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Pokémon The Champion's Illusion


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Little Zorua Illanero has been taken from xyr world of mystery dungeons, and thrust into a world of humans.
Illanero soon finds a desire for xemself: To become champion of every region possible.
Care to watch xyr tale?

Zorua Global Link artwork

Hello, and welcome to a compilation of a side project I've been doing on tumblr!

Early this year, I started a RP blog called zoruascanbetrainerstoo, to go along with my mainline Pokemon marathon. I was having all my mainline Pokemon protagnists be the same Zorua, just hopping between regions.

It's gotten pretty popular, and I've started doing more and more long posts for it. So, I decided to port them here, into this compilation!

A few important things to note:
- This compilation will not be in chronological order. This is so I don't have to dig for the oldest videoposts right away, and can add in videoposts from past regions retroactively. I'll try to keep a list of what the chronological order is in this post, though.
- This is a purely for-fun thing. I'm not being too serious about this. As such, I would prefer not to receive harsh criticsm.
- This compilation is presented as a youtube channel, with the various posts being videos.

I hope you all enjoy!

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Channel About New


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
About channel Zoruaspotting
I'm sure you've all heard the recent news, haven't you? Of Illanero the multi-champion, who's been taking Leagues by storm.

I've done some investigation, and have acquired these videos, that shine a bit more light on the multi-champion.

It seems xey have a strange device known as a Connection Device. It seems to act similar to a Poryphone, but can also detect and display connections between people. It also seems to let xem travel between regions at will.

However, it seems xey cannot bring xyr Pokemon team between regions. Instead, xyr Pokemon teams seem to be automatically transported to a Pokemon Professor when they travel to a different region, and transported back to Illanero when xey return to that region.

There seems to be one exception to this, though, an Archen-Amaura hybrid that Cara Liss has made. This hybrid seems to be able to travel with Illanero.

But most importantly of all, I have discovered that the Zorua tail this multi-champion wears isn't just cosplay.

Illanero is a Zorua in disguise.

Enjoy the videos.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Description from Zoruaspotting: This video takes place just as Illanero has won the Kanto championship, this being xyr third champion title.


The video begins with the final stages of a Pokemon battle, between Blue Oak of Kanto, and a "human" with a Zorua tail.

As Voivick the Vaporeon landed a final Surf on Blue's Arcanine, knocking it out, Blue collapsed on the floor, and yelled out, "No! Why?!" as he clutched at his hair.

"Blue?" Illanero asked, eyes wide as xe stepped closer to xyr Kanto rival.

"It's not fair! I just became champion, and you took it away so quickly? How? Why?! I trained so hard, and for what?!" Blue said, "I-"

"Illanero!" a third voice rang out, as Professor Oak arrived in the room. "Congratulations on becoming Kanto Champion! You've come so far since you and Charmander left my lab."

Illanero's tail wagged a bit at that. "Thankyou! But-"

Professor Oak then turned towards Blue. "Blue, I'm disappointed in you."

"Wha...what?" Blue stammered. "Why?"

"Do you know why you lost to Illanero?" Oak said. "It's because you didn't treat your Pokemon right. You only wanted to be the strongest. As long as you have that attitude, you'll never be champion again!"

"I..." Blue stammered, looking on the verge of tears.

"Come, Illanero. It is time to register you as Kanto Champion!" Oak said, turning away from his grandson.

"Wait!" Illanero said, running between Oak and Blue.

"What is it?" Oak said.

"Blue's not a disappointment!" Illanero said. "He can be reallyreally mean sometimes! But he's not bad! He reallyreally cares about his Pokemon!"

"...Illanero?" Blue asked, slowly looking up at his rival.

"I ran into him in the Pokemon Tower, and he was mourning one of his teammates, that Team Rocket killed! His Raticate!" Illanero said, tail lashing back and forth. "If he didn't care about his Pokemon, he wouldn't have done that!"

"Team Rocket did what?!" Oak said, eyes widening.

"And he came reallyreally far, too! He defeated all eight Kanto gym leaders and all of the Kanto Elite Four, just like I did!" Illanero said, eyes narrow. "Don't call him a disappointment!"

"...I see," Oak said, turning towards Blue. "I'm sorry, Blue."

"I...I..." Blue began, before trailing off.

"I'll give you two some space," Oak said, walking towards a doorway. "Follow me when you're ready to become Kanto Champion, Illanero."

And with that, the room was empty, save for Illanero and Blue.

"...why?" Blue asked, standing up. "Why did you stand up for me?"

"Because he was being reallyreally mean to you!" Illanero said. "You didn't deserve that."

"...thank you," Blue said, before turning towards the opposite doorway from the one Oak went in. "Don't think this'll make me go easy on you next time, though! We'll battle again, and I'll win! Just you wait!"

"And...to all you watching our battle from home," Blue said, looking at one of the cameras in the corners of the League room. "Smell ya later."

The video ends.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Description from Zoruaspotting: This video takes place just after Illanero had given a Plume fossil and Sail fossil to Cara Liss, and received the result.


The video begins in the middle of a conversation, between Illanero and a regular human trainer. The two are sitting near a tent, and a certain terrified-looking Archen-Amaura quivers near Illanero. The name "Cam" is emblazoned on the tent.

