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Pokémon Refrain From a Heathen's Hymn

Chapter 1: The Guardian Awakens


The only chance of survival for a small clan is the Frozen Opera, where the froslass perform an anthem as prayer for an almighty blizzard. Dreaming of performing the aria, Arctina is forced to evolve into a glalie to act as a guardian. As she grieves, an outsider arrives, refusing to utter a sound yet prophesied to be their savior prima donna. When the two and the bitter previous diva set off to hold the rite on their own, they create harmony out of discord when they clash with each other and a frigid god.

Content warnings: Blood, violence, child abuse, killing and eating other pokemon

Chapter 1: The Guardian Awakens

Arctina beholds the Frozen Opera in all its glory. The frost maiden froslass gather and sing their hymn in absolute harmony. Synchronized to the core, they sing to the endless overcast sky and call for a miracle. Just enough snowflakes fall for each of the froslass to partner and dance with. The euphoric symphony beckons Arctina forth, but a guardian glalie bars her from impeding. She hums along in awe, knowing not the melody nor the meaning.

"Listen well, children," the glalie tells the snorunt around him. "This will be your duty when the time comes."

The choir sings until a sharp, frigid gale blows through them. All but one fall back, circling around the lone froslass cloaked in an intricate ice veil while channeling their energy in their hands. The veiled froslass raises her voice and freezes Arctina's heart. In an ethereal solo, the opera's prima donna sings to the skies above with a voice beyond perfection.

At the very climax, when the aria hits an impossibly high note, the other frost maidens cast their energy to the now-empty sky. A howling blizzard follows only once the prima donna does the same. The barren ground is cloaked in white under foreboding clouds. Arctina's fellow snorunt rejoice under the fresh snowfall.

Arctina wishes for this performance to be unending. She locks her eyes on the prima donna and continues to ignorantly sing along, even once the other frost maidens join in and drown her out. A frigid beauty, a chilling voice. Absolutely enraptured by the prima donna, Arctina decides what she wants to do once she grows.

A haunting refrain marks the end of the Frozen Opera. Silence overtakes the clan. As Arctina continues to ogle at the diva, all else turn to the sky with clasped hands and held breaths. The frost-maiden-summoned blizzard rages on.

Once their blizzard quells itself, the clan gazes above with hopeful eyes. In what seems like an eternity, they wait and wait for something that never comes.

"The almighty blizzard… Where is it?" a guardian glalie other than the one wrangling Arctina earlier mumbles. She wonders where the first one went; she was too enthralled by the opera to notice him disappear. The guardian that was talking falls to the ground with a mild splash. "This generation's performance was not enough again."

The Frozen Opera is an abject failure. The frost maidens hang their heads. Their impassioned cries go unanswered, their duet without a partner.

Arctina runs around the glalie and up to the prima donna. She cheers for the aria, begging for an encore despite everyone else's despair.

"We shall have order." The previous prima donna Glaciari approaches the snorunt children with tired eyes. "Gather round."

Arctina is the first to approach the froslass. She bounces on her feet and revels in the elder's heavenly voice.

"It falls unto you children to hold the next Frozen Opera come the next natural snowfall. It marks the appearance of the Frozen Gigant. If your performance can appease the fickle, wondrous one, our home will surely be saved."

The sun beats down on the land bare of snow and ice, lush greenery springing to life around every corner. The temperature threatens to melt them. The chance of delectably lost and weary humans wandering about is nil. Their mountain can scarcely be called home. Yet those who remain refuse to leave.

"We've only so many candidates this generation." Elder Glaciari eyes the eight children before her. "The others, the cowards, have taken the rest and run to uncertain ends."

Their clan has reached an all-time low. Since the last opera, only a fraction of the previous frost maidens and the eight snorunt gathered remain on the warped mountainside in hopes of reclaiming it with the next Frozen Opera. The others had forsaken them.

"No matter." Elder Glaciari spreads her arms at the snorunt. "Such dregs are irrelevant. We can perform the Frozen Opera with what we have.

"We cannot waste time. We know not when the next natural snowfall will come." She glowers at the children. "Seven of you will become the next frost maidens. Us elders must step back and offer solely guidance." Glaciari glares at the sky. "It seems none of us were enough to satisfy Them. We shall not waste time and effort attempting to polish stones into stars."

Arctina stops listening after the elder says maidens. She sees it clearly in her mind. She will lead the others in the opera, and her aria will summon the Frozen Gigant. She will save everyone. She giggles to herself and reaches out to tug on the elder's sash.

Glaciari looks down at Arctina with what can only be described as disgust. She pushes the hounding snorunt away with little concern. "Yes, seven of you will hold the opera. This means one of you will, must become a guardian."

The children whisper amongst themselves pointing fingers. All but Arctina shy away.

"The guardian will become a glalie whose duty is to protect the frost maidens with their life, come what may." Glaciari looks to the three froslass behind her. "The role typically falls to a male, but no more brave sons exist. And with what few candidates we have this time, we can only afford a single guardian."

Arctina bounces on her feet. Who cares about some guardian when the prima donna is so much more important?

"Come the next full moon, we shall begin our preparations for the opera." Glaciari scans the faces of the children. "Enjoy your youth."

Glaciari retreats into the cave behind her where the three other ex-frost maidens wait. Arctina, lost in her own world, mindlessly sings as she bounces on her heels. She watches as the elders converse, pointing in differing directions and nodding.

"I will remain with the children. Do not return without sustenance."

Arctina continues to babble, watching Glaciari without a care. That is, until she is knocked into by someone. "Hey!"

"You're tone-deaf," the other snorunt simply says. She huffs before marching toward their cave.

"I'm not!" Arctina glares through her back. That girl, Shivian, always has something to say. "I'll show you. I'll be the next prima donna!"

Shivian pauses without turning back to say, "No. I will." And she returns to walking away.

"You…" Arctina growls. She grits her teeth and glares.

Giggling snaps her out of it. She whips her head back to the other snorunt who start taking turns tackling her, all echoing tone-deaf.

"Knock it off!" Arctina tries to dodge a hit, but ends up tumbling across the ground.

"But you kinda are," one says.

"You'll only anger the Frozen Gigant."

"Yeah, plus Shivian will obviously be the next prima donna."

"Just because you suck up to Elder Glaciari doesn't mean anything."

Arctina rises from eating the ground. She spits dirt out and can't help herself from charging ahead. She slams into the closest snorunt and sends her barreling into two others, knocking them down. Without wasting a breath, she makes a sharp turn and crashes into another using the point atop her head. The two remaining try to run back to the cave, but trip over themselves.

She triumphs. Having dished out her revenge, Arctina jumps on top of one of the snorunt who tripped and gleefully hops in place. She leaps to do the same on the other. "I win, I win! I always win! So obviously I'll sing the aria!"

Lost in her own world, Arctina continues to celebrate.

"Get off already!" calls from beneath her feet. Just as fast, Arctina falls to the ground once more.

The others surround her more annoyed than harmed. Nonetheless, they close in on her.

She is saved by two arms lifting her above the swarm. She gawks as Elder Glaciari holds her up with a glint in her tired eyes. "Must I remind you all, no roughhousing." She puts Arctina down beside her. "But remember, we are all good for something."

"But I don't wanna be the guardian!" Arctina stomps her feet into the dry dirt. "I wanna be a frost maiden! I wanna sing the aria!"

One swift strike upside her head pauses her whining. "Enough of that. You will be the next generation's guardian. It has been decided. You should be honored."

"It's not fair!"

Glaciari wipes the child's scowl off her face with another hit. "Training will commence now. I expect you to understand before you are gravely injured."

Arctina grinds her teeth before screaming from the pit of her empty stomach. She had to skip lunch because she reacted the same way when she was told she would become guardian that morning. Elder Glaciari would not have any of it.

Before she can shout any more, an icicle whizzes at her face. She throws herself to the right and rolls back on her feet when a shadow ball is lobbed at her. She cannot react fast enough, and it crashes into her to send her hurtling at a tree.

Arctina manages to stand, but finds a storm of icicles greeting her. She collapses back face-down on the dirt and cries to herself.

A circle of froslass surrounds her. The previous frost maidens have neither remorse nor delight written across their faces. As is tradition, guardians will be hunted down by the clan until they evolve into a glalie. It is necessary.

"I don't wanna be the guardian…" Arctina cowers as a volley of attacks rains down on her.

They will not relent. They will attack until she fights back and evolves into a worthy guardian or dies. As is tradition.

It never truly struck Arctina how cruel it was to become a guardian until now. The guardians from the last generation all evolved on their own before it came time to assign roles for the Frozen Opera, so they did not have to be forced to evolve. Plus, they volunteered to be guardians. Previous guardians were just the same, stories tell, and if not, they were gently raised into strong glalie by their elders. So why did Arctina have to become one?

Why did a boy not want to stay with them on this mountain, their home? Why did the frost maidens not steal away a boy when the traitors ran away from home in the dark of night following the last Frozen Opera instead of a couple girls? It is not fair.

Scarlet stains the ground below her. The attacks halt long enough for Arctina to force herself to her feet, tears spewing from her eyes and blood from her mouth and across her body. A trembling mess, she scans the blank faces of her family.

Elder Glaciari stares her down. Arctina cannot force any words out. She meets her elder's gaze and begs desperately with her eyes. Glaciari simply nods, and on her signal, the suddenly shy snorunt charge at their peer.

Shivian leads the pack, the only one with intent. Arctina grits her teeth. Shivian will be the prima donna. The belief of the others echoes in her head and wakes her up. She swallows her sob and clashes head-on with Shivian.

The collision hurts almost as much as being told she cannot be a frost maiden, but Arctina does not yield. She effortlessly pushes Shivian away. Three others come at her in a line. A simple headbutt knocks them down together like nothing. When another comes at her from behind, she forces her jaw open and, before a whimper escapes, she chomps down on their extended arm.

Shivian shoots an ice shard at her, which Arctina shatters with a whip of her head. It leaves another laceration that hurts.

Her body screams at her to stop and rest. But she cannot do that now. The remaining two snorunt who have yet to face her stand by Shivian and snipe at her together with icicles and ice shards. The pain somehow numbs over. Arctina throws herself at the three snorunt in a takedown that knocks away every attack and the two snorunt beside Shivian.

The trio of in-line snorunt rise up together and dash for her. As Arctina charges an ice shard, the three circle her, then split to slam at her from different directions at once. But they are no match for her sheer strength, repelled immediately after she slams her body into each of them.

Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Glaciari watching them with that dour face of hers. This is "tradition." This is the way it should be… according to the elders.

Spitting out a glob of blood, a way out dawns on Arctina and she makes her choice. She will play along. She will train to become the guardian. But she will not evolve into a glalie. If she can just hold off on evolving until she can make sure she will become a froslass, then she will have to be allowed to be a frost maiden.

She just needs to bide it out. Newfound energy courses through her veins as she launches herself at Shivian at breakneck speed and headbutts her. The composure disappears from Shivian's face as she falls to the ground, carving a rut in the dirt as she shaves against the earth.

Glaciari floats up to Arctina and with a hand to her chin, she says, "That is enough for today. Be sure to keep it up."

Praise from Elder Glaciari should delight her, but Arctina finds herself masking a sour face. Her smile betrays her when Elder Glaciari strokes her head like she does Shivian.

The froslass holds out a berry encased in ice and breaks it in half. She throws one half at Arctina, then gently hands the other to Shivian. Arctina watches as her half picks up dirt as it rolls to her feet. Meanwhile, Shivian elegantly nibbles on hers as Glaciari feeds her. The other children look on in envy, but no one dares say anything.

Arctina drops her smile and huffs before reluctantly taking her berry, ice quickly melting in her hands. The others must think Shivian is getting special treatment because she will be the next prima donna. Arctina crunches through the ice in one bite and glares at the ground. No, it is not that. It is only because Shivian is Elder Glaciari's daughter. The fact that the five previous prima donnas happened to be mothers and daughters to each other is merely coincidence. Arctina will break this trend and save everyone.

When she finishes her berry, Arctina's body does not feel any less battered. She stays in her spot as the elders guide the children back to their cool cave, the other snorunt harmonizing a vague melody with Shivian resounding the most. They echo short phrases the elders feed them and disappear into the cave. Their song follows them as they traverse deeper within.

Arctina falls to the ground and stays staring at the cave, all alone. She tries singing like the others, but she emits no sound. As if barbs line her throat, simply breathing and swallowing her own spit draw a grimace. It feels as if a stone has found a home there. Darkening bruises and open gashes cover her body, most of what she can see marking her throat.

"I'm gonna be a frost maiden…" She musters the words as she forces herself to join the others.

Arctina stares at the stalactite above her that is dangerously close to poking her. Their cave is spacious, but she is relegated to this tiny, pointy alcove. Her sleeping area only just gives her enough room to roll around. Elder Glaciari ordered her to use this as her living quarters to teach her "discipline." Arctina only obeys her elder.

Her body screams despite it getting stronger. She has a high aptitude for battling, the elders keep praising her. What a useless compliment. Her guardian training has been going smoothly, though. Too smoothly.

She stifles a cry as her body emits a blinding light. Her body stretches and pulls against her will, but she refuses to let it take form. The light hides her very being being eviscerated and reconstructed. Resisting with all her might, she slams herself into the rugged stone wall until the glowing stops.

Deep, broken breaths do little to numb her pain. For once, she thanks Elder Glaciari for rolling a massive boulder in front of the small entrance to her sleeping area to prevent her from escaping since it blocks the light from the others. No one can know of this. No one can know that she is ready to evolve into a glalie.

Her body begs her to let nature take its course, but her heart quashes the thought. So what if she is strong? So what if she is just one step away from becoming a true guardian? She is going to be a frost maiden. She is going to be the prima donna.

Bright as her spirit is, it does not change the fact that resisting evolution is draining it. Not even guardian training hurts this much. Not even Elder Glaciari admonishing her hurts this much.

It is suddenly too hot to bear. Her body, soaked in sweat, suddenly shines for a quaint moment before she slams herself into the walls again. The pain from impact does not remotely rival that of evolution, but it manages to hinder it somehow. Her head spins as she shoots up to her feet. She falls back down upon stabbing her head with the overhanging stalactite.

Wailing, losing herself for just a second, Arctina crawls across the ground and to the mouth of her alcove as sweat pours down her face. She pathetically punches at the stone as her body spasms and she babbles nonsensical noises. When she forces a deep breath, she stands and pushes the boulder. Despite its sheer heft, it budges and rolls steadily with her controlled strength.

Guardian training produces results, but what does power mean to anyone? It is useless. As long as Arctina can perform the aria, physical strength means nothing. The frost maidens must learn to dance, but their movements did not appear any more exhausting than spinning a few times. She wonders for just a second, Couldn't a froslass be a guardian?

Stifling the thought in fear of disappointing Elder Glaciari further upon asking, Arctina slips outside of her alcove with the utmost stealth to avoid waking the others and actually disappointing Elder Glaciari. Cool air surrounds her and makes her sigh. She leans against the wall and enjoys the sensation until her sweating stops and her breath steadies.

Before the glow of evolution returns and ruins everything, Arctina skitters back to her alcove and pushes the boulder to try to get it back to how it originally was. She shifts the stone a tad to the right before something catches her eye in the distance: several shadows dancing around the dark. She holds her breath, but releases it once the shadows cross near the mouth of the cave. Against the moonlight, Arctina can tell that they are snorunt.

At least she does not have to wake the others to warn them of danger and face punishment for leaving her alcove afterward, but Arctina finds this situation equally worrisome. She counts all seven snorunt gathered at the mouth of the cave before they take off outside.

Feeling left out, she chases after them, creeping around the elders with utmost caution. She follows from a distance until she sees them, led by Shivian, about to step beyond the border of the trees.

"Stop!" Arctina cries out as she dashes toward them. "We can't go beyond the trees!"

Shivian furrows her brow at her. With a roll of the eyes, she says, "And?"

"It's dangerous!"

Other pokémon have encroached on their mountain ever since it stopped snowing, even though the elders always make it known that this is their territory. Who knew what awaited them beyond the trees? The elders warned them as much before.

"Then protect us." So simple. So matter-of-fact. Shivian turns back to the trees. "You're the guardian, so you're supposed to protect us."

With that, she runs. The others follow, leaving Arctina behind with her jaw dropped. One of the others cries over their shoulder, "Yeah, you'll get in trouble if we get hurt!"

Arctina takes a moment she is not allowed to hesitate. No matter how she rejects the title, to the clan, she is the guardian. She has a responsibility to her family. So she forces herself to trail the future frost maidens.

It hits her as she chases after them: Why couldn't the previous frost maidens become guardians? Or even, why couldn't a froslass be both a guardian and a frost maiden? But the answer rings in her head as Elder Glaciari always says, It is tradition.

Arctina catches up to the others when they pause to look around. She approaches Shivian and plainly asks, "What are you doing?"

Shivian whips her head left and right with her eyes closed. Once she picks up on something, she walks off without saying a word. The others only follow the leader.

"Where are you going?" Arctina begs as she takes careful steps after them.

"We're gonna evolve." A snorunt giggles to herself and throws Arctina a bone.

"The elders hid the special gems somewhere. Shivian knows where they are!" A different snorunt nudges Shivian, who ignores it.

Arctina is on the verge of salivating. She finds herself walking beside Shivian, one step ahead, even. If she can just touch one of the special gems, her dream will be halfway realized. "Where is it?"

Shivian takes a sharp right and remains silent. The others chatter about. How they will evolve, how they will become frost maidens transcendent to the previous generation, how they will restore their clan, how it is all so obvious… Arctina ignores the heresy toward their elders and puffs out her chest. They do not know how she will be the prima donna who saves everyone. Evolving into a froslass is within reach, and she screams in her head for Shivian to go faster.

The childrens' daydreaming is abruptly stalled at something lunging at them from a behind a tree. It shoots for Shivian, who pulls Arctina in front of her to block it. Before she can gasp, Arctina is swatted to the side and slammed into a tree.

Large dancing hands belong to a towering figure with a glowing red eye trudging toward the frozen children. It reaches out for another snorunt. Before it can grab her, Arctina runs out and tackles her out of the way.

She launches an ice shard, but the strange pokémon takes it like nothing. She fires off one more, two, three, but the most it does is make him brush the area of contact with his large hand.

The snorunt shrink back and run away. They blindly shoot off in one direction until they come to a screeching halt before they can jump off a ravine. The children huddle together as the pokémon closes in on them.

Arctina feels several pushes on her body, then finds herself splayed on the ground. The handsy pokémon takes one step, and she sees his lumbering foot stopping shy of stomping her head flat. She looks back over her shoulder to see all but one of the others no longer by the cliff's edge. They must have run off after sacrificing her. Only Shivian remains, fallen to the ground a trembling mess despite her arrogant face.

Choking a sob down, Arctina curses at the others in her head, but can't come up with anything other than You stinky jerks!

Because as much as she blames them for abandoning her, she also cannot blame them. Is this not her duty, to use her life to protect the others? Such is the life of a guardian.

It is not a life she wants, but it is not like she will get her way in the clan. She resigns herself to her fate, shifting over to block Shivian and bowing her head as a massive hand reaches out at her. It seems this is it. This is all she amounts to in her family.

From the corner of her eye, a turquoise glimmer shines from a hole that must have been made by the pokémon's heavy, grinding footstep. She feels it in her bones: those stones must be the special stones that will turn her into a froslass. It must be. Time slows to a crawl as her heart and body move before her head. She lunges toward the gems, exposing Shivian to the enemy and leaving her in the way of its savage punch.

A frigid chill shoots through the air. It freezes Arctina when she is just a few more steps from the gems. When she looks over, the towering pokémon is encased in ice, its fist just shy of Shivian's face. Her breath catches in her throat, and when she faces the sound of shuffling, she sees the elders and snorunt.

It finally hits her, what she had done. Shivian no long looks like herself. She bawls uncontrollably and shrinks into herself. When it seems like she calms down just a little, she opens her eyes and her soul leaves her body upon seeing the frozen pokémon. It is hard to imagine this is the same diva everyone else so adores. But she almost lost her life just now. And it is all Arctina's fault.

Elder Glaciari approaches her. Unable to do anything else, Arctina weeps and throws herself at Glaciari's feet. Before they can touch, Glaciari strikes her down. Repulsion and vexation taint the usual tired look on her face.

Guardian or not, Arctina was scared too. She almost died too. Had she not lunged for the gems, she would have died. Would her death have been lauded or forgotten? She cannot stomach the thought.

Arctina screams unintelligible apologies and wails to the ground as Glaciari treads over her to gently offer her hand to Shivian. The duo walks slowly back to the others. As they pass, Shivian hides behind and holds close to her mother and utters, "You're the worst."

Arctina grovels deeper into the dirt. Elder Glaciari yanks her by the foot and drags her along with her. She cannot dream of protesting as her mouth fills with earth and the friction burns her being.

