Alrighty, for these chapters we get the fun of going through my original, in-the-moment notes, with occasional interjections from today-chibi who has the benefit of hindsight. Should be fun. :copyka2:
Allright I think that's probably where I'll leave it! I wanna take my time with the final three, and get this posted before Week 2 ends. Seeya in the next one!
It's absolutely incredible how we actually see the moment where everything crashes and burns, and yet we're left every bit as blindsided as Wendy. Non-chronological storytelling ftw.
So I'd originally thought Nadine got burnout or something but now it seems more likely that it was also a falling out.
I love Wendy's internal thoughts, realizing that there must have been a pattern leading up to this that she missed, but not being able to voice it. It's all so real.
Ohh my god and then Aaron goes aggro immediately the moment Wendy asks about it, geez.

The thing is, I can genuinely believe that Aaron is just rationalizing to himself after the fact too. It’s so, so easy to believe that they really did have perfectly friendly interactions all this time, but now that it’s gone sour, he has to retroactively justify it to himself like Luke was bad news all along. Wendy’s reaction is practically identical to mine in that kind of scenario. Spot on. (Regrettably, this isn't a hypothetical, speaking from experience.)
[Hindsight chib here with a massive :copyka2:]
conservation pales in comparison to my strategy, firebombing a pokemart,
I enjoy how naturalistic it feels to encounter a shiny while tagging wildlife for a conservation group. Also enjoy the vague allusion to Wendy peacing out of some other random drama with Amanda's friend group. Just being like "nope."
It's absolutely incredible how we actually see the moment where everything crashes and burns, and yet we're left every bit as blindsided as Wendy. Non-chronological storytelling ftw.
So I'd originally thought Nadine got burnout or something but now it seems more likely that it was also a falling out.
I love Wendy's internal thoughts, realizing that there must have been a pattern leading up to this that she missed, but not being able to voice it. It's all so real.
Ohh my god and then Aaron goes aggro immediately the moment Wendy asks about it, geez.
Man...You can’t just pretend to be that good of friends with somebody for that long. Nobody can.
God, Wendy is relatable here“Just take it back,” she said, hoping against hope he’d grab the rope she was lowering him. “Just say you made it up because you’re mad.”
The thing is, I can genuinely believe that Aaron is just rationalizing to himself after the fact too. It’s so, so easy to believe that they really did have perfectly friendly interactions all this time, but now that it’s gone sour, he has to retroactively justify it to himself like Luke was bad news all along. Wendy’s reaction is practically identical to mine in that kind of scenario. Spot on. (Regrettably, this isn't a hypothetical, speaking from experience.)
[Hindsight chib here with a massive :copyka2:]
dying, I love Amanda, what a memorable side characterShe would never say it out loud, but Wendy almost hoped the JCS or the Rangers would perform some age fraud on Amanda’s behalf, if only because this way Amanda was more likely to pursue her long-term goal through cleaning trash, monitoring Pokémon populations, etc. instead of bombing power plants.
I enjoy how naturalistic it feels to encounter a shiny while tagging wildlife for a conservation group. Also enjoy the vague allusion to Wendy peacing out of some other random drama with Amanda's friend group. Just being like "nope."
Oh dear, Luke's been socially awkward penguined into a gym battle.
[Hindsight chib: ahahahahaha]
Oh nooo I am cringing so hard at this group badge pact, oh no. But Luke feels like he's gotta, or else he won't be able to keep being friends with Wendy.
So I was in the middle of typing this up — I dunno if this is meant to have continuity with GSC but I like that it’s easy to imagine old man Pendergast retiring sometime in the next 6 years and leaving Bugsy as gym leader in 1999 — and then right in the very next bit we see that Bugsy is indeed the overeager gym trainer. Excellent.
Thiiiis has some hidden context, I'm sensing.“She can’t stand quitters”
[Hindsight chib: ahahahahaha]
Oh nooo I am cringing so hard at this group badge pact, oh no. But Luke feels like he's gotta, or else he won't be able to keep being friends with Wendy.
So I was in the middle of typing this up — I dunno if this is meant to have continuity with GSC but I like that it’s easy to imagine old man Pendergast retiring sometime in the next 6 years and leaving Bugsy as gym leader in 1999 — and then right in the very next bit we see that Bugsy is indeed the overeager gym trainer. Excellent.
Present Wendy: *instinctively second-guesses if others mean what they say*
Past Wendy: *takes her friend at her word*
Me: hmmm
Perchance, something has made her realize that people don’t always speak their mind until it’s too late,
Really enjoy Wendy’s way of looking at her own perception of events and contrasting it with what someone else might think, and re-evaluating her gut expectation that other people would actually say what they mean. It feels really natural that she might have developed this habit after all the… everything.
Oh no. I suspect that Nadine is in fact not saying what she means. And Wendy is here taking it at face value.
If people would just speak their mind it sure would make things easier huh. :copyka2:
To Aaron’s credit it ssseeems like he’s handling Nadine’s departure in a more mature manner than I'd have expected. It's easy to see how he might just legit think it's better to give Nadine space here. But at the same time it's like... he knows something.
