder, given the time frame in which this may or may not be happening, how he convinced Athos to let him go on a vacation though, and with Marcel no less, feels like he'd be pretty tied down).

Another thing about this line is the gradual increase in water level. This is the third time we get a mention of just how close the waves are coming up the shore. The repetition of 'boots' is a little bit... well, repetitive, but they're spaced out enough to not be that bad. Anyway, Drake's now just casually strolling along down over the water's edge now, surely this won't be an issue. :copyka:

The sand underfoot shifted abruptly. Water surged around his knees then yanked.

After reading the Iceland Travel Guide you linked, I was expecting some massive 10 ft wave to be the thing that catches him here. This was a fun little surprise. I was a little confused at him falling backwards rather than being pushed forwards, but this one I can handwave as a minor detail. What matters is that now he's in the water. :mewlulz:

As the wave dragged him out to sea, his thoughts dragged him to the past.

Hmm. Okay, so the wave catching him and pulling him under felt abrupt and sudden. That much is cool. But this flashback also kind of felt abrupt, in a premature kind of way. It felt like, "oh, Drake's in the water and it's cold and his life is flashing before his eyes". I kind of wish we got to see some of his panicked dread before the flashback; show him like, trying to fight the pull of the wave while fighting not to swallow sea water, and failing miserably, and then let him realize how utterly screwed he is. Build up a little anticipation before he just immediately thinks he's about to die.

As for the flashback itself; I was a little uncertain as to how to visualize it. Like, it's pretty clear Athos is punishing Drake for revealing something, and I'm sure whatever information it is probably isn't relevant to the bonus chapter as a whole, an that's fine. But at first I thought he might just be having his head dunked in a tank. But the mention of exhausted limbs and treading water make it sound like he's actually in water here (and given the theme of this chapter, that's logical to assume, I think).

So then, my brain thought, okay, he's in some kind of high-rapids, like a fast moving river. But then, it's kind of hard to imagine Athos having a casual chat with him here; how is Drake treading water and not simply being washed away? So then, maybe he's just... not a good swimmer? That's the only thing I could come up with; he can't swim and so he keeps sinking under the surface and fighting to come back up. If that's the case... I feel like that should possibly be mentioned somewhere, either in the flashback or possibly even before it, in the brief segment where the wave first knocks him off his feet.

Being from Orre, it does kind of make sense that Drake never learned to swim, assuming that's the reasoning here. But given the subject matter, this felt like a minor detail worth clarifying somewhere in the narration anyway. The whole concept here is good, but given the whole point is to fuel the whump, it felt a little bit rushed.

I feel like something that really would have been fun here is, as one of Drake's last thoughts, he reflects on the calm of just walking along the shore moments ago and being like 'well at least I got to experience that first'. :copyka:

A huge white spray of water shot into the air as a wave three times the size of others slammed the shore and surged forward and swallowed them both.

Ah, there's the big one. I enjoy how he was kind of ragdolled here a bit, pulled away, pushed back towards the shore, pulled away again, almost made it out, and then oops, now they're both sinking! This is where the hasty thoughts should be!

Marcel would... Marcel was... Oh. He was here too, in the water, wasn't he? That was unfortunate

This one got a good laugh out of me. :copyka:

I do feel like Drake kind of gave up pretty easily here, though. Remember how you suggested I try to draw out the moment during my heracross attack scene? I feel like something like that could apply here. His thoughts can be hasty and panicked and desperate, but it felt almost like it was... over too quickly, I think is the best way to put it.

In the back of his mind, he knew full well it was a fool's errand and he wasn't supposed to enter the water.

That didn't matter not with this, not with Drake, he couldn't let this happen. It was Drake, and he had to try, he had to try—

This, meanwhile, was great! First of all, I'm always a big fan of psychic powers not being a catch-all infallible savior. And then... earlier, while Drake was drowning and catching glimpses of Marcel there, all I could think of was 'well he clearly didn't read the sign'. But now the contrast here in that he did obviously know better, and still in the heat of the moment couldn't help but risking himself to try anyway. That's the good stuff right there. :okgon:

Even better when it backfires on him. :mewlulz:

he tried to suck in air but he couldn't get a breath couldn't fight the cold.