No one says a word on the way back.

Finally, Glaciari flings Arctina away. They are already back at the entrance to their cave. She coughs out clumps of dirt, staying in prostration.

"Have you not learned anything, child?" Elder Glaciari hovers above her. She grabs Arctina and forces her head against the ground, twisting and rubbing it in. "You not only dare disobey my orders, but you cannot even protect the others? You abandon them for your own selfishness?"

But they disobeyed orders first. And she did protect them… Arctina swallows her words along with some dirt. No, she did not do anything. She was merely a distraction until she left Shivian to fend for herself. She is the one who let everyone leave the cave and go past the trees to begin with. She really is the worst. If she had stopped them like a guardian would have, this would have been prevented. Everything would have been better if she did her duty properly.

Glaciari's touch sears her skin. She hates herself for thinking, I don't wanna be the guardian. They are well past that point now. She hates herself even more for thinking, I didn't do anything wrong.

"We ought to cut you loose. Do you not know your place?" Glaciari continues to grind Arctina's face into the ground. "A guardian is to lay their life down for the others. You are merely a useless, hopeless child. You are the last one who should survive."

Finding herself in a divot in the earth from how harshly she was being rubbed into the ground, Arctina chokes out useless apologies.

Her body pulses, and despite herself, she emits a blinding light once again.

"Oh, can you do something correctly?"

Arctina clenches her entire being. She cannot evolve like this. She will be a frost maiden. She will save everyone. She will repent for failing to protect the others tonight, but she will not evolve into a glalie. Even if Elder Glaciari hates her.

As the glow dims, Elder Glaciari throws Arctina. Bouncing off the ground, she lands battered-face-up. Her body gives out. She cannot bring herself to do anything but lie there and allow her body to betray her. She tries resisting with everything she has remaining when Glaciari comes up to her again.

"Please… I wanna be a frost maiden…" Her words are lost in the wind.

"The clan is suffering while you live in delusion." Elder Glaciari strikes her yet again. "Enough. You will never become a frost maiden. If my aria could not appease the Frozen Gigant, what makes you think your shallow, mediocre effort will?"

The light completely engulfs Arctina as she sobs. She cannot fight it anymore. Her body succumbs to the light as she uses what energy remains to cry a heart-rending screech.

When silence overtakes them, a glalie remains where Arctina once was. She lies unconscious. Glaciari motions for the others, watching from afar, to return to the cave. She seethes and lugs Arctina to a new alcove, one just as cramped but slightly larger than her original one. The glalie can just barely fit inside. Glaciari rolls a large boulder in front of the opening and freezes it in place.

Sensing someone, Glaciari whips her head around. Shivan peers from around the corner with a contorted, undefinable face, eyes set on the alcove. Glaciari floats to her daughter and strikes Shivian upside the head. It immediately rights her daughter, and the two return to slumber.

Arctina gazes at the reflection in the pond. She still has not gotten used to her new body. She never will. An ugly, rotund, horned fiend faces her in the water. She bares her now-menacing teeth and gnashes them.

It is quiet tonight. She is alone. After that night, Arctina became more obedient. Not too long ago, the elders trusted her enough to train alone while they mentored the future frost maidens.

She is sick of seeing this face in the water. No matter how Elder Glaciari praises her for getting stronger, for fending off invaders from their territory, she cannot say she is satisfied or proud. Before, she wondered why the elders could not act as guardians since they were very capable of doing so. Now, as things are, such thoughts are irrelevant.

A harmonizing choir fills the air with music. It is the first verse of the Frozen Opera. Instinctively, Arctina hums along. Just for one note. After that, no other sound comes out, no matter how hard she tries.

She tries desperately to hum along as she did when she was a snorunt. The most she gives is a whimper. Her eyes fall back to her reflection.

Arctina howls.

Her raw wail casts ripples in the water. She shakes, and the next thing she knows, she slams herself into a thick tree. Leaves rain down as she throws herself into another one, then another, and another.

When she rams into a boulder, a sickening crack resonates through her body. Something black stabs itself into the ground. It looks familiar. It looks repulsive.

Arctina calms enough to glance back in the water. Her right horn is now missing. Blood gushes out and pools on the ground below.

She blinks once before it truly hits her. She screams again and flails about. Agonizing pain sears what remains of her right horn, almost immobilizing her.

Falling to the ground, Arctina is forced to face her reflection yet again. She wants to spit at it, but pauses. Blood continues to flow from where her horn was broken. From all her thrashing about, some of it splashed onto her body.

Now she is beautiful.

The crimson stains below her mouth are such a brilliant color. It makes her think of the frost maidens, their gorgeous sashes hung around their waists. She shuffles a bit and sees the red does not completely encompass her body. She must complete it, because if she does…

Compelling herself to rise, Arctina freezes an unyielding layer of ice on the boulder that snapped her horn. Without hesitation, she crashes against it again and again. She does not feel anything except rising exhilaration with each collision.

She charges broken-horn-first, whittling down what remains into nothing to yield more red. It dyes the side and bottom of her body, and when she tears herself away from her fervor, she checks her reflection and cries.

Absolute beauty. Pure resplendence. Utter exquisiteness.

Is this truly her? She rejoices. She looks like a froslass. She looks like a frost maiden.

More. She needs more. She wants to look even more like a froslass. She's going to be the prima donna.

Arctina rises and crashes into the frozen boulder once more. If she keeps up, surely her dream will come to fruition. It must. It will. It is taking form right now. She sees the Frozen Opera. She is singing the aria.

Sheer reverie fuels her, but it is cut short when the elders emerge from nowhere and surround her. They freeze her in place, and she falls to the ground encased in a block of ice. Elder Glaciari shakes her head, and all the froslass work to drag Arctina back to the cave.

Only the back half of her is frozen. Arctina dazedly says, "I'm a froslass. Do I look like you, Elder Glaciari? I wanna be the prima donna."

Glaciari scowls for just a moment. She softly rubs the glalie's head and speaks gently. "No, child. You look like something far more mesmerizing than a silly frost maiden."

"Really? Arctina's eyes dance with delight and hope. "Like what?"

Glaciari signals for the others to stop and put Arctina down. She floats before the glalie and smiles. "Like a guardian. A proud, honorable guardian."

An elder hands a sharp black object to Glaciari, who takes it and holds it above Arctina's head. In an instant, she freezes it back where it belongs. It is only the tip of her horn, most of it having been shaved off by her reckless act. The obviousness of this fact is laughable.

Arctina's delirium starts to subside as she snuggles into the touch.

"Really?" Arctina melts before Glaciari's impossibly warm words, the same words that could never sway her heart in the past.


Author's note: I realized much too late that glalie are just sentient rock monsters. Let's pretend they bleed for this story. This is my first time on Thousand Roads, so I'm learning the ropes. Here's to a good time~
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Chapter 2: Ever More Perfect New


Author's note: I think I forgot to say in the first chapter, and I'm going to edit it in now, but this story contains blood and violence. I do not think it veers into absurdly graphic territory which is not permitted here, nor do I think I am capable of writing that darkly, but if it does, please let me know and I will see what I can do to change it.

Chapter 2: Ever More Perfect

Arctina bashes her skull into the grumpig until he stops twitching. Without even making sure he has truly passed, she opens her maw and mercilessly chomps down on his fat head, cutting clean even the sinew and nerves. Blood spurts from what remains of the pokémon and inside her mouth as she chews, bones and all. The crushed skull and black pearls rattle in her cheeks as the blood and mashed brain pool below and on her tongue until she finally gulps everything down.

He was no match for her. It was his own fault, anyway. Anyone who encroaches on their territory is to be exterminated. Becoming her snack is just a bonus. That she is not provided food by the elders most certainly does not affect her savagery. Arctina overhears morning rehearsal restart the chorus and gobbles down the rest of the fallen pokémon.

She spits out the rubbery tail and turns her attention to where the corpse once lay. Body now gone, all that remains is the soul. It is concentrated in a small, glowing orb that Arctina instantaneously freezes and delicately nestles in one of the divots in her body's ice armor before she returns to the practice site.

Elder Glaciari gives a slow nod, and the other elders signal for the children to take a break. The snorunt relax from their strict postures and crowd around a single snorunt. She assumes the role of prima donna during rehearsal. She will assume it during the Frozen Opera as well.

"Shivian's the best!"

"The Frozen Gigant has to be moved by her!"

"We're gonna save everyone!"

Half of the children rejoice with Shivian at the center. She closes her eyes and hums to herself, taking subtle breaths as the others sing praise between deep pants. The other half of the snorunt rub against each other, then cannot help dragging in another when the touch evolves into playful tackles. Next thing they know, the six snorunt roll on the ground, laughing among themselves.

Shivian gives the roughhousing children a single glance before taking several steps away, still humming.

Arctina enters the fray and gently nudges them apart. "Come, now, that's enough."

Arctina only stares as the cheeky children run off to the other side of the small clearing and play tag in the cool shade without so much as acknowledging her. Ever since she evolved, the others seemed to treat her as if she were air. Only the elders and one of the snorunt bother to talk to her. She spends her days watching them from afar and on solitary patrols, so she supposes it is okay. The wondrous sounds of opera rehearsal oft fill her ears, so she cannot complain.

She wonders when it was that she played alongside the children like that. It was not too many moons ago. It resurfaces in her mind, just for a moment, that she is actually the third-youngest of them.

She leaves it be and turns to Shivian. Ever diligent, if Shivian is not eating or sleeping or being lectured by an elder, she is singing.

"You grow ever brilliant." Arctina dislodges the soul from the crater of her body and lets it drop to the ground.

"Must you speak like the elders?" Shivian swiftly spits. "You sound a fool."

Arctina gives a weak chuckle. Shivian is the only peer who speaks to her. But only if Arctina herself prompts it. "I guess not. But a guardian protects everything of a frost maiden, including their egos!"

Shivian gawks at the strangely proud smile marking the glalie's face. "You always squawk such nonsensical tenets."

"But Elder Glaciari told me that!"

"Mother most cert–" Shivian bites her tongue. She clears her throat and, with a more level tone, says, "Elder Glaciari would never say something so inane."

"Well… She said the first half."

"Ah. Of course" Shivian nods and bathes Arctina with a disgusted look beyond words. Arctina was not aware an expression could be an inherited trait, but mother and daughter never cease to amaze her. Not even the size difference between glalie and snorunt weakens the intensity. "Deviant."

