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Pokémon The Rage of the Earth (One-Shot)


just a small ant on a highway
Hey everybody!^^
This is a one-shot i recently wrote and it refers to the Pokémon Ruby timeline. It´s an alternative story for the events that took place after the awakening of Groudon of the perspective of a Team Magma grunt.
Many thanks to Wildboots for beta-ing the story! You really helped me a lot :giggle:

Rating P16
Content warning: major character death

I hope you enjoy :)


"Mightyena use Hyperbeam!“

Sceptile dodged the attack with easiness, jumped up and landed a Leaf blade attack that sent Mightyena flying into the wall.

I couldn´t land a single hit I couldn´t land a single hit against this above-average strong Pokémon. It's hard to believe that I was still bragging before the fight.

"Are we going to battle or not? I said. "Not that I could blame you if you´re scared. “

Maybe I should have known that I was going to take a beating - even Maxie couldn´t defeat her. I just didn't want to accept that a teenager posed a serious threat.

Mightyena struggled back to his feet, but he was visibly swaying. My Pokémon looked at me doubtfully. He knew he was inferior. I had never felt so worthless before. I held the Pokéball in front of me.

"It's useless... Come back, Mightyena."

My opponent and her Sceptile gave me a surprised look as Mightyena disappeared into his Pokéball.

The young trainer cocked her head. "Really? I was sure you wouldn't give up until you were completely exhausted."

She said it - as if for first time- she saw me as a person and not just as another grunt. Even though that´s what I was.

"Do you think I can't see the obvious?" I snapped. “I can't beat you. What reason is there to let my Pokémon get hurt?“

In fact, there was a good reason for it. My job was to defeat or slow down any troublemakers, especially this girl. I think her name was Sapphire. Most of us were no challenge for her. Just some kid from one of Hoenn's smaller towns, and yet…. Ever since she got involved, she's been on our heels.

I shouldn't have given up so easily. I should have fought until my Pokémon couldn't move anymore.

Maxie was nearby, on the lowest level of the cave. He was finally about to achieve our goals by awakening the legendary Pokémon Groudon - his only companion was Commander Tabitha. If we were attacked, we should hold out as long as possible so that the boss had enough time for the procedure. And I was willing to do that.

"The land is the stage upon which humanity stands “.
That was Team Magma´s ideology. We fight for the good of this planet. Although not everybody can see it yet, as soon as our goal is accomplished the planet will be a better place for anybody.

Today, however, my determination was just a shadow of what it was.

Less than fifteen minutes ago I had watched the two men walk down the slope towards Groudon's resting place. I was the last grunt to be put on guard and I wasn't supposed to leave my post. But the mystical creature was so close that I gave in to my curiosity. Groudon, the creator of land, was just a few steps away from me. Only the thought of it made my heart rate increase. So I crept into the grotto at the end of the slope.

I hid behind some stalagmites from my superiors.

And there was Groudon. A huge, horned monster that appeared to be covered in a gray layer of stone. Even if it was still petrified, it sent a chill down my back. That's when I really understood that this wasn't just a particularly powerful Pokémon to use in battle. It was a force of nature, capable of the unthinkable. I got scared and I ran back to my post. Although I trusted Maxie and wanted him to make his dreams come true for all of us, I had doubts.

"Should we really do this? Are we able to control this divine creature? What if things don´t play out the way we intended? “

"You must have more sense than the rest. “ Sapphire´s voice snapped me back to the present, and I looked up in time to see her starting down the slope, toward Maxie. Toward Groudon. Her Sceptile had already disappeared from view.

"Wait! You shouldn't go there." My honest words surprised me.

Sapphire stopped and looked back over her shoulder.

"How so?"

I was the wrong person to try to convince her. Still, I said what I was thinking. I can´t let her precipitate into ruin. She was just a little girl after all.

"I'm sure you're prepared for a fight against my boss, even if he's going to be really angry. And maybe you can beat him. But that ancient Pokémon ... nobody should be around it. "

"Nice try," said Sapphire with a smile. "But I'm going."

"I'm serious. It´s is scary."

It felt wrong for a child to put herself in such danger.

Sapphire's smile faded for a moment and then returned more warmly. She flashed thumbs up.

“Leave the ancient Pokémon to me! I have a Milotic and she eats ground-type Pokémons for breakfast. Am I right or am I right, Sceptile? "

The green lizard-like Pokémon let out a determined cry.

