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  • Happy birthday!! Hope you're having a great one (and perhaps get some fine turkey entertainment to go with it)!
    woah, is the Isaac mafia sign up secret WtGGM backstory? :eyes:
    ohhh that makes a ton more sense. I'm not caught up yet (sadge), but I was wondering 1) what the new content drop would have to include to get there and 2) if I were more surprised at "ex antiplasma activist" or "always smiling, likes to insert himself in conversations" lol
    Negrek pinged me with the exact same reaction on discord lol.

    And for the record its probably the second. I'd sooner believe he joined an anti-plasma cabal than that he ever had a conversation intentionally. Just wait for the radicalisation arc.
    Read your Alola Pokédex review, and just wanted to say that I feel this so hard:

    It has a tendency to stick its nose up at source material and poorly explain or misunderstand science and philosophy in a way that makes me lament the lack of academic rigour in fanfic (lol).

    I may or may not have typed up a couple angry comments about the awful science in these sorts of fics before thinking better of it and deleting. :P
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