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Blitz 2024: Self-Promo and Review Exchange Thread


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
-Busts through the wall like the Kool Aid Man-


The Big Ones

Heroes After All: Basically both an AU and an extended backstory of the eighth Pokemon movie, and also my main fic. A young Sir Aaron and his Riolu must overcome their own weaknesses and social outcast status to thwart a conspiracy that runs deep through their world.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Tales Of Arrival: The token PMD fic I made a Tales O Symphonia crossover to spice things up - knowledge of the latter isn't strictly required though. When Kratos Aurion winds up in a world populated solely by Pokemon transformed into an oddly-colored Noibat, hemust figure out what the heck is going on - before things get very, very dire.

The Snippets Series

Whenever I do my big stupid liveblogs of {Pokemon games I write little ficlets to go along with them for certain events. Since thePokemon Shield liveblog I've been compiling them into oneshots and short fics for people to read on their own!

Shield Snippets

Shining Pearl Snippets

Legends Arceus Snippets

Violet Snippets: The Sorceror's New School

Area Zero Snippets: The Tyrant's Tera Treasure


I've written a BUNCH of Pokemon fics, mostly oneshots, most part of a shared universe - you can find the shared universe ones here

I also write other Pokemon fics, non-Pokemon fics, and original fiction; if you want to see those check my AO3 , if it's there and not NSFW it's also on Thousand Roads and you should be able to search for it with the right keywords. If you need help finding a particular story DM me here or on Discord.



Connoisseur of Memes
Gonna self-promo my own fic here. Been a bit busy, but I'd like to try and sit down to participate in reviewing fics when I can. This will likely take multiple years to finish, so it will likely crop up for the Blitz next year.

A Life You Will Remember - A Pokemon Violet Novelization
Uva Academy is renowned throughout the Paldea region for its rigorous curriculum and unorthodox study assignments. And it was lifelong dream of twins Florian and Juliana to attend and follow in their parents' footsteps. With a grueling circuit of Paldea League gyms, monstrous Titans, a gang of renegade students and meeting a mysterious dragon pokemon from the future; they'll quickly find the life of an Uva student is seldom ever mundane. The classwork is just the easy part.

Genre: Adventure, Friendship, Romance, Drama, Humor, Journeyfic
Rating: T (Has depictions of violence, swearing and innuendo. Nothing super intense...yet)
Wordcount: 107k as of 12/31/24
This is my second novelization of a pokemon game. (The first being one of Pokemon Moon.) I was very impressed by the narrative and overall plot of the SV games. The idea of twins came to me after seeing the first art render of the player characters and I immediately thought of them as twin brother and sister. Plus I wanted to try my hand at writing two main protagonists.
While this does follow the plot and the established order of the game, I will be taking creative liberties as I go with other arcs occurring within the storyline. The Teal Mask and Indigo Disk DLC stories will also be featured.

Hope everyone enjoys. This story was in my head for nearly a year before I decided to get it going.


Loony Moony
  1. scorbunny
  2. buneary
On top of my Sierran Timeline fan fics in the form of Guardians of Balance and Mercenaries of Dawn, I've decided to put forward a new fanfic, specifically a oneshot for the Review Blitz's third week within a few days.

Somehow, I created the Universe is a oneshot story that might could get pseudo-expanded into a collection of short fics. Without spoiling it, it's essentially an unusual take where a PMD protagonist ends up far, far further back into the past and not as the usual starters. And so they are left with a lot of work to do. It's a snarky take on this bit of lore, with some heartwarming and tearjerker moments in between.

It's a mature story and as for some content warnings, there is plenty of swearing and a scene where a terminally ill person is present, which some readers might find upsetting. It's about 9568 words long.

If you decide to give it a read, I hope you enjoy the fic!


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
It's oneshot week so

"oh, you're Umbra? Name every Umbra oneshot"



Green And White: A story from the eyes of the Legendary Reshiram.

