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  1. matt0044

    Pokémon Pokemon Heroes: The Black & White Chapter One (All Ages) (COMPLETED)

    Pokemon and Trainer alike start their story off on a rough patch. Things can only go up from here... hopefully. Chapter 1: The Start of Something Big Despite his best efforts, Oshawott felt pins and needles all over when he stepped forward from Professor Aurea Juniper and onto the...
  2. Forestoak

    Pokémon 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖏𝖊𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖉 𝕭𝖔𝖔𝖐

    I decided to do it again. I mean, try writing another fic. And I'm about to utterly fail, anyway, I'll try. [this will be a little kick start for another planned fic. I hope.] Content Warnings : Relationships, semi-realistic (no gore but everything else, along with real-time battling) Misc...
  3. Guy Orion

    Pokémon Pokémon Opal, Chapter i: Good luck, Luck Lewis

    Pokémon Opal Chapter i: Good luck, Luck Lewis Luck Lewis is a young Pokémon trainer from New Bark Town in the adventure-packed region Johto, too enthusiastic for his own good and too optimistic it might be unhealthy. Maple is a secretive researcher who soured over years of isolation and...
  4. kibigo

    Pokémon To Be A… Pokémon Challenger!
    Threadmarks: Episode 01 – Quit Blipbugging Me!

    To Be A… Pokémon Challenger! Summary Cashmere Lane aims to win the Wedgehurst Tournament and gain an endorsement for the Galar Gym Challenge. Red Dunn finds herself somehow joining along for the ride. An original pokémon journey, set 7¾ years after the events of Pokémon Sword & Pokémon Shield...
  5. Flyg0n

    Pokémon Pokemon: Legendary Adventures
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: The Plan / Authors notes

    artcredit: Hawkosa Instagram/Deviantart Artcredit for header art - Chibipika! Summary: Six years after the fall of Galactic, Koamaru sets out on his trainer journey with a singular goal - be the first to catch a legendary pokemon. The right way. But when his plan for a Perfect Team is upended...
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