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Pokémon The Collection [Drabble Bingo 2024]


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
Hi all! This year's drabble bingo is getting its own thread. I'd hoped to do a full blackout, but ran out of time. For now, I'm going to just post what I have, with plans to add the others and some illustrations later. The bingo sheet, for reference:

Starmie BeltNoivernEclipse Robe
ScolipedeRuin ScarfLokix
Sky SilkSpark TieOranguru

Ah, a visitor! I take it you're here to peruse my artifact collection? How wonderful! Allow me to give you a brief overview of their value before I give you the tour.

Every pokemon is attuned to at least one of the elements that make up our world. They draw from that elemental pool whenever they form an attack. Sometimes, this energy crystalizes, creating gemstones that radiate power. These natural gems are often within powerful dungeons. Any team strong enough to harvest them can sell them for riches.

But several centuries ago, just when research into mystery dungeons took off in earnest, a group of scholars got together with an idea: was there a way to enchant objects with that energy? They succeeded. And with time came the development of the first enchanted artifacts, objects that, when kept close, enhanced the abilities of pokemon attuned to that element. With time came a greater understanding of the elements. And as artificer skill improved, specialty artifacts for specific pokemon families were created.

Still, even in modern times, these enchantments can be hard to come by. They take time and skill to create, and most pokemon are not willing to part with artifacts that have been in the family for generations. I am fortunate to have as many as I do.

Now, let me walk you through a few items from my collection.

Sky Silk
Let me start with a simple object — Sky Silk. As the name implies, this fabric has been enchanted with Flying elemental energy. When exposed to it, flying-type pokemon experience a boost to their physical strength. They hit harder and endure physical blows and strenuous activity for longer.

Perhaps it comes as no surprise, then, that sky silk and other elemental silks are kept around jobs that involve strenuous activity, such as construction or long-distance travel services. Extra strength and endurance means more gets done, yes?

It’s not without its controversy, though. In recent years, carrying bags or wearing clothing has been banned from many sporting events, after a dodrio tried to use sky silk to gain an unfair advantage in a marathon race. In fact, this may be the very silk that was confiscated from the challenger.

Ruin Scarf
Now that I’ve introduced you to the basics of mon-made enchantments, allow me to show you a specialized item. This here is a Ruin Scarf. Beautiful, isn’t it? I love the way the dark blue at the center of the scarf tapers to lighter colors as you approach the ends.

Many of the Pokemon-family-specific artifacts have their origins in the dusts, silks, and gems for each type. This one is made from clear silk, which has been dyed. The dark ends of the scarf were dyed with a pigment mixed with dark dust, then further enchanted with the help of a Jynx, giving the scarf its special attribute: protecting the Jynx that wears it from dark energy. Fascinating, yes? Imagine having the power to not only protect yourself from your weakness, but healing from it, too. You can understand now why enchanted items can fetch a high price at market.

I obtained this particular scarf from a Mime. Her mother was a Jynx, but this particular Mime was her only child. As the Jynx side of her family ended with her, she elected to sell this scarf to my collection, so that it could be cared for by myself and appreciated by my visitors.

Eclipse Robe
Oh, has the Eclipse Robe caught your fancy? You have a good eye; this is perhaps the rarest item in my collection. This was found in the depths of the Dark Crater mystery dungeon nearly a year after the restoration of Temporal Tower. Based on accounts from the team that found it, it is beloved to be an enchanted item created by or for the King of Nightmares himself, Darkrai.

What does it do? Ah, well, that's where we get into theory crafting. Unfortunately, the last confirmed sighting of Darkrai was by the team that found the Eclipse Robe. They have since passed on without revealing Darkrai’s current location, so I am unable to confirm anything.

But, if you'd like to know, my personal theory is that the Eclipse Robe enhances Darkrai’s existing powers. It's said that Darkrai has the power to put pokemon to sleep, plunging anyone around him into nightmares. As many enchanted items are made to enhance a Pokemon's latent abilities, perhaps this one is the same. Perhaps, if Darkrai were to wear this robe, he'd be able to plunge you into nightmares with a single touch, without ever using his sleep-inducing techniques. I, for one, find the thought horrifying.
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