Caging Destruction: After the Team Flare fiasco, the Legendary Yveltal just wants to do her own thing. Her fellow Legendary Dialga's a fair bit more wary, however, and their conflict leads to things escalating in short order.

Crater Dreams: An origin story for the city of Sootopolis, where two young adults named Apollo and Narissa and their Pokemon get displaced from their island home and separated from their fellow inhabitants by raiders, only to find a new home around a strange crater lake and a surprise encounter with Kyogre. However, while they manage to reunite with the other villagers, the raiders aren't too far behind, and everyone must defend their new-found home as well.

Truth: After the second uprising of Plasma, N and Reshiram attempt to get more acclimated to the world around them, but it's not without its struggles, and it's not long before there are struggles between the two of them as well.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Plasbad: Two Plasma grunts named Tom and Roger join the organization eager to help the cause, but repeated encounters with others in the organization - particularly N - reveal they aren't quite in on what they signed up for.

Out In The Cold: When two ex-Plasma Gunts are hiding out for the holidays, one cheers the other up with a tale of the bizarre holiday his hometown Lacunnosa celebrates to appease Kyurem - and how it once led to him encountering Kyurem themself.

Liberating Glamor: Reshiram's and N's attempts to understand computers go awry when N gets too into it in more ways than one.

Progenitors: A father-daughter story... told over billions of years.

Mother Of Dogars!: When Fantina tries to reconcile with her daughter Roxie, things get hectic in a way neither of them could have imagined.

Lessons Learned: After Cipher falls, Miror B tries to start a disco exercise class with... interesting results.

Reality's Edge: Alain finds out exactly what people think of him far worse than the hard way, and only one thing can save him.

Splice Of Life: Blaine wasn't expecting a visitor. Especially someone this familiarly inhuman.

Dave And Mia Discover The Multiverse: This isn't Dave's house.

Social Experiment: Spark asks for help from all the wrong places.

Pallete: Three Legendary birds strive to return color to a cursed Kanto... With a little help.

Shield Snippets: Some ficlets from my Shield liveblog/let's play

Divided I Fall: The Iron Arbiter had it all. Friends, family , a kingdom. How could it all go away?

Shining Pearl Snippets: A collection of drabbles written about a Shining Pearl run

Legends Arceus Snippets: A collection of ficlets from the Umbra Plays Legends Arceus liveblog, showing one multiversal visitor's journey to Arceus and what she learns along the way.

Just That One Petite Parable From Paldea: Clavell has Geeta over for lunch. Things go badly.

Brilliant Diamond Snippets: Sins Of Education: Another collection of drabbles from a liveblog, this time of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond. What happens when a human experiment and a random assortment of egg babies take on Sinnoh.

Non-Pokemon Fandom:

Bear No Fruit: Sometimes, you miss things that turn out to be important. But how does that change it all in the long run? (Zootopia)

The Other Ken: You got the wrong Ken. (Smash Bros)

The Bear, The Bird, And The JRPG Protagonist: The Luminary, AKA Eleven, isn't sure about this Smash Brothers thing. Then Banjo and Kazooie show up. (Smash Bros)

An Eye For An Eye: In which Dimitri meets an unusual ally. (Undertale X Fire Emblem Three Houses)

Live To Serve: hey look a big stupid ephidel biopic (Fire Emblem)

Unnecessary Feelings: Sephirain never asked for this. (Fire Emblem)

The Goddess' Child: Raising kids isn't easy, especially if you're a draconic god. (Fire Emblem)

Night Of The Living Tuesday: In an AU where everything's the same but the Student Council runs a burger joint on the side, Saionji's scary stories come to life... (Revolutionary Girl Utena)

Leaving Things Behind: Joining Smash wasn't all easy for Sora. (Drabble) (Super Smash Bros)

Fruits Of The City: This is a cursed shitpost fic about the Super Mario Bros. Movie but one of those shitposts that internally takes itself almost entirely seriously. Enjoy. Or recoil in horror. Either way. (The Super Mario Bros. Movie)

Original fiction:

Of Th Earth Far Below: Two gods wonder how they can do better.

