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Pokémon Nori Carino: Abyssal Despair

  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
A beloved nature show host perishes in a freak accident during an undersea filming expedition, shocking the world. Knowing the public will call for the tragic culprit's blood against the host's wishes, his producer appeals to the Officials to have Pokemon Rehabilitator Nori Carino train and 'cure' her in attempt to save her life. With a new assignment cast upon him weeks after his first and word quickly spreading, Nori finds his friends splintering, and his foes using the moment to come after him. But those problems pale in comparison to his crippling fear of water and her not being used to being out of it. What does it take to care for a Pokemon?

Welcome to the sixth fic in a metaseries! Reading any of the previous fics won't be necessary to enjoy this one, I intentionally break them up so the whole thing is not absurdly long and intimidating, and to write shorter stories in general. Speaking of, expect this one to have shorter chapters, but it'll have a comparable if not longer overall wordcount to the previous two. Simply experimenting with different styles because some of my previous chapters tended to have details in them get glossed over.

I wasn't planning on posting this so soon. I wanted to make sure the first twenty chapters were finished (about two-thirds) before I started posting; I only have up to 17 (sans 16 which is only mostly finished) and sporadic stuff beyond drafted. But I figured it was a good day for this, and who knows, maybe this will spur me into action?

Studies have shown trigger warnings don't work. Not only can the trigger warning itself be triggering, but they can increase the effect and even induce a "forbidden fruit" lure. There is little consensus as to whether or not they are effective. So I'll conceal them behind this spoiler.
You can expect strong language, a single use of a slur in another language, violence, meetings getting interrupted, people being jerks, characters angsting (teenagers, you know?), flashbacks to 2006 (actually might be serious), and teenagers hugging, kissing, and holding hands.
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
It was a Monday morning like any other for a traveling trainer. Waking up in the Pokemon Center – thank goodness for free lodgings – and getting ready for the rest of the day. The next step on her journey lay ahead of her.

Well, that wasn’t exactly true. Julia had something of a wait on her hands. The local Gym Leader was going to be occupied (in a sense) until around the end of the month. It was just something she had to make the most of. Her friends weren’t up yet, so she was just enjoying the morning quietly with her Pokemon.

Until the peace was shattered by a screaming boy with spiky, fiery hair.

“Pete Stephens is here! He’s in Johto, filming live!”

Julia hated loud noises! Why was he screaming indoors? “Who’s here?” she asked, amidst gasps of surprise from the people around her.

“The Krookodile Tracker! He’s on TV, right now!”

Oh, that guy. Julia knew him by that name. Her sister used to like him back in the day. But she hated him. She could understand the Pokemon languages like they were English or Japanese. He was not only the kind of person who would poke the Ursaring, but would do a lot more to them as well. And she would hear every complaint the poor Pokemon made about his antics.

More gasps. The other kids around her, and even some adults, reacted with surprise. They asked questions one after another.


“Where in Johto?”

“What channel?!”

“The TV in the lobby’s showing him now!” Everyone but Julia hurried away with that. The boy did so too, but paused and glanced back. “Come on, you too!” he urged.

“I don’t care about that!” she shouted, perhaps louder than she wanted.

More than a few people took pause. “What?!” an older teenage girl yelled, making Julia’s hands fly to her ears again. “How could you not like Pete Stephens?!”

“I…” There was no good way to explain why. “I don’t mean I hate him, I just…never saw his show.” She tried to make up a lie to get out of it, even though she felt lying was wrong. It would be better than telling the truth. She quickly regretted it.

“Then come watch!” the excited boy urged. “It’s great, you’ll love it! And he’s here! In Johto! It’s once in a lifetime!”

Everyone else still in the room waited for her answer. All the questioning and even hateful eyes on her were making her buckle to the pressure. She wished so much that her friends were awake right now to tell them to leave her alone. She looked over her shoulder just in case, but no such luck.

“Okay…” she mumbled, wandering over to the television in the lobby of the Pokemon Center like a lost Growlithe. Her Pikachu followed idly at her side. She didn’t like this at all, but anything to get these people off her back. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad? That was probably just wishful thinking, though.

“G’day, mates! Pete Stephens, here!”

She arrived just in time to see the program return from commercial. To Julia’s surprise, the Tracker was underwater. He was dressed in a diving suit that looked like a suit of armor, and was wearing goggles with a face mask that had a microphone built into it. His dusty blond hair flowed freely in the depths of the lake he was beneath.

In the background were countless blue and yellow pufferfish. The man verbally set the scene, “We’re here in a lake on Route 32 in Johto. Right smack in the middle of a swarm-a Qwilfish!”

That was from the part of her journey where she was sort of rushing through. She didn’t really remember much about it, other than catching her Ledyba (now a mighty Ledian) there. The fact that it was an uneventful trip, and that it was sandwiched between two major milestones on her journey, didn’t help.

The camera panned across the scene. Julia shuddered at the sight of the Pokemon. She was something of a toxiphobe when it came to Poison-types. Moreover, the murmuring of the countless Qwilfish was like the crowd at a baseball game on TV. It was just as headache-inducing, too.

Some of them in the background puffed up threateningly, but did nothing else. A few swam over to the man out of curiosity. The Tracker showed them no fear, actually reaching out and patting a few between their spines. The reactions were mostly indifferent. One puffed up in surprise and swam off in the tizzy, screeching that the Tracker was a jerk. Another enjoyed the attention and gave a showy twirl before leaving.

“Ain’t he a beaut?” Stephens asked as the Qwilfish swam away. “They huff and puff when you give’em a fright. But believe you me, they’re super sweet Pokemon like any other.”

The man turned his head to the left. Something must have caught his attention, because his eyes widened. “Crikey!” he gasped. “Justy! Point the camera over there, mate!”

The cameraperson did as instructed. Floating alone in the lake was a lone Qwilfish that looked different from the others. Its upper body was black with purple spine tips, and its lips were a different color. The girl would have believed she was looking at a shiny Pokemon on the television, if not for the different tail pattern. Julia had to confess that she was actually interested. Just a little.

That was, until the Tracker swam back into the picture and flashed a thumbs up. She was immediately reminded why she didn’t like the show when he started talking. “That there’s a Sinnohian Qwilfish, all by their lonesome! They’re Dark and Poison variants who dwell in chilly waters, and have a whole different evolution! They were made famous by the fictional Hisui books, but one thing they got right, these ain’t around as much in this day and age. They’re near-threatened on the endangered list.” He smiled sadly. “Needless to say, little fella’s far from home. Why don’t we swim on over and say hi to ‘em?”

Stephens and the filming crew grew closer. As they did, the hollow murmuring of the Pokemon became clearly audible to Julia.

“Alone. Abandoned.” Her words rang with an empty sorrow. “Why, Elle? I didn’t do anything wrong, did I?”

She scrunched her hands. What?! Who would abandon their Pokemon like that?! She almost thought of saying that out loud, before remembering it was unlikely that anyone would believe some random girl could understand Pokemon languages. Heck, even she and her parents couldn’t explain how, she just could.

“Hey, little guy!” The Qwilfish puffed up in surprise when the Tracker suddenly spoke to her. “Whatcha doin’ out here?”

“Wh-who are you?!” she asked, recoiling and trying to look intimidating with a shake of her body. But even Julia could tell from the tone in her voice it was just posturing.

“It’s a’right, fella. Here, lemme give ya a pat.”

“Stay away!” cried the Qwilfish.

“Afraid, are we?” the Tracker mused, pausing as she recoiled. “Guessing you were left here by someone?”

“Yes, and no one here likes me!” cried the black Qwilfish. “They say I’m weird and evil and to leave! How am I supposed to?!”

“Ohh…” Julia’s Pikachu, Hikaru, groaned. “I understood a bit of that. She’s like me.”

Her starter Pokemon’s family had abandoned her just because she looked different. Julia wished she could rush over there and do something for this poor Pokemon! She may have had a fear of Poison-type Pokemon, but even so, this one instantly won her sympathy. No Pokemon deserved to be treated this way!

Stephens didn’t understand, of course. “It’ll all be fine, fella,” he consoled, only aware enough to see her discomfort. “Jus’ come here for a sec, so I can check somethin’. It’ll be quick, promise.”

“No, stop! Leave me alone!” she screamed, desperately swimming backwards to escape the man. She flailed and thrashed, but the Krookodile Tracker grew ever closer, oblivious or uncaring of the Pokemon’s growing discomfort, if not abject terror.

Suddenly, the screen went to darkness. After ten seconds, a commercial came on. A bald, shirtless guy with a trimmed beard started screaming about men’s deodorant while flexing his oversized muscles. Julia had to turn away in revulsion. She hated commercials like that!

“What the HELL?!” cursed the boy who drew her into watching this, stomping a foot on the floor. “Just when it was getting good, too!”

It was weird, yes. Maybe something had damaged the camera? Something felt off about the whole thing. But it didn’t matter, Julia was going to use any excuse she could to get the heck away while she could.


“This is why you film live on delay, people!”

Manna Schrader had immediately taken control of the situation as soon as it happened. She had security shoo the gawkers away and told them all they needed to know. At least they were easy to deal with. She had her hands full keeping the crew calm. She had to threaten more than one intern not to post about it on social media, else she would make sure they got blackballed from the industry forever. It was a threat she could and would make good on, given her family’s influence.

The situation was utter chaos. Pete Stephens was dead. He had been struck by a Barb Barrage attack that went right through a weak spot in the diving suit and pierced an artery. It was nothing short of a freak accident. He survived just long enough to carry him out of the water and hear his last words. He likely wanted to make sure the Qwilfish was unhurt or verify that she had been released, and maybe get a shot of her swimming away.

When she woke up in the morning, Manna had an eerie feeling about the day. It only got worse when Pete thanked everyone for everything they’ve done before he went in. She didn’t act on anything, since the show had to go on. A gut instinct certainly wasn’t a valid reason to stop it even if that wasn’t the case. She expected an accident, but not this.

People were hurling all sorts of questions at her, and she answered them all one right after another.

“Ambulance is on the way, should I go with?”

“No, I will.”

“There’s this one persistent fisher, Ralph–”

“Keep. Him. Away.”

“You need coffee, ma’am?”


“Should we tell the family, auntie?”

“If you mean ours, absolutely not. Take charge and keep the others in line for me.” She walked away to deal with pressing business.

Although the Schrader family were traditionally reporters or news anchors, she had graduated from that role into a producer. She always felt more comfortable behind the lens rather than in front of it. She had met Pete Stephens on a trip to a region in Australia. When he offered her the chance to produce his new show, she accepted on the spot.

“Mrs. Schrader,” said the camerawoman who had accompanied Pete underwater. Justine Hailey, the best they had. She sprang into action while everyone else was stunned with shock, capturing Pete’s killer with help of her Whiscash.

“We’re back from commercial in one,” she said. “What should we say?”

“Same thing we told the gawkers, he suffered a poison injury while filming,” Manna answered at once. They didn’t need to let people know the extent of what had happened. “Have Phil deliver it over a panning shot of the lake. Go to the footage we’d planned after.”

Her phone started to buzz. She took it out of her pocket and saw it was Nadia calling, from way over in Mahogany. Nosy as always. Manna promptly put it away and let it ring.

“All right,” Justine said, muttering a prayer under her breath. “What about the Qwilfish?”

“Give me some time to think about that.”

She pulled out the Dive Ball that the camerawoman had used to capture the Qwilfish and gave it a thoughtful glance. It was easy to speculate that the pufferfish had been released into the lake. Whoever did it better pray they weren’t found out. There were laws about being responsible for the actions of released Pokemon, but in this case, the court of public opinion would be far harsher than any court of law.

Pete loved Pokemon. He did countless things to help them and preserve their habitats. He always made sure they got the respect they deserved, from their rights to insisting that the P should be capitalized out of respect in response to the strange folk who thought otherwise. As the Krookodile Tracker, he went on record before saying that he’d gladly give his life if it meant saving one Magikarp. He died doing what he loved most. Regardless, the public was going to be out for blood. Especially for this lost, frightened Pokemon. The last thing he would want is for this Qwilfish to be condemned, even if they had taken his life.

She went into her tent to think about the situation. That’s when she saw it sitting on the table. A stapled together set of pages from a web blog. It gave her an idea, a means of salvation.

She picked up the copy of a report written by a far-removed cousin of hers, Arumi Schrader. It documented events that took place at the Sunyshore Gym over in Sinnoh during the first eight months of the year, involving a certain Pokemon Rehabilitator. Someone who could handle Pokemon that no one else could – or would. Not even the most powerful Champions or best care facilities. It struck like a bolt of lightning called down by Raikou. Yes, this was a perfect idea. They could use him. If anyone could turn public opinion around, it was the Demon Tamer Nori Carino.

Julia comes from the fic of @Juliko , Pokemon: A Marvelous Journey. Used with permission plus with input, partially as a mythology gag in how this series technically started as alternate history (noncanon to this too), and to help set the stage.

If you're wondering about my use of a real world country name, it's just my way of futureproofing. I don't want to spend hours making up a region name only to have it potentially be invalidated by canon, so I sidestep it by not mentioning those and having countries exist as basically-superregions. Which, kinda got screwed up anyway by Paldea encompassing two countries, but I managed a patchjob there. Though it also validated my use of real-world language names (which the games use anyway), so.

And yes. This is a crazy concept I had. Hopefully it's enjoyable for/in spite of it.
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Chapter 1
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
“Hey, guys,” Nori Carino announced his arrival as he strutted through the door to the miniature computer lab which served as a clubroom. The thirteen-year-old was around 140 centimeters tall with chestnut-colored hair and soft red eyes. Besides his job with the Officials, he was the president of the newsletter club at Tobari Central Junior High. Taiiku no hi was today, and they needed to cover the school’s festivities!

He glanced around the room and noticed that there was only one other person present besides him. He considered everyone in the club a friend, although there was only one person he was close to in the traditional sense. She was sitting alone in front of one of the many computers in the room.

“What’s up, Yumi?” he addressed her personally.

His words did not appear to register with her. Yumi Takao was not wearing headphones of any kind and there was no sound coming from the speakers. Her short beige hair was in perfect order, styled in a cute bob cut. Her clothes were as fashionable as always: a long pleated flannel skirt and designer shirt, pink and white respectively. She was staring blankly at the monitor with her chocolate brown eyes. Was she reading something?

“Yumi?” he called to her again, a little louder. She was a lot of different things, but she wasn’t the type of person to suddenly ignore someone. Was she?

“Oh, ah. Nori.” Her hand jerked forward and to the right. Whatever was on the screen quickly disappeared. Nori didn’t get a good look at it, but it seemed like she had been reading an email.

“What’s up?” he repeated.

“Nothing, really,” she told him unconvincingly. He’d learned to read body language as part of his training with the Officials, but he didn’t need to see her twitching and unnaturally rigid posture to know that it was hardly nothing. “What about you?”

“Well, I’m getting close on teaching the Demon something new,” he said. She was one of his Pokemon and where he got his moniker ‘The Demon Tamer’ from. Specifically, she was a battle-crazy Nidorina who had terrorized Veilstone with hit-and-run attacks for many months. “Mostly for her battles and to see if I can. It’s not much, but it’ll be cool if it works.”

“Uh-huh.” She was looking his way, but not at him. Her eyes were elsewhere. Maybe nowhere.

He carefully sat to the left of her. “Is something wrong?” he prodded, leaning in slightly.

She shook it off with a gesture. “Don’t worry about it,” she dismissed, albeit in a hasty fashion that made Nori worry even more.

All he could do was shrug and say, “If you say so.” Forcing it wouldn’t do him any good.

Yumi exhaled, turned away, and lowered her head. There was something wrong. She didn’t want to talk about it right now, that much was clear. Maybe someone said something mean to her, or she found out about some bad news? He could only speculate, but he wasn’t going to dwell on it overmuch.

The young official turned to the computer before him, switched the machine on, and brought up the web browser. He went to his favorite world news site. Nori never had the internet while growing up, or much of anything, really. But he did have the radio in his mom’s trailer. The news was what he listened to the second most. That was how he became so interested in it.

The top headline jutted out like a tall tree in an open prairie. He didn’t normally care for celebrity news, but this one was something big and meaningful. He couldn’t help but read it aloud.

“The Krookodile Tracker, Pete Stephens, passes away at 49?!”

“What?!” Yumi’s reverie broke as she jumped to attention. She leaned over his shoulder. “When?!”

“Five minutes ago!”

“What happened?!”

“I’m bringing it up now!”

Things like radio dramas were what Nori listened to the most on the radio. There was one he had fond memories of which featured a retelling of one of Stephens’ adventures where he encountered a Legendary Pokemon from his home region. Plus, there was that interview on Natureworld with Nami. He had even seen a few episodes of the guy’s TV show, mostly at school. Nori may not have known much from popular culture, but even he knew Pete Stephens, the Krookodile Tracker.

Yumi peered over as he scrolled through the pages. He read fast, and thankfully, she read faster. That didn’t surprise him. She liked to read and even went with him to the library on a couple of occasions.

The article explained that he was in Johto to document a mass outbreak of Qwilfish. There was a stray Sinnohian specimen which investigators speculated was released there. It panicked and attacked him when he tried to approach, piercing a weak spot in his diving suit, which was designed to withstand even things like a Sharpedo’s bite. It was nothing short of a freak accident. Attempts to resuscitate him on the scene failed, and he was pronounced dead on arrival to Violet City General.

“You were just in Johto yesterday, weren’t you?” Yumi inquired.

“Yeah, but I didn’t want to stay there longer than I had to.” He could’ve stayed a week, but he decided to fly back on Sunday night, so he wouldn’t miss any school. It was a mandatory vacation that he didn’t get the point of. Something to do with the policy of the Officials. He would have gone to Sunyshore to visit his mentor Volkner and his bestie Arumi, but it had to be out of region. “Even if I hadn’t, I was up near Mahogany and Ecruteak. Not anywhere close to where it happened.”


At that moment, Reiko Azuma entered the room, followed closely by Terrance Lee. The two of them were in the same grade as Nori.

“Wh-what are you two doing?” Terrance stammered, his chocolate brown eyes darting between them. He wore baggy black sweatpants with an equally loose shirt of the same color.

Nori and Yumi exchanged glances. It was the latter who broke the news. “The Krookodile Hunter passed…”

Reiko stamped a foot. “What?!” she exclaimed with a flick of her fiery orange hair. She had on jeans and a blue jacket. Reiko was short and had a bit of weight on her, though not an unhealthy amount. “Lemme see!”

Nori scrolled to the top of the article. Reiko sat down to his left, while Terrance shuffled up and tried to look over his shoulder. He went through it again.

“Scroll slower!” Reiko snapped.

“Read it up yourself, then!” Nori fired back, getting out of the seat to allow her to do so. It was the best way, anyway.

She took him up on it. When he turned away with a huff, Nori noticed Terrance’s expression. His eyes were watery, not to mention distant. His mouth was hanging open.

“What’s up?” he asked, with a bit of concern.

“That was my favorite show…” he spoke flatly. He shook his head and took a step away from the computer.

“The Krookodile Tracker?” he said. “Wasn’t my favorite, but I liked it too.”

Reiko grumbled. “Hard to find someone who didn’t,” she remarked as she continued to slowly make her way through the article. “You’d have to be a bigot or a freak to hate the show.”

“That’s taking it too far,” Nori commented. “Not everything’s for everyone.” He was pretty sure just about everyone disliked at least one thing most people loved. Like for him, it was Pokemon journeys. A lot of people wanted to experience one at least once, like Reiko or his former friend Claris, but he never had any interest.

Yumi looked between them. “I think most would like Pete Stephens himself, at least.”

Nori couldn’t disagree there. As he was about to speak up, a faint sob came from a table behind them.

Reiko stood up immediately, maybe reflexively. “Terrance, you okay?” she said, placing a hand on his shouder.

He and Yumi exchanged a smirk. Those two had been friends since they were little, and the only ones at the club not aware of Reiko’s feelings was Terrance himself. Or if he was, he did a good job of ignoring them.

“No,” came a huff. “I…I don’t know what…” He laid his head on the table, burying it under his arms.

The two waited. When Reiko remained silent with uncertainty, Nori spoke.

“It’ll be fine, Terrance,” he assured him.

Yumi concurred. “I’m sorry. I know, it hurts me too. But we can’t…” She trailed off, uncertain of how to put it to him.

Nori sat up straighter as a realization struck. “Actually, we can do something.”

“What, necromancy?” Reiko spat.

“I meant, write an article.”

“Oh.” She slapped herself and smirked. “Yeah, we could. And you know him best, Terrance.”

“It’d be a good way to honor him,” Yumi agreed, nodding at the idea. “You know?”

Still using his arms as a chin rest, he peered up at them. Nori maintained that it was a good idea anyway. They would technically need the others to agree, but he was sure they would like it too. That is, if Terrance was comfortable writing about it so soon.

He finally sat up. It took a few seconds longer to give his reply. “Okay…”


The atmosphere at school changed with the news of the sudden passing of a beloved celebrity. It was a subtle shift, yet it was not lost on Nori. Aside from the talk about it that he overheard in the halls, there were fewer smiles on faces and people were moving slower. It was clear to him that the Krookodile Tracker meant a lot to almost everyone in the school. The others unanimously agreed to write an article about him. Their weekly newsletter always had one global story anyway.

After what they managed yesterday, they had one day to hammer it out and get it to print, since they published on Wednesday. Their two fieldworkers were out getting quotes from their peers for the article. Adelle and Yasmin were ninth-years who tended to be inseparable. Saqid, an eighth-year like Yumi, was in the school library looking for some books that might be relevant. That left the rest of them to begin the brainstorming portion.

It took Terrance several minutes to compose himself after sitting down. He fidgeted and inhaled. Three of them were looking at him with expectant encouragement. The other, Mitsu Chisaka, was hunched over a monitor as usual.

“I think, well.” Terrance huffed again. He spoke with slow uncertainty. “We should open with a biography of him and what happened.”

Even before Nori had come to the club, Terrance was only in it because his friend was. His contributions were minimal and limited to only small additions. That didn’t mean they didn’t appreciate him, of course. He was one of them, and every little bit helped. This was the first time he was taking on a leading role, and as far as Nori was concerned, he was doing fine. Reiko beamed. Yumi couldn’t help smiling either. Nori opened his mouth to say something, when a sneeze interrupted his train of thought.

They turned to the source, Mitsu. The turquoise-haired teenager let out a sheepish chuckle as he wiped his nose with his hand.

“Did you really have to come in here when you’re sick?” Reiko snapped. She turned away with a grimace, but kept her narrow eyes leering at him.

“I’m not that sick…” Mitsu replied with a sniff as he wiped his left eye. “Some of this is from crying.”

Nori had to agree with the orange-haired girl. “You could at least wear a mask,” he said. He respected that Mitsu came to school anyway, but that was just common courtesy.

He reached for the roll of toilet paper in front and to the right of him, next to his green water bottle. “It’ll be fine.” He blew his nose.

“I don’t want to catch your damn cold, dumbass!” Reiko shouted the thing that was on everyone’s mind, but only Nori himself would’ve said it to him outright too.

In fact, he said so too. “Yeah, no one does. And put that rag in your bag.”

Yumi giggled at his unwitting rhyme. Reiko continued to glower. Mitsu eventually groaned and put the tissue where he was asked, instead of the wastebin. He was a good person and a hard worker, but sometimes he seemed off in his own world.

“Hey!” Terrance squeaked out. “Does that…sound good?”

“Sorry. It works,” Nori confirmed. Stupid interruptions. “It’s simple, but simple is best sometimes.”

“Then after that we can put some of the stuff others said,” Terrance continued. “Like their memories about him.”

“I’m not sure if we can print some of it,” Yumi said grimly. Nori glanced at her as she elaborated. “I overheard some people in the halls saying they felt like going out and beating up Qwilfish.”

Reiko snorted, giving her head a toss. “That’s stupid. They should be blaming the one who killed him, not all of them.”

An uncomfortable silence drew over them. Even Reiko, realizing what she had just said, crossed her arms and turned away with a frown. But the fact remained that a lot of people were going to demand justice. And at the most extreme, some might take matters into their own hands and exact it upon proxies. Nori hoped those people were outliers and not the norm. No, he hoped people weren’t stupid enough to do that.

“I wonder what’s going to happen to that Qwilfish,” Terrance mused the question on everyone’s mind.

Yumi turned to him. “You would know, Nori. Right?”

“Yeah. It’s case by case,” he told them. He had to extensively learn Pokemon-related law as part of his studies to become an official. “Typically, a wild Pokemon that kills a human is sent to assessment, and if deemed necessary, put down. But there’s two things complicating this case. The first is the argument that he provoked the Qwilfish. The other is that it may have been a released Pokemon. That changes things.”

“Wait, it does?” asked Mitsu.

He confirmed. “Trainers who release a Pokemon into the wild are responsible for its actions for at least six months afterward.”

“So they just need to find the bastard that did this!” Reiko declared. She rubbed her hands together.

“Right!” agreed Mitsu with a sniff. It wasn’t clear if it was from his grief or the cold. Maybe it was both.

But Nori had to burst their bubble. “I don’t think they’re gonna find whoever did this.” They were looking, but no one had seen anything. Time would tell if whoever did it would come forward out of guilt or be exposed because of it. “Even if they do, the first thing I said, the provoking aspect, might be their defense like the Qwilfish’s.”

“That’s dumb!” snapped Reiko, slamming a palm on the desk. “And why don’t they like, get someone to ask the thing who its trainer was?”

“There’s a lot of reasons why they don’t often do that.” On paper, getting someone who could talk to Pokemon was simple and obvious. But it wasn’t that simple from a legal perspective. “Most of the reasons why were because of a high-profile case from the 1960s. An interpreter – Kentaro Kannagi – got accused of fabricating Pokemon testimony.”

His fellow club members all reacted with varying degrees of surprise. But he’d caught all of their interest. Especially with the part about the Kannagis. “What happened?” Terrance asked.

“A real mess happened,” Nori said. “They eventually found out that the Pokemon was the one who lied, but not before a media fiasco nearly destroyed Kentaro. He left the Kannagi Shrine anyway despite getting cleared. It ended up exposing a lot of the flaws with Pokemon witnesses. It wasn’t used much before, but there’s been more restrictions put upon it since then, like special permission and multiple interpreters being needed.”

There was much more to Pokemon-related law than one might expect. It wasn’t like, super restrictive or anything like that. A little kid could still own Pokemon, and once they turned ten, they could get a license to participate in officially sanctioned activities throughout most of the world. But there were still rules, both obvious and obscure. If someone didn’t follow them, they could get put on a blacklist and be legally barred from ownership.

“You’re really smart, Nori,” Yumi said, leaning in with a soft beam.

“Oh, uh,” He could feel the heat rising in his face. “It’s nothing special, really.”

Reiko, Terrance, and Mitsu only laughed a little. It wasn’t clear if it was at him or what. The point became moot when a buzzing sound from his pocket interrupted them. Nori reached in and retrieved his radio. A small rectangular earpiece that worked as a very limited phone, could tune into emergency scanners, and served as identification.

“What kind of ringtone’s that?” Reiko snorted.

“I think it’s supposed to be some kind of alarmy noise?” It was annoying, but maybe that was supposed to be the point. “Sorry, I’ll be right back.”

He grumbled. What was he getting a call now for?! It was Tuesday, not Sunday! He stepped into the office at the back of the room and shut the door behind him. Nori put the device in his ear and pressed a button on the side to answer.

“—lo? Sir? Hello? You there?” came the voice of a man with a thick European accent.

“I’m here,” Nori answered.

“Ah, it is good that you had answered! I am right that it is lunch hour at your school, yes?”

“It is, but I’m busy with my club.” He didn’t hide his impatience. This guy liked to ramble a lot.

“Oh, sorry sir!” the man said. He didn’t sound very apologetic, but that was just how he spoke. “Okay, briefly. I was just calling to say to you, a new assignment is on the way!”

“What?! Already?” He hadn’t had his first one for a month yet! He got Pawniard on the 21st of September, and it was the 13th of October!

“It was a surprising matter for me too! Sorting out will need to happen. But two days! Friday! In the usual place! Prepare yourself.”

“But Friday is three days from now?”

“I mean Friday!” he quickly spoke. “Three days! Be pre–”

“Fine. See you then.” He hung up, pocketed it, and went outside.

“That your handler?” Reiko quipped with a smarmy smirk.

“It feels like the opposite sometimes,” he answered, returning her expression. “But yeah. I’m getting a new assignment.”

Reiko arched an eyebrow. Mitsu, as usual, was too engrossed to react. But Terrance and Yumi both recoiled. The latter’s hands flew to her mouth.

“Another one?!” she shuddered. “But Pawniard’s… You’re still…”

Terrance was able to speak. “Has he been rehabilitated yet? Pawniard, that is?”

“No, not yet.” He was comfortable enough to have him battle random trainers like he did on that vacation, but not enough to say he had finished his job. Actually, he wasn't sure what counted as being done.

Nori was a Pokemon Rehabilitator, or rather, the only one. He worked with highly problematic Pokemon that no one else could or would; ones that even the best conventional trainers couldn’t (or had no time/obligation to) train and care facilities couldn’t (or wouldn’t) do anything for. His job was to rein in the nastier parts of their personalities to acceptable standards.

Reiko crossed her arms. “Well, hopefully you don’t let this one almost kill anything.”

“Hey!” He appreciated her criticism, but she took it too far sometimes. “Not going to let that happen again! Not after that! But I’m hoping this isn’t the usual pace I get assignments.” He paused, then added, “I better ask about that.” It seemed it wasn’t the case from the man’s reaction, but who could say?

“But we should get back to work,” said Terrance. “I’ll start…trying to make a draft. Points to hit on, and…stuff.”

“Right,” concurred Reiko. “I’ll help if you need it.”

“Mhm.” Nori had to agree. Whatever this was, it wouldn’t be a thing to worry about until the weekend. Not that he was going to let it get in the way of the article anyway.

Yumi fidgeted in her seat, drumming her fingers together. “Yeah,” she said, although she was glancing at him instead of Terrance. He could only nod at her in assurance for now.

As Terrance dug into his bag to find a pen and some paper, Nori thought a bit more about his impending assignment. Whatever it was, it was hard to be worse than a serial killer’s Pokemon. And he was up to the task! Not like he had a say in the matter. So, as he always liked to say, there was nothing to do but do it!
Last edited:
Chapter 2
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
A small building sat at the top of a tall hill on the northeast side of Veilstone City, the first branch location of the revered Kannagi Shrine. It originated in Celestic Town over fifteen hundred years ago, and actually provided the traditional Japanese name of the settlement. It was not hyperbole to say that they were a major influence on Kodo beliefs, and that many modern sentiments toward Pokemon could be traced back to the Kannagi clan. Though not as prominent as they once were, they were still of the most highly respected families in Japan.

A small and empty knoll sat in the shadow of the cliff. That was where the sole heir to the shrine, Prema Kannagi, stood on a makeshift wooden stage before a crowd of over two hundred people that was rapidly growing. It had been two days since the world had lost one of the greatest Pokemon conservationists of the modern era. All the priests and priestesses agreed that the shrine should do something; they and Pete Stephens stood for much the same things, and honoring the deceased was a large part of their faith. This was the best they could arrange on such short notice.

Two others were on either side of her. Acolyte Jirou Jinnai wore a kasa on his head and a jacket over his violet robe to shield himself from the rain. The man held a large umbrella over Prema. To her right, a tall elderly woman with silvery-green eyes stood proudly as drops fell on her face and body. Prema might have feared that someone her age would catch pneumonia, but it was Priestess Satomi Kurusu. One who had served four generations of Masters and showed no signs of slowing down even in her nineties.

So many people had come by despite the fact that their only advertisement for this was word of mouth. There were even several unfamiliar faces that she had never seen on the shrine grounds. It was evidence that he had touched the lives of so many people, and that they were looking for any form of closure they could find. Prema was unable to help herself from scanning the crowd. There was a person that she was hoping to see there. There was no chance Prema would have missed her given her height, her fashion, and her face. The only reason she was not disappointed was that it was a long shot to begin with.

She felt an elbow brush against her. Her mentor was smiling. “When you are ready, Lady Kannagi. Just don’t keep’em waiting too long!” The elderly woman chuckled.

Prema nodded. “Yes, Priestess Satomi.”

Ordinarily, it would be Father who would address an audience under these circumstances. Instead, he had given her the task and was standing somewhere in the crowd. Prema was no stranger to such speeches, and she fully intended to see it through. She took a deep breath and began.


The rest of the week sped by like a Ninjask for Nori. Their article turned out to be a smash hit, receiving praise from both peers and teachers for its quality. The immensely positive response left them all with huge smiles, but none more than Terrance.

The news club often stayed after school on Friday to talk about the newsletter for the week and continue work on the next edition. The meetings usually lasted no more than two hours, and not everyone could attend every week. This was one of the rare times Nori could not make it, but he stopped by after the last bell to check in on everyone regardless. The guy who handled his Official’s stuff had asked him to meet after school in the usual spot in order to pick up his next assignment, as soon as possible. He already knew of one other person who would be absent as usual, but he was surprised to find only four people in the room.

“Hey,” he announced his presence. Mitsu was at his usual computer, while the other three sat around a table that they had seemingly moved further away from him. “Where’s Adelle and Yasmin? They’re usually here first thing.”

Reiko rolled her eyes. She had on a light blue shirt and her usual jeans. “They think they caught Chisaka’s cold.” She looked towards the culprit with an ‘I told you so’ expression before shaking her head and turning to Nori. “So they went home early.”

“Don’t friggin’ blame me,” Mitsu uncharacteristically fired back, slamming a fist on the desk and jostling his green metal water bottle.

Before Reiko could open her mouth to retaliate, Nori shouted, “Whoa!” He usually let the older girls play peacekeeper. But they were sick. So he instinctively sprang into action without much thought despite him being the one to get angry half the time. “What was that for?”

Mitsu held his head high. It was a relief when he sighed through pinched lips. “Sorry, I’m just still mad,” he admitted. “I grew up on the Krookodile Tracker! And some bastard releases a Qwilfish that kills him? Why haven’t they found them yet?”

“Mitsu.” The orange-haired girl stood to address him. Her fingers curled. She exchanged a glance with Nori before speaking with a blunt edge. “He’s gone. Staying pissed about it isn’t going to help.”

“Ah.” Terrance turned to face the wall. After some hesitation, he made an uncharacteristic remark. “That’s coming from the great Reiko Azuma.”

Reiko recoiled, her mouth falling open as she took a step back. “T-Terrance!” she stammered, turning faintly red.

Nori couldn’t help but laugh. Everyone actually laughed at least a little, except Mitsu, who gave a false smile given away by resting his arms on his legs and the cold, distant look in his eyes.

Saqid had laughed the hardest, a hardy guffaw. He actually had to wipe a tear from his black-tinted eyes. “Okay,” he said, adjusting his thick black sweatshirt. “If you are cracking jokes Terrance, you are over it.”

Reiko sat down next to her close friend and gave him a light pat on the back. He looked away again as she made physical content. “Not really,” he forced out, squinting tightly as he did so. “I hope they find who did this, too. Just so we can get a bit of closure.”

