Junior Trainer
- Pronouns
- He/him
Episode 1
The Safari Zone in Kanto's Fuchsia City is home to many different kinds of Pokemon, from small and adorable water Pokemon like Poliwag to the larger and rarer Kangaskhan. There is, however, one certain Kangaskhan that stands out from the others. You see, most Kangaskhan keep young babies in their pouch, but the one I'm talking about doesn't have any baby Kangaskhan of her own. Instead, she simply acts as a mother figure to some of the other Pokemon. Every time they have a problem, she tries her best to help them solve it. She enjoys being a mother figure, but one mid summer day brought a significant change to her life. She was busy as a Beedrill by doing some cleaning inside the house she lived in when she heard a knock on her door. A Chansey was standing outside, and on the ground beside her was a basket containing a very young baby girl of only two months old. Chansey explained that she had been out for a stroll and minding her business when she saw the basket floating by and figured out fairly quickly that it had been abandoned by its' parents, hence leading it to bring the baby to where Kangaskhan was. Kangaskhan thanked Chansey and brought the baby into the living room. Beside the blanket that was covering the baby was a tag that simply stated its' name, which was Amanda.
"Hi there, Amanda." Said Kangaskhan. "I'm sorry your parents just flat out left you like they did, but I can assure you that I'll take very good care of you." And that was exactly what the Kangaskhan did. She raised little Amanda as her own child. Of course, she had to stay in the pouch a lot, but that was normal for very young children like Amanda. For the first three years or so of her life, the only Pokemon she ever knew was the very kind Kangaskhan. After she turned four, however, Kangaskhan decided that Amanda should meet some of the other Pokemon. And so one morning in early July, the two of them were out on their daily walk. Amanda rode in the pouch, of course, while Kangaskhan jumped up and down as they went down the path. Everything was going fine until a herd of Pokemon with light brown fur, curved grey horns on their heads and three black tails came stampeding by. Amanda hated the loud noise that the Pokemon were making and started crying.
"It's all right, dear." Said Kangaskhan. "Those Pokemon are called Tauros. What you just saw is perfectly normal behaviour for them."
"They're going to hurt me, Mama." Amanda cried.
"They are not going to hurt you." Said Kangaskhan. "If they tried to do that, they'd have to get by me, and I don't think that they'd like that. Don't worry, they're gone now, though."
"That's a relief." Said Amanda. She now felt much better, and they continued on their way. A short while later, they came across a bright yellow Pokemon with brown stripes on its' back and red, circle shaped cheeks. Amanda was quite happy to see this particular Pokemon.
"Hey there, little friend." She said. "What's your name?"
"Pika pika." Said the Pokemon, which meant 'My name is Pikachu'.
"It's nice to meet you, Pikachu." Said Amanda. "I'm Amanda, and this is my mom, Kangaskhan.
"Pika." Said Pikachu, which meant 'It's odd for a human child like you to be raised by a Pokemon'.
"I know that may seem strange, but that's how things worked out." Said Amanda. "Say, Pikachu, would you like to join me?"
"Pika!" Pikachu cried excitedly, which meant 'I'd love to join you'.
"I just need to ask Mama first." Said Amanda. "Mama, may Pikachu accompany us on our outing?"
"Yes he may." Said Kangaskhan.
"Okay, Pikachu, you get to come along." Said Amanda. Pikachu climbed into Kangaskhan's pouch, and they went off again. During their outing, Amanda met some of the other Pokemon, including the Chansey that had first come across Amanda when she was just a baby. Amanda also met a Psyduck, an Exeggcute and both gender Nidoran. Amanda liked all of them and wanted to bring them all home with her, but Kangaskhan wouldn't let her.
"You let Pikachu join us." Amanda pointed out.
"Only because the Pikachu was a wild Pokemon." Said Kangaskhan. "All of these other Pokemon live in their own habitats here. They wouldn't feel very happy if you took them away like that."
"Pikachu." Pikachu agreed.
"I guess you're right, Pikachu." Said Amanda. So even though she had to leave the other Pokemon behind, she did promise to visit them whenever possible.
"You're going to like Kangaskhan's house, Pikachu." Amanda said. When they got back, Pikachu had a look around and gave two thumbs up for approval.
"I'm glad you like the place." Said Amanda. The following year, for Amanda's fifth birthday, Kangaskhan gave Amanda a red and white Poke Ball.
"Since Pikachu is basically yours, you'll need to keep him in here." Said Kangaskhan.
"What if he doesn't like the ball, Mama?" asked Amanda.
"You won't know until you try." Said Kangaskhan. Amanda went outside with the ball and found Pikachu playing in the yard. She slowly approached him with the ball in hand.
"Listen buddy, even though you've been living with us for a while, Pokemon rules say that you have to go into this ball in order to become officially mine." She said. Pikachu took a good look at the ball and shook his head.
"Pika!" he cried, which meant 'I don't want to go in there!'
"So you don't like being inside Poke Balls, huh?" said Amanda. Pikachu shook its' head to say no.
"I'll tell you what." Said Amanda. "You'll only have to go in there for a second so that you can officially be registered, and then after I let you out, I won't make you go back in the ball again. Deal?"
"Pika!" Pikachu cried happily, which meant 'Deal'.
"All right, then." Said Amanda. She tapped Pikachu lightly with the ball, and a flash of red light absorbed Pikachu inside. The ball immediately dinged, and the Amanda let Pikachu out right away.
"There you go." Said Amanda. "Now you don't ever have to go back in there again."
"Pika." Said Pikachu, which meant 'You promise?'
"I promise." Said Amanda. She made good on that promise by allowing Pikachu to ride on her shoulder every time she was outside. Inside the house, she made a little play pen area for Pikachu, which he liked a lot. Now, in addition to Pokemon, Amanda also liked bouncing a lot. She practiced whenever possible, with Pikachu safely nestled atop her head as she made her bounces. She couldn't practice on the rainy days, however, as Kangaskhan didn't like her bouncing in the house. Three years later, shortly after she had turned eight, Amanda and Pikachu were outside playing together when a large Pokemon with orange fur, black stripes and a beige tail.
"I don't think I've ever seen you around the Safari Zone before." Said Amanda. "Are you new here?" The Pokemon barked, which meant 'I just moved here a week ago.'
"I see." Said Amanda. "I wonder what your name is." The Pokemon barked again, which meant 'I'm Arcanine.'
"I'm Amanda." Said Amanda. "Look at what I can do." She bounced up and down, which impressed the Arcanine a lot. He let out multiple, happy barks, which meant 'I can bounce well too. You should go bouncing with me one day.'
"I'll be more than happy to." Said Amanda. "I need to go now so I can practice some more. See you later, Arcanine." They went their separate ways, and when Amanda got home later, she told Kangaskhan about her newest friend.
"His name's Arcanine and he like bouncing too, just like me." Said Amanda.
"That's wonderful, dear." Said Kangaskhan. As the days and weeks passed, she wondered when her chance to go bouncing with Arcanine would come. One day near the end of January, that chance finally came. Naturally, she was very excited. As she sat on top of the mailbox, she kept wondering when Arcanine would arrive.
"When's he going to be here, Mama?" asked Amanda.
"Be patient, dear." Said Kangaskhan. Her pouch was covered up by a bright yellow apron as she swept away some of the snow that had fallen the previous night. "He'll be here when he's ready." Pikachu was resting on Amanda's head, wondering the same thing.