Stroking his head, she said, "And so are you, aren't you?"

In the face of such affection and courage, I almost forgot about Groudon. Maybe she should just go. I had only just learned how far ahead of me Sapphire's team was. I couldn't understand what the world was like to someone who was so strong.

At that moment a tremor ran through the floor. I started shaking slightly. Did Maxie succeed? Did they awake Groudon? When the tremors stopped, there was a terrifying roar from the grotto. I had never heard anything like that before. No doubt Maxie had awoken Groudon.

"Oops." Sapphire turned to face the slope. "We'd better hurry up, Sceptile."

Not even that could shake her confidence.


I was about to grab Sapphire´s shoulder, when I was hit by Sceptile´s bullet seed attack. The unexpected attack sent me tumbling off.

"Don´t try to stop me, “she said forcefully.

With that words she proceeded, not even sparing me a glance.

Grunts were supposed to report to Tabitha if we were defeated, but I didn't. Instead, I sighed. "This is it for me."

My mission had failed, I was defeated. Going back to the surface was my only option. I kicked a stone away, but it didn´t go very far. I didn't even feel like following Sapphire into the grotto and watching her fight against the boss. That roar had made me decide to steer clear of Groudon. It wasn't my place to interfere anyway.

Maybe everything would be fine if I left it to this child prodigy.

We´d rigged red, waterproof torched against the cave wall, and I followed the light toward the surface. Although the torches were quite effective, I had to be careful where I was stepping. The constant shaking made it difficult to progress. And I had absolutely no desire to sprain my ankle down here.

The journey into the cavern had felt like an adventure. On the walk back, I was suddenly aware of how alone I was at the bottom of the ocean. Apart from the crackling torches, the cave was completely silent. Every now and then, I turned around to make sure nothing was creeping up behind me. I shouldn't have done that. But I looked back all the same. Nothing moved, there was just a torch bathing the area in red light.

When I turned around again, something flew into my face. It screamed. I screamed. And then it was gone.

Damn Zubat! It almost scared me to death. Would the rest of the way be possible?

A violent tremor shook the cave.

"Whoa!" I staggered.

Pebbles fell from the ceiling and a whole horde of terrified Zubat fluttered at the edge of the light. What the hell was that?

Silence returned, but I still felt queasy. Even the thought of Groudon as the trigger for that quake made me feel uneasy.

Suddenly a voice crackled from my radio. "Anyone? Can anyone hear me? "

It was Anthony, who had stayed on the surface to make sure everything is under control when Groudon awakened.

I answered. "Yes, this is -"

“Hey guys I have someone!”

"What the hell is going on down there?" He spoke in a rush.

"I don't know - This girl, she defeated me… I'm on my way to the assembly point."

“The ancient Pokémon…. It emerged from the sea! We can´t contact either Maxie or Tabitha. The sun had become almost unbearable ... "

"I ..." Was that correct? "Do you mean it's up there with you?"

In a quivering voice he said "It's rampaging... I think it knows where we are."

I could feel the horror in his voice. "Wasn´t Maxie supposed to--?!"

I didn´t know where to start.

"Try to stay calm ... and um ..." I couldn't get further.


The transmission stopped.

"Hey Tony can you hear me!! Come in please! “

No response. While I stood clutching the radio, a distant rumble came from above. I shivered. My thoughts a tangled mess.

When I finally regained control of my body, I took a deep breath and turned around. I went back. Once more I followed the path lit by the torches down below. This time I had to step past gaping holes and juts rock. I ran as fast as I could.

Maxie, Tabitha and Sapphire .... Maybe something terrible had happened to them. The rock formations and red lights sped past me.

I was ashamed of my cowardice. How could I even think of running away? Maxie relied on his team. And I´d just left, even though I'd seen Groudon in all it´s terrifying force.

It wasn't far anymore. At the next bend, a headlight glowed white.

I was back at the place where I had fought Sapphire. I allowed myself to catch a deep breath. Was it warmer than before? Then I continued around the next corner, down the long slope that led to the grotto. The walls were crumbling as if an explosion had gone off. Heat hit me and I gasped. I had reflexively raised my arm to protect my face, but then I noticed something on the ground. I lowered my arm to see what it was. Despite the heat, I shivered.

