Bug Catcher
- Pronouns
- He/Him
Sequel to:
Chapter 1: Scare In The Air
['Wouldn't miss it for the world' I said,] Pidove bemoaned to himself with every frantic flap of his wings. ['Even I'd never forget it,' I said!]
The Tiny Pigeon Pokemon continued to berate himself while flying over northwest Nuvema Wood, nearly forgetting to glide if his wings didn't strain. He had just flown over the camping grounds just shy of Accumula Town with the faintest of hope that this was the way to the Juniper's Laboratory.
[Can't even blame Purrloin for this blunder,] Pidove continued with the self-pity, panting once he told himself to glide for at least a moment. [Worst comes to worst, I can at least see her off on Route 1.] He kept his eyes straight ahead past the trees where he could make out a building in the distance. [So long as I don't run into- WHOA!]
Pidove had only lifted his head slightly to spot four flying... human?! They were each hooded in gray with white aprons but their fashion choice hardly concerned the Tiny Pigeon Pokemon. Not when they were heading straight for him two by two.
In particular, a soft-looking blonde girl to the left of straight faced guy with glasses. She was nervously glancing below before eying upwards and gasping at the Flying-type in her flight path. Pidove veered up while she dove down, just barely missing each other.
"Sorry, little guy!" he heard the girl apologized. "Truly!"
The Tiny Pigeon Pokemon stopped to hover lightly and pant heavily from the frightful near collision he had. He could hardly process what he just ran afoul of: flying humans. Pidove looked back down to see the four costumed aviators in some kind of migratory formation with two in front and two behind. Their backs spewed fire to gain flight.
[Baking beaks a-billion...] the Tiny Pigeon Pokemon spoke, stunned more than under Paralysis. [Guess this is a good excuse to be late.]
Pidove couldn't not follow along in intrigue, keeping his distance out of caution. Knowing nothing of jet-packs, he wondered if this was some sort of Fire/Flying dual-type that humans could evolve into. Sure, Hilda could talk to Pokemon but what if-
[Let me go! Let me go! I want Hilda back!]
As if by coincidence, Pidove heard the name of one of his best friends being whined and cried out by what he was sure was an Oshawott. One of the Starter Pokemon breed for Pokemon Trainers just starting out. The very kind that Hilda had been gushing about getting just like her mother had.
[A darn good excuse at that...] Pidove gulped with dread, flying closer despite knowing better.
[Let me out of here!] Oshawott screeched while writhing about in the net. [NOW!]
Bright clenched his teeth anxiously while making sure than both hands held tightly onto the fake Poke Ball lest he dropped the netted Starter. Cheren, Bianca and Vanessa winced uncomfortably by how Oshawott's cries peaked high in pitch. If they didn't know any better, they'd swear their captive knew "Growl."
"Hey, boss," Bright grunted, trying to keep stable, "maybe we can just drop him off here." Part of him felt bad for Oshawott but a bigger part of him was more concerned with a potential crash landing. "Let him out among his own kind."
"The procedure isn't hard to get, Bright," Cheren firmly reminded his fellow Knight. "Pokemon breed by humans or exposed to them over a prolonged period of time are to be taken directly to HQ for rehabilitation." He was good at not letting Oshawott's whining get to him for the sake of his squad. "You can tough it out for five minutes."
"Tell that to my eardrums," Vanessa grouched, gritting her teeth over the Starter's loudest cry. "Not for nothing but we should've swiped his Poke Ball."
"Be patient with the poor thing," Bianca kindly told her friend from up front. "We... did essentially kidnap him... even if it was for his own good." She swallowed her guilt best she could, knowing the duty Team Plasma had entrusted to her. "I don't even wanna meet anyone who feels fine after all this."
Vanessa scoffed over the "occupational hazard" when she saw Oshawott got desperate enough to start biting the net's ropes in hopes of... anything. His throat was too dry for a powerful Water Gun. Not that he was in a good position to aim. Still... he wanted to do right by Hilda and not go down without a fight.
"That's it..." Vanessa grumbled before dipping down to get up close and personally in Oshawott's face. "Listen up, squirt!"
The Sea Otter Pokemon was barely able to come close to fraying the net's wires but it was Vanessa's irritation glare that made him stop scared like it was Snivy all over again.
"Unless you wanna risk a hundred foot-drop, I'd shut that pie-hole of your's," the Knight vented with increasingly unhinged looks in the eye. "We just liberated you from those mad scientists so show a little bit of gratitude. by Not. Rocking. The Boat!" She ignored the disturbed looks from her colleagues when pulling up.
"Maybe early briefings should be reconsidered," Bianca whispered to Cheren, truly not wanting to be rude. Her leader "mmmmm"ed in inclined agreement.
Oshawott was scared into silence before looking down and gulping at the long way down, seeing the tops of tree that had loomed over him earlier that morning. The whole hopelessness of the situation sunk in more and more. There was no way Hilda could find him. He'd... never see her again.
She'd never get to see how strong he could become.
Tears welled up fast in Oshawott's eyes and soaked his furry face as his sniffles grew into sobbing, curling up in the net. It was easier on the ears but now the Knights now found themselves wincing from guilt more than ever. They knew the difficulties of their ultimate mission but their marks never could keep it together to their discomfort.
"Well, thank you, Vanessa," quipped Bright sarcastically. "I was hoping my ears would bleed."
"Well, can you blame a girl for trying?" retorted Vanessa.
"Funny thing is, I can," Bright declared, looking dirtily at his sister. "And I will." Vanessa glared back at him in turn "Remind me not to let you babysit any kids of mine."
"You with kids?" she laughed incredulously. "Not even in your dreams."
Bianca was tempted to speak up when Cheren held up her hand to spare her from a fire best left to fizzle out in time. It was this along with Bright and Vanessa trying to get the last word in that kept them from noticing a lone Pidove. He flew up from underneath the net holding Oshawott and drew level.
