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Introduce Your Characters!


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
After some discussion on the Discord, here is a thread for introducing your characters! The hope is these introductions will make it easier for people to follow discussions or RPs featuring other people's characters that they haven't read about.

The format is free, but if you're not sure where to start, consider these sample questions:
  • What is their name, species, gender and age?
  • What do they look like? (You may post images!)
  • Are they for the Pokémon fandom, some other fandom or are they fully original?
  • What kind of setting do they live in (trainerverse/PMD/real world/other)? Where are they from? Where do they live now?
  • What is their occupation and/or are they a student?
  • What kind of personality do they have?
  • What are their main relationships, e.g. family, friends, romantic partners, enemies, "it's complicated"?
  • What are their goals and motivations? Do they have a certain kind of worldview?
  • What stories of yours does this character feature in, if any?
Finally, some additional notes about this thread:
  • If your character entry includes any sensitive content, please use a spoiler for that content (inline is probably the most handy) and warn about the content accordingly.
  • Remember to credit any art you feature! Please also limit your images to a sensible amount.
  • You may post about your adaptation of an existing canon character if you feel like there are enough things to say that a simple wiki article to the canon version won't cover.
  • Let me know here or on the Discord if you want me to make any edits to this first post, such as additional guidelines or sample questions.
I'll post about my own characters some time later to keep this first post clean. Have fun!


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
(Art by Pledge)

Name: Gen

Species: Oshawott, formerly human

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Gen lives in the PMD world at
the moment, though he was from the Pokemon Adventures world before he was summoned there. He lived in Goldenrod City with his mom, dad, and younger brother before he was summoned. Currently, he's living with Saltriv's family in Overcast Village, which is on the Thunder Continent of the PMD world. He is a search party member, but he has a passion for cooking, and wants to own a restaurant and be the main chef of it someday.

Gen has anxiety, and an intense fear of being alone. He does not cope well with being alone for very long. He's kind, friendly, and is willing to help others, though he won't do so all the time depending on circumstances. He's a bit stubborn, and often keeps digging himself deeper into trouble until it seems impossible for him to get out of it. He's not very comfortable with his Oshawott body. He's friends with Saltriv and Burhalla, who are his teammates on Team Searchlights, and he cares a lot about his family, and misses them dearly. He really, really misses his home, family, and human body, and wants to go back with all his heart.

Gen is the main protagonist of Eternal Shadows, my PMD longfic.


jackie bee
New York, USA

name: Samantha Ophelia Stone, Tsuwabuki Renko
species: human
gender: female, she/her
age: usually portrayed as 21+, though dependent on arc

Born to Steven Stone and Professor Aurea Juniper in result of a one night stand, Steven takes Sam back to Hoenn while Juniper keeps Sam's twin brother, Heath, in Unova. The two portions of their family eventually lose contact after years strained apart. When Steven dies in the Battle for Hoenn, the awakening of Primal Kyogre and Groudon, Sam's life falls apart. She is sucked amidst the chaos into Hoenn's Underground, a conglomerate of crime and pardoned illegal activity in a violent cavern ring under Mauville City, ruled by a cruel Team Emerald. Once you enter the Underground, you never come out...

Sam is quiet, pensive, and most often emotionless. She is the champion of both the Galar and Alola region.

main team:
1. noivern
2. solgaleo
3. zamazenta
4. milotic
5. kommo-o
6. lycanroc
amongst others including pikachu, zorua, shaymin, braviary, etc.
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Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
The Meaningverse — Character List

(will update this post with new bios as I gather info)

Name: Kotone Shimizu
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Aspect: Brown hair and brown eyes, always wears her trademark white hat

Kotone is the NPC Lyra from the HGSS games and Masters, who got an age lift and an expanded characterization in The Meaning of Power.

She’s a very sweet and friendly girl who gets along with (nearly) everyone and believes in the good side of people, basically making her immune to grudges and hard feelings toward anyone. In fact, she doesn’t like conflicts much, and always makes sure to pacify burning spirits whenever she can.

That doesn’t means she is a naive gal, as she has an uncanny and sharp perceptivity that allows her to detect the faintest signs of nervousness and distress in other people and Pokémon, as well as “bad vibes”. Though, she mostly uses this skill of hers to make sure that the person / Pokémon feels (more) at ease around her, and she’s always willing to lend an ear and assist anyone who is struggling with their personal issues.

All these traits make her an excellent candidate to be a Pokémon Breeder in the future, and gives her a motherly role among the team. Basically, she is the Heart of the group.

She’s currently uncertain of what she wants to do with her life. For the time being, she’s focusing on becoming a better Breeder and a good Pokéathlete. Also, she has a blog where she drops all kinds of information about berries and apricorn blends, and where she updates her food diary.

As of friends, she is friends with virtually anyone, but she has a crush on a certain red-haired boy…


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Astrid and Brisa race into combat, by @Chibi Pika

Astrid’s Blacklight Unleashed form, by @unrepentantAuthor

Name: Astrid

Species: Alolan-Vulpix (GoP) | Alolan-Ninetales (BLC)

Universe of Origin: A story of mine that’s on hiatus at the moment: Gravity of Perspective. It’s PMD-based. However, most of Astrid’s written development has happened on Cibus—i.e. the realm of Blacklight Campaign.

Abridged Backstory: Astrid was born into a pack of Alolan Ninetales on a faraway micro-continent. Put simply, they were concerned about their next meal and territorial lines; she was concerned about the exploring the galaxies above. When she was older, she ran away to escape their savage, abusive way of life and sought to become an explorer elsewhere. Surviving on her own wasn’t easy, but over the years she met the right people and had the opportunity to grow into her dream profession. She spends her days in Lively Town with her closest teammates, a Mincinno and a Helioptile, fighting crime, studying history, performing humanitarian services, promoting holistic analysis and protection of various isolated and vulnerable cultures around the world, and working to help complete the first detailed global map of her timeline.

Special Talents (Blacklight only):
• Astrid’s inner Radiance is extremely sensitive to aura in general, particularly that which isn’t her own. When trusted allies perform an attack, Astrid’s Radiance wells up and ‘inspires’ her and, in many cases, will power up her own attacks.​
• Additionally, Astrid has earned a reputation as a living bomb of sorts. Famous for using too much corruption at once, she’d often push her Radiance to the limit and literally explode with violent energy, relying solely on the magicks of Cibus to keep her body intact throughout the ordeal. Over time it took a toll on her health, but after an unholy amount of trial and error and plenty of frustration and self-doubt, she finally learned how to harness it properly and can now explode freely without risking serious injury.​
• Astrid can eject condensed Radiance from her paws to generate propulsion. It’s unruly and difficult to slow down at high speeds, but she nonetheless spent a great deal of time learning to fly and generate leverage without touching anything.​

Example Quotes:

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Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
The following characters will either be used in RPs or play a major part in PMD: A Role Recast! Placed under spoiler tags for browsing brevity rather than for content warnings.


Name: Violet Gael
Species: Sneasel; Formerly Human
Age: 16
Pronouns: She/Her
Origin: Ancient Circhester (Galar)

"A challenge, was it? Mayhaps I may leave mine mark upon this fair day, and win! ...Er, I-I mean, pleasure to meet you all."

Violet is a former noble from medieval Galar and sent to the world of Pokémon during the Darkest Day. Despite hating the loneliness and stuffiness of her former upbringing, she still has the arrogant and theatrical flair that came with it. She seeks the admiration of others and will do everything she can to be the “cool” one around. Even so, beneath that façade lies a vulnerable, scared and confused teen who is trying as hard as she can to find out what happened to her brother Azure and feel relevant in a world that has all but forgotten her.

(Artwork commissioned from ZiggyTippi)

Name: Pecculia ("Pecca")
Species: Lurantis
Age: 22
Pronouns: She/Her
Origin: Iyounari Village (Mist Continent)

"As long as I can do what I love, why should I care about what others of think me? It's just silly to worry about something out of your claws!"

Lurantis are often seen as pinnacles of poise and regalia that require tender and meticulous care to maintain their beauty. Pecculia, much to the chagrin of Iyounari Village, isn’t really any of these. While she respects her hometown’s traditions, she much prefers being her happy-go-lucky ball of bouncy eccentricity! The villagers always kept calling her the “peculiar one” because of this, but she decided to instead embrace it - claim what was once an insult as her own name instead: Pecculia, or "Pecca" for short! With her paintbrush in hand and adventure as her canvas, there’s nothing that can stop her dream of being an artist! ...Except for the fact that she has no idea how to paint.

(Artwork done by me!)

Name: Astrea
Species: Noivern (Reincarnation of Lunala)
Age: 30
Pronouns: She/Her
Origin: Radiant Cave (Mist Continent)

"Can you hear it? The song of the stars? If you hold still and listen for just a moment, you can hear their glimmering greetings to us."

Astrea is a reserved librarian Noivern not only seemingly made from the stars themselves, but also has the mysterious ability to weave those same celestial objects (albeit much smaller). Despite this unique ability - or rather, because of this ability - she typically tries to keep herself in the background and tenses up whenever anything related to Eternatus or Necrozma is mentioned. However, during the rare times she does open up, her true personality shines as she goes on deeply passionate rambles about the wonders of space and incredible science of astronomy. Perhaps one day her real, spirited self may shine as brightly as the stars within her wings.

(Artwork commissioned from Shadowbrook)

Name: Discordia
Species: Meloetta Corrupted by Eterantus's Energy
Age: Probably not
Pronouns: She/Her or They/Them
Origin: ??? (Pre-PMD World)

"After all, it is simply in my nature to guide those to their roles... however fleeting they may be."

Discordia is an elusive and capricious Meloetta with a variant form unlike anything currently known due to becoming obsessed with obtaining Eternatus's power. She speaks softly in long tirades filled with unusual theatre metaphors and double-meanings as she seems to be setting the stage for a "grand show". She often brings mention to a "goddess" that she reveres above all else to an obsessive degree - slating the two to be, in her own words, "the Master of Matter and Empress of Energy in twine once more".

(Artwork commissioned from Shadowbrook)
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you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
Alright, now that a few people have made their posts, I can make my own! I'm going to start with just Red and then edit in others as I finish their entries.

EDIT 2021-11-28: Added Samson.


Name: Ichiro "Red" Akai

(art by me)

Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 18

Appearance: Tohjoan (Japanese) by ethnicity. Roughly 180cm tall with a sleek body but wide-ish shoulders and moderately toned muscles. Straight medium-length black hair, black eyes. Typically wears casual, muted clothing. Considers himself very pretty.

Setting: Game-based, but there some significant changes, mainly in how pokémon can grow up sapient based on upbringing and even get citizenship. As for residence, Red lives in Pallet Town and has lived there his whole life.

So is he the Red from the games? The short answer is no. The long answer is that this is the protagonist of the first run of Twitch Plays Pokémon, who was named Red as that was the default name in Pokémon Red and Blue. However, it should be noted that very much of my characterization is not present in the commonly agreed upon “lore” of TPP, as it’s called.

General: Spoilered below because long and also for references to violent murder, cultism and cannibalism.

To the outside observer, Red is just a highschool dropout with an attitude problem. The truth, however, is much, much worse.

Under the servitude of the forgotten god HELIX, he has ritualistically killed and cannibalized eight people by the start of Hunter, Haunted. As a Helixian, he believes the world is divided into houndoom and mareep - those unbridled by primitive social instincts like empathy and those still clinging to them. As modern civilization favors the latter and shuns the first, Red sees no place for him in this world… until he can change it.

Red's ultimate goal is to become the Bringer. This title belongs to the one that shall merge with HELIX, ascend to omnipotence and rule as the eternal king of the rebuilt Helixian Kingdom. To reach this, all he has to do is sever his final attachment - to Helix, the omanyte who'd unwittingly led Red to HELIX in the first place.

But Helix has stood by him ever since the Twitch. Red's bond with Helix, although unconventional, is the only thing that still gives him joy in the regular person's world. Still, Red's fear of death gives him no options - if he is to survive, he will have to find a way to tear Helix out of his heart.

When interacting with others, Red prefers not to draw too much attention to himself, but spite him and he will show his pride and anger. When outmatched, however, he will do anything to save his own skin no matter how humiliating. Deep down, what really motivates him is fear, and it's not uncommon for it to cloud his mind with anxiety and paranoia. He's also afraid of spiders and, curiously enough, electronics due to trauma from the Twitch.


Name: Mark Samson


Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: Late thirties

Appearance: White Unovan (white American) by ethnicity. Roughly 185cm. Broad build, somewhat muscular, somewhat chub. Slicked back blond hair and blue eyes. Wears clean, casual clothing - typically a white t-shirt and, depending on the weather, shorts or jeans. Often wears a necklace with the Wheel of Arceus (not pictured).

