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The Sap Sipper

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Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
The Machamp cook gave a friendly waved to the three, before returning to the kitchen.

At the end of the bar sat Xavian, sipping at what looked like some kind of smoothie. Compared to the past couple days, he at least looked less haggard and worried. He mostly seemed lost in thought, staring idly at his drink and taking a sip occasionally. If he noticed Seb and his pokemon enter, he gave no indication.


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
“Oh, hi.” Seb gave quick, awkward wave towards Xavian, lowering his head a little, but keeping his gaze at him. “Um, hope everything’s going well for you, mister host.” He walked towards a stool near Xavian, giving a nervous look. “Mind if I…?”

“Does he even look like he’s havin’ a good time?” Zack asked, crossing his wings.

“Well, with all the kidnappings, I’m pretty sure they affected him personally for a reason,” Jack said with a worried gaze.



Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
"Hm? Oh, go ahead," Xavian said, giving a brief amicable smile. He turned back to his drink, still lost in thought, before he seemed to realize Seb had asked a question. "Better. I just hope this nightmare can end soon, somehow." He shook himself, then turned to face Seb. "Apologies, don't mind me. I hope that, despite the poor circumstances you enjoyed some of your time here? It appeared one of your partners has made extraordinary strides," he said, nodding to Zack.

"Congratulations, by the way," he added to Zack. The strange former Pidgey and Farfetch'd were certainly odder than most of the pokemon here, but then it wouldn't be the first time he'd some strange pokemon on his journeys.


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
As Seb sat down, he smiled back. “Yeah, things here are pretty epic. But so far, I’ve yet to see more Legends around here. I really wanna meet them.”

Zack gave a thumbs-up at Xavian while showing off the muscles on his wing.

“I think Zack’s enjoying this more, though,” Seb said, turning to look at his Pidgeot. “I dunno, but I think he’s excited about finding out who the kidnapper is. He’s always wanted to play the hero, showing off his skills.”


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
"Mythical pokemon are quite finnicky, as I understand, although I suspect they might reveal themselves to a trainer under the right circumstances. Clink tells me mythicals are good at sensing hearts. I wish you luck in that respect although..." his expression darkened again slightly. "They may be more wary now than ever." Because of his foolish festival. All because he'd agreed that Clink could invite them, because he'd trusted that nothing could go wrong, that no one would try to do something this terrible.

He focused himself back on Zack and Seb. "Ah, a hero I see!" Xavian said. "Not so uncommon to see among aspiting trainers and their pokemon. So why does Zack want to be a hero? I always find the trainers and pokemon who know their dream the best make it far."


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
“I could ask him, but I need a translator for that,” Seb replied, scratching his head while bearing a sheepish grin. One moment later, his eyes widened in surprise and anticipation. “Wait, you can hear what Pokémon say? Did I hear that right?”

“Hey, that’s right! You never told us why you wanna be a hero in the first place,” Jack exclaimed.

“It’s a long story,” Zack replied, fiddling with the feather-bang dangling from his crest. “I never really wanted to tell much, since it’s not exactly pretty…”


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
"Oh no, I apologize, I don't speak the tongue of pokemon. There were some trainers here who do, so I had thought you might have been able to. It's rather common for pokemon and trainer to have some form of communication..." He'd definitely seen a Weavile here using a telephone... Xavian tapped his chin in thought.

"But perhaps it could be fun to be able to communication more directly, even if briefly... Ahah!" he held up a finger and waved down the Machamp. After a few moments, Machamp came over, greeting them with a nod. Xavian leaned forward and asked him a question quietly. Machampy nodded in response and left. A moment later a Beeheeyem floated from the kitchen, eyes wide with excitement.

"Hello!" It intoned cheerfully, via telepathy. The lights on its arms flashed briefly. "I have been practicing for some time as a translator! If you would allow me, I can create a short term psychic link that could allow you four to converse freely? It is simple process really, it would allow the words of a pokemon's speech to be heard in your own tongue. It would be my pleasure to do this for you, if you permit it?" It pressed its arms together, looking between them quite excitedly.


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
“Hey, I’ve never seen a guy like you before!” Zack exclaimed with an amazed smile towards the Beheeyem. “Man, I wish I had stoplight hands. They look so cool.”