“I know, right?” Mitsu said, “It’d be one thing if this was an accident, but it wasn’t.”

“They’re actually saying it was a freak accident,” Nori spoke up. That’s what was being reported, and that’s what they had reported. “The Qwilfish attacked in panic and hit in just the right spot.”

“But if it wasn’t released…” Terrance squeaked.

“Yeah.” Mitsu stomped a foot. “Doesn’t matter. If it wasn’t there in the first place, this wouldn’t have happened. I don’t even think it was an accident. The Dark-type is traditionally known as the Evil-type, after all.”

Reiko nearly leapt out of her seat again. She gripped the side of the table, her arm shaking. She turned to Nori with a twitching lip and empty retinas. It was a look that pleaded, ‘Please get him to shut up before I say something that might make Terrance upset by proxy.’

The Evil-type thing wasn’t even true; it was much more nuanced. But pointing that out wouldn’t do any good. Instead, he took the most basic approach to the problem. “All right, enough about him,” he ordered, in the sternest tone of voice he could. He stood tall and put his hands on his hips like his mom would. “Just focus, people.”

“Agree,” Reiko instantly chimed in. Mitsu and Terrance reluctantly nodded. She changed the subject. “Hope those two get over their cold on the weekend.”

Everyone had to agree there. Their skills at getting info from the student body were unparalleled. “Speaking of, I’m still surprised they got an interview with the battling club,” Nori made a random remark, rolling his right ankle. “No one else could’ve gotten that. I didn’t think those guys would want anything to do with me after what happened with Pawniard and Anthony.”

“They apparently volunteered,” Saqid said with a shrug. “That Emi chick really liked the Tracker. Besides, you kept it in editing.”

He smirked. He hadn’t interacted with Emi Pikaru in any meaningful way during or after the incident, but he knew who she was from reputation and research. “Yeah, I guess.” It hit a lot of people hard. That much was clear from the response to their newsletter. In fact, they had so many statements from people that many of them had to be cut. “Anyway, gotta get going. Saqid, you’re in charge.”

The tan-skinned teenager saluted. “I will not let you down.”

“Later.” Reiko gave an idle wave without looking up. She momentarily glanced in his direction. “Good luck with whatever the hell they’re throwing at you this time.”

“Thanks. See you guys next week.”

Nori walked powerfully through the halls until he reached the front doors of the school. He shoved them apart and stepped out into the brisk autumn air. He zippered up his earth-brown jacket with black sleeves and approached the person sitting on a bench near the flagpole.

She was lightly slumped, not noticing him at first due to looking down. Her hands were folded between her knees and her ankles were crossed. She wore knee-length purple shorts, warm black leggings, and a nylon jacket which was pink on the outside and white on the inside, as well as her usual white sneakers. Her hair swayed gently in the breeze.

“Hey, Yumi,” he called to her.

She uncrossed her arms and legs at the sound of his voice. The teenager rested her hands on the cement beside her as she looked up at him with somewhat distant eyes. “Hi.”

They had made plans to go for a walk together after school, since Nori’s destination and Yumi’s home were in the same direction up to a point. “Ready to get going?”

She stood. “Okay.”

They set out together, wordlessly enjoying spending time together for the first couple of blocks. After that, when they were further away from the noise of the schoolyard, Nori started speaking. “Another week, another newsletter in the books.”


“Woo!” Nori pumped both of his fists, resting them at chest level. “That was our best yet, I think. Only problem now is, how do we follow up from that? We need to put 110% into next week now that we got a lot more people’s attention. Any thoughts?”

“I don’t know.”

Nori took momentary pause. Yumi wasn’t looking at him while she was speaking. She was staring at the ground and gradually falling behind.

He slowed to keep pace and segued into something related, but even more positive. “You notice how Terrance has, like, been on his toes about it the whole time?” The conversation they just had was the only time all week Nori hadn’t seen him either happy or nervous due to the pressure.

“I know…”

Five terse responses in a row was too much. Nori felt a light quiver in his stomach. “What’s wrong?” he asked. Was it something he said or did? Or if not, what was bothering her?

Her response was to stop in place. She clasped her hands together, pressing them against her upper body. “You’re getting another assignment,” she elaborated, her voice shaky, “That’s what’s wrong.”

“Hey, it’ll be fine!” he assured her. It wasn’t the first time she’d been worried about one of the Pokemon he’d been rehabilitating. “I really appreciate that you’re worried about me! But whatever it is can’t be any worse than Pawniard, right?”

“Those are famous last words,” she replied, her unsteady legs slightly swaying.

Nori snorted. “Maybe,” he giggled.

Okay, point taken. That was a pretty funny way of putting it. But she didn’t laugh with him, only huffing and fidgeting. Her concern was totally real.

“Hey. I think I’m right about this,” he said, squatting down in front of her, so he could look her right in the eyes. He flashed the best smile he could muster.

“Why’s that?” she asked, her voice monotonous but curious.

He had several days to think about it and finally came to a conclusion. “I dunno.” He stood and shrugged. Nori could admit, part of it was just instinct. But that was a big thing. “It’s just weird I’m getting another this quick. It’s like something just came up, and they needed me for it.”

Yumi shook her head. “I don’t think that’s a good sign,” she said while rubbing her arms.

“Uh, maybe?”

Okay, that was also right. It could also be a very bad sign. It was one of the two. The thing that stood out was his handler’s (as Reiko had eloquently put it) surprise. He gave the kooky man enough credit to be aware of the usual tempo of assignments and all signs pointed towards this being abnormal. Whatever the case, Nori was sure about one thing: whatever this was needed immediate attention. For some reason, it couldn’t be held off until later.

Yumi started to walk again, mumbling dreadfully to herself in Japanese. He followed her while thinking about the situation. He would get his answers soon enough. But maybe Yumi getting answers would at least put her mind at ease? She was worrying about all the different possibilities, maybe to an irrational degree.

It came to him in a flash. “Do you want to come with me?”

Yumi stood up straight so quickly that Nori thought for a moment that she would leave her feet altogether. She again stopped dead in her tracks and whirled to face him. Her eyes were round as Voltorbs and her hands were in front of her defensively. “W-what?!”

“I was allowed to bring others last time I got a Pokemon.” The guy hadn’t complained at all when he showed up with his friends Prema and Maylene. “I don’t see why not this time. It might help you if you know.”

Yumi’s tongue nearly tied itself into a knot as she sputtered. “No, I don’t…” She winced and waved her palms wildly. “I mean, I can’t!”

She was about to say she didn’t want to. But she said she couldn’t? “Even if you wanted to?”

“Yeah.” She huffed and took a deep breath to compose herself. “You know how my parents are.”

“Really strict, right.”

He’d forgotten about that. Everything had to be planned out well in advance when it came to Yumi’s parents. They even needed to get permission for this walk! If she was late because they went and did something different, well. Nothing good could come of it, that was for certain. If he could get away with giving them a piece of his mind, he would in a heartbeat. He might anyway even if he couldn’t, knowing himself.

“I guess I could come by and show you later,” he instead offered. He was sure if he phrased it right, they’d give him a few minutes.

“It’s okay. I’m not in any rush to know.” Yumi exhaled deeply. She shuffled forward vaguely and looked skyward. “I’ll find out eventually.”

He gave her a clap on the shoulder. She stiffened at the sudden physical contact. “Whatever it is, Yumi, I’m sure I can handle it.”

She nodded lightly, face flushed. “I hope so,” she said, leaning toward him. The faintest smile was on her lips. She was fearful to the point of anxiety, sure. But deep down, she had faith. And he was going to prove it was not misplaced.

After a few silent moments between them, Nori gave her a pat and let go. They started out again. They walked another block without speaking to one another. Yumi kept fidgeting, but their talk had improved her mood. She was walking a little closer, her steps were more lively, and she was smiling softly.

“I guess my weekend’s set,” Nori mused aloud. “But what about yours?”

“My grandfather has family activities planned for us.” She gave her shoulders a roll. “No, it’s more like a big family gathering. A few of my aunts and uncles, and…” She paused for three whole seconds. “Even great-grandma is coming to visit. I won’t have time for anything else.” Her tone faltered for a moment, but otherwise it was matter-of-fact.

It sounded like he wasn’t going to be able to show her his next assignment after, even if she wanted to see it. Not before the weekend was over, at least. “Well, I hope they’re fun,” he said.

“I hope so too.” She chuckled lightly. “And please. Be careful, Nori.”

“I will be, I promise!” Even if it did turn out to be a dangerous Pokemon, he wasn’t going to let it get the better of him. Nor would any of his other Pokemon let it.

They walked on. Nori lightly tilted his head, looking at her as they walked. He was glad to have a friend like her. Actually, he was glad to have friends at all, but that was another facet altogether. All her worrying meant that she cared. Maybe others were worried too, but they never spoke their minds like she did. It was a nice contrast to simple trust and encouragement.

Yumi stopped abruptly again and turned, her feet and body pointed at him. “Nori?” she said slowly.

He paused and faced her. “What’s up?”

“I…” she squeaked, but her voice left her. Her tongue flitted out from her closed lips as her eyes darted away. “Sorry, it’s nothing.”

He blinked. “Oh, okay.”

What was that about? It could have been any number of things. Nori had an idea, but like on Monday, he wasn’t going to stress too much. Worst case, it was wanting to vent about her family and thinking better of it.

Yumi wore a contented smile, the type one has when happy to be with someone. Nori sort of felt the same. It would be several more blocks before he would have to head up Crescent Hills. The questions about what kind of Pokemon he would be receiving burned at the back of his mind. But until that time came, he was going to enjoy this walk.
Chapter 3
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
After parting ways with Yumi, Nori sent out his Pachirisu, Pachi, to walk with him. Unlike his other Pokemon, Pachi was a gift from Volkner. He usually had the Electric-type squirrel Pokemon out of his ball, but Nori didn’t want him spoiling the mood. He’d been sick last week and couldn’t come along on the forced trip, but had now fully recovered. The squirrel was eager for some fresh air, and practically led the way.

Tomas Martins – codename Studd – was Nori’s senior official, to whom he reported into every Sunday to give updates on his active assignments. He came from the Portuguese part of Paldea and was fluent in the region’s two official languages, but somehow not the global one. Some of what Nori saw made him wonder how the guy became an official at all. Even if he was a low-ranking official, there had to be something. Right?

Their meetings took place in the park near Crescent Hills Elementary. It was a good twenty-minute to half-hour skateboard ride and walk from Nori’s home at the Veilstone City trailer park. The young official’s attempts to meet closer to where he lived were always brushed aside by Mr. Martins. Even going inside the school itself like they did the first time would be better.

He spotted the man easily enough. His dark gray coat with rips was unmistakable. As was his hair, which was like an unkempt ginger-brown bush. He was approaching a woman Nori didn’t recognize.

“Children, am I right?” the man struck up conversation.

“They’re just having fun,” she commented without even looking, instead keeping a watchful eye on her kids. She wore dark blue jeans, a padded jacket the same color, and a hair-covering gray cap with ear flaps and a puffball on top.

“I am waiting for one myself.” Nori almost opened his mouth to yell at him. He wasn’t a kid. He was thirteen! That’s a teenager. “The name’s Studd.”

She spun around. “Excuse me?” She quivered, eyes wide yet narrow.

“Agent Studd.” He flashed an attempt at a charming grin, sabotaged by him forcing it too wide. “It is, of course, a fitting nickname for one such as myself.”

The man received a slap that nearly took him off his feet. Nori’s hand flew to his mouth to suppress the burst of laughter that flew out.

“Agent Creep would fit you better!” the woman snorted. She stomped off to the opposite side of the park, muttering to herself.

Nori took that moment to approach the man. He contained the amusement he had. “Hey,” he said.

“What is the smile for, sir?!” Agent Studd seethed, trying to stand with an air of authority.

“Just a smile.”

“Do not be lying! You were laughing!”

He shrugged. He wasn’t going to bring it up to be polite, but Studd had done so himself. “Okay, but only a little.”

He felt a tugging at his pants and glanced down. Pachi was gesturing. Nori made a motion, go ahead and play. The squirrel dashed off into the field between the swings and the woods.

“Pish-posh!” The man raised his right hand and wiggled his fingers. “You have no right to laugh! It is not as if your luck has seen as being better! Do you get what I am saying, you never had a chance with women like me!”

He actually almost did, several times. He even attracted the interest of at least a couple boys. True, nothing had actually started for various reasons, like screwing it up badly or the other person moving away abruptly. But he could have a girlfriend tomorrow if he really wanted. He decided to only tilt his head and smirk in reply.

Studd’s lip curled. He crossed his arms. “Now what is that smile for?”

“Oh, nothing.” Nori waved it off. He didn’t want to make the guy feel worse.

The man grumbled. “Fine then. We do have business to be getting down to. So I will let that go.”

There were a number of benches and picnic tables in and around the park. The agent made a beeline for one of the latter between a tall, fenced-in tree and the swings. Nori was going to sit down, but the man stretched out across the whole thing, propping his head and legs on the armrests.

“Ah, comfy!” he sighed, much to the boy’s surprise. Even he wouldn’t consider a wooden bench to be comfortable. What was he comparing it to? “Tell me, sir! Have you been paying attention to the news?”

Nori could only stare blankly. He was never the snarky type, but Mr. Martins sometimes made him want to be. He gave a simple answer. “I work on my school’s newsletter. I’m the president of the club! Knowing the news is sort of my job there.”

“So you have paid attention!” Studd folded his hands and rested them over his hips. “That makes things easier!”

Agent Studd reached into his pocket and retrieved a black jewel case. A simple container that prevented a Poke Ball from opening accidentally or by internal means. When Nori had received Pawniard, the sadistic Pokemon not only had one of these, but Studd had a cage for him as well. The absence of anything like the latter came as a sign that this one wasn’t as dangerous.

The scruffy man sat up and opened it without care, revealing a sea-blue Poke Ball with a wave pattern on the upper half. “I need not tell you what this is, yes?”

“Um, you kind of need to,” he replied. “You implied it’s related to the news, but that’s it.” There was a lot of news in the world. Which news specifically was he talking about?

“The Krookodile Finder!” he said wrongly. The man threw up his arms and raised them to the sky. “It is all anyone has been speaking of!”

First of all, that was an exaggeration. Maybe for the first two days, but after that, it tapered off. Secondly, Nori instantly picked up where it was going. “Oh no, don’t tell me,” he said, his legs feeling like they were stuck in a snowbank.

“Don’t tell you what?” he asked, continuing without giving him the slightest chance to answer. “Anyhoo, you’ll be rehabilitating the Qwilfish that killed him!”

He said that so loudly that anyone in the park could have heard him. Nori stamped a foot. “I knew it.” He looked down and brushed some dirt aside with his foot.

An aquatic Pokemon. One that would have to be in the water sometimes. Meaning he would have to be near the water. Meaning the water–

He jolted upright. What was that white and blue thing rushing over?! It took a second to register that it was only Pachi. The squirrel’s tail was swishing in concern. Nori shakily exhaled. “Why am I getting another one so soon? Pawniard’s not done yet.”

“I know, right?!” Studd actually agreed. “I was told it would be months between, but a thing came up!”

So he was right about the odd timing! And that thing that came up was Pete Stephens’ untimely passing. And they were expecting him to help the Qwilfish?! How was he qualified to handle this? No, no, never mind that. How could he handle a Qwilfish?

“Isn’t there another Rehabilitator to handle this?” he protested, maybe pleaded. Pachi stood in front of him, leering at the man before them.

The agent shook his head. “No, sir!” If Nori hadn’t already expected that answer, it would’ve hit harder. Yet it still felt like getting struck in the face. “It’ll be a while before any more like you get found!”

The young official could only wince and shut his eyes tight. “Why this?” he asked no one in particular.

“What is the matter, if I can ask?” came the reply, in a tone that nearly sounded like a childish taunt. “Are you being the scaredy-Sprigatto all of a sudden-like? Is it the hate you might get?”

Pachi growled lightly. Even he could be as fearsome as his other Pokemon when he was angry. But Studd was oblivious. Nori bit down on his lower lip, shaking his head. His limbs quivered. Ostracism wasn’t what he feared. He’d been through so much of it at one point in the past that it meant little. But he was afraid of something else.

His voice eventually came to him. “Not really, but–”

“Then there should be no problem!” Studd chimed in before he could speak up about his discomfort. He lunged his arm out, almost a punch right into Nori’s gut, although it sure felt like he was getting one anyway. The man dropped the ball into his palms.

The young official initially cradled the capsule, making sure he couldn’t fumble it. He took it in both hands and raised it to eye level. Pokemon were conscious to some degree while in their Poke Balls. As he stared at the button, he wondered if the Qwilfish was looking back at him, and if so, what was going through its mind.

He remembered something an old adversary had once told him. That he might need to rehabilitate a Pokemon like this one day. Now, that prospect was staring him in the face, sooner than he expected. Between this and the murderous Pokemon of a serial killer, he had more doubts about being able to rehabilitate the former.

Because this was an aquatic Pokemon. And he had a fear of water. He clutched at his ribs. Just so much as thinking of it could make him squeamish. Seeing it was worse, even if it was in a Pokemon battle. And being near lakes and rivers and pools and–

“Are you fine, sir?”

He blinked out of his reverie to see Studd waving an open palm in front of his face.

“Not really…” he openly admitted.

“Well, buck up, blossom,” he said, giving a goofy, tooth-filled grin. “You have striden well on rehabilitating the Blackout Killer’s Pokemon! This should be no worries!”

No worries. He chuckled bitterly. Even if he wasn’t an aquaphobe, there was still a lot to worry about with this Pokemon. He could name three more things! Like what if it wasn’t already trained to be out of water?

“Now this is a scoop!” came a woman’s voice.

Four more things. He was sure the news would spread anyway, but he thought he’d have a bit of time before that happened. He glanced at the source, just in time to see a woman with wine-red hair and eyes climbing down a tree in the bushes. She was wearing a green and brown trenchcoat as makeshift camouflage. She pulled a handheld video camera from her outfit.

“No interviews,” Nori said as she was hurrying over. He grabbed his Pokemon, glared at Studd and said, “I told you so,” and walked away. He wasn’t in a mind to talk to a reporter, least of all Akari Schrader. Especially with what she’d done to his friend Prema.

“Mr. Carino,” she ignored his declaration. She ran to catch up and pointed the camera in his face, walking in front like the paparazzi would. “What are your thoughts on the Officials giving you this Pokemon?”

“No comment.”

She stopped and scoffed. To her credit, she immediately realized that it was going to be futile. “Damn. Arumi taught you well.”

No, saying that was just basic common sense. But yes, Arumi had explicitly told him not to accept an interview with her aunt. He trusted his bestie on that one.

“Excuse me!” the scruffy man called to her, a hint of excitement in his tone. Nori slowed down a little, so he could listen in, although he continued to leave the park. “Agent Studd, International Police! If it’s a private interview you wish for, I can give you it!”

He heard Akari sniffing the air. She let out a loud, maybe exaggerated grimace. “Put on some cologne, then I’ll see if I can make room for you. I have a busy schedule.”

Nori couldn’t even crack a smile at that. It was almost sad. But not as dreadful as his situation. There were times when he was lost with Pawniard’s rehabilitation, but at least he had direction with him. With this new assignment, he had no idea what to do or where even to begin.


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Blitz review
chapter 1

"just a normal day" never stays normal for long... I mean in the 'mon verse its legends, Teams, rivals and stuff... So brownie points on having a streamer mosy over... But you think somone would warm these kids about that line and its dreaded sib "what could go wrong".

Looks like Julie is not a fan. Or inclined to fangirl. My first question is if this is a steve irwin nod. Because with a name like that you do not want to bother them at work.

Something i suspect these kids are not going to think of.

Oh he's just on tv. Nevermind my assumption that he's setting up shop by thier Center. Oh she made a critical mistake with that decision. The masses and thier peer pressure will glue her to a seat and make her watch now.

Maybe play the sick card?

Or just get dragged along. Yep we are jumping straight to final day event... Minimal build up... This is going to go swimingly...

I might of laughed at the mighty ladien line. Theyre cute but still...

Peter's going to be offed by the rarest thing in the lake, isn't he? And as julie is a tox-phobe i suspect this is not going to help her issues.

So shes a child of viridian? Aka a pokemon speaker? This is going to make things infinitly worse i imagine...

Well at least it wasnt televised. Freak accident he was doing the mon equivulant of offering to do free dental work for mightyenna and not expecting to be crunched?

So manna is a director? Love how the first reacrion is... His death is causing issues. Then muzzling the underlings.
Then realizing i think peter precoged this a bit... And that reaction has to be muffled bwcause for the next x months they are brushing imgoing to be stuck muting the coming media storm. I'm surprised the critter got caught right now, and thrown at the masses becayse anyone who gets that fish is going to have rabid fans aftet them and then some.
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  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
Oh huh well that's unexpected.

"just a normal day" never stays normal for long... I mean in the 'mon verse.its legends, Teams, rivals and stuff... So brownie points on havong a streamer mosy over... But ypu think somone would warm these kids about that line and ita dreaded sib "what could go wrong".
Maybe in my ficverse. Well, so far. Things are generally lower scale to where it's nothing serious when something bad happens, except when it is.

Looks like julie is not a fan. Or inclined to fangirl. My first question isnis this steve irwin nod is working. Because with a name like that you do not want to bother them at work.
It never occurred to me how much more badass the Pokemonified name sounds until you brought it up.

Oh he's just on tv. Nevermind my assumption that he's setting up shop by thier Center. Oh she made a critical mistake with that decision. Tjey will.glue her to a seat and make her watch now.
Well, live TV is sort of similar!

I might of laughed at the mighty ladien line. Theyre cute but still...
This is canon to what's being referenced, it is one of her best Pokemon! In fics, you can make just about anything strong.

So shes a child of viridian? Aka a pokemon speaker? This is goimg to make tjings infinitly worse i imagine...
I'm not sure. Literally, not sure. It hasn't been brought up in the fic source she's from and it's only going to be addressed in the sequel after the unwritten sequel, apparently. That said, the idea of a Child of Viridian is brought up in this fic and it's my running theory since Yellow is one of the author's favorite characters, but I don't commit to anything here. Of course, they're not the only Pokemon talkers...

That said, next chapter goes into it a bit more. This POV at the start is to set up part of the drama that this Qwilfish is absolutely not a bad Pokemon in any way.

Well at least it wasnt televised. Freak accident he was doing the mon equivulant of offering to do free dental work for mightyenna and not expecting to be crunched?
Barb Barraged. As explained shortly, the diving suit is made with the expectation to resist attacks, but the fact that it went through AND happened to hit something vital was the freak accident.

So manna is a director? Love how the first reacrion is... His death is causing issues. Then muzzling the underlings.
Manna is a producer. Speaking a bit from experience, this can actually happen. When my mother was passing away, my instinct was to buckle down and be strong for my brother and father. She feels she has time to grieve later, but for now, she has to take control and keep everyone calm and in order.

Then realizing i think peter precoged this a bit... And brushing it off to mute the coming media storm. I'm.surprised tje critter got caught right now.amd thrown at the masses.
The former part was based off Irwin's passing. I forget where I found it, but he apparently thanked everyone that day out of nowhere. It felt like a spooky little detail to include as part of this. Among the others as well. There's differences too of course, like Stephens' filming here being more of a public spectacle rather than how it played out with Irwin.
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Chapter 4: Plans in Hand
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
Nori skateboarded through the streets of Veilstone City with purpose. He had forgotten what brand the green and black board was, but he got it since it suited his needs, and it could be disassembled to fit in a bag. It was good for getting around quicker, and technically, he didn’t need a helmet. Pachi ran alongside him, easily keeping up and stopping at a crosswalk whenever they needed to.

He wasn’t too miffed about what had happened. He was sure that word would eventually get out that his next assignment was another infamous Pokemon. Still, as a newshound, he knew this one would be different. The Demon was infamous locally, but she’d never actually killed anyone. Pawniard was a sadistic killer, but he was from across the ocean and old news. This Qwilfish had slain a beloved celebrity less than a week ago. He would have kept it quiet if he could. Why they were giving it to him so soon after the incident was beyond him.

But he was an optimist at heart. Akari Schrader was going to publish a report soon that was going to complicate things. That much was a fact. But after a bit of thought, that inevitability had given him some immediate direction.

Nori slowed down as he approached a small shotengai. It was the closest one to the trailer park where he lived with his mom. He had known about it since he was a little kid who liked exploring the city, but he had never been able to visit any of the stores until he became an official and had money to spend.

The young official flipped up the board, took it apart, and placed it in his bag as he stepped into the plaza. He ignored the people gawking at him and walked up to Daikatsu, a manga café. The sign was decorated with half a dozen different characters, but he only recognized the muscular guy with spiky golden hair. He wasn’t interested in reading, though. The place had internet, and that’s what he needed to use.

He opened the door, held it for his Pokemon, and stepped inside. The entrance was modest, a simple carpeted lobby decorated with posters of anime and manga characters. There were a few tables and seats for hanging out at. A hallway to the right led to the common areas. The one to the left had restrooms, lockers that could be rented, and the staff facilities.

There was no line, so Nori was able to walk to the front desk unimpeded. The teenager sitting there had slicked-back cream-colored hair and teal eyes. He was wearing a wrestling shirt instead of an anime one, though Nori knew even less about that. But he had picked up enough from anime fans from his periodic visits to the café to understand the shirt’s possible appeal. It had a golden design depicting two bare-chested guys in an embrace, saying they were lovers.

The clerk called out to Nori before he had made it in front of the desk. “Konnichiwa, Carino-sama!” he greeted warmly.

“Oss,” he replied. It was weird to be welcomed like a friend and not as a customer. The clerk was familiar with him, but not vice versa. Maybe he could? No, now was not the time to get to know people. “I’d like a private computer room, please.”

“O-of course!” he replied, fumbling around on his messy desk to find the right papers. “As usual, it’s 200P for 30 minutes at the VIP price.”

Nori didn’t actually have a membership to the place. They just considered him a VIP because of his fame. He wasn’t going to complain about getting a lower price though! The crazy thing about it was that cafés across the country had low prices.

He reached for his wallet and retrieved the necessary amount. “Here ya go,” he said, handing it over.

“And here’s your pass,” the clerk said. When he placed it in Nori’s palm and held his hand there for a second too long, the young official wondered. He attracted a lot of people, and given that shirt, was this one of them? Well, there was no use making assumptions. “I'm always happy to serve,” the clerk declared with a light bow. “So what’s the occasion?”

He smiled and shrugged. “Just need to check my email, maybe browse a little.”

“EEEEEEEEEE!!” someone shrieked with joy. “It’s Nori Carino!”

With that, a bunch of people came hurrying over from the hall. Even some of the people who had been sitting idly at the tables in the lobby rose and approached him, albeit not as hastily. Judging by how loud that person yelled, Nori had no doubt that more people were on their way.

“Wow, I never thought I’d get to meet you in person!” said an adult otaku with thick glasses.

A thin teenage boy who was maybe a little older than him grinned. “It’s always good to see you!”

“Hi, Pachi!” They even knew his Pokemon by name. The little squirrel waved back to the admiring crowd.

“I…I really like you!” a younger girl he didn’t even know straight-up confessed to him.

“Um, er…” No matter how many times this happened, he doubted he’d get used to it. “Sorry, sorry. I really have things to do here, and I already paid.” He was sure they’d let him stay a little longer if he needed to, but still. It was an excuse.

“What about after you’re done?” one of them pleaded.

“Can we at least talk after?” the girl who was in love with him asked. She was cute, but he didn’t know her at all!

“Sorry!” He tried not to yell. “I’m going to see Prema Kannagi right after this!”

It wasn’t technically a lie. After he finished his business, he planned to head straight to the Kannagi Shrine to speak with the future head priestess. It wasn’t planned in advance or anything, but they didn’t need to know that.

Saying her name and his intent was enough to make everyone understand. They wished him well and got on their way. The girl in love with him hung her head as she walked away. Only two teenagers stayed behind, a guy and a girl, leering coldly and hotly respectively.

“Carino,” the male huffed, rubbing a hand along his turquoise crew cut while slipping the other into his black dress pants. Accompanying him was a slender girl with crimson hair done up in a ponytail. She wore a navy blue dress shirt that matched her friend’s polo and feminine knee-length denim shorts.

“I wasn’t expecting to see you guys here,” he commented, genuinely. Something clicked, and he defensively added, “Or were you somehow waiting to yell at me?” His muscles tensed a little.

“Don’t flatter yourself!” Mariko Urusai snapped. “You’re one of the last people we want to see!”

“Not here, Mari.” Louis Trussel placed a hand on her shoulder. They were the same as always, levelheaded and hotheaded. He leaned into her slightly. “This isn’t the place, and he’s not worth our time right now.”

She grumbled and shook her head before she walked off without waiting for him. Louis opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something more, but Nori whistled for Pachi and left the lobby. He did not bother to look back.

Louis and Mariko had once formed an activist/protest group called Youths Against Mistaken Society. It was actually how Nori had met several of his friends. As far as he knew, it was just the two of them left. They had driven everyone else away. It was something of a shame too, because there had been a time when Nori had greatly respected Louis.

Now was not the time to reminisce, he thought to himself. He had come here to send some emails.

He entered his booth, slid the screen shut, latched it, and sat down at the computer. Pachi, for his part, plopped on a cushion that was designed for small Pokemon and began nestling into it. He opened the browser and brought up the ElectronMail site. He typed in his address and password and loaded it.

There were a bunch of messages from someone he had met at his news club in Sunyshore, but he pushed them to the back of his mind. No, not now. As much as he needed someone like that right now. He composed one new message, and then another.

He kept them short, simple, and to the point. For Arumi Schrader, he told her what her aunt had done and asked for advice and help in handling the fallout. She was his bestie, she would help in any way she could. For Volkner Denzi, the one who the Officials had him train under, he briefly explained the situation and asked for advice on training aquatic Pokemon out of water. The Sunyshore Gym Leader had a few of those, like his Lanturn and Octillery. He was an experienced trainer who would’ve been in the Sinnoh Elite Four if it wasn’t for a scandal. If anyone Nori knew could help with Pokemon, it was him.

After sending the last one, he crossed his fingers. If he was lucky, he would get a reply from one or both of them before his allotted time was up. Only then did he check his inbox. Nori figured he might as well do so while he was there.

It was a simple ‘how are you?’, the words having a still-affectionate tone despite Nori’s rejection of him. He sent a similar message to what he had sent to the others: “Bad. I just got a new assignment not even an hour ago. The Qwilfish that killed Pete Stephens. Going to be tough. Not much time to say much more. Hope you’re doing okay.”

He hit send, and kept the email page open as he went to the search engine. He had done research on his last two assignments, and this time he needed to do that more than ever. News articles, species information, and so on. There was little time to waste. Once his time was up, it was straight to the Kannagi Shrine.


Louis calmly walked out of Daikatsu, Mariko leading the way with powerful strides. They had known that Nori Carino was a regular at the manga café. For his part, he was glad that Mariko had grown enough not to cause a major scene there. However, he was greatly concerned about what she ended up doing.

“Mariko, slow down,” he urged, jogging to catch up. She was peering down at the ground while grumbling, walking with a swift and rigid gait.

“Seeing him pisses me off.” She did not look up.

“Just the sight of him shouldn’t be triggering to you.” The encounter was admittedly unexpected and unpleasant for him as well, yet he was not about to let that drag down his mood.

She slowed, but kept her sneer and clenched fists. “I’m sorry,” she stood her ground, giving her head a firm shake as she squinted her eyes shut. “I know you feel different. But to me, he’s where it all went wrong.”

He had to take pause at that. She had always blamed Nori Carino for convincing the Takao twins to leave their now defunct protest group. Louis felt he was only a catalyst at best; disagreements, if not the twins’ parents, would have caused it in time regardless. He still had a negative opinion of the Pokemon Rehabilitator, but it was nothing personal, like Mariko had a habit of taking things.

Yet this was new. She had previously blamed a variety of people for each instance of their dwindling numbers. Nori Carino for Yumi and Touya. Prema Kannagi for Nariya’s departure, until she reflected and blamed herself. Arnie for not having the courage to continue.

“For the sake of clarity,” he started to ask, preparing himself for a blow to the heart. It would be best to clear this up for relationship purposes. “Do you blame me for inviting him to that meeting in the first place?”

“No. You couldn’t have known,” she assured him, albeit with a bitter edge. She leaned in a little closer, her eyes dropping as she lamented. “None of us could’ve. Gods.”

They walked on in silence. There was an irony as bitter as a cup of coffee that both were well aware of. Nori had befriended everyone else there that day. The Takao twins, Nariya Yaznik, and the other person they had invited. He had at no point expected the future head priestess of the Kannagi Shrine to join YAMS. It was a shock that she even agreed to observe their meeting. Louis did not believe in destiny, but he could not think of any other explanation for their meeting that day.

“And he’s headed to see her after,” she spat, placing emphasis on the pronoun. “The fuck does she even see in him?”

Louis stood upright. She must have been thinking the same thing as him. Although she had jumped to a strange conclusion in the process. “I don’t think it’s how you’re thinking between those two.”

“Not that I care.” She waved a wrist. “Just thinking that if it weren’t for us…”

“They never would’ve met,” he finished her sentence. Louis had to restrain a laugh in case it was misinterpreted. That’s why he fell for Mariko. As different as they seemed on the surface, they were often on the same page. They thought the same things, they liked the same things, and they wanted to do the same thing: make the world a better place. They had their differences, sure, but it was in a way that complemented each other.

“Can’t do much about her, though.” She grumbled. “Much as I wish we could.”

“We shouldn’t.” Not just because of the futility – they had attempted it before; it only ended in humiliation and Nariya’s frustrations with their treatment of her boiling over. But Prema Kannagi truly was a good person, as far as he could see.

“Yeah,” Mariko sighed. That incident had shaken her badly. But it also led to a lot of personal growth for both of them. She suddenly stopped and gave a frank look. “Hey. Is it wrong I want to see him go down?”

“Not at all.” There were plenty who disliked Nori Carino for far worse reasons. “I would just be disappointed to see it happen. I know how it might happen, too.”

Her gorgeous sapphire eyes lit up, sparkling in the sunlight peeking through the clouds. “Oh yeah?” She rubbed her hands together. “Do you have something in mind?”

He crossed his arms. There was a tightness in his chest. “Just one thing,” he admitted. “I’m hoping I don’t have to be the one to point it out, however.”

“What is it?”

He paused in place. After a second to think about it, he shook his head. “I don’t want to talk about it here. Or in public at all.”

Mariko nudged arms with him. “All right. My parents aren’t coming back for another hour.” She compounded this with a wink.

He felt himself twitch below. “Let’s go, then.” Her apartment was in sight, towering over the other buildings in the area.

Louis instinctively reached for her hand, only for her to playfully bat it away with a giggle. Affectionate, just never in public. If only people knew this side of her. But before they got to any of that, they had plans to go over.