Reminders Of Home: Dionysus ponders what the gods are missing back on Earth.

Steam Over The Post Apocalypse: After humaniity, an outworlder tells a native an unusual tale.

It's Vaespar Night: When the great and terrible Vaespar descends upon a village, only one child can stop her.

Backwards: Vampire countess Lillith Polidori learns the meaning of friendship and love... but also pain.

Wakeup Call: A man is forced to babysit Zeus. Things go badly.

No Good Demon Goes Unpunished: A totally-not-a-demon and his friends try to save the day. Things don't work out that way.

Godfall: A band of heroes kills a dark god. Pretty straightforward JRPG stuff right? ...Right?

Dragon!: One dragon strives to prove that his kind can be heroes.
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Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Thanks to this weeks theme, I figure I may as well mention a reminder of the most prominent one-shot I have written...

From the Ashes
Sun and rain. Light and dark. Life and death. Everything moves in cycles. Orre was not always a barren desert, and Johto was not always Ho-oh and Lugia's home.

A tale of rebirth. Of the past, present and one day, the future.

Written for the 2023 one-shot contest about Legendary POV. Follows the very early days of Ho-Oh and Lugia, and as the summary implies, their first home, long before the towers and Johto and the stories we know of today.


Memento mori
  1. leafeon
I thought I was the oneshot guy, but it looks like Umbra has me beat. Still, I have enough that I could really use a reader's guide at this point. Here's a quick overview:

- Since the World Was Born (Ōkami post-canon)
- The Verdant Ones (original, relatively relaxed, species dysphoria)
- Fenna (original, relaxed, fluffy)
- A Final Stillness (original, relaxed)
- Resting Place (PMD, somber, minimal)
- An Unaccountable Lightness (PMD, supernatural, fairly light)
- Empathy Imposed (sci-fi drama, humans and pokemon)
- Firely Music (PMD, romance) (going to upload some changes to this one so maybe wait a couple days)
- Cosmic Reversion (PMD, somber drama)
- Silver Raft (PMD, microfiction)
- Beyond Rescue (PMD, horror and a somewhat dubious ethical dilemma)

Links are all in my signature, and you can look at all the summaries on my website. I have not been doing a lot of reviewing lately, so I don't expect to get much attention, if any, but the stories are there if you want to try something new.


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
May as well do a promo post, especially since I have a few one-shots for anyone who is interested this week!

In general, I appreciate all feedback, but specific preferences per-story are noted below. I'm generally especially interested in thoughts on the characters in a story, whether their actions feel like they make sense from their point of view in the story, and how you perceive them - but also stuff like structure (did anything drag?), little details you noticed, anything that gave you pause as you were reading, any sentences that confused you or otherwise disrupted your reading experience, and so on.

Standalone One-Shots

Butterfree (one-shot)
Trainers aren't supposed to have favorites, but you were my favorite. And then you started losing.
A story about Butterfree, a trainer, avoidance, guilt, communication, and forgiveness.
Feedback preferences: Anything goes. I'm particularly interested in thoughts on how the narrator's internal journey comes across, and whether their and Butterfree's actions feel coherent and understandable.

Curse (one-shot)
"That move. Curse. How does it work?"
Aspiring champions Kari and her Dragonite get their hands on the Curse TM, and it doesn't go quite like they hoped.
Feedback preferences: Anything goes. I'm interested in how well it got across what's going on (i.e. how Curse works in this universe) and thoughts on Kari and Dragonite as individuals and their relationship.