“Wouldn’t they be impractical?” Jack asked, irking his brow feathers.

“Oh, absolutely!” Seb replied to the Beheeyem with glee. “I think it’ll bring us closer.”

“So, you wanna know my story, right?” The Pidgeot took a breath and sighed. “Well, if you insist…”


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Beeheeyem let out an excited beeping noise. "Alrighty! Just hold still, this won't hurt a bit!" Closing its eyes, it held out its arms, flashing a series of lights. A brief trickle of multicolored light drifted from its arms to both Xavian and Seb's head, then faded.

"There! You're all set!"

Zacks next words were now understandable by the two humans, even though he still spoke pokemon.
So, you wanna know my story, right?” The Pidgeot took a breath and sighed. “Well, if you insist…

Xavian turned to Zack with a smile. Even though he'd done this before, it was always fascinating experience. "Only if you don't mind telling us," Xavian said pleasantly. "I always enjoy hearing the tales of different pokemon."


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
“It actually worked?” Jack asked, taken aback for a moment.

“Holy crap, you sound different!” Seb exclaimed with some excitement. “Oh, this vacation keeps getting better!”
"Only if you don't mind telling us," Xavian said pleasantly. "I always enjoy hearing the tales of different pokemon."
“No, I don’t really mind,” Zack replied with a brief wave of his wing. “There’s some good stuff in it.” He passed a wing through his crest before speaking.

“Okay, so there’s this forest in Kalos. I lived there with Mom, Dad and the other Pokémon in the other trees and below. There was also a Spearow that Mom adopted—she was a good sis, even though she didn’t talk much. I always thought she was bein’ weird lookin’ at everyone from our nest. I asked her about it and she said somethin’ about ‘makin’ the world a better place’. I don’t remember all of it, really, but…”

Zack paused and rubbed his neck.

“Did you fall apart?” Seb asked. His excitement was replaced with worry.

“Y-Yeah…” The Pidgeot fiddled with his strand for a bit. “Guess it was ‘cause I found somethin’ I wasn’t supposed to see.” He looked down with a frown.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Xavian nodded as he listened intently to Zack. "Perhaps... well, I don't me to pry, its certainly none of my business if you don't feel like discussing it, but maybe talking it over with Seb will help you feel better." A pang of sympathy flowed through him. It sounded like Zack had his share of tough experiences. "Really though, its only if you want to."


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
“I do wanna…” Zack said, grasping his big chest. “It’s been on my mind to tell ya guys everything lately, just so ya know why I do all those dumb things.”

“It’s okay, Zack,” Seb said with a reassuring smile. He adjusted his glasses. “I think it’s better if you let it out now than bottle it up. You’ll feel better.”

“If you say so…”

There was a moment of hesitation, but the Pidgeot kept going.

“It happened one night when I followed Sis down to a cave below. There were all these papers everywhere and they had some kinda to-do list—I dunno, but it looked like an evil plan. A plan to kidnap all the Pokémon in Kalos, startin’ with the forest. And she had this tablet where she sent messages to some Giovanni guy?”

“Team Rocket?” Jack and Seb asked in shock, almost in unison.

“I checked when she wasn’t lookin’. One time I asked her somethin’ else and she said she didn’t like humans, that they were bad and treated us Pokémon like weapons instead of livin’ beings. If I didn’t see any humans going around with their Pokémon, I would’ve believed her. But I saw kids with their Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Froakie, Pikachu… They were happy, and it looked like they were good friends with their Pokémon pals. All those hugs told so many stories.”

Zack looked up with a sad smile. “Every time I think deep about us, I always think back on Sis. I guess she never had a good human to take care of her, since she was hired as a spy to ruin our forest. So the day came, and the baddies were bein’ held off by some Trainers with their Pokémon and my forest buddies. Course, I had to fight Sis ‘cause I had to defend Mom ‘n’ Dad. Color me surprised when I saw that I was actually fightin’ a Zoroark—and a pretty one, too! Not that she was ever gonna be my type, anyway…”

“I’m sorry to hear all that, Zack,” Jack said, gently placing a wing over his friend’s head.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Xavian nodded, offering Zack a sympathetic look. "Your sister... she worked for Team Rocket?" He shook his head. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that Zack. That sounds terrible, to have to fight someone so close to you. I can't imagine how difficult that was." He shook his head, scowling briefly to himself. Here, Team Rocket was a story from his childhood, a memory of the past, but it often seemed evil still flourished in other areas and other worlds.