He had heard about an incident with Carino’s previous assignment. They had critically wounded another Pokemon in a battle. The opposing trainer had signed a waiver absolving Carino and the Officials from any legal liability. But therein lied the means of attack. The Pokemon hadn’t agreed to fighting a homicidal monster. They were the one who suffered a permanent, crippling injury as a result of their trainer’s ill-advised decision. Louis was somewhat surprised that Pokemon rights activists weren’t all over it already. Or perhaps some of them had, but didn’t have the courage to speak out.

He already knew what Mariko would want to do. Personally, Louis wanted to leave that part of his life in the past. There were better ways of making a stir than loudly and in public. But if they were the only ones who could make a difference, he’d gladly bear the burden that came with it.
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Chapter 5: Trusting
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
Nori skateboarded his way to the northeastern part of Veilstone City. He didn’t care about religion one way or another, but he was close friends with the sole heir to the Kannagi Shrine. It did not take him long to reach his destination, whereupon he was forced to dismount and disassemble his ride before continuing up the hill.

They had evidently been making sure to superbly maintain the path. Autumn was in full swing, but there were only a few stray leaves scattered along the lightly forested path. Nori speculated they cleaned it daily if not more often. He slowed his ascent as he reached the apex of the stone staircase. It was more caution than necessary, but he wanted to ascertain something before he passed under the red arch. Torii, was that what it was called?

A fair number of visitors and members (some of whom apparently lived there) were in front of and to the side of the large building which was now a place for the gods. The only way you would know it used to be the JSPR station was if you had seen it before. Or maybe you could piece it together if you saw the gated off radio dish on the left side. On the right was the place you washed yourself at before you could go inside. Nori never had, not since it became the shrine anyway. The back had some open space, a place to battle, and a trail through the woods that wasn’t open to the public.

He was in luck! A bright-eyed woman in the shrine’s long-sleeved violet robe was standing watch near the front entrance; her outfit had elaborate silver trim (especially along the shoulders) which served as a denotation of her rank. She was in her nineties, but she hardly looked it. She had wrinkles, but not as many as one would expect from a woman her age. Her dark hair was only faintly gray. Granted, the middle-aged man with ragged black hair and brown eyes did make him worry a bit – his robe had simple and plain white trim – but Priestess Satomi Kurusu was here. Him being here didn’t mean a thing because of it.

She greeted Nori when he was halfway to them. “Well, look who it is!” she said, giving Acolyte Jirou a nudge.

“Someone who should not keep coming here,” the man snarked in reply.

This guy had always had it out for him. Nori reflexively leaned forward to shout back. He would have too, if Priestess Satomi hadn’t preemptively intervened.

“Now, now, Acolyte Jirou,” Priestess Satomi wagged a finger at him teasingly. “Remember what Master Haruto said about Nori here.”

Jirou stiffened. “To treat him properly,” he grumbled through clenched teeth.

“Well, close enough.” Mrs. Kurusu rolled her shoulders before turning back to him. “So, what brings you here today?”

He didn’t even try to hide his light smile over Jirou getting shut down. It felt like there were too many people at the shrine who didn’t like him. It was a relief that the people in charge thought otherwise, at least enough to allow him to visit despite not worshiping. “I got a new Pokemon,” he explained to them, keeping a cool head. “And I really need Prema’s opinion on something!”

Jirou crossed his moderate-sized arms. He lowered his gaze and moved in front of the door. “Didn’t you just get one?” he lowly inquired.

“I did,” he replied. For a moment, he thought about showing the ball as proof, but he didn’t want to chance that just in case. “This was like, something imminent. It’s way different, too.”

“How so?”

“That’s not your concern,” Nori harshly replied. Then he giggled. He had been waiting to throw that one back at him. From how Jirou turned away, it seemed he had no good response for it either. “Sorry. But I can say I need a bit of help on this one.”

Jirou turned back and seethed. “Lady Kannagi is not your personal assistant.”

“I know that!” he argued. “I wouldn’t have come here if I didn’t think I’d need her help!”

Priestess Satomi was about to speak before he cut in, and did so after he finished. “Now Acolyte Jirou,” she said, before pausing and tapping her chin with her palm. “Well. I’m sure you know. We’re always willing to help trainers connect with their Pokemon. No matter who they are!”

“This might not be connecting, but…” Nori said under his breath.

“But it doesn’t matter.” She started her sentence where he stopped and snapped her fingers. “If not as a diviner, then as a friend!”

He slowly blinked. Yes. Him and Prema were friends. He was actually her only real friend at this point. They trusted each other more than anyone else in the world. That was why he was here. If he could share this with anyone before it got out, if there was anyone who would never ever judge him over it, it was Prema Kannagi.

“I’ll let her know you’re here,” Mrs. Kurusu said. “She’ll be out to join you shortly.”

The elderly priestess left, leaving Nori with a man whose lip had curled so far back into his mouth that he was sucking on part of his five-o-clock shadow. The bitter acolyte turned his nose up and glared, as if daring him to try to make conversation.

Nori did want to. He rubbed the nape of his suddenly prickly neck. “Mr. Kannagi said that?” he inquired. He supposed it was a bit of a rhetorical question to ask, given the man’s response and the fact that Priestess Satomi would not lie about such a thing, but he was curious.

Jirou turned his head away. “Unfortunately,” he snorted, without giving any details.

“Do you know why?” That was why Nori was asking. There were signs that Prema’s dad was a silent supporter of their friendship, but he had never taken any action against their detractors. Until now, it seemed.

“All he said is because you are Lady Kannagi’s friend,” Jirou answered. “If he had a deeper reason, and I trust that he does, he didn’t tell us.”

Nori silently nodded. Was it just a matter of being utilitarian? He supposed he could only speculate along with the others, but it was not something he was going to question. There was a saying about not looking a gift horse in the mouth. With some of the trouble he had in the past, he was glad about it.

“Well, thanks,” he said with a tiny nod. “It helps put my mind at ease about being here.”

“I am just doing my duty.” Acolyte Jirou shook his head with utter derision. “Even if I disagree with it.”

“But why?” he decided to prod. “Is it because I’m not a worshiper?” This guy had given him flak in the past for that reason, although the fact that he was chatting with him was a step up from before. “The way I’m treated sometimes doesn’t really make me want to be a part of it.”

Jirou’s arms and face dropped. He recoiled a little, as if in realization. However, he stiffened and forced himself to glower.

“Not that you ever would,” he growled.

Nori could only smile a little. The guy felt a little bad about it. “Yeah, probably not,” he confessed. It’s not that he wasn’t interested in learning about the teachings of the Kannagi Shrine, especially considering their mark upon the world. He just didn’t believe in the rigidity that came with religion. “But you didn’t answer my question.”

Jirou harrumphed. “I just don’t like you.”

Nori shrugged. It was personal, and the guy didn’t feel like sharing. He got that sometimes. But he could gather enough from the context in this case. It probably had something to do with his personality and thinking he was a bad influence on Prema.

The young official glanced at the door, pacing a couple steps. A sharp exhale escaped him. He was hoping it would be quick, and evidently, so was Jirou.

“So how was taiiku no hi?” he decided to make some idle banter in the meantime. “I was thinking of coming by, but I had to cover it at my school.” Of course, it was overshadowed by world news, but still.

“Health and Sports Day?” the man asked, rolling his head and crossing his arms again. He gave a furtive scowl. “That isn’t something we celebrate.”

“Oh. I thought you would. I know you hold festivals around holidays.”

“That shows your ignorance of our faith. We don’t throw a festival for every holiday,” the man smugly quipped. He turned up his nose and looked down at him with a smirk thin enough to cut vegetables on.

“I guess not,” Nori shrugged off. Most of what he had learned about the shrine had come from his law textbooks. Apart from that, he knew that they were polytheistic and of their general beliefs in respecting all Pokemon, just not specific nuances. He had to laugh a bit. “Would’ve been so embarrassing if I came by without knowing!”

Jirou’s eyes darted away with his next words. “Not that it would have mattered.”

“Why not?”

The guard leered. He heaved through his pinched lips. It turned into a sharp sigh as he conceded. “We had someone pass on Monday,” he explained, his gaze dropping to the ground for a moment. “We held an informal sosai for him a couple of days ago.”

“Oh. Sorry to hear. That had to be hard.” That was not something he expected to hear. Odd coincidence they had someone significant pass away as well. “Who died? Um, if I might ask?”

Jirou furrowed his brow and took a step closer. He took a deep breath. “Who else?” the man slowly asked. Nori only stared blankly. It was a valid question. Was it something he was supposed to know? Jirou eventually gave the answer, “Pete Stephens!”

Before he could even begin to process that, the door opened. His friend was standing there, but nothing was registering. They were mourning the Krookodile Tracker? Was he one of them?! Was coming here a mistake?!?!!

“Nori?” Prema asked, leaning towards him. “Are you well?”

“Did Acolyte Jirou cause you any trouble?” came the voice of Satomi. He heard her, but he couldn’t see her. His head was spinning too much! He was probably going pale too. And it felt like bile was about to rise out of his throat.

“No, no! I mean yes, he did fine. I mean, he’s…” He clapped his hands against his face. “Focus, Nori!” He vigorously shook his head and did a double fist pump. “I need to talk and Mr…whoever did fine.”

For a moment, he thought about brushing it off and leaving. But no, it was too late. Doing that now would just make things worse.

Prema smiled gently at him as their eyes met. “Let us go behind the shrine,” she said, offering for him to lead the way. “It seems that you are unwell, so I will prepare tea for you.”

It felt like a bit of the weight lifted off his back. It was weird how just a look and an offer of hospitality helped put his mind at ease. He quietly nodded, returning her expression as he started to walk to the back. Things were going to turn out fine. She would help him.


The thing that Nori liked most about Prema Kannagi – at least at that particular moment – was her empathy.

Through rigorous training and some kind of inherent powers in her blood, Prema had abilities that normal people didn’t have. But she certainly didn’t need any to tell that he was on edge. He was rarely one to hide how he was feeling from others. He accepted her offer of tea to buy himself a little more time to think about what he wanted to say to her and how he wanted to say it.

The two were on an outdoor sitting mat with a tea table set up between them; Pachi and Shu (her Spritzee) were off playing together in the nearby field. Prema had a cup of her own, but she had not drank much from it. She was dressed in the traditional attire of the Kannagi family: the same kind of robes Priestess Satomi and Acolyte Kirou wore, except with elegant gold trim with a vague floral pattern to indicate her position as heir. A tiara made of wood and metal bound together was in her shoulder-length hair, which was a forest green color. Her retinas were a deep cyan.

“How is it, Nori?” she asked. She had a gentle if flat tone, although Nori knew she could be emotive.

“It’s really good,” he replied, taking another sip. He carefully placed the cup on the tray on the table before them, making sure not to drop it or spill any. There were no handles to hold, but he could put it down at least. “The temperature’s just right, and it’s really helping me relax. What’s in it?”

“I prepared it using chamomile and peppermint. Both are herbs renowned for their calming effects. I added lemon to balance the flavor.”

“Wow.” He’d made tea before, but this wasn’t something you’d be able to get from a bag of tea. “I know what peppermint tastes like, but I didn’t taste like, the minty flavor. You’re great at making tea.”

“Thank you,” was her response, in a polite fashion that told him that she got that compliment all the time to the point of where it didn’t mean much, even coming from him.

Nori rested his hands on his legs. There was still some tea left in his cup; he was keeping it in case he needed it. He leaned back and wiggled into the cushion to get a bit more comfortable.

“How’s the situation with Nariya? Have you heard anything from her?” he inquired. She was a mutual friend of theirs. However, Nariya’s parents had forbidden her from visiting the shrine after she had gotten hurt helping Prema.

She sighed, taking a sip of her tea before she answered. “I have heard nothing.”

“That figures.” He moved his hands to his knees. He could relate to Nariya in a weird way. Both of them had trouble making friends. For different reasons, but still. If he knew where she lived, he would go say hi faster than a Pidgeot diving on its prey! “Have you tried reaching out to her?”

“Reaching out?”

“That is, have you tried to contact her?” He chuckled softly yet with reassurance. It always amused him how Prema failed to understand colloquialisms sometimes.

“Father has written a letter commending her performance that night. We do not know if she received it.” Prema sat fairly still as she spoke, evidently suppressing any emotions she might have had.

“Maybe she might come by on Halloween?” he put forth, folding a palm outward. His arm suddenly dropped. “Uh, if you celebrate Halloween. If not, maybe some festival. It could be they're waiting for a good moment.”

Prema closed her eyes. “Yes, perhaps then. We can only pray,” she said, a palpable touch of regret in her tone.

A thought occurred. Maybe Yumi would know how things might go with the parents? She and Nariya used to be friends too before things went crazy with YAMS, and there was an indication they still could be. Actually! He clapped his hands. “Maybe she doesn't know how to approach and mend things. It’s like that between her and Yumi.”

Prema remained stone-faced. “Regardless, we will find out in time.”

“Yeah. Oh!” He snapped upright as he remembered what he had come by for. He paused before he could speak about it, better judgment taking over. There was something he needed to get clarified first. “So I heard you had a…” What did they call it again? “Um, some sort of funeral? For Pete Stephens on Wednesday?”

“We call them sosai,” she clarified to him in a gentle tone. “They are rituals to help souls reach the other side in peace. It was not a proper one, but we chose to honor him all the same.”

So that guard didn’t make it up. “I guess I did kinda the same thing in a way, since we wrote about him in the school newsletter. It hit a lot of people hard.”

Prema nodded slowly. “Truly, it did.”

Nori suddenly felt a vice on his heart. “What did you think of him?” Was he reading that right? Did it hit her hard too?

“I met him once, when I was very young.” A neutral tone. No, rather one of quiet admiration. “Even then, I could sense he was a wise and wonderful soul. He created his television program with the intent of spreading awareness of Pokemon and animal conservationism to the masses. That was his life. It is unfortunate that he is no longer with us.” She sighed heavily and took a sip of her tea. “He had planned to visit the shrine here as part of his tour, before his passing.”

Nori put a hand on his hip. He couldn’t help but crack a grin as he felt a tingle in his chest. “I knew those convert claims were made up.”

“Convert claims?” Prema asked, leaning in while blinking.

“Nothing much, just people spreading rumors.” He snorted, reveling in the minuscule bit of joy. The young official elaborated, “When we were doing research, we found some people online saying he became a Ceutholic two weeks before he died. We didn’t print it, and if he was planning on coming here, we were right not to!”

She chuckled softly. “As far as I know, Mr. Stephens did not adhere to any one faith. It was his way of appealing to more people. But our values aligned, and he was a friend of my father’s.” She surveyed their surroundings, leaned closer, and spoke quietly to him. “Do not tell, but the sosai was partly a way for Father to get closure.”

Nori made a lip-zipping motion. Prema fully trusted him, which is why she confided that. He wasn’t going to betray her trust. “I can get that,” he chuckled nervously. “Not getting a chance to say goodbye to someone is hard.” He knew that well, namely with his friend Lux Blomgren. Lux only moved away abruptly, but still.

Reality came crashing down on him. He glanced over at the shrine’s battlefield, a currently unoccupied area cordoned off by a tall chain-link fence. This was bad. He couldn’t help but wince at the predicament he had thrown himself into. If the head of the shrine was fricking friends with the guy, they’d hate this Qwilfish no matter what! He let out a small wheeze and sniffed.

“Is something troubling you, Nori?”

Prema shuffled a bit closer as he turned back. Her posture was open, and her eyes were soft.

“Yeah, something is,” he admitted.

She sat up taller. “Priestess Satomi has told me you have received a new Pokemon in need of rehabilitation, and that you require my assistance.”

It hit him like a slap to the face. So much for avoiding the subject. He gave her a blank stare, yet her radiant smile softened his guise. She silently and patiently waited for him. He brushed his hair behind his ears and straightened it.

It wasn’t just she who trusted him. He trusted her completely as well. She hadn’t told anyone about how his Pawniard had killed a Ninetales to protect him, he hadn’t spoken about her self-doubts that she felt were unbecoming of her position. They could talk to each other about anything, as long as they understood the subject. Prema wouldn’t judge him, he knew that at the back of his mind. The problem was everyone else here, especially her dad. But they were going to find out anyway! No, he was going to talk about it here and now!

He gulped down the rest of his tea, hoping it would help get him through this. Silently, he reached into his pocket and took out Qwilfish’s capsule. He liked the design of it. The whole thing was blue except for a wavy pattern on top like foam. Apparently, it was called a Dive Ball, which was weighted specially to be thrown underwater.

After staring at it with a thoughtful expression for several seconds, Prema frowned and nodded with understanding. “I see,” her words echoed with kindness. “An aquatic Pokemon would be difficult for you.”

Nori felt a slight tingle in his feet. Prema remembered? It had only come up once in passing. “That’s just part of the problem,” he said, rubbing his cheek with his free hand.

“Is it one that could be considered dangerous?”

“I really don’t know, but I, well.” Nori had seen the video of the Krookodile Tracker’s final moments. His initial impression was no, it wasn’t dangerous or anything like that. But that was just going to make things worse. Pawniard reveled in his infamy, but this…

The young official shut his eyes and clutched the capsule tighter. He knew in his heart that Prema wasn’t going to think ill of him, so why was he so worried? Did his subconscious know something that he didn’t? “No, no, get it out of the way, so you know, Nori,” he mumbled to himself. “Just say it. It’ll be fine.”

The self-encouragement worked to invigorate himself, and he powerfully scooted next to her. Prema blinked rapidly and tilted her head.

“It’s the Qwilfish,” he whispered close to her ear. “You know.” He didn’t need to say which one.

Prema’s reaction was quick and instant. Her eyes shot open, she recoiled backwards, and she covered her mouth. When she stood and didn’t respond verbally, Nori smacked himself. Had he made a terrible mistake coming here and telling her? Prema glanced around. Her expression and body language gave no indication as to her true feelings, but the initial expression of shock was not a good sign.

He opened his mouth to protest in anguish, but the words were choked away from him.
Chapter 6: Keen Observation
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
It was thirteen months ago when Prema Kannagi met Nori Carino. There were a number of disgruntled members of the shrine who would say that he had barged into her life. Those who found favor in him, including Prema herself, would say something to the same effect. However, they would use a more positive term and place the emphasis upon the curtains he opened. Moreover, the circumstances behind their first meeting as well as their second could be called nothing short of fate. There was no one in her life quite like Nori, and she was as thankful for him as he was for her.

It was obvious from the moment she saw her friend standing before the door of the shrine that something was troubling him. He was tense, wary, and not direct as he often was. Her reaction to the reason behind this had been reflexive. She had not intended to show her shock so overtly, let alone worry him further. With haste, she folded her hands and lightly bowed.

“Forgive me,” she beseeched, albeit in a hushed tone. He only contracted further, wincing in dread, before she scooted closer and reassured him, “It is okay, Nori.” It was all she could think to say.

“Nothing about this is okay,” he fussed, clutching at himself and gripping the capsule tighter. He was wearing an orange and white t-shirt with beige-colored cargo pants. “I have a Pokemon that everyone is going to hate, and it’s aquatic on top of that!”

That was true. His phobia aside, Prema knew that it was an ordeal to train water-dwelling Pokemon to adapt out of water. The shrine’s own Priest Warutsu – one of her battling instructors and the former Gym Leader of Celestic Town before he was given the duty of heading the original shrine – had a number of such Pokemon, including an Overqwil.

“Did you want my help with training?” she speculated, albeit with a measure of unease. For all intents and purposes, he was more skilled and learned than she was. But if he needed support, she would be willing to do her best. After all, part of her duties were to help Pokemon and trainers in need.

“I…guess if you can? Want?” With a hum, he rubbed his chestnut-colored hair with the tips of his fingers. He was as uncertain of it as she. He leaned toward her. “Actually, I wanted you to be there when I meet her for the first time.”

For her to perform an assessment, no doubt. However, there were a few visitors scattered about. Truth be told, Prema had been keeping an eye on them to make sure they were not prying. “Perhaps doing so here would not be best.”

“I know,” he replied, shuffling his hands. “What about our spot?” He glanced over his shoulder at the tree line.

Their spot? It took her a moment to realize what he meant. There was a forested trail behind the shrine where Prema often went to get quiet and fresh air. It was off limits to most individuals. The first time they went there together was when their bond deepened, and when they learned they could trust each other with anything. It was effectively a private place for them to speak, in lieu of Nori entering the shrine.

“It could work,” she admitted. “However…” She made a sidelong glance at the shrine. There was a problem which made it not ideal.

“But what?” he asked, apparently none the wiser about the flaw in his plan.

Prema cleared her throat. Nori fidgeted with uncertainty over her hesitation. She opened her mouth, stopping when she felt a prickle on her neck. This should have been easy to explain, so why was she faltering? She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and attempted to address him as if she were giving a speech to a crowd. “When we raise and bond with Pokemon, we must be aware of their preferred habitats.”

“Yeah, that’s going to be a problem,” he cut in. So he had already realized. Prema looked up at him, the tension in her loosening. “I don’t know if they’re trained out of water, and they’ll probably be more comfortable in it anyway. But I…you know how I do there.”

“Yes. Forgive me. I did not mean to imply pressuring you.” Prema could not claim to have a phobia, but she was aware of many who did. She was aware that it was not necessarily simple to overcome them. Even hypnotherapy had flaws and limitations, not to mention that suppressing traumatic memories (if they were the root cause) was not an avenue some wished to pursue.

“I didn’t think you were.” He tilted his head back and eyed over his shoulder. “Besides, the only water I see here is back there, and well. It’s too small and that’d ruin the purifying stuff.” He chuckled.

She could not help but frown. There was nothing funny about using the chōzu-ya. Besides the issues he was aware of, he would be in all sorts of trouble if he were to do so. Why even consider something as that?

“It was a joke.” He shrugged and smirked. Prema could admit she had trouble with those. “If I can avoid it, I’d like to try. If not…”

He trailed off. Prema guessed what his next words would be. “There will be nothing to do but do it?” It was a mantra of his.

Nori raised a thumb. “Exactly,” he said with a grin before standing. He stretched his arms over his head, placed his hands together, and cracked his knuckles. “We should get moving if we want to get this done.”

Prema did so as well. “Yes, let us go.” Visiting their spot would no doubt attract attention in itself, but it would only be a matter of time before word of his assignment spread. He had not explicitly said so, yet Prema inferred he wished to enjoy these moments of peace before that happened. “We will simply need to let our Pokemon know.”

“So they don’t get worried, right.” He turned to them and shouted, “Hey, Pachi!”

The pair halted their play at once. Pachi hurried over after a short exchange, with Shu not that far behind. Her Pokemon was quick for his species, even if he was not deft.

“Me and Prema are gonna go see You-Know-Who,” Nori told Pachi as the squirrel sat wagging his tail before them. “Just letting you know, so you don’t worry.”

Pachi looked back at Shu, and Shu at Pachi. The two nodded in unison and widened their eyes. The former put his paws together while the latter batted his eyelashes. Together, they made a plea.

Nori rubbed his head. “What?”

Although Prema could not understand the words of Pokemon without the use of her abilities, which involved focus and meditation, theirs were clear enough given the context. “It appears that they wish to accompany us.” It was of little surprise that they had an interest in meeting Qwilfish as well.

Her friend scratched his left cheek and adjusted his hair. “Yeah, it’s a good idea,” he admitted as he stretched to the tips of his feet. He suddenly dropped. “I think. Right?” He spun to her for answers.

She folded her hands. “The presence of other Pokemon would more than likely be beneficial. In particular, since you are this Qwilfish’s new trainer, meeting a Pokemon that is attached to you might help put her mind at ease.”

“Then that’s even better.” He clenched his fists and threw his elbows back. “Let’s go!”

Nori started off with swagger. Prema could not help but giggle a little, especially as the two Pokemon marched right in behind him. Despite what others might believe, she felt that deep down, he had a certain purity of heart. It was a little endearing, actually. She dutifully followed behind him and the Pokemon.

If taming a Pokemon was as simple as throwing a Poke Ball, being compassionate, and having talent at raising them, Nori’s position would not be necessary. The truth was that there were ones who required a more specialized or creative touch. Evidently, the Officials had thought that this Qwilfish was such a Pokemon. Prema had to admit that she was curious as to how they had come to that conclusion.


Their spot, as Nori had referred to it, was a small grove in the trail behind the shrine. Since it was the middle of October, the forest floor had red and yellow leaves scattered about. Many more were periodically drifting down from the canopy. Prema was uncertain who had been cleaning them up prior, but if it was not by the Pokemon of the forest, it would be something for them to do later on into the season.

The only notable feature of their spot was a fallen tree along one side, which provided a place to sit. There were a few chutes of grass and some small stones in the dirt of the semicircular clearing. It was otherwise nondescript.

“Well, we’re here,” said Nori as he glanced all around them. “I guess we shouldn’t waste any time getting ready.”

Prema nodded her approval. “When you are prepared for it, Nori. There is no need to rush yourself.”

He looked at her, then at their Pokemon. Both Pachi and Shu nodded at him. Shu even chirped a short tune. It was of little surprise to Prema. Shu was always the type to care for others, particularly those close enough that he could call them a friend.

It brought a light beam to the Pokemon Rehabilitator’s lips. “Thanks, guys,” he said. Nori retrieved Qwilfish’s capsule. His gaze momentarily went to a dip in the ground. “Puddle, no, won’t work,” he mumbled. Prema had considered the possibility. As he had realized as quickly as he thought of it, none of their Pokemon could use a Water-type move to do so. With no more hesitation besides a whisper of, “Here we go, Nori,” to himself, he gave the ball a gentle underhand toss.

As the ball sailed to the ground, Prema readied herself. As a diviner, she was familiar with the dilemma before them. All aquatic Pokemon are capable of breathing oxygen. Some believed this was a gift by the master of the ocean, if not the Original One so that they might live on the surface with humanity. Yet much as one born above the surface needed to learn to swim, they needed to learn to move on dry land. It was an ordeal for both the Pokemon and their trusted trainers (if they had one), with no single solution even among members of the same species.

It was one of those Pokemon that emerged before them. Qwilfish immediately flopped to the forest floor like a falling Cherubi. She was a female, judging from the length of her spines. As she desperately wriggled in attempt to move, squealing all the while, Nori’s mouth fell agape and his chest caved inward. He looked helplessly at the sight before them. His cherry-like retinas were clouded over. Prema felt her pulse start to quicken. Before either of them could react or say anything, their Pokemon sprang into action.

With a crescendoing chirp, Shu flew to the side of Qwilfish. Pachi was following until Nori shouted, “Wait, it could be dangerous!” His Pokemon stopped instantly and shouted to hers, and before Prema could think about doing the same, Shu was over there.

The pink bird squawked concern as Qwilfish tried to right herself. When she saw the Spritzee right beside her, she let out a gurgle. Her body stiffened and she sucked in air. She let it out almost instantly with a cry, the force making her bump into the Fairy-type.

When her friend began to falter and sputter, Prema took a step forward. “Shu!” she shouted.

Nori threw out an arm, aimed the Dive Ball, and fired the beam to recall his Pokemon. His reaction was swift and likely instinctive. His aim was precise, even while Qwilfish was flopping as if she was using Splash. He cut a striking figure before rushing to the aid of the injured Pokemon; Prema was only a half-step behind.

Pachi was the first to reach Shu, but they were there less than two seconds later. Prema scooped her Pokemon into her arms. “He is suffering from poison. Only a minor case,” she assessed. It was most likely the Poison Point ability that had caused it. Shu was tougher than he appeared, but that did not mean it was a pleasant feeling.

“Do you have an Antidote?” Nori asked.

She shook her head. “No. I have Pecha Berries, however.”

Her friend nodded and pulled a small vial of yellow fluid from his right pocket. “I’ll use mine anyway, since my assignment did this.”

Prema reached into the inner pockets of her robe. “No, it was my suggestion that our Pokemon be out.” She had considered the possibility of injury, and surely Nori did as well. However, she should have warned Shu sooner.

While still cradling Shu, she held the pink berry in front of his beak. He wasted no time leaning forward and snapping it down in one bite. It took about eight seconds for the effects to take hold, first easing the pain, then neutralizing the toxins as the enzymes rapidly broke them down.

“Jeez,” Nori muttered. “What you were thinking, rushing in there like that?” Pachi seemed to echo the same sentiment, although he expressed it with far more compassion. He came running to her and looked up at Shu.

“Shu, I know you were only trying to help,” Prema consoled, patting him on his tuft. “I am relieved that your injury was minor. Yet it might have been far worse if she had chosen to do something more drastic.”

Shu groaned and turned his gaze away. He quietly chirped an apology.

“That being said,” she said, gently lowering him to the ground to see his friend. “I am relieved that you are okay.”

Pachi patted Shu on the beak, while giving what sounded like advice. The two Pokemon hugged, with the squirrel giving the Fairy-type a hearty clap on the back. It made Prema smile, but Nori had turned off to the side. He was staring vacantly at the sea-blue ball, which he held in front of his face.

“Nori?” She approached him. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine. But I recalled her on impulse,” Nori admitted what Prema had expected as he pocketed the capsule. He rolled an ankle and sighed. “Probably not good to send her out again right away. So much for meeting her. A girl, you said?”

“Yes, she is female. I believe recalling her was the correct decision.” It was to her understanding that he had been trained to recall his assignments at the first sign that they might endanger innocents.

Shu repeated his chirps. Prema understood what he was attempting to convey from hearing the pattern before and his languid posture. She translated. “Shu apologizes, as do I. I should have warned him as you did Pachi.”

Her friend shrugged and smiled. “I guess having them out did hurt after all,” he found a bit of humor in the situation.

Prema chuckled. “I suppose so. Again, I apologize.” She folded her hands and bowed lightly.

“It’s fine, no use stressing. Anyway, what did you think?” he inquired, putting his hands together. “Even if it was like, for fifteen seconds.”

It was brief, but more than enough for her to go on. “I sensed no malice from her,” Prema stated. The priestess was uncertain of how else to put it but simply, “She was frightened and confused.”

He straightened his posture and put his hands on his hips. “I thought she would be,” he boasted with a broad smile on his lips.

Prema blinked slowly. “You did?”

Nori nodded. “Prema, I’m trained in reading Pokemon too. Not like you, but still. I saw the video, she looked scared and lost even then, and being abandoned would hit anyone hard.” He placed a hand on the back of his head and glanced up at the canopy. “Glad to know I was right.”

The video, yes. Prema had not watched the program in question, but she had heard of the events. So he knew what to expect from this meeting based on logic and instinct. Was she mistaken about why he had asked for her aid? What was with his sudden confidence and boisterous demeanor?

“Nori,” she asked, again folding her hands and pressing them against her stomach. “Forgive my asking, and I would like to make clear that I do not mind if there is no practical reason for your showing me her. But I am curious as to your intentions in coming here to do so.”

“Hey, there’s a couple reasons!” He raised a thumb and winked. “It wasn’t just to come see you. Even though that was part of it.”

“As I thought you had,” she paraphrased his earlier words. He had implied as such. “If I may help in any way, please do not hesitate to ask.” It was her duty not just to a Pokemon in need, but as a friend.

Nori’s arms went slack. “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind. Like with helping me train her if I really need it.” That was an idle supposition on her behalf, although one she was willing to commit herself to if requested. Nori thought for a few moments before asking, “I guess I should, since you’re offering. Did you sense anything peculiar from her? Anything that stood out?”

Prema gently closed her eyes. “I was unable to get enough of a read on her.” If there were any intricacies to the emotions of Qwilfish, they were being drowned out by her panic. “Anything I say would be speculation.”

“Well, what’s your speculation?”

She shook her head. “It would be unbecoming of me to make too many assumptions about an individual.” Prema was not about to judge this Qwilfish based off one meeting when she was not of sound mind. “That said, I will say that I believe the cause of her distress was due to the circumstances. Shu exacerbated the issue, but did not change the result.”

Nori turned away. “Yeah,” he conceded. “A middle of a forest with two people and two Pokemon, far away from where she was. I at least hope they talked to her before sending her to me, but I don’t know their protocol with that. All I know is she was caught in the lake by the camerawoman, so if she went from there to here…”

Prema did not respond as quickly as she wished. It was difficult to tell Nori this. She did not want to offend him, so she chose her words carefully. “When you next meet with her, it would be for the best if it was in an environment more suited for her.”

He hung his head. “I know,” he said quietly, folding his hands over his sternum.

She walked in front of him, a meter apart. “I understand that it will be difficult for you.”

“It will be, it will be. But!” he chimed in, waving his right hand in tune with his words. He paused for two seconds, a finger raised before he dropped it and turned away. “I’ll…figure something out that’ll work for us both.”

The priestess smiled and nodded. “I know you will, Nori.”

The encouragement brightened his face. “Thanks, Prema,” he said, giving a light bow of his own. “Appreciate you doing this.”

“You are welcome, although I believe my presence caused more harm than good for the reasons we discussed.” She had yet to actually do anything to help besides give positive reinforcement. Granted, sometimes that was the best thing you could do for someone.

“Don’t be silly, you did plenty good,” he told her. “I wanted someone around just in case anything bad happened, and you’re the only one I can ask to do this stuff.”

“In case anything bad happened to you, I see.” That was sensible. He asked her for a second opinion as well as a safeguard. It was now all in perspective. “Then I am glad to have helped.”

He looked down the trail. “I guess we should head back, now that we’re done.”

“Yes,” she concurred. “Shu, let us go.”

The four of them set out once more. The Pokemon chattered excitedly. As they went back onto the trail, Nori had a question for her.

“Do you think she’ll be fine?” He pressed his index fingers together. “Qwilfish with me, that is.”

Prema again did not reply straight away. That was difficult to answer. There was no guarantee. He was certainly aware that not every Pokemon would accept anyone. Just because he had tamed the Nidorina known as the Demon and made significant steps with the Pawniard once owned by the Blackout Killer did not mean he could gain the trust of anything. That was not what she was worried about, however.

“Prema?” Nori paused in his tracks, his widening gaze locked on her.

“I was thinking of how to word it,” she made it clear. “I believe that she should be if you put in the necessary effort. But will you be able to care for an aquatic Pokemon like her?” Would he be fine with Qwilfish, in other words?

“I don’t know,” he quickly and openly admitted. “I’ll just have to try.”

Prema approved. Sometimes, that was all a Pokemon Trainer could do.


“Do you think he will, friend?” Shu asked Pachi.

“Of course!” the squirrel boasted. Nori was a great trainer, even if he, or a ton of other people really, didn’t seem to think so. But there was something else. “Eee, by the way. Did you understand what the spiny sphere was saying?”

Shu flapped his wings in front of him. “It sounded like hums and screams to me.”

“I thought it was kind of like bipping and booping.”

“It did sound like it now that you say it!” Shu squeaked a giggle

Pachi twitched his tail. It wasn’t like Pokemon all spoke the same language; they had four common ones in fact. So Shu didn’t know hers either? It was a long shot anyway. Pachi would’ve loved to help Nori out with some words to their new Fenadh, but would he be able to? Did she know any of theirs?
Chapter 7: Mindful Family
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
Yumi Takao came from a traditionalist, if not a very strict family. They lived with their paternal grandparents, ate and did things as a family, spoke the country’s language at home, and were expected to follow Japanese values to a certain degree. They also always needed permission to go out or bring friends home. If they did go out, they were expected back by 5pm, or earlier if asked. Anyone staying over was out of the question.