Arctina bows over and finally breaks eye contact. "My apologies." She rolls the grumpig soul across the dirt to Shivian's feet in hopes of changing the subject. "Then please have this and take a break."

Souls are a delicacy even without the food shortage they currently withstand. The pure essence of someone long gone remains eternal. That is, until it is consumed. The experiences of one's lifetime, as well as their potential rendered eternally null season every lick. It, in turn, deepens the flavor of the soul that assimilates it.

Arctina was given express instruction from Elder Glaciari: souls are reserved exclusively for the prima donna.

Despite this, Shivian swallows the soul whole. Arctina follows the lump down the snorunt's throat until it disappears in the stomach. Not missing a beat, Shivian clears her throat and begins singing the first verse of the opera.

Arctina has always wondered what a soul tastes like. It must taste beyond words. Perhaps something akin to a rainbow, the same hue they glow. She shakes the thought out of her head. Guardians are not allowed the luxury of a soul. They likely did not taste exceptional either. At least to Shivian, souls are solely sustenance.

She shakes the worthless thoughts out of her head and looks up, only to find Shivian wrinkling her nose. The sun beats down on the snorunt, so Arctina floats above her and shades Shivian with her shadow while exuding a chilling air. That remedies nothing.

Shivian huffs and starts back up from the refrain. "Shall we bask in a blanched paradise as one?"

She pauses thoughtfully. Her voice catches in her throat as nothing but subdued stutters squeak out.

"Behold our folly, decked in rime-" Arctina stops feeding Shivian the next verse in monotone when the snorunt shoots an ice shard in her mouth.

As Arctina chokes, Shivian clears her throat for an oddly long time, then sings again, starting from the line Arctina began. Arctina forces a laugh and listens to the future prima donna's pure alto tones. This is what the prima donna ought to be. Everyone is right: Shivian's aria will no doubt satisfy the Frozen Gigant.

Peaceful smile gracing her face, Arctina follows the lyrics in her head. Having bore witness to most rehearsals, she knows the words quite well. Glaciari approaches Shivian and hosts a private mentoring session. They are but two angels descended upon their humble clan.

Arctina has no doubt: Shivian will be the perfect prima donna, carved in the image of her mother.

"We shall reconvene." Elder Glaciari claps twice to summon the children to her. Shivian is the first to come back from the break. All but three of the other children stop their playing to finish practice.

The trio that continues to play frolic without a care in the world. Glaciari gives a long, tired sigh as she glares at the troublemakers. "I believe I spoke just now."

They completely ignore her, even as her silken voice reverberates perfectly through the clearing. Glaciari sighs again. Arctina picks up on the unspoken cue and approaches the trio.

"Let's get back to rehearsal," she says. "Your duty comes first."

The three scamper away from Arctina, ignoring her in a way so familiar to her. Arctina starts after them, but halts to gasp when Elder Glaciari acts herself.

The froslass looms over the three, who engage in a spinning competition. "I do believe you heard me."

One snorunt stops to blow her tongue out. She is Fridgette, typically the leader of the trio of especially-close children. Everyone knows why they are so tight-knit: they are the ones who were stolen away the night the traitors abandoned their mountain.

Arctina remembers what happened that night following the last Frozen Opera clearly. She was in the midst of it, after all. She often dreams of it whenever she finds openings to nap throughout the day, officially forbidden from neglecting her guardian duties to rest for any amount of time. If there were another glalie, they could take turns keeping watch on the clan, but alas, she is the sole guardian.

That night solidified her allegiance to their clan.

She awoke to her mother carrying her in her arms, moving at a dizzying pace. Arctina peered over the froslass's shoulder to see the sleeping area within the cave shrinking.

"Mommy, where are we going?" she asked before yawning.

"To a new home, love," her mother gently said. "To somewhere we can truly live."

"But this is our home." Arctina shuffled in the firm hold. "What about the next Frozen Opera?"

Her mother shook her head, never slowing down. Other froslass, glalie, and snorunt ran around them like a hushed stampede under the moon.

"We can't leave!" Arctina wriggled. "We have to save everyone! And I'm gonna be the next prima donna!"

"Arctina, no-"

"Elder Glaciari!" Arctina cheered as she almost jumped out of her mother's arms upon seeing the froslass chasing after them.

Her mother gulped, pupils dilated. A strange red juice spilled from the bottom of her body and left a trail behind them, her sash surprisingly not ruffling in the breeze. The other frost maidens had the same odd problem. "Love, settle down."

"Lemme go! I don't wanna leave!" Arctina finally popped out of her mother's death grip and jumped to the ground. "I'm gonna be a frost maiden!"

"Arctina!" her mother screeched, but did not slow down her pace. One glance at Elder Glaciari sent her bolting off even faster.

"We cannot go back for her," her father called from ahead with a breaking voice, not turning back. A trail of water droplets followed him.

"Don't worry, I'm fine!" Arctina jumped and giggled. "It's okay! Promise you'll come back soon! I'll become an even better frost maiden than you, Mommy! I'm gonna be like Elder Glaciari!"

Her parents were too far away to be able to hear any response from them. Arctina knew she was going to be okay, though. As long as the clan had Elder Glaciari's guidance, and as long as she became the prima donna, they would be saved.

A wild blizzard blew nearby. Arctina followed the source and caught Glaciari bowling past her, stirring a plume of pure white in her wake.

"Please, don't," someone begged under a child's wails. Arctina turned to see two froslass tugging on a crying snorunt. "I beg of you, let us go."

The other froslass, Glaciari, hand wrapped around the snorunt's tiny foot, simply poised an ice shard to pierce the crying child's heart. The mother despairingly slackened her grip, but never let go. With a simple, unnecessarily harsh jerk, Glaciari yanked the snorunt into her hands.

"Momma!" the snorunt screeched, desperately throwing herself away from Glaciari. Arctina knew her name: Fridgette. She was always laughing and running around. "No!"

The froslass lowered her head into her hands. She then forced herself to look at Glaciari, still smoldering as the blizzard emanating from her raged on. Glaciari violently shook Fridgette until she stopped generating noise. With a crooked smile, the elder changed her sights to the mother.

Before anything else could happen, a glalie shot by and hurtled straight into Fridgette's mother. He took her with him as they jet far away from Glaciari. The elder glared after them as she carelessly threw Fridgette into the hands of a fellow, loyal elder.

More crying snorunt rang out from nearby. Arctina spun around to see a snorunt splayed on the ground, eating dirt. A decent-sized rock and a drag in the ground said she tripped and fell.

"Sister!" A smaller snorunt clumsily dashed back from ahead to the fallen snorunt. She helped her sister to stand. Arctina recognized them as the youngest sisters in the clan. She was relatively quite young herself, but the gap between her and the two was decent. The sisters enjoyed playing follow the leader with the others.

Elder Chillena leered at the two not unlike Glaciari, dropping them to their knees. They trembled as she reached down and picked them both up with one hand each. The froslass stared off at the distance and sighed before approaching Glaciari. "It seems these are all we have to work with."

Glaciari growled and stuck her nose in the air. "Disgraceful traitors. The underworld waits for them."

They watched as the shadows of the runaways shrunk until they disappeared past the horizon. They ought not have wasted breath chasing after them. Divine retribution awaited those cowards.

With one final huff, Glaciari turned around and started floating back to the cave. Chillena trailed her with the two sisters in hand. Arctina skipped after them, humming a tune she recalled from the opera.

Arctina did not understand why so much of their clan so desperately fled into the night. They just needed to wait for the next Frozen Opera, which she would lead. Her parents were being stupid, too!

Arctina was but a fool who did not yet understand how grave an error her parents, alongside the others, made. They would not be coming back home, ever. Because they were heretics who rejected the very meaning of life: to perform the Frozen Opera. They left the safety of their home for what? A quicker death.

None of the fugitives went back for the four children, whether they wanted to or not. The true wrath of a prima donna, or perhaps that of just Glaciari, utterly eclipsed that of any guardian.

Arctina would learn all this in time. And her silly daydream from once upon a time would later bring her to find the true purpose and way of her life: to be the clan's sole guardian.

Fridgette and the sisters bonded quickly when they were taken back home. The four other snorunt are all daughters of the elders, so there is a palpable distance between them. The children are close after all this time together, but those three are especially close.

Arctina is similar to them. She was a leftover from that night too. Though no one ever likes to include her.

Fridgette spins to shake her behind at Glaciari, whose eye twitches at the sight. Elder Glaciari slowly says, "Rehearsal shall resume."

"Don't wanna!" Frigette sardonically says without hesitation. The two sisters echo her. They giggle all the while.

"I don't believe I heard you." Glaciari reaches out to grab the snorunt, but Fridgette jumps away.

"I don't wanna rehearse! I don't wanna be a frost maiden!" Fridgette explodes. "I wanna keep playing!"

"And this is why you are the weakest performer. You have no discipline."

"Who cares!" Fridgette snaps. Her voice does leave something to be desired. "The stupid opera won't even save us! The Frozen Gigant doesn't even exist! Why should we have to practice all the time? It's useless!"

Blasphemy. She is a true fool.

Elder Glaciari closes the gap between them and slaps Fridgette across the face. "Your breathing is still incorrect."

"I hate you! I hate the Frozen Opera!" Fridgette thrashes in place. "I wanna leave! I wanna see Momma again!"

With that, Fridgette turns and runs. The two sisters follow her. Arctina gives chase as well.

"Come back!" Arctina cannot comprehend their immaturity and ignorance. "I'm sure Elder Glaciari will forgive you if you just apologize and return to rehearsal!"

She closes the gap from the trio's head start quickly. But before she reaches them, the backs of the three are obscured by black fur. Arctina pushes herself to her limit and bursts onto the scene.

Arctina comes to a screeching halt when she collides with someone. They are sent flying, and she can finally see the yellow backs of the trio again. They huddle together and shrink to the ground.

Finally looking around, Arctina finds nine snarling mightyena closing in on them. Another lies tangled in a tree. That must have been what she knocked into.

Without warning, they all pounce. Arctina shoots ahead to hover above the children and take the hit for them. Fridgette and the sisters skitter to a nearby bush as the mighyena and Arctina tumble to the ground in a tangled mess.

All Arctina can see is black fur and white fangs. "Get off!"

"This is our territory," one of them growls.

Well, this is their mountain. Arctina holds her tongue as she whips around to fling the pokémon off of her. One latches on her by biting the one whole horn she has while another digs their claws into her, boring holes, and the others jump off.