Go (one-shot)
I blinked at it, hard, expecting it to be some kind of early-morning hallucination. Obviously. I mean, Pidgey weren’t real, right? It was a game, a stupid little mobile game that I’d installed when I was bored.
What if Pokémon Go was secretly created to prepare Earth for an interdimensional accident where Pokémon are warped into reality? 2016 nostalgia made manifest.
Feedback preferences: Don't examine the premise too closely, but otherwise I appreciate all feedback, especially on whether the narrator's relationship with Pidgey resonated and whether the story generally lands.

Hung Up (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly one-shot)
The rope hangs loose, not even touching your skin, but your throat is tightening anyway, squeezed by phantom fibers.
A character study of Clint Eastwood's character 'Blondie' in Sergio Leone's 1966 spaghetti Western The Good the Bad and the Ugly.
Feedback preferences: Anything goes. In particular, tell me if the character progression makes sense to you.

My 2007-2010 Pokémorph fic and its spinoffs.
Morphic (rewritten version, chaptered, unfinished)
Vulpix genes, instructing a human skull to form canine teeth. It was a fucking breakthrough.
The improved rewrite of the original Morphic, a story of a team of scientists who create Pokémorphs in the name of medical research, are forced to keep and raise the resulting children, and the religious fanatics who want to murder them.
Feedback preferences: Anything goes.

Morphic Shorts (vignette collection)
Dave peered at the X-rays of Mia’s arms. There it was – the unmistakable bright metal edge along her ulna, brighter towards the elbow. Fuck yes.
A collection of vignettes from the world of Morphic.
Feedback preferences: Anything goes, but bear in mind these vignettes are not really meant to stand on its own without the main fic - I don't think it's by any means incomprehensible without it, and I'd be interested to hear impressions from readers who haven't read Morphic, but critique should take into account that it's not intended to be your first introduction to this world and characters, so I'm not planning to make any changes geared toward easing in readers who haven't read the main fic.

Groundhog Dave (three-shot timeloop whumpfic)
Just taking a nap wasn’t enough to fast-forward to the next iteration. As best he could tell, after a few goes, it looped over at six AM. If he was awake by then, he’d just blink and find himself waking up on the sofa again. He restlessly accompanied the others to hospitals, nauseous as he identified Mia’s body for the fifth or sixth time, waiting to just get to sleep already so he could try again.
Another spin-off of my Pokémorph fanfic Morphic, this time featuring Dave trapped in a time loop on the worst day of his life.
Feedback preferences: This is a whumpfic and overthinking the actual plot would be somewhat counterproductive. Tell me if something's really distracting you, but no need to try to pick nits with that. I'm just here to have fun tormenting Dave. On the other hand, I would be very interested in what you make of the characterization and character progression.

Morphic: New and Improved (April Fools' Day one-shot)
“We’re Pokémorphs,” the girl said, her face and voice still unsettlingly nonchalant about the situation. “Team Rocket injected Pokémon DNA into us and now we’re half Pokémon. It’s weird because that’s not how DNA works. I tried to ask Dave about it but he was very evasive.”
The Better(tm) reboot of my Pokémorph fanfic, now with more 2006-era clichés. Morphic is not required reading, but some things will be more meaningful if you have read it.
Feedback preferences: As an April Fools' Day fic, don't take this too seriously, and I have no plans to rewrite it, but I would love to hear about your impressions of it anyway.


The Quest for the Legends (77 chapters, completed)
The story of an ordinary boy on an impossible quest in a world that isn't as black and white as he always thought it was.
The trainerfic that I started when I was twelve, rebooted when I was fourteen, and completed at 28. The first 31 chapters or so are often deeply silly, in a fun enthusiastic whump-loving teenage journeyfic writer way, and then it gets less silly from there. Featuring: a boy recruited to save the world by a neurotic legendary, his variously messed-up Pokémon team, an angry girl determined to be Champion, and the fallout of a murder. 77 chapters plus prologue, most of them not super long especially early on.
Feedback preferences: This story is old and I'm well aware of most of its flaws. Treat it as a fun enthusiastic teenage trainerfic romp and don't take it too seriously for the first half; by all means do line reactions and poke fun at some of the nonsense, and talk about your general impressions of the characters/plot/world, but please don't waste your time on serious critique or suggesting prose edits; it's extremely old writing that is not remotely representative of how I'd write anything today, and the next edition of the story will be a full rewrite with major structural and plot changes and absolutely none of the same prose. For the second half, you can transition to somewhat more critical commentary if that's your jam, but extensive line edits and such would remain probably redundant - again, I don't really plan on keeping this prose, though it's more likely for later chapters that I might have chunks that are similar or the same. (If you have general tips for me in the prose department based on later chapters, though, go ahead.)

