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The Festival of Masks


The Festival of Masks

The lights and sounds of the Festival of Masks beckon travelers in from afar, music filling the warm summer-night air beneath thick strings of paper lanterns. Fires burn in the toro all along the path snaking up to the grand pavilion, and closer in the smell of fried food and sticky candied fruit hangs thick in the air. People mill between bright food stalls while, far off down the hill, yells and bangs echo up from Ogre Oustin' courses. The crowd is a colorful mishmash of young and old, dark-skinned and pale, and all wearing monstrous pokémon masks. Who can say exactly what sort of people lie behind all those frozen, smiling faces?

"Oh? More travelers?" asks a bald-headed old man seated near the entrance to the pavilion. His Munkidori mask is pushed aside to reveal a broad, deep-creased smile. "How wonderful! It seems there's more every year. I do hope you'll enjoy our festival. If it's your first time here, I certainly recommend a rendition of The Loyal Legend, the very tale this festival celebrates! There's one about to start up at the shrine."

Indeed, a modest crowd has gathered around the shrine at the crest of the hill. But there are plenty of diversions along the way to entertain a traveler: stalls selling masks, candy fruit, shaved ice, and other festival treats. Fortune tellers, souvenir sellers. And the stall for Ogre Oustin', of course. Two preteens stand out in front of it, apparently having some kind of argument. Well, a one-sided argument, maybe: the taller one, a girl in a Munkidori mask, appears to be berating the boy in an Ogerpon mask about something.

Meanwhile, a photographer weaves in and out of the revelers, staying near the edge of the crowd with her camera at the ready and a Hisuian growlithe trailing at her heels. Every now and again she snaps a picture, but she's frowning--she doesn't seem to be seeing what she wants here.

Welcome to the Kitakami's Festival of Masks! All its pleasures are yours to enjoy. What will you do first?


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Vienna's eyes sparkled from under her cute little hatterene mask. She'd been to a number of festivals in the past, with masks and not, but this one looked like it was going to be quite the time! The air was buzzing with conversation and sizzling grills, and the hypothetical beckoning of a thousand single men's wallets.

Adjusting her mask, she took another look at herself, once again wondering if she was doing Too Much by wearing her lab coat over her festival outfit. The pink hip-hugging dress she'd put on to match the colors of her mask and the accompanying hat was cute in itself, but was the coat necessary? Would it come off as too stuffy? Make her seem intimidating?

Then again, there was a bit of a breeze, and she hadn't brought a jacket. So, she supposed it was fine for now. Perhaps the locals would be more inclined to talk to her and answer her prodding research questions if she had that image of professionalism the coat gave her.

As the elderly man greeted her, she smiled and bowed her head in a respectful greeting. "Thank you for having me," she replied. "I'll be sure to head that way at some point."

But, she had just gotten here! She wanted to look around, take some photos, maybe start up some shmoozing. The night was certainly young, and she was feeling quite energized.
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
Somewhat belatedly to the others' arrival, the roar of a motorcycle's engine heralds the arrival of a familiar visitor to the land of Kitakami. She had visited so often over the decades that there was a parking stall waiting just for her. As the engine fades to a soft murmur and silence, she steps out and turns around. A tall woman with a peculiar air, relaxed yet with an air of power about her. The helmet's visor obfuscates her eyes, leaving only the lower half of her face visible.

She turns around to lock up and put her helmet away. On the back of her black leather jacket is a stylized Raitora, and she has the pants to go with it. She puts her helmet in the case at the back of the bike, although her back remains turned to the others. When she turns around, she has a bag in hand and a mask on her face. A black mask with a curved horn on the right side. The hair of this elderly woman isn't white enough to match an Absol's, but the look is there. It has slits for her white eyes, and much like the helmet, only covers the top half of her face. Her red lips curve into a smile as she surveys the scene.

"Ah!" she sighs and stretches vigorously. She idly turns in the rough direction of the bald-headed old man. "Love that fresh countryside air. Always a treat to be here. Shame Lady Kannagi was too busy to visit this time around, but that's how things go sometimes." The woman puts her hands on her hips and laughs. She'd have to get checked in and change into proper attire, but that could happen after some greetings. She sees a lot of familiar bodies around. And some not so familiar ones.
Last edited:


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Marcel murmured a quiet thank you to elder and bowed before wandering to mingle in the Festival. He also made a mental note to hear the legend the man spoke of. New cultures and history always fascinated him. A couple weeks of leave from the stress of hos job gave him the perfect excuse to travel a little. Kitakami's festival has been on his personal bucket list for years now, so now seemed like a good time.