This made it difficult to hold friends, at least in the sense that most people consider friends to be. It was not like these values were uncommon, but it was rare for them to be so heavily enforced in this day and age.

It was because of this that she understood her twin brother’s motives. But what he wanted to do was crazy. She first heard about it on Tuesday, and only now did she muster the courage to speak to him about it.

“Touya,” she started. “About what you–”

His right hand flew forward and caught her lips, preventing her from saying more. “Ailmay atyay oolschay,” he said.

Yumi tried to protest. She raised her arm and counted the days. Tonight, tomorrow, the day after, then Monday. That was too long. But Touya gave his head a firm shake. Not now, he mouthed in plain English before glancing at the door. She had unwittingly closed it, which made them look secretive.

She had told them that she wanted to show him a video as the pretext for stepping away. She needed to convince their grandpa it wasn’t anything he’d enjoy. Yumi didn’t think their family would try to listen in, but…there was the time they understood them talking Babigo.

Another example of how traditional their family was had to do with the fact that she was born nine minutes before her brother. Their parents expected her to behave like the older sibling because of it. They only did so if needing to put on an air. In practice, they were always equals to each other. Yet she wanted to be the older sister now. She wanted to tell Touya that what he and his girlfriend were planning was a bad idea. But would he listen to her pleas?

Yumi shifted the subject. “Sanae-chan is a great girl,” she remarked. As she did so, she staggered over to the desk where her tablet was resting. She wasn’t sure what she would look up, but it had to be something. Their parents’ filters limited the options at home.

“She is great,” Touya happily sighed. She heard the bedsprings squeak as he jumped onto the bed.

“You’re lucky to have found her.” She was glad, but also worried. She had been with her brother since conception, but if they went through with their plan… “I wish…”

She only mumbled her thoughts aloud, but Touya answered. “It is because you never acted on your crushes in any way, big sister,” he teased. “Like with Carino-sama.”

The blood flew to Yumi’s face, bringing with it a heat that made her worry she was going to start sweating. “Well I…there was…” she stumbled over the words. It was so embarrassing to think about now. “There was never a good moment back then. It was just passing, too!”

“Yes. Things went wrong because of Louis-san and Mariko-san.” He sighed. “But you got over it. Now you’re friends, right?”

“Y-yeah…” She bit down on her lip hard. It was a good thing she had her back turned as she browsed. She still liked him, just for different reasons. But she wasn’t going to admit that. Not to anyone. Maybe she had a chance with him back then, but she’d just get laughed at now. At best. She was almost stupid enough to confess during their walk earlier, but she managed to internally talk herself out of it.

“Just don’t be afraid of rejection,” Touya consoled.

“Like you’re one to talk,” she snipped back playfully. Her fingers flowed idly as she browsed.

He smirked. Sanae was the one who had confessed to him. “Well, the right person will find you someday, big sister.”

Yumi doubted that would ever happen. There was still that quiet stigma from being in Youths Against Mistaken Society. Plus, she wasn’t anything special. That was the other problem with making friends. Few people, let alone boys, wanted to give her the time of day. It was not that she had any regrets. She still owed a lot to YAMS, especially Louis. She met Nori–

She blinked. That wasn’t the thought she had intended to jump to. But his name was on the screen. In her reverie, she had opened a news site. He was in the news!

“Touya, look!” she gasped, clutching at her heart. Her brother was on his feet and over her shoulder in a flash.

“Eh!?” he vocalized as she raised the tablet, so he could see better.

The sensationalist title screamed out to the world in big bold letters: KROOKODILE TRACKER’S KILLER GIVEN TO CONTROVERSIAL OFFICIAL NORI CARINO

“No, no, no…” she whispered. Her throat felt like it was being squeezed, and her heart seemed to stop. That was the Pokemon he was rehabilitating?!

“Click in!” Touya said, unwittingly in English.

She tried, missing the link the first two times. Not only were her thoughts elsewhere, her fingers had started to cramp. She eventually managed it. The article was in plain English, but it was like reading a foreign language. She couldn’t process any of it. How could this happen? What was happening?!

Nori said that he was getting a new Pokemon to rehabilitate, but why did it have to be this one?! What were the Officials thinking?! Were they thinking at all?! And that news article! And all the–

“Yumi-kun! Touya-kun! What are you doing?!” came the impatient holler of their father from downstairs.

“Oh, we had better get going,” grumbled Touya. This was how their parents were. It was only going to get worse once the rest of the family arrived tomorrow. Yumi had no choice but to close up the tablet and go back to the family room.

She needed to talk with Nori about it. She had to, no matter what! She would go over to his place tomorrow, but that was when the rest of the family was coming over. And Sunday was when they had family activities planned, namely picnicking and boating at Shiroisuna Beach. No getting out of it. So first thing in the morning at school on Monday. Two and a half whole painful days to wait. Until that time, she could only pray nothing bad happened.


It was just after 8pm and Nori Carino found himself alone with his thoughts.

He lived in the trailer park on the east side of Veilstone City. His friend Rashid had told him that his mom was out getting groceries, so he had the vehicle to himself. It was just the two of them; there had never been any other human male in the house for any extended duration. Which he liked. His mom managed what little money they got from the government well. Even though Nori had his own income now, he was saving a lot of it on her advice.

The trailer was not necessarily a quiet place, which was something he sorely missed from having his own room in the Sunyshore Gym. However, it was nevertheless a private place. People sometimes yelled outside (or loud enough to be heard through their own trailers) or came to the door, but he could tune them out. There were drapes for every window, even the windshield. He wouldn’t be surprised if they had to make use of them soon.

His first meeting with the Qwilfish had been brief, but he had learned a lot from it. None of it looked promising. Never mind the fact that he was going to have to take her…to her natural environment. The Officials had assigned him a scared and confused Pokemon dealing with severe trauma. How could he handle this?! Wasn’t mental health stuff something that special facilities were supposed to take care of? Between his first assignment and now this, it almost felt like they were trying to set him up to fail!

The boy huffed. “No, no. No, Nori,” he said to himself. They wouldn’t do that. They spent a lot on his training. Unless it was because of the problems he caused during it? He put his elbows on the table he was sitting at (which folded into his bed). His head fell into his hands, covering his squinted eyes. That might be possible…

“But no. Even if it’s true, you have to try.”

Try. Maybe he was overthinking things and worrying about things that weren’t there. One thing was for sure. If he didn’t try, this Qwilfish wouldn’t have any hope at all.

He felt a tiny paw on his leg. He looked at the floor to see Pachi beside him. The squirrel squeaked and gestured to the capsule on the table.

Nori gave a blank stare in reply. “Wha…?” he let out, involuntarily. His worries were making it difficult to process the meaning. Not that it was ever straightforward when speaking with Pokemon. At least they had a knack for getting people’s intent, but it didn’t work the other way around for some stupid reason.

Pachi stood tall. He motioned with his tiny arms. To himself, to Nori, to the capsule while speaking. When the boy still didn’t understand, he started chittering something in a loop. Three syllables. He pointed at himself at the first syllable and at Nori with the last. Words? Nori knew you could tell by syllables sometimes, but Pokemon had their own words for the most part.

“You’ll help me?” he guessed. Maybe that was not exactly what it was. But it was the only thing he could think of that made sense in the context.

The worst that could have happened was Pachi saying no and going into further charades to try to get his point across. But the squirrel seemed to say yes, and besides that, confirmed with his body language. Reading others was actually part of Nori’s studies, but he didn’t need it to understand the squirrel’s eyes lighting up and a nod.

“Thanks. I could use all the help I can get.”

Pachi leaped onto his lap and wrapped his tiny arms around Nori as best he could. He returned the hug. The Demon might be willing to assist as well, come to think of it. Definitely not Pawniard. The sadistic Pokemon would just make things worse.

It was at that moment that he heard the lock slide open. Nori got his guard up in panicked instinct, only lowering it upon seeing his mom. He could spot her flowing black hair and dress anywhere.

“Hey, ma.” He often called her that out of habit, even though he’d outgrown his rural accent.

She was stooped and rigid, and she stamped lightly with each step. Her brow was wrinkled, and she had her lips pursed – maybe biting them in her mouth. His mom locked the door behind her and turned to him. Her brown eyes were somewhat reddened. She cleared her throat roughly. “I heard what they threw on you this time,” she said, tossing her gaze at the new Poke Ball.

He could see it from the moment she walked in. Worry and frustration. “Yeah. Stupid reporter. I guess that saves needing to explain, at least.” Hearing it on the news wasn’t how he wanted her – or anyone – to find out.

Pachi hopped off Nori to greet her. She gave the electric squirrel a pat before sitting across from her son. She crossed her arms and leaned back as Pachi climbed over and sat to her left. “Figured it was something like that.” After a moment, she tilted her head. “You didn’t say anything to her?” she asked for clarification.

“No, she was hiding up a tree when I met with Mr. Martins.” That was not where he was expecting someone to conceal themselves. He would have to start paying closer attention to stuff like that from now on. That and/or get the meeting place moved. “I just said I had no comment and walked away.”

“Good,” she huffed. “This is bad enough with that twisted report. We don’t need them twisting your words.”

He thought it would be a good idea to put out a statement, just not at the time. Nori had been aware of the gravity of the situation from the moment he was told of his assignment. But it was only now starting to sink in.

“I don’t like this.”

“Me neither,” said his mom. She leaned over the table. “Damn Officials. Are you sure you can handle this, Nori?”

She picked up on the big problem. A lot of people knew about his phobia, courtesy of several incidents where it was exposed. But only two others in the world knew why he felt that way. His mom was there when he fell overboard on that cruise ship. He would have drowned if it wasn’t for that wild Pokemon. He only told the story to one other person after another incident where he nearly drowned. Lux Blomgren. A very, very good friend of his who was torn from his life. Arumi was his best friend, Prema was his most trusted, and the news club were the ones he saw most regularly, but Lux would be all three if he was still around. Maybe even more than friends, considering something he noticed in a birthday letter Lux had sent him.

But there was no point in thinking about hypotheticals or things beyond his control at the moment. She asked a question, so he answered honestly. When he shook his head slightly, his mom’s hands flew to her hips. “Then you should have said no.”

“I tried. They wouldn’t let me.”

“Shit,” she cursed under her breath. “Is it fine out of water?” His mom held her breath.

“I tried checking when I went to see Prema earlier,” he confirmed. “It wasn’t good. She started gasping and panicking right away. I had to recall her fast because she hurt Prema’s Pokemon. It was an accident when she puffed up and touched her Spritzee.”

She repeated her curse, this time louder and accompanied by striking the table with a palm. Pachi actually jumped at the sudden sound. “So what now?” she said, throwing up her arms and shaking her head.

“I…” He swallowed. “I’ll manage, I think.” Hope. “But…”

“But what?”

He had been thinking about it, and dealing with his phobia wasn’t what he was dreading the most. No, there was something worse. He knew what to expect with that, but not with this. The mere thought of it made his throat tighten and his skin itch.

His voice got caught in his mouth at first. He grunted and groaned before explaining. “A few people in the news club are big fans of the Tracker. I’m worried what they’re going to think. And others.” Prema was just one person. And it wasn’t like he could use the shrine as a haven even if everyone there supported him. And there was a chance the most important person there wouldn’t, though he wasn’t going to tell his mom that part yet. He just hoped that it wouldn’t get in the way of him and Prema’s friendship.

“Nori, if they think poorly of you because you’re doing your job, it proves they aren’t really your friends.” She got up and put a hand on his shoulder. “You’ve been through worse. You can make it through this.”

He stood up and into a hug from her, although he felt so physically drained all of a sudden that he could barely return it. She was right: he could handle the worst-case scenario better than Qwilfish’s natural environment. But she was missing the point.

“I know, I just don’t want to lose them,” he remarked as Pachi hopped down and joined in on hugging them. Nori had always found it hard to make friends, so losing any for any reason always stung. And he’d lost way too many for stupid reasons. Some, like Lux, weren’t even his fault. It was like he was cursed, or had the worst luck ever, or both.

“Better you know now than later,” his mom said, clapping his back and releasing him.

He groaned, half in agreement and half in frustration, as he picked up Pachi. He wished school still happened on Saturdays in Japan like it did decades ago, just so he could find out sooner. Instead, he had two whole days to get through before he could see the club and see where they stood. Even though the young official wanted to make the most of the weekend, he was not confident about making much progress or changing anyone’s mind so soon.
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Chapter 8: Decisive Thoughts
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
It's the fourth birthday of this series! AIf you don't count Marvelous Journey Awry, but that's more like a noncanon prototype. Had to update for it when I noticed. Kind of a good chapter for a birthday update I feel given the callbacking and expositing here, as well as a new perspective.


Before he went to sleep on Friday, Nori had considered his course of action for the weekend. He had come to two conclusions. The first was that he needed to take Qwilfish somewhere where she would feel comfortable. That meant…water. He didn’t want to. But the second thing he admitted to himself was that the sooner it was out of the way, the sooner he could stop dreading it.

After breakfast, he stepped out into the crisp morning air. It was a pleasant day, at least. The sun was out, and there were only a few scattered clouds in the sky.

“Greetings, Norcar!” He looked to see his next door neighbor, Rashid al-Bahar, who was taking out his garbage. The older tan-skinned teenager was clad in a white shirt and plain blue jeans. “How are you doing today?”

“I’m fine, I’m fine,” he insisted for some reason. His reaction was somewhat spontaneous.

Luckily, Rashid wasn’t the type to push and ask questions. “Good!” He clapped heartily. “So how goes the rehabilitation?”

Nori winced at the logical follow-up question. Even Rashid, with all his airheadedness, would be able to see through that reflexive movement. He gave an honest answer. “Well, I’ve made good progress on Pawniard. I haven’t started on the new one yet.”

“I cannot blame you, friend.” Rashid patted him on the back. He was privy to Nori’s phobia despite not knowing the context. And if that was not a factor, even he would realize how screwy this was. “It is good you are fine because of it. I am hoping it stays that way.”

“I’m not confident. Oh!” Speaking of which, he had an idea! “Rashid, would you mind if I used your phone internet for a bit later on?”

Nori owned a laptop, which had been a birthday gift from Volkner back in July. He didn’t have any sort of internet, so at home, he could only use it for writing articles and playing some card or logic games. But his neighbor had shown him a trick that let him get internet from a phone. A hotspot?

Rashid rubbed his ragged black hair. He considered the question for far longer than Nori was expecting. “Well, okay,” he conceded. “But it must be quick. I have limits on data.”

“I’ll just need to check my email,” he assured. The site wasn’t that big. He would prefer to check it from the comfort of home, or as close to it as he could get, rather than going to a public place.

“Oh, that is easy then.” Rashid stood tall, proud to be of help to his famous friend. “Would you like to check now?”

“Later on,” he said, waving off the offer. He had a plan for today, one he had been thinking about all night, and he didn’t want to be tripped up by anything there. “I have to feed my Pokemon now.” It would be a good chance to brief the two on the situation as well.

Pachi already knew about Qwilfish, so there was no need to have him out for this. The squirrel was eating in the trailer anyway. It helped that he ate with his hands, so there wasn’t much of a mess to clean up. But the Demon was more sloppy and there was no way Nori would let Pawniard out inside. For all the progress he had made, he was not that confident the bladed Pokemon would cooperate.

The Demon Nidorina, as she used to be called and what Nori effectively adopted as her nickname, was a huge specimen. On top of that, her spines were more pronounced, her teal body was muscular, and she even had a prominent horn when most of her species wouldn’t even have a little one. By contrast, Pawniard was more average, aside from a chip in his horn. The red-and-black Pokemon almost always wore either a psychotic grin or an arrogant smirk, but it wasn’t uncommon for him to have a plain cold expression. Which is what he had upon emerging.

The Nidorina took a step away from her comrade and turned her nose up at him. Pawniard only chuckled and rolled a blade. Both had been infamous for their violence as a wild Pokemon and willful helper to a serial killer respectively, but their personalities and how far they would go set them apart.

“Well, we have a new teammate,” he said to the two.

Both turned to him with interest. Pawniard had a sick grin plastered on his face, whereas the Demon stood more neutrally.

“I can’t introduce you now, though. But she’s a Qwilfish who…” His throat dried up. “Probably accidentally killed a celebrity.”

Pawniard reacted by cackling and clanging his blades together in applause. It didn’t completely surprise Nori. What did was the Demon’s response. He was expecting her not to do much but give stoic acknowledgment, so it was disconcerting when she squinted and gave an aghast bark.

“She’s not like Pawniard here!” he sputtered in a desperate bid to clarify. The last thing he needed was having his Pokemon to turn against her. “She got abandoned in Johto and’s really scared!”

That got the Demon to tentatively ease up, but she muttered something while rolling her eyes and stamping a paw. Pawniard, however, huffed and shook his head while scraping his nails against the dirt.

“Just don’t scare her if and when you meet her, okay?” he requested of the two.

The Nidorina nodded and said something that was probably “yes,” before shooting a glare at Pawniard. With a chuckle, he half-turned away and flippantly waved at her. He then winked at Nori and added something more that made the Demon growl.

Well, he wasn’t planning on it, the latter especially, but it seemed they both agreed for the most part? “Anyway, time for breakfast.” He picked up the feed bag and poured some out for the Demon, then Pawniard. He also set out some nuts and lettuce; the red and black Pokemon wasted no time gobbling up the latter.

As he watched them eat, Rashid walked over. “So, how will you go from here?”

He glanced at his older friend, somewhat surprised he was taking an interest. “Well, Maylene has one of those little portable pools. I was thinking of borrowing it so Qwilfish has something to sit in.” He could handle that much. As long as he stood far enough back.

Rashid rolled an ankle and looked away. Nori turned around, only for Rashid to speak up. “Why do you not use the bathtub?”

Nori’s eyebrows lightly raised. He hadn’t thought of that! And that could work. It still wouldn’t be a lot, and it’d be way more convenient than trying to find their pool, dragging it out, and filling it up. Plus, it’d be way more private!

“That…” He spun back, at a loss for words. How did he not think of something so simple?! Sure, he didn’t have a bathtub in his trailer, but still! Maylene’s place should! He slapped both sides of his face. He needed to focus here! “Yeah, that’s easier. Ugh, why didn’t I think of that?! Thanks, man.”

Rashid made a goofy salute. “I am glad to help you!”

He nodded and smiled. Help. Nori knew he was going to need as much help as he could get for this one. So he’d take it from any source. He turned to see that the Demon had already finished eating. Pawniard looked over and shook his head while enjoying the rest of his meal.

Nori laughed a little. Food was food to the Demon, and she was often quick to finish so that she could get into training. “Well, we can get a bit of practice in. How’s that thing coming along?”

She answered by shrouding her front claws in a ghastly black aura. She swiped one and then the other, maintaining the typed effect for a few seconds after.

“A new move?” asked Rashid.

“An old one,” he said. “Just different.” She’d always known Shadow Claw since he caught her, but they’d been practicing to make it even better. She might not have had much move variety for her level of strength, but the Demon was very good at using the eight or nine moves she did regularly use.

“Well, I have to get back inside. Good luck today, my friend.” Rashid clapped him on the shoulders.

“Thanks, Rashid. I’ll be by tonight or tomorrow for the email thing.” He nodded and saw his friend off before turning back to the Demon with a hand on his hip. “Okay, once Pawniard’s done, we’ll run a bit around the trailer park before I leave to do that thing.”

The Demon stretched in anticipation and looked over at the Dark and Steel Pokemon. Pawniard visibly slowed down as her gaze fell upon him. He methodically pierced a kibble with his claws, traced it around his mouth, and flicked his tongue out to take a lick. She barked in annoyance, to which he shrugged and popped it in his mouth, chewing loudly with his mouth open.

The thought of just going despite Pawniard not being finished eating occurred, but Pachi would want to join in too. And he wasn’t about to leave Pawniard unattended under the watch of just Pachi or his mom. So he just patted the teal beast.

“Don’t let him get to you.” She huffed, but continued to shoot daggers at the Pokemon which once belonged to a serial killer. Pawniard snickered at her and continued to eat slowly. “And don’t waste too much time,” he mediated. There were limits. With a calm response, a nod, and a wave of his claws, Pawniard resumed eating at a normal pace. That made the Demon roll her eyes. She pointed, Nori gave a thumbs up, and she went off on her own. He trusted her, and he’d get his exercise later.

He watched her disappear around the bend. It was a good thing he wasn’t being graded on how well Pawniard got along with his other Pokemon, because they both hated him for different reasons. Though today was mostly going to be about his new assignment. How would his other Pokemon take to Qwilfish? And what would Qwilfish herself think of them once they finally got a chance to talk?


It was a nice cool day. Pachi liked those. When it was too hot, he sometimes wished he could shed his fur. But it was nice. The sun wasn’t even in the sky.

When he heard they were running, he went out as fast as he could! It was good not just for training speed, but practicing moving quick too. The crimson blade didn’t join them, which didn’t rustle his tail at all. So Nori had to stay and keep watch. It was just him and his friend, two Akeresa having fun! Well, her friend was actually growling and grumbling. Not really having fun.

“Hey, hey, what’s wrong, Demon?” he asked her.

Her harsh eyes glared at him for a fleeting second, but she kept her eyes on what was forward. “That epafasu pisses me off,” she explained. Demon spoke in a rough voice, but also a strong and regal one. It was strange comparing the two! They didn’t have a word, but people did. What was it, Jukatopes? “Don’t like calling things rekuradh, but that’s a damn rekuradh.”

“A what?” There were words in their languages that couldn’t be easily translated.

rekuradh,” she repeated. Hey, fun little fact! Capitalization was important! Lack thereof was too!

“Rrr-ekk-uhr-add.” He sounded the word out. “What’s that? And what epafasu?” He didn’t see any animals around here that could be annoying her.

“Your species is from land, don’t you know anything?!” she snapped. “Didn’t your friends or family teach you the language before you got yourself caught by some greedy manh?”

“I was born from an egg in the Sunyshore Gym and raised there!” he bragged, trying not to puff out his chest too much because they were still running. “It’s the first I’m hearing that term!”

“I should’ve known from your verb order.” Pachi whined a bit, but mostly teasingly. Saying things like ‘Nori loves us!’ was accepted, even if the standard way was literally ‘Nori us loves!’ Demon explained, “It’s a term of familiarity that means one who is not welcome. And I mean that Pawniard thing!”

“Ohhhh. I learned a new word!” He liked learning new words, no matter what language they came from! “And I agree. He’s mean!” He wouldn’t go as far to call him epafasu though! That was too rude!

“He’s a psychopath.” Demon was always super blunt. “He’d fakynota things for the fun of it.”

“vv-ack-ein-oht-ah? What’s THAT?” That’s two words he didn’t recognize just now!

Demon was much less belligerent about explaining this one. In fact, she was a little angry. “The act of killing slowly and painfully. Often used as punishment for bad rekuradh no less.”

“That’s awful!” he cried. Who would do that?!

“The wild life can be hellish, Fenadh.” Pachi smiled a little on hearing that word. Not a friend, but the next best thing. It was nice to hear her openly say that to him. “Maybe you’re lucky you didn’t have to experience it.”

Pachi asked, “Did something happen to you?”

“You’re nosy.” She growled. Pachi always wondered about his friend. She had to have a big history before she became the Demon, right? But she wasn’t willing to talk about it. Instead, she changed the subject. “Carino’s got a new Akeresa.”

Pachi smiled that she called him that instead of leader or something. It was a start! Now she just needed to call him Nori! “Yes, I met her. She seems okay.”

Demon stopped so suddenly that Pachi almost crashed into a green metal cylinder while trying to react and stop too. “What?” Her tone was deadpan. “Are you sure your head’s okay?”

“It’s true!” Pachi insisted, clapping his paws. “She’s a spiny sphere, they called her a Qwilfish. But she’s very scared. Her trainer abandoned her, and she accidentally killed a famous manh.” That was all he got from their meeting and overhearing Nori and Prema. She was mostly screaming and wheezing when they met, and he couldn’t understand any of her words.

“Well, it better be a damn accident!” Demon loved to fight, but she hated murderers who do it on purpose. And well, a lot of other stuff. But she had a big problem with it for some reason.

“It’s true! It’s true!” He did a little dance. Nori repeated things for emphasis a lot! He could too!

Demon’s eyes rotated. “I’ll see for myself.” After a second, she stomped a paw. “And thought of something.”

“What did you think of?” he asked, swishing his tail.

“Carino fears water. Those spiny spheres are aquatic.” As expected from Demon, she knew what species he was talking about! “That’s a problem if she isn’t used to being out of it.”

Pachi knew that. But he’d come to change his mind after some thinking! “I’m sure he can handle it! He’s Nori! He can do anything!” He did get that crimson blade Pawniard thing a little under control! When he met that mean Akeresa, Pachi thought he was a goner for sure! He was still mean, and he still killed and hurt stuff, but he wasn’t hurting them. Physically, at least.

The big spiked beast turned her snout up. “If you’re trying to cheer me up with your naive optimism, it isn’t working.”

“But we gotta believe in and help and support Nori! He’s our friend! You agree, right, friend?” He leaned in. “Fffffffriend?” Demon called her friend at least once before! He wanted to hear it again!

She shoved him away with a paw. “Not saying it, you rodent.”

“Hee hee!” It was funny just how she could be sometimes. Didn’t they have a word in another human language for that too? Sundery? Anyway, he clapped his paws. “But if he needs help, we should help!”

“Already said I would. Now shut up and run.” She crouched and started running again without waiting.

Pachi was right behind her, using some of his super speed burst (Nori just called it Agility) to keep up and do some tricks. That was a nice talk. He hoped he cheered her up a little talking about stuff! It did for him, too! They were gonna do this!


Louis knocked at the door of his girlfriend’s apartment. It opened after five seconds. She must have been waiting.

“Glad you’re here,” Mariko said. “We need to talk about Carino.”

Louis nodded as he stepped inside. Her parents were thankfully tolerant of their activism, so they could openly discuss it. “Yes, I’ve heard the news about his new Pokemon.”

“I think now’s going to be the best time to take action,” she said as they went to the living room. “Since you know as well as me that people are going to want to fight him.”

Louis did not answer straight away. He considered it as he sat down. “Yes, you’re right,” he admitted. “We’ll have to pay him a visit soon. And the sooner, the better.”

“Talking like me now,” Mariko snorted.

“As you are thinking like me.” He had to resist a quick kiss on the cheek because of her parents. Not because they did not accept it, but Mariko reserved intimacy for when they were alone. With that, they began discussing possible avenues of attack.
Chapter 9: Vocal Divide
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
Maylene Gavali used to live in a nice house on the south end of town, until her dad lost the place due to gambling debts. They now lived in a two-storey danchi, and actually closer to where Nori lived. It was only fifteen or twenty minutes away by skateboard from the trailer park. The units had just enough living space to be comfortable, but there was no mistaking they were compact. They apparently had to get rid of a lot of their stuff and pack much of the rest into closets and storage rooms.

The small parking lot was fairly empty given the time of day. Nori stopped and looked over the brown and gray building. It wasn’t much, but he’d love to live in one of these. Though little could match living in the Sunyshore Gym, he had his own room and everything. It was like a special mansion!

Maylene resided in an upper floor unit, 205. It was actually the fourth unit down, because people were crazy superstitious about the number four. Nori chuckled to himself as he thought about that; Qwilfish was his fourth Pokemon, and he wasn’t scared! Well, not like that, anyway. He was about to pick up Pachi when the squirrel started to jump up the steps himself. With a nod of approval, he followed. Pachi already knew what the right door was, so he stood in front of it, his tail swishing as Nori knocked.

It took half a minute for him to get an answer. He heard the door unlatch, and as it opened, he was greeted by a balding man with unkempt pink hair. He was hairy and wearing a muscle shirt and sweatpants.

“Ah, it’s you. Didn’t say ya were comin’ by,” Mr. Gavali said, scratching his leg. Nori was never sure what to make of the guy. Maylene loved her dad a lot, and he did stuff like pay for her self-defense lessons. But other things like his hygiene made him wonder about the guy.

“Sorry, this was sort of thought up on the spot,” he admitted, shuffling his feet. He leaned forward. “But it’s okay if I can come in to see Maylene, right?”

“Yeah, sure,” he conceded. “Just make your rat don’t make a mess.” Pachi squeaked a word, probably confused by being called a rodent.

Mr. Gavali turned and went back inside, not holding the door. Nori caught it before it shut, held it open for Pachi, and entered before locking it behind him. He took off his shoes out of courtesy and hung his black and dark green jacket on the coat rack before entering the living area.

His younger friend was lounging on the couch in front of the television. Her hair was pulled back into a single ponytail that curved slightly to the left. She was too engrossed in the show to notice him, which, judging by the explosions and hot-blooded shouting, was probably a mecha anime.

“Maylene,” he called to get her attention.

She turned her head. “Nori!” she said, sitting up and slapping a palm beside her. “This is good, come watch!”

He did so, even though he didn’t understand a lick of what was happening besides it looking cool. The only reason he knew it was Gundam was because he saw it all the time at the manga cafe. He wasn’t that well versed in pop culture; most of what he knew about came from his friends or what he randomly picked up.

Eventually, the show shifted to commercials, after which Maylene leaned back. “This is a brand-new series! It just started a couple weeks ago!”

“I see,” he said. This was probably a rerun. He went to Daikatsu enough to know that new episodes of the series were out on Sundays.

“So what’re you here for?” she asked, swinging her legs. “Just came to say hi?”

“That’s part of it.” He rolled his shoulders. “Actually, besides just hanging out for a bit, I was hoping I could use your bathtub. Or your pool if you still have it.”

Maylene tilted her head. “Huh, don’t you got a shower at home?”

“I do, but I need a bath for my Pokemon. And don’t worry, it should be fine!”

“Oh, for your Qwilfish?” Nori felt the blood drain from his face and the air leave his lungs. She’d heard?! Mercifully, she nodded a second after. “Okay. But I gotta ask daddy. DADDY!” Nori winced at she shouted louder than the people on the show. “Can Nori use the bathtub?”

“Yeah, yeah,” he grumbled from his room. Nori arched an eyebrow, more than a little perturbed at the ease, until he said, “Just don’t make a mess.”

That was a given. He gave his friend a quick hug of appreciation. “Thanks. You guys eaten?” He glanced at the clock.

“Just breakfast at eight. Daddy hasn’t cooked yet.”

“Then I’ll make lunch when I’m done.” He was hungry too.

Maylene returned his gesture and hugged him right back. “Thanks! But be quick, Gundam’ll be back on soon!”

He laughed. “We’ll see.”


The bathroom in Maylene’s place was super compact. There was enough space in the beige-walled room for one person in the entrance room, two if you squeezed or sat on the sink counter. Sliding open the door to the tub itself revealed that it wasn’t much better. It was full size, but there was just over a meter of space beside it. Not a lot of room if Qwilfish decided to attack. But it would have to do.

He twisted the knob, and the tub started to slowly fill with cold water. Pachi pressed his paws to the wall and discharged. Then he jumped in. Nori flinched as stray droplets splashed his dark blue jeans.

“Was that really necessary?” he asked, putting his hands on his hips and talking like his mom did. Pachi usually cleaned himself like any common squirrel, with dirt baths, licking himself, or spitting into his hands and rubbing them over his body.

His Pokemon, who was rolling around to soak himself, stood at his scolding. He whined and bowed his head. He waded to the edge to climb out, though Nori stopped him.

“Fine, it’s fine,” he droned, waving a hand. “Not like you can take it back, just point to it to ask next time.” Now he’d have to dry Pachi off.

With a hop and a peculiar squeak that Nori had heard often enough to know it was a thank you, Pachi did his business as the tub filled. He was a great and loving Pokemon, but Nori could admit, he could be a bit impulsive. He went to the entrance room and opened a cabinet. Cleaning supplies were on one side and the towels were on the other, separated by the pipes. But no gloves.

The boy grabbed a white towel and returned. Half a minute later, his Pokemon climbed out. Nori knew that Pachi’s instinct was going to be to shake himself off, so he threw the towel over his Pokemon as he landed on the bath mat.

Pachi eeped. Nori said, “Dry yourself on that.”

He would’ve done it himself if there had been rubber gloves, but there weren’t. And he didn’t favor touching an Electric-type with something that could get staticy. Sure, it wouldn’t be dangerous, but it’d still be annoying to get zapped every few seconds.

As Nori expected, Pachi had enough dexterity to do so. When the squirrel was done, he looked up with a dopey buck-fanged grin. Nori laughed at the sight of him.

“Your fur’s a mess,” he pointed out. Pachi tilted his head in confusion. Nori tentatively pressed a palm against him. He flinched at the static, but was able to pick him up and take him over to the mirror.

His Pokemon’s jaw fell open and he screamed. His shiny white fur was all over the place! Nori laughed again as the squirrel wriggled free and began to frantically brush himself with his paws. That was way too adorable.

He checked the tub again, and it was full enough to do what he needed. He turned off the tapw and retrieved the capsules from his front left pocket. They were all different, so it was easy to tell which was which. Pachi’s was a normal Poke Ball, Pawniard’s was painted black on the bottom, the Demon had a Great Ball, and now Qwilfish with the Dive Ball. He put the other two away and held his new assignment to his cheek.

“Okay,” he whispered, more to himself than for her to potentially hear. “Water this time. Let’s do this.”

His arm shook as he held the capsule over the tub. It wasn’t his aquaphobia, he could handle this much. It might have been the cold. He had chosen to wear an old lime green shirt with a few holes in it, in case it got ruined. But no, it was mostly nerves. With a, “You have to do this. So nothing to do but do it, Nori!” to himself, he cracked open the capsule and released her into the water.

Qwilfish immediately went rigid upon materializing in the tub, though it was not a proper Harden like before. She looked down and fidgeted with her tail fin, maybe realizing she was in her environment this time. With this, she started to relax until the moment she noticed him. She swam to the far side of the tub and bumped the faucet. The pufferfish emitted a strange sound of panic, like a balloon deflating while you pinched and stretched the bottom of it.

“Are you okay?” he asked. He didn’t dare lean in to check; he actually took a step back. But he tried to sound as comforting to her as he could.

She stared at him. Then she started talking. It sounded like a series of rapid creaking noises.

“Sorry about earlier. I didn’t know you weren’t used to land,” he said, first things first. “I’m Nori Carino. I’m your new trainer, I guess.”

She interrupted with even more of those sounds, even faster. Her body expanded and contracted as she practically hyperventilated. Asking questions? Ranting? Having a panic attack?

“C-calm down!” he raised his palms and squatted a little in case he needed to take cover. Why did this room have to be so small?! Maybe he should’ve asked for the pool after all, but it was too late for that. “Just take a deep breath, try to relax.” He followed his own advice too, for that matter.

She shut her eyes and started to splash with her tail. Was she throwing a tantrum or something? Or panicking worse? He had no idea what to say or what to do about this! Who said you can learn to fully understand Pokemon in time, anyway? Even if that was true, it was time he didn’t have. Luckily, that’s why he had someone to vouch for him.

“Hold on.” He sprang for the entrance room, shutting the door behind him just in case. The electric squirrel had just finished drying himself off and seemed to have been too busy to pay attention to their conversation. “Hey, Pachi?”