Arctina throws herself into a nearby tree and flattens the parasite hooked onto her body. The mightyena hanging off her horn releases his hold on her. She uses the time it takes him to adjust his landing to smash her body against him and drive him into the ground. She shifts gears to face the regrouped pack and shoots a barrage of ice shards. Two clean headshots land and the enemy adjusts their formation of only five.

"Not bad," the smallest mightyena says. The largest charges forth with reckless abandon and leaps with his fangs primed for a crunch.

Arctina simply unhinges her jaw and waits. He shoots straight for her and does not even realize he has lost when his head enters her gaping maw. She chomps down without hesitation, severing his head with an explosion of blood and devouring it before his remaining pack.

"Seems like they failed." The smallest mightyena who spoke before laughs like mad at his fallen comrades. Scars coat his coat. Perhaps he is their leader, not the big one she so effortlessly took down just now. "Four is a good number after all. Shall we, boys?"

Two other mightyena jump away while the leader and another charge straight for her. She coughs a blizzard out that settles in the warm night quickly. The running duo disappears just as fast with it.

Knocking the confusion out of her is shooting pain on either side of her. The two mightyena who jumped away earlier dig their claws into her, piercing her thick ice coating. She yelps, but is silenced when the other two burrow out from the earth to lunge at her face.

She falls down as the four trample on her. They carve out pieces of her ice armor and claw at her relentlessly. Her body chips and dents down to her rock core, even the silly, large red stain on her under-half that froze over and never went away from that one night.

Arctina, through ragged breaths, darts her eyes around for any opening. And she sees it in the form of a fluffy black tail dangling before her very mouth.

In one swift move, she chomps down on the tail and refuses to let go. The mightyena howls in pain and slashes at her eyes, but she ignores everything to swing the pokémon around like a weapon. His body drives into his comrades' and swipes them away. Still latched on, Arctina swings the panicking scarred mightyena at the downed others again and again until her bite proves too strong and lops off the appendage.

Too much fur. She spits it out at the mightyena flattened to the ground, growling despite the fountain of blood gushing out of the end of his body. "You little…"


Shrill cries ring out and break Arctina's focus. Three snorunt tumble out of the nearby brush and cower before the menacing mightyena. Saliva and blood spatter on their faces. He switches targets from Arctina to the children as he smirks at her.

"Don't you dare!" Arctina charges for him.

"Arctina." The voice, ever sonorous, stops Arctina in her tracks. Elder Glaciari dusts her hands together. "Come back here."

Froslass and snorunt emerge from nowhere. Everyone is present. It cannot be safe for the children to be out here, even with her and the elders around. Surely it would have been safer for them all to stay at the cave. Yet Elder Glaciari has led them all here.

"But-" Arctina manages to choke out.

"We, the clan, are over here." Glaciari, already turned to leave, throws a nasty glare over her shoulder. "Over there, I only see three outsiders in the peril they brought upon themselves."

Arctina gawks, but hearing it that way, is Elder Glaciari correct? Yes, she is. Fridgette and the two sisters forsook everything their clan stands for. They denounced the Frozen Opera and selfishly chose to play instead of devoting themselves to their duties as frost maidens, and then ran. Their allegiance lies somewhere nonsensical. They are not part of the clan. Just like their parents.

Arctina backs away and joins the others. Fridgette desperately cries, "Please save us!"

Glaciari turns to the mightyena with scorn. "Surely you understand where you win and lose."

He scoffs, but acts as if the others are not there and circles the children. The three scream and sob before managing to trip over themselves to get to Glaciari. They clamor over her.

"I'm sorry! I'll rehearse! I'll practice so hard!" the younger sister pleads.

"Me too! I'm so sorry! I'll make sure the Frozen Opera succeeds! I promise!" the older sister implores.

"Please save me!" Fridgette cries.

"Very well." Glaciari embraces the sisters with one arm. With the other, she tosses Fridgette back in front of the mightyena. "Let us go home, children. Rehearsal will resume where we left off."

"No! Please, Elder Glaciari!" Fridgette screams before the mightyena pounces on her.

"This way." Glaciari pushes everyone gently ahead, blocking the view of Fridgette. Her blood-curdling screams resound despite this. The children march with their heads down.

It takes mere seconds for silence to overtake the air. Glaciari stops and turns back. "He reeked of bloodlust, not hunger. Let us see the result."

Arctina dares not question how Glaciari knows something like that, nor why she intends to return. She simply follows her elder back to the scene.

The scarred alpha is gone. A few of the other mightyena are missing as well. Arctina still has room to grow stronger. Only four bodies litter the clearing. Four mightyena bodies. Plus one snorunt.

Fridgette splays on the ground, blood pooling around her. Countless gashes mar her body and leave her unrecognizable. Her coat is torn to shreds. One eyeball has been plucked from her skull, a long, nasty, flowing nerve string blowing in the wind where it once was. Her guts spill out from a large slash across her stomach. A chunk has been carved out of her side. A foot lies detached by her head. The other children stay quiet with their heads still bowed.

Glaciari approaches Fridgette and chuckles. "Foolish child."

"Save me…" It is not even a whisper. Everyone stiffens as Fridgette's lips part ever so slightly.

"Oh?" Glaciari lowers her head to the snorunt's mouth, eyes glistening with intrigue. "You still draw breath?"

"This wouldn't have happened if we left this mountain."

"Heathen." Elder Glaciari's face drops. She pulls away from the child and motions for Arctina. "Come."

Arctina obeys. She stares at the wilting traitor.

"Freeze her through and bring her back with us."

Arctina immediately complies. She takes a solemn breath before immersing Fridgette in frost breath. Ice creeps along her body, blood, tears, skin, and all until her heart freezes over. The snorunt does not resist.

"Excellent." Elder Glaciari caresses the chunk of ice.

As Glaciari is distracted, Arctina swiftly bashes the heads of the mightyena bodies in and wolfs them all down. She bathes in the puddles of blood they leave behind and freezes it to form a new layer of ice armor around her body. She then gathers their souls before returning to Elder Glaciari.

The froslass motions with her hand. Arctina grabs what was once Fridgette between her teeth and follows after Elder Glaciari. The clan returns to their clearing and readies themselves for rehearsal. As the snorunt obediently line up in formation, the two sisters the most eager, Glaciari beckons Arctina into the cave.

They venture to the sleeping area. Arctina cannot remember the last time she was allowed in this space. Glaciari points to the center of the chamber with a low chuckle. "Here. Display her here."

Several glalie and froslass encased just like Fridgette are arranged in a ring. They sit under a large frozen garland suspended at the stalactites. Strung along the fine ice cord are brilliant red sashes encased in crystal-clear ice.

Arctina quietly sets the frozen snorunt down where Glaciari indicates: between two froslass. One stands with a feisty glare marking her face, her arms raised with a shadow ball charged that is perfectly preserved in the chunk of ice. The other has her hands clasped above her bowed head, ice around her freezing imperfectly with two long icicles hanging from her permanently shut eyes. The bloody pulp of a feature that is Fridgette does not quite fit in.

A glalie screaming an eternal battle cry in the middle of a takedown. A froslass with eyes widened like mad, back arched and arms swung out as if frozen mid-run. A glalie with his horns and teeth nothing but shattered stumps. A froslass pathetically draped across the floor. A glalie literally cleaved in twain. Fridgette would look better placed beside them.

The frozen pokémon are ever so vaguely familiar to Arctina. The froslass must be frost maidens from the previous generation. If so, then the glalie are old guardians. She notes how all the froslass share the same injury marked by blood spurting from their bare waists.

Elder Glaciari continues to laugh to herself. Wordlessly, Arctina withdraws from the scene. Marveling at the new addition to their centerpiece, Glaciari gushes, "How beautiful."

Soon, Glaciari joins rehearsal. She steps up to announce, "It seems we now have only six frost maidens. We will make due with what we have. We are rid of our weakest link now, after all."

"You killed her."

Dirt crunching and a smooth voice make Arctina spin around from her spot at the mouth of the cave for night watch. She relaxes at the sight of Shivian approaching. She tries not to make a show of it, but she internally celebrates this as the first time Shivian instigated a conversation with her.

"I know." Arctina simply says. "Because I'm the guardian. She was dangerous. She could lure us all to our doom."

"Good." Shivian nods her head approvingly. "At least you know your place."

"Shouldn't you be resting?" Arctina gives a dry chuckle. She knows how useless the inquiry is. Most nights, Shivian sneaks out here for solo practice.

Ever willful, the snorunt ignores her and clears her throat. In an instant, a lovely sound fills the air as she sings a scale as a warmup.

"You're gonna attract danger." Arctina has little force in her words as the melody draws her in.

"And you're supposed to ward it off." Shivian returns to vocalizing, this time a portion of the opera.

Arctina allows Shivian's voice to lull her to ease as she turns back to her night watch. As the otherwise quiet night drags on, Arctina feels her eyelids drooping. Her body throbs, a searing sensation overtaking her. The spots where those mightyena dug into her set ablaze against her will. She would still be bleeding had she not frozen herself over.

She could have died in that faceoff. The elders could have helped her, but they only watched. She ended one of their own. No one asked if she was okay. She shrugs it off. Arctina is the guardian. Protecting the clan is all that matters. It is her duty.

The night is long and peaceful for now. Shivian reaches the aria. She remembers the lyrics perfectly now. Arctina closes her eyes just for a short while. Just to hear the solo that will save them all.

Shivian's voice commands Arctina's heartbeat. So powerful, yet just as elegant. She hits every note flawlessly in perfect time with her commanding alto voice.

She reaches the climax: an impossibly high note that can reach the heavens.

It brings a tear to Arctina's eye. She sniffs as Shivian stops singing and nods to herself. An earned prideful smile marks the snorunt's face. Arctina whoops and cheers.

"You really are the best, Shivian!"

"Is there any other result?"

"You're beyond perfection! Even if you're…" Arctina catches herself before she says something stupid. It is only an observation she has, nothing more. It does nothing to smear the snorunt's pure talent.

"Speak. If you cannot bother finishing your thought, why bother starting?" Shivian smacks the glalie in the side, aggravating a wound sustained from the mightyena.

"Oh, it's just…" Arctina shrinks under the sharp gaze. With a gulp, she says, "You're voice isn't like Elder Glaciari's."

"What?" Shivian immediately says. She scoffs before saying, "I dare you to say something besides nonsense."

Arctina hems and haws before ultimately blurting, "You can't go as high as she can!"

Shivian strikes Arctina like Glaciari. She goes red in the face sputtering and growling. "You take that back." Such nonsense. Shivian sneers and stifles a growl. "Just shut up!"