It had already proved to be a beautiful trip. He come a day early to get the lay of the land (his detective instincts didn't take a day off) and to sightsee. It also gave his team a chance to stretch their legs and wander about. Adjusting the mask he'd picked up for the occasion, he wandered among the stalls, soaking in the sights and sounds and scents.


  1. sableye
Kari walked up the path towards the festival, hand-in-hand with her girlfriend, Ana. On her other side, a chimecho gleefully floated along with a light jingle, her tail wrapped around Kari's upper arm. Kari had been waiting all day for this event; studying the cultures of other regions was her passion. And what better way to do so than to experience them? Crowds weren't so scary with a mask covering her face, and Symphony on her arm.

Kari's eyes sparked behind her skitty mask at the old man's words. "A play? That sounds lovely!" She turned to her girlfriend beside her, as if to ask permission - not that she felt she needed to.

The luxray mask Ana wore concealed her face, but Kari could hear the smile in her voice when she responded. "Yeah, yeah. Just the kind of thing a nerd like you would-" Something must have caught her eye. Suddenly, she let go of Kari's hand and jogged into the crowd. Over her shoulder, she called out, "Go on ahead, I'll meet you there! And don't follow me!"

Kari shared a look with Symphony, but otherwise shrugged it off. Ana could take care of herself.

After asking for directions and being pointed towards the shrine, Kari waded into the crowd, taking in the sights along the way. She'd stop and investigate the stalls properly later; she didn't want to miss the show.


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Evie nodded with a wave of her paw as she passed the old man and walked down the path. She hadn't ever been to a festival before but she'd certainly read about and watched them on shows before. And with how things looked so far, she could certainly feel herself enjoying this place.

Too bad, she had to hide the invitation from her team. She was sure they'd enjoy being in such a lively place. But after that whole incident with their new ghostly 'recruit', she didn't want to take the chance of her friends being in mortal peril once more.

Munching on a sugary treat she bought from a nearby stall, she waded through the crowd, snack in her tail. Perhaps she could participate in hearing the tale of this festival's legends. She always enjoyed learning the history of the world she found herself in. And who knew, maybe June would enjoy a story or two once she got back to them.

Nodding to herself, she made her way through, intending to find her way to the shrine. Although she probably should ask for directions instead of blindly waddling her way... aaand she was lost.


Her trainer's idiocy must be rubbing off of her if she was dumb enough to get lost. Alright, time to ask for directions. She sighed, trotting her way to a nearby stall before an emotional ping ran down her ears. Turning her head to where she felt the change in the air, she caught two children practically in a screaming match with the taller girl in the lead.

It wasn't her business but she wouldn't hear the end of it from her trainer if she didn't butt in to try and fix a disagreement.

"Hello there, children. What seems to be the problem?"


Wandering Fool
Somewhere, surely.
  1. zorua
  2. vulpix
Theo adjusted his Vulpix mask with a smile before reaching his arms up to stretch. It had been a long time since he had been to a festival, especially one with humans. He stopped to listen to the old man as he did, making sure to take note of his mention of the play at the shrine.

"Thank you sir, I'll head over there first!" Theo started walking cheerfully towards the shrine. A festival, a play, and he got to pretend to be human? Could this day get any better?

However, Theo quickly got sidetracked as he passed a stall selling shaved ice. Then one selling sweets. Then one selling candied apples, which is the one that caused him to cave and buy a quick snack.

"I'm just trying out the food, just interacting with the culture..." He muttered, now with a candied apple in hand. He lifted his mask slightly to try the candied apple, pulling it back down every now and then, trying to remember what he was planning on doing beforehand.


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
As Kohath looked around, it was immediately clear he was in another time and culture. He did, however, know enough that he could recognize the place as some kind of festival. Then the old man spoke, confirming his suspicions.

He supposed that whatever was translating the others' speech to him would also translate his speech to them, just like in that bar of another world he had also visited, and spoke. "Thank you, stranger. I will be sure to catch the play."

Somewhat belatedly to the others' arrival, the roar of a motorcycle's engine heralds the arrival of a familiar visitor to the land of Kitakami. She had visited so often over the decades that there was a parking stall waiting just for her. As the engine fades to a soft murmur and silence, she steps out and turns around. A tall woman with a peculiar air, relaxed yet with an air of power about her. The helmet's visor obfuscates her eyes, leaving only the lower half of her face visible.

