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  1. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    Puddle nodded, grinning still. "Yep, it's up to you. Soda or me. I'll be alright with either, obviously, as long as that's what you want, ya know?"
  2. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    "If I don't have to go to Pop, I won't. And, I dunno, if Pop saw Cola with or in any of us... he might not think much about it since Cola and I've done that before," Puddle mentioned. "Then again... the last time Cola an' I teamed up, we attacked Xerneas. For good reason! But, you know, still...
  3. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    "It'd be kinda hard to explain to Pop that you took Cola, though. And he'd definitely be mad if he found out..." Puddle hummed. "And, hell, if Maple found out... Well, hell is the perfect word to describe how that would go." "If you wanna fuse with Soda, go ahead, just... be careful. Both of...
  4. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    "Why not in me? I managed to hide you pretty well at the tree, until we tried to stop Xerneas," Puddle pouted, although somehow was still grinning. "And if Soda's helpin' us, it'll be even easier to hide you, Cola!" Strangely enough... there was something telling Puddle to not risk having Cola...
  5. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    Puddle snorted, then giggled. It was probably rude to laugh at Soda's pain, but it'd also be rude to not laugh at something funny. "H-Hey, think of it this way, Soda; that just means these guys can trust you quicker or whatever! Knowin' it's actually you an' not an illusion." It started poking...
  6. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    Puddle let Cola zip on towards Soda, turning to Rocky with its big ol' grin still in place. "Alright, so what's our game plan with Pop? I'm definitely gonna have to go to him about Cola bunkin' with me, which... uhg, that sounds like a bitch to deal with. You wanna see 'im the same time as me...
  7. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    Puddle sighed, calming itself down as much it could, and facing Cola. No glare, no furious boil or simmer, just a friendly smile on his face. "If you need time to think this over, why not bunk with me? Vix and that... Shadow she got from hell are already super strong! And I think Pop would be...
  8. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    Puddle solidified its head and glared up at Soda. "The hell're you talkin' about, 'mushie-whatever-love' crap? I just wanted, like, maybe a thanks or a nod! The fuck do I look like, Vix?" it rolled its eyes and groaned, fully reforming again. God did it hate still being so damn short. "And...
  9. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    Seeing how Soda didn't even react to a thing Puddle said, it, at some point, had to wonder if it was being ignored by stronger people just by default. Or at all. It was probably those things Vix ate tubs of ice cream over, insecurities or whatever. Uhg... maybe Puddle could pick up some...
  10. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    And this... was where Puddle had to disagree with Rocky for the first time so far. Which did not feel good, like disagreeing with a friend. Probably because it was. It walked between Soda and Rocky, its glare softening a fair bit. "We... can't trust everyone in Spectrum, or the God Squad, or...
  11. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    "...Great," Puddle sighed, its mouth vanishing. Usually it'd be filled to the brim with rage, or sadness, one of those two emotions. But this was new, utter disappointment. "Soda, dude... what the hell? I really, really want to trust you, and it's lookin' like I'd be the only one here to do...
  12. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    Things were getting a bit heated, which probably wasn't good. Or definitely wasn't, or maybe things went to shit forever ago, take your pick. "I can tell you from experience, if Cola wants to control you, he can. He even managed to control me," Puddle said to Soda, walking to Cola's side. That...
  13. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    "But, like, that was different... I think," Puddle muttered, sighing after Rocky looked at it. Of course there was a more to it, but it's not like... making someone do a bad thing made you a bad person, right? "Y-Yeah, that was different. I don't know everything about all that that, but... i-it...
  14. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    ...Fuck, Cola was kinda scary when he wanted to be. The whole shapeless thing he had going on just added to that. "W-With that bein' said, uh, I feel it's safe enough to trust Soda now, right Rocky?" it asked its fellow familiar.
  15. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    Puddle, despite the glare still being on its face, grinned excitedly. Everything Soda was saying was just the right things to convince it, apparently. "That'd be perfect! Can you imagine how strong you'll be, Cola? You'd be, like, as strong as Pop, or stronger!" Puddle cheered. "You should...
  16. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    So Soda was even more on their side! Everyone makes mistakes every now and then, but unlike Pop or Joule, all Soda did was try and make up for it! That explains why everyone looks up to this dude! "Goddamn, that's so badass..." Puddle muttered, its boil long since settled. "Then, like, other...
  17. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    How... intriguing. Puddle didn't even know the meaning of that word, but it knew that it fit anyway. Soda was definitely strong, but to fight an Arceus... and live... A grin stretched along Puddle's face, either sinister or excited, or a mix of both. Some little bit of Puddle told it to check in...
  18. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    Puddle tried to simmer himself down a bit, going from a violent boil to a, well, simmer. It looked up at Soda's, or his illusion's, eyes. Puddle's grin was long gone, but it wasn't replaced with a frown either. The only part of its face still present was a determined glare. "Whatever you can do...
  19. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    Great, more of Joule's amazing influence rubbing off on Pop. What was next, Pop "joking" about how Cola would go pair nicely with... with some fancy fucking drink Puddle didn't care to know about?! Hot Leaf Water or some shit?! Or maybe Pop and Cola would go out for dinner somehow, as Puddle...
  20. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    "Well, yeah, there's clouds and trees and shit, right?" Puddle scoffed. And this was the dude everyone looked up to? Master of illusions, more like Master of the Obvious. Puddle was thinking of a response when he noticed Soda's frown, and that kinda worried look in his eyes. "Wait... you mean...
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