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Pokémon Reincarnated Into the World of Pokémon!

Reincarnated Into the World of Pokémon!


A Child With 17 Years of Experience

"What are you doing Natsugo?" Behind the boy, his friend was approaching him from behind, her hands crossed as the looming clouds above darkened for just a bit, her sandals brushing away the sand from her feet. "Are you looking at pokémon again?" she stood next to Natsugo, his eyes locked on the ocean in front him.

"Yeah." Frankly, he wasn't staring at any of the visible pokémon in the sea, he was just spacing out, thinking about his current situation, thinking about life in general, thinking about anything that came into his mind really. "Shouldn't you be back home Lana? It's pretty obvious it's going to rain soon." Lana slightly pouted.

"And that's why I'm here. I came here to get you!" Natsugo turned his head to the side. Lana was just pouting at him, an everyday occurrence, so he just brushed it off, but that action made him incur Lana's wrath. And that said wrath would be her usual stare, that would eventually make Natsugo crack.

"Does it taste good?" Mallow asked Natsugo, her eyes filled with obvious anticipation as her soup warmed Natsugo's fever ridden body, with Natsugo just answering with a dull "yes" but nonetheless it was enough for her to send her into a joy, but she restrained herself from jumping in delight in consideration for Natsugo.

"You really didn't need to do this Mallow." Natsugo slowly sipped on the bowl, raindrops lightly colliding against the windows of his room as another rainstorm was visiting Melemele Island. Mallow simply objected as Natsugo carried on happily sipping on the bowl of warm soup. Mallow could only sigh.

"If you want more just ask me." Mallow took out her school bag alongside her utensils inside of it, but not before asking Natsugo. "—Do you mind if I do my homework here?" which he answered with a nod. So with his permission, Mallow took out her elementary homework and placed it on Natsugo's personal desk.

"Are you reading again Natsugo?" Lillie approached Natsugo, who was currently reading a book about pokémon from the Galar region on the stairs of the courtyard, her fancier than usual dress catching Natsugo's attention. "The party just started and you're already reading." Lillie sat next to Natsugo, who was also wearing a fancier than usual suit.

The two just read the encyclopedia, with one side held by Natsugo, with the other side being held by Lillie. It lasted roughly for about fifteen minutes, before they took a small break. By that, they just looked at the courtyard in front of them, with pokémon hanging about with their own business while. "Do you like learning about pokémon?" out of nothing but curiosity, Natsugo asked Lillie.

"I do!" Lillie exclaimed to Natsugo catching him a bit off guard from both her eagerness and her usual behavior around pokémon "But I prefer to just research from afar." And the two continued to study with the party just behind them being background noise for them, as more pokémon were gathering around the place, and soon they went inside and ate some cake and desserts.

"I'm twelve years old…?" It was odd to think about. Natsugo used to be seventeen years old, but now he's back to being a twelve year-old in another body, but this time he has white hair, but he still has black eyes. "Apparently from my mom I'm going to be attending the Pokémon School. Kind of a bland name for a school, but maybe it's called that way because it the Pokémon School." —But currently. Natsugo was walking down the streets of Hau'oli City by himself.

Only one more week before summer vacation ends, and with that proposition right in front of Natsugo, he tried to make the most out of his remaining hours before school starts. But right now, Natsugo doesn't really have a clue as to what he should really do… "Maybe I can go bowling?" Doesn't know where. "Maybe I can visit Mallow's house? No, her family is on vacation in Ulala, and Lana's family is in the same boat. And Lillie is generally busy at this time."

"I can visit Professor Kukui… No, too busy with external stuff." And at a complete stand still, Natsugo was stumped on what to do. He has an allowance, but he's a hoarder at heart. Studying can work, but he's been doing that for a while now… "Maybe I'll just go sightseeing." With commitment at a minimum, Natsugo got a tourist pamphlet and went to any tourist attractions that were relatively near him.

"Hey! Pikachu! Are you excited buddy?" The young trainer eagerly asked his partner, with the Pokémon to his side responding with a nod. "Me too buddy! I can't wait to see so many new Pokémon!" It was quite obvious that the boy had a certain enthusiasm towards pokémon, and his partner was also excited to discover more pokémon to befriend and battle.

The cruise ship washed against the oceans of the continent, with wingulls flying overhead of the passengers and aquatic pokémon swimming through the water, the engines of the ship whirring. And just over the far reach, the four islands of Alola surfaced from the sea, the passengers heading for the foremast, with the trainer and his partner looking out in eagerness.

