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Pokémon Lavender Volunteer Pokemon House [Bingo/Drabbles]


golden scars | pfp by sun
the warmth of summer in the songs you write
  1. silvally-grass
  2. lapras
  3. golurk
  4. booper-kintsugi
  5. meloetta-kint-muse
  6. meloetta-kint-dancer
  7. murkrow
  8. yveltal
  9. celebi
And now for something completely different.

The Lavender Volunteer Pokemon House offers a second chance to abandoned pokemon. When Hotaru becomes its newest volunteer, he finds it offers a second chance to humans as well.

A silly project to work on while I noodle on other projects. Admittedly very rushed for Anniversary Shenanigans; many thanks for everyone involved for at least trying to kick me into gear. I'd hoped to get an intro chapter draft polished with this, but lol ended up a lot busier these past few days than I'd expected.

This version is very much just sketching out little dynamics and shitposting about what magneton do in their old age. Perhaps a little presumptive of me, but please don't actually review this like it's a real story.


Uncle Fuji lost his keys again. Is what Hotaru would've said, if he hadn't lost Jerry as well.

"You're saying," Hotaru said, forcing patience he didn't feel, "you've misplaced an entire magnemite?"

"They're quite old," his uncle replied serenely, and left Hotaru to his search. It wouldn't be the first time Jerry drifted off. Older magnemite often get distracted, or trapped, by errant metal.

It takes hours until the obvious answer strikes and he finds Jerry serenely pinned against the stoop's metal trash cans. What does come as a surprise is the other magnemite hitched along for the ride.


Hotaru arrived at Uncle Fuji's house and found his tatami mats occupied. The flareon mewled indignantly at him when he entered, and the temperature spiked.

"I should've had you two meet in a more neutral territory," Fuji said, helping Hotaru brush ash from his suitcase, which was at least an apology but didn't feel aptly-directed. "I think you two got off on the wrong foot, is all."

By the time the flareon was permanently adopted, Hotaru had managed to improve his status with his roommate to "tolerated". It was, in retrospect, better than he could've expected, and yet somehow worse.


Shii took up residence in the town square some ten years ago, and hadn't felt the need to move since. Oddish are natural wanderers, Uncle Fuji explained as they walked, but vileplume frequently grew too large to move. Most of them settled in the heartwood, letting time pass so slowly it's hard to tell if they're even still alive. Some, like Shii, ended up more sentimental about human company, oblivious to how different cities were from forests. It would've been easy to dig her up, or pave over her.

The path split a respectful distance around a massive red flower.
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