"That was brave, facing down a Zoroark to protect your parents. Thank you for sharing that," he added.

He took a slow sip from his drink, until it was nearly done. "It breaks my heart to hear of those who treat their pokemon badly. I had hoped this event would be a way for pokemon and humans to grow closer." He withheld a sigh and looked back up at Zack.

"So is that what made you choose to be a hero?"


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
“Yeah.” Zack gave a determined look towards Xavian. He extended a wing to his side and let his crest flutter behind him. “Dad made me this way, and to that I say thanks. Guess I’ll be able to be the son he always wanted to see. That Zoroark lady was the beginning, but now that we’re here on this island with a kidnapper on the loose, I’ll finally be able to fulfill my dream. But I’m not done savin’ myself. I still have a long way to mature.”

“You’re making some big progress right now when it comes to that, Zack,” Jack said, giving his friend a smile.

“Either way, I’ll save everyone on this island. We’ll fight this Golden King—all of us. Seb, Steven, Wallace, Coleane, Kimiko, Hazel, Odette… You can count on us.”

“Absolutely beautiful,” Seb said, clasping his hands over his chest. He never expected to be moved by someone so rash, but he still appreciated the bravado.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
A troubled expression flashed across Xavian's face before being replaced by a pleased smile. "Good. I hate to ask so much of the trainers, or that anyone should ever have to face such a terrible threat but then... I'd be lying if it didn't warm my heart to know that even in other worlds, there are good people and pokemon who want to the do the right thing."

Xavian finished off the last of his drink. "As as for maturity... well truthfully, that is a lifelong journey. But I believe the key to staying on the right path is to be someone who listens. Someone who considers others needs before selfish desires. If you can do that, then you can go far."


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
“Right.” Zack shifted his gaze to the side, a small blush appearing on his face. “I kept thinkin’ about gettin’ a girlfriend, but I learned to be patient. Ya can’t rush love, after all.”

Seb’s phone buzzed from inside his pocket, so he took it out and read the message displayed on the group chat. “Oh, we’re gonna have to go, sorry.” He pocketed his phone before standing up and addressing Xavian. “It was nice being with you, mister host, but we gotta be with the others for a chat tonight. Might be a sleepover, but those weren’t always something I was good at. Anyway, take care now.” He walked away and waved goodbye.

“Yup. We got some hero stuff that needs to be done. See ya.” The Pidgeot gave a peace sign before exiting the building. He spread his wings and jumped towards the sky, Jack following closely.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Xavian gave them a peculiar look, then shrugged it off. His thoughts were more occupied with Clink. Perhaps he'd go check in on them again, make sure they were healing properly.

"Good luck," he said softly. "May the mythical pokemon watch over you."

[D8] Staying Awake (Nate, Kimiko, Mightyena, and Olivia)


It was crazy--Nate didn't think he'd visited the bar on this nightmare island even once the whole time he'd been here. Too busy hanging out in the hospital or some shit. If ever there was an "I need a drink" situation, then this entire bullshit "friendship festival" was definitely it. Now at last it felt like there wasn't much to do besides hang out and wait for whatever was gonna go down at the rich guy's place. No more chasing fucking legends, no more difficult conversations, he was going to get some lunch and a drink and not move from this fucking spot until someone told him to.

Mightyena was asleep under his chair, and Nate wished he could join her. He at least wasn't dropping off randomly like he had been, but he was pretty sure he needed at least a week or so of sleep to get over all this island bullshit. As it was, he was afraid that if he went for a nap he'd sleep right through all the excitement. So here he was, nursing some nachos and a beer, alternately bored and relieved that there was nothing going on. For once.


  1. sableye
After parting with Violet and Hazel, Kimiko was unsure what to do next. She hadn’t counted on having so much time before the raid, which is why she hadn’t volunteered to begin with. But now, with nothing else to do but wait, she wondered if she should try to find some way to help, or if that would mess with the plan already in place.

The sound of a stomach grumbling distracted her, and Olivia was quick to make sure her trainer heard it.