"I'd like some… Soft serve vanilla" It was cheap but it also tasted good, so that's what Natsugo opted for in terms of satiating his hunger from walking around the place, from the commercial districts, to the park, the pokémon center, befriending the local pokémon, and right now, Natsugo was currently standing on the on Hau'oli City's harbor, and a cruise ship was set to dock a few hours from now, and since it was still relative early, he decided to just hang around until the ship comes.

Natsugo found a bench nearby the open stalls and palm trees with Natsugo settling down with a coned desert in hand. While not really the most invigorating activity to do, it allowed Natsugo the chance to just stare out into the ocean like he always does until the ship comes, acting as a makeshift alarm clock for him.

"Remember that the culture festival is due to start next week and homework is due to be passed tomorrow, so pass them to Akana tomorrow." The teacher sorted her papers and said what she needed to say and walked out of the room and to the faculty office leaving the students to discuss to themselves about the festival with some opting to leave, while others prepared. Sato was one of those who left the classroom, along with some others.

Dusk was steadily approaching. The orange hue outside saying so. The footsteps of eager groups of students swelling together as they made their way to the front gate while visiting their lockers along the way. And along the way, many of the students managing the various attractions could be seen adding further progress to their respective activities, with students from sports clubs practicing.

Sato was one of the many few who passed through the entrance early as he headed back home to his house, with some of the students just ahead and behind him, those numbers whittling down to almost single digits until Sato entered the yard of his locked house, the key in question already inserted and turned. Sato was met with the dark interior of a normal abode, his shoes untied and placed next to the rack.

His uniform put to the side of the laundry room, and his handle bag thrown into the sheet of his bed, Sato changed into his casual clothing and took out his unfinished homework, and utensils, on his table —Sato turned on his console and picked up his controller.

Sato sat on his table, his pen in hand, the desk lamp shining on his notebook, his opened book laid to his side, his glass of water safely tucked at the edge of his table, one hand tapping the desk with his pen and the other supporting his chin. And the room was completely dark, the only wellspring of light came from his previously aforementioned desk lamp.

"We're finally here buddy! The Alola Region!" Arms raised up high, Ash along with his pikachu, cheered to the sky in elation, his mother giggling at the sight as both her and his son stepped outside with luggage in hand and onto the Hau'oli City's Harbor, the professor known as Oak accompanying them along the way as the funnel of people sorted themselves out. "Hey look at that pokémon!"

"What." Ash exists.

"..." And he's also with his mom.

"Okay." Along with professor Oak.

"Sure." Can't forget pikachu.

"How old is he?" How old is he?

”I wonder what he's doing here? Is this also part of the anime?" Sato never watched it, so in turn he knows jack all about this occurrence. "Has to be." He just sat there, blending into the crowd. He finished his dessert. "Best not to bother them." As surprising as this was, it didn't really warrant troubling him. Though he was interested in his pikachu… "I wonder if they'll come too?" It's a long shot but it might.

But tossing that event to the far side, the cruise ship docked, and by his own self-imposed rules. Natsugo's makeshift alarm evidently rang. And so Natsugo stood up and walked away —He'd like some more ice cream, so before he truly ventured outside, he got another serving for himself, while occasionally looking back out of curiosity.

"Ah! How was your little outing?" Natsugo's mother inquired as she was currently cooking an early dinner. Natsugo took off his shoes and placed them in the rack, his nose catching a whiff of his mother cooking. Meat and potatoes.

"It was okay." A blank response. But that was routine. "The only thing that really caught my interest was the cruise ship that docked in the harbor." A small addition to his pale response. Etsuka smiled as she continued giving her attention to the small boiling potatoes and sizzling chicken, her lurantis approaching the white-haired teen. Natsugo gladly patted her head, with lurantis in turn enjoying the act of attention.

"Nothing really to do now is there?" He had already had his daily dose of introspection and dinner wouldn't be ready until several more minutes, he considered rereading a manga, but he already did that the other day, he considered just playing with the game console, but he had his fill in the morning, studying could work but he already filled his quota of daily education. He'll just think about the unexpected arrival of Ash Ketchum and his pikachu.

"..." Nothing really much to think about other than he also exists in the form of concrete matter. It was interesting to think about him in hindsight, but he was just another person. Ergo, he's the same as all of us. He just has a really powerful pikachu with him. "Professor Oak was with him wasn't he? I wonder what he's doing here?" Back, laid on his bed, Natsugo just stared at his ceiling for the foreseeable minute until it was time for dinner.

"...Yora? Can you hear me?" He talked to himself, trying to call out to the goddess that gave him another chance… "I… Wonder what she's doing?" He questioned, but most likely she was doing her job, whatever that might be. Natsugo got out his phone and just did what a normal teen would do with their phone. But he immediately dropped the action. Dinner was pretty good though.
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