"I'm reallyreally scared," Illanero says. "I hurt them and now they're stuck like this and I don't know how to help and-"

"Hey," the other trainer, Cam, says. "You didn't know. It's not your fault."

"But it is! It reallyreally is!" Illanero says. "I shouldn't have given the fossils to Cara Liss. If I didn't, then..."

"Hey now," Cam says, before ruffling around in their giant backpack, pulling out two fossils of their own. "It's not just you. I was planning on giving her these fossils after I rested a bit, until you showed up. If you hadn't told me what happened, I could be in the same situation as you."

"But I still..." Illanero trails off, looking towards the recently-revived chimera.

"I know. Best you can do for now is make sure they're kept healthy and happy," Cam says, standingt up. "And a good way to do that is with some curry! Why don't we make some together?"

A few seconds pass, before Illanero nods. "Okok. Thankyou."

The video ends.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Description from Zoruaspotting: This video takes place just before Illanero's battle with Violet City's gym leader, Falkner.

The video begins with Illanero in human illusion, nimbly traveling across the scaffolding that is the Violet City gym puzzle, a Chikorita and Sentret following after xem. The glass shortcuts lay untouched. Down below, a certain Archen-Amaura can be seen, waiting for Illanero to return.

Soon, xey make it to Falkner, who watched with a difficult-to-read look.

"Not using the shortcuts?" Falkner asked. "Afraid of heights? Or just wanted a little extra training before you reached me?"

"Extra training!" Illanero said. "I'm gonna win!"

"Illanero, right?" Falkner said. "The tri-champion who's been all over the news lately?"

"You've heard of me?" Illanero asked, tilting xyr head.

"Yes, I have. Hoenn, Kalos, and Kanto, you flew through the Leagues and became champion of each," Falkner said. "Here to take on the other half of the Indigo League?"

"Yesyes! I'm gonna be champion of Johto, too!" Illanero said, tail wagging.

Falkner simply stared. "Johto and Kanto share a champion. You've already accomplished it. ...or do you want to soar to even higher altitudes, and do a victory lap?"

"I'm reallyreally confused, but I'm here to battle you for a badge!" Illanero said, getting into position for battle.

"If that's what you really want, who am I to stop you from spreading your wings?" Falkner says, walking to the other side of the battlefield. "Let the battle begin!"

The video ends.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Description from Zoruaspotting: This video takes place just before Illanero's battle with one of Team Rocket's admins, Proton.


The video begins with Illanero in xyr human illusion, traversing through the Slowpoke Well in Azalea, when a knife is suddenly pressed up to xyr neck.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" a certain green-haired Rocket executive says, smirking as he holds the knife. "It's the Menace, back for round two!"

"Proton..." Illanero says, eyes wide with terror, tail between xyr legs.

"Aw, you remembered me! I'm flattered," Proton says, grinning. "Do you remember my darling knife?"

"Well," Proton continues, "This isn't it. This is a different one, for naughty Pokemon like you."

"But I'm getting a bit tired of chopping off Slowpoke tails, so I'll cut you a deal," Proton says. "Win a Pokemon battle against me, and I'll leave. You only have one chance, though."

"If you lose," Proton says with a twisted grin. "I'll tie you up and take you to my hideout, where you can be reunited with my other knife. And then you can choose which knife I use on you! Aren't I generous?"

Illanero hestitated, then said, "I'll battle you."

"Excellent," Proton says, pulling the knife away from Illanero's neck. "I hope you're not too fond of that tail of yours."

The video ends.
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Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Description from Zoruaspotting: This video takes place just before Illanero's battle with Azalea Town's gym leader, Bugsy.


The video begins with Illanero stepping off of the web platform, and walking up to gym leader Bugsy, who's smiling.

"Hi!" Bugsy says, setting the end of his net on the ground. "Good of you to stop by! Was meaning to thank you for driving Team Rocket out of town, but I was busy with gym duties."

"It was scary seeing Proton again, but I did it!" Illanero says, a toothy grin on xyr face.

"Didn't expect the tri-champion who beat Rocket before would come back to stop them again, but I'm glad," Bugsy says, offering their free hand for a handshake.

Illanero steps forward, and returns the handshake.

"Guessing you're here for a battle, like with Falkner?" Bugsy says, ending the handshake.

"Yesyes! I'm gonna win against all the Johto gyms!" Illanero says, tail wagging.

"I like your spirit! Bugsy says, "Reminds me of a Scyther, always wanting more foes to fight."

"Come to think of it, you never did battle Alder, did you?" Bugsy continues. "I looked everywhere online for a fight between you and the bug-specialist champion, but all I could find was reports that some Team Plasma guy interrupted the match before it could begin."

"Yesyes...I don't think I'm Unova champion yet," Illanero says. "But soon!"

"Good luck with that!" Bugsy says, "But before then, we have a battle to do. I'm not a champion like Alder, but I do know a lot about bug-types!"

Bugsy holds their net tighter, while taking a pokeball from their belt. "Get ready, tri-champion! Let me show you what I know!"

The video ends.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Description from Zoruaspotting: This video takes place just before Illanero's battle with Goldenrod City's gym leader, Whitney.