The Sea Otter Pokemon's sobbing had subsided into sniffled when he heard chirping just beneath him. He almost didn't catch it over the loud jet-packs but cast his teary gaze downwards to see Pidove hovering almost casually.
[Hey, I'm here for you, buddy,] the Tiny Pigeon Pokemon chirped with a happy face put forward, hoping to lightening the room. [Any friend of Hilda is a friend of mine.]
Oshawott's eyes lit up as he gasped at the name and remembered Hilda's forest friends. [Do you really know her?] he asked hopefully, his smile returning to his face.
[Well enough to know that she wouldn't take this lying down,] Pidove replied with a more serious grimace, glancing up at the Knights. [How tough is the net?]
Oshawott's smile faded upon remembering his situation. [I tried biting it and then pulling it but it's too strong,] he admitted. [Also... I think the drop is...] He gulped anxiously when his attention drifted to the ground down below for but a second. [...a bit much personally.] He shuddered and shut his eyes, trying not to think it.
[Then I'll just have to snatch the net away,] Pidove suggested. [I just need to make the fashion freaks flinch.]
[Y-you can carry me... right?] Oshawott gulped with growing doubt.
[I...] Pidove began awkwardly, thinking of how to phrase it delicately, [...could soften your landing.] His eyes darted away in recalling past experiences. [I think...] Few of them terribly good.
Oshawott would have had time to deliberate risk of being trafficked versus being dropped from a huge height when he felt his flight slowing down. Pidove nearly drew ahead before he quickly slowed down and backed up.
"Outpost in sight everyone," Cheren announced from up front. "Shift to vertical flight to steady our approach and look out for the barrier." All four Knights followed the leader and rotated their bodies upright so they could hover slower
Oshawott and Pidove looked up ahead to see a satelite tower that rivaled the bigger trees in height. It sprouted out from a large clearing in the middle of the wood where a cabin had been built dead center. What really got their attention were what seemed like two tables placed parallel to each other in front.
"Bright, I take it you've settled down Oshawott," Cheren called out, keeping his focus up ahead. "Considering I can hear myself think..."
Oshawott and Pidove flinch in fear when they find that their little powwow's been compromised. They sweat even more, proverbially speaking, when Vanessa narrowed her eyes down at them with suspicion.
"Awwwwww," Bright cooed when looked down at the net. "Little dude made a friend." He even had his right index finger go down and rub Pidove under the chin, getting a few friendly woos from the new feathered friend.
"I don't trust Pidoves," Vanessa grimly confessed, giving the Tiny Pigeon Pokemon the stink eye. "Not since... the flock."
Bianca was about to ask when Bright cut her off. "We'd... rather not talk about it," he swore with all the discomfort of the bad memory.
[Just act natural and play along,] Pidove told Oshawott through his calls, keeping up his jovial front. [We'll figure something out.]
The Sea Otter Pokemon could only put on an anxious smile. For him, that was as natural as it came.
"The Pidove can come if it keeps the Oshawott calm," Cheren began with a dismissive tone of voice, "but if it wants to leave, we let it leave." His dismissal became a touch more stern on those last few words when he taps his ear-com under his hood. "Sammy..."
"One. Time," a female voice on the intercom retorted in irritation. "Like none of us ever tried to smuggle in a Tynamo before..."
"I'll take that as a-" Cheren began to say before smacking into something invisible, bouncing him back in mid-hover.
Bianca took this as a cue to stop and cut retros. Thankfully, Bright and Vanessa followed her lead. Oshawott and Pidove, all the while, were amazed by the massive dome that had become briefly visible upon Cheren's unintentional interaction. From what they could see, it was shielding the entire campground from the satelite tower down.
[Okay, that was not there before,] Pidove commented in curiosity, hovering in place near Oshawott.
"Oooooooo, I maaaaay have forgotten to drop the barrier," a rather nasally male voice called out on the com channel. "This new tech is cool but, wow, is it raw or is it raw?" He tried to chortle but the awkwardness smothered it out fast.
"At least we know it works," Bianca shrugged softly while Cheren regained his bearings. "Just triple check next time."
"You're clear," Sammy chimed in on the coms alongside the rapid typing on a keyboard. "Don't forget to wipe your boots."
Leaning in slightly, Cheren leads his Knights down towards the campgrounds without any more obstructions. Pidove clung his talons onto the net so that he wouldn't need to keep up while the four Knights landed on the grass just six feet away from the tables.
"Honey, we're home!" Bright quipped, enjoying himself way too much. "I didn't bring flowers but I did bring something nice to look at." He happily held up the net where Oshawott and Pidove were still trying to not cause suspicion. All the while, they curiously observed what they've landed themselves in.
Cheren brought his field team over to the parallel tables where Simon and Sammy were working at each, back to back. Though they were working on classical looking laptops primarily, their table was a mess of various wiring and devices hooking up to help process their data. All complimented by a mess of candy bar wrappers and donut bags.
What really got Oshawott and Pidove's attention was the machine next to each table. It resembled the research center's Pokemon transfer machine but miniaturized. The transmission port was modified so that all the Poke Balls dumped out into a large container on the grass. A special design for Personal Computer compatibility.
"You pull off plain clothes dangerously well, Allison," Cheren complimented while walking with Bianca over to Simon, the young man wearing a T-shirt, shorts and glasses. "Every transfer present and accounted for?"
"Yeah, all sixty of them," said Simon, nodding towards the containers while working on the coding. "Though it seems like your rush order put a strain on the system." He was too engrossed in his work to look at his leaders but not enough to take a sip from his cola. "It's a tough fix but not impossible."
"Focus on that," Cheren ordered while looking around, knowing they were watching. "You know how they get when we wreck their toys."
"Don't remind me, sir," Simon groaned, his glasses still aglow from the laptop's screen.
