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Torrent Beach

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
[What do we know so far? Do we have an ID on the victim? Who is the Aggron's trainer, and are they trustworthy? And did you receive a strange note by your door, too?]
“I was the first one here after the scream, and there was no one left when I arrived. Everyone here came after. And yeah, we all got the note. The victim was the young girl with the Drampa, who I suspect was the source of the flame. Seems Teleport was used to remove them.”


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[ @Flyg0n Foresight]]

Victoria used Foresight! Victoria found.... Nothing?

Examining the area without disturbing anything is certainly tricky, but not at all impossible for such a graceful pokemon. But despite best efforts, there's nothing to be found. Maybe even a little too much nothing. There is of course, the stretch of scorched sand, which appears to have been made by dragon fire. The glassy surface shimmers in the early morning sunlight. It would almost be pretty if not for the grim circumstances.

There are the prints in the sand, both human girl and Drampa. A set leading to the beach, and then the flurry of disturbed sand. Everything expected, mostly.

But other than that, no more prints or evidence of other pokemon. If someone was here, they somehow made sure not to leave any prints or physical traces behind in the sand.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
"Aggron found something in the woods," Steven said, slightly out of breathe as he strode up to the group. "A scent of some kind, not sure who it belongs to, but it heads off in that direction."

He pointed down the beach where the woods grew thicker.

angry straight ahead.png

"We're going to follow the trail if anyone else wants to come help."
Odette Deadpan.PNG
"Oh, that's great. Creepy roads out in the middle of the woods."

She momentarily considered following. That would probably lead to some interesting things, but...being alone with that guy, searching a strange new path? That sounded like a hard pass, honestly. She'd look another time.

"I'm gonna stick my nose elsewhere," she muttered under her breath, stomping off the sand. Elsewhere, where there might be a psychic involved...

She scanned the crowd of stragglers, eyes getting caught on...a shiny Grumpig? She shouldn't have been surprised other people had shown up with shinies, but some internal instinct within her began to activate. It did backflips. It made her stomach start to churn. And just next to it; a Hatterene. Both walking alongside one particular girl. Huh.

Odette snapped her fingers, alerting Enora and Odile to her. She motioned toward the two other 'mon as she pulled out her phone and pulled up Laura's number.

Hey! It's Odette. From yesterday. Somebody's gone missing, but my Sylveon partner found some psychic residual all over the place. Gonna go look around some more. Did you catch anything weird last night? [[ @unrepentantAuthor ]]

She pocketed the phone once it was confirmed her message had sent. She wasn't sure if Laura would get it, but worst case, she'd find her later. In the meantime...

Enora Sus.PNG
"Where to?"

Odette Neutral.PNG
"Chick with the Grumpig and Hatterene. Hatterene is psychic, and call me biased, but--"

Odile Smug.PNG
"̴N̵a̵h̶,̴ ̴b̷i̶t̵c̴h̷.̴ ̸I̶'̶m̷ ̶g̷o̵n̸n̸a̸ ̷g̷o̵ ̷h̶a̴r̶a̵s̵s̸ ̷t̵h̸a̷t̴ ̴f̴a̴t̸ ̵A̴g̴g̶r̵o̶n̵.̸"̴ In a single sweep, she had reverted to that bat form, and was taking off for the woods before Odette could grab her.

Odette Pissed.PNG
"YOU STUPID--" Odette snapped, trying to grab hold of one of Odie's wings. The bitch was too fast, and was gone before she'd even blinked. And to make matters worse, it looked like the trainer with the Hatterene was walking off. Fuck.

She reluctantly sped after the trainer. It was probably a mistake, but she had too many questions banging around in her head to deal with Odile at the moment. @Flyg0n
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Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
Hazel swiped back to her notepad app and started slowly typing before she felt a bitter coldness to her side as her trainer unclasped her hand. She reacted with urgency as she darted her head to the side trying to find Violet while reaching her claw out before she gasped as something wrapped around her waist. After a moment, she recognized it as Violet's arms as she was hoisted off of the ground and held at her trainer's stomach-level.

"Now you can use both hands," she said aloud, winking, before leaning and whispering, "I will not leave your side, no matter what. You are my closest companion."

