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Blitz 2024: Prize Claim Thread


House of Two Midnights
Review Blitz 2024: Prize Claim Thread

Welcome to the prize claim thread, where you can cash in your hard-earned Blitz points for the wonderful prizes provided by our team of volunteers. Take a look at the list of offerings below, and when you've decided what you like, simply post in this thread using the following format:

Level of Prize (Forum Companion, Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3):
Type of Prize (Art, Review, or Misc):
Preferred Method of Contact:

After you've made your post, a Blitz staff member will contact you to follow up on any preferences you may have for your prize request and put you in contact with a volunteer to fulfill it.

The points for your prizes will be deducted from the points you've earned, but note that your rank on the leaderboard is determined by your overall score and is not impacted by any spending you might do on prizes. To see how many points you have left to buy prizes, visit the "My Blitz" tab on the Thousand Roads Companion app; the top of the page will show your total score and number of reviews as well as prize points remaining.

Prize Claim Guidelines

You can buy only one prize of any kind per prize level. This means that:

  • You can purchase one Level 2 Art Prize and one Level 2 Review Prize
  • You can purchase one Level 2 Art Prize and one Level 1 Art Prize
  • You cannot purchase two Level 2 Art Prizes

The prize shop opens immediately once Blitz begins. You can spend your points as early as you like! You then have up until one week after the end of Blitz to make any final prize purchases. That means you have until 11:59 PM on January 26th UTC! After that, any unspent points you have left disappear! However, if you'd like, you can donate prize points to another player or go in with one or more other people to afford a prize you wouldn't be able to alone, so long as it's something you can actually share.

Also note that once you have a volunteer assigned to you who will be fulfilling your prize, you have until March 1st, 2025 to communicate what you'd like done for your prize--what you'd like drawn, what story you'd like reviewed, what pokémon you'd like as a companion, etc. If you haven't made a decision by that date, you forfeit your prize.

Note that whatever you request from your prize volunteer should conform to that person's guidelines as well as the overall community guidelines--so nothing involving extreme gore, explicit sexual content, etc.

Fic Rec Bonuses

Want more prizes? Once per week, if you write a recommendation for one of the fics you've read for Blitz that qualifies for the weekly theme and is at least 100 words long and post it to the Hype and Rec thread, you will be entered into a raffle for a prize drawing at the end of this year's review event. You can enter once per week and win up to four prizes--so spread the word about a story you loved reading this Blitz! Plus, each qualifying rec will earn you 0.5 bonus points, so recs can help you save up for prizes directly, too!

Review Blitz 2023 Prize Shop

Forum Companions

A friendly pokémon sprite that will appear beneath your username in each of your forum posts! For this prize, you can either select any canon pokémon as a companion or provide a custom sprite 68px wide by 56px tall to be used instead. You can buy one or more companions at the following prices--each level can only be purchased once:

  • 5 points: ONLY if you do not currently have a forum companion
  • 15 points: If you currently have one or more more forum companions
  • 35 points: If you have already purchased a forum companion through this year's Review Blitz (either the 5 or 15 point version)
  • 70 points: If you have already purchased two forum companions through this year's Review Blitz

Level 1 Prize - 20 Points

  • Review: Review of a single chapter or one-shot
  • Art: Sketch-level artwork of a single character
  • Misc: SV shiny pokémon, shitty artwork by Nate

Level 2 Prize - 45 Points

  • Review: 3x chapter review bundle (for a single fic)
  • Art: Flats or Simple Shading (artist's preference) or basic pixel art, such as for forum companions
  • Misc: Drabbles

Level 3 Prize - 100 Points

  • Review: 5x chapter review bundle (for a single fic)
  • Art: Rendered/complex shading (artist's style/choice)
  • Misc: Crocheted pokémon (photgraph/pattern)

If you claim a review or miscellaneous prize, you can request a specific volunteer to fulfill your prize if you'd like. No need to specify who you'd like to fulfill your request when posting here--the Blitz volunteer who works with you on prize fulfillment will work it out with you by DM. Please note that although we'll do our best to accommodate your request, volunteer availability means we may not be able to.

Single-Chapter Reviews: K_S, Namohysip, Starlight Aurate
Review Bundles: Spiteful Murkrow, Namohysip, Negrek
Drabbles: icomeanon6, Umbramatic, Starlight Aurate
Crocheted Pokémon: elyvorg
Shiny Pokémon: Blackjack Gabbiani
Shitty Artwork: The Great Nate Morgan
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Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Welp, time to break this in then.

Level of Prize (Forum Companion, Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3): Level 3
Type of Prize (Art, Review, or Misc): Art
Preferred Method of Contact: Discord DM, followed by forum DM

Idea is PMD-related. Involves a fully-evolved 'mon and possibly a legend.