"Yes!" Arctina genuinely regrets saying anything. "But you're so amazing! It doesn't even-"

"Enough!" Shivian takes several heaving breaths. She purses her lips and nods strangely to herself.


The snorunt spins away from Arctina. She slowly sings a rising scale. The pitch rises higher and higher until she hits the note she typically uses for the aria's climax. The simple sound overfills Arctina's ears and heart with bliss.

Shivian repeats her top tone several times. Her eyes scrunch shut and her mouth twists in a way completely foreign to Shivian's smug face. With a final deep breath, she rings out a different sound with a shaking jaw. It shatters the limit of her highest note and makes Arctina sigh longingly. A crisp and angelic tone that brings to mind the ever-brilliant Elder Glaciari.

"You hit it!"

"Obviously," Shivian breathlessly says, face still twisted.

"But doesn't it…" Arctina starts without thinking.

"What did I just say about finishing your thoughts?"

"I mean, does it hurt to hit that note?"

Surely Shivian has never made this heavenly sound until now for a reason. It must not be natural for her. Her default is a lower, exquisite alto. Glaciari is an enchanting soprano who can easily hit the ethereal whistle register.

Shivian punches Arctina hard enough to bounce her off a nearby tree. With her typical sharpness, tinged with a vague hoarseness, she hisses, "If mother can do it, then so can I." She clears her throat harshly. "I am the prima donna. Of course I can perform the aria to perfection."
Chapter 3: Jewels From the Gorged Gorge New



Chapter 3: Jewels From the Gorged Gorge


At the call of her name, the glalie turns to face Glaciari and the other elders approaching her at the mouth of the cave. The snorunt have just been put to sleep.

"Yes?" Arctina shrinks back at the grim faces they share.

"We have a special mission for you." Glaciari leers into the distance. "There has been a tragedy. The transcendent jewels have gone missing."

Gawking, Arctina blinks and shakes her head. That is impossible. They need those so that the children can become froslass. Without evolving, they cannot perform the choreography to complete the opera. The children have already mastered the lyrics, which proves their devotion and is prerequisite to the elders presenting them with the transcendent jewels. The children ought to evolve any day now. "How? What should we do?"

"They were hidden by the Gorged Gorge, as you know. From what we could glean, a number of sableye have begun calling it home." Elder Chillena, second in command to Glaciari, speaks in her usual monotone. The jewels laid buried deep in the same spot as it had in the past, the children never daring to prematurely evolve after that night. "They must have been stolen away. Most likely already eaten by those dastards."

Glaciari slowly blinks. "We need them now. Do you understand, child?"

Arctina, who had been nodding the entire time the froslass spoke, nods one final time, almost bowling over. "Yes."

"I've sent the other elders to scour the mountain for more transcendent jewels, but time and again, they found only air. All that remains to search is the Gorged Gorge itself." Glaciari pets Arctina gently. "I am sending you to investigate. Do not return until you find six transcendent jewels. The other elders need to scavenge for food. Our stock runs low. And I suppose I must act the guard until then. If I must."

"Understood!" Arctina runs the instructions through her head again before turning away. "I'll be back!"

"You are not allowed to fail," Glaciari says before returning to the cave. "Be quick."

Pride swells in Arctina's chest. She will make sure she saves the opera. It must be performed by gorgeous froslass. She will find the transcendent jewels before the next day, even, so that she does not shirk her duty as the clan's guardian and force them on Glaciari. They can leave everything to her.

Off she goes to the Gorged Gorge. It is somewhat familiar to her. It lies in the ravine below where she and the other children found themselves cornered by some time ago. Infested by rogue pokémon, the elders never scavenge here for meals. They claim it exists solely for the sake of its own gluttony, and once you enter, you either die or become a monster.

Arctina floats on a cliff's edge overlooking the Gorged Gorge in no time. It is relatively close to their cave, after all. She maps out what she can in her head before diving into the thick of it. The transcendent jewels emit such brilliance that she will know if one lies near by instinct alone, so she hides in the shadows as she passes through the main path with her head up.

Arctina can smell it: the earth is soaked in blood. Bones and rotting limbs litter the ground. Crunching sounds off nearby, and when Arctina hides behind a boulder and peeks around, she sees various small pokémon swarming a now-unidentifiable corpse, eating it away into nothing.

The bloodlust is palpable. From a distance away, she hears the howling and clashing of battle. The heads of several breloom soar through the air and tumble before her. A harsh, dark gale blows through the ravine and sends them flying as slices in Arctina's ice armor take form.

On edge, Arctina creeps away deeper into the gorge. As proud as she is of her strength, she cannot help but shiver. She has not even run into battle yet, but she knows that she must leave if she values her life.

A single annihilating beam shoots through the gorge and illuminates everything. It misses Arctina by a snowflake's width and lasts for far too long. She gulps and slowly turns to the source.

A strange pokémon she has never seen before stares her down with an excessive amount of pink eyes. It points what must be one of its arms at her, smoke rising from the hole in it. It simply floats there with seemingly no intent to move.

Then all of a sudden, the body spins around, head stationary. "YOU… WHO… DIE…"

It can just barely speak. Arctina tries to hold a conversation, but no words come out. She trembles as a blinding light charges in both of its arms. Its body continues to spin and Arctina desperately floats up. Just as she moves, the gorge is cloaked in a stunning orange-tinted light.

Arctina gawks, frozen in place. Below her, two hyper beams raze everything in an impressive radius as the pokémon's body keeps spinning in place. In maybe five seconds that last beyond an eternity, the attack winds down and the pokemon hangs its head, lifeless.

This thing… Is it truly a pokémon? It is surely a monster from an unknown, faraway land. The chasm walls are carved cleanly where the hyper beam struck. The stones in its way are nonexistent. All nearby trees crash down, a section of their trunks eliminated. Surely, they must be the only two pokémon alive in this area of the Gorged Gorge. Arctina weakly floats away.

Rocks of various size suddenly carve out of the stone wall on their own. They home in on her and send her crashing into the opposite wall. She leaves a dent, and her eyes instantly dart to the strange pokémon. Its eyes point at her, active once more.

Taking a sharp gasp, Arctina shoots out consecutive ice shards. They send it reeling long enough for her to escape. Whether it gives chase, she cares not. She only needs to go far, far away and survive. She rips herself out of the wall, leaving chunks of ice armor behind, and sets off.

She rams into someone before she can correct her course. They had popped out of nowhere. Rather, they fell from the sky. Another pokémon Arctina has never seen: a large dragon on all fours with a sweeping tail, bared fangs, and red wings as big as its body.

One roar from it is all it takes for Arctina to know she will die from only a lazy swipe of its claws. The sheer volume stuns her and forces her heart to a stop. When she comes to, its tail comes for her from the side. It smashes through a humongous boulder without slowing.

Arctina closes her mouth, vomits a blast of winter, then forces her jaw open. Teeth lined with frost, tears betray her pride as a guardian as she takes the crashing tail in her mouth and clamps down on it.

It screeches and swings its frosted tail about, slamming Arctina into everything in the way. It smashes her into the exposed bedrock, and she leaves a deep red splat every strike. The world stops spinning only when she feels immense heat on her face. She cracks her eyes open to be met with a fire in the mouth of the beast, which she is held in front of.

Her whimper does not come out only because she is still biting on the tail. She releases a muffled scream as she forces her jaw closed. The rough, tough hide finally gives way and her teeth connect. The instant they do, she pulls away and spits the disgusting flesh out without hesitation.

Another ear-piercing screech follows and extinguishes the fire in its mouth. Arctina bashes her iron-hardened skull into its tiny head and spews frost breath on its wings. And as its tail, gushing blood near the tip, swings again, she abandons the fight to flee.

Fortune seemingly rewarding her cowardice, the pokémon with the many eyes appears, apparently chasing after her, and drives into the dragon. They steal each other's' attention from her, so Arctina runs away.

She desperately looks around and finds a deep crack in the wall. She slows down, squeezes in, and hyperventilates. "This is the worst."

Her conclusion will not change, even if she has only encountered two pokémon. She was not even sure if the first one she met was a pokémon, and the dragon had even less manners than it! It did not even attempt a conversation, only diving straight into battle.

"This place is wicked," Arctina repeats to herself like a mantra as her breaths slow. "Our mountain truly is the only safe haven in this world."

Indeed, the Gorged Gorge is not part of their mountain. Despite occupying land on the actual mountain, it stretches out onto the plain at the base of it and is considered the world beyond. Their clan used to live closer to the peak, farther from the gorge, but the warming weather brought dangerous forces to their original locale. It chased them out and forced them to call their current cave base, despite such proximity to the hellscape dubbed the Gorged Gorge.

"I must hurry." Arctina steadies her heart, yet her body refuses to leave the cover of the recess in the wall. She gulps and trembles, but cannot move a step outside. The blood trail she left leading to her current position reminds her to freeze herself over, but she cannot bring herself to do even that.

Several scratches tickle the bottom half of her body. It must be her injuries reminding her she is still alive. But it transforms into a flurry of slashes that dig into her rock core. Something stabs deep into her underside and rips away a chunk of her being. Dangerous crunches resound. She cannot stifle the earth-shattering scream coming from her very soul.

Several pinches where the scratches just were carve out pieces of her core and steal them from her. She holds her breath, whimpering like a child even in her thoughts, eyes completely clouded with tears, as she whips her body down to see. She blinks her vision clear and makes out purple imps with brilliant eyes, drool pouring out from behind their jagged teeth as they trace the bottom of her bare body with pointed fingers.

With a pathetic yelp, Arctina finally bolts from cover. She travels far enough to float above the river running through the gorge. In her reflection, she sees four of those purple imps hanging off of her body by their teeth, sucking and chewing her core with delight.

She cannot even scream, mind completely empty except for unvoiced, anguished wails. She simply dunks herself into the river, forcing the pokémon to separate from her. The warm river rapids shooting into her and lodging sediments in her wounds do not even register.

Elder Chillena warned of sableye, who devour stones. These gremlins must be them. Arctina shivers at the thought.

The sableye who were not latched onto her wade through the shallow river and leap at her. She bawls and fails to even think of dodging. The parasites climb over her and crunch on her ice armor. The ones in the water rise to lick at her exposed bottom half. Disgusting savages.

As they ravage her body, Arctina desperately tries to come up with something, anything to get away. Blood gushes from deep within her core, and she sheds tears unwittingly.

A menacing gale blows through the gorge, not unlike the one from earlier that decapitated the breloom. It flings the sableye off her and something shoots them down one by one. The wind blows Arctina away. Nothing in this lifetime could express her gratitude for this serendipity.