Whatever embarrassment had remained washed away as Hazel was comforted by Violet's words. She let out a purr of delight as she snuggled into her position in front of her trainer as best as she could. Once she was in a good position, she took a deep breath and began putting questions on her phone to show to Gladion and anyone else nearby. [What do we know so far? Do we have an ID on the victim? Who is the Aggron's trainer, and are they trustworthy? And did you receive a strange note by your door, too?]
Jack was able to identify Violet and the Weavile with the lab coat. He considered it a good time for them to show up; someone like Hazel would be able to help in the investigation. He waved his leek at her. “Hey! Good morning, miss!”

Seb looked up, snapping out of his shame. He saw Violet with that Weavile in her hands. It was certainly an amusing sight that put a smile on his face.

“Hey, who you talkin’ to, Jack-o?” Zack asked, wings crossed around his chest.

“I’ve been wanting to introduce you to someone Seb and I talked to while on the boat,” the Farfetch’d replied. He waved his leek as he pointed it at where Violet and Hazel were. “I hope you get along with her.”

“Hmmm…” The humanoid Pidgeotto shrugged. “Not the chick I’m lookin’ for, but I’ll go for it.”

“Hey, Violet,” Seb said as he approached the lady, his birds following behind. “Um, all good?” He put a hand onto his head, looking a bit worried.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"To be honest, I'm terrified. I'm terrified about what this could mean for our safety. I'm scared of what this was—a skirmish? A murder?"

"But we'll figure this out. I promise."

"I'm s-scared too...we're trapped h-here. I...I tried. There's n-no way off this island," Gen said, holding tightly onto Wallace.

"B-but...you're here. And so is Coleane, a-and Steven, and Odette...maybe th-things really will be ok with all of you a-around."


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"Uh, s-sure!" Gen says, before looking over at his Tropius friend. "I-I'm going with Wallace! I'll b-be back soon!"

"Ok! See you! Stay safe!" Coleane says, raising a wing.
  1. skiddo-px1
  2. skiddo-px2
  3. skiddo-px3
  4. skiddo-px4
  5. skiddo-px5
  6. skiddo-rudolph
  7. skiddo-sleepytime
  8. snowskiddo
  9. skiddotina
  10. skiddengo
  11. skiddoyena
  12. skiddo-obs
  13. skiddo-px10
Ah, there was nothing like an ear-splitting scream in the middle of your continental breakfast to wake you up in the morning. Or to make you jump so hard you accidentally fling your plate full of said continental breakfast right into your charizard's face. A-plus wake-up call service, that was.

Blue hated leaving poor Gyarados out of the loop yet again, but there was no time to run back to the room and grab him; Charizard had immediately crouched down to let him climb aboard and the pair had taken off straight from the patio to find the source of the sound. (Hopefully Gyarados hadn't heard anything and was enjoying the serving cart heaped with fish that room service had brought him. Then again, Blue was pretty sure the muffled hell-sounds that made it hard to go to sleep last night were coming from the third goddamn floor, so probably the place's soundproofing was shit actually and the big guy would be worried all over again.)

From the air it quickly became apparent that a lot of people were gathering on one particular stretch of beach. Another fight? Had the knife maniac gotten loose again? Blue's grip on Charizard's shoulders tightened. He probably shouldn't be surprised, given that the absolute idiots on the security force here were content letting the guy wander around after attempted fucking murder.

There didn't seem to be any sign of the lumbering nutcase when Charizard passed overhead, though; just a bunch of other people standing there, poking around, talking nervously amongst themselves. Probably there for the same reason he was, then: wondering what the hell had even happened here.

Charizard landed nearby, trying to appear serious and concerned while simultaneously struggling to lick the last of the syrup off of his snout. Blue dismounted and looked for someone who could catch him up on whatever happened; thankfully, there was a weavile who'd figured out how to use a phone, and who'd had the good idea to make note of what everyone else had already found.

Something psychic in the area, huh? The drampa probably trying to fend off an attack? Blue's fists clenched as he ran down a mental list of the psychic pokémon he'd seen so far.