The squirrel looked up at him and cast the towel aside. He squeaked and stood with his tail raised.

“Can you talk to her?” he asked. It was that simple. Let a Pokemon talk to a Pokemon. Nori was trained by the Officials enough to at least get what Qwilfish was feeling. Someone who could fully understand could do the rest.

But Pachi did something Nori wasn’t expecting. After a long blink, he turned away and shook his head.

“No?” That was pretty clear. “What do you mean no?!”

Pachi chittered away. He realized the problem with that after a second, and started pointing at his head.

“You?” Nori asked.

Pachi shook, no. He tilted his head as far as it would go and tried to point to the top of his head. Was his Pokemon playing charades with him? The only thing on top was…

“Your ears?” They jutted out from his head, the surrounding fur a sleek and bright blue. “I mean, she was speaking quiet. Is she, um, out of hearing range?” He was unsure of the technical term.

The squirrel hummed and put a paw on his chin. He then stood on his toes and stuck out his tongue. Nori thought he was about to do an akanbe gesture, but he didn’t pull down his eyelid. “Tongue? Mouth? I don’t get it.”

The squirrel huffed, pacing back and forth. The language barrier sucked. Eventually, Pachi stood in front of him. He squeaked two syllables and pointed at himself. He repeated what he said. From the way he held the squeak, it was like it had a long E sound at the end. But it wasn’t Nori’s name, since the first part wasn’t right. Come to think of it, it actually sounded like…

“You? Pachi?” The squirrel nodded. That was why the squirrel pointed at himself. He was saying his own name. “What about you?”

Pachi shook his head. “What do you mean, no?” He shook his head more vigorously. “Do you mean, no?” He nodded, yes, it was no.

Nori chuckled to himself. This had to look insane. It arguably actually was. If only Pachi could actually talk. Pronunciation was apparently the big problem when it came to Pokemon learning to do it. Their mouths and languages were simply too different and vice versa (with the added problem of hearing in people’s case).

Again, the squirrel gestured to his ears. “Ear.” That was easy. And he finished by sticking out his tongue. “Tongue,” he repeated.

Pachi nodded, then repeated his actions in a loop. Pointing and saying his name, shaking his head, pointing to his ears, then his tongue.

“Pachi no ear tongue.” Something about him and ears and tongues in the negative. He said the phrase out loud several times in hopes it would help. “Pachi no ear tongue, Pachi no ear tongue, Pachi no ear–wait!” Was that it? Hearing? Tongues? “Pachi does not hear tongue. Are you saying she’s speaking another language you don’t understand?”

The squirrel hopped, closed his eyes, and squealed with joy. He came forth and gave Nori a hug on the leg, patting it in a sort of congratulatory gesture. The language barrier sucked even more than he thought. This was the first he was hearing that Pokemon had different languages among themselves. But it made sense that they did. People had their own, and though the governments established a global language for cross-regional battling and business, things like Japanese and German still existed and saw use.

“Well, can you give it a try anyway?” he requested. “Like we say, you don’t know unless you try. Maybe she just isn’t talking in your language?”

It took only a second of thought before Pachi agreed. Knowing his Pokemon, the odds were that he really didn’t know and was just going to try his best.


Nori needed help! If he needed help, all Pachi could do was try! He wasn’t sure if he’d help or make things worse, but Nori was counting on him!

Having grown up around people, Pachi would call himself pretty fluent in their common language. So he heard and understood many of the words, even if he couldn’t speak them. That was the big problem with Pokemon speaking human language. Either way, they always understood words from people with their heart as long as it made sense in their language. Like when a person said Pokemon, a Pokemon like him would understand Akerasa. But it only worked that way for them hearing people, or manh as they sometimes called them in terrestrial. Not the other way around or between their languages. But Nori was right! Maybe she did know their common language and just wasn’t talking it!

Nori opened the door for him, and Pachi came face to face with the bathtub. He learned about something new today! It was a handy little water container for taking a swim and getting clean! But he couldn’t see over the side of it where he was. He waited for Nori to give permission this time.

His friend appeared to realize too from the way his eyes and feet went. “Sorry for leaving you,” he apologized to their new Fenadh. Pachi hoped she would turn out to be a friend like Demon was, and not like that killer. “I have someone who might be able to talk to you here.” He turned and raised his thumb.

Pachi hopped onto the ledge, causing the Akerasa to suck in water to increase in size and attempt to glare. But the spiny sphere which they called a Qwilfish shivered as their eyes met. She started talking, but the rhythmic sounds held no meaning to Pachi. His ears picked up six, maybe eight different syllables?

So Pachi did the only thing he could. He spoke a basic phrase that almost every species who lives above ground knows: Syl A'ruKo umt? Or literally translated word by word, “you this language speak?” Used as a polite greeting, especially with the aquatic and underground, sometimes as a formality with flying things. There were many replies to it from confirming fluency to knowing only basic words. But the spiny sphere only floated silently, looking like a ghost hit her with a light of mind delirium.

Once again, she said words in her language. The underwater language? He heard some of Volkner’s Pokemon at Sunyshore Gym speak it! Usually when they were making jokes between themselves from how they laughed after. All he knew about that was there were two main dialects.

Pachi looked up at Nori, who was standing in the door with his hand on the handle. With a shrug, Pachi tried waving and smiling. Those were universal, right? A friendly smile could tell anyone you were happy and friendly!

He nearly fell back when the spiny sphere grew to twice her usual size and let out a screech of distress. She sprayed out salty-smelling water from her lips, which missed him entirely. But it would hit–

Pachi heard Nori scream and that was all it took to make him act. He jumped off the ledge, moving backwards yet flipping forwards. As he was doing so, he focused his electricity and tucked his tail inward. He formed an orb infused with his swiftness, and as he spun, let his tail bat it directly at their attacker. “STOP!” he screeched with as much authority as he could.

There was a loud bang followed by the sound of crackling as the attack made direct contact and surged through the water. He didn’t bother to look back. He just turned around, pulled on the half-shut door, and went to check on his friend.

“Nori! Nori! Nori!” he called. His friend was standing, drying his head with the same towel he had given him. His breathing didn’t sound good. He was even coughing a bit.

“I’m fine, I’m fine!” he insisted, peering at him from over the towel. His friend was shaking and Pachi even thought he saw his eyes were crying. Nori gave himself one last pat down before looking over at the bathtub. “What–AHHH!!”

Nori nearly accidentally kicked him as he dashed to the side. He picked up the spiny sphere called a Qwilfish. She was at her usual size and she wasn’t moving. The attack had beaten her just like that!

“Pachi, why did you do that?!” he cried out, trying to shake her awake. “I don’t have Potions. What now? What now, Nori? Ugh!”

“I’m sorry! I didn’t want her to hurt you, Nori!” Pachi squeaked, embracing his leg. He hoped that the gestures and the distress in his tone would carry his meaning to his friend. He didn’t mean to upset him! “I don’t know why she did that! I was just talking! And trying to protect you!” When that Pawniard tried to attack him he wanted to run, but Nori said to defend himself! So he did! Even if it was defending Nori!

“Hey!” came the shout of the pink-haired parent of Nori’s friend. He sounded funny, like how an Akeresa would hold a sound if they couldn’t make a long or hard consonant to represent the opposite one. “{Impolitely asking what is happening}” It was so bad, Pachi only got his intent.

“Nothing!” Nori yelped and put his arms up, accidentally dropping the spiny sphere into the water. “It’s fine! It’s under control!” he shouted.

“If you made a mess, {clean it}!” came the slurred reply. Pachi double-checked, it was only water. But his friend’s eyes were locked onto what was floating in the water. He had no words.

Pachi again jumped on the ledge and lowered his head in shame. “I’m sorry,” he said again, not just to Nori, but also to Qwilfish.

From his friend patting him on the head, at least he wasn’t too upset about it. Nori asked, “What are we going to do now?” It was a good question. If only they had the answer.


Nori hung out with Maylene for a couple of hours after that disastrous meeting. He didn’t blame Pachi for attacking, he knew it was a protective instinct. But it was going to make things way worse with Qwilfish. Why did she try to attack?

He made Maylene and her dad lunch as promised – miso soup and tuna sandwiches. The thought of staying the whole day had occurred, and they would probably have let him. But no, he told himself. He needed to get going. First to a Pokemon Center, then he wasn’t sure where.

Maylene ran up and threw her arms around him as he went to leave. Nori gasped, not at the suddenness, but at how tight her grip was. He was only able to reciprocate with his hands; she was pinning his arms! “Bye, Nori! See ya later!”

“See ya…” he squeaked out. He knew she was taking self-defense courses. But that was like a martial artist’s death grip or something. Pachi looked up at them, tail slack and front teeth showing.

She released him with a giggle. Nori had to shake his head afterward, but there was warmth in his face and a sheepish smile on his lips that he was glad no one else was around to see. That was a good hug. Nori might have been an only child, but Maylene was like a little sister to him. She looked up to him, and it always felt good to know that someone did.

There was a spring in his step as he walked through the entrance hall with Pachi by his side. He grabbed his shoes and leaf-patterned coat and sat down to put them on. With that, he opened the door and stepped out into the fresh air.

His mood soured the second he stepped outside and saw who had been waiting for him in the parking lot.

He had only seen her a handful of times and had never met her in person, but he knew who she was. The auburn-haired teenager, who wore jet black jeans and a black-sleeved cyan jumper, certainly knew him as well. And from the icy blue eyes and colder sneer on the face of Emi Pikaru, it was clear she wasn’t here to talk pleasantries.


As a quick aside, the Pokemon language idea is recycled from an unwritten fic. Breaks canon in some ways but it just made sense to me. There's too much to go over in a notes section, I basically reused it here to make the easy solution not so easy - or so that I wouldn't have to force conflict to rule it out. Thus, why language barriers are one of the themes here.

Quick terrestrial premier: pronunciation is syllabic in vowel-consonant order (can have two consonants if it goes soft->hard). Soft consonants can start words, hold the sound. Capitalization is important and there's no start of sentence rule; i.e. lowercase p is a b-sound, A is like acorn and a is like apple. No strong syllables. Untranslated words are a stylistic choice or if they convey a complex meaning. And actually very technically, terrestrial has no standardized written language.
Chapter 10: Vindictive Challenge
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
On Friday afternoon, the battling team at Tobari Central Junior High was practicing in the school’s indoor arena as usual. They were a subset of the battling club in the school handpicked by the captain, Chad Shosha. The blond teenager was wearing a uniform with SHOSHA 36 on the back. He sat next to a female with auburn hair. She never wore her PIKARU 25 jersey unless it was necessary.

Chad came from a prominent family of Pokemon Trainers. The coach of the team actually deferred to him on most things because of it. Their family name was written with the same kanji used in the Japanese term for League Champion; in fact, his great-grandmother was Sinnoh League Champion from 1925 to 1929. They expected the best from him in all things battling. It was true here as well. The middle schools in Sinnoh would be competing in a tournament at the beginning of February, and the qualifiers were coming up at the end of December. They needed to get their act together.

“So I spent this past week gathering information on our rival teams,” he mused to his closest confidant.

“Taking your mind off the Krookodile Tracker?” Emi droned without looking at him.

“I would’ve anyway,” Chad said. It did not shake him as much as it did others. “I shouldn’t have to mention Gama Memorial and its captain, Edward Hankstein.” A former Sunyshore Gym Trainer who trained with Nori Carino and Kallisto Keravnos, among others. “Same for South Kotobuki and Kei Kaneko. We should keep an eye on Hatōji Academy in Sandgem and their captain, Chris Foster. It’s private, but–”

“RICHARD!!” came a screech from a girl with flowing cobalt hair. Kiara’s Clefable hobbled to his feet after a particularly hard blow, scowling just like her trainer. “We’re sparring, not fighting!”

“This is sparring!” Richard countered, crossing his arms in sync with his Lucario. He twirled the cross he wore around his neck. “If you can’t take the heat, get off the battlefield!”

Before he could rise to his feet to play peacekeeper, another dispute broke out.

“Oh, what’s the use!” Aki cried out, dropping to their hands and knees. Their light pink hair rustled. “Forget it. I’ll never be good enough!”

“Not with that attitude!” Angel urged, flicking his white dreads. He beamed while his green eyes nearly lit up. “I’ve been working hard since Anthony left! What about you?”

“Don’t you DARE bring Tony into this!” Kiara fired off, narrowing her pink retinas.

Chad climbed atop the bench to stand a little higher. “CALM DOWN, EVERYONE!” he shouted at the top of his lungs. “We can’t be fighting each other like this. We are a team! Some of you should know better! There will be battles where we will have to work as one in the future, and we cannot act like this when that happens!”

He received a mixture of frowns and glares. Those who didn’t outright apologize got back to training begrudgingly. With a grumble, he plopped down and leaned against the wall. This was not what they needed. There had been far too much negativity as of late.

Ever since Anthony Morris had taken an indefinite leave of absence from the club in the wake of his Quagsire’s career-ending (barely not life-threatening) injury at the claws of a murderous Pawniard, the atmosphere had changed. Maybe it was the cloud of the incident still hanging over them. Or it could have been how they had lost one of their best teammates. Or perhaps it was how Anthony was the ray of sunshine that brightened up the club with his upbeat and silly persona. Which Chad could empathize with, admittedly. He only outright said as such to Emi, but seeing the facade of his friend and other close confidant so thoroughly shattered had made his stomach twist into knots.

“Uh, Chad?” Two girls with black hair approached, Mia and Kate. Both in the same year as him. The latter bowed and asked, “This is taking forever. Do you mind if we practice outside?”

“Please don’t,” he urged. There was a reason they kept it indoors whenever possible. “We have had trouble with people watching our training.” He turned to the others. “There is a difference between research and spying, by the way.”

Emi crossed her arms. “You’re worried about our little stalker?”

He snorted, but shook his head. “We can’t take any chances.” There was always the odd chance that Nishigawa Middle School was going to catch someone who couldn’t adjust during the qualifiers. They could not risk that. Not at this point.

“Why can’t we return the favor?” Mia asked, her lips curling into a hook shape.

“We are above that!” he snapped with more force than he intended.

“Screw this,” Emi suddenly blurted out. She grabbed her bag and stormed towards the door.

“Emi?!” He was right behind her, but she did not stop until she was out in the hallway. “Emi, where are you going?!”

She stopped in place and whirled around. “Home,” she declared. “This is getting stupid.”

He grabbed at her shoulder firmly yet softly. “Emi, don’t do anything rash.”

“I won’t,” she said, pulling his arm away. “Talk to you next week. Maybe sooner.”

Chad knew what this was about. Emi was trying to be strong for everyone in the club. It helped a little. But it was all a front; in fact, her reaction after Anthony had quit may have been the strongest of all. Now the passing of the Krookodile Tracker had shaken her badly. It shook everyone badly. At least they would get some closure with that on the weekend. No doubt, news of what the Officials were planning to do was on its way.


Nori silently gazed down at the parking lot below, baffled by the presence of the tomboyish teenager who had evidently been waiting for him. He had never interacted with Emi Pikaru personally, and even though he had a tumultuous history with his school’s battling club, that was weeks ago. Why was she here? No, there was something more pressing than that.

“Hi? What are you doing here?” he asked her directly, grasping the top of the railing.

Emi smirked, like a Mightyena that had just caught prey. “Is that how you greet your visitors?” she asked in a provocative tone. She flashed a toothless grin.

“How did you even know I was here?!” he snapped, getting to what he was really wondering about. “Were you, like, stalking me?”

“Oh, don’t flatter yourself,” she dismissed with a wave and disgusted snort. “I came by your house, but your mom wouldn’t tell me where you went. See where you get it from, at least.”

“Don’t talk that way about my mom!”

Ignoring his remark, she continued, “So I asked your neighbor, and he pointed me over this way. Nice guy. Didn’t even ask me why.” She flipped her short hair and laughed triumphantly. Then she pointed at her chest. “Staring at these the whole time.”

Nori groaned. He would need to have a stern chat with Rashid about this later. “Well, I appreciate you coming to see me,” he said slowly, loosening his grip on the railing. He took a deep breath and analyzed the situation. How best to approach it? “Is this something important?”

She arched an eyebrow and cracked a smile. “Well, I suppose it isn’t that much, but–”

“Then sorry, I’m kind of busy. I’m sure you know why.” He started heading for the stairs. “Bring it up at school on Monday.”

He found himself blocked by Emi standing in the way. She crossed her arms and smiled arrogantly. With a glare, he vaulted over the side and stomped off. Pachi just squeezed by, of course. It caught her off-guard, as she took two seconds to follow.

“Hey!” she growled, catching up and walking beside him. “I’m not done.”

“Well, I am,” he smoothly replied.

“You think you’re doing the right thing?” she kept going. “I’m talking about the new Pokemon you were given.”

Why did he not see that coming? Okay, he did, just not from her. “What about her?” Before she could open her mouth again, he snapped. “If you have a point, get to it!”

Emi smirked. “Fine, I’ll get to it. I think you should leave her to whatever she gets.”

He stopped in place and slowly turned to face her with a furrowed brow. Was she that full of herself?! “I’m not gonna give her up just because some jerk I barely know says so,” he said firmly, placing his hands on his hips. Pachi mimed his action. “It sounds like you’re just biased because you loved Pete Stephens.”

Emi scoffed. “Oh, that’s brilliant,” she said, the sarcasm dialed all the way up. “You think it’s just me who has something against that killer Pokemon.”

“I do know it’s not just you, and screw everyone else too!” He punctuated it with a stomp and started off again, faster. Pachi kept up.

Emi hustled to get in front of him. “Sure, like your clubmates?” She wore the face of a predator, narrowed eyes and a toothy grin.

“I know that! I knew that from the start, stupid!” What did she take him for?! Before she could open her mouth again, he said, “If you want something from me, say it already!”

“I thought it was obvious. I guess not for you.” She shrugged her shoulders and threw up her arms. She shook her head, eyes closed momentarily before glaring. “I want a piece of the person covering for the Qwilfish that murdered the Krookodile Tracker.”

Oh. “If it’s just that, then not now.” He went through the exact same thing before with her clubmate. Maybe this was just something trainers liked doing. “I have to start on Qwilfish’s training, so I don’t have time.”

“Why don’t you do the smart thing and train with me?” she offered, chuckling lowly under her breath. “Battle me with her. A Rock Slide to bring down two Starlys. I’ll even sign that little waiver you got.”

Nori stopped to consider her offer. A battle might help, and it would get them what they both wanted. He looked down at Pachi, who did a little flex. The squirrel’s tail squished vigorously. He was ready for a fight.

“Happy to. Or at least, I would be,” he admitted. His sudden calmness managed to have an unexpected disarming effect on her. “But I tried having her out before, and Qwilfish hasn’t been trained out of water yet. She like, started choking and flopping and panicking.” She sort of needed to be healed too. And he needed to sort out the situation with Pachi attacking her. Really, when he thought about it more, there was a lot he needed to do before him and Qwilfish had their first battle.

Emi did not miss a beat. “Then let’s go to a place where there is water. Mynwest Court has some battlefields like that.”

“Hell no!” Never! Never ever!

Emi slapped her forehead. Her eyes widened and she made a comical expression. “Oops. Riiiiight, I nearly forgot. You’re afraid of a little water.”

“And you’re afraid of…this…Pokemon…” That’s right, why wouldn’t she be here complaining? “Yeah, you’re afraid she’ll not be punished!”

The teenager rolled her eyes. “Good comeback. I’m so offended.”

“That’s it!” He didn’t even care at this point. He stepped up and got in her face. “You want a battle? Fine! It won’t be with Qwilfish, but I’m gonna shut you up!” Pachi jumped in front, sparks flying from his cheeks.

“I thought you said you didn’t have time for me?” she smugly prodded, standing tall.

“I was just saying that to get you to take a hint and go away,” he said. “Guess you didn’t get that!”

She smirked. “Of course I did. But I knew you’d come to see things my way eventually.” She reached out to mockingly pat him on the back, but he pulled away.

Was there any winning with this jerk? Yes, yes there would be. How full of herself would she be when he kicked her ass? Not very! He’d beaten trainers way better than her! Pachi snorted and squeaked at him while gesturing at the auburn-haired teenager. He wanted in.

They stopped before a traffic light. Emi looked up at the block numbers. “Well, if we’re not using your new little murderer, there’s a Fightopia about five blocks west from here.”

Nori also looked up at where they were. He countered, “There’s a battling cage way closer, I think like one block north and another east? It’ll save us some money and time.”

Emi’s eyebrows shot up for just a moment. “Oh, don’t be so cheap,” she brushed off, glancing aside. She smiled again, but there was something different about it from before – it was just in her lips. “Fightopia would be more private anyway,” she quickly said and began to walk off.

Her suppressed panic and uneasiness did not escape Nori’s notice. The light changed to blue. He glanced down at Pachi. It took no time to decide, and he started to cross. “Well, I want to go there!” he shouted so that she could hear. “What’s wrong with battling in public?”

There had to be a problem with the battling cages specifically, right? He glanced over his shoulder. Emi was frozen in indecision. Nori couldn’t even begin to guess why she wouldn’t be fine with this. It wasn’t enough to dissuade her as he was hoping, as she bolted from her reverie to catch up.

“Fine,” she grumbled. She lifted her chin and marched on ahead of him. It was apparent from taking the lead that she knew where it was. So she was avoiding it. Nori had many questions, and he was sure he’d get the answers shortly.


Nori went over what he knew about Emi Pikaru in his mind along the way. As Volkner had taught him, knowing your opponent was important. She was the second-best trainer on their middle school’s battling team. A sarcastic tomboy, and evidently, a callous jerk. He expected some strategies to rile a person or Pokemon up. Which probably meant exploiting his phobia. He didn’t know much about her roster, just that she didn’t seem to have any specialties (otherwise he would’ve heard about it) and that her best was her Flareon. But he could make some educated guesses about what she might try to use against him.

He was uncertain if the place they were headed for had a formal name. There were many of them around, but these weren’t in a park or anything. If this was a park, it didn’t have a sign with its name or anything of the sort. In fact, it was just two battlefields and a tennis court, each surrounded by a tall chain-link fence. A ‘No Pokemon’ sign was in front of the latter. There was a lone garbage bin in the partition between them, and the only place to sit inside or outside was a children’s picnic table that someone had left there.

As they arrived, his gaze – and Emi's – was immediately drawn to the teenager observing a match, with his Noctowl perched above him. He had platinum blond hair styled into two flat layers and stood at about 170cm in height. Thin-framed glasses rested over his catlike yellow retinas.

He wasn’t sure why, but he waved an arm and called to him. “Chad!”

Emi’s face fell into her hands as she whirled away, muffling a frustrated wail. The captain of the battling team which she was on turned his head to look at them. “Nori?” he questioned, and it did not take long for him to notice his friend. He gasped and recoiled. “Emi?!”

As they walked over, Emi grumbling all the while, Chad snapped from his position. He almost crashed into his friend in his haste, managing to stop by grabbing hold of her jacket.

“Emi, you said you were just on a walk! Emi, what did you doooo?!” he cried, shaking her while gritting his teeth. His Noctowl swooped down, landing beside him. The bird craned its neck forty-five degrees.

“Calm down, it’s nothing,” she half assured and half dismissed, swatting his arm aside. She turned to him and gestured with a palm while smirking. “He was the one challenged me.”

Chad sputtered for a second. “Nori, is that true?” he questioned, shooting Emi a sideways glance. “If so, what is the context behind it?”

Nori glanced over at Pachi while considering his words, who had gone to say hello to Chad’s Pokemon. The Noctowl waved a wing and cooed, otherwise not really interested in speaking with the excitable squirrel.

He answered Chad. “Sort of. She stalked me outside my friend’s place and waited until I got out. She’s mad about the Krookodile Tracker and was talking crap.” He shrugged as the captain of the battling team frowned. “She wanted to fight Qwilfish, but she’s not trained out of water, and you know how I am with it, but she annoyed me into challenging her anyway.”

Chad dropped to his knees, placed his palms together, and bowed his head. “Nori, I cannot apologize enough for her behavior.”

Nori crinkled his nose and raised an eyebrow. “What are you apologizing about her for?” he asked with confusion and just a little irritation.

Chad, maybe realizing how ridiculous he looked, scrambled to his feet. He gave Nori a firm look. “I just want to let you know that the opinions of Emi Pikaru do not represent those of the battling team as a whole.”

Emi slapped her forehead, leaving her hand on it after. “This is why I didn’t want to come here.” She grumbled and shook her head. However, her eyes fell upon her teammate in an empty sneer. “And Chad? A lot of people think the same as me. But I’ll make it clear. This one’s all me.”

“I told you before, just don’t!” he cried.

Nori watched their argument. Pachi was just as curious, but the Noctowl didn’t answer when the squirrel queried him about it. “Am I…missing something?” he said, rubbing the nape of his neck.

“Oh, he’s worried I’ll ruin your little advice on the side thing.” His opponent exaggerated a shrug, shut her eyes, shook her head, and threw her outstretched arms and shoulders way up.

“Emi!” the blond wheezed.

Nori could only blink. “Well, if it’s just that, you don’t have to worry. I said I would, and I’ll do that no matter what.” He promised! Nori still felt a little guilty about what happened with their now former teammate, Anthony. So he wasn’t going back on that unless it turned out to be unwanted.

As Chad stuttered in disbelief, Emi clapped him on the shoulder; Nori was uncertain if it was in genuine comfort or if she was being sardonic. “See?” she said, tracing a finger along the shoulder blade. “You were worrying over nothing.”

“I…you’re right.” The captain of the battling team took a deep breath and bowed, managing to find his composure. “I appear to have underestimated your integrity, Carino. Greatly underestimated. Accept my apologies.”

“No problem.” A lot of people had misconceptions about him.

“I’m glad we got this sorted out. Now, let’s get this done.” Emi said this with toughness, doing a fantastic job of hiding her relief behind her attitude. Nori could tell from her initial reaction and behavior that it was a load off her mind. She powerwalked to the free cage.

“Looks like we got a crowd,” Chad remarked, and sure enough, their argument had attracted a lot of attention. Small wonder. He was Nori Carino, the Demon Tamer of Veilstone, and now the rehabilitator of the Qwilfish that killed Pete Stephens. And the junior battling teams had to be pretty popular, too.

“That’s fine,” he said as he headed into their cage. He was used to it after Sunyshore. It was a generic battlefield with no features. A little cramped, maybe like sixty square meters at most, but that was what you got with the cages.

“Should I be the judge?” Chad asked.

He rolled his eyes. “Judging is for self-important people and making jobs.” Volkner taught him that. Not like a battle needed someone to say a Pokemon couldn’t continue. Any proper trainer could do that themselves. And premature judgments were a problem, as they should know. “Stand with your friend.”

He raised his palms. “I do not want to influence this battle.”

“Then go wherever.”

Emi had already taken her spot, so Nori took his with Pachi by his side. Chad, with a sigh and eyeing some people who seemed to want to come in to get a better view, stood by the door in the middle. His Noctowl flew and perched above.

“All right, so have you decided on what sort of battle this will be?” he asked them.

Emi put a hand on her belt and twirled a finger with the other. “Standard fine? And yeah, I’ll sign your little agreement for your other murderer if you need me to. I’m sure you have him under control now.” She said this with a smirk, but otherwise with a modicum of respect.

“I said I didn’t really have time today, and I meant that, I wasn’t lying. So one-on-one for now,” Nori said. If she wanted standard, they could do so later. “Double-blind Pokemon choice. That is, we send them out at the same time.”

“Fair enough. Not that it’ll matter.” She had her chosen Pokemon in hand by the time he declared the kind of battle. His opponent grinned maliciously as she squeezed the capsule.

Pachi tugged at his legs and pointed at her. He wanted in. Without answering, Nori reached into his pocket. He made his selection in his mind and said, “Ready.”

“Set!” Emi said, lowering her head and smirking.


With Chad’s word, Emi threw her Pokemon out. Pachi preemptively dashed forth, only to nearly crash into the teal beast that materialized. The Demon was ready for battle! He’d chosen power over a possible type advantage.

It was the right call anyway. Nori was expecting a Water-type, so he was surprised to see her choose a gray dinosaur-like Pokemon instead. It had a rocky body with spikes on its back, a beige belly, three sharp nails on each hand. When the Demon roared in delighted challenge, it roared right back with even more fury, spinning its horn and whipping its thick tail.

“Your Rhydon, huh?” Chad asked. Neither of them noticed the Demon’s eyes light up as she turned back to him with a nostalgic grin. “I expected that you’d go with Anchorage, because of…” The blond shifted as he eyed Nori. His heart beat a little faster. Yeah, something part Water-type would be a smart choice against him. He hated to admit.

“Thought about it, but this was an obvious pick,” she replied, flicking her auburn bangs. “This stupid moron’s,” she mocked one of his favorite phrases, making a hand talking motion. “His team has a massive Ground weakness.”

“So what!?” he countered. “I can’t help that!” It never actually occurred until she mentioned it, but still. So what?

She scoffed. “Did you never?” she slowly began, her posture stiffening. “Ever? Think about catching something to fix that?”

“Well, for one, no. I don’t really care.” He never wanted to be a trainer. Any battling he did was for his Pokemon, not himself. Well, excepting times like this. “Secondly, any Pokemon I catch on my own is one I won’t be able to give full attention to because of my job.”

Chad did a double take and tilted his head slightly away. “I never thought about that. About the fact that you don’t get to pick your team,” he remarked. He tried to smile, but it was halfhearted with a twitched nose. “I see your point, though.”

Emi not only rolled her eyes, she rolled her entire head. “Yes, that’s really smart. You–”

“And third!” he shouted over her sarcasm, stomping a foot to punctuate. “We can show you how it doesn’t matter.” The Demon cackled and stood ready. Nori was trained by a type expert after all! Covering your Pokemon’s weaknesses was something Volkner taught him, and Gym Leaders were some of the best at it!

“Well, at least you’re both confident.” Emi gave a vulturous smirk, lowering her gaze. “Wonder how long that’ll last?”

“Guess we’ll see!” he answered with cheer, which only made her roll her eyes.

At least there was one good thing he could say about her: Emi was mostly accepting of the way he obtained Pokemon. When he first got the Demon, there were some jealous idiots saying it should have been them. There probably still were some actually, just not any saying it to his face.

Not that it mattered. He wasn’t going to say, but there was a reason they were so confident. That was because they’d beaten a Rhydon before. A really angry wild one was their first real battle as a proper Trainer-Pokemon team. Nori thought he saw a genuine smile on the Demon’s face for a moment. Sure, a trained one would be stronger, but they’d gotten stronger since then. It was time to show their stuff.
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Chapter 11: Personal Battle
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
A crowd of about a dozen people had gathered to watch from outside the cage. Nori knew full well that many more would be drawn here by the time this was over. He eyed them and opened his ears to listen, but their whispered gossip was unintelligible. Not that it mattered what they thought. If they turned out to hate him as much as Emi because of his new assignment, they were about to be very disappointed.

Emi turned to Chad expectantly. “When you’re ready,” the blond teenager said with a shrug.

The Demon took that as the cue to sprint into action. “Sa–” Emi had started to say after being given the go-ahead, only to have to shout, “Mega Kick!” upon seeing her Pokemon was just about to be attacked. Her orders came far too late, but her Pokemon started it midway through the first syllable anyway. The Demon came to a dead stop, ducked underneath what turned out to be a roundhouse, and performed a partial front-flip, retaliating by driving her own feet into the Rock-type’s backside.

Pachi cheered and hopped as the dinosaur-like Pokemon went stumbling away. Nori was right there directing the follow-up. “Once more.”

They were in the perfect spot for another blow to the back. Nori didn’t expect Emi to do nothing though, and she immediately said, “Bulldoze and get some distance.”

The Rhydon didn’t even try to dodge the second Double Kick; as the Demon spun around to strike like a mule, all he did was plant his feet firmly to avoid being knocked to the ground. After enduring it, he slammed a foot of his own into the ground, generating a short-ranged earthshaking shockwave. The teal beast rode it out while snarling, never taking her eyes off her frantically escaping foe.

“Playing mindlessly aggressive, are we?” Emi turned her nose up and rolled her eyes. Her Pokemon had a moment to catch his breath as he turned around.

Nori ignored her criticism. “Let’s get some poison in him,” he countered. That would set the clock on this.

She pointed as the Demon took off. “Drill Run the bastard.”

Nori lightly exhaled, then watched closely. He had to thank the Gym Trainers at Sunyshore for this one. Watch for cues. When he saw the Rhydon was indeed cloaking himself in energy and spinning his drill instead of spinning himself, he shouted, “Get the legs! Like before!”

Emi crossed her arms. “Of all the stupid–” Her narrowed gaze quickly turned into a seething glare. “What the FUCK?”

It didn’t go quite as Nori or the Demon planned in their minds, probably because of that Bulldoze. But she still managed to sidestep enough to avoid a direct hit and trip up her much larger foe by throwing herself into him. Nori was hoping for like, a flashy spinning leg grab and leaping over top to deliver the Poison Jab! Whatever worked.

The Demon rolled underneath to avoid being crushed by the falling Pokemon. Emi quickly said, “Hit her with your tail, Rhydon!”

So no nickname after all. “Climb over and Poison Jab,” he retaliated. While the rhinoceros Pokemon did carry out Emi’s command, the Demon was too quick and too skilled. She jumped over the swishing tail and onto her foe’s back. Then, all in one motion, she performed a spinning flip, hit her opponent in the eye while mid-jump – her front left paw steeped in a purple glow as she thrust it out – and darted away as she landed.

The crowd cheered the flashy maneuver. Chad’s eyes went wide. Pachi was squealing and hopping like a cheerleader might. Nori frowned just a little. It didn’t seem like the poison took hold.

Emi, to her credit, was laser-focused. “Rock Blast!”

Nori tried to shout a warning, the Demon tried to avoid, but Rhydon had some speed of his own. He spat out a series of stones which expanded as they went. One, two, three, four, and the fifth hit awkwardly and sent the Demon into a stagger.

“Okay, we finally have some time to fucking breathe,” she said, flicking her hair. “Rhydon, Sandstorm!”

With a roar, a stream of sand billowed out from the Pokemon’s body, enveloping the battlefield in a dust storm. Mercifully for the onlookers, Rhydon had enough control to contain it to within the cage for the most part. Only a few stray grains managed to escape and did not get that far. Nori glanced down at Pachi, who shook vigorously and pumped his arms with a nod. The squirrel shouted what Nori presumed was encouragement to the Demon.

“Emi, there are other Pokemon out!” Chad shrieked at her, his head instantly going to his own partner perched above, who was wincing a little. Nori was unfazed. It was really just something you had to deal with.

“Then they should be in their damn balls!” she instantly snipped back before making an irritated grumble. “Shit, that thing is strong.” The Demon took the compliment by standing up and beckoning for Rhydon to keep coming. He didn’t take the bait.

“Theodore, fly down!” Chad shouted. The Noctowl wasted no time in swooping to the ground outside, away from the dust. The blond teenager sighed, then shook his head at his friend. “The Demon is very high level, Emi.”