She hadn’t spent a lot of time exploring the different food highlights of the island so far; with everything else going on, she’d mostly stuck to that little cafe she’d met Wes and Ayumi in early on, having no energy and no curiosity to check wander far. But now she was out, she spotted a bar of some sort. It looked quiet and somewhat out of the way, a good spot to unwind a bit. She figured it was late enough in the morning that maybe they’d have started serving lunch, and lead Olivia inside.

She was surprised when she entered and immediately spotted Mitch and Mightyena, wondering just how they were still up and about; after their ordeal, she would want to curl up and sleep for three days, and it kind of looked like maybe they wanted that, too. She couldn’t really blame them if they simply had insomnia or something, maybe. People had vanished right from their rooms.

And then another thought occurred to her; hadn’t she seen Mightyena talking to Clink that morning at roll call? It seemed unlikely that Mitch could have passed along any information they’d gotten yet; as far as Kimiko knew, he wasn’t in the group text chat, and most people were off doing their own thing in preparation for tonight’s crime.

She got herself a hamburger and a modest plate of bacon for Olivia (just a bit; she’d made that mistake once before and she wasn’t going to let that happen again, so long as no one else started bringing more plates over…) and the headed for Mitch’s table.

“Glad to see you’re up and around,” she said by way of greeting. Then, looking down and addressing Mightyena, she asked, “How are you feeling? Getting any strength back yet?”

She set down the bacon plate which distracted Olivia, who was already leaning in to sniff at the dark-type. The espeon tore into two pieces before looking up and sheepishly nosing the plate towards the other Pokémon.

You look sad. Bacon always makes me feel better! At least it does since I got here! Wanna try some?”

Meanwhile, Kimiko turned back to Mitch. “I’m sure you’ve already gotten a dozen others checking on you after you got back and are probably tired of talking about it, so I won’t ask. I mean, if you want to, feel free! But otherwise, I’ll get to the point. I’m pretty sure I saw Mightyena talking to Clink early this morning, and so far she’s the only one I know whose had the chance. Did you find out anything? Like how it got poisoned?”


As usual, Mightyena noticed the problem before Nate did. She did this by waking up, and the sound of her shifting under the chair was enough to put Nate on alert, too. It wasn't like he was safe even here, in the middle of the fucking day, with multiple witnesses, the way things had been going recently.

But the trouble headed his way wasn't whatever bastard pokémon was still running rampant out there, thankfully. Not that Nate didn't sometimes think he'd prefer a rematch with that asshole to yet more friendly conversation.

No chance to get away. A second later the chick was over at his table, making herself right the fuck at home. Truly, Nate wanted nothing more than to tell her to fuck off, but they were all supposed to be working together now, or something. This whole "teaming up" thing really fucking sucked.

So he let the comment about not asking how he was doing slide with no more than a tight smile and answered the actual question. "Yeah, they had some kind of heart-to-heart this morning, I guess. Don't know what all they talked about, though. You ain't one of those types who can understand pokémon, are you?"

Meanwhile, Mightyena gave the espeon a curious look as she approached. Another espeon? She was positive this was someone different than the two she'd met before. There were so many of them here! Perhaps eevee were a lot more common in other worlds than they were in hers. She exchanged a friendly sniff with the other pokémon, then focused intently on the plate of bacon the other trainer had set down. The eevees here certainly did seem to like bacon a lot, didn't they?

Mightyena nearly missed Kimiko's question, but she managed to muster a brief wag for her. "I feel a little better. Hopefully I'll be able to battle properly again soon."

Not that it had done her much good when she and Nate were attacked earlier. Even with her energy back, she doubted she'd be able to do much of anything against whatever pokémon it was that had been kidnapping people. She wasn't doing a very good job of protecting her trainer.

The espeon wanted to talk, though. Mightyena tried to focus on that. "Oh, thank you," she said. She wasn't feeling eager for lunch, but she really ought to eat something, if there was a fight coming for them later today. And if she did have to eat something now, it might as well be bacon. In two bites, she'd scarfed down one of the bacon strips. "Do all eevees like bacon?" she asked. "That's something I hadn't heard of before coming here. And have you met all of the eevees on the island? There's so many of them! Do you all know each other?"
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