"You absolutely sure it had to be something that could teleport?" he said, teeth clenched. "Cleaning up a crime scene with any kind of psychic doesn't seem that hard to me." Like, oh, I dunno, an espeon.
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Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Gladion shook his head. “Hardly likely. I was here a few minutes after the initial scream and didn’t see a thing. I’d be impressed if anyone could defeat them, restrain them, erase all evidence they’d been there except the lingering psychic energy, and then physically escape in that time.”
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Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
She reluctantly sped after the trainer. It was probably a mistake, but she had too many questions banging around in her head to deal with Odile at the moment. @Flyg0n

Blair walked purposefully away from the beach, passing briefly by Officer Jenny who was hurrying towards the beach. Despite the swiftness of her steps, she didn't seem to be running, just used to walking fast. Her golden furred Grumping bounded beside her, while her Hatterene moved more elegantly; both pokemon seemingly used to her swift walking speed.

As Odette approached, the Hatterene turned around and fixed Odette in an intense gaze. Blair paused and turned around, then tipped her head. "Are you following me?"


It hadn’t taken long for a small crowd to gather, even though it seemed that barely ten minutes had passed since the scream was first heard. Almost all the trainers from the island seem to have heard it, though notably absent is of course Reena. Also absent is any sign of a Scizor...

Loud whispers and conversations fill the crowd.

A moment later the sound of a loud whistle followed by commanding barking fills the air. Officer Jenny strides up to the crowd and stands in front of them, waving them back, Bao at her side, looking intimidating. Beside is another Officer, and an Arcanine.

“Everyone please, calm down!”

Some of the trainers gave pause, briefly.

“I need everyone to back away or return to your dorms. I understand many of you may be confused or worried, but I assure you that the matter is being dealt with.”

After a moment, she turns her attention fully upon the crowd. “If you will not return to your dorms, please keep your distance, so that a proper investigation of the area can be done. Mr. Montorzi has assured me that everything will be fine, and trainers should stay calm for now. Otherwise, I will be speaking to each of you later to gather details about what happened. Please remain near the Main Hall in that time.”

A few of the trainers murmured amongst themselves. Some left - the boy and his Swampert, Noro, and a woman and a Houndoom. Hayes, who’d kept his distance, slipped away. Windi remained, looking rather worried, as did a few others; a trainer with a Blaziken and another with a Hydreigon.

Meanwhile, Bao and the Arcanine began examining the area, as did the other officer.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
As Odette approached, the Hatterene turned around and fixed Odette in an intense gaze. Blair paused and turned around, then tipped her head. "Are you following me?"
Odette Neutral.PNG
Odette didn't look particularly deterred by the Hatterene taking notice of her. In fact, she didn't even slow her stride. Not until she was a mere feet from the trainer and her 'mon.

"Was it obvious?" she asked. She didn't bother to attempt to be sheepish with it; she didn't feel it was quite necessary here. "Pardon my less than gracious approach, but your shiny Grumpig friend threw my partner and I for a loop, among everything else. Call it getting overexcited, I guess." She spoke casually, sticking her thumbs into her pockets as she forced something of a dubious chuckle through her words.

Enora Neutral Grin.PNG
Enora knew what to do whenever Odette was up to her "acting." She merely sauntered out from behind her and sat at her feet, gazing politely at the woman and her two friends. The Hatterene was absolutely beautiful (because of course Hattrene were), but the coat on that Grumpig...well. At least that would keep her attention as she bit down on her tongue to refrain from talking. She was a horrible liar outwardly, but she could lie by omission. Omission of all words entirely, that is.

Odette Neutral.PNG
"I'm Odette, and this is Enora," she introduced. "We figured now would be as good of a time as any to introduce ourselves." She looked to the Hatterene and Grumpig, curling the corner of her lip into her half smile. "What are your names?"


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Jack was able to identify Violet and the Weavile with the lab coat. He considered it a good time for them to show up; someone like Hazel would be able to help in the investigation. He waved his leek at her. “Hey! Good morning, miss!”
Hazel's features scrunched as now there were not one, but two scientific impossibilities in front of her. She held her expression of aversion for a few seconds before exhaling. She wasn't thinking rationally today, was she? Given her discussion with Gladion and the other Hazel, it was readily apparent that they were from another world. Maybe they could just "train" and achieve that sort of body type by their rules. One must wonder what other twisted laws would exist in their timeline.