Really easy to feel for both Wendy and Luke here, and also easy to see how they'd end up bonding over this.
Past Wendy: *takes her friend at her word*
Me: hmmm
Perchance, something has made her realize that people don’t always speak their mind until it’s too late,
Really enjoy Wendy’s way of looking at her own perception of events and contrasting it with what someone else might think, and re-evaluating her gut expectation that other people would actually say what they mean. It feels really natural that she might have developed this habit after all the… everything.
Oh no. I suspect that Nadine is in fact not saying what she means. And Wendy is here taking it at face value.
If people would just speak their mind it sure would make things easier huh. :copyka2:
To Aaron’s credit it ssseeems like he’s handling Nadine’s departure in a more mature manner than I'd have expected. It's easy to see how he might just legit think it's better to give Nadine space here. But at the same time it's like... he knows something.
Really easy to feel for both Wendy and Luke here, and also easy to see how they'd end up bonding over this.
I am certain that this is a pun on what these are called in Japanese but dammit I can’t find its common name anywhere, just a million results about it being invasive in the US.
It's easy to see how there's loads of tiny points of friction between Luke and Aaron, but Luke course-corrects before letting it turn into resentment. Sooo we're probably gonna have ourselves a straw that broke the camel's back situation.
[hindsight chib: the straw was a cement block]
I am certain that this is a pun on what these are called in Japanese but dammit I can’t find its common name anywhere, just a million results about it being invasive in the US.
It's easy to see how there's loads of tiny points of friction between Luke and Aaron, but Luke course-corrects before letting it turn into resentment. Sooo we're probably gonna have ourselves a straw that broke the camel's back situation.
[hindsight chib: the straw was a cement block]
Mmm I don’t belieeeve Luke, much as he might think this should be it, with how avoidant he is.That settled it. He would call this a happy ending, with this perfect letter as the last word. This was it.
Man, this unofficial gym is making me nostalgic for WSSTK. Love seeing ways that trainer culture is embedded in everything, even outside the classic League circuit we all know.
Man, Wendy's feelings of growing up and looking back on being a kid are real. It's so easy to believe that she'd be feeling this as her journey comes to an end, after all the experiences she's had.
It's a neat detail how Japan's entrance-exams-into-high-school thing slots neatly into kids taking the middle school years for Pokemon journeying. Nadine feels thoroughly like a college student here despite being 15, and it makes perfect sense.
[Hindsight note: it makes a lot of sense that Nadine would catch feelings for a boy making her feel smart after all those years spent with a friend making her feel stupid and inadequate.]
It’s a lot of fun to watch characters deduce things that we already know from previous scenes. And here we have the recurring motif of Wendy replying to someone, and then immediately thinking of what she’d rather have said. Communicationnnnnnn, why is it so hard (this is self-targeted).
Man, Wendy's feelings of growing up and looking back on being a kid are real. It's so easy to believe that she'd be feeling this as her journey comes to an end, after all the experiences she's had.
It's a neat detail how Japan's entrance-exams-into-high-school thing slots neatly into kids taking the middle school years for Pokemon journeying. Nadine feels thoroughly like a college student here despite being 15, and it makes perfect sense.
[Hindsight note: it makes a lot of sense that Nadine would catch feelings for a boy making her feel smart after all those years spent with a friend making her feel stupid and inadequate.]
It’s a lot of fun to watch characters deduce things that we already know from previous scenes. And here we have the recurring motif of Wendy replying to someone, and then immediately thinking of what she’d rather have said. Communicationnnnnnn, why is it so hard (this is self-targeted).
God, this cold-open dream sequence hits like a truck. And there's that "quitters" line back again. nnnn.
[And here we see that the benefit of the doubt has been beaten into an unrecognizable pulp]
Luke's so, so close to giving up, but giving up means losing Wendy, aaaaaaaaa
Really like Wendy getting Luke to keep talking, sharing random details from anecdotes as a grounding exercise.
“Like, am I missing something? Did your team get good enough to earn a vacation while I wasn’t looking?”

[And here we see that the benefit of the doubt has been beaten into an unrecognizable pulp]
Luke's so, so close to giving up, but giving up means losing Wendy, aaaaaaaaa
Really like Wendy getting Luke to keep talking, sharing random details from anecdotes as a grounding exercise.
Man, the entire Mt. Moon segment was captivating from start to finish, I don't even have any notes for this chapter. I was as enraptured as Wendy was and it is illegal that I will never go on a Pokemon journey.
Laughing extremely hard at Wendy flustering herself thinking about with "bassy, heartfelt words." It's very "hormonal allo teenager crushing" while being cute and genuine and not relying on tired tropes (even if I'm going off secondhand accounts here, aha). Being the resident asexual curmudgeon, I so often find that kind of stuff trite, so it's a real accomplishment that I'm so charmed by it here!
Lines that hit harder on a reread—it's hard not to apply this to Luke and Wendy.“It’s like… even if it’s years from now, I think I’ll see her again. I don’t know how to explain it.”
