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Treasure Town ~ Main Square

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R1 – Day 1 late noon ~ Arrival
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    To the far west of the main landmass of the Grass Continent was a town dedicated to exploration, discovery, and bold steps into the unknown. As the age of exploration slowly dwindles, Treasure Town still kept its namesake as a gem of the Grass Continent, where explorers and civilians alike live in peace.

    It is late noon, and the town seems to be oddly deserted. The high elevation of the town made for a windy environment, even in the afternoon summer's heat. To the south was a building in the shape of a Chansey, and on the opposite side of the road, a dojo for training. To the east was a long, winding road of other buildings and facilities--a library, an open field like a park, and even a few eateries. To the west, more explorer facilities dotted the dirt roadside, which still maintained its naturalistic appearance even as other parts of the world modernized.

    Yet through it all, nobody was around... Several buildings looked recently collapsed. Signs of a hasty evacuation were easily visible to a perceptive Pokemon: items in good condition, yet strewn so haphazardly: drinks and elixirs still fresh over damp ground; uprooted plants that showed no signs of decay. Tremors shook the land, and another building wobbled and fell with a dull yet mundane crash.

    The team of first arrivals all woke up at around the same time. The breezy winds, with the smallest hint of ocean salt, greeted them, followed by the occasional tremor of the Magikarp on the western horizon. For several of them, the new location wasn't their only surprise: their bodies, subtle or dramatic, were not the ones they were familiar with. Weak. Small. Unevolved, for many. And for the humans... something else entirely.
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    R1 – Day 1 late noon ~ Finding Owen
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Hello. Hello. Are you there? Mrm… Yes. I believe I’ve found you. Hello. This is Diyem.

    The voice came from nowhere, but it sounded like he was speaking to them from above.

    It appears that you have all made it to Treasure Town. I can sense Charmander Owen’s presence just south of your current location. It seems to be coming from that larger building, which I believe is Marowak Dojo. That is a place where teams of Pokémon often come together for training. And—someone’s coming.

    Someone is coming and they are incredibly powerful. I suggest you run—no. No, they do not appear to be hostile. But be careful. They're too fast. You can't run. Act natural.
    R1 – Day 1 Evening ~ Magikarp has fallen asleep
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Evening fell upon Treasure Town for what some felt could have been the last time. If they weren't able to stop Magikarp in time, then it would come to the town and smash it into the ground... All those homes and livelihoods, buried. And that wasn't even beginning to go over what it would mean if they couldn't even take down Magikarp of all things...

    And yet, when Truffle returned from yet another scout, his news was practically redundant. The tremors had stopped. "Magikarp has fallen asleep!" he announced to those who had gathered for his regular briefings. "Though, I fear that attacking now may result in further danger when it awakens. All of the movement may set something off... And you all appear fatigued. We will continue to monitor things until morning!"

    "Good, because I'm beat," Soda muttered, stretching his arms in the air. "Alright, my shift's over. G'night." He waved and wandered into the northern outskirts. Before he even entered the forest, he faded into the darkness, like he was never there.
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    R1 – Day 1 evening ~ Cynthian and Dave
  • Adamhuarts

    Mew specialist
    1. mew-adam
    2. celebi-shiny
    3. roserade-adam

    "Steady..." Cynthian urged himself on, still lugging the flower vase that was almost twice his size. He'd filled half of it with soil, but he wasn't expecting it to feel so much heavier than he expected.

    Cynthian was never all that strong physically to begin with even back home, but he would at least have had much less of an issue handling a vase that size back then. His back ached and his vines felt sore. Oh, he sure hoped he didn't mess up his flowers while carrying the vase.

    "I'll take a break..." Cynthian heaved and kept the vase down with a slight thud. He wiped his forehead and sat with his back against the vase.

    "If I'd known this thing would be this heavy, I'd have asked for help carrying it back... Ashwood probably would've found this easy. They've got those strong rocky arms..." Cynthian said with a groan.
    R1 – Day 2 morning ~ Double trouble
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    The chaotic first day of the team's arrival in Treasure Town finally came to a close. Tensions were high; the Magikarp could awaken at any time and would present a clear danger if it started moving again. Truffle handed off his scouting shift to Soda, who watched from the top of Wigglytuff's Guild, the large, imposing, pink building the tallest point in town.

    Necrozma had taken the liberty of his sleepless nights to keep an eye of the most suspicious individuals of the group--while that ultimately included everyone, the most suspicious were Mellow, Owen, and Flame. None of them could be trusted; they shared Diyem's false species for a reason. While they were his top priority, and while he made no pretenses about his suspicions, he also kept an eye on Zane, enforcing his house arrest until the proper authorities could evaluate him after the town was considered safe to inhabit again.

    Owen woke up early and got some meditation done to calm his spirits. Something about that was calming to him, even as the others woke up one after the other. Nip, among the early risers perhaps due to an uneasy rest in an unfamiliar location, had asked for something more substantial for breakfast. Owen obliged with the help of Curio and Flame, making something 'meaty' for the carnivorous Pokemon. While it was apparently imitation meat this time around, it was hard to tell the difference. Technology was amazing!