A body. Burning. Even from a distance I recognized Sceptile immediately. Earlier, it had seemed too powerful to believe. Now it lay motionless, flames crawling up its body. Judging by its position, it had tried to get away from the grotto but failed. Nobody had come to his aid. My heart rate increased and I broke into a cold sweat.

I pushed through the heat and continued farther down the slope. I have to find the others. Hopefully they haven´t suffered the same fate as Sceptile. I felt guilty as I passed his body, but I couldn´t do anything for the poor creature now. I swept my gaze around the chamber, searching for any sign of Maxie.

I didn´t know what I could´ve done, but I should´ve tried something.

With great strides I stepped over the rubble that was strewn everywhere. A fiery glow came from the lower parts of the cave. At the entrance I could already see liquid lava. That was where Groudon had slept. But now it was gone.

The heat was almost unbearable. I made slow progress, step by careful step, but almost slipped on – was that an arm?

I didn´t dare look closer. But I´d already seen enough. Maxie and Tabitha were both grown men, but that body buried under the boulder had been so small…

I could have stopped her if I´d only tried harder! It was too late now.

But I kept moving. The heat became more and more unbearable the closer I got to the boiling lava. Wasn't there anyone left? Maxie had the Red Orb ... Shouldn´t that have made a difference?

Then, at the edge of a lava pool, I finally had to stop. The heat was too intense.

With my eyes narrowed in pain, I searched for my superiors. Then, a few feet in front of me, I spotted two dark shapes and realized I had found them. Or what was left. They were both burned beyond recognition.

I made a pathetic noise, but it was swallowed up by the noise of falling stones. And just before I turned my back on the gruesome scene, I saw something else on the floor next to the bodies. The Red Orb, completely unharmed and shining in the darkness. Maxie must have dropped it before he was covered in lava.

I stumbled out of the ruined grotto, up towards the cooler air.

At the entrance of the grotto I sank to my knees. My stomach rebelled and for a moment I was sure I was going to throw up. I didn´t, but my eyes pricked with tears.

I´d failed. Team Magma had been burned away. Finished. Sapphire – a child, innocent. Gone.

After the torrent of frustration passed, fear returned. I was in mortal danger down here. And nobody could stand by me anymore. Everyone else in the cave was dead. I took out my radio and called the squad who remained with the submarine. Since no one answered, I checked the device. It could not establish a connection to the other recipients. Did they already leave? Without me? A sudden feeling of abandonment rushed over me.

I tried to contact the surface team. No response either. So Groudon's furious attacks had destroyed them. If the others had not all been wiped out there, they were sure to be running for their lives in those moments. I lowered the radio. No help was to be expected from the surface either. I was alone. The only chance to survive is to get out of the cave. But how? My Pokémon cannot dive. There has to be another way out of here. This can´t be the end. I thought of Mightyena. I can´t just leave him in the lurch.

Suddenly I remembered Sapphire´s words. The idea felt macabre, but maybe this was my last chance to get out of here. I returned into the grotto. And slowly approached Sapphire's body. To see her lying there was terrible. But I had no choice.

"I'm sorry."

I moved the rock the girl was buried under as best as I could. I turned her body around and looked for bags or pouches. There! I took two Pokéballs from Sapphire. They were still intact. I pressed the big button on the first one, but nothing happened. It must´ve been Sceptile´s. So I dropped that Pokéball and tossed the other one in the air.

"Come on out!"

A Pokémon appeared from the ball. The slim, beautiful creature was exactly what I was hoping to find: Milotic.

Almost immediately, the Water Pokémon began to squirm with discomfort. Of course, it was a hostile environment for her, too. Then she looked at me. I could see her getting more and more nervous. She circled around the floor as she were looking for an explanation.

"Milotic, listen to me," I said.

"Something terrible has happened and I need your help."

The elegant Pokémon suddenly frozed. She had noticed Sapphire. The next moment Milotic started a heartbreaking wail. The Pokémon squeaked, screamed and circled around it´s Trainer´s body.

A feeling of guilt hit me as I saw the Pokémon´s grieving.

“Please, Milotic! We have to stay calm - "

A water gun attack hit me in the face and I stumbled back. Milotic continued her wail. It was hopeless. I recalled Milotic and the wailing cut off as she disappeared.