Still, it would be distasteful not to be courteous. "Good morning to you too. How are you?"
“Hmmm…” The humanoid Pidgeotto shrugged. “Not the chick I’m lookin’ for, but I’ll go for it.”
She frowned once more at the way dismissive treatment the other gave her. "Excuse me?" she asked, voice showing her irritation.
“Hey, Violet,” Seb said as he approached the lady, his birds following behind. “Um, all good?” He put a hand onto his head, looking a bit worried.
Violet merely nodded her head in the direction of the Officer Jenny to address the question. "Not so, I'm afraid," she said. "...Not to mention the awful racket from upstairs last night, what was even going on?" Questions for later; there was something far more pressing to concern herself with. "Regardless, Hazel?"

Hazel nodded, and showed Seb her phone with the notes containing everything she had recorded from the others regarding the situation at hand. [I believe it would be in our best interests to interview the people here and gather more information.]

"Agreed," Violet replied.
A few of the trainers murmured amongst themselves. Some left - the boy and his Swampert, Noro, and a woman and a Houndoom. Hayes, who’d kept his distance, slipped away. Windi remained, looking rather worried, as did a few others; a trainer with a Blaziken and another with a Hydreigon.
"Pardon me!" Violet exclaimed, getting on her tippy toes hoping to project her voice, "If we could have a moment of your time...!" She said, trying to beckon Windi over to herself and Seb.


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
"Good morning to you too. How are you?"
“Kinda doing fine here,” Jack answered, scratching behind his head. “Been wanting to ask for your help.” He showed the Xatu feather he held in his free wing. “I found this in the forest yesterday. You think it has anything to do with the disappearance?”
"Excuse me?" she asked, voice showing her irritation.
“Ah, sorry,” Zack said, waving his wings out front. “Just lookin’ for the perfect lovebird. Anyway, mind if I join ya for this?”
Hazel nodded, and showed Seb her phone with the notes containing everything she had recorded from the others regarding the situation at hand. [I believe it would be in our best interests to interview the people here and gather more information.]

"Agreed," Violet replied.
“Right behind you,” Seb replied as he followed Violet.


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Of course the day had to start like this. Of course. Just when he had started to think that maybe, maybe, this place was all right and they could actually have a nice time.

After the awkward breakfast yesterday, Wes, Neo and Novo had all enjoyed exploring the quiet forest and the scenery. This place was even greener than Agate, which Wes had never thought was possible.

Back in their dorm, too, had been peaceful and they’d enjoyed an uneventful night, with Wes pointing out some constellations on their ceiling and telling his Pokémon about them—who were a perfect audience, regardless of the fact that they’d been told the same stories over and over already.

But of course that peace didn’t last. Really, he shouldn’t be surprised. The cryptic note slid under the door was one thing, but the blood-curdling scream in the middle of breakfast was not appreciated one bit. Gods, what a horrifying sound…

They made their way to the beach to find a crowd already gathered there—apparently the scream had been heard loud and clear across the island, somehow. Novo immediately set about to sniffing around, while Odette relayed to everyone that Enora had picked up a trace of psychic energy. Wes immediately noticed several wary glances aimed at Neo and challenged them all back with fiery glares of his own. No way in hell was he going to let anybody come after Neo. Not today, not ever.

“Neo,” he said quietly, “stay close to me. Okay?”

Neo pressed against his leg with a soft chirp. Wes imagined the nervous energy and tense emotions in this crowd were overwhelming for the Espeon.

“Everyone please, calm down!”

Some of the trainers gave pause, briefly.

“I need everyone to back away or return to your dorms. I understand many of you may be confused or worried, but I assure you that the matter is being dealt with.”
Oh, like hell he was gonna just walk away from this and forget about it. “Being dealt with, huh?” he snapped. “Just like how you all ‘dealt with’ the maniac on the boat?”

He didn’t wait for a reply. Instead, he spotted a teen turning and stalking away from the scene with an Alakazam at his side.

Well. If this was more Cipher bullshit, then he wasn’t about to sit around for answers. Calling Novo back to his side, he quickly caught up to the kid. “Hey. You. I have questions for you.”



  1. sableye
So much for their peaceful vacation.

Kimiko was barely aware of what was going on as she watched the group of trainers nervously talking amongst themselves. She'd only just woken up when she'd heard the scream that drew them all here, but by the time she'd gotten herself ready to leave her room (she was not going to be seen in public like that), the crowd was already dispersing. She got most of the details second hand, overhearing them from the others - something about someone going missing (hence the scream), signs of a struggle, some other trainers had found a hint of something down a path and had gone to investigate. Apparently, most of them had gotten a similar note to the one Olivia had found by her doorway as they made to leave, too.

