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Pokémon Point Me Toward Sirius

A few days before the Gaokao, a girl ending her final year in high school, as well as her mother, a senior accountant at one of the largest companies in the world, are thrust into a world being ravaged by disaster. Looking deeper, it seemed like a prophecy had predicted the disasters happening across the Kingdom, and that there would be a saviour that would bring peace to the land once again. But that prophecy had already been fulfilled...?
Content Warnings: Mild violence, some suffering, much emotional despair. I have tried making this as child-friendly as possible, there may still be some moments that may make people feel uncomfortable.

Leaders never cried.

That had been an indubitable fact for generations, both among the people of the Kingdom, as well as among the leaders themselves. That crying was, somehow, something that only the common people did, that the leaders of the country are never emotional. They are never emotional, for emotions only interfered with the running of the country, only made it so that they were unreliable, making choices for themselves and not for the good of the nation.

He, thus, didn’t want anyone to see him in this state. It goes against everything that he was supposed to do, everything that he was taught to do. For showing weakness only invites trouble, invites enemies to come, take advantage of him, wrest control out of his hands. He must be strong; or at the very least, appear strong, to everyone, to himself.

The only thing illuminating the Guildmaster’s face was the stars twinkling outside. The full moon did not betray him, for it was shielded by the clouds, and no one, save for anyone who had the urge to go to the library at two a.m., in the morning, would see him at his most vulnerable.

The ink flowed freely from the pen that he was holding, onto the sheet of paper. But his tears flowed much less freely; he still tried to convince himself that no, he was fine, that everything would blow over soon enough. But everything pointed to the contrary: the snowstorms had continued to rage on, more vigorous than ever before, and messengers have given him information that tornadoes in the South have claimed the lives of multiple people. Mid-sentence, he paused, wiping his tears away before continuing to write.


He took but a mere glance at the finished letter. Folding it into half, then into quarters, he stuffed the piece of paper in the middle of a random book in the library, and he placed the book back onto its shelf. No one goes to this section of the library, anyway. No one will find it.

And with that, he got up, gliding back toward his bedroom. But taking one last glance out of the window of the library, he noticed something: Sirius is much brighter than he had ever imagined it. And Polaris…it was the brightest star in the sky before, but now, it seemed almost to light up the night sky, like the Moon.

But it was probably only his imagination.
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