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  1. Blackjack Gabbiani

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    "Oh, then perhaps you could-" But the Cacturne turned away to speak to others so swiftly. The artificial intelligence had spoken directly to four people in his entire existence--his creator, his creator's son, and two of the boy's friends. Having to share attention with others was something...
  2. Blackjack Gabbiani

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    The Lucario wanted to follow, to understand what made the mechanical Cacturne tick, but something held him back. Instead, he approached the one the Cacturne had been speaking to. "Excuse me...I am to assume that you are a resident here, if you have been berated about rent, correct?"
  3. Blackjack Gabbiani

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    "I am. Apparently the others here are as well. Are...mechanical pokémon commonplace in this place?"
  4. Blackjack Gabbiani

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    The Cacturne hadn't replied, but the mention of a mechanical Charizard tore the Lucario's attention away. "Excuse me, mechanical Charizard?"
  5. Blackjack Gabbiani

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    There had been other "rift events"? That alone was fascinating enough, but the sudden arrival of the...future paradox? distracted the Lucario. But this was like no future paradox he had ever seen. They were sleek and advanced, all LEDs and chrome, but this was closer to an alternate history...
  6. Blackjack Gabbiani

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    Lucario shrank back. This was far more..."people", for lack of a better word, than he had ever been around. Until a few hours ago he had only interacted with one person face to face in his entire existence, and Arven and his friends only briefly. He wanted to flee entirely. This wasn't the...
  7. Blackjack Gabbiani

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    The nameless Lucario's eyes widened. The approach of an overwhelming energy had put him on high alert, the nature of it was something even the power of the Paradoxes couldn't muster. But to see the god of the upper atmosphere slither out from between the buildings... Well, the day continued to...
  8. Blackjack Gabbiani

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    The Lucario nodded. "No, I believe him. Considering the circumstances before my awakening here, it must be something truly unusual." He wanted to ask if the rest of them had gone through time machines of their own, but decided against it. Best not to speak of such things unless it was vital to...
  9. Blackjack Gabbiani

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    "Thank you. I am glad that I can join you." After thinking for a moment, he added "May I see the map? I know that I will not know any location, but I want to know what the written language is in this place." Though that raised the question of what language they were speaking. Lucario had been...
  10. Blackjack Gabbiani

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    'Slow' was something the AI had never been called. By his nature he could process information far faster than a human, or other living beings. Perhaps becoming a living being himself had hampered his natural ability. No, it certainly had. He was no longer a computer program, after all, but...
  11. Blackjack Gabbiani

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    This had caused irritation in the Houndour. But why? "I apologize if this is evident to others. It is not to me. This is a new situation, as I had expected only to travel..." He couldn't mention the time machine, of course. Perhaps he could simply end the sentence there, but the stranger had...
  12. Blackjack Gabbiani

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    What an unusual statement. It would require knowledge of where he had come from. Perhaps this Houndour was why he had found himself in this new body to begin with. But he could ask that later. "I imagine I am. But where is 'here'?" He glanced around. Still no familiarity in his surroundings...
  13. Blackjack Gabbiani

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    The nameless Lucario headed in the direction of the nearest sapient being. He was certain, despite his lack of biometric readings, that there were many life forms around. This had to be the special ability of the Lucario line...oh, why couldn't he remember what it was called? Aurum? Aura, that...
  14. Blackjack Gabbiani

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    "I bid you adieu!" The words still rang in his head even as the rest of the world came into being around him. The far future, what he had long desired to see... But something was amiss. Many living things were nearby but he wasn't certain how he knew that--the data wasn't transmitted to him...
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