Sutoraiku High (Scyther dating sim)
A visual novel about drama, friendships, prejudice, bullying, total societal upheaval, and high school romance.
Have you always wanted to date a Scyther? Overthrow authority with a revolutionary-minded Scizor? You have come to the right dating sim. Originally an April Fools' Day joke but then took itself pretty seriously, with a sequel Sutoraiku Legends that counts as another chapter.
Feedback preferences: Take the nonsensical setting in the tongue-in-cheek spirit in which it is intended, but within that, would love to hear what you think of the characters and routes.


you gotta feel your lines
  1. farfetchd-galar
  2. gfetchd-kyeugh
  3. onion-san
  4. farfetchd
  5. farfetchd
boy howdy, its me one-shots georg. i've been big slacking on chaptered fic this year, but oh boy do i have some other shit for you!

my one-shots can vary tonally a bit; i would say duck,the gardevoir's wish, and big fish are lighter and sillier, whereas the rest are more serious. without a master is probably the kyeughiest of them all, if that's what you're into.

if you're less worried about minmaxing points, i have a couple other fun one-shots set at various points in the pokémon world's past—the first golett in particular is pretty fun if you don't mind me patting my own back a little!



Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Okay, I guess we're bumping our one-shots for the week. We've gotten a lot of new folks this year, so most of you haven't looked at any of these. And three of them are on the short side. So, an easy way to get yourself some points right here.

"Free to a Loving Home"
Synopsis: Rumor has it that the theft of top-secret research notes led to a new instance of this pokémon being created in the Galar region.
Word count: ~7k
My submission for the 2023 one-shot contest. Xeno-POV fic that serves to answer why the heck you get handed a type: null in Sword/Shield.

Synopsis: Following his unplanned return home, Gladion must confront one of the worst decisions he made before leaving.
Word count: ~5.3k
An old Serebii one-shot contest submission from 2017. I do not consider it a representation of my current writing abilities, but if you like fluff pieces about everyone's favorite Alolan Silver SuMo edgelord, give it a look.

"Dark Winter Night"
Synopsis: On the night of the Winter Solstice, Darkrai gets an unexpected visitor and questions whether they really need to be alone.
Word count: ~1.8k
Short fluff piece written for slamdunkrai back in 2019.

"Plan for Progress"
Synopsis: Espeon has spent a week trying to pass through a dungeon and get a gift for her brother, Umbreon. But each attempt has ended in failure. After her latest defeat, her frustrations get the better of her and she ends up in an argument with Umbreon. Will the two be able to reconcile or has a permanent rift formed in their relationship?
Word count: ~3.5k
PMD: Gates to Infinity gift one-shot written in 2018. Another short fluff piece, but this time it's eeveelution flavored!

Venia Silente

For your ills, I prescribe a cat.
At the 0-divisor point of the Riemann AU Earth
  1. nidorino
  2. blaziken
  3. fearow
  4. empoleon

Oneshots? Why yes, I have Oneshots.​

"Owed Return"

Pokécentric. Original world. Pangoro MC. Has been on the run for a while, as mysterious agents clad in bone masks show up wherever he goes.


Pokécentric. Mainline-like world. An Arcanine and a Rapidash race the Sun, and they won't give up any easy. Featuring two characters you likely know and love!