There was nothing I could do now except hope that she´d be calm enough to obey once i got to the water. Milotic was my only way out of the cave. Time to go back. My legs were shaking, so I concentrated on breathing and climbing the hill on step at a time. The earth shook again. Dust rippled of the ceiling and pieces of rock broke off. The cave was about to collapse.

When I was able to, I ran. My stupid, stiff legs felt heavy and slow, but there was no time to rest. Bathed in sweat, I followed the red torches back to the entrance of the cave.

I wasn't even where I had turned back before, when the lit path ended abruptly. Confused, I stopped. The torches were gone. Probably one of the quakes had buried them. At least I could make out the red light of the nearest torch in the distance, but there was a large piece of total darkness between me and the other torch. With the remaining lights, I could barely see the way forward. But I didn't have a better option. The walls were my only reference point. Slowly I tried to feel the way with my hands. Covered in complete darkness I felt even more helpless. But the sound of the crashing and thundering rocks forced me to continue. The path seemed endless. The earth shook heavier than ever – I lost my balance and fell. I didn´t even try to stand up. Instead I crawled on my hands and knees. Finally - familiar territory. I stood up again and continued to ran.

I was finally making progress. I recognized the places where we had set up searchlights. I was exhausted. But it wasn't far anymore. I was too tired to keep running so I walked the rest of the way. A little later I reached the assembly point. We originally disembarked here. Two large searchlights lit the chamber.

Of course the submarine wasn't here. There was only a black pool of water, cold and salty. That was the passage that led to the open sea.

The earthquakes did not subside. Rock kept rolling off the walls and falling from the ceiling. I was careful not to put myself directly under any stalactites. It kept getting worse. Now or never. I took out Sapphire's Pokéball.

"Come on out, Milotic!"

The elongated, pretty Pokémon landed in the water with a splash. It looked around for a moment, taking stock, and then began to wail again.

"I know ... that's how I feel too." It had to work now. “We both lost important people today. “ My heart sank when I remembered the beyond recognition burned bodies. Although I never considered us as friends, I spent the last years with those people. And their death affected me deeply. "But if we team up, we can escape together. "

I couldn't tell if Milotic understood me, but at least it stopped crying. When I started to speak again, the cave shook even more violently than ever. A large rock fell right next to me, and I couldn´t help but scream. Dust and rubble fell from above.

Milotic panicked, swimming in circles. Loud, painful noises emitted from the Pokémon. Somehow I had to get his attention back.

I pleaded, “We have to get out of here! You learned Dive, didn't you? You can get me out of here! "

Why should it care about me? Did it even remember that I was there?

"Please! Stop moving and listen to me! "

With one last howl, Milotic turned away and disappeared into the dark water.

"NO!" My horrified scream echoed off the walls.

I called and begged it to return. The black surface of the water stared back, unmoving.

Milotic was gone.

My remaining strength ran out of me and I slumped to the ground. The last chance I had to survive had been taken from me. A falling stone smashed one of the searchlights, casting the room into darkness. From somewhere in the gloom water rushed into the cave. The cavern was collapsing.

I wondered how much time I had. Was this my end?

I cursed Maxie and his megalomania. He´d sentenced so many people to death, and for what? What could´ve been worth this? I screamed again.

Then I remembered someone who was much more deserving of my thoughts now. I took out my Pokéball and let Mightyena out.

Warmth filled my stomach at the sight of my loyal friend.

"Mightyena…" I whispered tremblingly.

At the tone of my voice, he lowered his ears and trotted closer. Seeing my Pokémon was a relief, but it hurt, too. If the cave collapsed overhead, I would be faced with an impossible decision. Either I let Mightyena die with me, or bring it back to the ball with no real hope of ever leaving it.

Tears ran down my face.

“I'm sorry, buddy. We´re trapped, and I don't know what to do."

My friend snuggled up against me in an attempt to comfort me. That only made me cry even more. I took Mightyena tightly in my arms.

"Most of Team Magma are probably dead ... The ancient Pokémon is running amok up there and the cave is collapsing. It´s just us left. "

I looked into Mightyena´s eyes. He returned my gaze unwaveringly.

“I think we´re going to die here.” My voice failed briefly.

“I couldn't get us out! I am so sorry!"

He responded with howl I knew so well. I buried my face in his fur.

“Thanks, buddy.”

There was nothing else to say. Tremors made the cave crumble further, and pebbles bounced off my back. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in complete darkness. The last searchlight had been smashed. The dust formation made it increasingly harder to breathe.