"I wonder if he'll like the outfit I chose to wear for today." Said Amanda. She was wearing a bright blue sweater, a casual black skirt, and her pink boots. The bottom of her sweater was tucked into her skirt, and her hair was pulled into a ponytail. Arcanine showed up ten minutes later, and the moment he arrived, Amanda got down from the mailbox and started bouncing up and down in place. Kangaskhan just chuckled.
"Just a second, dear." She said as she placed a bright yellow scarf with an orange stripe around Amanda's neck. Amanda kept bouncing up and down, though, which made Kangaskhan chuckle again. "You're very bouncy today." She said. She was holding the back ends of the scarf firmly so as to prevent Amanda from moving forward too much. She let go of the back end she was holding in her left hand and allowed it to wrap around and underneath the middle of the right end to form a knot in the middle. She grabbed the left side and tugged both back ends of the scarf tightly to shrink and tighten the knot.
"There we go." Said Kangaskhan. "Now, keep that scarf on."
"Not so tight, Mama." Said Amanda. The straight lines of the scarf went down the middle of her sweater in the front, with the round part fully covering up her neck.
"Will you be warm enough in that sweater?" Kangaskhan asked.
"Yes, Mommy." Said Amanda. "Let's get going, Arcanine." Arcanine let out some acknowledgement barks to agree with her.
"Off we go, Pikachu." Said Amanda, and the three of them went on their way. Since it was wintertime, all the rest of the Pokemon were in hibernation, which meant that Amanda wouldn't be seeing them again until the spring season arrived. She didn't mind, though, because she knew that not every Pokemon was built to live in cold climates. She smiled as she and Pikachu bounced along down the path, with Arcanine leading the way. As they bounced, they made sure to take in as much of the scenery as possible. They even went through some areas that she had never seen before. In one of the areas was some trees, and even though she liked climbing trees, Arcanine was too strong to climb up any of them, so they continued onward. A couple of hours later, they came to a wide open area where they could take a rest.
"Is all the bouncing tiring you out a bit, Pikachu?" Amanda asked.
"Pika." Pikachu nodded, which meant 'Just a little bit.'
"Don't worry, buddy. We're going to take a rest here and then we'll continue when we're ready." Said Amanda. Pikachu breathed a sigh of relief and went to play with Arcanine. Amanda sat down on a nearby bench and watched them play together. Meanwhile, up in the sky, a hot air balloon belonging to three crooks flew above them.
"So, that little twerp has some little Poke pals." Said a small cat Pokemon with a gold charm on its' head.
"They'll make fine additions to the Team Rocket squad." Said a teenage girl with pink hair.
"I don't know about that big dog, but the little Pikachu will do nicely." Said a teenage boy with blue hair. They started discussing their plan, but they made sure to talk quietly so as not to be heard. Meanwhile, Amanda watched Pikachu and Arcanine make snow angels as well as snowmen versions of themselves.
"That looks really nice Pikachu." Said Amanda.
"Pikachu!" Pikachu cried happily, which meant 'I'm glad you like it'.
"Well, I think it's time we went on our way." Said Amanda. Pikachu and Arcanine agreed, but before they could get anywhere, a pair of robotic hands grabbed Pikachu and forced it toward the balloon.
"Pika!" Pikachu cried angrily.
"Hey!" Amanda cried, and she jumped off the bench. "Who in the world are you?!"
"I guess it's time to give this girl our official introduction." Said the teen girl, and they began to recite a motto.
"Prepare for trouble!"
"Make it double!"
"To protect the world from devastation!"
"To unite all peoples within our nation."
"To denounce the evils of truth and love."
"To extend our reach to the stars above!"
"Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!"
"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"
"Meowth, that's right!" Amanda was left a bit confused, though.
"Could you repeat all of that?" she said. Jessie and James groaned and fell over to the side, anime style.
"Listen kid, we don't know you and you don't know us, but I can tell you right now that you don't ever want to mess with us!" exclaimed Meowth. Amanda was quite surprised to hear Meowth speak human language.
"Wow, a Meowth that can talk. That's so cool!" she cried. Then, she saw Pikachu being held hostage in a small cage and looking upset.
"Don't worry, Pikachu, we'll get you out of there." Said Amanda. "Try breaking the cage with your Thunderbolt attack." Pikachu did its' best to break the bars with its' electricity, but it did no good. Meowth let out a laugh.
"Nice try, kid, but that cage your little friend's in is completely shock proof." Said Meowth. Jessie and James were now back on their feet.
"You crooks had better give Pikachu back to me right now!" demanded Amanda.
"We'd like to give it back, but there's a little problem." Said Jessie.
"If we were to give it back, we wouldn't be doing our jobs." Said Jessie.
"So you can kiss your little Pikachu goodbye." Said Meowth. He started to raise the balloon back into the air, but Amanda was determined not to give up.
"Wait a second, the bars on that cage are made of steel." She said, and that gave her an idea. "Arcanine, run over there and burn the cage with your Flamethrower, but make sure you don't hurt Pikachu." Arcanine nodded and ran over to where Pikachu was being held. It barked loudly at Team Rocket.
"I think this dog's bark is worse than it's bite." Said Meowth.
"Move aside, we don't have time to play with you right now." Said Jessie. Arcanine barked again, aimed at the cage and fired a stream of flames at it. As per Amanda's instructions, he made sure not to aim it at Pikachu. The bars melted instantly, and Pikachu ran up to Amanda.
"I'm glad you're okay, buddy." She said. They both gave Team Rocket an angry glare.
"All right kid, if you want a battle, you're getting one." Said jessie, and she and James threw their Poke Balls. "Go Ekans!"
"Go Koffing!" cried James. Both Pokemon materialized at once and hissed at the three of them.
"It's a good thing I'm able to fight them two on two." Said Amanda. "Pikachu, Thunderbolt! Arcanine, Flamethrower!" Both Pokemon fired their attacks and Team Rocket got burned and electrocuted.
"This kid may be small, but she's tough." Said Meowth. He tried to give Pikachu a dose of his Fury Swipes, but Pikachu sent him away with his tail.
"The Pikachu's tough too." He said.
"Okay Pikachu, you know what to do." Said Amanda. Pikachu fired up its' strongest Thunderbolt and sent Team Rocket into the air.
"Losing to a kid who's not even technically a trainer is downright embarrassing." Said Jessie.
"She's good, though." Said James.
"So is that Pikachu." Said Meowth. "Team Rocket's blasting off again!" DING!
"Great job, Pikachu." Said Amanda. "You too, Arcanine." She smiled and petted both of them. With Team Rocket out of the way, the three of them bounced onward. Thankfully, Team Rocket stayed away, and when Amanda and Pikachu returned back home later in the afternoon, she bore a very happy smile.
"It seems like you had a very good day." Said Kangaskhan.
"It was an excellent day." Said Amanda. "We did have a small encounter with Team Rocket, but Pikachu and I took care of them, didn't we buddy?"
"Pikachu!" Pikachu cried, which meant 'We sure did, Amanda!'
"Pardon my asking, but who's Team Rocket?" asked Kangaskhan.
"They're bad people that try to steal other People's Pokemon." Said Amanda.
"I see." Said Kangaskhan. "Well, try to be more careful if you see them again."
"I will, Mama." Said Amanda. Thankfully, Team Rocket stayed away from the Safari Zone, and a couple of days after Amanda turned nine, they had an unexpected visitor. A man wearing a red sweater, brown pants and a white coat came into the living room, where Amanda and Pikachu were sitting as they watched TV together. He cleared his throat and the two of them gave him their attention.
"Excuse me sir, but who are you?" asked Amanda.
"Pika pika?" asked Pikachu, which meant 'Is he from team Rocket too?'
"I don't think so." Said Amanda.