Laughing extremely hard at Wendy flustering herself thinking about with "bassy, heartfelt words." It's very "hormonal allo teenager crushing" while being cute and genuine and not relying on tired tropes (even if I'm going off secondhand accounts here, aha). Being the resident asexual curmudgeon, I so often find that kind of stuff trite, so it's a real accomplishment that I'm so charmed by it here!
nooo this dream cold-open is even worse than the last one. 🫠
Also, I'm still not over just how perfect the title of the fic is. Chasing a face-to-face meeting that might never happen. Looking back on the impermanence of youth, unable to stop the march of time. Photography.
Oh man, it’s so easy to read how Luke's thinking about the whole “she hates quitters” thing while also so easy to see why Wendy wouldn’t be thinking about that while trying to compliment him for sticking to things. aaaaaaaaaaa
>“You can’t just quit now!”
oh no, this one isn't even a hypothetical, this is actually what she ended up saying. oh no. Rereading their final conversation in chapter 2 is gonna be pain incarnate, isn't it.
Man, this feels like the thesis of the fic, huh.It’s not enough to be lucky. You have to know what’s lucky when you see it. You have to be ready for it, know what to do with it, and be really, really patient for it. Otherwise, you won’t be lucky often enough.
Also, I'm still not over just how perfect the title of the fic is. Chasing a face-to-face meeting that might never happen. Looking back on the impermanence of youth, unable to stop the march of time. Photography.
Oh man, it’s so easy to read how Luke's thinking about the whole “she hates quitters” thing while also so easy to see why Wendy wouldn’t be thinking about that while trying to compliment him for sticking to things. aaaaaaaaaaa
>“You can’t just quit now!”
oh no, this one isn't even a hypothetical, this is actually what she ended up saying. oh no. Rereading their final conversation in chapter 2 is gonna be pain incarnate, isn't it.
Aaron over here calling Luke a narcissist when he’s the one who made everyone's Pokemon journey about his desired pace. Also the chapter title feels extremely appropriate here, but not for Luke.
Look, I get that kid-Wendy was physically incapable of reading subtext, but not being suspicious of everyone’s motives isn’t a bad thing.
Having seen Luke’s internal narration, it’s really hard to believe Aaron’s story. This is the guy who gets paralyzed every time he wants to voice his mind. Snapping unexpectedly makes way more sense than having a history of being aggressive.
Now, while I don’t exactly trust Aaron to have an unbiased take, I can at least guess that there genuinely was a pretty visible contrast in the way Luke’s bottled resentment over being pushed so hard manifested depending on who the source was. Luke’s own narration acknowledged that he didn’t feel angry with Wendy despite clearly feeling just as much anxiety every time she mentioned it, so the double standard is real. Buuuuut there’s also no ignoring that even if Aaron and Wendy both were pressuring him, Aaron was waaaaay more guilt-trippy with it.
Also “I got an earful” was probably just code for “Luke attempted to assert himself” let’s be real. But the point is, it feels believable that Aaron could have this take and feel in the right himself.
It's like... there are grains of truth here, it's not a total fabrication, but it’s missing crucial context.
I’m just over here like bro, you’re waxing poetic about your dream. Even if it’s angled like “oh it’d be so great for them” it’s still your dream.
One thing I really appreciate is how even though Luke and Wendy both obviously devote quite a bit of time to thinking about the other, they still feel wholly themselves, as opposed to revolving around the other person. They've got lives, hobbies, they've moved on, they've grown up, even if they both really could use some closure on their shared past.
Look, I get that kid-Wendy was physically incapable of reading subtext, but not being suspicious of everyone’s motives isn’t a bad thing.
Having seen Luke’s internal narration, it’s really hard to believe Aaron’s story. This is the guy who gets paralyzed every time he wants to voice his mind. Snapping unexpectedly makes way more sense than having a history of being aggressive.
Now, while I don’t exactly trust Aaron to have an unbiased take, I can at least guess that there genuinely was a pretty visible contrast in the way Luke’s bottled resentment over being pushed so hard manifested depending on who the source was. Luke’s own narration acknowledged that he didn’t feel angry with Wendy despite clearly feeling just as much anxiety every time she mentioned it, so the double standard is real. Buuuuut there’s also no ignoring that even if Aaron and Wendy both were pressuring him, Aaron was waaaaay more guilt-trippy with it.
Also “I got an earful” was probably just code for “Luke attempted to assert himself” let’s be real. But the point is, it feels believable that Aaron could have this take and feel in the right himself.
Aaron you gave him that phobia,The thought of disappointing you scared the shit out of him
It's like... there are grains of truth here, it's not a total fabrication, but it’s missing crucial context.
I’m just over here like bro, you’re waxing poetic about your dream. Even if it’s angled like “oh it’d be so great for them” it’s still your dream.
One thing I really appreciate is how even though Luke and Wendy both obviously devote quite a bit of time to thinking about the other, they still feel wholly themselves, as opposed to revolving around the other person. They've got lives, hobbies, they've moved on, they've grown up, even if they both really could use some closure on their shared past.
Allright I think that's probably where I'll leave it! I wanna take my time with the final three, and get this posted before Week 2 ends. Seeya in the next one!