"And please don't litter," Bianca fussed, grabbed whatever cup or wrapper she found laying about. "Just because we have to battle doesn't mean we have to be complete hypocrites." She pocketed all she could with an unusually miffed expression.
"I'd make a note of that for your own good," Cheren whispered with more of a grin, speaking directly from experience.
"Apologies, ma'am..." Simon bashfully conceded.
During Simon's appraisal, Sammy had her fingers dancing across the keyboard at a lightening pace with her posture as hunched as could be. She had finished fixing her transfer machines bugging errors far fast than her twin brother and was busy composing a blog post. Nothing ticked her off more than a debunked fan theory she'd was betting on.
"Hey, I liked the finale," she heard Bright chime in from her left. "My dude was side-lined but I think it'll shake out."
"Sidelined, HA!" Sammy scoffed with all the fury of a scorned fangirl. "He didn't even know his father was the main villain." She typed away without even looking Bright's way. "Wasted potential across the board."
Vanessa simply turned herself away from what she could accurately assess as internet nonsense. "And they say TV doesn't rot the brain..."
[What is she talking about?] Oshawott sincerely asked Pidove, concerned for the worked up geek girl.
[Humans get really angry when they look at screens for too long,] the Tiny Pigeon Pokemon answered, roosting on the side of the net. [Hilda says its complicated but I don't get why they can't look away.]
[I think we're better off not knowing...] Oshawott wisely gulped.
Their little chat of chirping and squeaking wails gained Sammy's attention. The following squeal was loud that it makes everyone look to find her going from a soured scowl to a huge sugar-charged grin. Her mouth was open so wide that one would be forgiven for thinking Pidove could accidentally fly in.
"He is sooooooooo cute," a exuberant Sammy squeaked, sounding like a poor imitation of Oshawott. "Gimme!"
Cheren, having assessed Simon's situation, was the quickest. "Sammy..." he slowly and sternly began.
"Just a little hold, I promise!" the Seventh Squadron's hacker and coder pleaded, her hands even clasped. "Just this once."
"I'd let her have this one for your own good, sir," Simon was quick to whisper.
"Try not to provoke this one," Bianca told Sammy, worried that she was asking the impossible.
Bright, stunned by this one-eighty swing in mood, was helpless when his fellow Knight just up and grabbed his net. Oshawott yelped from the sudden lurch. All the while, Pidove squawked when the yank was strong enough to make him fall off, his wings being just quick enough to keep him from crashing.
Oshawott clung to the net's tempered ropes when Sammy held him up to her face and felt even more shaken by the obsessive stare she was giving him. "Oh, look at we scared this absolute cinnamon roll," the Knight cooed in sympathy, noting the Sea Otter Pokemon's trembling. "There, there."
At first, Oshawott picked up on Sammy's adoration and felt his nerves start to settle when she reminded him of Hilda. However, he soon became too reminded of Hilda when Sammy pulled in the Sea Otter Pokemon for a big hug in an honest attempt to comfort the little guy.
Oshawott might've appreciated a less tighter embrace that was comparable to the grip of Snivy's vines. His nostrils would've also appreciated if Sammy had bathed herself this morning. He knew that the Junipers could forget their personal hygiene when getting too into their work but this was next level.
"Whoa, girl," Bright winced, grabbing one of Sammy's cookies behind her back. "He's not a Ghost-type, remember?"
"Give it a minute..." Vanessa snarked under her breath, cringing at how... cute her fellow Knight was being.
"I know it's for his own good but it's tough doing the right thing," Sammy lamented, ignorant of her killer grip even as Oshawott wriggled. "I just wanna keep you all and spoil you rotten, yes I do, yes I do."
Thankfully, the Knight's adoration of the Sea Otter Pokemon distracted her from Pidove when he took the time to fly around and sneak up from behind. He didn't know the Attack itself but the Tiny Pigeon Pokemon gave a sharp pecking to the back of Sammy's head.
"OW!" the Knight cried out, loosening her grip on Oshawott by reflex. "Hey!"
"Called it!" Vanessa snarled, rushing over while Bright cowered back. "Go choke on bread crust, birdbrain!" Pidove thankfully hovered higher in time before she could swat him with her open palms.
The afforded breathing room was enough to let the Sea Otter Pokemon hastily channel his Water-type Energy and spew out pressurized water from his mouth. It was hardly potent at such short notice but it was enough to knock a soaked Sammy out of her seat and onto the grass.
[Make a break for it, kid!] Pidove squawked at the Starter while Cheren, Bianca and Simon turned around to gawk at the commotion.
Bright and Vanessa were just rushing over to Sammy when Oshawott also fell to the grass while landing on the Snag Ball with his back. Just the force needed to press the white button and detach the net. Oshawott threw off the net and ran as fast as his stubby little flipper would allow him.
[You get to Hilda while I...] Pidove chirped to his new friend, observing the Knights a yard up in the air. [...hold them off?]
From high up, he saw that Cheren, Bianca and Simon were just looking on from their table. From the table to his left, Bright had given Sammy a towel while Vanessa gave her a spare change of dry clothes from her Personal Computer. For thieves, they were rather blaise about an escapee.
The Tiny Pigeon Pokemon got his answer when he heard a loud but familiar SMACK and turned towards the edge of the clearing. There was Oshawott bouncing off of the invisible force-field and rolling flipper over head thrice before laying on the grass all dizzy.
[It's always the little things...] Pidove bemoaned at himself for forgetting before flying down towards his fallen friend.
Oshawott needed a second to stand back up, squeeze his eyes shut and shake it to regain his bearings. He looked back up towards where the force-field was and tentatively went up again, holding out his white paws. He touched the invisible barrier, making it visible slightly as physical contact sent water-like ripples through the wall of hard light.
Oshawott's face fell further and further. He couldn't get out.
Hilda couldn't get in.