"I am most certainly not part of Team Rocket." The man explained. "I'm Professor Samuel Oak, from Pallet Town. I'm a Pokemon researcher." He explained what that was.
"So, you observe Pokemon in their habitats and study how they live in their environments?" asked Amanda.
"That's correct." Said Professor Oak. He took a careful look at Pikachu and examined it closely. Pikachu smiled at Professor Oak and gave him a gentle nuzzle.
"It's clear to me that this Pikachu likes you a lot." Said Professor Oak. "I hope you've been taking good care of it."
"I have." Said Amanda. She told the professor about how she had first met Pikachu and was also friends with several other Pokemon that lived in the Safari Zone, including the tall and majestic Arcanine.
"They're all really cool Pokemon to hang out with, but the one Pokemon that I'd love to see would be a Gyrados." She said.
"I'm sure you would, but I should warn you that Gyrados can be very short tempered." Said Professor Oak. "They're also very powerful Pokemon too, and if you're not careful, they can cause a lot of trouble. Now, if memory serves me correctly, you'll be turning ten next year."
"That's right." Said Amanda.
"In that case, you'll be able to officially become a trainer and you'll be able to meet some Pokemon that you've never seen before." Said Professor Oak. "And as it happens, I happen to have three of those very Pokemon."
"Can I see what they look like?" asked Amanda.
"I'm afraid I left them back at my lab." Said Professor Oak. "I'll tell you what, though. When you're able to officially become a trainer next year, you can see them for yourself. Well, that'll be all for this visit. There's a lot of Pokemon in my lab whose needs I have to tend to. I hope to see you soon." Professor Oak left, and now Amanda was getting excited again. She definitely wanted to become a trainer, but something like this was an important decision. She decided that she would wait until the time was right to ask Kangaskhan about it. The weeks and seasons passed, and before Amanda knew it, her birthday was just three days away. She was trying to figure out what she wanted to do to celebrate when Professor Oak came in.
"I apologize for dropping in unannounced like this, but this is very important." He said. "As you will be turning ten very soon, I am here today to officially extend an invitation for you to become a Pokemon trainer."
"Oh, that's very exciting." Said Amanda.
"I take it that you'd like to become a trainer then?" asked Professor Oak.
"Of course!" cried Amanda. "I need to ask Mama about this, though." She went into the kitchen and tugged at Kangaskhan's arm.
"What is it, dear?" she asked.
"Professor Oak is here and he wants me to become a trainer." Said Amanda.
"Who's Professor Oak?" asked Kangaskhan.
"He's a Pokemon researcher." Said Amanda.
"I see." Said Kangaskhan. "Well, I suppose I should meet him then." Amanda got into Kangaskhan's pouch and they went into the living room where they saw Oak going over some papers.
"So, you must be this child's mother." Said Professor Oak.
"That is correct." Said Kangaskhan.
"I must say that it's quite unusual for a Pokemon to be the mother of an actual child and not a baby Kangaskhan, but I've seen even weirder." Said Professor Oak. "Anyway, I think your daughter has potential to be a very good Pokemon trainer, hence why I'm extending this offer to her."
"Well, she has liked Pokemon ever since she was very little." Said Kangaskhan. "Becoming a trainer and going on a journey would be perfect for her because she'd get to see new places and meet new people."
"She'd also get to meet new Pokemon." Said Professor Oak.
"Well, Mama, can I do it?" asked Amanda.
"If it means I would have the house to myself again, then yes, I will allow you to do this." Said Kangaskhan.
"Thanks, Mama! You're the best!" cried Amanda excitedly. She quickly signed the papers that Professor Oak gave her which would officially make her a trainer.
"You'll do very good at this in my opinion." Said Professor Oak. "Remember, though, that this won't kick in until you turn ten, so not too much longer to wait." Said Professor Oak. He packed up his briefcase and left. Amanda was getting even more excited now. Just three days later, her birthday finally arrived. She had started the morning by having her favorite cereal for breakfast and then went into the yard to play around with Pikachu. Ten minutes into playing, Arcanine ran up to her and gave a playful lick. Amanda gave a friendly laugh.
"Hi, Arcanine. I guess you're here to wish me a happy birthday." She said. Arcanine nodded and wished her happy birthday in bark.
"Thank you very much, Arcanine." Said Amanda. "You know, since I'm ten years old today, I officially get to become a Pokemon trainer." Arcanine barked excitedly, which meant 'That's exciting'.
"It's very exciting." Said Amanda. She continued talking with Arcanine for a little while, and then Kangaskhan came up to her.
"You have a phone call, dear." She said. "It's from Professor Oak." Amanda ran inside and pressed a button on the video phone which made Oak's face come up.
"Good morning, Professor!" exclaimed Amanda.
"Good morning, Amanda." Said Professor Oak. "First off, I want to wish you a happy birthday."
"Thanks, Professor." Said Amanda.
"You're welcome." Said Professor Oak. "Second, since you're about to embark on your own journey, I ordered some clothes for you from the Celadon City department store a few days ago. Those clothes just arrived yesterday and I think you'll like them."
"I'm sure I will, Professor." Said Amanda.
"What I'd like to have you do is spend tonight at my lab and you can depart tomorrow morning." Said Professor Oak.
"That's fine, Professor, but how would I get there?" asked Amanda.
"I'll send a Pidgeotto to the Safari Zone to pick you up later this afternoon." Said Professor Oak. "I'm looking forward to seeing you."
"One more thing, Professor." Said Amanda. "Can Pikachu come with me?"
"He sure can." Said Professor Oak. "Well, I need to get back to my work, but I'll see you later." He hung up the phone, leaving Amanda smiling. She hurried back outside and happily bounced up to where Pikachu was.
"Guess what, buddy? We get to go on an adventure together!" she cried.
"Pika!" Pikachu cried, which meant 'What kind of adventure?'
"We get to go on a Pokemon journey together." Said Amanda. "However, that means I have to leave Arcanine and everyone else behind." Arcanine frowned a bit, but Amanda quickly reassured him.
"Don't worry, I'll come visit you and the other Pokemon when I can." She said. Arcanine smiled again and barked happily. After lunch, the Pidgeotto arrived to take Amanda to Pallet Town.
"I guess this is it." Said Kangaskhan, and she gave Amanda a big hug. "I almost forgot, there's a couple of rules that I'll need you to follow while you're on your journey. One important rule is that you call me whenever you get to a new city. Secondly, you call me every time you get a new badge. Are we clear on those conditions?"
"Yes, Mama." Said Amanda. She and Pikachu got onto the Pidgeotto, and they flew away.
"This is going to be fun." Amanda said to herself. She made sure to take in as much of the air scenery as possible while the Pidgeotto flew. Before she knew it, she was in Pallet Town. Pidgeotto landed right in front of the lab and gently allowed Amanda and Pikachu to get down.
"Thanks, Pidgeotto." Said Amanda. Pidgeotto nodded and flew off. Amanda took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Professor Oak quickly came to the door and let her in.
"Come right on in, Amanda." Said Professor Oak, and he led her inside. There were all sorts of Pokemon in the lab that Amanda had never seen before, including a Kadabra, a Fearow and a Vaporeon.
"Those Pokemon are all so cool, Professor." Said Amanda. "Do they all belong to you?"
"Oh no. Those Pokemon belong to other trainers that are out and about." Said Professor Oak. "I just look after them and make sure they're taken care of until the trainer decides that they need those Pokemon." Amanda was introduced to all the Pokemon that were currently in the lab and she quickly made friends with all of them. Then, Professor Oak showed her the guest bedroom.
