Guzma clapped his hands together. The sound reverberated through the house, deepening the silence that had fallen over everything.
"So here's how this is gonna go," he announced from his spot atop the staircase. He began to slowly descend as he spoke.
"Y'all should have received your roles by now. Each phase, y'all are gonna be tasked with figuring out who from the group to eliminate. You'll only have until the sun goes down to do so, after which you'll head back to your rooms for the night phase. Winning team gets immediate induction into the gang, no further questions asked."
By now, he made it to the bottom and regarded each of the potential recruits with a tempered scowl, as if he were staring down some obnoxious young children. "And before anybody has the opp to ask the stupid question, nobody's actually fucking dying here, not if I can help it. In the event you are eliminated or taken out in the night phase, you'll just be sent to the Dunce Room. That's where we send the grunts who do dumb shit so they have a quiet place to contemplate why they did their dumb shit. You'll hang there until the game ends. Don't need any sticky fingers fucking up the game for everyone else, ya feel?"
He rubbed his hands together before throwing himself into an aged recliner sitting along the shoddy armchairs and loveseats.
"And with that, commence your game, recruits." He saluted. "Good luck."
"So here's how this is gonna go," he announced from his spot atop the staircase. He began to slowly descend as he spoke.
"Y'all should have received your roles by now. Each phase, y'all are gonna be tasked with figuring out who from the group to eliminate. You'll only have until the sun goes down to do so, after which you'll head back to your rooms for the night phase. Winning team gets immediate induction into the gang, no further questions asked."
By now, he made it to the bottom and regarded each of the potential recruits with a tempered scowl, as if he were staring down some obnoxious young children. "And before anybody has the opp to ask the stupid question, nobody's actually fucking dying here, not if I can help it. In the event you are eliminated or taken out in the night phase, you'll just be sent to the Dunce Room. That's where we send the grunts who do dumb shit so they have a quiet place to contemplate why they did their dumb shit. You'll hang there until the game ends. Don't need any sticky fingers fucking up the game for everyone else, ya feel?"
He rubbed his hands together before throwing himself into an aged recliner sitting along the shoddy armchairs and loveseats.
"And with that, commence your game, recruits." He saluted. "Good luck."
List of Players:
- EonDuoLatios: Victoria Liu Xinlong (F)
- Panoramic_Vacuum: Phoebe Hawea (F)
- FauxFox: Spencer Roberts (M)
- Dragonfree: Jack Ray (M)
- ShiniGojira: Cygnus Plein (M)
- HelloYellow17: Rui Everlin (F)
- Chibi Pika: Stracion Decora (F)
- unrepentantAuthor: Sriracha (M)
- Starlight Aurate: Derek Cummings (M)
- Flyg0n: Anubis (M)
- tomatorade: Isaac (M)