Setting: Same universe as Red. Used to live on the outskirts of Castelia, Unova, now lives in Viridian, Kanto.

General: Spoilered below because long.

A friendly Arcean priest with a strong moral code centered around compassion and selflessness. Converted in his late teens, studied theology and spiritual sciences and became a priest in his late twenties. He is also an official exorcist with a licence to assist the police.

He lives in Viridian with his family - wife Laura, six-year-old daughter Mary and adopted houndoom son, Eli. He met Eli back when he still lived in Unova. Back then, Eli was a houndour, the runt of an intelligent yet behaviorally feral houndoom pack. The name “Eli” is a rough transliteration of his canine name, which consisted of a certain type of whine and yelp. More accurately, the name would be written as “Iwai”, but this version stuck from the moment Samson first tried to repeat Eli’s name.

Samson feels a strong sense of duty as a priest, always striving to practice what he preaches and help the people around him. He is kind to wild mon regardless of species, especially in the case of ghosts, which he feels are treated unfairly and inhumanely by human society. This belief and the fact that he took in a species of mon strongly associated with evil has made some Arceans wary of him. But Samson is not one to hate - he only prays that they will eventually realize the error of their ways.

In conversation, Samson is amiable, polite and modest. He prefers not to curse, but will not judge or scold people who do unless such language is clearly inappropriate in the current situation. He knows not to push his faith on other people, but does hope they will find Arceus sooner or later.
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PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim

(art by @Chibi Pika )

Name: Cabot
Species: Rampardos
Gender: Male
Age: 12 (Equivalent of late teens or early twenties)
Story: Casting Off (main character) and Fledglings (side character)

Cabot is someone who is cheery, optimistic, but also a little bit naive. He hails from a Pokémon-only world where humans disappeared centuries ago when all the Legendaries of his world were killed. The event made most of his world uninhabitable, with the exception of a single sea and the different islands in it.

Cabot had a strong desire to go on adventure and see more of the world than just the island he was born on, so he signed up for the Royal Navy because of that. The indigo scarf around his neck is proof that he's a proud member.


Professional Mudkip Lover
  1. swampert
  2. chesnaught-apron
  3. lucario-mega
Name: Lance Williams

image0-2 (1).jpg
(Art by Pledge)

Species: Lucario
Gender: Male
Orientation: Disaster Pan
Age: 17 in canon, 25 in most RPs
Liberators of Fate

Lance is, by his brother's own words, a grump. He comes off as a distant, brooding mon, but in reality he just has difficulty talking and interacting with others. At some point, he decided to work on that area in order to improve, and is currently more capable of conversation without looking like an edgy teen(something his brother also used to call him). He's more willing to befriend others, even if he doesn't like showing it. Basically, rough exterior with a soft side.

He's the leader of Team Liberators, and together with his brother and a few friends, managed to fullfill his mission of bringing hope to Pokémon on his journey, and the most important part to him: has dealt with trauma related to some events in his past.

His team consists of himself, Brian, his brother, along with a Floatzel and a Froslass. The four of them consider each other close friends, sticking by each other's side to the end of the line.

Miscellaneous Quotes:

  • "Fate is something we make on our own. And today I decided that my path will be different; I'll no longer be chained by my past. I'm freeing myself from it!"
  • "Fears are not meant to be conquered, but they are meant to be respected."
  • "What is God to a non-believer? You're not the one that tells the story. We are. Each of us. We live, we laugh, we cry. Who says you're the one to make the decision?!"
  • "Live in the now and break your confines."
  • "Fireworks can make us both happy and sad. It just depends if we are talking about fireworks in the sky or fireworks with another."
  • "When the heart gets hurt, it always rains."
  • "We are not good because of the good we do but we are good and so we do good."
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Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
White Swan, Black Swan's Obnoxiously Long Character Omnibus:
Arc 1 and 2 Main Cast Edition

White Swan.jpg


Please read these bios at your own risk! Not only are they obscenely long, I've realized as I was toiling away at them that I've given 90% of this cast a terrible fucking time, so...do with that information what you will! Each bio is Spoiler'd with CW's.

You have been warned!


If you do decide to read, though, please enjoy, and please feel free to roast the hell out of me for how long they are :))) I found this template on DeviantArt years ago and modified it, so have at it if you'd like. If I come across it again, I'll link it.

Art for Odette, Noel, Clovis, Dorien, Hau, and Gladion were done by me!

Art for Guzma and Plumeria is official art straight from Pokemon, and will soon be replaced by my own art. I will also update Lillie's eventually, kek 🤡

All [REDACTED] parts will be updated as the fic is updated. NO SPOILERS, MMKAY?

Untitled-Artwork (1).JPG
Full Name: Odette Harmonie Cinq-Mars
Nickname: Dee, Red-Eye, Swanna, Little Swanna, O-Baby, The Statue
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Species: Human
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Birthday: December 14th, 1997 at 8:16pm
Birth Place: Brackish Town, Kalos


Eye Color(s): Maroon
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style(s): She has naturally curly hair that frizzes easily, so she straightens it almost every day and styles it into two braids.
Skin tone: She’s caucasian, and has a rosy pink undertone to her skin.
Body type: Toned, pear-shaped figure
Height: 5’0
Weight: 125lbs

About Her

Personality: Odette was often regarded as a ‘statue’ during her time in school, in a sense that it was rare to catch her making any other expression besides a resting bitch face. She always seemed to be eyeing something around her, whether it was another person or something that struck her as suspicious. That isn’t necessarily off base--she’s an extremely hyper-observant person, and is prone to picking up on things that others might miss. She might be able to read a person better than that person could read themselves.

That said, while she’s good at grabbing the emotions and mannerism of others, she’s found herself rather airheaded when it comes to her own emotions. She purely runs on logic, and tries not to let any of her emotions get in the way--hence her ‘statue’ nickname. If she’s torn between acting on her brain or her heart, she’s surely going with the brain.

However, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t emote. In fact, she has an extremely short temper, and is quick to anger over things that most would consider minor inconveniences. This has gotten her into some trouble in the past, and might continue to do so…

Myers-Briggs Classification: INTJ-T

Good Habit(s): Hyper observance, thinking before acting (most of the time), practices fantastic hygiene, very punctual, tries to be a good friend, takes great care of her Pokemon.

Bad habit(s): Quick to anger, bottles up her emotions, doesn’t like to talk about her feelings, lies quite consistently and does it well.

Like(s): She loves riding her motorcycle, and she loves going for jogs for conditioning reasons. She used to love dancing and singing, as she was classically trained to do both. She also likes relaxing baths, horror movies, puzzles, and brain teasers.

Dislike(s): Entitlement, physical touch (although there are exceptions), dealing with other peoples’ emotions, crying (herself and others), the shiny trade, people who take advantage of Pokemon, illogical thinkers.

Hobbies: She is a trained singer--a soprano with a dark timbre, and an impressive 3.5 octave range. She also trained in dance, namely ballet, jazz, and contemporary, but dedicated most of her time to hip-hop and Afro styles. She also took up acting in high school, with plans to become a musical theater star. She also trains her Pokemon on the side, and just recently started going back to school for it.

Allergies: Has a really stupid allergy to grass. If it touches her skin, she breaks into hives.

Fear(s): Wishiwashi swarm, needles, her grandfather getting hurt on the job, her mother getting hurt on the job, her Pokemon getting hurt beyond healing.

Strength(s): She is strong mentally and physically sound, even for her short stature. She is a reliable person, friendship and partner wise. If given a task, she will see that it’s done right, and doesn’t half-ass things or cut corners. When she’s passionate, she’s passionate. But, she’s also calm, cool, and collected 95% of the time.

Weakness(es): She’s currently being weighed down by some past trauma, and that has affected how she goes about her daily life. She is also quick to anger, due to her otherworldly anger problems, and that often causes her to fly off the deep end and lose her cool. She also has an abnormally weak immune system, as certain simple illnesses can blow up to be much worse for her.

Special Powers/Abilities: [REDACTED]

Language(s) Spoken: Kalosian (French) is her native tongue, but she is fluent in Galarian (English).

Weapon(s): She is trained and licensed to use a gun, and has a Glock-17 she keeps under her bed.

Extra: Odette used to be a musical theater hopeful, but during her time in college, she was raped by one of her professors, Jordan Deschamps. In a fit of self defense, she beat him to death. His family tried to sue her for manslaughter for the loss, and the charges were dropped on account that she committed the murder in self defense. The trauma of the event manifested into stage fright, and she no longer has any desire to perform. This trauma, however miniscule it feels to her now, follows her in her daily life.

  • Solene - Gothitelle w/ Shadow Tag
    • Primary Set
      • Confide
      • Taunt
      • Rest
      • Charm
    • Secondary Set
      • Trick Room
      • Psychic
      • Heal Pulse
      • Protect
  • Enora - Sylveon w/ Pixilate
    • Primary Set
      • Hyper Voice
      • Wish
      • Protect
      • Heal Bell
    • Secondary Set
      • Hyper Beam
      • Moonblast
      • Echoed Voice
      • Hidden Power Rock
  • Isaur - Froslass w/ Cursed Body
    • Primary Set
      • Destiny Bond
      • Icy Wind
      • Substitute
      • Headbutt
    • Secondary Set
      • Hex
      • Frost Breath
      • Hail
      • Toxic
  • Ange - Chandelure w/ Flame Body
    • Primary Set
      • Substitute
      • Calm Mind
      • Shadow Ball
      • Flame Body
    • Secondary Set
      • Energy Ball
      • Fire Blast
      • Flamethrower
      • Trick
  • Loic - Mimikyu w/ Disguise
    • Primary Set
      • Substitute
      • Swords Dance
      • Play Rough
      • Shadow Sneak
    • Secondary Set
      • Shadow Claw
      • Giga Drain
      • Wood Hammer
      • Bulk Up
Ambition/dream: She wanted to be a musical theater star, as well as a seasoned trainer--she essentially wanted to follow in Diantha’s footsteps, but all of that was shot to shit.

Occupation/Job: She works as the stage manager at the Lumiose Center for Performing Arts

Best Class(es): Drama, Choir, Galarian

Worst Class(es): Math, Chemistry

Family and Friends

Parent(s): Her mother, Vienna, is a magical type Pokemon Professor who had her when she was 18, after a fling with a man who was twice her age. Vienna told Odette that said man was as insane as he was abusive, so Odette does not know his name, or who he is. [REDACTED]

Sibling(s): [REDACTED]

Relative(s): Her immediate relatives are her grandfather Bernard and her grandmother Marieanne. Bernard was Odette’s father figure throughout her life, and was the one who taught her to be so observant and how to keep a straight face, so they are insanely close. Marieanne is the direct reason Odette wanted to become a dancer, so they are also quite close.

Best Friend(s): She has a group of close knit friends that she took dance and singing lessons with; they called themselves ‘The Pelipper Pier’ based on an inside joke. These friends are Noel Masse, Noemie Masse, Acadia Vaugeois, Basille Tremaux, and Claude Renaudin. Noemie, Claude, and Basille have moved to other regions to pursue other things, but they all remain close. Odette hangs out with Noel and Acadia almost every day, but she is particularly close with Noel.

Friend(s): Odette really only has her close friends, and no more.

Crush(es): Dorien Bonhomme (Formerly), Clovis LeClair (Current)

Rival(s): Dorien Bonhomme

Enemy: Dorien Bonhomme, Jordan Deschamps


Scent: Absolutely reeks of fabric softener and Bulba and Bulba heat protectant hairspray.

Blood type: O-

Outfit(s): Odette really likes to wear baggy clothes so people don’t oggle her legs, and this comes in the form of tracksuits. She has a white and purple set that she wears quite frequently, as well as some chunky Filas, as she finds them particularly comfortable.

Accessories: She is severely farsighted, and wears a pair of black, thick rimmed glasses to counteract it.

Makeup: She will usually complete a 10 step skincare routine that is finished off with a tinted moisturizer, and a tinted lip gloss. She will do a full beat for special events.


Tattoo(es): She has the number 6 tattooed on her left butt cheek.

Jewelry: Per her dance training, she doesn’t wear jewelry because she finds it inhibits her movement.

Piercing(s): She absolutely refuses to get anything pierced because of her fear of needles.