"This is where you and Pikachu will stay tonight before officially going out on your journey tomorrow." He said. "I did mention that I had gotten a few potential trainer outfits for you, so I'd like you to have a look at them." He opened the closet and showed her the possible selections. The first outfit consisted of a plain green sweater with pink jean shorts and bright red sneakers.
"That would be perfect for if I wanted to go for a casual look." Said Amanda.
"The next one is somewhat casual, but also a little more formal at the same time." Said Professor Oak. The second outfit was a bright yellow tee shirt with a bright red skirt and green boots.
"That one looks a bit more like my style." Said Amanda.
"I believe you'll really like this last one." Said Professor Oak. The last outfit was a plain blue dress with puff sleeves, a white collar around the neck, and a pink ribbon sash that was already wrapped around the waistline of the dress and tied into a bow at the back.
"That one looks very nice." Said Amanda. "Do I have to decide now?"
"No, you can make a decision in the morning." Said Professor Oak and he closed the closet. He then went back to his work, leaving Amanda and Pikachu by themselves.
"What do you think, buddy?" she asked. "Which of those clothes do you think I should wear as my trainer outfit?"
"Pika pika." Said Pikachu, which meant 'That's up to you. Although, I do like that third choice a little bit.'
"Well, I need to decide by the time the morning comes." Said Amanda. "I also need to decide which of the starter Pokemon I want." Amanda was a bit nervous as she slept that night. She outweighed the pros and cons of choosing each starter in her head, and then made her decision to herself. The next morning, she woke up feeling the most excited that she had ever felt in her life, as she would be embarking on her journey today.
"Well Pikachu, today is the day we depart." Said Amanda. Pikachu was excited as well. They had their breakfast in the little kitchen area and then went back to the room to get dressed. Amanda looked at all the outfits again before making her choice.
"You know Pikachu, in all the years I've been around, I don't think I've ever worn a dress before."
"Pika?" asked Pikachu, which meant 'Never?'
"Nope." Said Amanda. "I've worn a skirt some of the time but never a dress. But since this is a new start for us, I think it's time we changed that." She got out of the pajamas that Oak had provided her with and changed into the dress. She looked in the mirror and smiled.
"What do you think, Pikachu?" asked Amanda.
"Pika pika Pikachu." Said Pikachu, which meant 'I think that's a very good choice.'
"Thanks, buddy." Said Amanda. She found that the skirt of the dress was a bit longer than she thought as it went down to a few inches past her knees, but she wasn't really picky at all. She also found that the dress she was wearing came with a pair of white tights and a pair of shiny black Mary Jane dress shoes. She put the tights and shoes on, buckled up the straps on the shoes and pulled her hair into a ponytail.
"Well, I guess it's time." Said Amanda, and she went over to the table where Oak usually kept the starters.
"Good morning, Amanda." Said Professor Oak. "I'm glad to see that you got up on time today to start your journey, unlike another trainer who overslept on his first day around this time last year." The trainer Oak was referring to was none other than Ash Ketchum, but Amanda didn't know this yet.
"Do you think I'll be able to meet this other trainer while I'm on my journey, Professor?" asked Amanda.
"It's entirely possible." Said Oak. "Also, be careful if you run into my grandson Gary. He's a good trainer, but he can get a little cocky and overconfident. But let's not worry about that right now. Let's focus on who you're going to pick for your starter. He opened up all three Poke Balls, and Amanda saw three Pokemon that were new to her.
"This first one is Charmander." Said Professor Oak. "See the bright flame on its' tail?"
"That looks so cool." Said Amanda.
"I do warn you, though, that Charmander will die if the flame goes out at all." Said Oak. "That's one thing to keep in mind if you choose this one." He then showed Amanda a Pokemon that had a green bulb on its' head.
"This one is Bulbasaur." Said Professor Oak. "They're sometimes shy around new trainers, but this one's pretty friendly."
"Hi there, Bulbasaur." Said Amanda. "Can I pet you?" Bulbasaur nodded and Amanda gave him some gentle strokes.
"He's so cute." Said Amanda.
"If you think that's cute, wait until you see this last one." Said Oak, and he introduced her to Squirtle.
"This one can be a bit mischievous if you're not careful." Said Oak.
"How do you know?" asked Amanda.
"I suppose you've never heard of the Squirtle Squad." Said Professor Oak. "They're a bunch of Squirtle that were abandoned by their trainers and started causing all sorts of problems. But Ash and his friends set them straight, and now instead of playing pranks, they fight fires. Ash even caught the leader of the gang."
"That's pretty cool." Said Amanda.
"Now that you've seen all of the starters, which one would you like to select?" asked Oak. Amanda weighed her options carefully before picking up the Squirtle.
"All three of you are cute, but I think you're the cutest of the bunch." She said. She gave Squirtle a hug, but she made sure not to be too tight. Squirtle then pointed to Amanda's dress and gave a thumbs up.
"You like this because it matches your color?" asked Amanda. "Squirtle nodded.
"That makes this choice easy." Said Amanda. "Professor, I think my mind is made up. I choose Squirtle."
"A very fine choice." Said Oak. "I must ask, though, what made you decide on that one."
"It might be because it likes the color of the dress I'm wearing." Said Amanda. "Since this dress is blue just like Squirtle is, I figured it would be the perfect choice."
"That seems like sound reasoning to me." Said Professor Oak. He placed Squirtle back into his Poke Ball and handed it to Amanda.
"Here you go." Said Professor Oak. Amanda placed Squirtle's ball on the waist of her dress and smiled.
"Thank you so much, Professor." Said Amanda.
"You're welcome." Said Oak. "There's a couple of other things I'm supposed to give you to get started." He handed Amanda six empty Poke Balls.
"You'll use these to capture any new Pokemon you come across." He said. "I should tell you that you can only carry six at once, which means any extras will be sent here to me." He also handed Amanda a bright orange handheld device.
"This little computer is your Pokedex." He said. "It'll tell you all the information you need to know about all the Pokemon that currently exist. It also acts as your identification, so make sure you don't lose it. With that, I think you're all set to go."
"I think so too." Said Amanda. Just then, she remembered something. "Professor, both Squirtle and Pikachu should be registered in the Pokedex so that it'll know I officially own them."
"Good idea." Said Oak. Amanda scanned the Pokedex on Squirtle's ball and heard a sound to indicate that it was officially registered as owned. She did the same thing with Pikachu, but in this instance, she scanned it on his body. The same sound went off, and then Amanda closed the Pokedex and put it away.
"There we go." She said. "I'm all set now, Professor."
"That's good, but I think there's one more thing you should do first." Said Oak. Amanda dialed the number for her house in the Safari Zone, and after a few rings, Kangaskhan picked up.
"Hi, Mama!" cried Amanda excitedly.
"Hello there, dear." Said Kangaskhan. "I was actually just thinking about you last night. Who did you end up picking for your first Pokemon?"
"I chose Squirtle." Said Amanda. "I hope I made the right choice, though."
"I'm pretty sure you did." Said Kangaskhan.
"Well, Mama, I have to go so I can start on the journey. I'll call you when I get to the next city." Said Amanda.
"Please make sure you do." Said Kangaskhan, and they hung up.
"Well Pikachu, off we go." Said Amanda. "Thanks for everything, Professor."
"You're welcome." Said Oak. "Make sure you keep me updated regularly on your progress."
"I will." Said Amanda. With Pikachu on her shoulder and her Poke Balls securely on her waist, she calmly strolled out of the lab and down the path. Professor Oak watched her go on her way.