Pidove touched down right behind Oshawott with a more determined look in his eyes. [No idea what this thing even is but I think we can take it,] he claimed, swallowing in a moment of doubt. [A wall's a wall even if you can't-]
However, Pidove's train of thought derailed when Oshawott just turned around and began to walk back slowly but surely. He stopped talking especially when he saw the disenchanted frown on the Water-type's face. The shine in his beady black eyes had dulled with a gaze cast downwards.
[H-Hey...] Pidove pleaded anxiously, trying to follow behind. [What about... Hilda?]
All the while, the Seventh Squadron collectively took in the scene with solemn silence. However, Cheren pushed any thoughts of sympathy out of his head and marched over towards the despondent Oshawott. He took out his Personal Computer and tapped with his thumb to access his container inventory.
"I won't pretend that this is easy for you," Cheren began, getting Oshawott to stop and look up just before him, "but we do this because it's hard." He aimed his P.C. down towards the Starter, making the squirt recoil fearfully. "You'll see this was for your own good."
With a tap from his thumb, Cheren's Personal Computer released a medium sized cage around Oshawott. The Sea Otter Pokemon jumped when he found himself in a new prison of immensely reinforced steel bars between two tempered plates. He sighed in acceptance while the Seventh Squadron's leader bent over and grabbed the cage with both hands.
The Knights largely stayed respectfully silent but Bianca couldn't keep herself from rushing over to Cheren from Simon's table. "Is everything okay?" she asked him with concerned shimmer in her eyes.
"I think the little guy's gotten the message," Cheren answered with Oshawott carried with ease. He put forth a simple smile for his right-hand's sake. "I'll take him into the cabin so he can stay out of view."
"I... also meant you," Bianca added, looking back with thinly veiled anxiousness.
A perturbed Cheren would've leaned into that implication if they weren't interrupted.
"Not that I'm calling the shots here," Bright began, walking over to his leader with Vanessa, "but could we report to HQ?" His tempered demeanor showed much sympathy for Oshawott. "I think this heist is getting a little more emotional than I expected."
"And take a break," Vanessa yawned deeply. "Have I mentioned I am not a morning person?"
"We set up communications in the cabin to keep you covered," Simon claimed from his table. "The transmission will go under the radar."
"Thanks but I'll need you and Sammy to stay out here to double check the Pokemon," Cheren ordered.
"Great," Sammy pouted. "More busy work while you kick back."
"Sammy..." Simon hissed at his twin through his teeth, keen to not rock the boat.
"They're direct orders from Ghetsis," Bianca emphasized more softly. "Some Pokemon could have an injury or an illness that could impede their liberation."
When he was sure the Knight were distracted by each other, Pidove hovered over to the cage that Cheren was carrying and was dismayed when he saw Oshawott. He was sitting in a slouch and staring despairingly at his own flippers like nothing else mattered.
Pidove frowned back in recognizing the place Oshawott was in. This time in determination.
"I'm not giving up on you," the Tiny Pigeon Pokemon chirped quietly before hovering back from the cage.
Oshawott lifted his head up from his doldrum state and perked up at the sight of Pidove approaching the force-field. At first, he thought the Tiny Pigeon Pokemon was going to crash but instead his feathered friend stopped just shy of where the dome arced in the air. Curiosity got him to pay more attention and his eyes to glint with some hope.
"And don't forget to suit up," Cheren ordered when starting to walk towards the cabin. "We have an image to keep us after all."
"Ugh, that stuffy thing again..." Sammy groaned while talking out her Personal Computer.
However, Cheren's final order is disturbed when they hear what sounds like a very loud gust of air hitting something nigh invulnerable. They look up to see the force-field was becoming visible with ripples like a liquified glass bowl. Their eyes quickly traced the source just north of the cabin.
There was Pidove hovering above tree level and flapping his wings one strong swoop at a time. Each wing is energized enough to blast one sharp shock-wave of air after another. His Air Cutter is small but powerful enough to start tearing a hole in the force-field, the opening seeming to crack like glass.
"He'll destabilize the whole thing if we don't let him out," Simon panicked before rushing to his computer. "Sammy, help me turn off the power."
Sammy practically jumped back to her laptop and began accessing the force-field generator. Cheren couldn't help but glance toward the cabin with his fellow knights. A strong antennae tower came out the roof and helped produce the force-field. Arcs of electricity where starting to spark, threatening to short out the entire thing.
Then, as suddenly as it started, it stopped. The force-field opened up slowly but surely while the antennae tower came up short of short circuiting, providing Pidove with a clear way out of the invisible prison. Oshawott looked on with growing hope when his new friend took off, holding out a modicum of faith.
"We've powered down back to zero percent," Sammy sighed, relieved after the tension of it all. "This won't be in the report, will it?"
"That a Pidove nearly sabotaged us?" Bright summarized, ruffling his hair in exasperation. "Like the Sixth need more fuel to roast us."
"I'd hate to say I told you so but..." Vanessa put in, clearly wanting to say it.
"It just felt trapped and confused," Bianca reassured. "Lest we forget our mission..."
"It's gonna be a pain to reboot," Simon groaned, rubbing his eyes under his glasses. "It took us two hours to set up."
"Get it done in one," Cheren demanded rather urgently, looking up at the fleeing Pidove with suspicion. "One and a half tops..."
To Be Continued...
Dare Oshawott hold out for Pidove to get him out of there? Will Team Plasma even stick around long enough?
In times like these, we could all do with a few Fair Feathered Friends.
Thank you for reading my fanfiction. I cut it short this time since I felt it had a very nice emotional vibe to it on its own.
Write up a comment or a full blown review about what you liked or loathed about my work. I can roll with the punches so let me have it.
I understand that some of you might feel anxious or not feel like it's not worth your time but getting feedback IS how I know what I'm doing here is worth it. If I can even be a subject of a Bad Fanfic Reading on YouTube, that means my story did something decent.
