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Pokémon Space Oddity, Another Day, One Gear Outta Line (Phan Drabbingo 2024)

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
These are my drabble bingo prompt fills for 2024. The prompts I used were Prof. Burnet, Hassel, and Ortega.

Space Oddity

I remember when you introduced me to this game for the first time, back when the internet was still just connecting the universities across Alola’s islands and the game ran by emailing turn data to your address.

The site closes games automatically after 15 days with no moves or chat. I wonder if I have the oldest game in the system. Probably. It’s been your move for six years now.

What would you think of me continuing this research? I dragged you away from bio and into this field. I should see this through.

Burnet > Mohn: I still miss you.

Another Day

“Take your place at the head of the kin. We gave you decades to sing little songs and paint little trees. You have a duty to us, Hassel. Stop making yourself look like Father’s happy little accident.”

“Prove you can take my place in the elite four, and I’ll come home.”

She turns with a cape swish and leaves. I sign.

I’m putting off the problem. I can’t stand the thought that she may one day challenge and replace me. I’m stronger, but she’s as stubborn as I.

How could I lead when I can’t even put my foot down?

One Gear Outta Line

Most people think I’m ditz, an arts kid, or gay. I’m not the first two and I don’t see why I’d give a damn about the third.

My own parents asked me what I’m studying. Should’ve seen their faces when I said it was engineering.

I’m lucky I met Cassie. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have the Stars. Lose my mind, probably. With most people, you take one step off normal and that’s who you are to them. I’m the fairy boy.

I’m glad there’s five people in the world who really know me, at least.
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