Quote: “Keep it together.”
Favorite Food(s): Boeuf Bourguignon, Oreos
Favorite Drink(s): Bluk Razz Mago Smoothie, Water, Galarian Fog Latte
Favorite Song/Music Genre/Band:
  • Song: Seasons by Chris Cornell
  • Genre: Hip-Hop, Musical, Pop Rock, Hard Rock
  • Band: No Doubt
Favorite Color(s): Ghost-type purple.
Favorite Pokemon: Baby Pumpkaboo
Favorite Number: 6, because there were 6 people on her dance team. It’s her lucky number.
Favorite Season(s): Winter, her birthday season. She also loves snow.
Favorite Holiday(s): Unitas/Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa, New Years
Favorite Time of Day: Afternoon

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Full Name: Noel Coretyn Masse
Nickname: No, Zazou, Romeo
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Species: Human
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Birthday: September 9th, 1997 at 12:11am
Birth Place: Cyllage City, Kalos


Eye Color(s): Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style(s): He has naturally curly hair that he keeps as is. He likes growing out his bangs, and will either part them, or clip them back.
Skin tone: He’s very tan.
Body type: Toned, trapezoid body type.
Height: 6’0
Weight: 185lbs

About Him

Personality: Noel is a charismatic social Butterfree--and he makes sure the world knows that. In any given social situation, he’s always the one in the middle of the dance floor, having the time of his life and trying to make friends in the process. He would never say it out loud, but he loves to be the center of attention. That might be why he pursued being a performer, because if he gets the lead in anything (which he usually does!), all eyes will be on him, right?

Noel is a lover, and that comes in multiple meanings. He loves the absolute shit out of his friends and sister--he would quite literally take bullets for all of them, and that’s because he knows they’d do the same for him. Likewise, he’s a lover in a very sexual sense too. He’s quite the promiscuous individual, as he finds pleasure in engaging in sexual flings with whoever he sees fit. While he does like making new friends, he likes making new fuckbuddies more. However, he has absolutely no interest in anything long term. The fun for him is the heat of the moment, and knowing he can move on at any point.

As much as he loves performing and being social, he has an equal love with staying home and fucking around on his computer. He loves flexing his brain, and has a closet love for sleuthing. He usually curbs this need by engaging in hacking practices, or helping his fellow internet friends solve online mysteries. This love might even outshine his love of performing…

Myers-Briggs Classification: ENFP-T

Good Habit(s): Sociable, charismatic, a great friend, friendly, happy-go-lucky, good listening and communication skills, takes great care of himself physically, thorough.

Bad habit(s): Indecisive, extremely promiscuous, joking too much, getting too smug, celebrating too soon, disorganization, passive toward things that do not interest him.

Like(s): Dancing, singing, acting, being on stage, parties and social gatherings, meeting new people and networking, being with the people he loves, sex, haters.

Dislike(s): The idea of commitment and marriage, killjoys, snooty people, people who are too serious, Kricketunes, one-uppers, fighting games.

Hobbies: He is a trained singer--a baritone with a lyrical timbre, and an impressive 3.8 octave range. He also trained in dance, namely ballet, jazz, and contemporary, and loves them all. However, he particularly loves jazz. He also took up acting in high school, with plans to become a musical theater star. He has three Pokemon that he trains on and off.

Allergies: He has a slight allergy to shellfish; he can’t eat it without it giving him a horrible stomach ache.

Fear(s): Commitment, losing Noemie, losing his family, losing his friends, not figuring out what his path is. Bug types also freak him out.
Strength(s): His dedication to his crafts, his dedication to his friendships, his heart, his mind.

Weakness(es): His indecisiveness about his own life--he doesn’t know if he should continue pursuing his lifelong dream of being a musical theater star, or reel back and become a detective or hacker. Also, his fear of being in love and committing cause him to put up a wall and not let people in, even if they want to get close to him.

Special Powers/Abilities: N/A

Language(s) Spoken: Kalosian (French) is his native tongue, but he is fluent in Galarian (English).

Weapon(s): Due to stage combat training, he can handle a sword relatively well.

Extra: Noel has an innate fear of failure, and this manifests in his fear of commitment, his fear of not knowing what to do with himself, and his fear of losing the people he loves.

  • Braviary w/ Defiant
    • Primary Set
      • Brave Bird
      • Superpower
      • Bulk Up
      • Roost
    • Secondary Set
      • Substitute
      • U-Turn
      • Defog
      • Fly
  • Talonflame w/ Gale Wings
    • Primary Set
      • Swords Dance
      • Brave Bird
      • Flare Blitz
      • Taunt
    • Secondary Set
      • Roost
      • Flame Charge
      • Fly
      • Double Team
  • Vullaby w/ Weak Armor
    • Primary Set
      • Nasty Plot
      • Air Slash
      • Heat Wave
      • Dark Pulse
    • Secondary Set
      • Attract
      • Payback
Ambition/dream: He is striving to be a musical theater star, while also wondering if he's better off as a detective.

Occupation/Job: Is currently cast as Mistoffelees in the Lumiose Center production of Purrloins!

Best Class(es): Drama, Choir, Math

Worst Class(es): Kalosian, because he always skipped it to hang out in the drama room.

Family and Friends

Parent(s): His parents, Raoul and Aline, raised him and his sister well. They both supported him and his sexuality and career goals. He’s pretty close with them.

Sibling(s): He has a younger twin sister, Noemie, who he is insanely close with. They both claim that if they don’t talk at least once a day, they get headaches. For that reason, they will call each other at 8:45pm on the nose every day.

Relative(s): He has an extremely large family; both his maternal and paternal grandparents are still alive, and his dad had 7 siblings while his mom had 3. So, he has a lot of cousins and aunts and uncles.

Best Friend(s): He has a group of close knit friends that he took dance and singing lessons with; they called themselves ‘The Pelipper Pier’ based on an inside joke. These friends are Odette Cinq-Mars, Acadia Vaugeois, Basille Tremaux, Claude Renaudin, and his sister. Noemie, Claude, and Basille have moved to other regions to pursue other things, but they all remain close. Noel hangs out with Odette and Acadia almost every day, but he is particularly close with Odette.

Friend(s): Noel has a lot of acquaintances, being the social butterfly that he is, and considers himself friends with almost everyone on the Purrloins! cast.

Crush(es): This is hard to keep track of for him, because he’ll pursue anybody he finds even remotely good looking.

Rival(s): He has a friendly rivalry with Noemie.

Enemy: Dorien Bonhomme


Scent: Smells distinctly of his hondew berry cologne and a fresh pair of jazz shoes.

Blood type: AB+

Outfit(s): He wears his dance team track jacket frequently. If he’s not wearing that, he has a trenchcoat. Otherwise, he usually wears leggings or jeans and whatever loose fitting t-shirt he has on hand.

Accessories: He has an aviary glove that he had custom made so that he can handle Talonflame and Braviary. He also had a baby carrier made so he can hold Vullaby when he’s out of his ball.

Makeup: He will sometimes put mascara on because he thinks his long lashes up his sex appeal. He might also dust some blush on the tip of his nose.

Scars: He has a tiny scar under his left foot from the time he stepped on a rusty nail during a dance solo. [REDACTED]

Tattoo(es): Has the number 6 on his left butt cheek.

Jewelry: He wears a single bracelet that has Noemie’s name on it. Noemie has an identical one with his name on it.

Piercing(s): Has had his eyebrow pierced, but took it out because his hair kept getting caught in it.


Quote: “I bet I could give him a bisexual awakening if I tried hard enough.”
Favorite Food(s): Crepes, Macaroons, Ratatouille
Favorite Drink(s): Wine, due to the fact his parents work at a wine distillery, so he has a great taste for it.
Favorite Song/Music Genre/Band:
  • Song: Shadowlands from The Pyroar King
  • Genre(s): Indie Pop, Folk, Glam Rock, Musicals
  • Band: Elton John or Billie Eilish
Favorite Color(s): Royal blue
Favorite Pokemon: Braviary, because they're LIT.
Favorite Number: 6, because there were 6 people on his dance team. It’s his lucky number.
Favorite Season(s): Fall, because pretty leaves!
Favorite Holiday(s): Halloween
Favorite Time of Day: Night


Full Name: Clovis Aurélien LeClair/[REDACTED]
Nickname: [REDACTED]
Gender: Male
Age: Claiming 25 [REDACTED]
Species: Human
Sexual Orientation: Thinks he’s asexual, but is actually extremely demisexual
Birthday: November 1st, 1992 at 8:33am
Birth Place: Azoth Kingdom, Kalos


Eye Color(s): Wears blue colored contacts, but his eyes are naturally brown.
Hair Color: Dyes his hair silver, but it’s naturally brown.
Hair Style(s): He has a layered cut, and likes to leave it in a state of “neat messiness.” He likes his bangs slightly in his face.
Skin tone: He’s Caucasian, and has a cool undertone to his skin.
Body type: Toned, on the verge of muscular, inverted triangle body type.
Height: 6’2
Weight: 225lbs

About Him

Personality: Clovis has the tendency to go back and forth between being a wallflower, or being the center of the crowd. He’s somebody who doesn’t mind sitting back and watching the action, but could very well get in on it as well. He’s versatile like that. He’s something of a mixed bag when it comes to his persona--he holds himself like a conniving and almost coldhearted businessman, but he can be reduced to a childish, giggling mess at the slightest mentioning of going to a donut shop, or at the sound of a funny joke. He particularly enjoys a good laugh, and a fun time, no matter what it might be.

He has an insatiable desire to help those around them--whether they are Pokemon or human. As one of the richest humans in Kalos, he has donated a good chunk of his fortune to effectively ending poverty and homelessness in the region, and goes out of his way to frequent small businesses for the sake of boosting them. While he normally partakes in things like this just because he knows it’s the right thing to do, he mostly does it to spit into the face of the other people in his social class...because he absolutely cannot stand them.

He’s a certifiable “genius,” speaking in terms of his IQ, and he damn sure knows that. He will often use this to advantage when he’s seeking to get something out of others, but more often than not, he’d rather make fun of himself for it. He has a knack for self-deprecating humor, and tends to use it to mask the absolute mental agony he’s constantly under...

Myers-Briggs Classification: INTJ-A

Good Habit(s): Donating his excess wealth to charity, living a low-waste lifestyle, practicing good hygiene, very neat and tidy, being helpful when somebody needs it, regularly exercising.

Bad habit(s): Chain smoking, high functioning alcoholism, saying what’s on his mind even when he shouldn’t, extreme pettiness (mainly toward his father), overthinking.

Like(s): Figure skating, Pokemon, Pokemon conservation, fashion, long relaxing baths, snow, Ice-types, helping the less fortunate, eavesdropping, puzzles.

Dislike(s): Slobs, mismatching clothes, people who don’t take pride in their appearance, the wealthy society, the shiny trade, his family traditions, spoiled brats.

Hobbies: Figure skating, figure skating coaching, engaging in and starting Pokemon conservation efforts, philanthropy.

Allergies: He’s lactose intolerant, but doesn’t give a fuck about that.

Fear(s): That he’s going to live the rest of his life under his father’s rule. He is also deathly afraid of heights, and feels some type of way about gluten free foods.

Strength(s): He’s very straightforward and doesn’t beat around the bush. He is also unbelievably smart, which allows him to be thorough and think of effective ways to get things done. He’s physically fit because he regularly trains to maintain his physique, per his figure skating training. He’s very capable of maintaining a composed persona, and can lie very well if needed.

Weakness(es): As much as it is a strength, his bluntness is also a weakness. It has gotten him into trouble numerous times, and has gotten people to dislike him too. He also has a long standing guilt over displeasing his father, and feels an internal need to do so even though he knows he doesn’t like it. His spoiled brat roots also come out again once in a while. He also does not know how to deal with his feelings efficiently, and would rather drink or smoke them away.

Special Powers/Abilities: [REDACTED]

Weapon(s): He is trained and certified to handle firearms.

Language(s) Spoken: Kalosian (French) is his native tongue, but he is fluent in Galarian (English), Russian, and knows a little German.

Extra: Clovis, at one point in his life, was a classifiable spoiled brat. However, while on a retreat in a developing region, a homeless person held him up at gunpoint for his wallet. Clovis was horrified, until he realized that the man was crying, and insisted that he was only doing it because his daughter was dying and he couldn’t afford to help her. Clovis found himself traumatized after the incident, but not because he was robbed--because somebody had to resort to criminal activity to find the funds for someone they loved. He vowed, for the rest of his life, he’d dedicate himself to doing whatever he could to make sure nobody would ever have to resort to that.