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Whelp, got my points, so it’s time to cash them in:

Level of Prize (Forum Companion, Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3): Level 3
Type of Prize (Art, Review, or Misc): Art
Preferred Method of Contact: Discord DM, can use Forum DM if necessary
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
May as well spend points now.

Level of Prize (Forum Companion, Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3): Level 3
Type of Prize (Art, Review, or Misc): Art
Preferred Method of Contact: Forum DM

Level of Prize (Forum Companion, Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3): Level 1
Type of Prize (Art, Review, or Misc): Art
Preferred Method of Contact: Forum DM
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Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Level of Prize (Forum Companion, Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3): Level 2
Type of Prize (Art, Review, or Misc): Art (basic pixel art)
Preferred Method of Contact: Discord or forum DMs

Looking for a modified alolapix sprite... if there's someone who might be able to pull it off.

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Getting in another one of these since I've got the points for it now:

Level of Prize (Forum Companion, Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3): Level 2
Type of Prize (Art, Review, or Misc): Art
Preferred Method of Contact: Discord DM, can use Forum DM if necessary


Back on Her Bullshit
a Terrace of Indeterminate Location in Snowbelle
  1. espurr
  2. fennekin
  3. zoroark
Level of Prize (Forum Companion, Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3): Level 2
Type of Prize (Art, Review, or Misc): Review
Preferred Method of Contact: Discord or forum DMs

Level of Prize (Forum Companion, Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3): Level 1
Type of Prize (Art, Review, or Misc): Review
Preferred Method of Contact: Discord or forum DMs


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Level of Prize (Forum Companion, Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3): Forum Companion
Type of Prize (Art, Review, or Misc): Nikki sprite
Preferred Method of Contact: See the level 2 prize group chat. XP


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
Level of Prize (Forum Companion, Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3): 1
Type of Prize (Art, Review, or Misc): Art, of a small nonhumanoid character
Preferred Method of Contact: Discord


Loony Moony
  1. scorbunny
  2. buneary
Welp, I reached the 100 point barrier tonight so...

Level of Prize (Forum Companion, Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3): Level 3
Type of Prize (Art, Review, or Misc): Art
Preferred Method of Contact: Discord or TR DM


That's "I come anon 6"
northern Virginia
  1. alakazam
Level of Prize (Forum Companion, Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3): Forum Companion
Type of Prize (Art, Review, or Misc): Forum Companion
Preferred Method of Contact: Discord or TR DM


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
Level of Prize (Forum Companion, Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3): Level 2
Type of Prize (Art, Review, or Misc): Review
Preferred Method of Contact: Discord or forum DMs


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
I have gathered together my finest points to purhase your finest PNG.

Level of Prize: Forum Companion
Type of Prize: I'd like the canon Omanyte sprite, please!
Preferred Method of Contact: Discord DMs
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Loony Moony
  1. scorbunny
  2. buneary
Alright, since I have reached one of my last targets in the Blitz, I'm going to drop them in once again.

Level of Prize: Forum Companions
Type of Prize: I'd like the canon Scorbunny first, followed by the canon Buneary please!
Perferred Method of Contact: Thousand Roads PMs or Discord DMs, which ever is easier!

EDIT: Just seen the actual point scoring unless I'm reading it wrong, I won't have enough points to get both Forum Companions. I'll just opt for the Scorbunny if I lack the points, but I'll keep the Buneary up as a second companion just in case.
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Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Level of Prize: Level 2
Type of Prize: Art
Preferred Method of Contact: Discord or Thousand Roads DM, whichever's fine for me.


Sloooowly writing...
  1. jfought-sword
  2. jfought-blue
  3. deerling-summer
  4. charmeleon
  5. vulpix
  6. monferno
  7. herdier-oscar
  8. swoobat-benigno
Level of Prize: Forum Companion
Type of Prize: Herdier (if minor customization is available, I'll take it!)
Preferred Method of Contact: Discord

Level of Prize: Forum Companion
Type of Prize: Swoobat (same as above!)
Preferred Method of Contact: Discord

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, here to do a bit more shopping for prizes:

Level of Prize (Forum Companion, Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3): Level 1
Type of Prize (Art, Review, or Misc): Review
Preferred Method of Contact: Discord DM, can use Forum DM if necessary

Level of Prize (Forum Companion, Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3): Level 2
Type of Prize (Art, Review, or Misc): Review
Preferred Method of Contact: Discord DM, can use Forum DM if necessary

Level of Prize (Forum Companion, Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3): Forum Companions
Type of Prize (Art, Review, or Misc): Growlithe (placement TBD)
Preferred Method of Contact: Discord DM, can use Forum DM if necessary

Rusting Knight

Bug Catcher
  1. shedinja
Level of Prize (Forum Companion, Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3): Forum Companion
Type of Prize (Art, Review, or Misc): Shedinja
Preferred Method of Contact: Discord or TR DM
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