"She'll definitely be a very fine trainer indeed." He said.
The Safari Zone in Kanto's Fuchsia City is home to many different kinds of Pokemon, from small and adorable water Pokemon like Poliwag to the larger and rarer Kangaskhan. There is, however, one certain Kangaskhan that stands out from the others. You see, most Kangaskhan keep young babies in their pouch, but the one I'm talking about doesn't have any baby Kangaskhan of her own. Instead, she simply acts as a mother figure to some of the other Pokemon. Every time they have a problem, she tries her best to help them solve it. She enjoys being a mother figure, but one mid summer day brought a significant change to her life. She was busy as a Beedrill by doing some cleaning inside the house she lived in when she heard a knock on her door. A Chansey was standing outside, and on the ground beside her was a basket containing a very young baby girl of only two months old. Chansey explained that she had been out for a stroll and minding her business when she saw the basket floating by and figured out fairly quickly that it had been abandoned by its' parents, hence leading it to bring the baby to where Kangaskhan was. Kangaskhan thanked Chansey and brought the baby into the living room. Beside the blanket that was covering the baby was a tag that simply stated its' name, which was Amanda.
"Hi there, Amanda." Said Kangaskhan. "I'm sorry your parents just flat out left you like they did, but I can assure you that I'll take very good care of you." And that was exactly what the Kangaskhan did. She raised little Amanda as her own child. Of course, she had to stay in the pouch a lot, but that was normal for very young children like Amanda. For the first three years or so of her life, the only Pokemon she ever knew was the very kind Kangaskhan. After she turned four, however, Kangaskhan decided that Amanda should meet some of the other Pokemon. And so one morning in early July, the two of them were out on their daily walk. Amanda rode in the pouch, of course, while Kangaskhan jumped up and down as they went down the path. Everything was going fine until a herd of Pokemon with light brown fur, curved grey horns on their heads and three black tails came stampeding by. Amanda hated the loud noise that the Pokemon were making and started crying.
"It's all right, dear." Said Kangaskhan. "Those Pokemon are called Tauros. What you just saw is perfectly normal behaviour for them."
"They're going to hurt me, Mama." Amanda cried.
"They are not going to hurt you." Said Kangaskhan. "If they tried to do that, they'd have to get by me, and I don't think that they'd like that. Don't worry, they're gone now, though."
"That's a relief." Said Amanda. She now felt much better, and they continued on their way. A short while later, they came across a bright yellow Pokemon with brown stripes on its' back and red, circle shaped cheeks. Amanda was quite happy to see this particular Pokemon.
"Hey there, little friend." She said. "What's your name?"
"Pika pika." Said the Pokemon, which meant 'My name is Pikachu'.
"It's nice to meet you, Pikachu." Said Amanda. "I'm Amanda, and this is my mom, Kangaskhan.
"Pika." Said Pikachu, which meant 'It's odd for a human child like you to be raised by a Pokemon'.
"I know that may seem strange, but that's how things worked out." Said Amanda. "Say, Pikachu, would you like to join me?"
"Pika!" Pikachu cried excitedly, which meant 'I'd love to join you'.
"I just need to ask Mama first." Said Amanda. "Mama, may Pikachu accompany us on our outing?"
"Yes he may." Said Kangaskhan.
"Okay, Pikachu, you get to come along." Said Amanda. Pikachu climbed into Kangaskhan's pouch, and they went off again. During their outing, Amanda met some of the other Pokemon, including the Chansey that had first come across Amanda when she was just a baby. Amanda also met a Psyduck, an Exeggcute and both gender Nidoran. Amanda liked all of them and wanted to bring them all home with her, but Kangaskhan wouldn't let her.
"You let Pikachu join us." Amanda pointed out.
"Only because the Pikachu was a wild Pokemon." Said Kangaskhan. "All of these other Pokemon live in their own habitats here. They wouldn't feel very happy if you took them away like that."
"Pikachu." Pikachu agreed.
"I guess you're right, Pikachu." Said Amanda. So even though she had to leave the other Pokemon behind, she did promise to visit them whenever possible.
"You're going to like Kangaskhan's house, Pikachu." Amanda said. When they got back, Pikachu had a look around and gave two thumbs up for approval.
"I'm glad you like the place." Said Amanda. The following year, for Amanda's fifth birthday, Kangaskhan gave Amanda a red and white Poke Ball.
"Since Pikachu is basically yours, you'll need to keep him in here." Said Kangaskhan.
"What if he doesn't like the ball, Mama?" asked Amanda.
"You won't know until you try." Said Kangaskhan. Amanda went outside with the ball and found Pikachu playing in the yard. She slowly approached him with the ball in hand.
"Listen buddy, even though you've been living with us for a while, Pokemon rules say that you have to go into this ball in order to become officially mine." She said. Pikachu took a good look at the ball and shook his head.
"Pika!" he cried, which meant 'I don't want to go in there!'
"So you don't like being inside Poke Balls, huh?" said Amanda. Pikachu shook its' head to say no.
"I'll tell you what." Said Amanda. "You'll only have to go in there for a second so that you can officially be registered, and then after I let you out, I won't make you go back in the ball again. Deal?"
"Pika!" Pikachu cried happily, which meant 'Deal'.
"All right, then." Said Amanda. She tapped Pikachu lightly with the ball, and a flash of red light absorbed Pikachu inside. The ball immediately dinged, and the Amanda let Pikachu out right away.
"There you go." Said Amanda. "Now you don't ever have to go back in there again."
"Pika." Said Pikachu, which meant 'You promise?'
"I promise." Said Amanda. She made good on that promise by allowing Pikachu to ride on her shoulder every time she was outside. Inside the house, she made a little play pen area for Pikachu, which he liked a lot. Now, in addition to Pokemon, Amanda also liked bouncing a lot. She practiced whenever possible, with Pikachu safely nestled atop her head as she made her bounces. She couldn't practice on the rainy days, however, as Kangaskhan didn't like her bouncing in the house. Three years later, shortly after she had turned eight, Amanda and Pikachu were outside playing together when a large Pokemon with orange fur, black stripes and a beige tail.
"I don't think I've ever seen you around the Safari Zone before." Said Amanda. "Are you new here?" The Pokemon barked, which meant 'I just moved here a week ago.'
"I see." Said Amanda. "I wonder what your name is." The Pokemon barked again, which meant 'I'm Arcanine.'
"I'm Amanda." Said Amanda. "Look at what I can do." She bounced up and down, which impressed the Arcanine a lot. He let out multiple, happy barks, which meant 'I can bounce well too. You should go bouncing with me one day.'
"I'll be more than happy to." Said Amanda. "I need to go now so I can practice some more. See you later, Arcanine." They went their separate ways, and when Amanda got home later, she told Kangaskhan about her newest friend.
"His name's Arcanine and he like bouncing too, just like me." Said Amanda.
"That's wonderful, dear." Said Kangaskhan. As the days and weeks passed, she wondered when her chance to go bouncing with Arcanine would come. One day near the end of January, that chance finally came. Naturally, she was very excited. As she sat on top of the mailbox, she kept wondering when Arcanine would arrive.
"When's he going to be here, Mama?" asked Amanda.
"Be patient, dear." Said Kangaskhan. Her pouch was covered up by a bright yellow apron as she swept away some of the snow that had fallen the previous night. "He'll be here when he's ready." Pikachu was resting on Amanda's head, wondering the same thing.
"I wonder if he'll like the outfit I chose to wear for today." Said Amanda. She was wearing a bright blue sweater, a casual black skirt, and her pink boots. The bottom of her sweater was tucked into her skirt, and her hair was pulled into a ponytail. Arcanine showed up ten minutes later, and the moment he arrived, Amanda got down from the mailbox and started bouncing up and down in place. Kangaskhan just chuckled.