  • Powdered Sugar - Snom w/ Ice Scales
    • Primary Moveset:
      • Icy Wind
      • Skitter Smack
      • Substitute
  • Glaze - Aurorus w/ Refrigerate
    • Primary Moveset
      • Hyper Voice
      • Freeze Dry
      • Earth Power
      • Ancient Power
    • Secondary Moveset
      • Rock Polish
      • Meteor Beam
      • Protect
      • Discharge
  • Sprinkle - Cryogonal w/ Levitate
    • Primary Moveset
      • Recover
      • Freeze Dry
      • Defog
      • Toxic
    • Secondary Moveset
      • Hail
      • Aurora
      • Rapid Spin
      • Knock Off
  • Donut Hole “Donut” - Lapras w/ Water Absorb
    • Primary Set
      • Sheer Cold
      • Horn Drill
      • Rest
      • Sleep Talk
    • Secondary Set
      • Zap Cannon
      • Fissure
      • Dragon Dance
      • Sing
  • I Love Krispy Kreme “Love” - Glaceon w/ Ice Body
    • Primary Set
      • Hail
      • Wish
      • Protect
      • Heal Bell
    • Secondary Set
      • Shadow Ball
      • Freeze Dry
      • Water Pulse
      • Ice Beam
  • Frosting - Weavile w/ Pressure
    • Primary Set
      • Swords Dance
      • Triple Axel
      • Knock Off
      • Ice Shard
    • Secondary Set
      • Icicle Crash
      • Beat Up
      • Low Kick
      • Lash Out
Ambition/dream: He wanted to be the next great figure skater, but now just wants to see the shiny trade ended, and all Pokemon treated fairly.
Occupation/Job: [REDACTED]

Best Class(es): All STEM subjects, he was a certified child genius.

Worst Class(es): All of them, because he hated school and just wanted to be on the ice.

Family and Friends

Parent(s): [REDACTED]

Sibling(s): [REDACTED]

Relative(s): [REDACTED]

Best Friend(s): Maxence “Max” Carrell, his personal assistant and driver. He honestly doesn’t need a personal assistant or driver, but keeps Maxence employed so he can make sure that he has a good income and job. Despite Max’s job title, they are very close, and act like any set of friends normally would. Clovis considers Max his best friend, only because Max knows everything that is going on with him.

Friend(s): He has several friends from his days as a figure skater that he still frequently talks to and hangs out with. There is a group of other 6 other male figure skaters that he was considered a part of, often referred to as ‘The Sensational Sneasels,’ that he used to compete against and perform with, and he considers them very close friends. His former skating partner, Helena Graves, is also somebody he considers close.

Crush(es): Odette Cinq-Mars

Rival(s): Dorien Bonhomme

Enemy: Dorien Bonhomme, Jocelyn Delsarte


Scent: Smells exclusively like his favorite Gucci cologne that he dabs behind his ears.

Blood type: O+

Outfit(s): Fashion is one of his passions, so it’s the one thing he spends an obscene amount of money on. He primarily wears luxury brand clothes.

Accessories: Wears whatever he thinks will match with his outfit for the day, whether it’s sunglasses, a hat, a handkerchief, etc.

Makeup: He used to put foundation on before competing in skating competitions, and will sometimes put some on before attending a gathering.

Scars: Has a large scar on his right palm from a skating accident where his skating partner tripped over it and cut it open with her blade. [REDACTED]

Tattoo(es): N/A

Jewelry: Will occasionally wear a couple rings on his fingers.

Piercing(s): He pierced his ears to piss his dad off. He’ll put them in occasionally to keep the holes open.


Quote: “New hotness” and “Old busted.”
Favorite Food(s): Donuts
Favorite Drink(s): Cranberry Juice, Champagne, Gin
Favorite Song/Music Genre/Band:
  • Song: No Diggity by Blackstreet
  • Genre: Classical, Latin Rock, Jazz Fusion
  • Band: Gipsy Kings and Santana
Favorite Color(s): Slate gray
Favorite Pokemon: Ice-Types
Favorite Number: 3, because his triple axel is godlike.
Favorite Season(s): Winter
Favorite Holiday(s): New Years
Favorite Time of Day: Afternoon

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Full Name: Dorien Arnaud Colin Bonhomme
Nickname: Dickhead
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Species: Human
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual(?)
Birthday: July 24th, 1997 at 6:06am
Birth Place: Azoth Kingdom, Kalos


Eye Color(s): Green
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style(s): He has a layered bowl-ish style cut that he’ll either slick back, or comb down neatly.
Skin tone: He’s caucasian, and has a cool undertone to his skin.
Body type: Pretty muscular, inverted triangle body type.
Height: 5’10.
Weight: 220lbs

About Him

Personality: To put it bluntly, Dorien is both a clinically diagnosed narcissist and sociopath. He wholeheartedly feels like the world was meant to revolve around him, and that he is entitled to whatever he pleases. He knows he can get whatever he pleases by acting the part. He’s charismatic, he’s good looking, he’s got money and power, and he makes sure people know it. If there were ever a human equivalent of a peacock, it would be him.

Likewise, Dorien is not afraid to get his hands dirty to get what he wants, per learning from his father. He has no issues manipulating others, in order to get them to trust him or do his bidding. He is not above committing any crimes, no matter what they are, as long as it provides a means to an end.

Deep down, despite the fact he has a hard time feeling emotion, he just wants somebody to love him the same way his mother did. He wholeheartedly acknowledges the fact that he has mommy issues, and hopes to one day find the person to sate him of those issues. He actually thinks he has found that person...

Myers-Briggs Classification: ESTA-J

Good Habit(s): Polite, sociable, takes good care of his appearance, putting on a friendly face, networking with others, and good table manners.

Bad habit(s): Obsessive nature, stalking, affirmation seeking, misogynistic tendencies, acting spoiled, making insensitive comments regarding wealth, severe case of envy.

Like(s): Expensive things, Pokemon battling, taking luxurious vacations, beautiful women (Odette), being the center of attention, high end clothing and accessories, getting what he wants, fast cars and other vehicles.

Dislike(s): Things he might consider “commoner,” cheap clothes, having things taken away from him, seeing other people with things he wants, feeling like he’s not in a position of power, puzzles, amusement parks, being by himself.

Hobbies: Street racing, Pokemon batting and training, engaging in shiny trade bids, shiny hunting.

Allergies: No allergies!

Fear(s): Guns, losing out on the things he wants.

Strength(s): He has money and power, and a lot of pull in the world of the shiny trade. He has a lot of friends in high (and low) places, his charisma.

Weakness(es): He has an obsessive nature--if he focuses on something, he won’t stop focusing on it until he feels fulfilled, or sees whatever task it may be through, even if it’s detrimental to him. He is also quite full of himself, to a point where’s convinced that he can do no wrong--and that gets him into trouble when he’s trying to execute plans.

Special Powers/Abilities: [REDACTED]

Weapon(s): N/A

Language(s) Spoken: Kalosian (French) is his native tongue, but he is fluent in Kantonian, Sinnohan, Russian, German, and knows a little bit of Galarian.

Extra: Dorien had a rough childhood, solely for the fact that he spent a lot of it suffering from his narcissism and sociopathy. After he was diagnosed, his mother, Nadia, did a fantastic job of keeping him grounded, and making sure he got the help he needed. Nadia often discussed taking Dorien and his brothers and running away from her husband and Dorien’s father, Blaise. Nadia did end up doing just that--but she left Dorien behind. Without the love of his mother, and under the cold guidance of his father, Dorien grew to be an uncaring, spoiled, and downright diabolical individual.


  • Ferrothorn
  • Togedemaru
  • Corviknight
  • Toxicroak
  • Pangoro
  • Bewear
  • Excadrill
  • Poliwrath
Ambition/dream: [REDACTED]

Occupation/Job: Broker for the Kalos shiny trade, shiny hunter.

Best Class(es): Chemistry, because it was the class he was partnered with Odette.

Worst Class(es): Kalosian, because he skipped.

Family and Friends

Parent(s): His parents, Blaise and Nadia, did not have a great relationship. Nadia had three children with Blaise before she decided she’d had enough of Blaise’s cold and domineering nature, and she went out to get some caviar and never came back. Before that, Dorien had thought he had a good relationship with his mother. She frequently told him of her dreams to run away with him and his brothers, and he shared those dreams with her. Once she left, Dorien was left to the mercy of Blaise. He never physically abused him, but he never provided Dorien with the warm parental guidance that he so desperately needed, instead drilling into his head that he needed to fend for himself, and that he was absolutely entitled to whatever he wanted.

Sibling(s): Dorien is the youngest of three brothers. His older brothers are Fabien and Alain. He does go on outings with them, but he does not consider himself close to them.

Relative(s): The Bonhomme family is extremely large. His paternal and maternal grandparents and great-grandparents are still alive, and his mother had 11 siblings, while his father only had 1 sister. However, when his mother left, Dorien’s father forbade Dorien or his brother from seeing the maternal side of their family.

Best Friend(s): He frequently refers to Clovis LeClair as his best friend, because he’s hung out with Clovis the most. They battle, have lunch, engage in family parties, and so on and so forth. Dorien desires to one day be as wealthy as Clovis is, which is part of the reason why he has tried to get so close to him.

Friend(s): He has a lot of people that he considers friends and acquaintances from the sheer amount of time he spends networking and socializing with other members of the elite. There is a group of men about his age that are also engaged in the shiny trade that he also hangs out with.

Crush(es): Odette Cinq-Mars. He is viciously [REDACTED]

Rival(s): Clovis LeClair

Enemy: Clovis LeClair, due to Odette’s infatuation with him.


Scent: Whatever expensive cologne he decided to put on that morning.

Blood type: B+

Outfit(s): Dorien pretty much only wears high end, name brand clothes. It doesn’t matter if they match or not, so long as there’s logos visible for others to see.

Accessories: He wears a solid gold, diamond encrusted Roll-X watch.

Makeup: N/A

Scars: He has a scar on his left leg from the time his older brother pushed him onto a glass coffee table. It shattered, and a glass shard cut his leg open.

Tattoo(es): N/A
Jewelry: He sometimes wears a couple of large diamond rings when he’s trying to look impressive.

Piercing(s): He got his ears pierced once, hoping to impress Odette.


Quote: "I don't care what anyone says, being rich is a good thing."
Favorite Food(s): Anything expensive. Really likes caviar, only because it makes him look wealthy.
Favorite Drink(s): Screaming Braviary Cabernet 1992, the most expensive wine in the world.
Favorite Song/Music Genre/Band:
  • Song: Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven
  • Genre: Pop, Jazz, Classical
  • Band: Janet Jackson
Favorite Color(s): Red
Favorite Pokemon: Excadrill
Favorite Number: 1, because he’s number 1.
Favorite Season(s): Summer, because it’s the most sociable time of the year.
Favorite Holiday(s): New Years, for the parties!
Favorite Time of Day: Morning


Full Name: Guzma Rhys Kahele
Nickname: Guz, Boss, Reeses Puff
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Species: Human
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Birthday: March 19th, 1995 at 1:34am
Birth Place: Hau'oli City, Alola


Eye Color(s): Gold
Hair Color: His hair is naturally black, but he dyes it white.
Hair Style(s): He has naturally wavy hair that has always been hard to style. So, he got an undercut that shows off his black roots, but keeps the top part long and messy.
Skin tone: He’s part Galarian and part Alolan, so he has the features of an Alolan, but is a little on the lighter side.
Body type: Muscular, trapezoid body type.
Height: 6’0
Weight: 240lbs

About Him

Personality: He calls himself “destruction in human form” for a reason--he surely lives up to the title with his penchant for absolute violence. He’s an extremely turbulent personality, one who wears his emotions on his sleeve. But that definitely doesn’t deter from the fact that he’s not one you want to fuck around with. He’ll hand your ass to you on a silver platter, and he’ll do it with a malicious smile on his face.

Granted, he’s not one to go out of his way to search for a fight. He’ll gladly pick one if somebody seems to be asking for it, but he actually has equally as good of a time sitting with his group in Po Town, playing a game of cards, or fucking around on Mario Party. He lives for a good time, and as much as he considers fighting a good time, he’s also here for a simple get together with a lot of drinks and a lot of laughs. He likes it because it makes him feel at ease, which is exceedingly rare for him.

He finds himself on a consistent quest to better himself--physically, mentally, and everything in-between. He wants to be the best at whatever he’s set out to do, because he’s truly never found himself in a position where he’s felt the best. He is constantly bogged down by the thoughts of his past as an abused child, and it doesn’t quite help that he’s reliving such abuse at the hands of Lusamine...

Myers-Briggs Classification: ESTP-T

Good Habit(s): Strong will, is a great friend to the people he likes, passionate about the things he loves, meal prep, follows a workout and Pokemon training regiment, great protective instinct.

Bad habit(s): Picking fights with others, over exerting himself, keeping his feelings and thoughts to himself, getting angry easily, dwelling on things of the past, biting his lip.

Like(s): Cooking, Pokemon training and battling, Bug Type Pokemon, playing party games, playing video games, out-of-pocket jokes, dirty jokes, bad movies, swimming in the ocean or a pool, fighting, weight-lifting, karaoke nights.

Dislike(s): His parents, the Bonfire Crew, people who write off Bug-types in Pokemon battles, needles, snobs, holier-than-thou people, brain teasers, cold weather, math.

Hobbies: Pokemon battling, paintballing with Team Skull, gaming, cooking, playing chess, surfing.

Allergies: No allergies!