There were a couple part where you missed a comma after a word in italics. Marcel's panicked thoughts are good, but still helps in narration like this line.

Anyway, that aside, Marcel's drowning segment felt far more satisfying! He tried to fight back, his tiring happened gradually, and he never quite gave in. This is more like what I was expecting all around.

I think the difference here is that Drake probably doesn't know how to swim and because of that fact is meant to feel like he's giving into despar and the cold and the dread easier. And while some of that came across (boy oh boy did he sure accept his fate at the end there), it still felt rather rushed.

For a moment, Drake didn't move, frozen in brain and body. His brain kicked into overdrive. With thick, clumsy movements he heaved himself onto his hands and knees and over to Marcel.

I enjoyed this aftermath bit quite a lot. I love that it was a wild 'mon that ended up saving them, and walrein feels like a good choice, something bulky that could probably withstand the pull of the waves easier. And Drake needing to crawl does a lot to show how tired his body is after fighting the sea. There was a lot of emotion here, too; you could tell Drake was inwardly beating himself up over getting Marcel drowned as though it was his fault.

Also, very clever use of sunny day! Talonflame is probably naturally warm, but this was a great idea.

Through the windshield he saw Marcel sitting in front of a fire, equally bundled up, sitting next to the Walrein that had rescued them.

Just gotta say, it's hilarious and adorable that Marcel sat there having a conversation with the walrein.

He didn't look at Drake. "Love."

For all my earlier gripes, this scene here in the car really nailed the vibes (and given that you noted you were paying particular attention to getting them right, I'd say you suceeded). I can't quite say for certain why Marcel loves Drake at this point, given the nebulous conditions surrounding when and where this takes place canonically, but he's already shown to at least care about him as more than just an insider informant throughout the main story so far. I think you did manage to capture the angle you were going for here, with them being somewhat close but also not quite fully accepting each other yet. Drake in particular openly showed his own feelings and vulnerability while Marcel was unconscious, and not only in a 'this is my fault' kind of way (although that was part of it), and naturally, it was fun to see him kind of behaving the opposite way here once the danger's passed and he can close himself up again.

So, the quick tl;dr boils down to, the drowning parts themselves felt hasty and short; they weren't bad by any means, but I'd have liked to see them last longer and draw out their reactions as they're drowning. The aftermath and the high emotions that followed, however, was very juicy, much good, wow.

I hope we do get more special bonus chapters like this, where they're just randomly in some other location just to get whumped (Drake is the perfect candidate to get buried alive by a nice cold avalanche, wink wink), but I'm also looking forward to getting some more main story, too! There's plenty of fun to be had with the Swords and other rival gangs, I'm sure. :quag:


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Anyway, reason I bring this up is because I'm curious where Lazuli Town is. I'm not sure Drake has ever been outside of Orre before, so I imagine this is somewhere there, but I don't recall it being a canon location? Maybe I'm wrong about that, but either way, I didn't recognize it so I figured I'd ask
Lazuli town is non canon new location I randomly made up and added to my Orre bc it takes place almost a decade after XD
Needed more towns and did it on whim. It's a beach side town further down the coast from Gateon. very chill vibes.

I think it's alluded to once in Marcel's chapter? But I can't blame you for not remembering hah