She lodges into the stone wall a good distance away before falling face-down. Arctina tries to rise, but can only roll over on her side. "I need to continue…" she can barely utter.

Returning to where the sableye are is the last thing she wants, so Arctina rolls away. But something inexplicably pulls her back. "No, please don't…" she begs herself.

But it draws her back. Something resonates with her soul and she just knows: the transcendent jewels are near.

Gulping just once, Arctina collects herself and reminds herself of her purpose. She is the guardian. She will protect the clan. She yields to no opponent. She is to gather transcendent jewels and return home to help save everyone. That is all.

I'm such a fool, she thinks. What was she doing, crying and running like a child? The Gorged Gorge? It is a mere playground. She could have defeated those pokémon and then some. Obviously.

Yes, she would be victorious in any battle.


Because she is the guardian.

And even if she did lose, even if she did die, it would be her own fault. She would have deserved it for being such an improper, unworthy guardian.

But of course, that would never happen. Because she is the true, sole guardian of their clan.

Chuckling at her own foolishness, Arctina freezes her body over several times. She fills the new, bleeding holes of her core with ice and does not stop adding more protective layers to her body until she runs out of energy.

Satisfied, Arctina darts her eyes around for anything to refuel her instantly. She spots a rotting corpse and rolls herself over to it and feasts. The soul it leaves behind is the color of blood. Believing Shivian deserves better, Arctina leaves it behind as she switches gears to chase the sensation of the transcendent jewels.

Saving her energy for battle, Arctina continues to roll along the uneven ground. Her horns make it a challenge to go straight, but she persists. Closer and closer, she can feel it right there.

"Perfection. Make sure to wash all the blood off," someone says.

Arctina can barely make it out as she rolls. She stops to observe and gasps at the sight: two froslass floating by the river. Something beckons her toward them. They must have the transcendent jewels.

Arctina boldly rolls closer, stopping shy of the water. The two froslass pause to look at her. The noticeably older one drops a purple body into the river, in her hand two shining blue gems. She dons an elaborate cloak of ice with various colorful stones woven in it, reminiscent of the garb donned by the prima donna during the Frozen Opera.

The younger one steps in front of the other and glares Arctina down, clumsily holding her hands in fists, but her face is too cutesy to be menacing. She might be prettier than Elder Glaciari.

"Uh, hi." Arctina makes herself float. She is now certain: these two have the jewels. She can tell not only by sensation, but by the splendid gems shining in the moonlight, embedded in the ornate cape. "I'm Arctina."

"Hold." The older froslass steps ahead, touching the other on the back as she passes, and approaches the glalie. She freezes the gems in her hands to her cloak. "What do you want from us?"

"Uh, the transcendent jewels." Arctina eyes the gems.

The froslass hugs the cloak and backs away. "And what do you mean by that?"

"Please!" Arctina throws herself back to the earth and grovels. "We can save everyone. We just need those gems from your cape. I'll do anything!"

"Oh?" The older froslass puts a hand to her mouth and raises her brow. "Do you come from above?"

"Yes…" Arctina hesitantly answers, assuming the froslass means from outside the gorge. How long must they have been here?

"Are there more of you?" The older one forces Arctina to look at her with her hands.

Arctina does not answer. She should be wary. But the transcendent jewels takes precedence above all.

"Which ones do you need?" The older one adopts a serene smile and shows off her cape. Arctina cannot help staring at the transcendent jewels near the very end of the gaudy adornment. Gems like those from the bodies of the sableye from earlier attach below them. "These? I can offer you them."

"Really?" Arctina's face lights up.

"Yes. But in exchange, please bring us home with you." The froslass hugs herself. "It is rather terrifying living here. Would you be so kind as to save us?"

Arctina tries to think like Elder Glaciari. She ought to kill the two, steal the jewels, and return home. But as she glances at the younger froslass, she thinks of the Frozen Opera. They have only six frost maidens, including the prima donna. They used to have seven. This froslass is utterly stunning. Can she not be a frost maiden, too?

Arctina makes a tentative choice. "Very well. Follow me."

She will take them back to their cave and meet with Elder Glaciari. Whatever she decides, Arctina will follow. And if there is any sign of potential trouble, she can just kill them.

"Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!" The older froslass embraces the glalie. "I am Agnice."

The younger froslass shyly tugs on the others' sash. The older one chuckles and says, "This is my daughter, Frozy. Please excuse her; she cannot speak. But I assure you, she is as grateful as I."

Arctina smiles and nods. "Okay, then. Let's go now!"

They cannot leave the Gorged Gorge fast enough. The three float up together. Frozy awkwardly ambles at the rear until Agnice takes her hand and pulls her along. Arctina holds her breath and keeps all her senses alert as they rise. When they finish scaling the stone wall, she sighs and feels as if she's used a lifetime of luck escaping the gorge without any issue. Dawn is upon them, the transcendent jewels reflecting the very essence of the light.

"This way." She leads the way, making sure to never completely turn her back to them. "We're not far from my home."

"That is wonderful!" The older froslass pulls her cloak close. "You said you needed some of my treasure? These, correct?"

"Yes." Arctina's heart swells. They are so close to perfecting the Frozen Opera. They frost maiden candidates will become full-fledged frost maidens upon evolving. How delightful.


She counts the gemstones again. One, two, three, four, five… Arctina recounts several more times, and her heart sinks deeper every cycle. Five jewels for six snorunt? She needs to find one more. But she does not want to return to the gorge. They cannot conjure one out of thin air.

Agnice only has five transcendent jewels. Arctina scans the rest of the cloak, and finds no more than the five clustered just before the hem. How can this be?

"Is that you, child?"

Arctina jolts at the voice. They arrived before she knew it. "Elder Chillena?"

"You have guests?" The grim, yet proper froslass peers behind the glalie. "What of your task?"

Cursing in her head, Arctina wishes they had not made it back so quickly. Her mission is incomplete. "I, well…"

Shame overcoming her, Arctina slowly looks to Agnice as mother and daughter come up from behind her.

Chillena slowly nods, eyes locked on the newcomers, then on the cloak. "I shall fetch Glaciari."

Eyes shut tighter than ever, Arctina waits as the elder disappears inside the cave. How could she be so foolish? She disobeyed her orders. She returned without six transcendent jewels. She is such a failure!

"Arctina." Glaciari says as she steps outside. She floats up to the glalie while side-eying the two froslass. "If you are here, I can surely assume one thing, correct?"

Unable to hide anything from Glaciari, Arctina points her chin at Agnice and Frozy.

"Ah." Glaciari pets Arctina's head with the force of that dragon's tail. "Instead of transcendent jewels, you bring outsiders?"

"Is this not what you want?" Agnice sheds her cloak as Frozy takes it in her hands. Frozy spreads it open as Agnice gestures at the gems.

Glaciari freezes, mouth agape. A sizable lump goes down her throat. She rubs her eyes, which land on the transcendent jewels only once before they dart between the two newcomers, and blinks several times. Her lips purse, then tremble before ultimately blooming into a beautiful smile. "We are saved."

"Huh?" Arctina drops her jaw. "But, there aren't enough jewels. We need one more. I didn't complete your task. I'm so-"

"Enough." Glaciari slaps her hand over Arctina's mouth. "We have enough transcendent jewels. Even zero would be satisfactory. You needn't worry, child. In fact, you have truly saved us all."

Arctina, unsure as to whether or not this was reality, watches as Elder Glaciari warmly approaches Agnice and Frozy and joyously embraces them together.

Rehearsal begins once the children wake and have eaten the breakfast the elders, having secured a decent stock of food in the time it took her to fumble her mission, provide them. Elder Glaciari, Agnice, and Frozy had slipped inside the cave without the children seeing them to talk more and have yet to emerge.

Arctina watches the snorunt warm up before Chillena taps her on the back. "Glaciari calls for you two."

Shivian stands by the elder's side, huffing and tapping her foot. As Chillena leaves, Arctina smiles at Shivian. The snorunt scoffs. "You look disgusting."

Shivian marches into the cave without another word. Arctina trails after her, running through a gamut of facial expressions to try to find one she thinks Shivian will be more receptive to. Shivian stops walking for one second to say, "Now you're disturbing."

Arctina hangs her head and sighs. "I'm sorry."

The two continue deep inside, passing the statue of Fridgette on the way. In the heart of the cave, three froslass lay in wait. Glaciari and Agnice laugh together like old friends. Glaciari lovingly rubs Frozy's head. Shivian's face twists at the sight.

Glaciari straightens up. With her usual air, she approaches the two children and simply says, "Shivian, you are relieved of your position as prima donna."

Shivian and Arctina gawk at the sudden bombshell. Unblinking, Shivian sharply demands, "Repeat that."

Glaciari does. "You are no longer necessary, Shivian. Someone else will act as the prima donna."

"Who?" Shivian spits. She yanks on her mother's sash.

"Frozy will assume the position."

The aforementioned froslass hides behind Agnice as eyes set on her. Arctina's jaw drops as she slowly darts her eyes around all the pokémon in the room. "Um… Why am I here?"


"I refuse to accept this!" Shivian wildly shakes her mother. "This is nonsense! What manner of-"

A single strike to the cheek crumples Shivian to the ground. Glaciari dusts her hands and resumes her sentence. "Because now you will especially watch over Frozy. The prima donna is to flourish after all, correct?"

"Yes." Arctina nods and hesitates to help Shivian under the gaze of her mother.

"And you, child." Glaciari glares at Shivian. "You will be a provisional frost maiden. We have built the foundation for a perfect opera utilizing six frost maidens, one the prima donna. We do not have time to integrate another seventh. We can feel a change in the air. The Frozen Gigant will be upon us faster than we expected."

"But why can't she be the provisional frost maiden? She is the outsider! I am the only one worthy-"

A strike to the top of her head sends Shivian to the dusty ground face-first. Elder Glaciari presses the snorunt's back and grinds her face into the earth. Arctina winces in solidarity.

"Frozy will save us. That is absolute." Glaciari releases Shivian. "She is the only one who can."

"No, I can!" Shivian forces herself to her feet. "I will! You taught me everything. I was born to-"

"I did not raise you to be so uncouth." Glaciari throws her daughter back to the ground, digs her in, and gives a wry chuckle. "Until you purge that selfish arrogance from your very being, you will not even be allowed to participate in rehearsal. You as the prima donna, above Frozy? You dare to invoke Their wrath?"