But something else took priority. One of the people that had arrived with him had ridden in on some kind of mechanical contraption, and Kohath knew he had to find out more.

"Excuse me, stranger," he said, preventing himself from addressing her as 'woman' or 'crone' as he figured he should try to be polite, "I am intrigued by your method of transport. Could you explain to me how it works?"


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Gen was nervous, to say the least.

He was in a foreign land, apart from anyone that he knew.

Alone. Maybe not physically, but emotionally.

He fidgeted with his mask as he waddled through the plaza, wondering why nobody was commenting on the fact that he was clearly not a human.

Well. He was human. He just wasn't one right now.

...maybe he should go talk to someone, so he'd feel less alone.

There seemed to be some other Pokemon sorta like him here, ones who were also wearing masks. He waddled over to the Eevee-like Pokemon talking to two humans, and said, "Um...h-hi. Uh. What b-brings you here?"



After asking for directions and being pointed towards the shrine, Kari waded into the crowd, taking in the sights along the way. She'd stop and investigate the stalls properly later; she didn't want to miss the show.

Up at the stage, the show was just beginning. A woman in an elegant kimono and eevee mask was narrating, while three people in long, black robes and Loyal Three masks shuffled onto the stage. "Long ago, our village knew prosperity, with the Loyal Three living in peace and harmony with us all," the narrator began.

The watching crowd was a healthy mix of locals and tourists in casual attire. There were also a fair number of blue-uniformed students, many of them taking pictures with their phones--or trying to discreetly play games on them instead of watching the production. Watching over them was a woman in a purple jacket and bright red pants, large, spiky earrings dangling from her ears.


It wasn't her business but she wouldn't hear the end of it from her trainer if she didn't butt in to try and fix a disagreement.

"Hello there, children. What seems to be the problem?"

As Evie approached she'd soon begin to make out the kids' conversation.

"Come on, Kiki! You'll never get better if you don't practice!" the girl was saying.

"But Carmen, you already won twice. Can't I--"

"Ugh, are you really giving up that easy? Come on, at least try out that special slide move I just taught you!" But at that moment she was interrupted by Evie and swung around, arms crossed over chest. "Oh, it's just that Kieran here is the worst at Ogre Oustin'! He's being such a big baby about it!"

The boy beside her drooped. "S-sorry if we were being too loud..."

Meanwhile the girl had been studying Evie. "Nice costume," she said. "You're not from around here, are you? There's so many foreigners here. Coming out to crash our festival."

"Carmen..." the boy mumbled.

There was no way to tell the girl's expression behind the Munkidori mask, but a note of ardor entered her voice. "Since Kieran here doesn't want to play Ogre Oustin', how about you face me?" she asked. "I'll show you how we party in Kitakami!"


He waddled over to the Eevee-like Pokemon talking to two humans, and said, "Um...h-hi. Uh. What b-brings you here?"

The girl in the Munkidori mask spun around as Gen waddled up to the conversation. "More of you?!" she said. She brought her hands up slowly, balled into fists and trembling. "Okay, that's it! Which one of you is gonna face me at Ogre Oustin'? I'll crush you!"

Behind her, the boy in the Ogerpon mask was edging away quietly.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
The girl in the Munkidori mask spun around as Gen waddled up to the conversation. "More of you?!" she said. She brought her hands up slowly, balled into fists and trembling. "Okay, that's it! Which one of you is gonna face me at Ogre Oustin'? I'll crush you!"

Behind her, the boy in the Ogerpon mask was edging away quietly.
"Um, u-uh...sure?" Gen said, fidgeting with his mask. "Uh...what's Ogre Outsin', e-exactly?"

Whatever it was, it was better than being alone.


Bug Catcher
Though Sean wasn't one to say that he had some experience with large festive gatherings, especially as something as lively and bright as the Festival of Masks appeared to be at just a glance, the Turtwig could not say that he wasn't feeling excited deep inside about all the events the festival had to offer to everyone.

He wished that Peony could've come, though. Guess that he'd have to enjoy everything for her, and maybe bring a souvenir or two home with him, hopefully. Who knows? Probably best to focus on the festival for now, though.