Pokécentric. Mainline-like world. Show me the true boss of Team Rocket. 👨‍💼 . I mean the true boss of Team Rocket. 🐈 . Perfect.

"As They Were" ➍

Pokécentric. Mainline-like world. Leavanny MC, Virizion MC. Leavanny works as the head guard for the Legendary, but is not sure how to help when the Legendary in question tries to understand what has changed in the world, the same way Virizion is not sure how to feel as he tries to understand that some changes are unavoidable.

"Auld Foundations" ➍

Mainline-like world. Lyra is a goog doggo yes she are. But when politicians suddenly decide Pokémon might not be welcome in the city, Lyra's trainer, a bike gang member, decides the most punk thing to do is to stand with her.

"A Case of Winging It" ➍

Mainline-like world. Kalas is a retired Fearow detective who gets involved in a case. But he's now out of his element, retired, and also caring for a stray chick, so he's hesitant if to dig any deeper into things.

"Silly Human, Romance is for Nidoran~!"

Mainline-like world. Baluarkos is an adolescent Nidorino celebrating his evolution, and what better way to do that than going into the city and pester some humans? But then, he smells love in the air. The cougar Nidorina inside the human Pokémart does too!

"A Good Year to Rawr"

Mainline-like world. The Salamence has found himself a nice island to lord over as the apex predator. And how does a Salamence do that? Well, by napping and goofing around, like a cat!

"Making the World Go 'Round"

PMD. Canon interquel. The Gates protag finds a little shop in Post Town that wasn't there yesterday. Gamañel, your DLC Assistant, introduces him to a wonderful new world!

"Beyond Today" ➍

PMD. Post-canon. A novice Guild team finds themselves in trouble when they have to drag along their client to a rescue mission. Fortunately for them, the client is none other than the Explorers partner. Unfortunately for him, Dialga still has him on speed-dial - if he's willing to pay the price.

Oneshot Antologies (Drabble Bingos)​

"The Marks of a Leader" (2023) ➍
Three oneshots about leadership: An entire order of Pokémon discusses a leader for a new era; A Starter ponders his duties as team lead now that he can Mega Evolve; A Rhydon seeking to establish partnerships between communities has to convince the aloof leadership of an island community.

"Venia may Drabble" (TR5A) ➍
Four oneshots of varied kinds: A Kommo-o accidentally introduces his hatchlings to hunting; A Celebi makes time to watch its new favourite TV show; two Pokémon meet to travel to their homeland, long after they had to migrate away from it; two Legendaries from the heavens must descend to the earth to heal from illness.

Feedback Considerations:​

Feedback on pacing and flow is the most welcome. Feedback on theme might be of interest, but it's also the feedback I would be the least capable of acting upon on the story themselves, see below.

Remember these are oneshots. As such they are considered finished already. If you submit fixes, they might not make it into the story until a general revision or even a remaster, likely years down the line.
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you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
Reminder about my oneshots for Week 3:

Into Light

The third place winner of TR's 2022 Villain POV Oneshot Contest. It's about a man whose wife was taken from him by ghosts trying to get rid of a new troupe of Misdreavus that's arrived in Ilex Forest. As the contest title suggests, this one has a villain protagonist.


A story I'm very proud of. It follows the Hunter, Haunted character Samson, who is an Arcean priest, as he performs the first and last Arcean blessing for a Chandelure sentenced to die by exorcism. Does not require knowledge of Hunter, Haunted to read.


A story about a Houndour named Iwai from a feral yet sapient pack of Houndoom living in the outskirts of Castelia. During an attempt to prove his worth to his pack, he meets face to face with the enemy - a human.


Junior Trainer
  1. kricketune
Hiiii, I've been here for a while but only now am I starting to post some of my writings, and everyone seemed to be having fun with the blitz so I figured I'd join in.

I saw that it's one-shot week (though it's close to ending) and I just happen to have two one-shots in this forum. They're both quite long unfortunately, but I'll still recc them.