So... lemme have it.
Chapter 1: Scare In The Air
['Wouldn't miss it for the world' I said,] Pidove bemoaned to himself with every frantic flap of his wings. ['Even I'd never forget it,' I said!]
The Tiny Pigeon Pokemon continued to berate himself while flying over northwest Nuvema Wood, nearly forgetting to glide if his wings didn't strain. He had just flown over the camping grounds just shy of Accumula Town with the faintest of hope that this was the way to the Juniper's Laboratory.
[Can't even blame Purrloin for this blunder,] Pidove continued with the self-pity, panting once he told himself to glide for at least a moment. [Worst comes to worst, I can at least see her off on Route 1.] He kept his eyes straight ahead past the trees where he could make out a building in the distance. [So long as I don't run into- WHOA!]
Pidove had only lifted his head slightly to spot four flying... human?! They were each hooded in gray with white aprons but their fashion choice hardly concerned the Tiny Pigeon Pokemon. Not when they were heading straight for him two by two.
In particular, a soft-looking blonde girl to the left of straight faced guy with glasses. She was nervously glancing below before eying upwards and gasping at the Flying-type in her flight path. Pidove veered up while she dove down, just barely missing each other.
"Sorry, little guy!" he heard the girl apologized. "Truly!"
The Tiny Pigeon Pokemon stopped to hover lightly and pant heavily from the frightful near collision he had. He could hardly process what he just ran afoul of: flying humans. Pidove looked back down to see the four costumed aviators in some kind of migratory formation with two in front and two behind. Their backs spewed fire to gain flight.
[Baking beaks a-billion...] the Tiny Pigeon Pokemon spoke, stunned more than under Paralysis. [Guess this is a good excuse to be late.]
Pidove couldn't not follow along in intrigue, keeping his distance out of caution. Knowing nothing of jet-packs, he wondered if this was some sort of Fire/Flying dual-type that humans could evolve into. Sure, Hilda could talk to Pokemon but what if-
[Let me go! Let me go! I want Hilda back!]
As if by coincidence, Pidove heard the name of one of his best friends being whined and cried out by what he was sure was an Oshawott. One of the Starter Pokemon breed for Pokemon Trainers just starting out. The very kind that Hilda had been gushing about getting just like her mother had.
[A darn good excuse at that...] Pidove gulped with dread, flying closer despite knowing better.
[Let me out of here!] Oshawott screeched while writhing about in the net. [NOW!]
Bright clenched his teeth anxiously while making sure than both hands held tightly onto the fake Poke Ball lest he dropped the netted Starter. Cheren, Bianca and Vanessa winced uncomfortably by how Oshawott's cries peaked high in pitch. If they didn't know any better, they'd swear their captive knew "Growl."
"Hey, boss," Bright grunted, trying to keep stable, "maybe we can just drop him off here." Part of him felt bad for Oshawott but a bigger part of him was more concerned with a potential crash landing. "Let him out among his own kind."
"The procedure isn't hard to get, Bright," Cheren firmly reminded his fellow Knight. "Pokemon breed by humans or exposed to them over a prolonged period of time are to be taken directly to HQ for rehabilitation." He was good at not letting Oshawott's whining get to him for the sake of his squad. "You can tough it out for five minutes."
"Tell that to my eardrums," Vanessa grouched, gritting her teeth over the Starter's loudest cry. "Not for nothing but we should've swiped his Poke Ball."
"Be patient with the poor thing," Bianca kindly told her friend from up front. "We... did essentially kidnap him... even if it was for his own good." She swallowed her guilt best she could, knowing the duty Team Plasma had entrusted to her. "I don't even wanna meet anyone who feels fine after all this."
Vanessa scoffed over the "occupational hazard" when she saw Oshawott got desperate enough to start biting the net's ropes in hopes of... anything. His throat was too dry for a powerful Water Gun. Not that he was in a good position to aim. Still... he wanted to do right by Hilda and not go down without a fight.
"That's it..." Vanessa grumbled before dipping down to get up close and personally in Oshawott's face. "Listen up, squirt!"
The Sea Otter Pokemon was barely able to come close to fraying the net's wires but it was Vanessa's irritation glare that made him stop scared like it was Snivy all over again.
"Unless you wanna risk a hundred foot-drop, I'd shut that pie-hole of your's," the Knight vented with increasingly unhinged looks in the eye. "We just liberated you from those mad scientists so show a little bit of gratitude. by Not. Rocking. The Boat!" She ignored the disturbed looks from her colleagues when pulling up.
"Maybe early briefings should be reconsidered," Bianca whispered to Cheren, truly not wanting to be rude. Her leader "mmmmm"ed in inclined agreement.
Oshawott was scared into silence before looking down and gulping at the long way down, seeing the tops of tree that had loomed over him earlier that morning. The whole hopelessness of the situation sunk in more and more. There was no way Hilda could find him. He'd... never see her again.
She'd never get to see how strong he could become.
Tears welled up fast in Oshawott's eyes and soaked his furry face as his sniffles grew into sobbing, curling up in the net. It was easier on the ears but now the Knights now found themselves wincing from guilt more than ever. They knew the difficulties of their ultimate mission but their marks never could keep it together to their discomfort.
"Well, thank you, Vanessa," quipped Bright sarcastically. "I was hoping my ears would bleed."
"Well, can you blame a girl for trying?" retorted Vanessa.
"Funny thing is, I can," Bright declared, looking dirtily at his sister. "And I will." Vanessa glared back at him in turn "Remind me not to let you babysit any kids of mine."
"You with kids?" she laughed incredulously. "Not even in your dreams."
Bianca was tempted to speak up when Cheren held up her hand to spare her from a fire best left to fizzle out in time. It was this along with Bright and Vanessa trying to get the last word in that kept them from noticing a lone Pidove. He flew up from underneath the net holding Oshawott and drew level.