With that being said, where would he start? There were a lot of sweetened snacks around, an abundance of people that he could speak to, the previously mentioned souvenirs that he had intended to bring to Peony, and even fortune-telling. They were all interesting, for sure, but there was also that play the man had mentioned that he hadn't wanted to miss. How about that to start with? He couldn't miss that.

After asking for directions and being pointed towards the shrine, Kari waded into the crowd, taking in the sights along the way. She'd stop and investigate the stalls properly later; she didn't want to miss the show.

"H-Hey!" called a panting voice from right below Kari. The source appeared to be a Turtwig, wearing a Trapinch-themed mask over their face, as per tradition of the event. "P-please, excuse me, has the Loyal Legend already started?"
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
But something else took priority. One of the people that had arrived with him had ridden in on some kind of mechanical contraption, and Kohath knew he had to find out more.

"Excuse me, stranger," he said, preventing himself from addressing her as 'woman' or 'crone' as he figured he should try to be polite, "I am intrigued by your method of transport. Could you explain to me how it works?"
The woman smirks. Her instincts were right, this was going to be a good festival indeed. "Never seen a motorized vehicle before, eh? Well, that's all right. We're all always learning new things. My transport uses liquid fuel to power an engine that turns the wheels. Simplified version, of course. There's many other components that make it go or help the process."

Her eyes are drawn to the man's attire, and the skull-like mask resting on the side of his head. "But I must say, your taste is masks is impeccable. Haven't seen one of those Houndoom in a long time!" She puts extra and peculiar emphasis on the last two words. "From the desert of...hmm." She taps her head. "Forgive this old lady's memory, remind me again?"


  1. sableye
"H-Hey!" called a panting voice from right below Kari. The source appeared to be a Turtwig, wearing a Trapinch-themed mask over their face, as per tradition of the event. "P-please, excuse me, has the Loyal Legend already started?"

Kari looked around nervously, unsure of the source of the voice. This was a large crowd... surely no one would be talking to her! But no... down by her feet, an vaguely familiar pokemon stared up at her. The mask, she recognized... but the body... it was sort of familiar. Maybe one Ana had shown her from her home?

More strangely, was this 'mon talking to her? Kari glanced at her chimecho, wondering if maybe she had somehow translated pokespeech (that wasn't something Kari had known her partner to be capable of...), but she was staring off into the distance at a candy apple stall. Too nervous to ask, Kari just rolled with it.

"Um, n-no, not yet. But it's about to! It's just up this path here," she said, her voice barely audible over the dim roar of the packed festival grounds. She struggled to raise it. "I'm on my way there, now... you can follow me if you'd like!" And she set off again, slowing her pace enough to make sure the small pokemon could keep up.

Up at the stage, the show was just beginning. A woman in an elegant kimono and eevee mask was narrating, while three people in long, black robes and Loyal Three masks shuffled onto the stage. "Long ago, our village knew prosperity, with the Loyal Three living in peace and harmony with us all," the narrator began.

"Made it just in time," Kari said quietly to herself as she sat down in the grass. It was difficult to not pull out her notebook and start scribbling, but again, she'd have plenty of time to jot down things about the legend after the live play ended.

She also looked around the audience, taking note of their reactions to the play. Many of them shared a similar outfit... perhaps a school uniform? Maybe this was some sort of field trip. Good on that school, then. There were also a number of obvious tourists about... Kari noticed one in particular passing by, a very cute woman with a camera. A very nice camera. Maybe when the play was over, Kari could go and say hi to her...


Bug Catcher
"Um, n-no, not yet. But it's about to! It's just up this path here," she said, her voice barely audible over the dim roar of the packed festival grounds. She struggled to raise it. "I'm on my way there, now... you can follow me if you'd like!" And she set off again, slowing her pace enough to make sure the small pokemon could keep up.

"Eh, wha- Hey! Wait!" Sean quickly panicked, having been unable to understand the human through the dense chattering of the festival around them. The Turtwig 'swiftly' went after her, but to what would've been a leisurely walk for a human was a hurried sprint from Sean. Why did he have to be so slow like this?

Sean was just barely able to match her pace until she stopped, a bit relieved that she hadn't appeared to wander off too far from him. But before he could ask her again, he managed to notice the show right up ahead of them.

He sighed internally. He wouldn't miss the start of the show at the very least, but he still probably should say something to that human, provided that it would be just a bit less quiet here.

Shuffling to the human's side, the Turtwig flashed an awkward smile at her. "Er, thanks for showing me the way here," he said quietly. "I'm Turtwig Sean, or, uh, just Sean. Both of them are good by me!"