Fear(s): Needles, Mudsdales, his father, Lusamine hurting Plumeria or the grunts.

Strength(s): He is physically sound, and his hard-headedness keeps him from breaking at the will of others. He’ll stick his neck out for the people he cares about, and will do anything to protect them, even at the expense of himself. He’s smart, too--smarter than he gives himself credit for. He’s bad with numbers, but he definitely knows how to function in the street.

Weakness(es): His hard-headedness is also a weakness, because it makes him too stubborn to change any wrong views he might have. He’s also quick to anger, and quick to judge others, making it somewhat hard for him to make friends outside of Team Skull. He also feels entirely bogged down about his past, and while it strengthens him, it also weakens him into thinking he’s no good.

Special Powers/Abilities: N/A

Weapon(s): He has a pair of brass knuckles he keeps in his pocket, just in case.

Language(s) Spoken: Galarian is his native language, and he can understand Alolan very well, but cannot speak it that fluently.

Extra: Guzma is very comfortable with his sexuality, and doesn’t really care who he ends up with so as long as they’re cute, tolerable, and the sex is good. However, his game has been shot for a while, due to his heartbreak over Plumeria. He fell in love with her, and when they started dating and had sex for the first time, Plumeria realized she was not straight. Guzma constantly finds himself wondering if he’ll ever find anybody again, because he thought Plumeria was his soul mate.

  • Golisopod w/ Emergency Exit
    • Primary Set
      • Sucker Punch
      • Waterfall
      • Brick Break
      • First Impression
    • Secondary Set
      • Leech Life
      • Liquidation
      • Pin Missile
      • Rock Slide
  • Vikavolt w/ Levitate
    • Primary Set
      • Flash Canon
      • Thunderbolt
      • Bug Buzz
      • Energy Ball
    • Secondary Set
      • Volt Switch
      • Energy Ball
      • Roost
      • Thunderbolt
  • Pinsir w/ Mold Breaker
    • Primary Set
      • Throat Chop
      • Storm Throw
      • X-Scissor
      • Stone Edge
    • Secondary Set
      • Superpower
      • Close Combat
      • Guillotine
      • Earthquake
  • Masquerain w/ Intimidate
    • Primary Set
      • Air Slash
      • Bug Buzz
      • Ice Beam
      • Energy Ball
    • Secondary Set
      • Sticky Web
      • Hydro Pump
      • Air Slash
      • Quiver Dance
  • Scizor w/ Technician
    • Primary Set
      • X-Scissor
      • Iron Head
      • Night Slash
      • Bullet Punch
    • Secondary Set
      • U-Turn
      • Superpower
      • Knock-Off
      • Bug Bite
Ambition/dream: To be Alola’s first champion.

Occupation/Job: Boss of Team Skull.

Best Class(es): Alolan History, because he actually found it interesting.

Worst Class(es): Anything involving numbers.

Family and Friends

Parent(s): His father, Mamo, was abusive toward him. Mamo would often hit Guzma with his golf clubs, and would even go as far as to put lit cigarettes out on his skin to “teach him a lesson.” Mamo was also less than thrilled about Guzma’s bisexual alignment, and made it clear that he didn’t acknowledge it. Meanwhile, Guzma’s mother, Darcie, was passive as this abuse was going on, and did absolutely nothing to stop it. Guzma is currently “no contact” with both of them, and plans to keep it that way.

Sibling(s): He is an only child.

Relative(s): He has 1 paternal aunt and 2 maternal uncles, and a total of 6 cousins that he has met a handful of times in his life. He doesn’t know any of them that well.

Best Friend(s): His closest friend ever is Plumeria. They’ve been friends for upwards of 20 years, and have been through it all together.

Friend(s): He considers all of the Team Skull grunts his friends. Best friends, even, but nobody is as close to him as Plumeria is.

Crush(es): Plumeria (former)

Rival(s): Plumeria, Gladion, Kukui

Enemy: Hau


Scent: A mix of a berry scented body spray from Bath and Body Works and ocean water. If he hasn’t bathed and has been working out or training, there’s a tinge of sweat in there.

Blood type: O-

Outfit(s): He likes his clothes baggy, so he sticks to big sweaters and jackets, and joggers. If he doesn’t need to wear a jacket, he likes his wife-beater tank tops and cotton t-shirts.

Accessories: He has a pair of yellow sunglasses he likes to wear. He has multiple pairs of them because he’s always losing or breaking them.

Makeup: Sometimes he'll answer the call of the guyliner and brow pomade.

Scars: He has several burn scars on his back from his dad putting cigarettes out on him, and from [REDACTED]

Tattoo(es): He has temporary tattoos of the Team Skull logos on his arms that he reapplies every two weeks. He refuses to get real ones because needles scare him.

Jewelry: He has a gold chain sporting the Team Skull logo, and some matching gold bracelets. He also has a gold watch he won in a claw game.
Piercing(s): He has a nipple piercing that he was forced to get when he lost a bet. He’s too scared to take it out.


Favorite Food(s): Pineapple Upsidedown Cake
Favorite Drink(s): Monster, Mountain Dew, Powerade
Favorite Song/Genre/Band:
  • Song: Where Ya At feat. Drake by Future
  • Genre: Heavy Metal, Screamo, Rap, Hip-Hop.
  • Band: Linkin Park
Favorite Color(s): Neon Yellow
Favorite Pokemon: Golisopod
Favorite Number: 0, because fuck numbers.
Favorite Season(s): Fall, because that’s when Alola starts to cool off and not be unbearably hot.
Favorite Holiday(s): Halloween, because spooks.
Favorite Time of Day: Night

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Full Name: Hau Pilipo Inoke
Nickname: Hau-Hau, Smokestack, Lolo
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Birthday: June 4th, 2000 at 9:31am
Birth Place: Hau'oli City, Alola


Eye Color(s): Grey
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style(s): He has thick black hair that he styles into a high ponytail, which shows off his undercut.
Skin tone: Being a full-blooded Alolan, he’s very dark skinned.
Body type: Slim, rectangle body type.
Height: 5’11
Weight: 200lbs

About Him

Personality: Hau is somebody who wants to make the shyest person in the room feel welcome. If he’s at a party, he will go out of his way to make sure that he converses with everybody present, and make sure they’re having a good time. If they’re not, he’ll fix that--whether it’s with a good joke, or a polite listening ear. At his core, he is just somebody who wants to bring a little more light to the otherwise dark world, making him quite popular among his friends.

Despite the fact that he seems like a happy-go-lucky person with everyone else’s best interests in mind, he doesn’t pay much attention to his own interests. He has aspirations, he has goals, he knows what he wants with himself--but he cannot bring himself to realize that he can achieve whatever he sets his heart to. His imposter syndrome is quite severe, and quite literally runs his life. But, he’d never tell anybody that. He’d rather just get high and forget about it.

Being Hala’s grandson, he has a lot riding on him, which contributes to his internal stress. He constantly lives in fear of letting his grandfather down. And with Alola finally joining the Worldwide Pokemon League, and finally choosing a champion, he has a lot of eyes on him...

Myers-Briggs Classification: ESFP-T

Good Habit(s): Knows how to stay calm and collected, is very friendly and welcoming to everyone he meets, likes to keep peace and doesn;t fight with people, good sense of humor, good listening skills, eager to learn, always there to lend a helping hand, being empathetic.

Bad habit(s): Acting like everything is fine even when it’s not, borderline toxic positivity, excessive marijuana smoking, joking around a little too much, letting his imposter syndrome run his life, being nosy, kind of sloppy, disorganized, procrastinator.

Like(s): Eating malasadas, buying malasadas, making malasadas, hanging out with his homies, social smoking, smoking by himself, being high on a stressful day, surfing, swimming, Pokemon training and battling, Pokemon hunting, Shakespeare, voice impressions, jokes.

Dislike(s): Team Skull’s drama, drama in general, people with no sense of humor, killjoys, cocky people, people who don’t like malasadas, litter, choppy surfing waves, school, being compared to Hala, panic, fighting, conflict in general.

Hobbies: Pokemon training and battling, Pokemon hunting, surfing, ocean conservation.

Allergies: No allergies!

Fear(s): Hospitals--has a bad case of white coat syndrome and will do whatever he can to avoid doctors appointments, stinging nettles, Grass-type Pokemon, letting Hala down, being a general disappointment and failure.

Strength(s): As somebody who doesn’t particularly like conflict, he’s grown very skilled at deescalating tense situations, and this has gotten him out of several pickles in the past. He’s also quite skilled at bringing light into a dark situation--he has some masterful comedic timing, and seems to always know just when to crack a silly remark. Additionally, he’s a very strong, and very gifted Pokemon trainer. They all seem to just flock to him!

Weakness(es): On the other hand, his averse feelings toward conflict make it hard for him to talk about heavy things. He’ll make jokes about it to keep things light, but really struggles to keep things serious. In terms of his joking persona, while he does know how to keep things light, sometimes he will take his jokes a little too far. He has been known to take some ‘roast fests’ a couple notches too high, and accidentally offend somebody.

Special Powers/Abilities: N/A

Weapon(s): N/A

Language(s) Spoken: He is fluent in Galarian and Alolan.

Extra: Hau is particularly close with Hala, and is forever thankful for the life he’s given to him. However, Hau’s fear of being a disappointment keeps him from talking to Hala about his feelings, which has caused some sort of rift between them. He also really wants to kick his dad in the shin for saddling him with the weight of being related to a Kahuna.

  • Raichu w/ Surge Surfer
    • Primary Set
      • Thunderbolt
      • Quick Attack
      • Psychic
      • Focus Blast
    • Secondary Set
      • Nasty Plot
      • Psyshock
      • Substitute
      • Electroweb
  • Noivern w/ Infiltrator
    • Primary Set
      • Dragon Pulse
      • Air Slash
      • Dark Pulse
      • Super Fang
    • Secondary Set
      • Hurricane
      • Taunt
      • Roost
      • U-Turn
  • Crabominable w/ Iron Fist
    • Primary Set
      • Power-Up Punch
      • Ice Hammer
      • Stone Edge
      • Dizzy Punch
    • Secondary Set
      • Substitute
      • Toxic
      • Thunder Punch
      • Drain Punch
  • Incineroar w/ Blaze
    • Primary Set
      • Darkest Lariat
      • Flare Blitz
      • Earthquake
      • Swords Dance
    • Secondary Set
      • Fire Blast
      • Knock Off
      • U-Turn
      • Will-O-Wisp
  • Tauros w/ Intimidate
    • Primary Set
      • Zen Headbutt
      • Iron Head
      • Earthquake
      • Double Edge
    • Secondary Set
      • Body Slam
      • Fire Blast
      • Work Up
      • Icy Wind
  • Leafeon w/ Leaf Guard
    • Primary Set
      • Leaf Blade
      • Quick Attack
      • Charm
      • Baby-Doll Eyes
    • Secondary Set
      • Swords Dance
      • Knock Off
      • Double Edge
      • Synthesis
Ambition/dream: To be Alola’s first champion, to be an Island Kahuna, to find his dad and kick him in the shin.

Occupation/Job: Assistant to Professor Kukui.

Best Class(es): Galarian

Worst Class(es): Everything else, because he skipped.

Family and Friends

Parent(s): Hau’s father, Alika, ran off to Kanto, because he couldn’t handle the pressure of living in the shadow of a Kahuna. Hau’s mother, Helina, could not handle the pain of her husband running and having to care for a newborn, so she left Hau with her father-in-law, Hala, for what she claimed was going to be a few days. 19 years later, she’s yet to come back, and neither has Alika. Hau doesn’t entirely hold anything against his parents, but he does hold some disdain for his father. He hopes to one day hunt Alika down and kick him in the shin.

Sibling(s): He is an only child.

Relative(s): He has an enormous extended family. Hala was among a family of ten siblings, and they’re firm in their practice of ‘Ohana.’ Hau knows all of his distant aunts, uncles, and cousins, and sees them all frequently. Additionally, his maternal grandfather, Hala, was the one who took over being Hau’s guardian when Helina ran off. Hala did whatever he could to make sure Hau had a fulfilling and good childhood, and Hau respects Hala greatly for it.

Best Friend(s): Hau frequently hangs out with a group of guys and gals his age who call themselves “The Bonfire Crew,” because they frequently hike to a specific spot on the island to have bonfire parties and just vibe. Most of them know each other because they are dancers for the Elite Family Dance Studio, but they love to let Hau hang. One of the most frequent goers, Kale, is particularly close with Hau.