The video begins with Illanero walking up to Whitney, who looks upon xem with scorn.

"So, you're the fabled tri-champion I've been hearing about from Falkner and Bugsy," Whitney says. "I expected someone...prettier."

"What?" Illanero asked, tilting xyr head.

"That hat clashes hard with the rest of your outfit, and that cosplay is just gaudy," Whitney says. "Did you take inspiration from Valerie? Her outfits aren't nearly pretty enough."

"Can we do the battle?" Illanero says, looking nervous with xyr tail between xyr legs.

"Oh! The battle!" Whitney says, perking up, taking a pokeball from her belt. "But I don't plan on becoming fodder for your victory lap. Get ready!"

The video ends.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Description from Zoruaspotting: This video takes place soon after Illanero had received a badge from Whitney.


The video begins with Illanero exiting Goldenrod City onto Route 35, when xey notice a strange figure, clad in a white-and-navy suit. And just as Illanero notices them, they notice Illanero as well.

"What is crack-a-lack-ing, Anomaly?" the figure says. "I have been informed by 4Chansey of that being a polite way of greeting new people in this world."

"Hihi!" Illanero says, tail wagging. "You're reallyreally weird. Who are you?"

"I suppose you are not from this world either, so it would make no sense to you..." the figure says, sounding disappointed. "Very well. I am Rhi, of the Ultra Recon Squad, and I have come to assuage your mettle as a Pokemon trainer."

"I'm reallyreally confused," Illanero says, tilting xyr head.

"In short, I wish to do a Pokemon battle with you," Rhi says, sounding even more disappointed. "Perhaps 4Chansey was the wrong place to ask for help with blending in..."

"Okok!" Illanero says. "Let's battle!"

The video ends.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Description from Zoruaspotting: This video takes place just after Illanero entered the Burned Tower of Ecruteak.


The video begins with Illanero entering the Burned Tower of Ecruteak, the wood creaking underneath xem.

Nearby, voices could be heard, and Illanero turned to look.

"What you did was wrong," a man with a purple headband said, arms crossed. "Disrespecting a sacred site such as this is not a light crime. You are lucky I was the one to find you, the police wouldn't be so kind."

"Let me go down there!" a child with red hair said, eyes darting around. "I saw strong Pokemon! I need to be stronger!"

"Suicune doesn't let those impure of heart to approach it," a man with a cape said, blocking the ladder to the downstairs. "I have devoted my entire life to it, to try to teach it that it doesn't need to be afraid of humans anymore. And still it remains distant from me. You'd scare it off in an instant!"

"Maybe you're just wrong about it," the red-haired child says. "It's just a Pokemon anyways."

The caped man's eyes widened. "I...how dare you say that about Suicune!"

"Eusine..." the headband-wearing man said, sighing. "I don't think we're getting through to him. We might have to call the police."

"Morty, we can't do that!" Eusine says. "He's a kid! An extremely disrespectful kid, but still a kid!"

"I don't care what threats you make to me, I'm going to catch that Pokemon!" the red-haired child says, taking a step towards Eusine.

"Wait! Silver!" Illanero calls, running over, causing the three humans to look at xem.

"More children?" Morty says, shaking his head. "This is a dangerous and sacred site, you're not supposed to be here."

"If you leave, I'll tell you all about the legendary Pokemon Suicune!" Eusine says, before pausing. "Wait a second, do you know this kid?"

"I came looking for someone named Morty since the person at the gym said that he was here!" Illanero says. "But I'll look for him later! I need to talk to Silver!"

"Stop saying my name out loud," Silver says, stepping over. "What do you want?"

"Why do you want to catch Suicune?" Illanero asked.

"Because it's strong," Silver says. "None of my Pokemon are strong enough. They're still weak."

"Why do you need to be strong?" Illanero asked.

"I'm not telling you. Now leave me alone," Silver said, turning back towards Eusine and Morty.

"Pardon me," Morty says, "But I have an idea."

"What," Silver said, looking away from Morty.

"I am Morty, gym leader of Ecruteak City, and this is my friend Eusine," Morty says.

"You're Morty?!" Illanero says, eyes wide. "I was looking for you!"

"...yes, I heard," Morty says. "Now, Silver and...the Zorua-tailed human, you two are rivals, are you not?"

"Yesyes! And my name's-!" Illanero begins, before Silver cuts xem off.

"Not important," Silver says. "What do you want?"

"Eusine and I are both powerful trainers," Morty says. "Would you like to prove your strength against us in a double battle?"

"What are the stakes?" Silver asks.

"If you both win, you each get a badge from me, as well as a special prize to make you stronger," Morty says. "Eusine will decide the prize for if we win."

"If we win, I get to tell you all about Suicune and the other legends of Johto!" Eusine says, smiling. "It's a win-win even if you lose!"

"...fine," Silver says. "Let's battle."

"Yesyes! Let's do it!" Illanero says, tail wagging.

"Not here," Morty says. "Meet us in the Ecruteak City gym."

"Okok!" Illanero says. "Thankyou!"

"Follow me, I'll show you to the exit," Morty says. "And please, pay a bit more respect for our legeneds."