The Sea Otter Pokemon's sobbing had subsided into sniffled when he heard chirping just beneath him. He almost didn't catch it over the loud jet-packs but cast his teary gaze downwards to see Pidove hovering almost casually.
[Hey, I'm here for you, buddy,] the Tiny Pigeon Pokemon chirped with a happy face put forward, hoping to lightening the room. [Any friend of Hilda is a friend of mine.]
Oshawott's eyes lit up as he gasped at the name and remembered Hilda's forest friends. [Do you really know her?] he asked hopefully, his smile returning to his face.
[Well enough to know that she wouldn't take this lying down,] Pidove replied with a more serious grimace, glancing up at the Knights. [How tough is the net?]
Oshawott's smile faded upon remembering his situation. [I tried biting it and then pulling it but it's too strong,] he admitted. [Also... I think the drop is...] He gulped anxiously when his attention drifted to the ground down below for but a second. [...a bit much personally.] He shuddered and shut his eyes, trying not to think it.
[Then I'll just have to snatch the net away,] Pidove suggested. [I just need to make the fashion freaks flinch.]
[Y-you can carry me... right?] Oshawott gulped with growing doubt.
[I...] Pidove began awkwardly, thinking of how to phrase it delicately, [...could soften your landing.] His eyes darted away in recalling past experiences. [I think...] Few of them terribly good.
Oshawott would have had time to deliberate risk of being trafficked versus being dropped from a huge height when he felt his flight slowing down. Pidove nearly drew ahead before he quickly slowed down and backed up.
"Outpost in sight everyone," Cheren announced from up front. "Shift to vertical flight to steady our approach and look out for the barrier." All four Knights followed the leader and rotated their bodies upright so they could hover slower
Oshawott and Pidove looked up ahead to see a satelite tower that rivaled the bigger trees in height. It sprouted out from a large clearing in the middle of the wood where a cabin had been built dead center. What really got their attention were what seemed like two tables placed parallel to each other in front.
"Bright, I take it you've settled down Oshawott," Cheren called out, keeping his focus up ahead. "Considering I can hear myself think..."
Oshawott and Pidove flinch in fear when they find that their little powwow's been compromised. They sweat even more, proverbially speaking, when Vanessa narrowed her eyes down at them with suspicion.
"Awwwwww," Bright cooed when looked down at the net. "Little dude made a friend." He even had his right index finger go down and rub Pidove under the chin, getting a few friendly woos from the new feathered friend.
"I don't trust Pidoves," Vanessa grimly confessed, giving the Tiny Pigeon Pokemon the stink eye. "Not since... the flock."
Bianca was about to ask when Bright cut her off. "We'd... rather not talk about it," he swore with all the discomfort of the bad memory.
[Just act natural and play along,] Pidove told Oshawott through his calls, keeping up his jovial front. [We'll figure something out.]
The Sea Otter Pokemon could only put on an anxious smile. For him, that was as natural as it came.
"The Pidove can come if it keeps the Oshawott calm," Cheren began with a dismissive tone of voice, "but if it wants to leave, we let it leave." His dismissal became a touch more stern on those last few words when he taps his ear-com under his hood. "Sammy..."
"One. Time," a female voice on the intercom retorted in irritation. "Like none of us ever tried to smuggle in a Tynamo before..."
"I'll take that as a-" Cheren began to say before smacking into something invisible, bouncing him back in mid-hover.
Bianca took this as a cue to stop and cut retros. Thankfully, Bright and Vanessa followed her lead. Oshawott and Pidove, all the while, were amazed by the massive dome that had become briefly visible upon Cheren's unintentional interaction. From what they could see, it was shielding the entire campground from the satelite tower down.
[Okay, that was not there before,] Pidove commented in curiosity, hovering in place near Oshawott.
"Oooooooo, I maaaaay have forgotten to drop the barrier," a rather nasally male voice called out on the com channel. "This new tech is cool but, wow, is it raw or is it raw?" He tried to chortle but the awkwardness smothered it out fast.
"At least we know it works," Bianca shrugged softly while Cheren regained his bearings. "Just triple check next time."
"You're clear," Sammy chimed in on the coms alongside the rapid typing on a keyboard. "Don't forget to wipe your boots."
Leaning in slightly, Cheren leads his Knights down towards the campgrounds without any more obstructions. Pidove clung his talons onto the net so that he wouldn't need to keep up while the four Knights landed on the grass just six feet away from the tables.
"Honey, we're home!" Bright quipped, enjoying himself way too much. "I didn't bring flowers but I did bring something nice to look at." He happily held up the net where Oshawott and Pidove were still trying to not cause suspicion. All the while, they curiously observed what they've landed themselves in.
Cheren brought his field team over to the parallel tables where Simon and Sammy were working at each, back to back. Though they were working on classical looking laptops primarily, their table was a mess of various wiring and devices hooking up to help process their data. All complimented by a mess of candy bar wrappers and donut bags.
What really got Oshawott and Pidove's attention was the machine next to each table. It resembled the research center's Pokemon transfer machine but miniaturized. The transmission port was modified so that all the Poke Balls dumped out into a large container on the grass. A special design for Personal Computer compatibility.
"You pull off plain clothes dangerously well, Allison," Cheren complimented while walking with Bianca over to Simon, the young man wearing a T-shirt, shorts and glasses. "Every transfer present and accounted for?"
"Yeah, all sixty of them," said Simon, nodding towards the containers while working on the coding. "Though it seems like your rush order put a strain on the system." He was too engrossed in his work to look at his leaders but not enough to take a sip from his cola. "It's a tough fix but not impossible."
"Focus on that," Cheren ordered while looking around, knowing they were watching. "You know how they get when we wreck their toys."
"Don't remind me, sir," Simon groaned, his glasses still aglow from the laptop's screen.