Friend(s): The Bonfire Crew

Crush(es): Lillie

Rival(s): Guzma, Gladion, Plumeria

Enemy(ies): Guzma, Gladion, Plumeria


Scent: Sweet malasadas and occasionally weed.
Blood type: AB+
Outfit(s): As a man who enjoys being outside and preferably by the ocean, he frequently wears light t-shirts and basketball shorts or swim trunks, just to combat Alola’s tropic heat. He also has a pair of flip-flops he’s worn down to the sole.
Makeup: N/A
Accessories: Has a pair of orange sunglasses that he likes wearing. He also wears a leg pouch that he keeps his Pokeballs in.
Scars: Has a couple of faint scars on his torso from Pokemon battling faux pas.
Tattoo(es): N/A
Jewelry: He wears a cowrie necklace that Hala gave to him as a good luck charm.
Piercing(s): N/A


Quote: “PACK IT UP.”
Favorite Food(s): 5-cheese pizza, malasadas
Favorite Drink(s): Mountain Dew, Four Loko
Favorite Song/Genre/Band:
  • Song: Nights by Frank Ocean
  • Genre: Rap, Rock
  • Band: Weezer and Frank Ocean
Favorite Color(s): Seafoam Green
Favorite Pokemon: He couldn’t pick one.
Favorite Number: 7--his team, plus him!
Favorite Season(s): Summer, because it’s the best surfing season.
Favorite Holiday(s): Fest of the Water-Types, Unitas
Favorite Time of Day: Night


Full Name: Kalani "Plumeria" Anika Pekelo
Nickname: Plumeria
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Species: Human
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Birthday: March 9th, 1995 at 12:03pm
Birth Place: Heahea City, Alola


Eye Color(s): Yellow
Hair Color: She is naturally blonde, but she dyes half her head pink.
Hair Style(s): She has long hair that she will either style into pigtails, or up in a ponytail behind a bandana.
Skin tone: Even though she is a full-blooded Alolan, she has a light tan complexion.
Body type: Slim, hourglass body type.
Height: 5’7
Weight: 135lbs

About Her

Personality: If you look up the term ‘hard-ass’ in the dictionary, you’ll surely find a photo of Plumeria. She’s the physical embodiment of the word ‘tough,’ and she makes sure others know that. People used to cower in fear when she walked down the hallway at her high school. Make no mistake, though. She only acts that way in order to protect the ones she loves, because she only really has everyone’s best interests in mind. For all intents and purposes, she is the ‘mom friend,’ if not the ‘scary mom friend.’

Her hard-assness was fostered as a result of her difficult childhood. She grew up poor and with an uncaring mother, and knew she’d have to toughen up if she wanted to make it in the world. This is also what has made her so protective--she doesn’t want anybody to ever feel like she did as a child. She feels the most at ease when she’s around her crew, and pretty much believes it is them against the world. And she’s okay with that.

Even with her rigged outer wall, she has a soft center. While she’s not afraid to smash some heads, she also wouldn’t mind settling down with a nice girl and living a peaceful life somewhere. Of course, not before becoming Alola’s champion. With the League tournament coming up, she has her sights set on finally marking her place in the world...

Myers-Briggs Classification: ISTJ-A

Good Habit(s): Protective of those weaker than her, responsible, neat, organized, strong sense of leadership, punctual, being extremely caring for those she loves, thinking things over before acting.

Bad habit(s): Has a hard time compromising, being too stubborn, being too hard on others, overworking herself, stretching herself too thin, severe pettiness, holding grudges, being overbearing, judging a book by it’s cover.

Like(s): Long naps, easy days, gacha toys, cute stuffed animals, soap operas, Pokemon battling and training, a clean house, her own private space, doing nice things for her friends, sunbathing, being at the beach.

Dislike(s): Stupidity, slowness, showing weakness, sloppiness, the wealthy, bullies, Poison-type haters, her mother.

Hobbies: Pokemon training and battling, Pokemon hunting, surfing.

Allergies: She has a sesame seed allergy.

Fear(s): Hurricane season and bad storms in general, brain eating amoebas, seeing her friends get hurt, becoming her mother.

Strength(s): She is both physically and mentally able. She is extremely strong-willed and has a lot of goals and ambitions for herself. She’s determined to see herself and those she keeps close succeed. She’s extremely protective, and has proven herself to be great in a leadership position. She knows how to keep order, and is organized and responsible enough to be able to effectively delegate tasks to a group of people.

Weakness(es): She has a lack of willingness to compromise and can be exceedingly stubborn, making her somewhat difficult to work with. Her protective nature will sometimes get the better of her, and she’ll sometimes come off as either too overbearing or somewhat rude. She also doesn’t quite know how to take care of herself--she’d rather be overworked than find herself with nothing to do, and this often leaves her exhausted.

Special Powers/Abilities: N/A

Weapon(s): N/A

Language(s) Spoken: She is fluent in Galarian and Alolan.

Extra: For most of her life, Plumeria found herself questioning her sexuality. She thought she’d just never met a guy she liked, until she considered that she could be in love with Guzma. He liked her, and she thought that she reciprocated. They tried dating, and after having sex once, Plumeria fully realized she was homosexual. She carried the guilt of having that revelation with Guzma and breaking his heart, because she loved him so much.

  • Punchy - Gengar w/ Cursed Body
    • Primary Set
      • Shadow Ball
      • Dark Pulse
      • Sludge Bomb
      • Dazzling Gleam
    • Secondary Set
      • Sludge Wind
      • Hex
      • Will-O-Wisp
      • Substitute
  • Menace - Alolan Muk w/ Poison Touch
    • Primary Set
      • Venoshock
      • Brick Break
      • Toxic
      • Rock Slide
    • Secondary Set
      • Pursuit
      • Gunk trapper
      • Knock Off
      • Fire Punch
  • Goldilocks - Crobat w/ Inner Focus
    • Primary Set
      • Leech Life
      • Fly
      • Poison Fang
      • Protect
    • Secondary Set
      • Brave Bird
      • Super Fang
      • Taunt
      • Roost
  • Chilly - Toxapex w/ Regenerator
    • Primary Set
      • Liquidation
      • Baneful Bunker
      • Poison Jab
      • Recover
    • Secondary Set
      • Scald
      • Haze
      • Toxic Spikes
      • Surf
  • Gadget - Salazzle w/ Corrosion
    • Primary Set
      • Sludge Bomb
      • Flamethrower
      • Dragon Pulse
      • Protect
    • Secondary Set
      • Nasty Plot
      • Fire Blast
      • Rain Dance
      • Hidden Power Ice
  • Sakura - Lurantis w/ Leaf Guard
    • Primary Set
      • Solar Blade
      • Leech Life
      • Poison Jab
      • Payback
    • Secondary Set
      • Defog
      • Leaf Storm
      • Superpower
      • Synthesis
Ambition/dream: To be Alola’s first champion

Occupation/Job: Admin of Team Skull

Best Class(es): Galarian

Worst Class(es): All the rest, because she wasn’t a good student.

Family and Friends

Parent(s): Her mother, Anika, slipped into a drunken depression after her father, Marco, ran out for a jug of milk and never came back. Anika let herself and Plumeria slip into poverty, to the point where they were borderline homeless and living in a trailer. Anika was also a fierce alcoholic, and tended to get violent with Plumeria when she was too drunk. Plumeria left as soon as she and Guzma formed Team Skull, and she hasn’t spoken to her mother since.

Sibling(s): She is an only child.

Relative(s): If she has any relatives, she doesn’t know about any of them.

Best Friend(s): Her closest friend ever is Guzma. They’ve been friends for upwards of 20 years, and have been through it all together.

Friend(s): She considers all of the Team Skull grunts her friends. Best friends, even, but nobody is as close to her as Guzma is.

Crush(es): Guzma (former)

Rival(s): Guzma, Gladion

Enemy(ies): Hau


Scent: Smells like her “Ocean Spray” scented body wash.

Blood type: A-

Outfit(s): She loves her crop tops, and she loves her leggings and sweatpants. Alola’s hot, so she always wants to wear things that are light and breathable.

Accessories: Sometimes she ties her hair back in a bandana.

Makeup: She does like a fierce winged eyeliner on top of a solid smokey eye.

Scars: She has a faint scar on the side of her neck from the time her mother drunkenly threw a bottle at her.

Tattoo(es): She has a real tattoo of Team Skull’s logo on her stomach.

Jewelry: She wears a necklace with Team Skull’s logos on it, as well as the stud in her navel.

Piercing(s): She has a belly button piercing,


Quote: “Guys, please.”
Favorite Food(s): Loco Moco
Favorite Drink(s): Coconut Milk
Favorite Song/Genre/Band:
  • Song: Peacekeeper by Green Day
  • Genre: Emo, Punk, Heavy Metal
  • Band: Green Day or My Chemical Romance
Favorite Color(s): Hot Pink
Favorite Pokemon: Crobat
Favorite Number: 100, because that’s easy to remember.
Favorite Season(s): Summer, because it’s the best surfing season.
Favorite Holiday(s): Halloween
Favorite Time of Day: Morning


Full Name: Lillie Mei Allen
Nickname: Lills, Lil’ Flower
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Species: Human
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Birthday: February 21st, 2000 at 10:42pm
Birth Place: Aether Paradise, Alola


Eye Color(s): Green
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair Style(s): She has her hair cut into a short bob with bangs.
Skin tone: She’s a Caucasian woman, with a neutral undertone.
Body type: Slim, rectangle body type.
Height: 5’4
Weight: 105lbs

About Her

Personality: Simply put, Lillie is stressed.

She might be smiling, she might be having a wonderful conversation with you, but deep down, she is internally screaming. As somebody who was raised sheltered, and out of the eye of the whole world--now that she has actually joined the human and Pokemon race, she’s not quite sure what to do with herself. Granted, it has been a year since she escaped from Aether, and she’s managed to lessen her anxiety since then, it is still ever present. She’s still not quite sure what to do in social settings, and she’s still not quite sure how the world actually works. And it scares her.

But, she’s not one to show it! She lived her life afraid of being a burden, and is worried that her stresses make her one--so she’d rather ball it up inside and act like everything is a-okay with her, even though it’s clearly not. She’s convinced that the more she smiles, and the more positivity she spews, the better everything will become.

However, she really is trying her best. She genuinely wants to make friends and make a life for herself on Alola, and despite the fear she feels, she does her very best to better herself every day. She hopes to one day be able to go out on a journey to meet some new Pokemon...

Myers-Briggs Classification: ISFJ-T

Good Habit(s): Friendly, staying clean, being organized, very gentle, always prepared for the worst, constantly wanting to learn, healthy eating habits, good work ethic.

Bad habit(s): Bottling her feelings, extremely toxic positivity, tugging on her hair, biting her nails, excessive fidgeting, putting things off until the last minute, believes almost everything she sees on the internet.

Like(s): Gardening, being outside, cute Pokemon, Pokemon babies, makeup, pretty clothes and accessories, sightseeing, reading, fishing, fighting games, words of affirmation.

Dislike(s): Confrontation, talking about the past, loud noises, busy settings, pushy people, salespeople, grocery shopping, Pokemon battles, social situations.

Hobbies: Gardening, makeup, fashion, studying Pokemon

Allergies: No allergies!

Fear(s): Beards weird her out, the sight of blood makes her dizzy. Also scared of being sent back to Aether.

Strength(s): She is genuinely a good person with a heart of gold. She really just wants to help and find ways to better herself. She is very self aware of the fact that she grew up sheltered, and is doing whatever she can to change that. Her anxious nature always makes her prepared for anything that life might throw at her, even if she is terrified. She also is the first one to see the good in another person.

Weakness(es): She is extremely sheltered and doesn’t know a lot about how the world works. She’s also extremely anxious, which makes her prone to avoiding things like social interactions and public spaces. She’s also sometimes blinded by the good in people that she sometimes fails to see that there are people who cannot be saved.

Special Powers/Abilities: N/A

Weapon(s): N/A

Language(s) Spoken: She is fluent in Galarian and Alolan, and knows a lot of German, but still struggles with it.

Extra: Lillie was once very close to her mother, Lusamine, and when Lusamine started slipping into her madness, Lillie held out, hoping Lusamine would one day return to normal. Lusamine only proceeded to get worse, and Lillie eventually got to a point where she could no longer take it. She escaped from Aether for the first time in her life, and found shelter in Iki Town under Professor Kukui and Burnet, after convincing Kukui she knew a lot about Pokemon and could be a helpful assistant.

  • Bubbly - Popplio
    • Protect
    • Water Gun
    • Tackle
  • Nebby - Cosmog
Ambition/dream: To open a beach boutique, and to one day go on her own Pokemon journey.

Occupation/Job: Assistant to Professor Kukui.

Best Class(es): All of them, she was a model, homeschooled student.

Worst Class(es): German was a difficult language for her to learn.