"Just a second, dear." She said as she placed a bright yellow scarf with an orange stripe around Amanda's neck. Amanda kept bouncing up and down, though, which made Kangaskhan chuckle again. "You're very bouncy today." She said. She was holding the back ends of the scarf firmly so as to prevent Amanda from moving forward too much. She let go of the back end she was holding in her left hand and allowed it to wrap around and underneath the middle of the right end to form a knot in the middle. She grabbed the left side and tugged both back ends of the scarf tightly to shrink and tighten the knot.
"There we go." Said Kangaskhan. "Now, keep that scarf on."
"Not so tight, Mama." Said Amanda. The straight lines of the scarf went down the middle of her sweater in the front, with the round part fully covering up her neck.
"Will you be warm enough in that sweater?" Kangaskhan asked.
"Yes, Mommy." Said Amanda. "Let's get going, Arcanine." Arcanine let out some acknowledgement barks to agree with her.
"Off we go, Pikachu." Said Amanda, and the three of them went on their way. Since it was wintertime, all the rest of the Pokemon were in hibernation, which meant that Amanda wouldn't be seeing them again until the spring season arrived. She didn't mind, though, because she knew that not every Pokemon was built to live in cold climates. She smiled as she and Pikachu bounced along down the path, with Arcanine leading the way. As they bounced, they made sure to take in as much of the scenery as possible. They even went through some areas that she had never seen before. In one of the areas was some trees, and even though she liked climbing trees, Arcanine was too strong to climb up any of them, so they continued onward. A couple of hours later, they came to a wide open area where they could take a rest.
"Is all the bouncing tiring you out a bit, Pikachu?" Amanda asked.
"Pika." Pikachu nodded, which meant 'Just a little bit.'
"Don't worry, buddy. We're going to take a rest here and then we'll continue when we're ready." Said Amanda. Pikachu breathed a sigh of relief and went to play with Arcanine. Amanda sat down on a nearby bench and watched them play together. Meanwhile, up in the sky, a hot air balloon belonging to three crooks flew above them.
"So, that little twerp has some little Poke pals." Said a small cat Pokemon with a gold charm on its' head.
"They'll make fine additions to the Team Rocket squad." Said a teenage girl with pink hair.
"I don't know about that big dog, but the little Pikachu will do nicely." Said a teenage boy with blue hair. They started discussing their plan, but they made sure to talk quietly so as not to be heard. Meanwhile, Amanda watched Pikachu and Arcanine make snow angels as well as snowmen versions of themselves.
"That looks really nice Pikachu." Said Amanda.
"Pikachu!" Pikachu cried happily, which meant 'I'm glad you like it'.
"Well, I think it's time we went on our way." Said Amanda. Pikachu and Arcanine agreed, but before they could get anywhere, a pair of robotic hands grabbed Pikachu and forced it toward the balloon.
"Pika!" Pikachu cried angrily.
"Hey!" Amanda cried, and she jumped off the bench. "Who in the world are you?!"
"I guess it's time to give this girl our official introduction." Said the teen girl, and they began to recite a motto.
"Prepare for trouble!"
"Make it double!"
"To protect the world from devastation!"
"To unite all peoples within our nation."
"To denounce the evils of truth and love."
"To extend our reach to the stars above!"
"Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!"
"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"
"Meowth, that's right!" Amanda was left a bit confused, though.
"Could you repeat all of that?" she said. Jessie and James groaned and fell over to the side, anime style.
"Listen kid, we don't know you and you don't know us, but I can tell you right now that you don't ever want to mess with us!" exclaimed Meowth. Amanda was quite surprised to hear Meowth speak human language.
"Wow, a Meowth that can talk. That's so cool!" she cried. Then, she saw Pikachu being held hostage in a small cage and looking upset.
"Don't worry, Pikachu, we'll get you out of there." Said Amanda. "Try breaking the cage with your Thunderbolt attack." Pikachu did its' best to break the bars with its' electricity, but it did no good. Meowth let out a laugh.
"Nice try, kid, but that cage your little friend's in is completely shock proof." Said Meowth. Jessie and James were now back on their feet.
"You crooks had better give Pikachu back to me right now!" demanded Amanda.
"We'd like to give it back, but there's a little problem." Said Jessie.
"If we were to give it back, we wouldn't be doing our jobs." Said Jessie.
"So you can kiss your little Pikachu goodbye." Said Meowth. He started to raise the balloon back into the air, but Amanda was determined not to give up.
"Wait a second, the bars on that cage are made of steel." She said, and that gave her an idea. "Arcanine, run over there and burn the cage with your Flamethrower, but make sure you don't hurt Pikachu." Arcanine nodded and ran over to where Pikachu was being held. It barked loudly at Team Rocket.
"I think this dog's bark is worse than it's bite." Said Meowth.
"Move aside, we don't have time to play with you right now." Said Jessie. Arcanine barked again, aimed at the cage and fired a stream of flames at it. As per Amanda's instructions, he made sure not to aim it at Pikachu. The bars melted instantly, and Pikachu ran up to Amanda.
"I'm glad you're okay, buddy." She said. They both gave Team Rocket an angry glare.
"All right kid, if you want a battle, you're getting one." Said jessie, and she and James threw their Poke Balls. "Go Ekans!"
"Go Koffing!" cried James. Both Pokemon materialized at once and hissed at the three of them.
"It's a good thing I'm able to fight them two on two." Said Amanda. "Pikachu, Thunderbolt! Arcanine, Flamethrower!" Both Pokemon fired their attacks and Team Rocket got burned and electrocuted.
"This kid may be small, but she's tough." Said Meowth. He tried to give Pikachu a dose of his Fury Swipes, but Pikachu sent him away with his tail.
"The Pikachu's tough too." He said.
"Okay Pikachu, you know what to do." Said Amanda. Pikachu fired up its' strongest Thunderbolt and sent Team Rocket into the air.
"Losing to a kid who's not even technically a trainer is downright embarrassing." Said Jessie.
"She's good, though." Said James.
"So is that Pikachu." Said Meowth. "Team Rocket's blasting off again!" DING!
"Great job, Pikachu." Said Amanda. "You too, Arcanine." She smiled and petted both of them. With Team Rocket out of the way, the three of them bounced onward. Thankfully, Team Rocket stayed away, and when Amanda and Pikachu returned back home later in the afternoon, she bore a very happy smile.
"It seems like you had a very good day." Said Kangaskhan.
"It was an excellent day." Said Amanda. "We did have a small encounter with Team Rocket, but Pikachu and I took care of them, didn't we buddy?"
"Pikachu!" Pikachu cried, which meant 'We sure did, Amanda!'
"Pardon my asking, but who's Team Rocket?" asked Kangaskhan.
"They're bad people that try to steal other People's Pokemon." Said Amanda.
"I see." Said Kangaskhan. "Well, try to be more careful if you see them again."
"I will, Mama." Said Amanda. Thankfully, Team Rocket stayed away from the Safari Zone, and a couple of days after Amanda turned nine, they had an unexpected visitor. A man wearing a red sweater, brown pants and a white coat came into the living room, where Amanda and Pikachu were sitting as they watched TV together. He cleared his throat and the two of them gave him their attention.
"Excuse me sir, but who are you?" asked Amanda.
"Pika pika?" asked Pikachu, which meant 'Is he from team Rocket too?'
"I don't think so." Said Amanda.