    With breakfast served to most of the team, Necrozma drifted out of the dojo to get his own meal of the morning's sunrise. At around the same time, the distant rumbles of Magikarp returned, and Cino, confused, had to be filled in on just what they were going to be fighting.

    Brisa's fur bristled at the return of the shaking ground; while Earthquakes were something she would always have to be nervous of, the fact that it was sourced from a Magikarp made things a combination of surreal and worrying.

    "Hydro Pump?" Flame repeated, leaning forward. He still detested his tiny body, but it would have to do. "That Magikarp knows Hydro Pump? A Magikarp?"

    Owen nodded. "I definitely know it does," he said. "I took it head-on... At least, that's what Diyem told me. I barely remember it, aside from feeling really waterlogged when I came to."

    Mellow, preparing another round of tea, passed another cup to Astrid, who accepted politely. "Diyem sending so many Fire Pokemon might not have been the best choice," Mellow remarked with a frown. "But could my Sunny Day help?"

    "It might!" Owen said. "Though, with how big the fight is..."

    It may not affect everybody at once, Diyem interjected. You should be careful how some of your techniques behave here. Something about your bodies, your presence, affects them in ways I have yet to predict...

    But no sun trickery would intimidate Lauchs. Yes, he no longer had his shield, but he still had been gifted by their gracious and brooding commander a gigantic leek. A giant leek for a giant fish! They were unstoppable. And while he practiced his swings for the upcoming fight, Ashwood silently wondered if this would be anything like those 'raid battles' they'd seen back home. Would it get a damage shield at half health? Would it be able to attack multiple times per turn? Or were they thinking of this too much like a video game? This was real, after all. ...Probably.

    "Yeah, Fire, right," Starr muttered, looking at her paws. Despite apparently being clean, everything still felt sticky and matted from the rice last night, and for some reason taking a bath no longer appealed to her in the same way. Damn instincts. Diyem should find a way to fix that before she lost her mind. "Let's just get this over with."

    "But--we should finish breakfast first," Owen said. "We'll be at top form! And stuff. Truffle and Soda are still scouting, and breakfast is, uh, it's an important meal of the day, right?" He felt Dave glaring at him but tried to ignore it.

    "Not just Fire types that are worried," Cabot pointed out, frowning. "I have a lot of experience with the open ocean, but a Hydro Pump?" He shuddered, envisioning it.

    But being a Dragon, Cuicatl couldn't have been less afraid. Dragons were mighty conquerors of the elements. A little water wouldn't mean anything to her! Ice? Just learn a Fire attack! Even with the imminent danger of death, being a Dragon made it all worth it. Anything to be useful...


    Heads turned to see Tricky flying in--yet another Fire that had to worry about the incoming Water attacks. "We have a problem!" The Fennekin had come in just before RD, who was slightly encumbered by the makeshift leg warmers that he'd replicated from home.

    Despite having a type advantage for the fight, Cynthian sank a little in his vase at any mention of a problem. What, was a giant Snom accompanying them next? Then they'd all be in trouble...

    Vix, hovering above Owen, eyed the tea that the Charmander was drinking. The ripples were a lot faster than before...

    "What happened?" Owen asked.

    "Come out and see!"

    Those who were interested shuffled out, looking ahead to see what the commotion was. After exiting the dojo and heading into the main square, the rocks and rumbles continued in perhaps twice the frequency they had the day before--and it was clear why.

    Dave muttered some tired string of curses, but his sentiments were shared by several others:

    On the eastern horizon, perhaps a few hours away from town, there were now two giant Magikarp flopping their way westward.
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    R1 – Day 2 morning ~ Infighting Aftermath
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Owen had left the area to gather up supplies, and by the time he was back with an overfilled inventory bag of items to pass along to the others, there was a fight?! For some reason. He raised his arms and shouted, "Wait! Wait, wait! What's going on?! I thought we were strategizing!"
    R1 – Day 2 morning ~ Training: Dave & Owen
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    "I've never heard of something like that before," Owen admitted, catching the Blast Seeds and stuffing them in his bag to distribute for later. "...But right now what we have to focus on is the Magikarp, right? I think we should get some last training in. A lot of us don't look like they know how to fight... And that won't be good for, you know. Fighting."
    R2 – Day 8, Noon ~ In Defense of Zane
  • Shiny Phantump

    Through Dream, I Travel
    1. sylveon
    2. absol-mega
    3. silvally-psychic
    4. ninetales-phantump
    5. cosmog
    6. gallade-phantump
    7. ceruledge-phantump
    Celeste wandered. They’d bested the spectre possessing Turf and thrown it into a bottle. Now that that was done, he had to burn off some energy, so he was going... somewhere.

    Definitely somewhere.

    Ah, there was a Floatzel in the square. It was somewhat odd to Celeste to see the place occupied by actual civilians instead of just his tentative teammates. He nodded politely to the Floatzel. “Greetings.”

    He slowed his pace enough that he could either stop if the Floatzel responded or keep going if he did nothing but return the hello.
    R2 – Day 8, Afternoon ~ Steamed Buns
  • Adamhuarts

    Mew specialist
    1. mew-adam
    2. celebi-shiny
    3. roserade-adam
    "That should be everything... but I don't even know if this'll be enough," Cynthian muttered to himself, hauling along a bag almost as large as he was.