Family and Friends

Her parents, Lusamine and Mohn, were very loving to both her and Gladion early on in their lives. However, both Lusamine and Mohn got heavily involved in researching Ultra Space and the Ultra Beasts, which led to Mohn being sucked into an Ultra Wormhole, and he has yet to return. This disappearance caused Lusamine to fall into obsession with researching the Ultra Beasts, and led her to start neglecting and even mistreating her children. At one point, Lusamine [REDACTED]. Lusamine to start experimenting on them to test their endurance. Gladion endured burns and various injections at the hand of her mother, and slowly began to resent her.

Lusamine eventually stopped the experiments [REDACTED] and Lillie thought that was her mother going back to normal, so she stayed behind when Gladion left. However, Lusamine continued to mistreat Lillie, and Lillie soon could not take the heartbreak anymore and also escaped. She has yet to contact her mother since then.

Sibling(s): She has a brother, Gladion, whom she was close to for most of her life. When he ran away, it sort of severed their relationship. She hasn’t spoken to him in several years.

Relative(s): She knows she has relatives, but she doesn’t know how many or who they even are.

Best Friend(s): She considers Hau her best friend, mostly because he’s her only friend. But, his easygoing nature and his willingness to make her feel comfortable draw her to him, and allow her to feel at ease around him. She also feels particularly close to Professor Kukui and Burnet, because they gave her a place to live, and are helping her learn about life in general.

Friend(s): She really likes Hala, but he intimidates her a little bit, so she admires him from afar. She also feels similarly about Professor Vienna Cinq-Mars; she seems cool but she scares her.

Crush(es): Hau

Rival(s): She doesn’t like to refer to people as “rivals.”

Enemy(ies): She doesn’t like to refer to people as “enemies” either.


Scent: She smells like honey and flowers, and sometimes dirt.

Blood type: B-

Outfit(s): She likes wearing loose fitting, airy clothing. She loves pretty dresses and skirts, and all things one might consider “girly.”

Accessories: She has a giant white sunhat she particularly enjoys wearing while gardening or going out and about.

Makeup: She loves doing her makeup, but only for herself. She won’t wear it out because she doesn’t want to attract attention.

Scars: She has several burn scars on her back from Lusamine experimenting on her. She also used to have track marks on her arms from the injections Lusamine used to give her.

Tattoo(es): N/A

Jewelry: She wears little diamond stud earrings, as well as a diamond tennis bracelet her father got for her when she was 4.

Piercing(s): She has her earlobes pierced.


Quote: “Tomorrow is a new day!”
Favorite Food(s): Cotton Candy
Favorite Drink(s): Fruit Punch, Hondew Smoothies
Favorite Song/Genre/Band:
  • Song: Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) by Abba
  • Genre: Classical, 70’ Music, Indie Pop
  • Band: Abba
Favorite Color(s): Seafoam Green
Favorite Pokemon: Teal Blue
Favorite Number: 8, because it was her father’s favorite number.
Favorite Season(s): Spring, because that’s when flowers bloom.
Favorite Holiday(s): Grass Festival, Unitas
Favorite Time of Day: Morning

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Full Name: Gladion Kei Allen
Nickname: Glad Paper Towel
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Species: Human
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Birthday: November 27th, 1997 at 10:12am
Birth Place: Aether Paradise, Alola


Eye Color(s): Green
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair Style(s): He has his hair styles into a short hairdo, but keeps his bangs long enough to cover his left eye
Skin tone: He’s a caucasian man, with a neutral undertone.
Body type: Toned, rectangle body type.
Height: 5’10
Weight: 187lbs

About Him

Personality: Smack some blonde hair on an edgelord and give him daddy issues, and you have Gladion. At least, that’s how Guzma would put it, and he’s not horribly far off. But Gladion is a little deeper than that. While he does present himself as a rebellious teenager, there is a lot of passion and drive under that thick hoodie he wears. He has goals, and he’s the type of guy who will stop at nothing to see it through.

He is a very closed off individual, and considers himself a “lone wolf” type. He sort of lives by the mentality that he needs to do things himself to get them done right. He spent a good portion of his life relying on his mother, only for her to turn around and do unspeakable things to him--so his trust in the human race is a little shot. He pretty much only trusts his Pokemon companions, and mostly uses other people as a means to an end. He doesn’t need friends, yeah. But does he want them? That’s a different story.

As somebody who would rather take an Ice beam to the neck than talk about his feelings, he’d never, ever admit that he actually thirsts for people to trust. He has no interest in anything romantic, but some human friendships--actual people he can trust--sound great to him. But, he’s far too pessimistic and far too jaded to think that that’s a possibility for him...

Myers-Briggs Classification: ISTJ-A

Good Habit(s): Responsible, level-headed, good memory, being observant, thinking before he acts, organized, practical, staying realistic.

Bad habit(s): Being standoffish, being too curt, microaggression, tunnel-visioned, being revenge oriented, excessive scowling, excessive caffeine drinking, poor sleep schedule.

Like(s): His freedom, Pokemon training and battling, his privacy, Lego video games, a good night’s sleep, obnoxious jokes, reading, listening to music, rainy days, sitting in the dark, meditating, online shopping.

Dislike(s): Physical touch, people coming into his space, feeling bogged down, obnoxious jokes (he has a love/hate relationship with them), people who shake their legs, people who fidget too much, loud and obnoxious noises, slow walkers.

Hobbies: Pokemon training and battling, Pokemon hunting, reading.

Allergies: Mild peanut allergy.

Fear(s): Claustrophobia, feet, being sent back to Aether, and failing at his goals.

Strength(s): He knows exactly what he wants (or at least he thinks he does) and will stop at nothing to get to it. He might not be the strongest person in a physical fight, but he makes up for it with his brain and overall evasive skills--he knows how to sneak around and dodge effectively, so good luck catching him. He’s also a pretty good strategist, and can effectively sit back and think of ways to approach things before executing them.

Weakness(es): His aim for his goals tends to make him extremely tunnel visioned, meaning if anything comes along that might throw off his groove or set him back in any way, he’s inconsolable. Additionally, his inability to trust others and his “lone wolf” mindset make it nearly impossible for him to ask for help, even when he damn well knows he needs it. He also runs on a vengeful mindset--he wants revenge on whoever wrongs him, and will stop at nothing to get it. He has a really rough time forgiving people.

Special Powers/Abilities: N/A

Weapon(s): He keeps a Butterfree knife on him, just in case.

Language(s) Spoken: He is fluent in Galarian, Alolan, and German.

Extra: Along with becoming a Pokemon master, Gladion has also set himself out on a goal to eventually kill his mother. His hate for her is so strong that he’d rather see her dead than to even consider forgiving her, and that, along with his escaping Aether, has created a huge rift between him and his sister Lillie, who he was once very close to.

  • Crobat w/ Inner Focus
    • Primary Set
      • Acrobatics
      • Cross Poison
      • X-Scissor
      • Steel Wing
    • Secondary Set
  • Zoroark w/ Illusion
    • Primary Set
      • Night Daze
      • Hyper Voice
      • Grass Knot
      • Foul Play
    • Secondary Set
      • Nasty Plot
      • Dark Pulse
      • Focus Blast
      • Sludge Bomb
  • Porygon-Z w/ Download
    • Primary Set
      • Tri-Attack
      • Dark Pulse
      • Ice Beam
      • Thunderbolt
    • Secondary Set
      • Recover
      • Conversion
      • Conversion 2
      • Zap Cannon
  • Lucario w/ Inner Focus
    • Primary Set
      • Aura Sphere
      • Flash Cannon
      • Extreme Speed
      • Psychic
    • Secondary Set
      • Swords Dance
      • Meteor Mash
      • Close Combat
      • Bullet Punch
  • Venusaur w/ Overgrow
    • Primary Set
      • Petal Blizzard
      • Sludge Bomb
      • Earthquake
      • Outrage
    • Secondary Set
      • Growth
      • Giga Drain
      • Hidden Power Fire
      • Bulldoze
  • Silvally w/ RKS System
    • Primary Set
      • Crunch
      • Crush Claw
      • X-Scissor
      • Multi-Attack
    • Secondary Set
      • Flamethrower
      • Parting Shot
      • Surf
      • Thunderbolt
Ambition/dream: To be Alola’s first champion, to get revenge on his mother, to find his father

Occupation/Job: Admin for Team Skull

Best Class(es): Statistics, Chemistry, Galarian

Worst Class(es): He liked school, so he didn’t have a bad class.

Family and Friends

Parent(s): His parents, Lusamine and Mohn, were very loving to both him and Lillie early on in their lives. However, both Lusamine and Mohn got heavily involved in researching Ultra Space and the Ultra Beasts, which led to Mohn being sucked into an Ultra Wormhole, and he has yet to return. This disappearance caused Lusamine to fall into obsession with researching the Ultra Beasts, and led her to start neglecting and even mistreating her children. At one point, Lusamine [REDACTED]. Lusamine to start experimenting on them to test their endurance. Gladion endured burns and various injections at the hand of his mother, and once made an attempt on Lusamine’s life to stop the abuse.

Lusamine eventually stopped the experiments [REDACTED] and Lillie thought that was her mother going back to normal, so she stayed behind when Gladion left. Gladion did not want to leave his sister behind, but could not handle Lusamine anymore.

Relative(s): He knows he has 4 aunts and two uncles, and not much more than that.

Best Friend(s): He doesn’t have any best friends.

Friend(s): He doesn’t have any friends.

Crush(es): N/A

Rival(s): Guzma, Plumeria

Enemy(ies): Hau, Lusamine


Scent: Old spice deodorant, but he hopes nobody would know that.

Blood type: B+

Outfit(s): As long as he can put a hoodie on over it, he’ll wear anything. His go-to is his signature black and maroon hoodie and a pair of black sweatpants.

Makeup: N/A

Scars: He has several burn scars on his back from Lusamine experimenting on him. He also used to have track marks on his arms from the injections Lusamine used to give him.

Tattoo(es): He has his father’s name tattooed on the back of his neck.

Jewelry: He wears a leather wristband his father got for him when he was 4.

Piercing(s): N/A


Quote: “Fly like a Butterfree, sting like a Beedrill.”
Favorite Food(s): Fried Chicken
Favorite Drink(s): Coke Zero, Coffee, Water
Favorite Song/Genre/Band:
  • Song: Umbrella by Rihanna
  • Genre: Pop, Rock, Indie Rock
  • Band: Rihanna or Brittney Spears
Favorite Color(s): Maroon
Favorite Pokemon: Silvally
Favorite Number: 8, because that was his dad’s favorite number.
Favorite Season(s): Winter, because that’s when everything starts to cool off, and he really wants to see snow.
Favorite Holiday(s): New Years
Favorite Time of Day: Night
Last edited:


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Man, been meaning to do this for a while but ended up putting it off but I'm here now! Will update this post over time with characters from any works I publish/new characters I decide to bring in to RP and art.

Species: "Golden" Meowth
Gender: Male
Age: 2½ Autumns (equivalent to approx. 11 years old)
Appeared in: Speckled Silver
About: Born to a persian father and perrserker mother, "Glint of a Speckled Silver" lived his life in Pokémon Square. Being the runt of the litter, Silverglint was often picked on by his siblings, causing him to develop a meek and timid personality; he often looks down on himself for this—a view that'd swiftly quashed his dreams of being an explorer. However, his dreams were reignited with a passion on one fateful day. After a scrap with his brother, Silverglint ended up finding his greatest treasure; a strange stone with a mysterious pattern engraved on it. Upon telling his parents about it, he became adamant to discover the relic's origin, moving to Treasure Town in the hopes that he could overcome his anxieties and train to become a first-rate explorer.​

Species: Perrserker
Gender: Female
Age: 13 Summers (equivalent to approx. 34 years old)
Appeared in: Speckled Silver
About: Mother of six kits, including Silverglint, and mate of Silkstone, the banker of Pokémon Square. Kindhearted but intimidating when she needs to be, Willowsheen is protective of her children, especially Silverglint, who she has a tendency to coddle.

