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  1. canisaries

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    Red recoiled at the giant black sky-serpent arriving. "Fuck," left his mouth. He wondered why Rayquaza was black instead of green, but the human boy beat him to asking about it. The serpent didn't seem to pick up on the question being about color, so it must have been ordinary for her. Then...
  2. canisaries

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    "Boy, you're slow. Yes, you're not home anymore. If you're wondering how to get back, we're in the middle of figuring that out. Word is that the trick is somewhere in a storehouse, and we're on our way there."
  3. canisaries

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    Red rolled his eyes. "You're in a place called Obleta. We're all visitors from different universes. Is that clear enough for you?"
  4. canisaries

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    Red turned to the lucario. "You're a long way from home, bluepaw."
  5. canisaries

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    "What can I say," Red said. "Word gets around."
  6. canisaries

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    Red held a stare. "Everyone's a critic," he muttered.
  7. canisaries

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    Red humphed. "Well, I'll be. A universe not tainted by the existence of Arceus. I guess you must have some other creator god. Or phony creator, but all the same." He sat down. "Arceus is the apprentice and lapmon of the Third Being, the creator of reality. He was a diligent student and thus...
  8. canisaries

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    Red turned to the new... Giratina. Hm. "Hello, Violent One," Red greeted. "Heard about you and Arceus. Respect. Us psychos gotta stick together."
  9. canisaries

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    Red's eyes widened, then narrowed. "Oh, you would go there, wouldn't you."
  10. canisaries

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    Red grit his teeth. "Don't you talk about my god. Mareep like you have no right."
  11. canisaries

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    "Damn," Red said, smiling. "There go my plans for tonight."
  12. canisaries

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    "Come on, I was just trying to eat you a little. You're overreacting."
  13. canisaries

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    Red turned to the electabuzz, slowly. "You must be new here," he said condescendingly. "The way this works is that we mingle here and then, after some time, we leave. So you can be the one that 'chills'." Red quieted. It was actually true that this might be different - none of the other places...
  14. canisaries

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    "You're one to talk about being small," Red grumbled.
  15. canisaries

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    "My, we're starting off vulgar," Red said. "But no, I haven't had the pleasure of finding a corpse yet. But if you keep up that attitude, I'm sure we can find one in our presence soon enough." "What brings me here is the good word of HELIX and my mission to spread it," Red said. "Everyone has...
  16. canisaries

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    A harsh, grating voice made Red's ears perk. He turned his head to see a mawile that resembled someone he knew. His smirk widened, and he walked up to the girl. "Well, well, well," he said, "if it isn't Shorty and the Matchstick Dragon. What brings you here?"
  17. canisaries

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    The first thing Red noticed was that he was a quadruped. Oh, please not a mareep again, he hoped. He sighed in relief as he looked down to see the paws of a houndour. A houndoom would have been better, but good enough, he thought. He looked around at his whirring and wheezing surroundings. On...
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