"And please don't litter," Bianca fussed, grabbed whatever cup or wrapper she found laying about. "Just because we have to battle doesn't mean we have to be complete hypocrites." She pocketed all she could with an unusually miffed expression.
"I'd make a note of that for your own good," Cheren whispered with more of a grin, speaking directly from experience.
"Apologies, ma'am..." Simon bashfully conceded.
During Simon's appraisal, Sammy had her fingers dancing across the keyboard at a lightening pace with her posture as hunched as could be. She had finished fixing her transfer machines bugging errors far fast than her twin brother and was busy composing a blog post. Nothing ticked her off more than a debunked fan theory she'd was betting on.
"Hey, I liked the finale," she heard Bright chime in from her left. "My dude was side-lined but I think it'll shake out."
"Sidelined, HA!" Sammy scoffed with all the fury of a scorned fangirl. "He didn't even know his father was the main villain." She typed away without even looking Bright's way. "Wasted potential across the board."
Vanessa simply turned herself away from what she could accurately assess as internet nonsense. "And they say TV doesn't rot the brain..."
[What is she talking about?] Oshawott sincerely asked Pidove, concerned for the worked up geek girl.
[Humans get really angry when they look at screens for too long,] the Tiny Pigeon Pokemon answered, roosting on the side of the net. [Hilda says its complicated but I don't get why they can't look away.]
[I think we're better off not knowing...] Oshawott wisely gulped.
Their little chat of chirping and squeaking wails gained Sammy's attention. The following squeal was loud that it makes everyone look to find her going from a soured scowl to a huge sugar-charged grin. Her mouth was open so wide that one would be forgiven for thinking Pidove could accidentally fly in.
"He is sooooooooo cute," a exuberant Sammy squeaked, sounding like a poor imitation of Oshawott. "Gimme!"
Cheren, having assessed Simon's situation, was the quickest. "Sammy..." he slowly and sternly began.
"Just a little hold, I promise!" the Seventh Squadron's hacker and coder pleaded, her hands even clasped. "Just this once."
"I'd let her have this one for your own good, sir," Simon was quick to whisper.
"Try not to provoke this one," Bianca told Sammy, worried that she was asking the impossible.
Bright, stunned by this one-eighty swing in mood, was helpless when his fellow Knight just up and grabbed his net. Oshawott yelped from the sudden lurch. All the while, Pidove squawked when the yank was strong enough to make him fall off, his wings being just quick enough to keep him from crashing.
Oshawott clung to the net's tempered ropes when Sammy held him up to her face and felt even more shaken by the obsessive stare she was giving him. "Oh, look at we scared this absolute cinnamon roll," the Knight cooed in sympathy, noting the Sea Otter Pokemon's trembling. "There, there."
At first, Oshawott picked up on Sammy's adoration and felt his nerves start to settle when she reminded him of Hilda. However, he soon became too reminded of Hilda when Sammy pulled in the Sea Otter Pokemon for a big hug in an honest attempt to comfort the little guy.
Oshawott might've appreciated a less tighter embrace that was comparable to the grip of Snivy's vines. His nostrils would've also appreciated if Sammy had bathed herself this morning. He knew that the Junipers could forget their personal hygiene when getting too into their work but this was next level.
"Whoa, girl," Bright winced, grabbing one of Sammy's cookies behind her back. "He's not a Ghost-type, remember?"
"Give it a minute..." Vanessa snarked under her breath, cringing at how... cute her fellow Knight was being.
"I know it's for his own good but it's tough doing the right thing," Sammy lamented, ignorant of her killer grip even as Oshawott wriggled. "I just wanna keep you all and spoil you rotten, yes I do, yes I do."
Thankfully, the Knight's adoration of the Sea Otter Pokemon distracted her from Pidove when he took the time to fly around and sneak up from behind. He didn't know the Attack itself but the Tiny Pigeon Pokemon gave a sharp pecking to the back of Sammy's head.
"OW!" the Knight cried out, loosening her grip on Oshawott by reflex. "Hey!"
"Called it!" Vanessa snarled, rushing over while Bright cowered back. "Go choke on bread crust, birdbrain!" Pidove thankfully hovered higher in time before she could swat him with her open palms.
The afforded breathing room was enough to let the Sea Otter Pokemon hastily channel his Water-type Energy and spew out pressurized water from his mouth. It was hardly potent at such short notice but it was enough to knock a soaked Sammy out of her seat and onto the grass.
[Make a break for it, kid!] Pidove squawked at the Starter while Cheren, Bianca and Simon turned around to gawk at the commotion.
Bright and Vanessa were just rushing over to Sammy when Oshawott also fell to the grass while landing on the Snag Ball with his back. Just the force needed to press the white button and detach the net. Oshawott threw off the net and ran as fast as his stubby little flipper would allow him.
[You get to Hilda while I...] Pidove chirped to his new friend, observing the Knights a yard up in the air. [...hold them off?]
From high up, he saw that Cheren, Bianca and Simon were just looking on from their table. From the table to his left, Bright had given Sammy a towel while Vanessa gave her a spare change of dry clothes from her Personal Computer. For thieves, they were rather blaise about an escapee.
The Tiny Pigeon Pokemon got his answer when he heard a loud but familiar SMACK and turned towards the edge of the clearing. There was Oshawott bouncing off of the invisible force-field and rolling flipper over head thrice before laying on the grass all dizzy.
[It's always the little things...] Pidove bemoaned at himself for forgetting before flying down towards his fallen friend.
Oshawott needed a second to stand back up, squeeze his eyes shut and shake it to regain his bearings. He looked back up towards where the force-field was and tentatively went up again, holding out his white paws. He touched the invisible barrier, making it visible slightly as physical contact sent water-like ripples through the wall of hard light.
Oshawott's face fell further and further. He couldn't get out.
Hilda couldn't get in.