I'm Taking Back the Crown

One-shot about how Scott from the Battle Frontier ended up hiring Anabel, the young prodigy. A fic for those who like Scott, Anabel and the rest of the frontier brain. Also some high-stakes Pokemon battles.

You Can Always be Found

A story about one of my OCs from Child of Thorns, Metchi, and two times she screwed up during New Years 6 years apart. Lots of trans and lesbian goodness, and some violence in there for good measure.

And for maybe the nearby future after one shot week, here's my other fic in this forum:

To Another Abyss

A love story set in a ruined Kanto, starring fake Gym leader Sabrina and the priest-like guy who won't stop coming to challenge her over and over. They both suck, especially Sabrina. If you love horrible women and tragedies, give it a try.


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
For Week 4, Hunter, Haunted still gives a bonus, but I think everyone's heard of HH already. Given that, I'd actually like to post to promote a story I recently took out the back and shot, The Way Home.

The Way Home is the story of a man that wakes up after a traffic accident has killed him. He realizes he's a ghost (a Yamask, but he doesn't know the species), and must now try and journey back home to tell his family that he's still alive... sort of. If you like ghosts and weird worldbuilding for ghosts, I would recommend you give this a read. It only has 8k words of completed written material with the addition of... well.

When I said "took out the back and shot", I meant that I posted the remaining outline of the story. I'd decided months ago that I wouldn't be writing the second part, but I wanted to make it final and also allow people to find out how the story would have ended. If you do end up reading Part One, I would really like it if you would read Part Two's outline, since it's quite short and still has story content. I would like to learn how I did with this story for the material I wrote out and how I likely would have done with the material I didn't.

Thank you for your attention, and have a good day!


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
I’d like to highlight a couple of my fics that you might like to try out if you need those extra points for Week 4. My whole Dreamdiver series is available for you to peruse in my signature. My Dream Palette one-shot in particular has very few reviews, so any attention on that would be appreciated.

The main fic I would like eyes on, though, is my new fic Beasts Like Us, as I’ll be dropping the third chapter soon and it’s close to completion.


Glen, an unevolved Machoke and a driver for a Pokemon-run removal company, wants to adopt a Machop to fill the void in his life. The only problem? In order for Glen to officially take him in, he’ll have to introduce him to his boyfriend… who just happens to be human.

I won’t make any bones about this being a Pokemon x human story, but it’s not without a narrative purpose as it’s also the core conflict of this fic. I’m taking a big risk with this story as it will inevitably turn people off, but it’s also a very personal one based on my own experiences of being gay, neurodivergent, and not quite feeling like I belong in my own skin. Therefore I would like you to give it a shot as it doesn’t have too many reviews aside from one very loyal reader. You know who you are. ;)

If you need any more convincing, it’s a deconstruction of that concept, basically exploring the reality of how that relationship would play out even if the two parties are on equal ground, and how throwing a kid in the mix would throw a huge wrench in their whole dynamic. It’s bittersweet, but not without its moments of tenderness and joy.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
My entire body of work is eligible for Week 4 I'm pretty sure (please correct me with any exceptions) so I'll link back to my initial promo post.


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
If anyone happens to be scrambling for or is just looking for a PMD fic that won't take too long to read (and is eligible for Week 4 of the Blitz), then allow me to point you towards Pathways to Arcadia.

Taking heavy inspiration from the fantasy genre, Pathways to Arcadia is a PMD fic with several twists to make it stand out from the typical mould. It follows Bellatrix, a curmudgeonly woman after she is whisked away to a strange new world in the form of a Hisuian zorua and is forced to face the difficulties brought on by both her stubbornness and new environment. The fic has recently updated with a fourth chapter and I would deeply appreciate more eyes on it!

Regardless, thank you for taking the time to read this post and I hope you enjoy it if you do decide to check the fic out!
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