"You… You didn't raise me at all!" Shivian explodes, overcoming Glaciari's strength to run at her mother and punch below the waist. "I'm the prima donna! I-"

A sharp crack echoes through the cave. Elder Glaciari withdraws her hand as Shivian's cheek grows red. Void of emotion, Glaciari carries her daughter away by the foot. Approaching the small alcove Arctina once used as her sleeping space when she was a snorunt, Glaciari dangles her daughter. "Do you wish to join her?" Glaciari points her chin at Fridgette. "Hmm, I do not even remember her name."

"It's not fair…" Shivian manages to say through tears.

"When I release you, you best have cooled your daft head."

With a swift toss, she throws Shivian in. She rolls a boulder in front of the opening and freezes it in place as Shivian wails like a newborn. It muffles to nothing once the frost sets and Glaciari returns to them.

"As I was saying, you will now prioritize Frozy as you protect us."

"Um, what about…" Arctina meekly glances at the alcove.

"Forget about that worthless cretin." Glaciari smacks Arctina and forcibly guides the glalie's face to her. "Frozy is our prima donna. She is all that matters."

With a hearty laugh, Agnice says, "You are too kind to us!"

"The opera will succeed with this generation. We will be saved, and we have Frozy to thank." Glaciari lovingly takes Frozy's retreating hand in hers, almost kneeling. "But child, you've run yourself ragged."

It takes a few moments for Arctina to realize Glaciari refers to her. "Oh?"

"I do hope you know the true purpose of a guardian," Glaciari floats up to her and says.

"To protect everyone?" Arctina tilts to the right. This came out of nowhere. She only ever did as she told once she grew out of being a dumb child, so she never truly thought about it. She is the guardian. That is all that she knows and all that she is.

"It seems I was correct. You truly are the only fool who does not know a guardian's ultimate duty. Even the youngest of you have known from the start." Glaciari stifles a chuckle as she begins to pet Arctina. "Your head has always been in the clouds."

"Then to… kill all our enemies?" Arctina pathetically guesses. "Oh, no wait, duh. To make sure the Frozen Opera is performed with no issue!"

"No. To lay down your life for us." Glaciari beams the smile she only shows Shivian. "Beyond simply protecting us, you will offer your soul to the Frozen Gigant upon completion of the Frozen Opera."

Arctina only blinks.

"Our respect to Them will be laid bare. A precious life is the only true expression of our gratitude to the blanched paradise They shall usher in." Glaciari strokes the glalie's head. "Your life will end with the opera. You ought to be honored. You are the only guardian, after all."

Absorbing everything just said, Arctina deeply nods. It is so obvious. How could she not have guessed her truest purpose earlier? "Yes, Elder Glaciari. I will fulfill my duty, I promise!"

Glaciari continues to shower her in a welcomed warmth. Arctina relishes in the touch until the froslass pulls away and looks at her expectantly. "Then you must take care. Know now that you are not allowed to die, no matter what. Not until the opera. Even if you venture to the Gorged Gorge. Our sole, precious guardian."


A single clap rings through the cave. Agnice says, "My, how deep your clan is!"

"Our elegance belies our robust tradition." The two share a mirthful laugh. They truly fit well together, despite knowing each other only in as much time as it takes for rehearsal to reach its first break.

Internalizing the new knowledge, Arctina finally takes one long, relaxed look at Frozy. Her first judgment was correct: Frozy is a delicate beauty. It is hard to take her eyes off her, even as the froslass hides behind her mother.

When Frozy manages to lock eyes with Arctina, she further shrinks into Agnice's shadow, but maintains a piercing glare at the glalie. She looks like a pouting child. Arctina finds her just as charming as Shivian.

"Let us be off." Glaciari motions for everyone to follow. "We shall join rehearsal."

Arctina trails behind them, shooting a look at the closed-off alcove as she moves. Glaciari retreads her steps to stand before Arctina and delivers a mighty punch to the top of the glalie's head. A chunk of ice breaks off and crashes to the ground. Arctina sheepishly laughs and faces front.

They exit the cave and approach the children regrouping after their break. Glaciari grabs the other two froslass' hands and guides them forward. "Children, listen well." Glaciari nods at the other elders. "We have two new additions to our family. Let us welcome Ms. Agnice and her daughter Frozy."

A polite applause sounds off as the children eye the newcomers and chatter amongst each other. Glaciari speaks again. "Frozy will be our new prima donna, the frost maiden of prophecy. She will guide us to salvation."

The typically dire eyes of the elders light up. They approach the outsiders. And with the approval of their elders, the children join in and crowd around Frozy.

"That is enough for now." Glaciari ushers the children away. "We must rehearse, yes?"

Scampering away, the snorunt assume formation. Arctina hears Elder Chillena ask, "Then we shall hold the Night of Transcendence tonight?"

"Correct. Ensure everything is in place by dusk." Glaciari turns and bows to Agnice. "I cannot offer enough thanks to you."

"Oh, you. How could I not help out?" Agnice giggles, running her hand over her gaudy cloak now stripped of transcendent jewels. "In truth, it is you who have saved us."

"Oh, you." They laugh together again. The two are much too similar.

"By the by, would it be possible for me to be referred to as 'Elder' as well?" Agnice holds her hands together. "'Ms. Agnice' does not have quite the same ring to it."

"Impossible." Glaciari's face turns to stone. "The title of elder is bestowed only upon frost maidens who have completed a Frozen Opera. It is tradition."

"Oh? But-"

"It is tradition."

"I see…" Agnice grips her cloak with a wide smile. "How silly of me!"

"As long as you understand." Glaciari turns and offers her hand to Frozy. "Now then, shall we begin? I will personally teach you all you need to know for the opera, dear."

Frozy tugs on her mother, who speaks for her. "Oh, how could we intrude? You need only impart the lyrics to Frozy. She will rest her voice until necessary, and when the time comes to perform, she will sing an immaculate anthem. That is the only image of herself she wishes to impart on you all. She is quite the genius. I hope you can understand."

Frozy scratches at her throat and sighs.

Agnice bows while fiddling with her cape. "She is also terribly shy. My, even when it was only us two scraping by in the gorge, she would sing only when I was out of earshot. I had to hide myself to hear her, but I assure you, anything she sings is an angel's song. She does not require any practice."

"Of course." Glaciari glances at her fellow elders, who all nod in agreement. "How marvelously modest! She truly is the one the legend told of!"

"Isn't she?" Agnice laughs as she rapidly strokes the gems on her cape.

"Very well. Please do watch over us to learn our hymn. Feel free to join or interject whenever you so desire." Glaciari smiles at Frozy with the radiance of the sun. Arctina did not think her capable of such an expression. "I will teach you the words to the aria tonight."

Glaciari and the elders float off to resume rehearsal. Agnice follows them with intrigue, sighing all the while. Arctina remains beside Frozy on the sidelines. The elders are acting so differently now!

The glalie shoots a glance at Frozy. She truly is mesmerizing. Arctina jolts when she realizes Frozy stares at her as well.

Backing away just a bit, Frozy's narrowed eyes dart all about the glalie. The shattered, weathered, bleeding mess that is her body. Perhaps this is what disturbed Shivian earlier, not her smile. Arctina hopes that is the case. This also must have been what prompted Glaciari to tell her what she did. Arctina had not even realized how damaged the Gorged Gorge left her, pain washing over her after leaving it only now.

Thanking the stars that today is rather humid, Arctina freezes the moisture around her. Reinforced by fresh frost that bloats her size larger than ever, she beams at Frozy. "Don't worry about me! My job is to worry about you!"

Frozy grabs for something close to her that is not there and hugs herself. But upon rehearsal resuming from the opera's start, she turns her head to watch. The opera begins with the choir vocalizing in harmony, which weaves into the first verse they sing with all their hearts, begging the Frozen Gigant to harken to their one wish.

"As I bow to you, all my faults are but angels in the snow. Though unworthy, I dare sing to reach the you lost in a blizzard," Arctina says in monotone in time with the snorunt. When Frozy eyes her warily, she giggles. "I know your mom said you like to practice alone, but I'll help you learn the lyrics. I know them back and forth!"

Frozy grimaces as she stiffly nods. Arctina wants to make nice with her since Elder Glaciari approves of her, but she is not making it easy. Though something Agnice said earlier tickles at her mind: Please excuse her; she cannot speak.

For the sake of a welcoming introduction to the clan, Arctina holds her tongue. Perhaps she misconstrued or misremembered the words.

A subtle rustling catches Arctina's ear. It seems Frozy has excellent alertness as well as the froslass whips around and fires off an ice shard into the bushes. Arctina charges ahead and headbutts the would-be assailant repeatedly. In her flurry, she sees that the pokémon has a fist out, which it unfurls to release splinters of ice.

No matter. Arctina disposes of them effortlessly; they are a single, stupid enemy, a much-welcomed change from the gorge. Frozy's assist made meting retribution easier by distracting them, but it was unnecessary. She drags the corpse back to the clearing and finds Frozy still on edge.

"Hey, relax!" Arctina gasps and comes up with a good idea. Though she is not too hungry at the moment, she consumes the body as if she were starving. It would not be right to make the prima donna stand before a corpse. She does not even bother paying enough mind to discern what manner of pokémon it is, whether by sight, taste, or mouth feel. All she cares of is the soul laid bare atop the earth.

Coating it with a crisp rime, Arctina picks the soul up with a divot in her ice armor and presents it to Frozy. "Leave the dirty stuff to me! All you need to do is enjoy this!"

Finally dropping her awkward battle stance, Frozy floats up so close to take the soul instead of extending her long arms. She should use them if she has them, Arctina thinks as she looks down at her armless self, puffing her cheeks out.

Frozy marvels at the frozen soul in her hands. The soul itself emits a beautiful spectrum which the ice shell amplifies with all its faces. She runs her hands over it as she gawks at Arctina. She moves her mouth as if to say, Why?

Such selective mutism makes Arctina wonder how Frozy will fare as prima donna. Bashing her own head against a nearby boulder, she banishes the thought. How dare she question the prophecy and the judgment of the elders?

"Eat it!" Arctina bites the air for emphasis. "Only prima donnas get to eat souls, so you're super lucky! They're delicious… I think? They must be!"

Frozy stares at Arctina's face instead of digging in to her snack. Specifically, her mouth. Arctina realizes fresh blood yet to freeze over coats her lips and a bony limb juts out from between her teeth. With a sweep of her tongue, she cleans herself up and offers a clean grin.

Holding the frozen soul to her heart, Frozy offers Arctina a modest, yet warm smile.
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