    The dull and sharp edges of iron thorns tried to escape from beneath the flap, whereas a few sleep seeds dropped out as he walked. A passersby stopped to help him pick it up and Cynthian answered with a thanks.

    Ever since that 'Whitedark' showed up among them like that, Cynthian couldn't feel at ease. She had the playfulness the self proclaimed protector of his village back home but in a much more twisted way. How the hell did some of them survived an encounter with that thing. Zane should be lucky he's even still alive...

    Cynthian shook himself out of his thoughts and resumed his walk towards the dojo, even if the bag looked like it was about to flatten him at any moment.
    R2 – Day 14, Team Spice found
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Roughly a week passed with relatively few events to deal with. Once again, Darkwhite stopped appearing after her strange appearance at the Guild, presumably off causing mischief in some other part of the world. After some calculated risks among God Squad and Wigglytuff’s Guild, they decided to put some weight on Darkwhite’s words and focused their efforts on searching for Team Spice within the Grass Continent only.

    Nate and Dave’s efforts to inform the others of their thoughts about Balm and Cepa were met with cautious agreement, though it seemed that Balm was still too weak to say much, and he was too preoccupied with finding Thyme and Pepper to give much more. All he had divulged was that their world was fine, save for a few abnormalities that led to them investigating this world instead.

    Balm and Cepa, after gaining their strength, decided to leave to speak with others that they might know in the Grass Continent, leaving for some hidden land. They returned with nothing, but said that Team Spice is not there—which made sense, as they had apparently traveled off the continent to check.

    And then, one day, Maple called everyone to gather in Treasure Town’s main square at the top of noon.

    She had three things on her. First, she held a bag that jangled loosely with several badges, at least thirty in total. Second, she held a few of those odd stones, likely the ones that had been brought back for analysis. And finally, she also had with her another bag that was much smaller, that sounded like they had several tiny, ceramic tiles inside.

    And then, she spoke with a smile, though her eyes were still serious. “We found them.”
    Day 15, Morning ~ Investigation Preparations
  • Negrek

    House of Two Midnights

    Nate still hadn't gotten used to Treasure Town's return to life. It wasn't bad, really--the ghost town had been at least as unsettling as the lifeless ocean--but sometimes it was nice to be able to go out without having to worry about eyes on you. He'd have to learn the place all over again.

    The decidueye and charmander easily stayed out ahead of him, and for the hundred thousandth time Nate cursed his stupid tiny mudkip legs, which not only made him slow as shit even at a dead run, but which also meant he couldn't fucking see over anything. He kept nearly losing his targets amidst the bustle of pokémon coming and going to shops and restaurants around the square.

    It also turned out that sticking your hand into a ball of fucking fire was a shitty idea when that hand was also your foot and you were about to go running around on it. Nate limped despite himself, the hand he'd thrust into Maple's light throbbing every time he stepped with it, and by the time the decidueye and charmander finally stopped to wait up ahead he was hobbling and panting in the most pathetic way. Another fucking brilliant day in poképaradise. After catching up with them Nate couldn't do more than throw himself down in what passed as a seated position for a mudkip and try to catch his breath. In vicious irritation he balled up his stinging hand and punched the dirt a few times, as hard as he could, so his arm was left aching and buzzing all the worse.

    "Yeah, so I'm here for the investigation or whatever," he said to the decidueye when he'd finally caught his breath. "But while we're waiting for whoever else to show up, could you go back to that whole Darkwhite thing for a moment? If nobody here knows where it is, and everybody else says they ain't seen shit, and there ain't any way to track it--where exactly did you think we were going to go from here? Can you ring up that Arceus guy and ask for some help, or what?"
    Day 18 ~ Cynthian's Shadow
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock

    The days came and went without much incident. Unlike what had happened in the residential district and the marketplace, it seemed that in general things were very quiet in the square.

    That was, of course, until one day Diyem had suddenly entered the minds of the Pokemon that happened to be on duty that day.

    Watch for Cynthian. Something happened to him. He is coming your way.

    And right in time, they would see Cynthian shambling, half-weeping, toward the town. To any normal townsmon, he would look totally normal. But to those with Diyem's power...
    R4 – Day 26: Starr & Brisa Return
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Several days had passed with no sign of Starr or Brisa, yet Giratina and Arceus were both confident that they would turn up soon. While the Reverse World was vast, it was not impossibly so, and he had put his faith in Giratina to eventually find their presence. She started with the most remote parts of the Reverse World just in case they had wound up there, but thankfully that was not the case.

    Still, everyone was worried about them.

    So it came as a great relief--something that Diyem had to pause to quell so it did not harm him too badly--when their presences suddenly popped back into his senses in the middle of Treasure Town.

    A black circle appeared on the ground, and a few Pokemon yelped in surprise and fled. Two hazy figures were thrust out of the portal, which closed as they went airborne. By the time they landed, the spectral haze dripped and evaporated off of them, revealing...
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