Astrid wandered the streets aimlessly… well, that wasn’t entirely true. There was a rhythm to her footsteps, how she would walk from one end of town to the other. A straight shot, back and forth—not unlike Treasure Town’s main street, and very much unlike Lively Town’s complicated, dungeon-like expanse of alleyways. She walked like she had purpose so as to not confuse the townsfolk, but she had none. A pattern, but no justification for it.
Like Treasure Town, she had been to Pokémon Square one time in her world. It was no Capim Town, but, well, at least the seafood had been good. Now she occupied herself trying to pick apart the which details were different in Cibus’s; had Grubbin’s shop always been such a staggering shade of green? She wasn’t sure. As the days rolled by, it blurred more and more.
At some point her feet had carried her off course, down south where there were more trees than buildings. Finally, she reached the end of the path, where a waterfall crashed off of a cliffside that overlooked forests and farmland off in the distance. Besides the seemingly-dormant dojo to her right, there was nothing but the crisp air to keep her company in this spot.
A wistful sigh escaped her lips as she took a seat, inches from the edge. What a fantastic expanse this is. She could barely pick out the Pokémon working in the pastures, tiny specks against a broader horizon…