"I am most certainly not part of Team Rocket." The man explained. "I'm Professor Samuel Oak, from Pallet Town. I'm a Pokemon researcher." He explained what that was.
"So, you observe Pokemon in their habitats and study how they live in their environments?" asked Amanda.
"That's correct." Said Professor Oak. He took a careful look at Pikachu and examined it closely. Pikachu smiled at Professor Oak and gave him a gentle nuzzle.
"It's clear to me that this Pikachu likes you a lot." Said Professor Oak. "I hope you've been taking good care of it."
"I have." Said Amanda. She told the professor about how she had first met Pikachu and was also friends with several other Pokemon that lived in the Safari Zone, including the tall and majestic Arcanine.
"They're all really cool Pokemon to hang out with, but the one Pokemon that I'd love to see would be a Gyrados." She said.
"I'm sure you would, but I should warn you that Gyrados can be very short tempered." Said Professor Oak. "They're also very powerful Pokemon too, and if you're not careful, they can cause a lot of trouble. Now, if memory serves me correctly, you'll be turning ten next year."
"That's right." Said Amanda.
"In that case, you'll be able to officially become a trainer and you'll be able to meet some Pokemon that you've never seen before." Said Professor Oak. "And as it happens, I happen to have three of those very Pokemon."
"Can I see what they look like?" asked Amanda.
"I'm afraid I left them back at my lab." Said Professor Oak. "I'll tell you what, though. When you're able to officially become a trainer next year, you can see them for yourself. Well, that'll be all for this visit. There's a lot of Pokemon in my lab whose needs I have to tend to. I hope to see you soon." Professor Oak left, and now Amanda was getting excited again. She definitely wanted to become a trainer, but something like this was an important decision. She decided that she would wait until the time was right to ask Kangaskhan about it. The weeks and seasons passed, and before Amanda knew it, her birthday was just three days away. She was trying to figure out what she wanted to do to celebrate when Professor Oak came in.
"I apologize for dropping in unannounced like this, but this is very important." He said. "As you will be turning ten very soon, I am here today to officially extend an invitation for you to become a Pokemon trainer."
"Oh, that's very exciting." Said Amanda.
"I take it that you'd like to become a trainer then?" asked Professor Oak.
"Of course!" cried Amanda. "I need to ask Mama about this, though." She went into the kitchen and tugged at Kangaskhan's arm.
"What is it, dear?" she asked.
"Professor Oak is here and he wants me to become a trainer." Said Amanda.
"Who's Professor Oak?" asked Kangaskhan.
"He's a Pokemon researcher." Said Amanda.
"I see." Said Kangaskhan. "Well, I suppose I should meet him then." Amanda got into Kangaskhan's pouch and they went into the living room where they saw Oak going over some papers.
"So, you must be this child's mother." Said Professor Oak.
"That is correct." Said Kangaskhan.
"I must say that it's quite unusual for a Pokemon to be the mother of an actual child and not a baby Kangaskhan, but I've seen even weirder." Said Professor Oak. "Anyway, I think your daughter has potential to be a very good Pokemon trainer, hence why I'm extending this offer to her."
"Well, she has liked Pokemon ever since she was very little." Said Kangaskhan. "Becoming a trainer and going on a journey would be perfect for her because she'd get to see new places and meet new people."
"She'd also get to meet new Pokemon." Said Professor Oak.
"Well, Mama, can I do it?" asked Amanda.
"If it means I would have the house to myself again, then yes, I will allow you to do this." Said Kangaskhan.
"Thanks, Mama! You're the best!" cried Amanda excitedly. She quickly signed the papers that Professor Oak gave her which would officially make her a trainer.
"You'll do very good at this in my opinion." Said Professor Oak. "Remember, though, that this won't kick in until you turn ten, so not too much longer to wait." Said Professor Oak. He packed up his briefcase and left. Amanda was getting even more excited now. Just three days later, her birthday finally arrived. She had started the morning by having her favorite cereal for breakfast and then went into the yard to play around with Pikachu. Ten minutes into playing, Arcanine ran up to her and gave a playful lick. Amanda gave a friendly laugh.
"Hi, Arcanine. I guess you're here to wish me a happy birthday." She said. Arcanine nodded and wished her happy birthday in bark.
"Thank you very much, Arcanine." Said Amanda. "You know, since I'm ten years old today, I officially get to become a Pokemon trainer." Arcanine barked excitedly, which meant 'That's exciting'.
"It's very exciting." Said Amanda. She continued talking with Arcanine for a little while, and then Kangaskhan came up to her.
"You have a phone call, dear." She said. "It's from Professor Oak." Amanda ran inside and pressed a button on the video phone which made Oak's face come up.
"Good morning, Professor!" exclaimed Amanda.
"Good morning, Amanda." Said Professor Oak. "First off, I want to wish you a happy birthday."
"Thanks, Professor." Said Amanda.
"You're welcome." Said Professor Oak. "Second, since you're about to embark on your own journey, I ordered some clothes for you from the Celadon City department store a few days ago. Those clothes just arrived yesterday and I think you'll like them."
"I'm sure I will, Professor." Said Amanda.
"What I'd like to have you do is spend tonight at my lab and you can depart tomorrow morning." Said Professor Oak.
"That's fine, Professor, but how would I get there?" asked Amanda.
"I'll send a Pidgeotto to the Safari Zone to pick you up later this afternoon." Said Professor Oak. "I'm looking forward to seeing you."
"One more thing, Professor." Said Amanda. "Can Pikachu come with me?"
"He sure can." Said Professor Oak. "Well, I need to get back to my work, but I'll see you later." He hung up the phone, leaving Amanda smiling. She hurried back outside and happily bounced up to where Pikachu was.
"Guess what, buddy? We get to go on an adventure together!" she cried.
"Pika!" Pikachu cried, which meant 'What kind of adventure?'
"We get to go on a Pokemon journey together." Said Amanda. "However, that means I have to leave Arcanine and everyone else behind." Arcanine frowned a bit, but Amanda quickly reassured him.
"Don't worry, I'll come visit you and the other Pokemon when I can." She said. Arcanine smiled again and barked happily. After lunch, the Pidgeotto arrived to take Amanda to Pallet Town.
"I guess this is it." Said Kangaskhan, and she gave Amanda a big hug. "I almost forgot, there's a couple of rules that I'll need you to follow while you're on your journey. One important rule is that you call me whenever you get to a new city. Secondly, you call me every time you get a new badge. Are we clear on those conditions?"
"Yes, Mama." Said Amanda. She and Pikachu got onto the Pidgeotto, and they flew away.
"This is going to be fun." Amanda said to herself. She made sure to take in as much of the air scenery as possible while the Pidgeotto flew. Before she knew it, she was in Pallet Town. Pidgeotto landed right in front of the lab and gently allowed Amanda and Pikachu to get down.
"Thanks, Pidgeotto." Said Amanda. Pidgeotto nodded and flew off. Amanda took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Professor Oak quickly came to the door and let her in.
"Come right on in, Amanda." Said Professor Oak, and he led her inside. There were all sorts of Pokemon in the lab that Amanda had never seen before, including a Kadabra, a Fearow and a Vaporeon.
"Those Pokemon are all so cool, Professor." Said Amanda. "Do they all belong to you?"
"Oh no. Those Pokemon belong to other trainers that are out and about." Said Professor Oak. "I just look after them and make sure they're taken care of until the trainer decides that they need those Pokemon." Amanda was introduced to all the Pokemon that were currently in the lab and she quickly made friends with all of them. Then, Professor Oak showed her the guest bedroom.
