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  1. Flyg0n

    Crimson Crescent [Villains Pub RP Thread]

    Athos only half listened as Florent and Kohath exchanged pleasantries of their gods, a discussion he couldn't find much relatability in. To serve something was to concede control, a fools move in his opinion. Though he did find himself fascinated by the tale of 'Helix', saving Kohath from a life...
  2. Flyg0n

    Crimson Crescent [Villains Pub RP Thread]

    What was that? Clearly it had to do with blood somehow. But beyond that it was an utter mystery. He wanted to know more. "I have told you of my kingdom so it seems fair you tell more about yours. Clearly we are not among our usual enemies in a place like this." Athos gaze shifted back to...
  3. Flyg0n

    Crimson Crescent [Villains Pub RP Thread]

    "I am. Some try to copy my power and reach but they cannot oppose me. Of course, I operate in the shadows as necessary. Only fools draw unneeded or unnecessary attention." His gaze shifted as the newcomer confronted Florent again. helixian was not a term he recognized. And he had no interest in...
  4. Flyg0n

    Crimson Crescent [Villains Pub RP Thread]

    Athos considered his reply for a moment. A moment too long apparently, as they were first interrupted by a demented looking blonde he could almost swear was vaguely familiar, as if he'd seen her in some news broadcast. Then a man that he'd never seen before but rather reminded him oddly of an...
  5. Flyg0n

    Crimson Crescent [Villains Pub RP Thread]

    "Uneducated minds have their ups and downs," he replied wryly. “More ups, for me, in the end. Small price to pay I suppose, to be surrounded by unintelligence.” His talent had been squandered under that idiot Ghetsis, who didn’t know how to keep his associates in line. Orre might have been full...
  6. Flyg0n

    Crimson Crescent [Villains Pub RP Thread]

    The crimson Lunala tipped her head to regard the human curiously. "Mooncaller? It seems you must mistake me for another. As fitting as a title that is, it is not one I go by." What an odd little human... She narrowed her gaze, examining him more closely. "Are you an associate of a lesser...
  7. Flyg0n

    Crimson Crescent [Villains Pub RP Thread]

    Athos gave a mirthless chuckle. "You might say that." Nobody in Orre was educated well, much less cared about classics. "Never been much of a wine person myself, admittedly." In truth he couldn't stand the fancy garbage, but he'd always made a point not to insult anyone he might still be able...
  8. Flyg0n

    Crimson Crescent [Villains Pub RP Thread]

    "Clearly the tea affinity is as strong as they say," he said wryly. Athos quirked an eyebrow. Galarian. That certainly explained it. How interesting. "And you know of the musketeer legends. That is surprising." He couldn't help but be impressed, at least by that much. Nobody in Orre was...
  9. Flyg0n

    Crimson Crescent [Villains Pub RP Thread]
    Threadmarks: The Woes of Being a Manipulative Meglamaniac (Athos/Florent)

    Such a strange place, yet Athos couldn't resist the allure. He needed to investigate it, understand it, and know if he had any enemies or allies. Or see what more knowledge could be gained. Once he got over the surprise and weirdness of it all (the bartender was some kind of bizare psychic bat...
  10. Flyg0n

    Crimson Crescent [Villains Pub RP Thread]
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Please see introduction and rules here before RPing. How the envelope finds you is a mystery. Somehow, no matter who you are, or where you live, it finds you. In your mailbox, on your desk, inside your nest, or perhaps it simply drops from the sky. Even more oddly, your name is on it. Yet...
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