Mightyena's warm body in my arms was the only way I knew I hadn´t died yet. His cold nose nudged my cheek as I turned to him. It was time to make a decision. I held the Pokéball tightly in my hand.

"Mightyena ... Go back into your Pokéball. I don´t want you to die this way."

Although I could see him anymore, I could feel Mightyena´s gaze on me. It growled sorrowfully and with a quick headbutt it knocked the Pokéball out of my hand. Impossible to retrieve in the impenetrable darkness. I felt Mightyena wet tongue over my cheeks. What have I done to deserve a friend like you? Even in this hopeless situation my heart flooded with joy.

"I love you Mightyena. “

Tears streamed down my face. Softly I patted Mightyena´s head. I wasn´t alone, I had my friend. I wrapped my arms tightly around him. All the anxiety seemed to fade and I felt all the love in that last embrace.
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Welcome to the forums! I figured I’d give this one a look since I’m always up for Hoenn fic. I wasn’t totally sure what to expect, but a more brutal reimagining of what might have happened after Groudon was awakened is right up my alley. Really love the themes here: normal trainer confronted with the supernatural abilities of the player character, but those abilities aren’t enough; people in way over their heads who realize it far too late; and humans and Pokémon working together until the end.

In particular I appreciated how much attention was paid to the grunt’s Pokémon and their concern for what would happen to Mightyena. Oftentimes what happens to a trainer’s Pokémon if something befalls them isn’t really addressed, so it was nice to see that, and the grunt wrestling with the question of whether it would be better for Mightyena to be in or out of the ball. It does make me wonder if that means the grunt was leaving some of Sapphire’s Pokémon to their fate when they grabbed Milotic—I’d kind of expect Sapphire to have more than two with her!

There was some nice emotional writing on display in this story. In particular I liked the tension during the section where the grunt was trying to leave the cavern, getting attacked by zubat, and getting contacted by their teammates. The sense of building dread as the grunt starts to realize how much trouble they’re in is great! I also liked the part at the end where the cavern was collapsing, where again I thought there was a good sense of the situation closing in around the characters and the grunt trying to figure out what to do as it becomes clear that they won’t survive!

There were some places where I’d have liked to see you elaborate more so I either had a better understanding of what was going on or felt the emotional arc of the story more intensely. One was where the grunt mentions Magma’s mission and how they’d felt that it was a good cause. It would be great to have a better understanding of why that was—what does it mean that the land is humanity’s stage? The grunt seems like a pretty normal person, so how did they get on board with Magma’s extreme plans? l was also a little surprised when the grunt went from warning Sapphire about the danger to trudging back out of the cavern, seeming only a bit miffed about things, casually kicking a pebble, etc. To me it seemed like an abrupt reversal of attitude.

All in all I think this story is most effective when it focuses on the grunt’s visceral reactions to what’s going on, as well as the effects of Groudon’s rampage, shaking floors and smashed floodlights and so on. When the story shifts towards matter-of-fact descriptions of what the grunt’s feeling (e.g. “I was tired”), I think it loses some of its impact.

One quick technical thing: here and there you use inverted quotes to open dialogue. In English you generally use the same kind of opening and closing quotes “like these.” It looks rather odd to someone used to reading in English; might be something to watch out for in the future.

This was an interesting take on Groudon’s awakening and a nice piece of tragic writing; it works really well as a one-shot. I hope we’ll see more stories like this from you in the future!


just a small ant on a highway
Thanks so much for the review!!!:giggle: It really made my day :)

I figured I’d give this one a look since I’m always up for Hoenn fic. I wasn’t totally sure what to expect, but a more brutal reimagining of what might have happened after Groudon was awakened is right up my alley. Really love the themes here: normal trainer confronted with the supernatural abilities of the player character, but those abilities aren’t enough; people in way over their heads who realize it far too late; and humans and Pokémon working together until the end.
I´m happy you liked the concept!! The first draft was written from Sapphire´s perspective and she was going to save everyone. I thought that´s too much of a cliché and I change it - much to the chagrin of the other characters.

I’d kind of expect Sapphire to have more than two with her!
I thought they were destroyed. But now that you´re mentioning it, it´s bit too convenient that of all things exactly Milotic Pokéball is intact.