Her head was spinning. This was very much not the reason she'd planned to visit the beach today. Apparently, she was just not going to be allowed to swim on this trip. She'd come here on vacation, damnit, she was in no mood to get involved with something like this. It was for the island's security to deal with, wasn't it?

Apparently, most of the other trainers disagreed. The champions she could understand getting involved, at least. It always seemed that, no matter where they went, they were the sort to get involved in shit like this to look good for the cameras or whatever. They had a public image to maintain, after all. But Kimiko was no champion. Why should she or anyone else be dealing with this? The only thing keeping her from just turning and walking away was the curious looks people kept shooting to her feet - or to be more precise, Olivia. Someone had said something about psychic aura in the air...

But now an officer was there, actively shooing people away. As she turned to leave (maybe she should heed the note's advice and head to the Dauntless Shield?), she scanned the area, Olivia tense at her heels. She didn't recognize many of the people still around, but she did spot Odette in the distance, Enora at her feet, talking to someone a fair distance away from the group. She was the only other person so far that Kimiko had felt comfortable with - she hadn't been able to spot Ayumi around - and wondered for a moment if she should ask what was going on.

“Being dealt with, huh?” he snapped. “Just like how you all ‘dealt with’ the maniac on the boat?”

A voice that made a very good point drew her attention. She spotted Blue-Coat Wes and his pokemon, striding towards another trainer. Olivia chirped at her, and Kimiko was about to tell her off - this was very much not the time for a playdate - but it seemed they were on the same page after all; maybe cornering this kid was a good idea.

As Wes tried to reach him, Kimiko pointed to him and said, "Go cut off his path,".

"Espii!" Olivia nodded, darting ahead and standing in the kid's path with a growl.

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Ugh, this was all too conspicuous. There wasn’t any way to learn anything here without standing out. Jade couldn’t help wincing at all the people willing to demand answers right away. That was how you made yourself a target.

Nine was tense, alert, ready for a fight. Jade knelt down and said, “Not here.”

His fierce gaze scanned the crowd. “*Where did that message say to go?*”

“Oh, uh…”—Jade fished the paper out of her pocket—“some place called the Dauntless Shield.”

The Pikachu nodded and then took off across the sand.

Jade stood up. “Wait, do you even know where that is?” But he was already gone.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
("Now wait just a second!")

Victoria slithered over and stood in front of the Swampert.


Victoria Happy.png

("You're a Swampert? How wonderful! It's wonderful to see another Hoennese Water type! How are you? How's your trainer?")

Swampert turned quickly in surprise when the Milotic addressed him and blinked. "Oh hey..." he gave her a careful once over, much the way a pokemon would when sizing up an opponent before a fight. She looked strong enough. And her scales were unusual colors. Cool. "I'm fine," he said neutrally, shrugging. He glanced at Silas, who stood a few feet away, hands shoved in his pockets and a slight frown on his face. "My trainers doing fine. We hoped to train and do battles today but now we might not be able to."

It sounded like someone was attacked, but he figured it was maybe a misunderstanding? Or a wild pokemon attack. Not his problem. Officer Jenny's, like his trainer had said. Silas seemed tense, but he figured he had time for a question. "Are you a... a shiny pokemon? Your scales look different from Milotic I've seen."


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin

View attachment 3313
Odette didn't look particularly deterred by the Hatterene taking notice of her. In fact, she didn't even slow her stride. Not until she was a mere feet from the trainer and her 'mon.

"Was it obvious?" she asked. She didn't bother to attempt to be sheepish with it; she didn't feel it was quite necessary here. "Pardon my less than gracious approach, but your shiny Grumpig friend threw my partner and I for a loop, among everything else. Call it getting overexcited, I guess." She spoke casually, sticking her thumbs into her pockets as she forced something of a dubious chuckle through her words.

View attachment 3315
Enora knew what to do whenever Odette was up to her "acting." She merely sauntered out from behind her and sat at her feet, gazing politely at the woman and her two friends. The Hatterene was absolutely beautiful (because of course Hattrene were), but the coat on that Grumpig...well. At least that would keep her attention as she bit down on her tongue to refrain from talking. She was a horrible liar outwardly, but she could lie by omission. Omission of all words entirely, that is.

