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Poppin' Arms ~ Study

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R5 - Cosmog's Memories
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    On the far end of the hall of the dorms, as far from the lounge was possible, was the study room. There were no board games here, no darts, no Sky Jukebox, and perhaps to some, no fun. But it was here that the quiet, insulated walls allowed for deep concentration, meditation, and learning. The more academic guild members frequented this place. If their rooms were too loud or too close to the lounge, the study was a reprieve where distractions were unwelcome. Essentially, quiet hours were always in effect here.


    "Hmm... A place where the gods descend to live life as if they were mortal," Cosmog hummed to himself. "That's what Destiny Village is. I don't really know what to make of that..." Being the only person in the study, Cosmog let himself speak aloud to sort out his thoughts. It helped him focus. The idea that he was able to think at all was confusing him. Did he even have a brain? Or was it just some other part of his gaseous form that happened to contain thought? No, he had to focus. More about this world. Maybe they'd have a way to recover memories or old bodies. Apparently it was a human pastime here.
    R6 - On Mewtwo (Nate and Silver)
  • Negrek

    House of Two Midnights
    It was nice to have a few days to relax, take a load off after the particularly bullshit battle and all it had entailed. Nate didn't have much recovering to do--for whatever reason he hadn't felt like getting real into the thick of things, and it wasn't as though he was hitting any post-evolution fatigue, either. He couldn't just lie around forever; there was far too much bullshit swirling around out there that somebody had to try and get to the bottom of. More than anything, his mind kept wandering back to that second fucking Mewtwo... and who exactly might have some thoughts on him.

    The Guild wasn't exactly his favorite place to be under the best of circumstances, and now apparently a large proportion of the team were more or less bedridden, thus always fucking there, and with minders, too. Nate didn't have the first idea where else to go looking for the cosmog, though, so that was going to be his first stop. Apparently there was supposed to be some hugeass party for the conquering heroes or whatever the fuck--exactly where Nate didn't want to be and, better yet, a time when the dorms would probably be empty.

    The guild certainly seemed quieter than usual when Nate showed up. He ducked past reception and into the real living area, and only got turned around a couple times in search of the study he'd found Silver in before. Kind of a dumb idea--it wasn't like the guy lived in the study or nothing, and who the hell knew, maybe he'd gone off to the fucking party, but maybe he'd show up in a while, or someone who knew him would.
    R6 - Dave and Astrid Discuss Radiance
  • Dragonfree

    1. butterfree
    2. mightyena
    3. charizard
    4. scyther-mia
    5. vulpix
    6. slugma
    7. chinchou
    8. misdreavus

    Mia had a lot of questions. Everything that had puzzled Dave for the months he'd been here, and more besides, was buzzing around her brain (she probably didn't even have a brain, and she had questions about that, too), and after a while he just had to throw up his hands and suggest they check out some Cibusian books.

    He had to admit this was more productive than he'd expected, one way or another - there actually were books on how they made utensils work for limbs without opposable thumbs (telepathic technology, still kinda bullshit but at least it was science to them). Mia powered through the relevant chapters of that one while he read over her shoulder, then went and found one on telepathy in general. The books themselves must use the technology too - her scythe-arms flipped pages neatly and naturally without problems. Could people get papercuts in Cibus? If not this shit was worth it just for that.

    By the time she was off on some tangent or other in yet another book about psychic powers, though, Dave was starting to have trouble following the exceedingly bullshit-sounding terminology and losing interest in the material. He stepped back to leave her to it, looking around the study.
    [R7] About your 25-foot Evil Glowing Boyfriend (Nate, Rocky, and Maple)
  • Negrek

    House of Two Midnights
    "Every time I come here, I swear it's going to be the last time," Nate said. He wasn't exactly striding down the hall, since mudkip don't stride, but he was moving about as fast as he could without actually running. "Every fucking time. And then what happens? Three days later I'm back here again for some stupid fucking reason. I swear I'm visiting this place in my fucking nightmares. When I die, they won't even have to send me to hell, they'll just dump me back here to deal with somebody's personal drama a-fucking-gain."

    Rocky giggled. The familiar was keeping up a fairly normal walking speed so he wouldn't outstrip Nate. Nate fucking hated that, but he hated getting left behind more. "Of course you keep coming back here. This is where everybody lives! You're the weirdo who'd rather steal somebody else's house instead."

    "You mean I'm the only one with a fucking ounce of taste. Dignity. Whatever," Nate grumbled. The corviknight at the desk had said the smeargle was hanging around where Silver used to be all the time. Reading a book or some shit? If she really wanted some peace and quiet, Nate had no idea why she'd pick the Guild of all fucking places.

    He poked his head around the doorframe and craned his neck, trying to see. It was such a pain in the ass to survey a room when your eyes were less than a fucking foot off the floor. The smeargle had better be here after they'd come all this way.
    R7: Actually, Grumpy Cat wants to read about the Isle of Light, too...
  • Ambyssin

    Gotta go back. Back to the past.
    Residency hell
    1. silvally-dragon
    2. necrozma-ultra
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. dreepy
    6. mewtwo-ambyssin
    7. vulpix-ambyssin
    Multiple times Bahamut had tried to enter the study only to sense other occupants and bail. Eventually his persistence paid off and the room finally emptied out. No Maple, no Silver... and no desk space or chairs that accommodated his stature. Not that it really mattered. As long as the book he needed was still there, he'd be fine.