As for the black sand beach uh.... Yeah.... Alola. Could be :mewlulz:
I don't know if you particularly care about grammar or anything for this particular bonus chapter, but this sentence read funny to me,
Oh true, I'll have to revise that line, it's funky, thx
I'm enjoying the buildup here quite a bit. Drake probably doesn't get a lot of time to just stand around and not worry about anything, so here he's getting to enjoy just not feeling stressed
I'm glad you liked this! It was hard to nail down but I wanted to give a sort of emotional core to his mind here. There's something peaceful about being on a beach and seeing the ocean before you and that appeals to Drake here. And everything feels farther away and less awful at the beach (at least I think so).
(I do wonder, given the time frame in which this may or may not be happening, how he convinced Athos to let him go on a vacation though, and with Marcel no less, feels like he'd be pretty tied down).
Lol * sweats *.
It's either like, Drake didn't tell him or he just dipped or is pretending/here on pretense? who knows. maybe Athos thinks its good for the soul :mewlulz: .
The most viable answer I think is this takes place during a time when Drake is on the rocks with the Swords
Another thing about this line is the gradual increase in water level. This is the third time we get a mention of just how close the waves are coming up the shore. The repetition of 'boots' is a little bit... well, repetitive, but they're spaced out enough to not be that bad. Anyway, Drake's now just casually strolling along down over the water's edge now, surely this won't be an issue
No problems here, its all good :copyka:.
After reading the Iceland Travel Guide you linked, I was expecting some massive 10 ft wave to be the thing that catches him here. This was a fun little surprise. I was a little confused at him falling backwards rather than being pushed forwards, but this one I can handwave as a minor detail.
Yeah to clarify, what it is its the undertow that pulls him over, not the push of the wave. When a wave surge happens there's the initial flow as it arrives, and then the water recedes it erodes the ground slightly and pulls on you, and that surge pulled him and he fell onto his back.

It felt like, "oh, Drake's in the water and it's cold and his life is flashing before his eyes".
That's true. I was concerned about dragging things out too much but heck, I can squeeze some spice in, it is a bit a of a swift transition. There's meant to be a parallel to how quickly Drake gives in and views himself as worthless/not worth fighting to live vs Marcel's panic. Though even so I ofc agree entirely. more whump.

. I feel like that should possibly be mentioned somewhere, either in the flashback or possibly even before it, in the brief segment where the wave first knocks him off his feet.
Ohhh yeah I see the confusion. So what Athos did and does is that he has essentially a huge vat/pool of water and he drops people in and lets them tread water or thrash around until they can't keep their head above water and near drown, until they apologize/confess whatever.

So... picture something like a very very high sided pool/hole in the ground? Too steep to climb out of or anything. Too deep to ever properly reach bottom.

Of course its p ambiguous here so I'll have to see if I can adjust that and make it clearer.
it felt almost like it was... over too quickly, I think is the best way to put it.
Yeaaahhhh it is a bit quick upon reread. It felt long when I wrote but I'll always take any excuse to write more drowning times
There were a couple part where you missed a comma after a word in italics. Marcel's panicked thoughts are good, but still helps in narration like this line
oops! yeah I was going for stream of conscious vibes but i'll give that a second look
For all my earlier gripes, this scene here in the car really nailed the vibes (and given that you noted you were paying particular attention to getting them right, I'd say you suceeded). I can't quite say for certain why Marcel loves Drake at this point, given the nebulous conditions surrounding when and where this takes place canonically,
:quag: Ooooooo yay!!! Very glad the vibes hit here, this part was the hardest. And the most fun to get into some nitty gritty with their relationship. A lot of subtext stuff. The fun bit, which isn't really a spoiler, is that in the context here what Marcel can't quite express to drake nor would Drake understand, is there isn't a 'reason'. Not in the usual sense. Drake is peeved and confused because to him love means the Athos brand, where deep down he knows its conditional and he's a possession. Its because he's useful.
Drake can't accept yet or wrap his mind around the idea that Marcel can just choose this, because technically he can't offer a ton to Marcel to "keep him around". Yet Marcel persists. Drake can't accept the idea of anyone caring without it being transactional.
I'd have liked to see them last longer and draw out their reactions as they're drowning.
yasssss u rite
Drake is the perfect candidate to get buried alive by a nice cold avalanche, wink wink),
* furiously jots down notes *
Very glad you had a good time overall! Maybe I will just hand out extra whump with special episode based whump in the future... I can always find a reason to send them somewhere cold.

TY for the feedback and suggestions!:quag:
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