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
First, a quick snack. Marcel settled on buying a candy apple, then hurried towards the stage the to catch the show.
Up at the stage, the show was just beginning. A woman in an elegant kimono and eevee mask was narrating, while three people in long, black robes and Loyal Three masks shuffled onto the stage. "Long ago, our village knew prosperity, with the Loyal Three living in peace and harmony with us all," the narrator began.
He found a nice spot just off to the side where he had a good view of the stage and settled in to listen. He caught some chatter of what sounded like a heated conversation between some kids, which drew his attention for a moment, but he turned back to the show.

From what he could gather, the tale of the Loyal Three was one of the core myths for the land of Kitakami, not unlike Johto's tales surrounding the legendary felids.


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
There seemed to be some other Pokemon sorta like him here, ones who were also wearing masks. He waddled over to the Eevee-like Pokemon talking to two humans, and said, "Um...h-hi. Uh. What b-brings you here?"
Another mon was here. She didn't know why but they felt vaguely familiar to her. Shaking her head, she deduced that it was likely because of their mannerisms reminding her of one of her friends.

"Accepted a letter and got teleported here. Figured I'd have some fun first but I stumbled upon these two arguing about... ogres?" she answered.
The girl in the Munkidori mask spun around as Gen waddled up to the conversation. "More of you?!" she said. She brought her hands up slowly, balled into fists and trembling. "Okay, that's it! Which one of you is gonna face me at Ogre Oustin'? I'll crush you!"

Behind her, the boy in the Ogerpon mask was edging away quietly.
Her attention was pulled away by the sudden outburst from the girl and she raised a brow. "If it'll make you feel better then sure, I'll play with you. But don't feel down if you can't handle the Vee."

She may not know what Orge Oustin' was but she couldn't just pass down a challenge presented to her, now could she?


Wandering Fool
Somewhere, surely.
  1. zorua
  2. vulpix
Seeing the other people going to watch the show, Theo remembered what he was doing and quickly followed them.

"This looks like it will be interesting..." He whispered to himself as he found a spot to watch the show from, quietly chowing down on his candied apple as he glanced over the crowd. "I wonder what the deal is with all of those blue uniforms, must be a school trip of some sort."


@Seren @Flyg0n @UnknownUser55 @FauxFox

"The Loyal Three were the revered guardians of our village," the narrator continued, "In exchange for our ancestors' worship, they blessed us with wisdom, with beauty, and with compassion. One day, our famous mask-maker crafted for them a beautiful set of masks as thanks for the many boons they granted our village."

The Loyal Three onstage drew great masks, much larger than the ones they were wearing, from under their robes. One bright red and curling with carven flame, one pale blue and gently rounded, and one slate gray, squared-off and solid. They held these up before their faces, to the delight of the crowd, especially the tourists--everyone seemed to need pictures. This included the woman Kari had noticed before, who roamed around the edge of the crowd, snapping photos from every angle.

"These masks are Kitakami's greatest treasures," the woman in purple and red murmured to the students. "They're only brought down from their place in Kitakami Hall once each year for this special play. Now, can anyone tell me what the workmanship of the Cornerstone Mask indicates about its--Cedric, are you playing Orthwormin' Excavations again?"

A small boy near the center of the group squeaked and dropped his phone, to a wave of giggles from the other students while he felt around on the ground for it.

@IFBench @ShiniGojira

"Um, u-uh...sure?" Gen said, fidgeting with his mask. "Uh...what's Ogre Outsin', e-exactly?"

"Only the best game," the girl said. "And I'm the best at it! It's super simple. You ride a pokémon around a special course and bust as many ogre balloons as you can! Then you bring the berries inside back to your tables." She waved a hand towards a long, low building with a cluster of people around it. Off to one side stood a small herd of stantler in red, green, blue, and gray livery, shifting impatiently and pawing the ground. "You get points based on how many berries you bring in. I got nearly 6,500 today!"

Her attention was pulled away by the sudden outburst from the girl and she raised a brow. "If it'll make you feel better then sure, I'll play with you. But don't feel down if you can't handle the Vee."

The girl leaned forward avidly, fists trembling once again. "Ha! I kind of like you, kid! I hope you're prepared to lose!" She turned and started towards the Ogre' Oustin' building, then paused. "You know, you're pretty little. You could probably both ride on the same stantler if you wanted."

Kieran had vanished into the crowd.
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