The video ends.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Description from Zoruaspotting: This video takes place just before Illanero and Silver's battle against Morty and Eusine.


The video begins with Illanero and Silver traversing the Ecruteak City gym. Despite it being near pitch-black, Illanero doesn't stray from the path once.
Silver simply follows behind Illanero, copying xyr movements.

"How can you see the path?" Silver asks, after a minute of silence.

"Can't you?" Illanero asks. "It's reallyreally easy to see!"

"It's not," Silver says. "I can't see a thing in here besides your stupid tail."

"My tail isn't stupid!" Illanero says, just before the area around the two lights up.

A Pokemon battlefield is revealed, with Morty and Eusine standing at the far end.

"Congratulations on making it through my gym!" Morty says, bowing. "It's not an easy feat."

"Save your canned congratulations," Silver says, gripping a pokeball. "Let's battle."

"Hey, we haven't even had the pre-battle banter yet! You don't even know what you're fighting for!" Eusine says, eyes narrowed.

"Yesyes! I wanna hear about it!" Illanero says, tail flicking.

"You already told us what we're battling for, back at the Burned Tower," Silver says, not looking at any of them. "Not having to listen to a lecture about Suicune, a badge, and something to make me stronger."

"Two badges, and something to make you both stronger," Morty says. "Don't forget your rival."

"And it's not a lecture!" Eusine says. "It's a privileged lesson from Johto's Suicune expert!"

"Can I listen to it even if we win?" Illanero says.

Eusine's eyes widen, and soon fill with tears. "No one's ever asked me to tell them about Suicune before...of course I will! In fact, we can do it before the batt-"

Silver gritted his teeth. "Enough. Let's battle already."

"I see," Eusine says, looking despondent again. "Very well. Morty?"

Morty nods. "Let us battle, then. Test your strength against us."

The video ends.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Description from Zoruaspotting: This video takes place just after Illanero and Silver's battle against Morty and Eusine.


The video begins with a Furret dealing the fainting blow to a Haunter. Morty sighs, and recalls his last Pokemon.

"Well done, both of you," he says, bowing once more. "You have bested me and my friend. Victory is yours."

Eusine briefly looks downtrodden, but quickly perks up. "Yes! But I still get to tell you about Suicune, don't I?"

Illanero tries to speak up, but before xey can say anything, Silver cuts in.

"We proved we're stronger. Where's my prize?" He asks.

"Your prizes are these," Morty says, handing both Illanero and Silver a gym badge and a TM. "These TMs are for Shadow Ball. With it, you-"

While Illanero was happy with what xey received, Silver's eyes narrowed. "This is just the stuff you give every trainer who beats you."

"That's because that's not everything!" Eusine says, taking out a soothe bell. "Here, for...Silver, right?"

Silver takes it, before staring at this. "This is just a Pokemon toy. How is this supposed to make my Pokemon stronger?"

"Power of friendship," Morty says, a small smile on his face.

"'Friendship' isn't going to make me any stronger," Silver says, eyes narrowing. "Where's my real prize?"

"That is your real prize," Eusine says, tone becoming serious. "Have you ever heard the story of how Leon became champion of Galar?"

"No, and I don't care about some Galarian's life story," Silver says, clenching the soothe bell in his hand.

"Too bad, I'm telling you anyways," Eusine says. "Leon was in a rough spot against Mustard, the champion before Leon. He had already used up his Dynamax, and Charizard was his only Pokemon left."

"What happened next?" Illanero asked, head tilted.

"Mustard Gigantamaxed his Urshifu, and it barraged Leon's Charizard with a series of Rapid Flows. By all accounts, Leon's Charizard should have fainted after the first. And yet..."

"And yet?" Illanero asked.

"And yet, once Mustard's Gigantamax ran out, Leon's Charizard was still standing. Just barely, but it was enough for it to score a winning blow on Mustard's Urshifu," Eusine said. "Do you know why Charizard could withstand so many super-effective hits and still win?"

"...because Leon's team was just that strong?" Silver said, uncertainty in his words.

"No. By all accounts, Charizard was weaker than Urshifu," Eusine said. "It was to the point where some people thought the match was rigged, but an independent inspector proved that it wasn't. Someone who could hear the hearts of Pokemon was called in, and listening to Charizard's heart, they discovered why it withstood the impossible, and won."

Eusine paused, and then said, "Charizard withstood all those blows...because it didn't want Leon, its friend, to feel sad."

"Wow!" Illanero exclaimed, tail wagging. "That's reallyreally cool!"

"It's one of Eusine's favorites," Morty says, a soft smile on his face.

Silver didn't say a word. Instead, he turned around, and began walking along the now-lit path, to the exit of the gym.

"...he has much to learn," Morty says, before turning towards Illanero. "Now, I don't believe I ever heard your name?"

"Yesyes!" Illanero says. "I'm Illanero!"

"The tri-champion!" Eusine says. "I should have known!"

"As I suspected," Morty says. "Congratulations on your victory. And good luck with the rest of your victory lap."

The video ends.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Description from Zoruaspotting: This video takes place soon after Illanero enters the Olivine Lighthouse in search of Jasmine.


The video begins with Illanero emerging from the elevator into the top floor of the Olivine Lighthouse, only to run into a certain red-haired human.