“Duh! We’ll need strategy!” She turned back to the action. “And I know just what to do. Rhydon, THUNDER DOWN!”

Their audience gasped in awe. Nori did too, he had never heard of a Rhydon using special attacks! A lot of the onlookers were right up against the fence in marvel, ignorant to the potential danger. But Nori knew better than that.

“Wait for it,” he instructed, calmly yet firmly. “And dodge away from the cage.”

Thunder worked by calling down lightning from above, often generating a storm cloud for it to emerge from. It was inaccurate, but training and certain factors could help it hit. The Demon kept her eyes to the skies for the telltale signs, only for it to materialize above Rhydon. She instinctively evaded anyway as it harmlessly crashed down upon their foe?

Nori looked over with a smirk, only to find Emi’s expression hadn’t changed. Once their eyes met, she pinched her lips until they were as thin as a knife edge.

“That’s it. Now, Water Gun!”

He tried to ready himself, but once the huge stream of fluid rose out of the Rock-type’s maw, Nori flinched and shut his eyes. The realization struck him as he instinctively threw his arms over his head. That must have been Lightning Rod! She used her own attack to empower her Pokemon’s special moves! Only something external worked for that, and a Thunder was one of the things that did. Stupid! He trained at an Electric Gym! He should've known that right away!

He didn’t see, but he heard. A spray of water hitting pavement, and from Pachi’s cheers, the Demon had dodged. Nori chanced a look back, only to cringe as a second blast came out and got her. It hurt her far less than it hurt him.

“Why does it have Water moves?!” he screamed. He rubbed his eyes to get the tears and some sand out. Pachi patted his leg in comfort.

“To scare you!” she declared, raising a finger. That wasn’t the reason! Okay, he knew someone who did that just to scare him, but that was with Pokemon that did well with those moves!

Chad was there to give a more reasonable answer. “Training with water builds up minor resilience. Besides which, Emi trained her Rhydon with some special moves as a surprise tactic.”

“And here’s some more for you!” the auburn-haired teenager cackled. “Thunder again!”

“Go!” Nori yelled, suppressing a sniffle. “Get them!” The Demon was more than happy to, lowering her head as she sprinted at Rhydon.

Again, the storm cloud materialized over the one who used the move. But the rhino raised his head and spun his horn as the bolt came down. Then it changed direction. There was an ear-splitting crack and blinding flash as it redirected onto the soaked Demon. Her roars of pain cut through the air. Pachi screeched in worry. It was swift and brutal.

The crowd cheered raucously, some outright applauding Emi. But all Nori could focus on was his Pokemon. Her legs were shaking. Was that paralysis setting in?!

“This is over!” Emi flicked her hair with a pair of fingers and pointed with a scowl. “Rhydon, DRILL RUN!”

“Demon!” he shouted a warning. She looked up just in time to see what was about to happen. Nori saw a flash of purple right before she was smashed into. She was sent flying into the cage, where she bounced off and flopped to the ground.

Did she hit? Rhydon showed no signs of poisoning. But it wouldn’t matter if she was out. When two seconds passed with her only making subtle movements, Emi harrumphed and turned to Chad. “It’s done, call it,” she told him.

“It’s not done yet!” Nori protested. He wasn’t going to let another dumb premature call from these people beat him!

Pachi took a couple steps out in front, shouting something intricate at the Demon while pointing at Emi. She hobbled up and grumbled angrily at her ally. Pachi just giggled and took whatever she said in stride.

Chad smirked and crossed his arms. “Yes, it appears it isn’t,” he said.

“Oh, that’s sweet,” the teenager snarked. “But you need to face reality. Rhydon?” Her Pokemon raised a foot in anticipation of her command. “Bulldoze!”

Well, they put them in position to counter that. Plus as long as they were there, he was sure Emi wouldn’t use another Drill Run. They built the cages to withstand stray attacks, but that was too much. “Cling to the cage, my Demon.”

She did so with a quick hop, ignoring the shockwave entirely. Nori breathed an internal sigh of relief. No paralysis after all if she was that quick on the draw. Maybe he couldn’t think of crazy strategy, but you couldn’t overlook simple stuff! Besides, this was a trap on his behalf. If she called for Thunder…

“In that case,” Emi flicked her hair. “Stone Edge, at range!”

Okay, that wasn’t what he wanted! “Uh, climb?” The Demon effortlessly scaled the mesh as Rhydon slammed a fist into the ground. A jagged rock protruded from the earth. It missed by over a meter. But Thunder would be dangerous now!

Thankfully, the Demon realized it too. She leaped off onto the rock and right off before it dissipated into nothing. She made it to the safety of the ground.

Emi was rubbing her hands together until that happened. “At least one of you’s smart,” she didn’t miss a beat.

“I knew Thunder was coming!” he fired back.

“Sure you did,” she wiggled a hand. As the Demon broke into a full sprint, she pointed and ordered, “Rock Blast!”

Nori clenched his fists. Did she think that little of him?! He’d show her! “Let’s win this,” he growled. The Demon’s ears twitched and she flashed her fangs. No better time to test out it than in a real battle! “With a spinning death attack.”

His words naturally confounded everyone but the Demon and Pachi. As she sidestepped the first shot, a malefic aura enveloped her front claws. With a mighty twirling leap, the Demon turned into a tornado of black and teal heading straight for Rhydon. Emi shouted for Drill Run, but the bipedal rhino barely started spinning his horn before he was savaged by the super Shadow Claw. He stumbled back, clutching where the Demon made impact with his stubby arms.

Nori leaped into the air, raising a fist with a “Yes!” It worked even better than he thought! The crowd raved at the flashy yet powerful strike; even Chad’s mouth fell agape. Pachi squealed in joy over it, jumping a second after his trainer.

Emi clenched her fists. “Don’t get cocky! Rhydon–”

Before she could even get another word out, the Demon crouched, lowered her head, and slammed into her opponent’s underbelly. As he was knocked prone, the Demon got to her hind legs and glanced back. “Earth Power,” Nori confirmed.

Emi looked square at Nori. She clenched her fists, pouted her lips, and turned away. “Water Gun!”

It was nothing but spite and everyone knew it, her Pokemon included. Maybe that was why he aimed it in Nori’s general direction instead of even making the attempt to shoot at the Demon. The boy yelped and nearly tripped as it passed a few meters from his midsection. It didn’t hit him, not even close, but the onlookers who were a little too close had to scatter. It was to Nori’s relief – and he didn’t doubt their relief either – that it only lasted half a second before Rhydon was engulfed by a scintillating ring of glowing dirt.

“I think that’s it,” Nori threw back at her once the spectacle faded, compounded by the sandstorm grinding to a halt. Rhydon made a vain effort to reach a hand out and push himself up, only for it to drop. With a snort, the Demon jumped atop his unconscious form and roared to the skies in victory.

“I think so too,” Chad agreed, giving an informal ruling on the battle.

“Yeah, yeah,” Emi grumbled. “You win this round. Gotta admit, you’re good. Even if you suck at naming stuff.” She snorted and rolled her eyes. “Spinning death attack.”

He was about to fuss that he couldn’t think of anything better when she began to clap. So did Chad and the onlookers. There was even plenty of cheering, which gave Nori hope that maybe things wouldn’t be so bad.

As the applause died down, his opponent smirked. “But I hope you’re ready for next time.”

Of course the compliment would come with something else. “What do you mean, next time?” The Demon glanced over at her, beckoning with a paw while placing the other on Rhydon’s face as he was coming to. Pachi also stepped out, sparks crackling from his cheeks.

“Oh, when you’re ready to have your murderer get what’s coming to it,” she said with a wink. Of course, she still wanted to fight Qwilfish. Nori groaned and glanced over at Chad. The blond did not react or respond save for a frown. Emi waved a hand. “Until then.”

The Demon turned to Pachi to ask a question. He answered, which made her tilt her head at Emi. With that, she jumped off Rhydon and approached Nori.

“Good going,” he praised. He looked at his Pokemon. “I guess you two both want in next time?”

The two were opposites. The Demon was serious and cold, and Pachi was easygoing and cheerful. Yet they nodded in unison at his question. Simple and easy to understand. He looked over at his opponent for today, and evidently one he would be facing again in the future. She was checking up on her Rhydon after all that. He didn’t really care to watch.

“Well, let’s get going.” He allowed both of his Pokemon to walk with him as he exited the cage. They did not make it very far before the crowd descended upon them.

“That was awesome! The Demon rules!” cheered a spiky-haired redheaded boy who was probably less than a year out from being able to get an official Trainer’s license. The Nidorina, for her part, only smirked.

“Didn’t think brawn could beat brains,” remarked a woman in her early twenties wearing a long floral-patterned dress. Nori could only shrug. She had a lot to learn.

“Miyu didn’t either!” agreed a girl who seemed to be her much younger sister if not her daughter. He guessed that since they both had black hair and green eyes, and wore a similarly colored outfit. “What’s your secret, Mr. Carino?”

“I don’t really have one.” Nori answered, confused by the question. “Don’t neglect training, I guess?” That was how he often won against people better at the strategy thing. It felt weird giving advice, since he didn’t feel qualified to give it.

An androgynous-looking older teenager with pastel hair and glasses, maybe sixteen or so, flashed an attempt at a charming smile. “You hungry after all that?” he (she? they?) asked. The teen’s lips momentarily puckered vaguely. “I’ll buy you lunch. My treat.”

“N-no!” he sputtered, stumbling away in a panic. “I mean, I’m busy!” What was with all these random people hitting on him lately?!

“Um, hey?” A girl wearing a Veilstone Dunkers cap stepped forward. “You have a new Pokemon, right?”

Nori snapped to attention, as did his Pokemon. He studied the teenager. She didn’t seem mad. But he was getting a lot of other looks, some not very pleased. “Yeah, and I don’t really want to talk about her yet. You’ll see my results in time.” He glanced at his two Pokemon. This was a good reason to leave. “But speaking of, I need to get going. Got work to do.”

The crowd respected this, parting to make way for them. It was a promising sign that they weren’t on his case for Qwilfish. Still, Emi was going to be an unwelcome distraction, Prema’s dad could be trouble, and he was really worried about what Terrance and Mitsu were going to think.

But for now, he had to go to the Pokemon Center. Who knew how much worse things were with Qwilfish now? Getting her healed would at least be a good first step in mending fences.


As Nori Carino left the cage in quiet triumph and spoke with the captive audience, Emi muttered an apology to her Rhydon. She gave the Pokemon some words of comfort and a pat on the head before she recalled him. Chad glanced at Theodore, who was content to remain on the ground outside. As the auburn-haired teenager approached him, the blond adjusted his glasses and eyed her.

“Well, I see now why you were obsessively trying to get him on the team last month,” she remarked with a chuckle and competitive smirk.

“My parents always taught me that a big part of being a strong trainer is being able to recognize others’ strength.” His family was extremely serious about not just battling, but winning. In fact, when he had failed to get Nori Carino on the junior high school battling team, they lectured him for days on end. “Besides which, his training made it obvious.”

Emi shrugged slightly. “Yeah, knew he was good, but experiencing it’s another thing.” They all saw Carino battle Anthony. And his time at Sunyshore Gym was well documented. He may not be the smartest or most strategic trainer, but his Pokemon were trained well, and his fundamentals were down pat. “Just don’t go trying to change our minds about having him with us.”

“I am past that,” he lamented. It was all because of an accident in said battle that few wanted to let go of, namely when Carino’s Pawniard had injured Anthony’s Quagsire Quade to the point of where he could not safely battle any longer.

After Nori Carino left, his number two spun on her heels and started to leave herself. “Anyway, I should get going. See ya on Monday.”

Chad did not miss a step. “Oh, no you don’t. Emi, we need to talk.” She cursed as he grabbed her by the shoulder. The blond male glared out at the crowd. “This is between us. So I would appreciate some privacy. Chloe.”

The teal-haired teenager groaned. She was the co-captain of Nishigawa Middle School, and had the worst habit of pushing her researching opponents at rival schools to the point of borderline stalking. To her credit, she always left whenever people called on it.

He whistled for Theodore and motioned for his own teammate to follow. She did so, averting eye contact all the while. When they had cleared the cages and started down the road, he spoke up. “Emi, this was rash. I told you not to do anything rash!”

“Hey, you were worried he’d get mad and not help!” she answered immediately with a phony grin. “You were wrong, right? It’s not a big deal.”

“That’s true, but this is about you.” She pursed her lips as her shoulders tightened. “You did not need to go picking a fight with Nori Carino.”

“Of course I didn’t have to,” she said with a belligerence that belied her unease. On the other hand, it could have simply been a desperate excuse to try to get out of this. “Doesn’t mean I didn’t want to.”

Chad inhaled. He couldn’t argue with her point, but that didn’t mean she was in the right. “Let me rephrase,” he said while exhaling. “Nori Carino is simply doing his job. It was not his decision or choice that he was given that Qwilfish to rehabilitate. Harassing him does no one any favors.”

“He could’ve said no!” Emi immediately countered.

To this, the captain crossed his arms and shook his head. “You do not know if he had a say in the matter.”

There was a reason why people called Nori Carino the Pokemon Rehabilitator. It was because he was the only one. There were implications that the Officials would be looking for other candidates, but it had been over a year and there was not so much as a peep on that front. With no others available, any task thus fell to him.

“Okay, fine. Point taken.” Emi crossed her own arms. Chad had to stop himself from glaring at her as she pushed her arms up. “But you’re worrying too much. What’s the problem with wanting to fight that thing? Because I don’t see one.”

“The problem, Emi,” he stated. That was not the issue. “Is that I specifically asked you not to antagonize him. And you tried to go behind my back to do so anyway.”

She halted in place. She threw her arms back while taking a step away. “I’m sorry, okay?” Her words were as sincere as they usually were. He had no doubt that she meant it, only that she had trouble expressing it.

Nevertheless, he had to sigh. He peered up at Theodore, who landed idly, before getting to his true point. “This makes it difficult to trust you.” He felt a heaviness in his body as he said those words. So much so that he had to stumble over to a nearby patch of grass to sit. “And I hate that. I thought I always could trust you.”

Emi’s eyes widened. “Chad, I–.” She slouched and scratched at her forehead. After staring downward for a moment, she joined him. “It’s just!” A vocalization escaped her, a mix between a whine and a grumble.

He put a hand on her shoulder. “Take your time,” he assured her. “I’m not mad.” Only a little disappointed in her. From the sounds of it, this was an issue that ran deeper than simple hatred.

Emi slammed back and sprawled out. “The Krookodile Tracker was my childhood.” She spoke quickly, letting it all out at once. All her limbs tightened. “I grew up watching him. I was really looking forward to meeting him in person when he made it here on his tour. You know that I was even planning on taking some time off school for it! But…” She trailed off, sniffing.

“He never made it here,” he finished the dreadful thought. He knew he meant a lot to Emi, but he did not think it ran this deep.

“Yeah.” Emi sat up and forcefully wiped an eye. Her next words were low. To those who didn’t know her, Emi was always on edge and upset about something. But when she got calm, that was when she truly was angry. “All because of one asshole abandoning their Pokemon. Besides them, I don’t have much sympathy for that Qwilfish. The way I see it, she should’ve known better than to attack a human. It just…” Her voice and body were starting to quiver. Slowly and meticulously, she gave her reddened face a forceful shake. “It pisses me off the Officials are basically just letting her go. If a person killed Pete Stephens, they’d get locked up or worse. Accident or not. I know a lot of people feel the same way, so I want to be the one to punish her for everyone out there.”

Chad blinked. He was in the same boat on Friday; he had expected the Qwilfish to be sent to a care facility or even put down over the weekend. The Officials had to do something about her. The word that it would be rehabilitated by Nori Carino had taken him off guard as well. But what his friend was proposing was too much.

“Emi…” he spoke up, gritting his teeth. “If you’re thinking of doing anything illegal–”

She raised a palm. “I meant in a battle, mind you. Nothing more than that. And besides.” She suddenly chuckled. Chad involuntarily made to shift away, only to catch himself. “After that, I really do want to fight Carino again.”

He could only laugh a little with her. “Okay, you’ve made your case,” he conceded monotonously. When she was set on something, there was no stopping her. He was resigned to that, but he made one last plea regardless. “I still think this is a bad idea, though.”

Emi looked him in the eyes. There was a cold glint of determination in them. “I’m ready for any consequences.”

Unexpectedly, all the tension in his muscles went away. That told him everything he needed to know. She hadn’t mindlessly rushed into this. She had given it enough thought to be aware of what could happen. Still, this whole thing was predicated on her feelings. “In that case, just one other thing. Don’t let your emotions get the better of you. You can be bad at that.”

“I know, I’m trying to work on it,” she grumbled.

“I’m just trying to look out for you.” He patted her on the shoulder, even as something gnawed at the back of his mind. But he was unable to place it, so he said nothing.

She nodded. “Appreciate it. Thanks for understanding, man.”

They sat quietly after that. The captain and his number two. In a way, they complemented each other. The way she thought with her heart gave her a different perspective when it came to battles, but she was no less effective for it. Chad had actually thought about entering a multi battle competition with her to see how they did as a true team. Though he was afraid to ask her. How would she react? Furthermore, he’d have to find the right occasion. It couldn’t be Gasha’s Lucky Potluck in November, since that was primarily invitational. And even though the public could win spots, it also featured random partners.

Emi playfully elbowed him. “Well, I don’t actually have much to do right now.”

“I figured you didn’t.”

“Yeah.” She laughed about her attempt to get out of this conversation. “Hope I didn’t interrupt any of your plans.”

“I was not doing much, simply thinking.” Chad enjoyed watching other people battle. It was a way to get strategies. “I was looking over the cheers Estella proposed for the team.”

“Maybe these ones will be worth it,” she snarked. Chad only smirked. A poet Estella was not, but she was good at rallying and hyping people up. She got to her feet. “Anyway, so now that we’re cool about this, you mind helping with thinking up strategy?”

“I guess,” he stood and agreed with a smile. There was a bad feeling about this that he couldn’t shake. He was uncertain what it was about, just that it was his instincts talking. All he could do for now was help his friend out. After all, what else were friends for? Maybe his presence would avert whatever was coming.
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Chapter 12: Stringent Expectation
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
It was a dreary Sunday afternoon in Veilstone City. While it was not pouring rain, there was enough to call into question the sense of any outdoor activity. There was a part of Yumi that hoped this would be the logic her family took to change their planned activities. Canceling it altogether was out of the question, since everyone had already arrived. It was no surprise to her when they continued with things as planned regardless.

In fact, she had openly questioned it, albeit in a respectful and roundabout way. “Are we still going in this poor weather?” she had asked, in Japanese as they were expected to around the house (and especially around the older members of their family). She was the only one to bring it up, though she was certain others were thinking the same thing.

“Yes,” her dad, Ransuke Takao, had said to her. He was a tall man with short black hair, and the parent from whom she and her brother got their light brown hair from; their earthy brown eyes came from their mom, Mitate. “You performed some of your protests in the rain, did you not?”

“No,” she had explained to him. “We never did unless it crept in, as the point was publicity, and not many people went out in the rain.” That was the best way to put it without getting scolded for being defiant: indirectly pointing out that most people would see the weather and reschedule or do something else.

“This is not one of your foolish protests, Yumi-san,” her great-grandmother had chimed in. A short yet powerful woman. She dressed very traditionally in a stylistic black kimono with a white haori over top. Her face had many wrinkles along its creases, her eyes were a simple yet piercing brown, and her hair was milky white. “Even if spears fall too, we are going to the beach. And ensure you dress appropriately.”

She did not mean just for the weather, either. Yumi ended up wearing a black jumper over a gray shirt. She wavered between pants and an ankle-length black skirt, deciding on the latter when she saw what the rest of the family was wearing. It was far from her usual fashion; she wore clothes like these only during formal occasions. This was one of them, per her the edict of her great-grandmother.

That was how Yumi found herself at Shiroisuna Beach that day. She was far from the only one unhappy with the arrangement, but no one else spoke up in any way about it. And why would they? Great-grandma Rikina Takao was the eldest member of the family. At the end of the day, they all deferred to her out of respect. Even the few times they didn’t, she could defeat an Azelf in a contest of wills. Yumi considered herself blessed that she did not live with them.

At the very least, there were some tables under a gazebo. Yet the gusting winds ensured that even being under cover would not keep one completely dry. This made it difficult to enjoy the food. Furthermore, the boat rental place was closed and virtually no one else had come here. So there was even less to enjoy at the beach than Yumi had expected.

Most of the Takao family had come for the occasion. There were over twenty in total spanning five generations; one of her cousins on great-aunt Megumi’s side of the family had children of his own. No one was close to her and Touya’s age. The only absence who still lived in Japan had an important Pokemon Contest scheduled in Kitakami, but he had sent his regards. Great-grandma Rikina had gone on a short rant about him as a result. That was the kind of person she was.

Yumi followed the conversations that the rest of the family was having, but only barely. Touya was much the same way, sitting across from her with an empty expression on his face the whole time. It was only when they were addressed personally did they speak, both out of politeness and because they had little to add.

“Hey, Touya-san!” boomed Uncle Yoshi. He was a stocky man and their father’s brother, with the same hair color as them. He wore a big black coat that went down to his legs. He was the only one present not dressed traditionally. Yoshi was unmarried and lived alone as an artist, but he always made it to the gatherings. “I’ve been meaning to ask! How are things with you and that Sanae girl?”

“They’ve been good, Uncle,” Touya answered simply and to the point. He was wearing a formal blue jacket, black pants, and a waterproof bucket hat. “We are taking it slow and steady.”

“Good man! How about you, Yumi-san?” He turned his attention to her with a stuffy grin. “You find the right guy yet?”

“No, not yet, Uncle,” she replied, shrinking under his gaze. He was never the type to judge, but he could be just as overbearing a different way from the rest of the family.

He shrugged. “Ah well. Shankankan! You’re young!”

“Yes, she is,” came the voice of great-grandma Rikina. It was enough to silence everyone. She had been using a wagasa for the rain, which was lying at her feet. “As are you, Touya-san. You should be focusing on your education at this age.”

He initially said nothing. However, their elder’s eyes said that she was expecting an answer. Touya glanced at their parents, then at Yumi for longer, before he replied. “Great-grandmother, it would be dishonorable for me to break up with her.”

“She is not the right girl for you, Touya-san. She thinks as a westerner. And I can tell, she is the type to lie.” He said nothing in response. “If she will lie to others, you would be no exception.”

Touya turned away and lowered his head. He growled under his breath. Yumi could tell from his expression that there was a part of him which actually believed her twisted logic.

“And you, Yumi-san.” She straightened and her eyes widened. What was this going to be about?! “You must change for the better if you wish to attract a partner. There is no man who would want to marry one such as you.”

Yumi pressed her knees together and tried to hide her clenching hands between them. That was an old way of thinking, bordering on sexist. There were a lot of people who still had that mindset, and she did not want to be a part of it. She kept quiet, however.

“Leave the news to the Schraders. You will also need to find yourself better company. You have a bad habit of being around the wrong people. First it was those YAMS characters, now it is the Demon Tamer.”

That was going too far. “Great-grandmother, my friends are good people,” she protested. “They’ve always stood beside me, even YAMS–”

It happened so fast that no one had any time to react, least of all Yumi. Great-grandma Rikina was on her feet in a flash. She marched over, reached out, and delivered a full force slap. Yumi cried out as she felt the sting of her elderly relative’s nails. The force sent her twisting and tumbling out of her seat. Her cries turned to screams as she fell awkwardly, squashing her arm between the pavement and her body.

Yumi rolled over and pressed her elbow against her stomach. Her free hand flew to her cheek to nurse the other wound. She writhed in pain and wheezed as she tried to breathe.

“Get up,” came her great-grandma’s cold bark. “You look undignified.”

Without further warning, the elderly woman reached down and yanked her up by the injured arm. While she did ensure Yumi was steady before releasing her, the teenager almost immediately fell over once again, barely making it back to the bench.

Tears were flooding her eyes from the pain alone. She turned to the rest of her family. There were a few horrified expressions, but no one dared to speak up. No one protested her great-grandmother physically abusing her in front of everyone. That was how traditionalist their family was. Yumi didn’t hold out hope that anyone else saw it. And even if they did, they might not do anything. She knew this from her protests with YAMS. People are reluctant to get involved in family issues except when the abuse is egregious. Worse, it was actually not explicitly illegal for parents and guardians to physically punish children in the country.

“You must listen to and respect your elders, Yumi-san,” she said sternly. “You will not go far in life otherwise.”

Yumi turned to the rest of her family. She pleaded with her eyes for someone, anyone to say or do anything about this. It was Uncle Yoshi who decided to do so.

“Hey, take it easy on the girl, grandma,” he spoke up while leaning back.

“This is none of your business,” great-grandma Rikina countered. It was the typical response. To punctuate it, she fired a glare at her other grandson to tell him to reiterate as such.

“No. It isn’t, big brother,” their father rasped. He hung his head and sighed, powerless in the face of his grandmother.

Yumi nearly burst into further tears. Why?! Her great-grandma didn’t even live with them! Why were they letting her say all this?! Her throat ached and her vision blurred, but she knew actually crying would only make things worse. So she forced herself to her feet with her shaking arms, despite feeling so dizzy that she thought she might fall over. Yumi approached her parents.

“Mother, may I be excused to go to the bathroom?” She bowed and shut her eyes, trying to hide how watery they were. It was also to internally pray.

It was to her relief when her mom agreed without question. “Go ahead, Yumi,” she motioned with a wave of her fingers. “But be back quickly.”

She just wanted to get away for a bit and that was the only possible excuse. She silently thanked the gods as she hurried off before anyone could step in and stop her.

It was only when she was sure that she was out of earshot that Yumi began to let it out. She held a hand over her mouth, muffling her sobs as her tears flowed as hard as the rain. It hurt to move her arms. Her knees were weak, and if it wasn’t raining, she would’ve fallen down and just laid there.

Sure, her parents were strict. But they still allowed her and Touya some freedom. Allowing them to join Youths Against Mistaken Society was a big one. Not their great-grandmother. She was horrible! She wanted them to be exactly a certain way! What was worst of all was that they might actually listen to her. What in the world was she going to do if that happened?! She was too alone. No one could help her. Nobody could do anything.

“You all right, miss?” The call of a man in an orange cap and shirt nearly made Yumi jump out of her skin. He was sitting at a picnic table in the rain. Two fishing rods and a basket were next to him. She took stock of her surroundings. There was a small brown building before her. By chance or instinct, she had wandered over to the restrooms after all.

“Yes, I’m fine,” she lied, her voice quavering. It was painful to lie about it, but she knew that no good could come from telling him about what happened. At best, he’d get shut down like Uncle Yoshi. At worst, he might even say she deserved it.

Aware he might question it anyway, Yumi ran into the women’s restroom. No sign of anyone else. Once she was sure by checking the stalls, she went into one, sat down heavily, and buried her face in her hands.

She gasped as she felt a warm and thick fluid. The teenager’s eyebrows raised and her retinas widened. Instinctively, she pressed in harder. No, it couldn’t be. She was afraid to retract them, but her trembling hand involuntarily withdrew into her line of sight. She was already hyperventilating, but the sight of the blood on her left hand nearly suffocated her. Yumi burst from the stall and ran to the mirror. She turned her head to the left.

A vicious cut was running down the side of her face, oozing a deep crimson. Her hand went to it aain in a desperate attempt to stop the flow. Her stomach turned, and again, she felt like she might fall over. The fear turned to dread as a chill came over her and her heart threatened to beat out of her chest. Did that fisherman see? Did her family see?! With a glance to the door, she rushed back into the stall and locked it.


Yumi was unsure how long she sat there crying. It was likely no more than ten minutes, but it felt like hours. She was left with festering thoughts of loathing and hatred. Yet it always came back to feeling tired, like someone had cut a hole into her body and soul, preventing her from resisting. She was powerless. And since it was great-grandma Rikina, it was unlikely anyone could or would do anything. All she could do was pray for it to be over tomorrow.

“Yumi, are you in there?!” came a frantic shout that dragged her out of her reverie. Yumi almost fell off the seat. It took her a couple seconds to register that it was her brother’s voice, speaking in plain English.

“I’ll be out a minute, Touya!” she eventually replied.

Yumi braced against the wall with her right hand as she stood. After taking a moment to let her legs wake up, she left the stall and went before the mirror again. The bleeding had stopped, though there was still the scab and a considerable red welt. She kept her hair short yet feminine. There was no way she could easily hide the wound behind it. The most she could do was bandage it up and claim it was an accident.

She got some soap into her palms, thoroughly scrubbed her bloodstained hands, and dried them with paper towels. She blew her nose some more, then repeated the cleaning process a second time to make sure she got all of it out. After washing her hands again as well as wiping her eyes for good measure, she grabbed a third paper towel to grab the handle to leave.

Touya was pacing restlessly a few meters out. He ran over to her before the door had closed.

“Show me your cheek,” he instantly asked without even looking.

Yumi began to turn her head to the right, only to stop herself. There was no use and no sense hiding it; he knew where she had been hit. With a sniff, she turned to the left.

Her twin’s hands balled into tight fists. He huffed heavily, gritting his teeth. “You were bleeding?! Is your arm okay?”

Yumi rolled her shoulders, elbows, and wrists in sequence. Then she wiggled her fingers. They ached, but nothing felt broken or fractured. “Yeah, I think so.”

Her brother nodded silently. He half turned away while stomping a foot. His shoulders rose with each heavy breath he took.

“You came to check on me?” she asked, looking around. No, it was just them and the fisherman. “Did anyone else…?”

He crossed his arms. “I said you’re my twin sister, and that it’s my responsibility to look out for you, even if you’re older.”

That was enough to calm her down. She felt her muscles relax. “What happened after I left?”

“Not much. She pulled dad aside to talk to him. I’m unsure about what.” He growled and shut his eyes as he looked upward. Touya tapped his foot. “This is why I’m getting the hell out. I just need to wait for the right moment.”

“Shit, really?!”

They both gasped. In sync, they spun to face the source, the fisherman on the bench. He was leaning over the table, shielding a cell phone from the rain as he stared into it. The man was only talking to himself.

“Touya!” she rasped, huddling closer. Enough was enough, they had to talk about that here and now. “You can’t just run away! Our parents are strict, but they aren’t that bad!”

She wanted to believe in them. She believed that pained shame she saw on their dad’s face, and that he wasn’t actually going to make them do what their great-grandmother demanded! They never complained about Sanae, or even about Youths Against Mistaken Society.

“Plus, you should know they’re going to blame and punish me if you leave!” she added after a few seconds of non-response. They would know that she knew and punish her for not doing or saying anything.

Touya nodded, but his expression remained steely. “Then come with us. Sanae already told me she wouldn’t mind.”

Go with them on their journey…? Yumi checked around. Still just them, no sign of anyone else in their family or their Pokemon.

She had never thought about that. It took only a few seconds of doing so to reach a conclusion. The idea of a journey didn’t sound unappealing, but there were too many problems and drawbacks. It all came out in an anguished burst. “I’m not ready for a journey! We’d have to prepare and pack, and that would make our parents suspicious. You have to too! Even if we do all that and make it out, what about when we get back?! We might not even have a home to go back to, worst case scenario! You have Sanae, but what if things don’t work out between you two?” She sobbed. “And what about me?!”

She already felt like enough of a third wheel. Even though they never did it on purpose, she still felt excluded. She had been with Touya ever since they were born. She knew that was going to end someday, when they both found paths and families of their own. But she didn’t want it to be now! And if they really were disowned, both of them could have nowhere to go!

Touya laid a hand on her shoulder. “Yumi,” he said, a sudden calm in his tone. “I’m done with our family. This cemented it. You’re going to need to decide for yourself eventually.”

Decide her future for herself. Her family was strict, but she would never call them bad. None of them were like their great-grandmother. Running away was too extreme, but she couldn’t find the words, let alone the energy to argue with Touya about it. Her plan was to ride it out until finishing high school, then go from there. Where that could be, she didn’t know yet.

Suddenly, the door to the men’s restroom opened. The twins immediately went on-guard, dropping it only when they saw it was a burly man wearing a blue cap and a matching jacket. As he lit a cigarette, the fisherman on the bench rose and approached him.

“Hey, Tully, you gotta come see this,” he said.

“Yeah, George?”

“Kannagi Shrine priestess is here, over by the boat rental shop.”

Yumi and Touya exchanged glances. Did he mean Prema Kannagi? What could bring her out all this way? They actually had a brief history with her, although a neutral one at worst compared to what Louis and Mariko eventually tried to get up to. In retrospect, it further justified their decision to leave YAMS.

Tully took a puff from his cancer stick. “Fuck, in this weather? Know why?”

“Brett said it had something to do with Qwilfish. Was too out of it to say more.”

The twins exchanged another knowing look with each other. The two didn’t share any sort of inexplicable connection with one another as some twins did, but there were still times when they thought the same thing and knew it. This incident had something to do with Pete Stephens.

Tully shrugged. “All right, let’s go.”

As the two fishermen left, Touya turned to her with a smirk. “Well, shall we follow them?”

Yumi quickly shook her head. “No, we better ask for permission so we don’t get in trouble.”

“It’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission,” Touya countered.

Yumi understood that and any other time, she’d agree with it! “But Touya,” she warned him. “If you do that, it might mess up your plans.”

Her brother frowned. “Fine,” he conceded quickly. “But I already know what that rotten old geriatric’s answer is going to be, even if our parents have no problem with it.”

Her hands flew to her mouth. “Touya! She’s family!” Even if she agreed that their great-grandmother wasn’t a good person, that was taking it way too far!

“Family or no, that’s no excuse for how she’s treating us.” Touya crossed his arms. “And I don’t want to take the chance she’ll get in mom and dad’s ears.”

Yumi could only shudder at the thought. It was not something she wanted to consider, but nor was it a point she could ignore.

Her twin glanced at the path. “If we’re heading back, we should do it now.”

Yumi frowned and stared at the ground as they started walking. It was like the weight of the world was upon her. Touya was right. But he was also wrong. What was she supposed to do about him? And for herself?
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Chapter 13: Deep Anguish
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
A mournful sigh escaped the mouth of Prema Kannagi as she stepped back from the waterfront. She had fulfilled her duties, as painful as they were. Tasks of this kind often were, but today was particularly awful. To her left, Shu floated solemnly. She turned to her right, facing a crimson-haired woman who was holding an umbrella for her.

“Maiden Kaede, I believe it is time we depart,” she said.

Kaede Minmei had been one of three who had accompanied her to Shiroisuna Beach. She was a trained ninja who often watched over her or her father from afar, but was no stranger to being out in the open. In a way, she said that was even more threatening to potential danger. A warning in plain sight. The woman gave a solemn nod as she adjusted her violet raincoat. “Yeah, let’s get outta here,” she mumbled. “Hopefully those two have cooled off by now.”

The trio began walking back to Maiden Kaede’s red sedan. As they did so, a pair of fishermen came hustling over to the docks. The duo paused in their tracks and observed them for three seconds before hurrying to meet their friend. Their conversation reached the ears of Prema.

“You talk to her, Brett?” asked one of men.

“A bit, yeah.”

