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kyuegh birth?????? Hope you have an awesome day out there!
I'm going to leave the misspelling because it's funny.
thank yuegh! <3
Hiiii Negrek! This is a bit late, but - I hope you were able to enjoy a delightful birthday this year!
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Thanks, Mirage! It was pretty great.
Hey there, sorry for dropping the MOAB on one of your fics! Hope the review is good for you from the Blitz!
System Error
System Error
Surprised me, heh. It's good, thanks, I'll get to replying to it when I can. And well, guess you'll be able to compare it to the updated version. ;P
Hi Namo! This is quite belated... :sadwott: But I hope you were able to enjoy a lovely birthday, and for that matter, Thanksgiving break!
Congrats on the 20 years of fanfic, Negrek! :veelove:

That's an absolutely incredible accomplishment! I can only imagine how much the community has changed and grown in that time.
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And yeah, it might be fun to put together a "creaky old man recounts war stories" kind of account of what's gone on in fic fandom since I first started out in it sometime, lol. It absolutely has changed a lot!
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