"You again?" he says. "Will you ever stop getting in my way?"

"Hihi Silver!" Illanero says, tail wagging. "What are you doing here?"

"Leaving," Silver says, pushing past Illanero into the elevator.

"Wait!" Illanero says, hurrying back inside the elevator just as it closes.

Silver sighs, presses the button to go down, and says, "What do you want."

"I wanted to make sure you're okok!" Illanero says, grinning. "You walked out of Morty's gym without saying anything to me or Morty or Eusine! You missed Eusine's story about Suicune!"

"Good. I didn't want to hear it," Silver says. "Have you considered that I don't want to talk to you?"

"Why not?" Illanero asks, tilting xyr head.

"You're..." Silver sighs again, and shakes his head. "Nevermind. I'm not in the mood. Not when I've just become some gym leader's errand boy."

"What do you mean?" Illanero asks, as the elevator continues to descend.

"You just don't quit, do you?" Silver says, eyes narrowed. "Fine. The Ampharos at the top of this lighthouse is sick, and gym leader Jasmine isn't taking any challengers until she gets some medicine for it. So I'm going to get the medicine for her."

"Wow! That's reallyreally nice of you!" Illanero says, tail wagging.

Silver simply looks away from Illanero. "A sick Pokemon is worthless. I couldn't care less about what happens to the Ampharos. I just don't want to have to wait any longer to challenge Jasmine."

"Oh..." Illanero says, xyr tail stopping its wagging.

"So now I have to find a Pokemon capable of Surfing, go all the way to Cianwood, get the medicine, and then come back and give it to Jasmine," Silver says, looking back at Illanero. "And then you come along, and won't leave me alone. Do you see why I'm not happy?"

Illanero looked downtrodden for a few seconds, before perking back up. "I have an idea!"

"I don't want to hear it," Silver says.

"But Niko, my Furret, knows Surf!" Illanero exclaims. "We can go to Cianwood together! And it'll be faster!"

Silver hesitates, going silent. Several seconds pass. Then, finally, he says, "Fine. But you better not slow me down."

"Yayay!" Illanero says, as the elevator doors open. "Let's go together!"

The video ends.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Description from Zoruaspotting: This video takes place just before Illanero and Silver's battle against Chuck.


The video begins in Cianwood City gym. Illanero is at the top near the waterfall controls, and Silver is waiting at the bottom, glaring at Chuck's meditating self.

"Just stop the mechanism already," Silver says, looking up at Illanero.

"Okok!" Illanero says, and pulls the crank with all xyr might.

It takes a few seconds, before the wooden channel supplying the waterfall begins to tilt upwards, stopping the flow of water.

As the last few drops of water hit Chuck's head, his eyes open, just in time to see Illanero clambering down from the controls to stand by Silver's side.

"So it's you two who interrupted my meditation!" Chuck says. "That impatient, huh? Would do you some good to try some meditation."

"We're on a time limit," Silver says. "The forecast says the storm on Route 40 is stopping soon. We need to be back in Olivine as soon as possible."

"So, I'm a timewaster, eh?" Chuck says. "Be careful who you say stuff like that to. Some people don't like being thought of as just a diversion."

Illanero's eyes widened, and xey took a step back.

"Don't worry, I'm not one of them!" Chuck says, laughing. "Now, which of you am I battling?"

"Both of us," Silver says, taking a pokeball from his belt.

"I see, I see!" Chuck says. "I don't normally do Doubles-"

"I thought we were going to fight you one after another?" Illanero asks.

"You're in a hurry, right? I might as well speed it up for you both!" Chuck says. "Means I can get back to meditation sooner!"

Silver nods. "Fine. Us two against you."

"Sounds like a plan!" Chuck says, grinning as he takes out a pokeball. "But don't expect numbers to help you here! Our fists will do the talking!"

The video ends.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
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  2. bench-gen
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  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Description from Zoruaspotting: This video takes place as Illanero and Silver deliver medicine to Jasmine.


The video begins with Illanero and Silver entering the top floor of the Olivine Lighthouse. The latter was carrying the Secret Potion, the medicine from Cianwood City.

As they approach Jasmine, Silver steps forward, holding out the Secret Potion, and says, "Here's your stupid medicine."

"Thank you...thank you very much!" Jasmine says, not at all phased by Silver's words, as she takes the medicine. "I thought I was going to lose Amphy. Thank you!"

Silver doesn't say a word, simply looking away. A few seconds pass, then he says, "Wasn't just me."

"Thank you both, then," Jasmine says, as she applies the medicine to Amphy. Amphy's tail orb was beginning to shine again.

"You reallyreally care about Amphy, don't you?" Illanero says, smiling.

"Yes, I do," Jasmine says. "I've cared for Amphy since childhood."

"So then why do you still have Amphy? Why haven't you given up on it yet?" Silver asks.

"Pardon?" Jasmine asks, eyes narrowed.

"Parents throw away their kids when they're too much of an inconvenience," Silver says. "Why are trainers any different towards their Pokemon?"

Illanero and Jasmine both stare at Silver with wide eyes.

"That's...not supposed to happen," Jasmine says, standing up. "Did someone do that to you?"