“What’s Lady Kannagi here for?” the other inquired.

The fisherman known as Brett paused before giving his answer. “It was about the dead Qwilfish.”


Prema Kannagi was at a loss for words at the atrocity she had witnessed.

She was sitting in the passenger seat of Maiden Kaede’s car. She had returned Shu to his Poke Ball out of respect for the other occupants. Part of Prema’s duties as a diviner was to monitor and mediate incidents between humanity and Pokemon; her role was not just that of a religious leader. There had been reports of people abusing wild Qwilfish around the region. She had gone to investigate on behalf of the Kannagi Shrine, escorted by Maiden Kaede and two Acolytes. In addition to finding some washed ashore, that fisherman had recounted hooking the remains of one the other day. It had infuriated the Acolytes enough that they had to step away while Prema administered their last rites.

The future head priestess had known what to expect from her briefing, but to see it for herself horrified her in more ways than one. Her fists clenched lightly as she recalled the grisly sight. How could people do such terrible things to innocent Pokemon? Those Qwilfish had done nothing wrong, and it was inexcusable behavior besides. Prema was praying that the authorities found whoever was responsible and punished them to the fullest extent of the law.

A low warble grew from behind her grew into a frustrated wail. Acolyte Warren’s crimson eyes were alight. He adjusted his disheveled blond locks behind his ears. “As of today, my faith in humanity has dwindled a little more.”

Acolyte Yoshiro, a short and unassuming man with light brown hair and blue eyes, placed his hands together. “I apologize again for having to step away, Lady Kannagi. It made me want to puke.” His hands folded outward and covered his face. “I…might’ve actually done so. It just disgusted me that much.”

Prema nodded at him. It disgusted them all. Warren gave his fellow Acolyte a pat on the back. “Excuse me for a moment here,” he said, punching a meaty fist into his palm. “Who the FUCK in their right mind goes around fucking killing innocent Pokemon?”

“Agreed,” Maiden Kaede chimed in. “It’s not like they’re the ones who did anything.”

An uncomfortable silence drew over the four of them. There was an unfortunate implication in that statement. That was why Prema would never put it that way. She frowned at the redheaded woman.

“Uh, sorry,” the ninja woman apologized, rubbing the nape of her neck with one hand while keeping the other on the wheel. “Just slipped out.”

“No need to apologize over a fact,” Acolyte Warren growled. Prema gasped, but before she could say anything, Acolyte Yoshiro spoke up.

“Yeah, it’s that one Qwilfish with the Demon Tamer who did in the Krookodile Tracker.”

“Why the hell did the Officials let them go, anyway? What braindead reason did they have?”

“Who knows? But if anything, those people should be taking it out on the one that did him in.”

“Hell, they literally could. They’re right here in Veilstone!”

“Wouldn’t be surprised if it happens.”

“My kid said someone challenged him, and damn if they don’t deserve it.”

“Acolyte Yoshiro. Acolyte Warren.” Prema called their names with such intensity that she even startled herself. Prema turned back to look at them. The two men straightened immediately and snapped to attention. Her explanation was no less firm. “We should not be looking for who or what to blame. Nor should we be persecuting the one responsible for this accident. She does not deserve that, and furthermore, that is not what the Kannagi Shrine represents. We are in the position to make a difference, and we should be doing so by speaking out against the atrocity we witnessed today. Protecting Pokemon is one of our many duties.”

Maiden Kaede’s mouth fell into an O-shape. They were at a red light, so she was able to turn her head toward Prema and flash a grin and a raised thumb. Prema nodded in return. She continued to eyeball the men in the back seat for their response. One of them lowered his head.

“I…understand,” Acolyte Yoshiro replied, hanging his head low. “Pray, forgive me, Lady Kannagi.”

But Acolyte Warren met her gaze with a curled lip. “Naïveté,” he snorted, flying into an impassioned rant. “One thing is clear, that Qwilfish killed Pete Stephens. She could’ve swam away, she could’ve given him a sign to back away, but no. She attacked a human without so much as a warning! A human who was posing no threat! That much is fact! Who knows what else she’ll kill? Is stopping a killer not protecting other Pokemon? In fact?” He leaned in with a tooth-filled sneer. The man lowly said, “I bet you’re just blinded because of Nori Carino.”

Prema was so stunned at his discourteous words that she was left speechless. No one had spoken to her like this before, not even her religious rivals. She was uncertain how to react.

“H-hey!” The other man tried to grab at him.

“Acolyte Warren!” Kaede scolded, tightly gripping the wheel.

But he continued on. “It is my understanding that the Kannagi faith stands for the connection between humanity and Pokemon. Just as there are humans who do not respect the bond between our species, there are Pokemon who do not. And Pokemon know better. They can sense our intentions. Only a monster would attack someone like Pete Stephens. And only an idiot would try to help her! If you care about that Pokemon Rehabilitator, you should stop him before–”

With every sentence he spoke, her muscles clenched and her throat tightened further. She was tempted to cut him off. Maiden Kaede did before anyone else could. “Hold it,” she sternly spoke up. “You raise some reasonable points, Acolyte Warren. I actually agree with some of them myself. But you are acting out of line by making this personal.”

“Agreed,” Prema swiftly added, speaking as evenly as she could. “That is enough.”

Warren looked to the two of them. “Fine,” he conceded, leaning back. “But I’m not changing my mind about this. And you know damn well that Master Haruto thinks the same way.”

Prema only shook her head at him before sitting forward. If Acolyte Warren had not already spoiled his chances of advancement in the shrine, that last comment was the end of it as far as she was concerned.

Maiden Kaede leaned over as they came to another red light. She whispered, “Hate to say it, but he’s right about that.” Prema eyed her warily. On what points did she agree with Acolyte Warren? “I’m just going to say this objectively, but your friend’s in a bad spot right now. Not gonna be the last time, either. What if he has to rehabilitate something real nasty?”

Prema felt a shiver rush down her spine. That above all was what she dreaded the most. It was not a possibility but a near inevitability that there would come a time when one of Nori’s assignments would cause a rift between them. She was uncertain how or what, only that the time would come via statistical averages. When it did, she could only pray their friendship did not change. That is, if it survived this incident. She did not think her father would hold enough of a grudge to permanently forbid his presence at the shrine. On the other hand, there was a lot she was learning about her father that surprised her. Priestess Satomi had advised her to hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

“I understand that, Maiden Kaede,” Prema made clear. She would deal with those fears when and if they came to pass. “However, I feel that this particular Pokemon is not one to protest.” As far as she saw it, too many were judging the Pokemon before meeting her.

Kaede shrugged. “Your dad might think otherwise,” she mumbled.

Again, it was like taking a blow to the face. That was the most difficult part about this. There was a possibility her father would not want to see Nori any longer. And then what? Prema only had two true human friends: Nori Carino and Nariya Yaznik. Both were people she could trust and confide in, who would undoubtedly almost always be there for her. However, Nariya’s parents prevented them from associating after she got hurt trying to protect her from a phantom Pokemon. From the lack of response to Father reaching out to them, it appeared she might not ever see Nariya again. And if Father maintained his opinion…

Prema shook her head at herself. She was not about to stand around like a Slowpoke. Even disregarding Nori, Father’s opinion on Qwilfish was just as wrong as Acolytes Yoshiro and Warren. She knew it, Priestess Satomi knew it, and others surely did as well. Prema admitted she had a lot to learn about the workings of the Kannagi Shrine, yet she knew for certain that unjustly condemning a Pokemon was not what they stood for.

“We all settled down now?” Maiden Kaede asked.

“Yes,” Prema answered, which was echoed by Acolyte Yoshiro. Acolyte Warren foldsed his arms and looked out the window. He grumbled and nodded.

“All right. Let’s head back.”

A well of air rose up in her lungs. There was a report to deliver to Father about the excursion. That was the time to talk to him about her concerns.


Maiden Kaede parked her vehicle in a lot near the base of the shrine. After making the climb up the hill and returning to the grounds, Prema hardened her resolve. She greeted the individuals who were outside waiting to welcome her back, purified herself at the chōzu-ya, and after saying hello to Acolyte Jirou who was standing guard, stepped into the building. She went straight to see her father.

His office was formerly one of the soundproof studios in the old radio station. It was a place where the head of the shrine could do paperwork, hold private conversations, or just have time to himself. In the days since the passing of Pete Stephens, he had been spending most of his time locked in there. Though he was not closing himself off, he admitted that it was partially a matter of needing time to grieve and not wanting their followers to see him openly do so.

Prema knocked politely. A response came immediately from the other side. “Who is it?” The words were both sharp and terse.

“It is I, Father,” she replied, undaunted by his tone. “May I enter?”

He grunted. It took three seconds for him to confirm, “Yes, you may.”

Prema reached out, twisted the knob, and pulled it open. As she stepped inside, she felt her legs lock up as she caught sight of the man at the desk near the back of the room.

Had she not heard his voice and known that no one else was in the room, Prema would not have believed the man slumped there was her father. The Master of the shrine was in the violet jinbei he usually wore to bed instead of his robes. He was tightly gripping the handle of a white mug, arm shaking from the tension inside. He typically combed back his receding dark hair to give himself a professional appearance. Ungroomed as it was, it stuck out wildly like the hair of a wild Furfrou. It was his eyes that unsettled her the most. They were the same aqua color as hers, yet his were puffy and lifeless. The skin beneath each was swollen and red, likely from wiping them so much.

Quickly realizing that the door was still open, Prema whirled around. No one had come by to see this, nor had she heard anything. She swiftly gripped the door handle, shut it tight, and locked it behind her.

“Father, are you all right?” she asked while approaching the desk. She leaned over it slightly.

“For now,” came his reply as he gradually sat upright. He did not snivel, but Prema was certain he had been crying. This was hitting him far harder than she imagined.

No matter. She would stay the course, starting with the business she needed to attend to. “I am here to deliver my report.”

Haruto Kannagi gestured with his wrist as if to say, ‘Go on.’ It was something he often did, which was why Prema instantly noticed how listless it was.

For now, she went on as instructed. “The reports we heard about Qwilfish abuse were entirely true. We went to Shiroisuna Beach, where we found some washed ashore.” Her voice unintentionally raised in pitch and fervor as she explained. Prema took a moment to hold her chest and compose herself before continuing. “I spoke with a fisherman, who did not witness anything, but he recounted a story from a day ago of hooking the remains of one. Including that, there were five in total, and undoubtedly more unaccounted for.” Her own shoulders slumped. She shut her eyes and folded her hands, solemnly sighing. “All I was able to do was give them their last rites.”


Her arms and legs quivered and her pulse intensified. There was no way around it, this angered her. Prema stated what she felt went without saying, in a stern tone. “As I see it, we cannot allow this to continue. It would be for the best if we put out a statement condemning this behavior.”

Father nodded robotically. “Let’s just hope this is the last of it.”

That was all he said. It caused her to take pause and purse her lips. Usually, she would expect her father to say they would need to put out a statement on the matter. Even among those who were not exclusive practitioners of their faith, people respected their family as some of the first to make bonds with Legendary Pokemon. He did not directly deny her request, yet not accepting it outright may have just as well been that. Was he too out of it, or did he not wish to? Either way, it was not a good sign for his current state of mind.

She allowed a light exhale to escape her lips before she went on. “As for our prospects,” Prema began. Her father was looking away, off in his thoughts. Prema did not doubt he was listening, so she went on. “Acolyte Warren’s behavior was unacceptable. He feels as strongly about this situation as you, but his personal insults toward myself prove that he is not responsible or respectful enough for a higher position. He may not even be worthy of being an Acolyte.”

He nodded. “Okay.”

“I will leave the final decision in the hands of you and Maiden Kaede.” It was not her decision to make. It was clear enough by her words that were it the case, she would have removed him from his position already. If he did not respect her now, he would not when she was Master. “She did well, as did Acolyte Yoshiro, who also lashed out initially yet contained himself.”

“Fine.” Her father groaned a little. He leaned back in his seat, looked up, and let his arms dangle slack. He muttered something unintelligible before peering at her and asking, “Is that all?”

There was a part of Prema that wanted to leave him be. But she knew that leaving the situation as it stood was not acceptable. It was part of what she wanted to address anyway, and she was not about to back down from that.

“No, there is one other issue I wanted to speak to you about,” she said. The man at the desk made a long and slow blink. “Father, I believe we should make clear up matters regarding the Qwilfish–”

It was like a jolt of electricity shot through him. He had been slowly sinking into his chair during their conversation, and in a second he was sitting fully upright. “I do not want to talk about that,” he snapped, loud and powerful. “The only thing I know is that Pokemon took one of my best friends from me.” He scrunched up. “I cannot…” He trailed off.

Prema leveled with him, maintaining a neutral expression. “I am also speaking of the species in general. We cannot abide by what I saw today. And with all due respect, Father, I believe your friendship with Mr. Stephens is serving to cloud your judgment on the Qwilfish responsible.”

It was the obvious thing that needed to be said. He did not respond as expected. Instead, he tilted his head and curled his lip.

“You cannot say that you do not have a stake in this either, Prema,” were his cold words.

She froze up. It was one thing for Acolyte Warren to say it. It was another for Father to do so. That was a fact. Her friend had ended up involved through some cruel twist of fate. Prema did not want this to be the end of their friendship. But even if that was not the case, Father would still be in this state. No, her personal feelings meant nothing.

Strength returned to her limbs, more of it than ever. She stood tall and spoke on. “Nori has bearing, yet that does not matter. While it is true that I wish to maintain my friendship with him, this is more about preventing you from straying from the right path. In that sense, I would have a stake in this regardless.” Her father did not waver, aside from his eyes looking away very briefly. A point conceded. “From what little I was able to witness, this Qwilfish acted not out of malice but fear.”

Her father narrowed his gaze. “When did you?” he demanded. “How long did you see it for? Under what circumstances did you see them?”

It. That is what be called her for a moment before catching himself. He really thought that ill of her. The shrine normally used singular them when a Pokemon’s gender was unknown, reserving it informally for those without any biological anatomy.

Prema shook her head to dispel the shock. She spoke clearly and concisely. “The meeting took place on Friday in the trail behind the shrine. Nori wanted my opinion on her before the news broke. He had to swiftly recall her when she began to lash out at our Pokemon. I suspect it was out of panic due to not being in water. H–”

Her father interrupted. “Then at best, it was rendered inaccurate due to the circumstances. At worst, it is indicative that this Qwilfish will act this way under any scenario in which she feels fear. I’m sorry, but I cannot accept your judgment.”

But that was…! She could not even finish the thought! A dryness formed in her throat. “Father, I–”

He cut her off. “Moreover, there will still be those who say you are doing this for Nori Carino, regardless of what you say your motivations are. It will not be a good look for you or the shrine. I ask that you drop this subject moving forward.”

Prema could only nod and lower her head. It was not what she wanted to hear. A point she could not dispute and a request to not speak of it. Despite what Father wished, there would be no avoiding this. She folded her hands. There was no choice but to respect his request. “Then I will only say one more thing.”

His face contorted at once. “I said…!” he snapped and raised a hand as if to slam it on his desk. Then his eyes widened and he locked up. He shook his head, more at himself than anything. “No,” he rasped, lowering his head. “I apologize. Not now. It can be difficult to separate opinion from fact when the matter is personal.”

Prema hummed quietly. Some, but not all the weight lifted from her. Father was not too out of it. The thing was not about Qwilfish, but she did not want to test her luck. Instead, she patiently waited for him.

Haruto Kannagi sighed heavily, wiping his brow with a handkerchief he retrieved from within his desk. “I can only pray our followers can understand how I feel.”

It was a difficult emotion that Prema herself was all too aware of. The public expected so much of her own behavior. It was only natural that Father would have it much worse. He was better at conducting himself to where it was second nature. Yet everyone had their limits. There were often times when Father or Priestess Satomi would have to comfort and ease her own concerns. Now it appeared that it was her turn to do the same. But what could she do?

One thing came to mind. It was strange on paper, yet she could not deny its effectiveness on her. They would speak the first part of one of their faith’s sayings. It helped her, so would it help Father? She took a deep breath and said the first relevant quote that came to mind.

“The Great Mesprit has given us both positive and negative emotions.” She looked, no. Rather, her eyes locked upon her father, pleading with him to finish the rest, or at least respond.

Her father did, non-verbally at first. He pushed himself upright and stared at her with raised eyebrows. He let out a weak and high-pitched cackle. “In the end, the good must be taken with the bad,” he resumed near the end. “That is what gives us life.”

Prema smiled at him, feeling a sudden lightness. At least he was not so lost that he did not understand. Adversity bred a drive to overcome and improve oneself. This was an ordeal to surpass. She could only pray to the gods that Father could come out of it stronger than before.

Although he slumped into his seat, there was a faint beam on his lips and proud glint in his eyes. “You may go,” he said, gesturing to the door.

It was like having a heavy bag strapped to her shoulders. He still wanted to avoid talking about the real problem at hand. It was true that sometimes one could never get over grief. But…

Prema exhaled shakily. She would respect his wishes. Furthermore, she did not wish to risk pushing further and undoing what she had accomplished. She hung her head low and started to drag out of the room. As she was reaching for the door handle, her father called out to her.


She shifted to face him. “Yes, Father?”

He gave a subtle nod of approval. “Thank you for this chat,” he said with sincerity.

Prema sniveled a little, but kept her tears to herself. “You are welcome.” She bowed respectfully before leaving.

As soon as she was out the door and was certain no one was in the hallway, she let it out. She slumped so much she ended up sitting down with her head lowered. How could one feel so accomplished and yet so useless? That she got through even a little was something, yet how much was it really? Seeing Father like this felt was like she herself was being pierced by a Qwilfish’s needles. It hurt that bad.

Prema stewed for what felt like an hour, reflecting on the situation. What could she have done differently? How could she move forward from this? How could the shrine move forward?

“Aw, why the long face, Lady Kannagi?”

Prema looked up to see an elderly woman in casual attire: a black leather jacket with a Raitora on the back and black leather pants to go with it. The tips of her hair were soaked; she was likely riding her motorcycle in the rain.

She quickly stood. “Priestess Satomi!” she said, bowing lightly. “Forgive my unseemly behavior. I simply needed a moment to myself.”

“No worries, it’s been rough for us all.” Satomi was her closest confidante, not factoring in her two friends. Her advice was always sage. However, Satomi was not going to be with her when the time came for Prema to become Master. “So, how’d it go at the beach?”

“The reports were true,” Prema said simply.

Satomi did not waver. “Thought they might’ve been,” she lamented.

“I just finished speaking with Father about it. I also…” The future head of the shrine paused. “…wanted to talk to him about how he has been feeling.”

Satomi’s eyes widened and lit up. “You spoke up to him?” she asked, leaning in slightly.

It was a gesture of marvel, yet Prema could not help but falter beneath her gaze. She turned away and lowered her head.

Her mentor’s hand clasped around her shoulder. “Didn’t go well?”

“He did not want to speak on the issue,” she spoke quietly. They were just a few steps outside his door. His office was a soundproofed room, but there was no telling if he was overhearing them through the door. “He thanked me for talking with him, but cut me off at a point.”

It was not like Father to behave that way. Even Priestess Satomi blinked when she mentioned that part. She mumbled something under her breath, but motioned for Prema to continue speaking.

“It is especially disconcerting because there are others who share his sentiment, including in the shrine itself. Acolyte Warren is one, and went as far as insulting me over it. We should be taking a firm stance against what is happening. It is not right to cast blame in this fashion, particularly onto a Pokemon that does not deserve it.” She was before then the only one who was privy to her meeting with Nori. Unlike Father, Priestess Satomi took her word.

“It be that way sometimes.” Priestess Satomi threw up her arms with irreverence. “But don’t worry, I’m sure you helped Master Haruto a bit. Just going to take a lot more than just one pep talk to get him out of the dumps!”

Her stomach churned. She groaned lightly. What would it take then to bring Father out of this? And what about those Pokemon that had lost their lives?

“How did your little adventure go?”

Prema stared up at her. “It was horrible. We must do something before more Qwilfish get hurt. But Father did not want to address that, either.”

Satomi shook her head and moved towards the door. Her furrowed brow and lowered gaze said more than any words could. “Well, sorry to cut this short. I have a report of my own to deliver to the Master. Just get some rest for now, Lady Kannagi. I’ll talk to you more after if you need to.”

Whatever it was, it was evident that there was nothing more she could do for now. “Yes, that would be advisable. If I may ask, what did you go out today for?”

“It concerns the source of all our troubles lately! I’ll let you know the details after.” She stood tall and knocked with the end of her fist. “Master Haruto, I’m back from my little tête-à-tête!”

Prema left the elderly woman to her duties. It sounded like she had gone and met with Nori. It was sensible. Someone had to tell him he was currently not welcome on the grounds of the shrine. Her stomach was still churning about that. Yet it sounded like there was more to it than just passing a message along. Prema was not going to dwell too hard. She would find out in time.
Chapter 14: Mixed Bonds
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
Nori was in his friend Rashid’s trailer early Sunday morning. It was furnished with little doodads and ornaments from the Middle East. It was a base strategy to temporarily escape from people who would probably be looking for him, but it was working thus far. At the very least, it didn’t hurt to be here, and he needed to anyway.

“Norcar!” his friend called to him not a minute after he sat down. It was just the two of them inside. Nori sat in the middle whereas Rashid was rummaging through the bed cabinets over the front seats. “There are no parents. Would you like to see the latest Cynthia–”

“No,” he firmly interrupted, moving his face closer to his laptop to avoid having seeing them at all. He didn’t care for those creepy nude magazines, especially ones with the most disgustingly promiscuous Champion in all of human history. Especially someone related to someone he hated even more!

His friend harrumphed and turned up his nose. “Why you always say no?” he fussed. “Are you a gay?”

Nori felt his throat clench for a brief second. “I just don’t like those magazines.” He liked girls. But he wasn’t sure how Rashid would respond to the fact that at least a few guys had hit on him. And that at least once, he didn’t hate the idea. Weren’t Rashid’s people sometimes strict or even prejudiced about that stuff? Also, gay marriage wasn’t even legal in Japan.

“Ah, so you would rather see the real thing!” Rashid assumed. It was true enough that Nori nodded a little at it. “Any luck with the girls?”

“None lasting or worth it.” He was selective about who he’d date at this point. It was one thing he learned from Claris Willins, a former child actress. Who…he could’ve dated, if he hadn’t screwed things up, but this was not the time and place to angst about that. “I haven’t thought about it myself.”

Rashid chuckled as he climbed down from his bed. “Man does not find love, love finds man!” Nori had to roll his eyes at that point. His friend was obviously just quoting things he’d heard on a TV show or something. “But I will be your wingman if you need a woman!”

“Already got one,” he replied with total honesty. “A wingman, that is.”

Rashid stood there for a few seconds with his eyes wide open. “Really?” He recoiled back vaguely. “Who?”

“Talking to her now.” Which made her a wingwoman, but still.


Well, it made sense. Who would know girls better than a girl? He was Arumi’s wingman for the same reason. Though it was more of a standing offer on her part, and he hadn’t had to help her with her love life in months.

Rashid flailed his arms. “Hold on, why–”

The Pokemon Rehabilitator raised a finger. “In a second. I’m reading this.”

She had replied to his email. His heart had fluttered in anticipation before he clicked in. “Hey, Nor! Hope everything’s been going well besides! I am so MAD at auntie about this! I saw the article, it was sensationalist garbage! SMH. >_< If I had more pull than her in the family you can bet I’d be calling her out! I defended you on my blog and Tweeter right after the report came out! Got a lot of likes! :D”

A small warmth rose in Nori’s chest as he saw what she had written. He could always count on his best friend to have his back without even having to ask. If she was ever in a situation like that, he’d do the same for her quicker than a Ninjask! He continued reading with a wide beam.

“Because of what auntie did, you may wanna get ready to respond to folks about it. You should know how to handle publicity stuff! :) Walk away and let your actions speak if you have to! Just don’t get mad and lash out like you sometimes do!

“I’ve been doing fine. School’s been getting busy. Club’s been kinda dull without you around. Headline of our most recent paper was on Pete Stephens, and I bet yours was too~ ;) Guess you got a conflict of interest on it on the new development now though, huh? lol

“Anyways, that’s it. Hope things go well! Good luck! ^^ Arumi signing off!”

Nori chuckled over that one part. Walking away sometimes went without saying, he learned that lesson in Sunyshore. He was trying to get better about his temper. It was going well, but some people still tested his patience. He got to typing up his reply.

“Thanks man. Appreciate the advice. I already had to respond to one jerk who wouldn’t let me walk away, she wants to battle Qwilfish over it. Not sure if I will or not. Already had to handle the public a little after she confronted me, just said they’d see my results in time. I’ve met with Qwilfish a couple times now. It hasn’t gone well both times but I don’t think she’s bad. I’ll keep you updated on what happens. Hopefully things stay good.

“We did write about Pete Stephens! Two of our members really like him, though. One of them, Terrance Lee, he really came out of his shell for it. I’m kinda worried what they’ll think. Haven’t talked to any of them yet, so first I’ll find out is tomorrow. And yeah, probably going to do the same as I did with Pawniard, not involving myself in the next edition. Mom’s mad at the Officials. To be honest, I think I’d rather things be dull right now. No news is good news, right? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens for both of us.”

After looking it over and fixing his typos, he added one more thing. “Until next time! Nori over and out!” He hit send and leaned back into the seat. There was little time to relax, however, as the pacing Rashid spoke up right after.

“Done?” Rashid was tapping a finger on the wall.

“Yeah.” Volkner had replied to his email as well, but that could wait for a minute.

Rashid cleared his throat. He stood tall and crossed his arms. “Now the question. If you have a girl as a friend, why not her as a girlfriend?!”

He almost looked right back down at his laptop over that. “Guys and girls can just be friends.”

“And they can become more later!”

True enough. Nori would prefer it that way himself, to know someone for a while before making a decision on taking things further. Still, the way Rashid put it made him unable to contain himself. “This is why you haven’t found a girlfriend yet, Rashid,” he bluntly told the older teenager. “Friends to lovers doesn’t always happen.”

Sometimes unfortunately, like if the sides are too nervous to take the first step, like Reiko and Terrance at this rate. Or if you screw things up too badly, like he did with Claris.

“I have had some!” Rashid boasted. “But hanging onto them is the tough part. It takes work!”

Nori blinked. Maybe he underestimated Rashid a little. Now he just had to put that into practice, and hope none of them found those Cynthia magazines of his or didn’t care he had them. The boy smiled and nodded before going back to his email.

With this, he clicked into Volkner’s reply. “Hey,” was how it opened. Volkner usually opened conversations that way. In fact, being around him so often made Nori pick that up as a habit.

“Things are fine. And I heard. Seems off. But no problem.

There’s no one solution for training aquatic Pokemon out of water. It varies by species. It starts with getting them used to being out it. Weaning helps. That’s easy. Need to keep some moisturized. Teaching them how to function is the hard part. Keep them hydrated. Most fishes learn to move with their fins. Don’t know how a Qwilfish would. It’s probably tough. Warutsu might know specifics since he’s trained an Overqwil. Ask your Kannagi friend if you can get in contact. Know you can do this.”

It was good to get a vote of confidence. Nori was forming the reply in his head as he read it, and wasted no time writing it. It was quick and simple.

“Thanks, Volkner. I’ll ask Prema when I can, hopefully he’ll be willing. Some jerk at my school wants to fight me and Qwilfish, don’t know if I’ll bother. But what do you mean it seems off, though? Just wondering.

“Expected you’d say that when I asked how things are going. But no news is good news, right? Thanks again, I’ll keep you posted.”

He clicked send, then stood up and stretched. Now all he had to do was wait for the replies.

“Finished completely?” asked Rashid. “Want to hang for a bit?”

“Pretty much.” He was tempted to wait just in case they answered quickly or just hunker down all day. If only that were possible. “Even if I wanted to stay, it’s Sunday, so I can’t.” Besides, he preferred being productive rather than hiding out.

“Ah, yes, the outdoor meeting with the senior man.” Rashid looked out the window. He pursed his lips as he turned back. “Oh, but the weather is not good!”

“It really isn’t.” Not that he minded the rain. He loved it, in fact. “He’s just too stubborn to change the time and place.”

“Is that maybe why he got demoted?”

“Could be.” According to the woman who taught him Officials’ stuff (before she quit), they reserved this sort of thing for lower-ranked agents. Studd had to be good enough to become an official in the first place. Maybe this really was a test to see if he was responsible enough? If it was though, Nori couldn’t imagine Studd was doing well.

“Leaving now, Norcar?” Rashid held out a fist.

Nori passively bumped it. “Yeah, once I get my raincoat from home. Maybe wearing it will fool people, so they don’t bug me.” He went to put his laptop in the backpack.

“You are welcome anytime, my man!” The older teenager grinned. “Folks are fine with it.”

Rashid didn’t have much of an opinion on the matter, and it was good to know that his mom and dad felt the same. “Thanks,” he replied. Better late than never, he added, “And don’t tell anyone where I’m headed this time.”

Rashid blinked. “But everyone knows where you are headed on Sunday?”

Nori winced at himself. Yeah, that was true. Way too true. That was why they needed to change the time and place! But that was besides the point! “I mean, that girl from yesterday wasn’t my friend. Don’t tell anyone who isn’t if I’m going somewhere different.”

“The big tittied girl?” Nori had to stop himself from grumbling too loudly. Emi got to him exactly the way he thought and expected, and it still bothered him. “I will remember that for next time.”

“Please.” Emi was going to find him at school anyway, but he didn’t need her interrupting him on Saturday. “There’s few I can trust right now, and I don’t want to have to not trust you.”

“So if someone comes asking, who should I be telling?”

“Right now?” He tapped his chin. There were really only three or four, come to think of it. “Ma, Yumi, and Prema or Priestess Satomi if either stops by.” It was doubtful anyone else he would want to hear from would come to the trailer park looking for him. And in Maylene’s case, he didn’t want to drag her into this mess.

“Understood!” Rashid flashed a thumbs up. “See you later, Norcar.”

“Later, Rashid.” Nori put his backpack on. After peeking outside the windows to make sure there was no one waiting for him, he opened the door and hurried into his own trailer.


Reiko Azama and Terrance Lee had known each other since they were little. They were neighbors living in the same apartment complex several blocks to the west of their school. They were moderately luxurious suites with only slightly less space than one would find in the average Japanese household. Visiting was as easy as stepping outside and going to the next house over. They could also talk through the two-meter-tall fences in their backyards.

The only reason they had not spoken sooner was because she needed to work on a History report on Saturday, and that was the day his family always went to eat at a restaurant. But with those things out of the way, Reiko wasn’t going to dilly-dally any longer.

She put on her boots and a black hooded coat. She stepped outside, marched the four meters to her friend’s front door, and pounded on it.

After about twenty seconds, there was an answer. A man with thin balding hair and round-framed glasses answered the door. His narrow eyes were as gray as his hair. He wore a long-sleeved sweater shirt that was a grayish blue and darker (near black) jeans, and equally monochromatic socks and slippers. Was gray a theme with him? Not that she cared about fashion or anything.

“Hey, is Terrance there?” she asked, getting straight to the point. “Need to talk to him about something.”

“Of course.” Her friend’s dad motioned. “Well, take your shoes off and come in. He’s in the dining area.”

The Lee household was furnished very plainly. Reiko’s green eyes drew to one of the picture frames. In the lower right corner of it was a photo of Terrance and her as babies. They were playing with toy Poke Balls and stuffed dolls, pretending to be trainers. She always dreamed of going on a journey with him some day, but her parents’ strictness and his health issues prevented that from happening. Maybe someday.

The living room was a somewhat cramped space. Most of the area was taken up by the seats, plants, or the foldable white sofa. A tea table was right in the middle. The television was around two meters long and rested on a cabinet stuffed with DVDs, Blu-rays, and a few video games. It was right in front of the window, blocking some natural light from filtering through. Terrance himself was sprawled on the sofa gazing at his laptop, which was placed on a wooden footstool level with the couch. From the beeps and chimes coming from the speaker, he was watching a streamer playing one of the old Pokemon video games.

Reiko waved her arm over her head to get Terrance’s attention. “Yo,” she called out verbally.

Terrance let out an “Ah!” He not only jumped a little, but he clutched at himself in reflexive defense. He leaned up slightly at first, sitting up all the way when he saw it was her. His voice was a little shaky as he asked, “Uh, hey. What’s up?”

Reiko smiled and gave him a quiet nod of reassurance. “Came to see you.” She turned her gaze to the laptop. “Doing anything?”

Terrance glanced at the screen. “Just watching this guy play Green. Pokemon Green!” he stated before turning back to her. “It’s really just on the side…”

“All right.” That was enough of an answer for her. He wasn’t really busy. She moved to sit on a low-standing wooden chair backed and bottomed with white cushions. However, her friend scooted over and moved the laptop to make room on the sofa. After a moment of hesitation – nervousness actually, though she would refuse to admit that – she took him up on the offer and plopped down to his left.

There was no point in beating around the bush with any more niceties than necessary. Reiko delved straight into what she wanted to say. “So you probably heard about what’s new with Carino.”

Terrance bristled at the mention of their club leader. “Yeah,” he let a sigh escape him at the same time he spoke this word. “It even got brought it up in the chatroom.”

That was little surprise. Nori Carino was something of a celebrity. How could he not be after what he did in Sunyshore? People knew who he was. Some were even jealous that they knew him. Reiko always appreciated that Carino never acted high and mighty like a lot of famous people. He could be stubborn and headstrong, sure, and even made some dumb, irresponsible decisions. In that sense, the two of them were actually a bit alike.

But he’d crossed a line. She had been holding in her frustrations since late Friday. Now that she was with Terrance, she was finally able to let it all out to a listening ear. And she had no doubt he wanted to talk about it as well. “I can’t believe him!” she snapped, only stopping herself from screaming entirely because of Terrance’s other neighbor. “What the HELL was he thinking?! He’s rehabilitating the goddamn Qwilfish that killed Pete Stephens! He should’ve known better than to go through with this!”

“R-Reiko, calm down!” Terrance suddenly cut in. His head jerked towards the hall, eyeing it warily as if a Houndoom might come stomping out of it. It would be his parents, but they were usually understanding. Her friend sighed after several moments before he turned back, throwing his hands together in a plea. “Relax. It’s nothing…”

“It is not nothing,” she firmly replied. Terrance shrank back a little at her words and tone. Was she being too intense again? She leaned back against the couch and spoke more gently, “I know you, Terrance. You’re uncomfortable about this just like I am.”

“It’s not…a big…” he began to speak, only to trail off. He turned away, although Reiko could still see his eyes, and there was a look of absolute dejection in them. It was exactly how she thought. “No, y-you’re right,” he rasped. “I just don’t know what to think. This isn’t like the Blackout Killer’s Pawniard.”

Reiko nodded. “Yeah, exactly.”

Rehabilitating a Pokemon they had written a news article about the first time was a coincidence. Even she had to laugh about it in retrospect. But it wasn’t like that Pawniard had affected them. Now he was doing it a second time, with something that had struck close to the heart.