Pidove touched down right behind Oshawott with a more determined look in his eyes. [No idea what this thing even is but I think we can take it,] he claimed, swallowing in a moment of doubt. [A wall's a wall even if you can't-]
However, Pidove's train of thought derailed when Oshawott just turned around and began to walk back slowly but surely. He stopped talking especially when he saw the disenchanted frown on the Water-type's face. The shine in his beady black eyes had dulled with a gaze cast downwards.
[H-Hey...] Pidove pleaded anxiously, trying to follow behind. [What about... Hilda?]
All the while, the Seventh Squadron collectively took in the scene with solemn silence. However, Cheren pushed any thoughts of sympathy out of his head and marched over towards the despondent Oshawott. He took out his Personal Computer and tapped with his thumb to access his container inventory.
"I won't pretend that this is easy for you," Cheren began, getting Oshawott to stop and look up just before him, "but we do this because it's hard." He aimed his P.C. down towards the Starter, making the squirt recoil fearfully. "You'll see this was for your own good."
With a tap from his thumb, Cheren's Personal Computer released a medium sized cage around Oshawott. The Sea Otter Pokemon jumped when he found himself in a new prison of immensely reinforced steel bars between two tempered plates. He sighed in acceptance while the Seventh Squadron's leader bent over and grabbed the cage with both hands.
The Knights largely stayed respectfully silent but Bianca couldn't keep herself from rushing over to Cheren from Simon's table. "Is everything okay?" she asked him with concerned shimmer in her eyes.
"I think the little guy's gotten the message," Cheren answered with Oshawott carried with ease. He put forth a simple smile for his right-hand's sake. "I'll take him into the cabin so he can stay out of view."
"I... also meant you," Bianca added, looking back with thinly veiled anxiousness.
A perturbed Cheren would've leaned into that implication if they weren't interrupted.
"Not that I'm calling the shots here," Bright began, walking over to his leader with Vanessa, "but could we report to HQ?" His tempered demeanor showed much sympathy for Oshawott. "I think this heist is getting a little more emotional than I expected."
"And take a break," Vanessa yawned deeply. "Have I mentioned I am not a morning person?"
"We set up communications in the cabin to keep you covered," Simon claimed from his table. "The transmission will go under the radar."
"Thanks but I'll need you and Sammy to stay out here to double check the Pokemon," Cheren ordered.
"Great," Sammy pouted. "More busy work while you kick back."
"Sammy..." Simon hissed at his twin through his teeth, keen to not rock the boat.
"They're direct orders from Ghetsis," Bianca emphasized more softly. "Some Pokemon could have an injury or an illness that could impede their liberation."
When he was sure the Knight were distracted by each other, Pidove hovered over to the cage that Cheren was carrying and was dismayed when he saw Oshawott. He was sitting in a slouch and staring despairingly at his own flippers like nothing else mattered.
Pidove frowned back in recognizing the place Oshawott was in. This time in determination.
"I'm not giving up on you," the Tiny Pigeon Pokemon chirped quietly before hovering back from the cage.
Oshawott lifted his head up from his doldrum state and perked up at the sight of Pidove approaching the force-field. At first, he thought the Tiny Pigeon Pokemon was going to crash but instead his feathered friend stopped just shy of where the dome arced in the air. Curiosity got him to pay more attention and his eyes to glint with some hope.
"And don't forget to suit up," Cheren ordered when starting to walk towards the cabin. "We have an image to keep us after all."
"Ugh, that stuffy thing again..." Sammy groaned while talking out her Personal Computer.
However, Cheren's final order is disturbed when they hear what sounds like a very loud gust of air hitting something nigh invulnerable. They look up to see the force-field was becoming visible with ripples like a liquified glass bowl. Their eyes quickly traced the source just north of the cabin.
There was Pidove hovering above tree level and flapping his wings one strong swoop at a time. Each wing is energized enough to blast one sharp shock-wave of air after another. His Air Cutter is small but powerful enough to start tearing a hole in the force-field, the opening seeming to crack like glass.
"He'll destabilize the whole thing if we don't let him out," Simon panicked before rushing to his computer. "Sammy, help me turn off the power."
Sammy practically jumped back to her laptop and began accessing the force-field generator. Cheren couldn't help but glance toward the cabin with his fellow knights. A strong antennae tower came out the roof and helped produce the force-field. Arcs of electricity where starting to spark, threatening to short out the entire thing.
Then, as suddenly as it started, it stopped. The force-field opened up slowly but surely while the antennae tower came up short of short circuiting, providing Pidove with a clear way out of the invisible prison. Oshawott looked on with growing hope when his new friend took off, holding out a modicum of faith.
"We've powered down back to zero percent," Sammy sighed, relieved after the tension of it all. "This won't be in the report, will it?"
"That a Pidove nearly sabotaged us?" Bright summarized, ruffling his hair in exasperation. "Like the Sixth need more fuel to roast us."
"I'd hate to say I told you so but..." Vanessa put in, clearly wanting to say it.
"It just felt trapped and confused," Bianca reassured. "Lest we forget our mission..."
"It's gonna be a pain to reboot," Simon groaned, rubbing his eyes under his glasses. "It took us two hours to set up."
"Get it done in one," Cheren demanded rather urgently, looking up at the fleeing Pidove with suspicion. "One and a half tops..."
To Be Continued...
Dare Oshawott hold out for Pidove to get him out of there? Will Team Plasma even stick around long enough?
In times like these, we could all do with a few Fair Feathered Friends.
Thank you for reading my fanfiction. I cut it short this time since I felt it had a very nice emotional vibe to it on its own.
Write up a comment or a full blown review about what you liked or loathed about my work. I can roll with the punches so let me have it.
I understand that some of you might feel anxious or not feel like it's not worth your time but getting feedback IS how I know what I'm doing here is worth it. If I can even be a subject of a Bad Fanfic Reading on YouTube, that means my story did something decent.
So... lemme have it.