Silver turned away, and says, "I'm not telling a stranger."

"What about a friend?" Illanero asks, stepping towards Silver.

"We're not friends," Silver answers.

"But-" Illanero began to protest, before Jasmine cut in.

"If that happened to you, you did not deserve that," she says. "Who are your parents?"

"I'm not telling you. Either of you," Silver says, starting to walk away.. "I was weak, so I was punished for it. That's all there is to it."

"But that's reallyreally bad!" Illanero says, as Silver opens the elevator doors.

"Whatever," Silver says, as he presses the down button, and the doors close.

The video ends.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Description from Zoruaspotting: This video takes place as Illanero arrives at the Lake of Rage.


The video begins with Illanero arriving at the Lake of Rage, to find a caped human staring out at the lake, with a Dragonite by his side.

"Lance?" Illanero asks, approaching the caped human. "What are you doing here?"

Lance turns around, and raises an arm in greeting. "Champion Illanero! Good to see you! How's your victory lap going?"

"It's going great!" Illanero says, tail wagging. "But why are you here?"

"Ah, that," Lance says, turning back towards the lake. "Come by my side, and look at the distance. Can you see it?"

Illanero runs up to Lance's side, and looks out at the lake. "The red Gyarados?" xe asks.

"Yes," Lance says. "I've heard reports of swarms of Gyarados here, far more than normal. And look what we have here, a very prematurely evolved Gyarados."

"Isn't the Gyarados just shiny, though?" Illanero asks, tilting xyr head.

"Not quite," Lance says. "A shiny Gyarados is more of a ruby red. This one is more pinkish, like a Magikarp."

"Wow, how did you notice?" Illanero says.

"You tend to notice these things when you're a dragon master," Lance says, chuckling. "But have you heard the rumors about Team Rocket being in Johto?"

"Yesyes! I ran into some of them on the way here! They stole some money from me!" Illanero says. "And some of them were hurting Slowpokes in Azalea!"

Lance's eyes widened, before narrowing. "I'll be right back. I need to go to Azalea immediately. Stay here-"

"I already took care of them!" Illanero says. "Proton was reallyreally scary, but I defeated him, and Team Rocket left Azalea!"

"I see," Lance says, before patting Illanero on the head. "I suppose I should have expected that from the Champion. But next time, don't go after Team Rocket alone. They won't hesitate to hurt a child like you."

"But..." Illanero protested, before trailing off.

"I'm going to go to Mahogany. I have a bad feeling about that 'gift shop'," Lance says, climbing onto his Dragonite. "Care to come with me? Nitenite's gentle, and won't mind another passenger."

"Okok!" Illanero says, stepping towards Lance and his Dragonite, before pausing, and looking out at the lake. "Do you think the red Gyarados is in pain?"

"Unfortunately, it's near certain," Lance says. "But unless someone's willing to catch it and bring it to a Pokemon Center, there's not much we can do."

"I can do it!" Illanero says. "Niko knows Surf! We can go try to calm it down!"

Lance's eyes widen, before he smiles. "Knew you had a caring spirit. But I'm going with you."

"Okok!" Illanero says, walking towards the lake. "Let's go help the Gyarados!"

The video ends.
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Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Description from Zoruaspotting: This video takes place as Illanero, Lance, and Silver encounter Petrel.


The video begins with Illanero and Lance entering passwords into a locked door. It isn't long before it opens.

"Alright. Stay behind me," Lance says. "We have no idea what traps lay on the other side-"

Suddenly, a red-haired kid runs past the two, and into the room.

"Silver!" Illanero exclaims, before running into the room after him. Lance doesn't hesitate to follow.

Inside the room is...Giovanni?

"Wahaha!" Giovanni says, sneering at Silver. "So, the heir has come at last."

"Cut the act, Petrel. We both know Giovanni speaks nothing like that," Silver says. Upon closer examination, Silver seems to be trembling slightly.

"Fine, fine. Just for you, heir," Petrel says, ripping off his Giovanni disguise.

"Heir?" Illanero asks, tilting xyr head.

"What's going on here?" Lance asks, taking out Nitenite's pokeball.

"Stay out of this," Silver says, glaring at Illanero and Lance.

"Oh, no. I feel like our guests deserve an explanation," Petrel says, stepping forward. "So, heir. Do you want to do the honors? Or will I be the one to unveil your weakness?"

Silver's trembling gets more noticeable. "Shut up and battle me already."

"Oh, but I'm unarmed!" Petrel says, raising his arms. Sure enough, there doesn't appear to be any pokeballs on his person. "You wouldn't hurt an unarmed person, would you?"

Silver hesitates, then lunges for Petrel, attempting to punch him.

Unfortunately for Silver, Petrel easily catches the punch, and quickly grabs Silver in a chokehold.

Illanero yelps. "Silver!"

Lance's eyes narrow, and he releases Nitenite from their pokeball.

"Careful. You wouldn't want the heir to end up as collateral damage, would you?" Petrel says, tightening his hold on Silver. "Now, since you're being so uncooperative, I'm going to tell the fine fellows here how weak you are."

"No...no, you won't...you wouldn't dare..." Silver says weakly, eyes wide with terror.