“Is he doing this to get attention?” she asked. It was rhetorical. Twice was suspicious. Terrance didn’t have an answer, so she added, “Plus, I read on Trainer Report last night that he had a battle with Emi Pikaru over it. So he’s committed to the thing.”

“Maybe she provoked him.” Terrance pressed his fingers together while continuing to avoid eye contact.

Reiko thought about it. “Could be that too, yeah,” she conceded. From knowing Carino, it could’ve been over something other than the Qwilfish. It was definitely that from her end, however. “But either way.”

Terrance now turned to her. He gripped his legs tightly. “Have you spoken with any of the others?”

She gestured in the negative. “No, and I think I’m going to wait until Monday for it.” Terrance was the only person in the club she was close enough with to call a friend, anyway. Whenever she spoke with the others, it was for club business.

“I wonder what Mitsu thinks?” Terrance said, gazing vacantly at the floor.

“Probably pissed. You saw how he ranted about that Qwilfish on Friday.” Chisaka was always aloof and off in his own world like ninety percent of the time. But he felt strongly about Pete Stephens; he put almost as much passion into their article as Terrance did. “We’ll see how much and what he does.”

“As mad as you?” Terrance chuckled, albeit nervously.

That would be a sight. “Well, I’m also mad at the Officials for throwing this at Carino. That Qwilfish needs help, sure, but why with him? And I’m mad at him too. Why the hell did he accept?” The first thing she wanted to do at the club on Monday was to give Carino a piece of her mind.

“Could…ask?” he squeaked out?

She crossed her arms. “That was rhetorical.”


“He had the choice not to. It was as simple as saying no. Like I said, he should’ve known better. It would’ve saved us a lot of grief and drama.” Takao was likely going to take his side, as always. Between the rest of them, that was going to divide the club.

A hush fell over them. Terrance looked up, and asked her a question she wasn’t expecting. “Did you like Pete Stephens too?” There was caution and wonder in his tone.

Reiko blinked. “A bit, but it’s more about you guys.” This was about standing up. Terrance certainly wouldn’t, and it was a coin toss whether anyone else would. But they couldn’t just let this go and let the issues boil like a Croagunk in the sun. “He should’ve known it’d upset you and Chisaka!”

“I’m not that upset, it’s just…” Terrance’s words choked away. He sniffed and wiped an eye. “It does bother me, I guess. I don’t know how I should feel about him, though. He’s our friend, but…”

He was finally being honest with himself. “Yeah, I get that.” The question was how much of a friend or even acquaintance was Carino? One thing was for sure. “Monday’s gonna be interesting.”

“I know.”

She looked at him, this time, with serious determination. “Want me to say anything to him for you?”

“Not much.” His eyes widened and he waved his hands frantically. “Don’t do too much, I mean!” he clarified.

Reiko closed her eyes. Her temper could get the better of her sometimes. In the heat of the moment, anything was possible. But if he was asking, she would make the attempt. “I’ll try.”

She knew in her heart that it was a promise she wasn’t going to be able to keep. Whenever she thought about the situation, her head burned, her chest tightened, her fists clenched, and her brow burrowed. It would be nothing short of a miracle if she was able to restrain herself.

Terrance reached out and grabbed the footstool his laptop was atop and moved it to be between them. “Want to take your mind off it?” he asked, with that dorky smile she loved so much. His brown eyes flicked invitingly to the game being played on the screen.

Reiko found her chest tightening again, but for a different reason. “Yeah,” she sharply agreed, hoping her face wouldn’t betray her. She turned away for a few seconds just in case.
Chapter 15: Dichotomic Updates
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
Nori was expected to check in with Agent Studd every Sunday to report his progress on the Pokemon he was actively rehabilitating. This was regardless of when he got the Pokemon or if something happened necessitating a meeting before that. The only exception, as far as he knew, was being on vacation. Though the boy had called anyway during his own for unrelated reasons.

Despite the problem last time, Mr. Martins still insisted on holding the meeting in-person near the school. He said it was a one-time thing and that it would not happen again, rain or shine. This was proven wrong before Nori even said hello. As he entered the park, he spotted an elderly woman with gray hair tied into a high ponytail, wearing goggles and a biker jacket with a stylized Raitora, sitting on a bench near the swings. She held a parasol with a red tortoiseshell pattern, and wore black leather pants. There was also a portable toilet newly installed at the entrance. Unoccupied. He opened it up just to be sure there was no one less savory hiding within, but it was as empty as it claimed.

Agent Studd was seated at one of the picnic tables, looking at his phone while trying to shield it from the rain. It was so old that some random kid had actually made fun of it a few weeks ago. You had to flip it open and everything.

The boy walked up and greeted the man. “Heya.”

“Not now! I have no time to be wasted on you!” Agent Studd poo-pooed with a flap of his free hand. “I am awaiting Mr. Carino to arrive. You know, the Demon Tamer!”

Nori coughed to stifle his laughter. No one had recognized his green coat, and those who noticed didn’t say anything, but he wasn’t expecting it to fool a trained officer with the International Police. Guess he was wrong. He sat across from the agent and tilted his hat up. “I’m here~” he announced cheerfully like he was making roll call.

“Gah!!” The man sputtered as he nearly dropped his phone. In fact, the only thing that kept it from hitting the table was his frantic attempt to hold onto it which resembled juggling. The device ultimately fell into his lap, where he slammed both hands down. His head jerked up, eyes wide. “What is with the attire, sir?”

“It’s a raincoat. I’m wearing it because it’s raining.” Wasn’t that obvious? He shrugged and tilted the hat back. “It’s also a disguise I guess.”

“But it isn’t a disguise! You are here now and are seen with me, yes?”

“I know that.” He was a little surprised Agent Studd pointed that out. “That’s why I still think we should find another place to meet up,” he reiterated. He knew what the man’s response was going to be and what he was going to say in response to that. “Too many people know about this place.”

“You worrier. There is nothing to worry for,” he dismissed it as expected.

“There’s one right over there!” he loudly retorted with a point for the woman in question to hear and see. He turned and waved wildly at Priestess Satomi Kurusu, calling her out directly. “Hi, Mrs. Kurusu!”

“Ohoho! No fooling you, huh?” The woman rose and came down the path. She was incidentally dressed for the rain thanks to her jacket. “Granted, I was going to speak with you after. But hello now!”

It would make sense that she was here for a reason. Before he could ask why, Agent Studd butted in and flashed his badge. “This is Official business, ma’am! You cannot disrupt it! You must leave!”

She smirked, put her goggles on her forehead, and crossed her arms. “So what, gonna ask everyone in the park to leave so you can have your meeting? They might disrupt this too.”

“No, but you…are…in the way!” Agent Studd tried to snap his fingers, but failed to make any sound. “Yes! That’s it!”

The boy sighed. Even though he was not the one doing it this time, he felt awkward by association. “Mr. Martins, please.”

“Call me by my codename!” the man snapped.

“Codename?” the elderly woman inquired, glancing at the scruffy senior official.

“He calls himself Studd,” Nori explained.

“Because I am one!” Agent Studd thrust out his hips.

The elderly woman snorted. She tossed her head and smirked at him. “Well, I’m sure someone out there sees you as one,” she said with a vindictive edge that Nori wasn’t expecting from her. The boy actually recoiled a little. His hand flew to his mouth to contain a snort.

But Agent Studd physically reacted as if he’d gotten slapped again. “That’s what Lady Kannagi said…” the man groaned. He nearly collapsed onto the table.

That made the priestess tilt her head towards Nori and arch an eyebrow at him. Taken alone, it sounded like Prema had said something uncharacteristic or even improper. He cleared up any confusion about it. “She put it far nicer than you, of course.”

“Of course,” she repeated, taking a seat at the other table. “Anyway, don’t mind me. Word of this would’ve reached me one way or another eventually.”

“Right,” he said. If it wasn’t from a different eavesdropper spreading the news, it would’ve been when he spoke to Prema or even Satomi herself. The boy turned back to Agent Studd, who was still sulking. “Anyway, stuff to report.”

The scruffy man pushed himself up. He retrieved a notepad and pencil from his brown overcoat. The man hunched over the table, positioning the paper beneath him so it didn’t get wet. “Go ahead, sir.”

“I haven’t made too much progress on Pawniard this week. I’ve been busy with the news club and Qwilfish. He’s kind of a jerk to my other Pokemon, and can still be a little unruly at times.” He wasn’t sure how to put where things stood with his first assignment. Pawniard wasn’t rehabilitated yet, but he wasn’t a deadly threat anymore. “That said, he hasn’t made any negative progress,” he added after several seconds.

The man took eight seconds to finish up his notes. “Understood, keep at it.” He turned the page. “And Qwilfish?”

He looked over at Mrs. Kurusu. “Well, our first meeting didn’t go so well. Just as I thought, she isn’t used to being out of water. She panicked and ended up poisoning my friend’s Pokemon by accident. She was out for maybe fifteen seconds.”

Nori watched Agent Studd for a reaction, but there was none. The elderly priestess likewise didn’t react; she probably already heard the story, in fact. So he continued.

“Our second meeting, I had her in a bathtub. I was able to talk for a bit, or rather, have my Pokemon talk. I think she was asking questions, but Pachi didn’t understand. She again panicked and attacked. Pachi knocked her out.” He pressed a finger to his lips. “I should…probably talk to her again soon. I haven’t since that incident.”

“There’s a creek nearby,” Satomi chimed in.

“Not a bad idea to use it, then!” he concurred. “And the rain might help too, I think. It’d sort of like being in water.” And Volkner said she needed to keep moisturized.

“Oh, it will!” she confirmed. “Keeps her nice and wet.”

He smiled and nodded. “Thanks for pointing the place out.”

“You’re quite welcome!”

“So is that it?” Agent Studd said as he finished with his notes.

He was about to say yes, when he remembered. “One more thing. Someone at my school wants to battle Qwilfish. She would’ve right then on Saturday actually, but that was right after the second meeting.”

“Well, you do have the legal agreement, don’t you, sir?” Agent Studd replied. “There is not a problem if it is signed.”

“I know.” That was a tool in Nori’s arsenal to allow for battling trainers with his assignments. By signing it, his opponents agreed not to hold him or the Officials accountable for injuries incurred in a battle against him. It existed because battling was something certain Pokemon couldn’t go without doing. He was at the point where he didn’t feel it always necessary for Pawniard. “I thought I’d warn you in advance this time if it ends up happening. I don’t know if I want to bother with her or not. I’m leaning no.”

There was a good reason he wasn’t really feeling it. This was about helping Qwilfish. There were way better ways of doing that than trying to bond in a battle. Sure, it worked before, but he felt that it wasn’t going to help this time. Plus, it wasn’t like you always had to accept a challenge.

“The warning is fair! You know the rules of what happens!” the man said. He did, keep her in line and don’t let her kill again. “Now, is that really it?”

“Yeah, that’s it. The rest has just been a bit of research. Less than I wanted to.” The thought of going back to Daikatsu had crossed his mind, but he felt he could just use the school computers.

“Very well.” Agent Studd pocketed the notepad and paper, then snapped his fingers. “Just one extra thing from me, then!”


The man leaned over the table with pleading eyes. “If you are having her out again here, can I come see?” He snapped back and bowed his head. “Er, please, sir?”

Nori turned his head to the left, where Priestess Satomi still sat. It was convenient that she had decided to show up, since he wanted to speak with her as much as she did with him. He still wondered what it was about, but that could come later. “Yeah, I don’t see why not. I’m assuming you came by since you were interested too, Mrs. Kurusu?”

She chuckled guiltily. It was safe to assume that she would’ve just watched from a distance if he hadn’t called her out. “I was just about to ask. But that’s just part of why I’m here.”

“So it is settled!” Agent Studd got up, grabbed his bag, and started to march over to the creek. “Come, the meeting awaits!”

Nori wanted to ask about her other reasons. The two exchanged a glance and shrugged at each other. She could tell him after this.

Between the park and the school was a wooden footbridge that passed over a small creek. It was about ten and a half meters long and three meters wide. Concrete built into the hills served as structural support on either end. The boardwalk had railings which were taller than Nori. It wasn’t a long drop down by any means, but it was far enough that he felt it would be better to do it at ground level.

Nori crossed to the school side and slowly sidestepped down while gripping the railings for support. The creek itself was nothing that bothered him. He was worried if it would be enough for Qwilfish. It was only a few centimeters deep, a stream of water flowing over and through stones and dirt. Plants sat on both sides, shrubs and trees alike.

The boy heard a startled yelp from above. He quickly glanced up to see Satomi grabbing Agent Studd by the arm and pulling him back to the center of the bridge. “No need for you to go down there,” she scolded like a mom to her kid.

The man pouted like a kid might, in fact. It was enough to make the priestess sigh and press a hand to her forehead. “Will you be okay, sir?!” the agent hollered.

“Yes,” he assured them before heading down the rest of the way.

It was not too difficult to find a relatively dry spot that gave good footing. It was only a meter and a half out from a deep enough spot. After checking to see if Satomi and Studd would be able to see, he took out Qwilfish’s ball and sent her out.

The pufferfish seemed to scream. It was a loud hissing sound, like air escaping a tire. With a flinch, she shut her eyes, used Harden, and turned away from him.

With eyes watching him, Nori stepped up. “Calm down!” he shouted, before correcting himself. “Try to relax! Pachi isn’t here, I’m sorry for what he did!”

Qwilfish thrashed in the little water that was present below her. Nori knew at least there was no chance of her launching barbs as long as she didn’t inflate. He kept her capsule in hand just in case. She stayed at her normal size, which was good, right? The young official decided to remain silent, hoping that would help. For a few seconds, there were only the sounds of splashing and rain hitting the trees.


Qwilfish screeched and began to puff up. Knowing what was coming, Nori sprang into action.

“No! Stop!” he bellowed, leaping between them with the ball at the ready. Water splashed around his feet as he landed. Qwilfish, to her credit, fell backwards and did not attack. Nori spun around and turned his ire on the ignorant jerk above. “Agent Studd, shut the hell up!” Nori snapped. He was not about to have things screwed up a third time!

The man squeaked. He turned to Satomi, who only shook her head at Agent Studd and said something Nori couldn’t hear over the wind. But it made the man squirm and slouch.

He stepped out of the creek. “I’m sorry about that. He can be a stupid moron sometimes,” he said, turning back to the fish, who was still shrinking back. He didn’t care if Agent Studd heard his insult. “But you can’t go attacking just because something startles you. That’s what got you into trouble.”

The Qwilfish hopped forward. Her words were sharp and firm. A question or an argument? Nori was unsure. But she was talking.

“Were you released by your old trainer?” he inquired. Then he realized he had to find a way to let her answer! Luckily, Prema had recently taught him a thing. “Um, er. Puff up for yes?”

It took a moment, but she indeed vaguely increased in size momentarily. Nori wondered, did she know why? Not that he could get an answer.

“Okay,” he continued with a nod. “We don’t know who or why. But well, stuff happened when you killed that guy, so now the Officials gave you to me to reform.”

She just stared at him. Her tail swished. What did it mean?

“Well.” He rubbed the nape of his neck. “I’m not good with water, actually. But…” He took a deep breath. “I’ll try. I hope you can learn to be out of it too.”

The Qwilfish just kept staring. Saying nothing, doing nothing. In a way, it was more uncomfortable than when she was panicking. At least then he knew what was going through her mind.

“Anyway, that’s about it. Sorry I can’t really answer your questions or have my Pokemon answer them.” He tilted his hat back. “Well, one more thing. There’s some people mad at you. I know it was an accident, but…” But he wasn’t sure what else to say. “So be good?”

He winced, that came out stupid. He looked to Qwilfish. Her whole body was rigid, and she was fixated on him with suspicion in her eyes. But she again inflated briefly, yes. Maybe her not panicking was progress enough. As long as she listened, there was a chance.

Nori looked up at the bridge. Agent Studd and Priestess Satomi were still watching. “That should be good. I’ll show you home and feed you when I get back.” Feeding worked for Pawniard, so it might here, too? Or maybe it wouldn’t.

After a while longer of letting her process, Nori raised her capsule and recalled her. With that, he began the process of climbing back up. Fortunately, the muddy incline wasn’t very slippery.

“Sir!” Agent Studd spoke up, raising a palm. “Er, if I may speak a thought?”

Nori had to admit, it was a little strange seeing him act like this. But he wasn’t going to complain. “What is it?” he asked.

“That was far less exciteful than I thought,” the man said, adjusting his jacket. “But I guess that’s life! And I cannot believe I got to see the great Nori Carino in action!”

“Okay?” Was he expecting, like, another psycho like Pawniard? And the great?! “That wasn’t really much, though.”

“But it counts! Anyways, that should be it for me.” The man marched across the bridge, stopping at the edge to dramatically wave. “As they say in your language, sayonara!”

Tchau, Mr. Martins,” Priestess Satomi said in a high-pitched voice. She laughed when he winced at his real name, but he let it go without saying anything. “So that was the new ‘mon, eh?”

“First time she’s been out in peace,” the boy remarked. “It’s a relief to know the first two times didn’t ruin things forever with her.” He didn’t believe in first impressions, especially after Sunyshore. But a lot of others did.

He got only a nod in reply. Nori was winging it here. He had no standards to live up to and no template to follow. So he tried to be himself while making concessions where possible. It worked for the Demon. It worked for Pawniard. But would it work for Qwilfish? Was he doing a good job in the first place?

“Hey, Mrs. Kurusu?” he spoke up. “What do you think of how I’m doing?”

“Mm.” She shook off and smiled. “Well, let’s put it to you like this. Everyone does things in their own way.”

“What kind of an answer is that? Are you like, practicing non-interference?” The words on their own were condescending, but her tone wasn’t. He let out a fussy sigh. He would’ve liked a bit of assurance or even criticism!

“I’ll tell ya this much,” she conceded. “Pokemon can generally understand us, but cultural terms can confuse them.”

“Okay. I assume that means I’ll need to explain the Officials and stuff?” Another nod. Helpful to know, and it made sense. Come to think of it, she was a member of the Kannagi faith. She could give him another perspective given her position. He asked her about it, “Well, what do you think about Qwilfish, then?”

She crossed her arms. “I have to agree with the agent.” Just that sentence alone took Nori aback, but the way she tapped a finger over her heart made him wonder more. “But I don’t think he realized the implications behind it.”

“What implications? Is there something weird about this?” Volkner said something like that too. Hopefully, he would clarify what he meant.

“Oh, just talking to myself out loud.” So he wasn’t getting an answer about that either. “You have a new Pokemon, so just do your best for her.”

“Don’t worry, I will!” he said before pulling down his hat and correcting himself. “I mean, I’ll try my best.”

He wasn’t about to lie and say he was totally sure of himself. But it didn’t matter what kind of Pokemon he got or why. He would rehabilitate them the best he could!

“Anyway,” he said, stretching his arms and rolling his left, then his right ankle. “You mentioned you came by to see me? And you said you had other reasons besides to check out Qwilfish?”

“Haven’t forgotten,” she told him with a wink. “Might not be news you want to hear, but figured it’s best if you find out about it now.”

There was only one thing he could think of given the circumstances and what they’d talked about. “Don’t tell me Prema’s dad, I mean, Mr. Kannagi is upset.”

“Got it in one,” came the somber reply that took all the air out of the young official. “Goes without saying you might not want to come by till he cools off.”

Nori felt his muscles tightening. Before he knew it, his hands were on his hips. “I thought the head of the shrine would know better than to let his personal feelings get in the way of things.” He didn’t care if disrespecting the Master would make her angry, it needed to be said!

Yet she only guffawed. “It can be hard to separate personal feelings from logic. Doesn’t matter who you are.” Priestess Satomi leaned against the railings. “This’s struck Haruto harder than you might think. Pete Stephens was one of the few he called a friend.”

“But…still!” How was he going to say this? Especially in a respectful way.

“But still,” Satomi continued. “You’re right.” She flashed a smile as she rose and patted his shoulder. “I was able to confirm today what many suspected.”

“What’s that?” he asked, although he had an idea.

“She’s killed, but she’s no killer, that’s for sure!” She laughed. Exactly what Nori thought. It would have been obvious to a Kannagi Priestess who was experienced in understanding Pokemon. “But we already knew that condemning her, let alone going after her species, is not what Pete would have wanted. More importantly,” she added, lowering her brow and talking more seriously, “It is not the way we do things.”

By ‘we,’ she certainly meant the Kannagis. “So why’s the head calling for her blood?” he demanded.

“I didn’t say that,” she corrected, with a light yet firm sternness that made Nori want to stand up straighter. “I’m saying he’s in a bad way. Lady Kannagi and myself have been helping, but he doesn’t want to see you or that Pokemon right now.”

“Well, how long until he does?!”

She tapped her chin. “Hard to say. Knowing him though? He knows it’s wrong to feel that way, but he wants validation.”

“Validation how? Like knowing it wasn’t on purpose? Because you and Prema can say that, right?” He tapped his hat. “Or does he want to see for himself?”

“Could be.” She shrugged, again not really answering. “But if you want to be extra sure, you’ll need to rehabilitate her and make it official with the Officials!”

It felt like he’d been punched in the stomach from how much it curled. “But how?! I don’t even think I can care for her.” Convincing people was one problem, but caretaking might be worse. Volkner said it was going to take a lot of getting used to for a Qwilfish, and she might not ever! How could it work if she couldn’t stand being out of water, and he couldn’t stand being near any significant amount of it!?

“You’re the official, you should know better than me.” She winked. Her irrefutable logic made Nori sigh and slump. “And well, correct me if I’m wrong, but you only need to rehabilitate her. After that, who knows what happens?”

That was true. He actually didn’t know what happened after he succeeded in a rehabilitation. Would the Pokemon just be his? Or have to be his? It was too bad that Agent Studd left, otherwise he could have found out on the spot. “I don’t know if I can or if it’d be responsible, but I guess.”

“One day at a time, one step at a time,” she quoted. “Anyway, that’s about it from me.”

He nodded. “Thanks for the heads-up. Um, find some way to let me know if things change with Mr. Kannagi.”

“Will do.” She winked.

“Oh!” And he’d nearly forgotten. “I hear Warutsu, the former Gym Leader, trains an Overqwil? Volkner told me he’s the guy to ask for advice on helping her be out of water.”

“We’ll see, he’s quite busy with the original shrine these days.”


Nori was hoping it wouldn’t come to this. He had planned on leaning on Prema for this, but that was no longer an option. Everyone else he trusted was either too far away like Volkner, didn’t know Pokemon like his mom, or was afraid of his Pokemon like Yumi. One day, one step. It was profound advice. What should his next be?

“Now then!” She clapped her hands. “Want a ride back home?”

“Sure!” he agreed. Going back home to think about it was a good start. And riding a motorbike sounded like fun! “Just, uh, one question.” He pointed unsteadily to the back of her jacket. He was wondering about the stylized rotund tiger Pokemon depicted on it. “About that design…” The sight of it had made him want to go and ask her about it right away, but he had business to attend to. An old enemy of his practically popularized that Pokemon.

She shrugged. “As the kids say, I liked Raitora before it was cool.”
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Chapter 16: Stuck Drifting
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
The sun had already set when Nori sat down for dinner in the evening. It was a simple meal that involved ramen, a staple of his and his mom’s diet. It was a matter of affordability in the past. Even now, the fact that it lasted in the trailer’s cupboards made it appealing to stock up on. They had also cooked the remaining vegetables his mom had picked up the other day, which needed to be eaten as soon as possible with no refrigeration at their disposal. It was rounded out with some western-style pepperoni sticks.

Since he was halfway through the meal, Nori popped his multivitamin gummies into his mouth. He’d started buying them since getting his paycheck as a way of getting extra nutrition. Then he got a spoonful of ramen; he was used to the balancing act. The boy never understood lowering your face to the bowl while trying to use sticks. That was like, using the wrong tool for the job.

“So how did your training go today?” his mom asked between casual bites of the pepperoni. Nori had suggested them.

He shook his head. “I didn’t do much. I’ve mostly been thinking about what Mrs. Kurusu said.” What was she getting at?

She raised her eyebrows. “You went out after you got back,” she said, polishing the meat off. “What were you doing?”

He took a huge bite of noodles and broth. He wasn’t about to bluntly admit that he thought about going to a proper training spot, only to stall and idle around doing basically nothing. How should he word this? “Couldn’t focus,” he blurted after swallowing his food.

That alone got the message across. His mom frowned. “You’re going to have to overcome this eventually, Nori,” she metaphorically slapped him in the face, albeit with a bitter edge. “Hate to say it. The bastards are trying to force you.”

He shrank back, clutching at his arms. “I know.”

“And the damn shrine won’t help. Some upstanding people they are.” She shook her head and picked up her own spoon, but only squeezed it. “There’s a Pokemon in need, and the trainer’s a friend of the heir to the damn place, and they won’t give it a chance because their leader has a personal grudge.” She said ‘their leader’ vindictively and threw her arms and head up in faux worship.

He raised his palms and waved them. “It’s not like that, mom!” he protested. “Mrs. Kurusu wasn’t too happy about it! People disagree with him!”

She put her hands on her hips. “I hope you read that right and they do something about it. At least they had the decency to send someone to tell you.” She sighed and grumbled. “What about your other assignment? How’s Pawniard coming along?”

He tapped a finger on the table. Technically, Nori was still actively rehabilitating the Pokemon which once belonged to a serial killer. “I haven’t been focusing on him lately. He’s still belligerent at times. So no progress with him, but he hasn’t regressed either.”

“Let’s hope it stays that way.” She finished the last of her noodles. “Anyway, I’m going to go read my library book. Thanks for the pepperoni. We’ll have to get that again.”

He gently nodded. “You’re welcome, mom. Thanks for the soup and veggies.”

With nods to each other, his mom went to her bed at the back and shut the curtain.

The boy sighed, leaning back and patting the soundly sleeping Pachi beside him. He hadn’t told him that they might not be able to see Prema ever again. No doubt it was going to hurt him almost as badly, since Shu was a good friend of his.

He looked up, wondering how Prema was taking the news. And for that matter, what everyone else he knew that he hadn’t already heard from thought of it.


The heir to the Kannagi Shrine was sitting in her room, deep in thought. The shrine was closed to visitors for the day, so there was no longer a need to keep up appearances. Right after closing the door, she slumped onto her gray futon and sat there thinking about the events of the weekend.

Her room was simple and compact. There was a small entryway which only had a light switch. A desk was parallel to it along one side of the room, with a bookshelf to the left of it. On the opposite wall was a small window with glass as soundproof as the rest of the room; in front of it was a table on which a bonsai tree sat. A large closet took up one side of the room; it had a two-color mural of a field of flowers on it. Her bed was across from that.

Prema thought of all her Pokemon as friends. While she was finding out that they were no substitute for humans, they were nevertheless very important to her. Nestled beside her was the only one who comfortably fit in the small room.

Shu was her first Pokemon, given to her as a companion when she was almost nine. While the bird-like fairy enjoyed being outside his Poke Ball, it was not something Prema could allow him to do too frequently while indoors. Despite training to help him better control his scents, it still accumulated over time. To speak nothing of what could happen when he got worked up and accidentally let loose. The strange part was that Prema barely noticed it anymore unless there was a lot of it in the air. It was a result of being around him so much.

“A lot has been happening these past two days, Shu,” she told her companion. She patted him on the tuft of hair on his head, which he leaned into. “Do you mind if I simply speak to you for a while?”

Shu peered up, batting his eyelashes and tilting his body. After a second, he scooted away, shook his form, and took to the air. He hovered while chirping. Prema was uncertain what that meant; had she been thinking more clearly, she might have been able to. After ten seconds passed without her being able to process it, he landed on her desk and pointed to his beak. His mouth.

Prema folded her hands on her lap and asked a question for clarification. Though she could not understand his words, she had a general idea of what he was trying to convey. “You are saying that you want to tell me something?”

Shu squeaked and bobbed upward with powerful flutters. It was one of his ways of saying ‘yes’ to her. What could be so important that he wanted to communicate directly?

Prema closed her eyes. Shu would not ask this if he did not feel it necessary. Yet she saw the sense in it. “Very well. Give me a few moments.”

There was an uneven divide in understanding between humanity and Pokemon. Each had their own strengths. The meaning of their words did not inherently reach the ears of people as it did in reverse; in fact, it could be difficult to hear regardless, due to how differently they spoke. Yet many people were unaware of how much could be picked up through simple pattern recognition. Instructing them to give nonverbal cues as answers was also possible. It simply took effort.

For Prema herself, empathy and learning to read body language did much when it came to understanding Pokemon. Yet with her spiritual abilities as a diviner, Prema could completely dispel the language barrier and hear their words directly. It was one of the greatest techniques of the Kannagi Clan. There were a few complications when using it. For one, it was physically and mentally taxing. Potential social issues were another. Therefore, she only used it sparingly. This felt as good a time as any; it was just between them, and she did need to talk to someone about the issues plaguing her mind. It might as well be with one who could respond.

She stood, eyelids still shut. This was as much physical as it was mental. She had to keep her fingers slack while bending her wrists up, and lean forward without bending her knees. Inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nostrils. Repeat. She opened her mind, focusing intently upon Shu. It was about free flowing air. Even the lightest whisper moved the air. Prema envisioned it flowing into her ears and through her body to reach her heart and mind.

“Prema! Prema!” came the boyish voice of Shu before too long. “Can you hear me?” While he was speaking the terrestrial language of Pokemon, her brain was interpreting it as the common tongue of humanity. The only limitation was that it could not translate words that had no equivalent. For example, she would hear Akeresa as Pokemon, but she would more complex terms would sound as they were spoken.

She was able to open her eyes and relax her body. While inexperienced with the technique, she was able to do that much. “Yes, I am now able to hear you. It is nice to speak with you, Shu,” she replied, giving him a light bow. “What was it that you wanted to tell me?”

He clicked his beak. “No reason like that! I just thought you might want to talk with words!”

Prema chuckled. “That is very considerate of you. It was not something I had considered as an option, so thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Prema!” He swelled with pride. “So what’s wrong?”

There was a lot that was wrong. So she began with what was troubling her the most. “This morning I was called to investigate a situation at the waterfront. There had been reports of people abusing Qwilfish.”

“Those are the spiny spheres, right?” For the most part, it was humans who named their species. They even had different names in different languages. Likewise, Pokemon had their own names for each other, which were usually simple descriptions. There were only a few exceptions, such as revered Legendary Pokemon.

“Yes. Qwilfish are round and they are spiny,” she confirmed.

“Was it true?” Shu tentatively asked.

She lowered her head. “Unfortunately so. Some had lost their lives due to the actions of misguided people. They were…”

Prema remembered that horrific sight. They had all been pierced. She did not want to reminiscence further on the details. The looks on them…

No. That was too much. “I apologize.” She bowed and sniffed to punctuate it. “I do not wish to describe it.”

The fact that she said that was more than enough to get the message across to Shu. His retinas dilated. “What! Really? Why?! How could they?” he rattled off in shock and disdain.

“I cannot begin to understand it myself, Shu.” Just because she could understand their motivations did not mean she understood their thought process. “I have seen many cases of Pokemon abuse, yet this was the worst when accounting for scale. It was not just one person who could have done this, but several.”

“No, no! How could they?” Shu repeated, shaking in denial. “fakynota! It sounds like a fakynota! Why would their friends agree to hurt them? Why would they hurt them?”

Prema sighed. While she heard the untranslatable word verbatim, she knew what it meant; her Dartrix, Yahata, had taught it to her. It was not pleasant. In fact, it was proof that Pokemon were just as capable of committing atrocities as humanity. While she believed their passing was quick from the nature of the wounds, the simple thought of someone prolonging it made her shudder with nausea and repugnance.

“I cannot speak for any Pokemon that were involved,” she admitted to her friend. “It could be anything from reluctant loyalty to being complicit. In any case, I believe revenge was the underlying motivation.”

“But they never did anything! Did they?” Shu cocked his head.

“What I am saying is that it is hatred against the species. The actions of one can affect how others perceive the many. It is not right. Yet it is how some people think.” She shook her head after elaborating on the situation. “The same can be said for individual accounts of behavior; misinformation about several species of Pokemon has spread as common knowledge in this way.”

There were far too many examples to name, most of which were in old books and even early Pokedexes. For instance, there was a claim that the scent of a Spritzee is enrapturing; naturally, this is a matter of opinion that was taken from their use in perfumes in medieval Europe. It is not to the liking of everyone; if it was, Shu’s presence would be tolerated at all times indoors. Or there were accounts that Sinnohian Qwilfish are more aggressive and spread poison everywhere they go. In truth, they actually consume poison (sometimes too much to where they have to sweat out the excess) and are no more aggressive than their standard brethren.

Shu’s beak creaked open. “Individuals? The one? But the only one I can think of is…” He flapped hard as the realization sank in. “Pachi’s new friend!”

Prema nodded gravely. “Innocent Pokemon are being hurt and…” The next word got caught in her throat on instinct, but there was no other way of putting it. “And killed, Shu. It is unlikely that this is or will be an isolated incident. More Qwilfish may be attacked. In the worst case, this incident could permanently damage people’s perception of their Sinnohian variant.” Her voice began to quiver. It rose in register with her next words. “This is not something we of the Kannagi Shrine should stand for. We need to make that clear. We have the power and respect to make a difference.”

Prema had to pause because of how badly her throat was tightening. Shu batted his eyes in concern while he listened intently. After a moment of breathing, in through her mouth and out through her nose, Prema felt she had regained her composure enough to continue.

“Yet Father…” Tears were trying to cloud her vision. Her head felt like she had been hanging upside down for hours. Her heart was pounding forcefully enough that she could feel it. “Father does not…” This was the worst part. This was why they could not–

Everything became a blur for a moment. When it passed, Prema’s knees were buckling and she was falling backwards. Her focus had broken. While she only heard Shu chirping, the alarm in his tone was palpable.

Prema tried to step back, yet her body was too slow to answer the call of her brain. She gasped and threw her arms back, only to halt when she was partway to the floor.

Shu became enveloped in a warm glow even pinker than his body. He screeched lowly, squinting yet keeping his gaze upon her. Psychic was one of his most powerful moves; using it as a means of telekinesis instead of a blast of force was strenuous for all but the strongest Pokemon of the same type, let alone a Spritzee. Prema was able to move her limbs by happenstance or him only being able to hold her body. It worked out; she was able to plant her feet firmly on the floor and keep her balance when Shu pulled her upright.

Nevertheless, the fatigue overran Prema. She often felt groggy after using this ability, yet this time she just felt tired. She pulled herself over to the futon and sat down.

“Thank you, Shu,” Prema said to her friend as he floated over to her. She gave him a tight hug and leaned back. “I must be more worn out than I thought.” There was too much to think about, so much to worry about. Everyone had their limits as to how much they could endure. Prema knew there was no shame in it, even if she could only show this weakness to a select few.

The Fairy-type chirped soothingly. She could no longer understand the words of her friend, but the context told her everything regardless. Shu was almost certainly telling her to get some sleep.

“I am just going to rest and catch my breath for a short while,” she stated. It was only a little past eight in the evening. She closed her eyes and rested her head on her pillow. Despite her intentions to stay up a bit longer, sleep overtook the exhausted teenager within minutes. It may not have been what she wanted, but it was what she needed.
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