"This is where you and Pikachu will stay tonight before officially going out on your journey tomorrow." He said. "I did mention that I had gotten a few potential trainer outfits for you, so I'd like you to have a look at them." He opened the closet and showed her the possible selections. The first outfit consisted of a plain green sweater with pink jean shorts and bright red sneakers.
"That would be perfect for if I wanted to go for a casual look." Said Amanda.
"The next one is somewhat casual, but also a little more formal at the same time." Said Professor Oak. The second outfit was a bright yellow tee shirt with a bright red skirt and green boots.
"That one looks a bit more like my style." Said Amanda.
"I believe you'll really like this last one." Said Professor Oak. The last outfit was a plain blue dress with puff sleeves, a white collar around the neck, and a pink ribbon sash that was already wrapped around the waistline of the dress and tied into a bow at the back.
"That one looks very nice." Said Amanda. "Do I have to decide now?"
"No, you can make a decision in the morning." Said Professor Oak and he closed the closet. He then went back to his work, leaving Amanda and Pikachu by themselves.
"What do you think, buddy?" she asked. "Which of those clothes do you think I should wear as my trainer outfit?"
"Pika pika." Said Pikachu, which meant 'That's up to you. Although, I do like that third choice a little bit.'
"Well, I need to decide by the time the morning comes." Said Amanda. "I also need to decide which of the starter Pokemon I want." Amanda was a bit nervous as she slept that night. She outweighed the pros and cons of choosing each starter in her head, and then made her decision to herself. The next morning, she woke up feeling the most excited that she had ever felt in her life, as she would be embarking on her journey today.
"Well Pikachu, today is the day we depart." Said Amanda. Pikachu was excited as well. They had their breakfast in the little kitchen area and then went back to the room to get dressed. Amanda looked at all the outfits again before making her choice.
"You know Pikachu, in all the years I've been around, I don't think I've ever worn a dress before."
"Pika?" asked Pikachu, which meant 'Never?'
"Nope." Said Amanda. "I've worn a skirt some of the time but never a dress. But since this is a new start for us, I think it's time we changed that." She got out of the pajamas that Oak had provided her with and changed into the dress. She looked in the mirror and smiled.
"What do you think, Pikachu?" asked Amanda.
"Pika pika Pikachu." Said Pikachu, which meant 'I think that's a very good choice.'
"Thanks, buddy." Said Amanda. She found that the skirt of the dress was a bit longer than she thought as it went down to a few inches past her knees, but she wasn't really picky at all. She also found that the dress she was wearing came with a pair of white tights and a pair of shiny black Mary Jane dress shoes. She put the tights and shoes on, buckled up the straps on the shoes and pulled her hair into a ponytail.
"Well, I guess it's time." Said Amanda, and she went over to the table where Oak usually kept the starters.
"Good morning, Amanda." Said Professor Oak. "I'm glad to see that you got up on time today to start your journey, unlike another trainer who overslept on his first day around this time last year." The trainer Oak was referring to was none other than Ash Ketchum, but Amanda didn't know this yet.
"Do you think I'll be able to meet this other trainer while I'm on my journey, Professor?" asked Amanda.
"It's entirely possible." Said Oak. "Also, be careful if you run into my grandson Gary. He's a good trainer, but he can get a little cocky and overconfident. But let's not worry about that right now. Let's focus on who you're going to pick for your starter. He opened up all three Poke Balls, and Amanda saw three Pokemon that were new to her.
"This first one is Charmander." Said Professor Oak. "See the bright flame on its' tail?"
"That looks so cool." Said Amanda.
"I do warn you, though, that Charmander will die if the flame goes out at all." Said Oak. "That's one thing to keep in mind if you choose this one." He then showed Amanda a Pokemon that had a green bulb on its' head.
"This one is Bulbasaur." Said Professor Oak. "They're sometimes shy around new trainers, but this one's pretty friendly."
"Hi there, Bulbasaur." Said Amanda. "Can I pet you?" Bulbasaur nodded and Amanda gave him some gentle strokes.
"He's so cute." Said Amanda.
"If you think that's cute, wait until you see this last one." Said Oak, and he introduced her to Squirtle.
"This one can be a bit mischievous if you're not careful." Said Oak.
"How do you know?" asked Amanda.
"I suppose you've never heard of the Squirtle Squad." Said Professor Oak. "They're a bunch of Squirtle that were abandoned by their trainers and started causing all sorts of problems. But Ash and his friends set them straight, and now instead of playing pranks, they fight fires. Ash even caught the leader of the gang."
"That's pretty cool." Said Amanda.
"Now that you've seen all of the starters, which one would you like to select?" asked Oak. Amanda weighed her options carefully before picking up the Squirtle.
"All three of you are cute, but I think you're the cutest of the bunch." She said. She gave Squirtle a hug, but she made sure not to be too tight. Squirtle then pointed to Amanda's dress and gave a thumbs up.
"You like this because it matches your color?" asked Amanda. "Squirtle nodded.
"That makes this choice easy." Said Amanda. "Professor, I think my mind is made up. I choose Squirtle."
"A very fine choice." Said Oak. "I must ask, though, what made you decide on that one."
"It might be because it likes the color of the dress I'm wearing." Said Amanda. "Since this dress is blue just like Squirtle is, I figured it would be the perfect choice."
"That seems like sound reasoning to me." Said Professor Oak. He placed Squirtle back into his Poke Ball and handed it to Amanda.
"Here you go." Said Professor Oak. Amanda placed Squirtle's ball on the waist of her dress and smiled.
"Thank you so much, Professor." Said Amanda.
"You're welcome." Said Oak. "There's a couple of other things I'm supposed to give you to get started." He handed Amanda six empty Poke Balls.
"You'll use these to capture any new Pokemon you come across." He said. "I should tell you that you can only carry six at once, which means any extras will be sent here to me." He also handed Amanda a bright orange handheld device.
"This little computer is your Pokedex." He said. "It'll tell you all the information you need to know about all the Pokemon that currently exist. It also acts as your identification, so make sure you don't lose it. With that, I think you're all set to go."
"I think so too." Said Amanda. Just then, she remembered something. "Professor, both Squirtle and Pikachu should be registered in the Pokedex so that it'll know I officially own them."
"Good idea." Said Oak. Amanda scanned the Pokedex on Squirtle's ball and heard a sound to indicate that it was officially registered as owned. She did the same thing with Pikachu, but in this instance, she scanned it on his body. The same sound went off, and then Amanda closed the Pokedex and put it away.
"There we go." She said. "I'm all set now, Professor."
"That's good, but I think there's one more thing you should do first." Said Oak. Amanda dialed the number for her house in the Safari Zone, and after a few rings, Kangaskhan picked up.
"Hi, Mama!" cried Amanda excitedly.
"Hello there, dear." Said Kangaskhan. "I was actually just thinking about you last night. Who did you end up picking for your first Pokemon?"
"I chose Squirtle." Said Amanda. "I hope I made the right choice, though."
"I'm pretty sure you did." Said Kangaskhan.
"Well, Mama, I have to go so I can start on the journey. I'll call you when I get to the next city." Said Amanda.
"Please make sure you do." Said Kangaskhan, and they hung up.
"Well Pikachu, off we go." Said Amanda. "Thanks for everything, Professor."
"You're welcome." Said Oak. "Make sure you keep me updated regularly on your progress."
"I will." Said Amanda. With Pikachu on her shoulder and her Poke Balls securely on her waist, she calmly strolled out of the lab and down the path. Professor Oak watched her go on her way.
"She'll definitely be a very fine trainer indeed." He said.