"Let the kid go," Lance says, stomping a foot into the ground. "Or I won't show mercy."

"I already warned you about collateral damage. But he's probably worthless in your eyes, anyways, since he's Giovanni's kid!" Petrel exclaims, causing Illanero to gasp.

"Giovanni is Silver's dad? But..." Illanero says, before Petrel cuts xem off.

"That's right!" Petrel says. "Gold star for you, Zorua!"

Illanero's eyes widen, as Silver and Lance look at xem.

"What are you acting so shocked for, Zorua?" Petrel says. "We at Team Rocket all know what you are. Do you really think I just got lucky with that disguise of that kid from Hoenn? No, we know everything about you."

"I..." Illanero trails off, tail between xyr legs.

"You're...?" Silver says, eyes wide.

Lance grits his teeth.

"But back to the most important person here. Giovanni's heir," Petrel says, looking down at Silver. "Giovanni abandoned him because..."

"Stop...stop..." Silver begged.

"Too bad, heir," Petrel says, smirking. "Giovanni abandoned him because he was too weak. And that's why he stole from Professor Elm, to become stronger. But we all know he'll always be the weakling that Giovanni grew tired of and threw out."

Silver had gone completely silent, aside from the sound of his breathing.

"Aw, stunned into silence? Didn't want me to tell a Champion and Elite Four that?" Petrel says, mock concern in his voice. "You're more tolerable that way, anyways. Now, you're perfect bait for Giovanni, so-"

Lance, finally, speaks up, and commands, "Nitenite. Hyper Beam."

"Oh, so you agree the heir is worthless?" Petrel says. "I'm calling your bluff. I'll stand right here, and nothing bad will happe-"

A concentrated beam of energy hits Petrel in the head, knocking him to the ground, and leaving Silver unharmed.

"How did you...?" Illanero asks, looking between everyone present.

"Nitenite is very precise, especially with Hyper Beam," Lance says, stepping over to Petrel. "He'll live, but he'll be unconscious for a while. Long enough for us to turn off the radio transmitter and escape."

Silver slowly stands back up, looking between Illanero and Lance. "What do you want now. Are you going to arrest me?"

"And am I going to stop being Champion?" Illanero asks.

"No, and no," Lance says. "Who you were in the past doesn't matter. What matters is what you do from now on. And besides, being the son of an evil Team leader, or being a Zorua? Those aren't crimes. You're both people."

Silver hesitates, then says. "You're such a bleeding heart. I'm leaving."

He walks past Lance, Nitenite, and Illanero, and exits the room.

A few seconds later, Lance says, "I will need to have him apologize to Professor Elm later, but that can wait. For now..."

Lance walks over to the radio transmitter, turns it off, and then looks back at Illanero. "Are you alright?"

"I'm reallyreally worried," Illanero says.

"You're not going to stop being Champion just because you're a Pokemon," Lance says. "Trust me."

"I'm reallyreally worried about Silver, too," Illanero adds.

"Ah," Lance says, nodding. "I'm worried too. But I'm sure he'll be ok."

"Okok," Illanero says.

"Come with me, Champion Illanero," Lance says, offering a hand to Illanero. "Let's get out of here."

Illanero hesitates, then takes Lance's hand.

The video ends.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Description from Zoruaspotting: This video takes place just before lllanero battles Pryce.

The video begins with Illanero approaching Pryce, in the depths of the Mahogany Town gym.

"Still on your victory lap, I see," Pryce says, petting his Swinub. "I don't suppose you have time for a story before your battle, Champion?"

"Yesyes! i can listen!" Illanero says, tail wagging.

"Alright," Pryce says, a small smile on his face, as he rests his other arm on the side of his wheelchair. "Have you heard of the mythical Pokemon Celebi?"

"Yesyes!" Illanero says, sitting down to listen.

"I once had an encounter with Celebi, you see," Pryce says. "I was...in grief, and Celebi appeared to me."

"In grief?" Illanero asked, tilting xyr head. "What happened?"

"I...used terrible judgement, and two of my Pokemon, La Pris and La Prus, paid the price for it," Pryce says, looking away. "It was a dark time for me, and I...considered going to drastic measures."

"When Celebi appeared to me...I was tempted to try to catch it," Pryce continues. "I thought, if I could catch the Pokemon who could travel through time...I could go back in time, and rescue my beloved Pokemon."

Pryce sighs. "But Celebi wasn't willing to be caught by me. And so, I turned away, giving up."

"And yet, Celebi seemed to sense my plight," Pryce says. "Just as I turned away, a crack in time appeared before me...to just after I had lost La Pris and La Prus."

"I tried to run inside, to do something, anything, but Celebi stopped me," Pryce continues. "I tried to fight it, to make it let me through...but Celebi simply pointed at the crack in time, and showed me what I needed to see."

"Just after I had lost my two beloved Pokemon, an egg I had been incubating had hatched, the child of La Pris and La Prus," Pryce says. "La Glace, a baby Lapras. And Celebi showed me their egg hatching. New life, even as old life was lost."

"It was then that I realized, that all was not lost. I still had La Glace, even though their parents were gone," Pryce says, a wistful look in his eyes. "It was like the changing of the seasons. Winter's harshness leads to despair and desperation, but it always blooms into spring, where new life flourishes."