There was some nice emotional writing on display in this story. In particular I liked the tension during the section where the grunt was trying to leave the cavern, getting attacked by zubat, and getting contacted by their teammates. The sense of building dread as the grunt starts to realize how much trouble they’re in is great!
I´m glad you liked that part. I always have some difficulties with the emotional writing, I´m delight that it worked out so well.

There were some places where I’d have liked to see you elaborate more so I either had a better understanding of what was going on or felt the emotional arc of the story more intensely. One was where the grunt mentions Magma’s mission and how they’d felt that it was a good cause. It would be great to have a better understanding of why that was—what does it mean that the land is humanity’s stage?
You´re absolutely right. I left it out because I couldn´t come up with a rational explanation, how expanding the land will help the society – besides the “so humanity has more place to develop” aspect. I might change it as soon as I come up with a fitting idea.

One quick technical thing: here and there you use inverted quotes to open dialogue. In English you generally use the same kind of opening and closing quotes “like these.” It looks rather odd to someone used to reading in English; might be something to watch out for in the future.
Oops ^_^; thanks for the information. I had set up the German keyboard. I should be more careful with that in the future.

Thank you again for giving me some feedback!!:grin: My writing abilities still need a lot a of improvement and I´m grateful for every advice.

Venia Silente

For your ills, I prescribe a cat.
At the 0-divisor point of the Riemann AU Earth
  1. nidorino
  2. blaziken
  3. fearow
Oooookay this was....


A Bad Ending Game Over kind of story. Except the world will have to carry on without any of the characters featured here. If it can.

This is for RB2022 and kind of in emergency mode, so I probably can't make everythign that I wanted to say here, but I'll try and make sure the important parts stick.

It's a strange kind of story. It's built on despair but of different flavours, so to speak. The story begins with a blend of what I'd call familiar or intrinsic despair - not being able to defeat a Trainer stronger than you, in a setting that is about Pokémon battles. It *has* to hurt, the more if you care. But then it's sprinkled with that the despair that is, more or less, the awareness that your life rests on a plot and you're failing at it. That other people depend on you and you don't measure up. Even if it is failing against a prodigy Trainer but, sure, it's a deeper issue as well because we see that this Grunt, this particular Grunt, does measure up, would have measure up, as a very good asset for their Team had the circumstances been just a bit more lenient.

Today, however, my determination was just a shadow of what it was.

Here we have a Trainer/Grunt who can think, can feel and can plan properly, and we despair because he's made to fail all through it. He's already trusted enough by his superiors to be put as the last standing protection in a condition where they already know Sapphire is bulldozing over their Team.

(Though a part of me feels like, his superiors understanding him as a Trainer is what he specifically was put here, given some vibes I caught from the middle part of the story during a re-read, and the fact he does try to warn Sapphire, but I have no means to confirm that suspicion)

And then ofc comes the attempt at a warning. From many losers in the games we mostly hear the continuation of their Slices of Lives, or a bitter rebuttal to our trambling of their 2 Rattata, but from this particular individual we listen to a sincere warning, given information he has just acquired, and that comes *after* the cost of failing his job.

"Nice try," said Sapphire with a smile. "But I'm going."

Ay ay ay...

Children, when young enough, are said to be able to read and detect sincerity and falsehood. But Sapphire is, ironically enough, grown enough to try and take on on a world-ending threat that she can, perhaps, no longer discern a sincere warning, or doesn't care to evaluate it for what she can sense, if anything. It's a telling storyline moment that she basically flashes a thumbs up because that's what we'd do, Legendaries are mostly pushovers in the games and we have 5 good Pokémon plus a HM slave, and infinite retries.

But in real life, if Groudon is any a maker of continents... yeah, no. Ask the people of Creta, or Pinatubo, or Valdivia, or any other relevant volcano or fault line in the world. That doesn't work. Throwing a child into the fire (literally, in the Valdivia case as the local folklore goes) does nothing in the face of this kind of "god".

And the punishment for it is that this Grunt then has to see the results of abject failure. He likely couldn't have helped any had he participated, but that's what but a sad comfort? He and Mightyena have to die alone — at least they choose to die together, if there is really no escape, if this is really the end, at least they can count themselves among those who tried to save the world. And they get to enjoy eternal rest before the rest of Hoenn does.


(I want to retry pls ;_;)​

Also, for a mood whiplash: f* that Milotic lol, just swimming away. That stung. :p
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