    To his luck, Bahamut found an almanac section discussing the Isle of Light. With such a name, he had to know more. Was there an abundance of light he could snack on? If so... giant hole in the ground or not, he'd just go lurk there away from the rest of the team.
    R8 - Vix, Cuicatl, and Valentina
  • Persephone

    Infinite Screms
    1. mawile
    2. vulpix-alola
    "Why are we here again, Cuicatl droned?"

    "So that you can make strategies and stuff," Val answered. "That should help you feel better."

    "Being entirely alone in silence will make me feel better?"

    "Well..." Okay, Val hadn't entirely thought this one through. It wasn't in her nature. "Maybe? And you won't be alone! I'm here."

    Cuicatl muttered something that Val couldn't quite hear. Ill me, maybe?
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    R9 – Five Minutes, and No More
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    When was the last time Brisa had been in a quiet place, alone? It felt like days. She'd turned in for the night only after exhausting herself into a stupor each evening at the training rooms, and she was always planning, always helping, always working. The study wasn't well-used by members of Team Spectrum, and she could return from it quickly if needed...

    She was always needed.

    The luxio sighed, and took a seated position in one of the quiet rooms, and daydreamed of lonely, melancholy patrols along the eastern ridge, when regrets and solitude were her biggest problems. How long ago that seemed.

    Ten minutes. She'd take a breath for ten minutes– no, five minutes. Five minutes, and not a second longer.

    Then she'd go find Maple. There was an end to the world in the sky outside, and Brisa needed to speak to his lover.
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    R9 – Wandering Lights – Luz & Truffle
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    Supposedly Truffle rarely stayed in that ominous abode he shared with Leg. With how dark she preferred to keep it, and his reputation for chipperness, that seemed to track, though Luz was curious why they should then share a dwelling at all. Maybe with so much going on, and Truffle's usual ranges inaccessible past the time bubble, the fellow would be available? Although . . . she didn't exactly wish to knock at their door and then explain to Leg that she wasn't interested in her company.

    [Zest > Truffle]: hey r u home

    [Zest > Truffle]: wanna shoot the breeze

    [Zest > Truffle]: nw if not 😸 😼 😽
    [Truffle > Zest]: I am in the study! Please, come my way!


    Luz made her way to the study with her permanent smile on her face, wondering what the decidueye was doing there...

    R10 - Birb & Dergin
  • Ambyssin

    Gotta go back. Back to the past.
    Residency hell
    1. silvally-dragon
    2. necrozma-ultra
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. dreepy
    6. mewtwo-ambyssin
    7. vulpix-ambyssin
    In trying to figure out what a good course of action would be, Bahamut decided that the study might house a book better describing the architecture of this Tree of Life thing. He was particularly interested in what might've changed about it since Cibus' Dark Matter had been dealt with. Could there have been a vulnerability that Eternatus could take advantage of. He'd have to find out.

    At least, that was his hope. But on floating into the study he found it was already occupied by a certain lugia shade. Who appeared to be looking over a book of his own. "Do you need help with something?" Bahamut asked. "You look confused."
    [R10] Phantoms (Nate, Shield, and Karat)
  • Negrek

    House of Two Midnights
    At least Nate didn't have to go far to find Shield. From what everybody said, he stuck around the Guild most of the time.

    Everybody in the fucking Guild, Nate thought sourly to himself as he climbed another hundred fucking stairs or whatever up to where the lucario was supposed to be hanging out. And he was going to have to deal with the same hundred fucking stairs on the way back in a few minutes, possibly after Shield told him to get bent. He hadn't even gotten to enjoy lunch. Another fine fucking day on Cibus.

    Nate stuck his head into the study and was greeted, as usual, with a bunch of undersides of tables, chairs, and bookshelves blocking his view. "Shield? You in here?"
    R15 - Cynicism vs. positivity
  • Ambyssin

    Gotta go back. Back to the past.
    Residency hell
    1. silvally-dragon
    2. necrozma-ultra
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. dreepy
    6. mewtwo-ambyssin
    7. vulpix-ambyssin
    Bahamut lay on the floor, leaning his head against a bookshelf. He had brought in a chalkboard, which was filled with a mixture of words and assorted doodles.

    Moon laser problems
    No atmosphere -> Rayquaza, Arceus(?)
    Access -> Joule, Eternatus, Me
    Unown -> warped terrain/environment; labyrinth? can they be separated?
    Gravity -> extreme? not enough? both?
    Subject to Soda's mental state?

    "... pah." The necrozma crossed his legs. "Battling in outer space is much simpler when it doesn't involve other people. With solid organs."

    And nauseating desires to make sure things turn out sunshine and rainbows for everyone.
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