"So promise me, Champion," Pryce says, looking Illanero in the eyes. "You're young, and have barely started your life. You have much ahead of you, both wonderful and terrible. Promise me, that you won't let the winter claim you. Don't lose that hope you have. Don't let what nearly happened to me happen to you. Cherish the time you have with those you love."

"I promise," Illanero says, nodding.

"Thank you," Pryce says, smiling once more. "Now, shall we begin our battle?"

The video ends.
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Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Description from Zoruaspotting: This video takes place as Illanero encounters Proton in the Goldenrod City Radio Tower.


The video begins with Illanero running into the Radio Tower of Goldenrod City, only to see a certain red-haired human arguing with a certain Rocket executive.

"If there's any shred left of the man who fed me when Giovanni left, then you'll let me through," Silver says, trying to look tough. "Otherwise, I'll...I'll make you."

"Hmmmm...sorry, can't do that," Proton says, shrugging. "Not even for the boss' kid. You're out of luck. Scram now, and I won't hurt you."

Silver hesitated, then tried to run past Proton, only to freeze as a knife was in his way. "You wouldn't..." he says, trying to hide the fear in his voice.

"Oh, but I would," Proton says, a sinister smirk on his face.

"Silver!" Illanero shouts, running towards the two.

Silver's eyes widen. "Don't-!"

"Oh, worried? Why should you be, when this is your lucky break?" Proton says, stepping away from Silver. "I've found someone I want to vivisect even more than you. Go on, Silver. Flee, climb, it won't change anything."

Illanero takes a step back, but before xey could flee farther, Proton's knife was to xyr neck.

"Well well well, look who's back," Proton says. "Think I forgot about you? I haven't. And this time, I'm not seeking a battle, or you to leave. This time...all I want is for you to spend some quality time with these knives of mine. Got any final words? Besides the screams you're about to make, of course."

Illanero's eyes are wide with terror. Silver takes a step away, towards the stairs upwards, but looks back at Illanero.

"I-" Illanero begins, before being cut off by Proton speaking again.

"Time's up!" Proton shouts, before Silver's fist collides with his head.

"Silver!" Illanero says, running towards xyr rival. "Thankyou!"

"Tch. You owe me later," Silver begins, only to stop talking once Proton puts one knife against his neck, and another knife against Illanero's neck.

"Well, didn't think you had it in you," Proton says, sneering. "But that's fine. I'll make you sorr-"

Before Proton could finish, a concentrated beam of energy hits Proton in the chest, as a caped human and a Dragonite arrive at the group.

"Lance!" Illanero says, breathing heavily. "Thankyou!"

"It's alright. Glad you're both unharmed," Lance says, before looking over at Proton, who was beginning to stir. "I'll hold him off. You both get out of here!"

Silver hesitates, then grabs Illanero by the hand, and runs towards the stairs. "Come on! This way!"

"Okok!" Illanero says, as xey run with Silver.

"Wait, not that way-" Lance begins, just before Proton lunges at him.

The video ends.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
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  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Description from Zoruaspotting: This video takes place just before Illanero and Silver battle Ariana in the Goldenrod City Radio Tower.


The video begins with Illanero and Silver running towards the elevator to the rooftop deck, only to abruptly stop, as a certain red-haired Rocket executive stands in the way.

"Crawling back to your mother, are you, Silver?" she says, standing in front of the elevator. "And you've brought a friend! I thought you'd never find someone who could tolerate you."

"Ariana..." Silver says, with grit teeth. "I'm not scared of you anymore."

"She's your mom?" Illanero asks, eyes wide.

"Yes, I'm this brat's mother," Ariana says, stomping a foot into the ground. "Scram, Zorua. Stay out of this."

"No, Silver's my friend!" Illanero protests.

"Let us through, Ariana," Silver says, taking a pokeball from his belt. "Or I-"

"Or what? You'll whine like the weakling you are?" Ariana sneers. "You and I both know who'd win in a battle."

"...I'm not alone," Silver says, though hesitation remains in his voice. "Illanero...xey're stronger than you."

"Yesyes! I'll defeat you!" Illanero exclaims.

"You're even more pathetic than before. Now you're clinging to those stronger than you. What happened to the kid who wanted to become strong on his own? He was far more tolerable than you," Ariana says.

"Says the person who thinks Giovanni was tolerable," Silver says. "Let us through, or I'll make you."

Ariana stomps her foot against the ground again. "Shut up! Don't you dare speak of your father like that! It's your fault he's gone!"

"I...no. It's not," Silver says, trying to stand his ground even as he trembles.

"You were too weak, so he left us. Because you couldn't do anything right, he left me and Rocket behind," Ariana says.

"No, it's because of me!" Illanero shouts. "When I defeated him at the Viridian City gym, he said that he was disbanding Team Rocket because of me!"

"Oh, did he now..." Ariana says, glaring at Illanero. "More than one person can be at fault for something, don't you know?"

"Just let us through already," Silver says. "Or are you scared that us 'weaklings' will be able to stop Archer?"

"Shut up," Ariana says, pulling two pokeballs from her belt. "If you want me to discipline you so badly, then be my guest!"

The video ends.
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