View attachment 3313
"I'm Odette, and this is Enora," she introduced. "We figured now would be as good of a time as any to introduce ourselves." She looked to the Hatterene and Grumpig, curling the corner of her lip into her half smile. "What are your names?"

Blair's gaze drifted to Enora, eyes widening ever so slightly before she turned her attention back to Odette. She frowned. "Now? Right after someone just got abducted? That's an odd time for introductions, don't you think?" For a moment, she seemed to be analyzing Odette. Then she shrugged and gestured to her two pokemon, speaking plainly. "You can call them Grumpig and Hatterene. My name is Blair."

Grumping tipped his head in greeting, while Hatterene simply blinked at Odette then glanced meaningfully at Blair.

"Can I help you?" she asked, her tone even.
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Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin

"Pardon me!" Violet exclaimed, getting on her tippy toes hoping to project her voice, "If we could have a moment of your time...!" She said, trying to beckon Windi over to herself and Seb.
Windi had been just about to ask Fearow for a lift back to the dorms when she heard what sounded like someone calling her. She paused and turned around to see a young girl beckoning her over to- oh. She was with that boy and his two very unusual regional birds! She'd been meaning to try to talk to them anyway. "Well Fearow?"

Fearow dipped his head in a 'yes', and Windi hurried towards them. Fearow walked carefully across the sand to stand behind his trainer, looking rather large next to her slight frame. "Hey, whats up?" she chirped. Despite the grim circumstances, she still wore a bright smile.


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Fearow dipped his head in a 'yes', and Windi hurried towards them. Fearow walked carefully across the sand to stand behind his trainer, looking rather large next to her slight frame. "Hey, whats up?" she chirped. Despite the grim circumstances, she still wore a bright smile.
"Greetings, mine name is Violet, and this is Hazel," Violet said, still holding Hazel by the waist and grinning, "Mine companions and I—" she gestured her head to Seb and the other Pokémon, "Were a tad interested in you and your Fearow. For, ahem, obvious reasons." She nodded towards Seb's own Pokémon. "Mind telling us a bit about yourselves?"

Hazel raised her brow at Violet, wondering what exactly she was trying to do. Was she just buttering them up to give them more information? She supposed it was impolite not to introduce oneself, at least. "Hazel. Nice to meet you," she said in Poké-speak, addressing Fearow.

Her head shot up as an epiphany hit her. She turned to Jack — at least, as best as she could while being held by the waist, and asked, "Do you still have that feather? The Fearow may know something about it."


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Oh, like hell he was gonna just walk away from this and forget about it. “Being dealt with, huh?” he snapped. “Just like how you all ‘dealt with’ the maniac on the boat?”

He didn’t wait for a reply. Instead, he spotted a teen turning and stalking away from the scene with an Alakazam at his side.

Well. If this was more Cipher bullshit, then he wasn’t about to sit around for answers. Calling Novo back to his side, he quickly caught up to the kid. “Hey. You. I have questions for you.
"I wasn't-" Jenny began. Too late, the guy in the trenchcoat had already stormed off. "-on the boat." She finished, to no one. The doppleganger thing was weird. The boat hadn't even been her jurisdiction. Oh well.

A voice that made a very good point drew her attention. She spotted Blue-Coat Wes and his pokemon, striding towards another trainer. Olivia chirped at her, and Kimiko was about to tell her off - this was very much not the time for a playdate - but it seemed they were on the same page after all; maybe cornering this kid was a good idea.

As Wes tried to reach him, Kimiko pointed to him and said, "Go cut off his path,".

"Espii!" Olivia nodded, darting ahead and standing in the kid's path with a growl.
He didn’t wait for a reply. Instead, he spotted a teen turning and stalking away from the scene with an Alakazam at his side.

Well. If this was more Cipher bullshit, then he wasn’t about to sit around for answers. Calling Novo back to his side, he quickly caught up to the kid. “Hey. You. I have questions for you.”

Alakazam stared condecendingly down at the Espeon growling at him as Noro turned around to face whoever had called out. When his eyes met Wes, he seemed to give pause for a moment. He sized Wes up with narrowed eyes, then seemed to relaxed slightly. "What?" he responded simply. "And I hope its quick. Unless you're looking for a training battle, I'm busy."

Alakazam sent a harmless wave of psychic energy at the Espeon - nothing that could hurt in any way, just his way of saying 'Watch yourself'.
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