Species: Wingull
Gender: Male
Age: 3½ Summers (equivalent to approx. 15 years old)
Appeared in: Over the Winds and Waves
About: An apprentice at Breakwater Town's Post office. Having known nothing outside the post office, Crest is very sheltered and knows little about the outside world until he fails an important assignment and is forced into the care of the enigmatic Elliana for several weeks. Under her care, his entire world view is challenged and gains an entirely new perspective (and obsession) with life. Unfortunately, these thoughts were unceremoniously shut down by Crest's peers and superiors upon upon returning to the post office he called home, forcing him to rebel against the rigid systems that'd kept his metaphorical wings clipped for his entire life. After the events of Over the Winds and Waves, Crest is left ultimately lost and directionless in an unfamiliar world.​

Species: Sneasel, formerly human
Gender: Female
Age: 22 years old
Appeared in: Over the Winds and Waves
About: One of many humans summoned to the pokémon world to save it. Save it from what exactly? Well that's the problem, nobody seems to know. Elliana was eventually able to settle down in Sierra Village by working odd-jobs. She lived like this for several months until a wingull crash landed near the village. Nursing the wingull, named Crest, back to health, Elliana ended up growing attached to the naïve thing—to the point of sharing her true nature with him. The relationship was not meant to last, as a sudden lead on her apparent mission ended up revealing itself, forcing her to leave. Elliana has never been seen since.​

Species: It depends! He's mainly a Galarian yamask, however he has also been known to take the visage of a shiny yveltal.
Gender: Male
Age: Died at 43, remained ageless since
Appeared in: Second Anniversary Fanfic Mafia; Vanilla Mafia; Hoopa's Multiverse Party!
About: Once a proud sailor who'd leap at any opportunity to take to the seas, Altair now finds himself in an arrangement with Yveltal in an attempt to try and escape death's cold embrace after the consequences of his vicarious lifestyle caught up to him in the form of seven men with knives. He must entertain the god in a series of games (with varying degrees of intensity) and will do anything to win his life back. Altair puts up a charming front but, in reality, is crude, opportunistic, and has little to no care for anything other than himself and those that get on his good side. He'll always find a way to pin responsibility on others and is more often than not keeping a secret close to his chest—it's not a good idea to trust him.
Once known as the "sailing cur", Altair was a free spirit who indulged in life's many pleasures in excess; refusing to keep himself tied down with the little details. That was, of course, until he fell head-over-heels in love with a silver-haired siren. For the first time in his life, Altair's love of the sea had been dethroned as he settled into a new life.
For 14 years, he lived with the maiden however, it was not meant to last as his past carelessness caught up with him. On one dark night, Altair was stabbed to death by 7 different men that he had owed dearly. That night, his will to live burned brighter than ever before, catching the attention of Yveltal, the god of death. Intrigued, Yveltal struck a deal with the dead man; agreeing to resurrect him after he plays a few "games" for the god's entertainment. With no other option Altair agreed, blacking out the very next moment.
When Altair came to, he found himself in a sea of stars in an unrecognisable form, neither dead or alive. He looked like a yamask but instead of the signature mask of his face, he held a mysterious white rune with red engravings. His tale forfeit to Yveltal's whims.

Species: Yveltal, formerly human
Gender: Female
Age: She won't say
Appeared in: Humble Vale Mafia
About: "Piece of work" does not even begin to describe it. Beneath her refined elegance, Mademoiselle is a snobbish, stubborn egotist who expects everything to be handed to her on a silver platter, never taking no for an answer. Naturally, this attitude makes her impatient and quick to anger—yet despite her pigheadedness—Mademoiselle is sly, quick-witted and able to read others with little to no issue, give her an inch and she'll take a mile. She's extremely tight-lipped about her past for this reason, wouldn't want to compromise any secrets after all.​

Species: Type: Null
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Appeared in: Hoopa's Multiverse Madness
About: A mystery all around. A ponyta who is very much not a ponyta with a whole array of strange dreams and memory problems that are typically handled by the psychics of her village, the most vivid of which being of a silver beast in chains. Kaz is typically very upbeat and naïve, however she has a tendency to lapse into a darker, more serious persona after nightmares and intense daydreams. Kaz has a hard time remembering slipping into this persona however, so she is typically left none-the-wiser while those surrounding her are justifiably unsettled. It's not like she had a previous life as a battle-hardened warrior in the midst of an unending war, right?​

Venia Silente

For your ills, I prescribe a cat.
At the 0-divisor point of the Riemann AU Earth
  1. nidorino
  2. blaziken
  3. fearow
This has been pending for like one week but hey, here we are. I'm going to start by mentioning that, while I can post stuff about my characters here, they already have official profiles at my fandom wiki — however this forum format allows me to focus on specific things I (and the audience) want from them so, I'm posting a selection of characters here.


SpeciesTorchic (Combusken)OriginHoenn (originally)
GenderAgeyoung adult

Tephros is one of my Pokémon OCs. He was originally a character I designed for a minor campaign in the We Are All Pokémon Trainers roleplay, so he hasn't actually shown up in a while. Back then, he was part of a team with a young female Trainer.

Tephros's personality has a fair amount of flourish. He is combative and he looks up at fights with a bit of a larger-than-life attitude, where he fancies himself the hero of his own quixotic lifelong adventure. In this life story, he somehow represents justice and fairness, and he dispenses both by means mostly of kicks. He fantasizes a lot about fighting his own "windmills" and is for the most part well-assured he can finish any fight he gets into. His arsenal is mostly fighting moves, as he is trained in at least two forms of (Pokémon-oriented) martial arts. His fire prowess is also certainly not lacking, though he uses it mostly to empower his physical hits and weaken or burn an opponent than as any measure of long-range combat.

As a battle-oriented Pokémon from his youth, he likely did not like spending much time in the Torchic stage, basically without arms. And he definitively does not like to recall nor admit the times he was small (and vulnerable) enough to be picked up. He does like pats and being invited to eat, however.

Relationships-wise, he is begrudgingly-friends (the "yeah, I totally don't know this drunk stranger" variety) with his teammates in particular Squall the Cubone/Marowak, who is a broody loner much like his Final Fantasy 8 namesake and inspiration. The two make quite a clashing duo. Romantically speaking, if he finds a Combusken/Blaziken he's interested in, he's likely to try and sway her to his side with a display of something like Capoeira.

His opinions on Pokkén Tournament: the Blaziken tournament is nice to have and beats having Infernape, but really needs an alternate character with a different (and closer to himself) fighting style. Also, he doesn't like the Mega Evo nor that it is required to access the supermove.

Sample quotes:

"Stand aside and leave me put this business down on the ground."

"You'll find me not lacking in martial training, I assure you!"

"Cool! I have arms!"

Future Plans: Unfortunately nothing at the moment, I haven't been able to find him screentime. I could submit him to an RP again however.


SpeciesNidoran (Nidorino)OriginSuocé (fanon region)
GenderAge~1-2 years old

He is a Nidorino OC of mine, spawned long ago also for the We Are All Pokémon Trainers roleplay originally as a character without name (to the point is profile bio and in-universe early references to him had him actually listed as "_____") but has grown to become more of a main character of sorts. He is also Inka's mate, which means a lot because it's quite difficult to secure that spot. She's not letting him go, fortunately-

He is one of the stars of my romance (/comedy) story, Silly Human, Romance is for Nidoran~! (yes, the ~ is part of the title). The other is, of course, Inka, my Nidorina OC who is busy representing in the old Character Interviews thread back at Serebii.

Baluarkos is basically your run-of-the-mill wild outskirts / forestline dweller. As a member of a Nidoran troop that mostly pretends they go where they want to go and do what they want to do, they are kinda like a wannabe biker gang: they have the spirit, but not the charm. So they wander into farms to steal food, they fight for territory with other Nidoran troops, and they very definitively wander into human settlements to cause trouble.

Or at least, he doesn't have that charm at first. Over the weeks after he evolved into a Nidorino, he's developed lots of self-confidence and he, young, naïve and virgin as he is at this point, loves to show off himself as a mon clean, unscarred from fights and in his own words "healthy"; fortunately for himself, he doesn't really get when a challenge is out of his level to handle, so when the time comes that a Nidorina's trail catches his attention in a human town, he's actually up to the challenge of getting to meet her.

Once his charms work (because of course they eventually work o3o ) Baluarkos and Inka become mates and they start spawning Nidorans because that's what rabbits Nidoran do. And they are, for the most part, well devoted parents even if their combined ignorance and naïvette on the subject gets the best of them with their first litters. So far they've gotten about 23 Nidoran kittens in various litters; of those the main one is Maekrite, a Nidoran♂ who was my main OC in the WAAPT roleplay, and then there's also other 7 kittens who've had various screentime, and 2 who had a small shared storyline of their own going on a Zelda-style item trade sequence.

So I could say that as a living Nidoran he's been successful o3o.

Relationships-wise, Baluarkos is devoted to Inka (and vice-versa) and they are both devoted to their current litters of kitten. Ba' is also a supportive mate and if his mate thinks the best food for the day is recently killed Dragon-types, he will likely accompany her and stay close for support, even if as a wild mon he can't really be of much help in that kind of fight compared to Inka's background as a (released) Elite-level fighter.

Sample quotes:

"How come you never let us come anywhere near your Trainer?"

"I'm very healthy!" ^_^

"Yeah, some moves an' stuff. About time they learned to Peck, too."


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Name: Green Azule

Character warnings, discussion of child abduction, abuse, and gaslighting, while not detailed these topics are talked about.


Female, She/her
Special notes about pairings/romance/and sexuality with this character:

While aware of the facts of life through rather coarse means Green isn’t interested in a partner. It’s a mix-match of her being young enough to have the subliminal baggage of “eew cooties” when thinking of any stereotypical romantic motion. When exposed to anything suggestive between adults it either skates of her head, she gets it, and ribs the person in front of her about it because any leverage no matter the topic will be taken up with both hands.




Minor Student –part-time-, emancipated minor via Pokémon Trainer Laws

(Special note: presently unsponsored, -circumstance of her contract breaking is elaborated in the fic, as are the legalities about her emancipated status-)

Base/fandom setting: Pokemon Manga, AU set after the events of Soul silver/Heart Gold

Physical description/Garments/base personality notes:

A young, rather nondescript girl, with long brown hair and blue eyes. Heart-faced shape with a smattering of freckles, there’s a thing, almost paper cut thin, line that runs from behind her ear, under her jaw to her other ear. And pale near-colorless spans on her arms, that look like claw grip points. The skin in these areas is white and stands out when she gets a tan; so she makes efforts not to do so. Favoring oversized hats and glasses to better avoid the sun. She has small scars on her arms, back, and hands, gifts from her hard upbringing, and Mask’s insistence she learn to fight with knives. Her small lopsided smile is more from learning how to smile wrong more than anything and gives her a devious look to those watching her. Her eyes sparkle with mischief and regularly dart about. Her fingers twitch from time to time when around others as old habits scream that she should snatch and grab, snatch and run, so she has bells sewn onto her gloves and wrists, little reminders that she doesn’t have to steal anymore...

She favors long fingerless gloves over long-sleeve shirts. Dark colors, black, browns, and blues, with short skirts and a belt with a Pokeball holster to carry her team. (the short skirts are more for the shock value and winding up old coots than any sense of style). She takes serious pains to wear feature hiding hats, scarfs, and the like, so much so there are no pictures of her online or in her family's possession.


Her childhood ended at age five, a victim of a madman’s whim who had by some twist of luck gotten the means to command a Legend. And so Pryce, a distant League Member of Jhoto, set the bound Legend through Viridian, through Kanto, snatching up “promising” children for his plans. Trapping them in cells of ice, he strained their bodies, until their minds and morals were accessible to his manipulations. Once broke he tried to wipe them clean, purge them of history, compassion, and reason, save for his reasons and demands.

In Pryce’s ice prison she stayed and suffered. While the Gym Leader, under the guise of “Mask of Ice”, scraped away a great deal of Greens morality, he made one mistake in regards to her placement.

She wasn’t alone.

He’d lobbed a three-year-old in her cell with her and told Green that “that if the boy died she would too” and while a vile base for compassion, her desperation in keeping Silver alive lead to her holding on to her compassion when so many of the other children in their icy cells let theirs die.

It took years to get the courage and tools to break free, years of pretending to go along with the Mask’s plans, heists, and ideals. And in the silent watches of the night, where the sane would sleep, Green stayed up, whispering tales of the outside world, of what she remembered of her family, to Silver. Part so he knew what the outside world was like (because he recalled nothing, no mother, no father, he barely had words at first. The shock of a Legend taking him having reverted Silver’s mind to so young he’d been like an infant) and part so she wouldn’t forget.

On her last night, when she’d overheard their guards talking about “putting down” an ill Silver, Green slipped out, taking her team, and her freedom, and bringing the other younger child with her.

Once Silver was well, and they were both beyond the Mask’s reach, Green settled into a path of minor thievery and scams to get herself and her “younger brother” Silver steady food, clothes, and a shaky sort of shelter. They broke into abandoned homes, apartments, testing for utilities and living like “real folks” in bits and bobs. When their luck was low they made lean-toos in construction zones, gathering up the scratch in warmer months so they’d have enough to pay the rent in the cheapest of hotel rooms throughout the winter.

One year, passed, two, a few after that, and first Green, then Silver, started selling stolen goods to the various black markets about Kanto. Overconfident and ambitious, Green hatched a plan, get a powerful ‘mon, pretend to do the gym journey, and try to find her way home. She vaguely recalled Viridian, that her family might have moved to Pallet, but her memories were at best sketchy. She wasn’t even sure of her last name.

Still, she went and did and got caught by Oak stealing a Squirtle, but at first, she didn’t know. He let her go, saving the video footage and eschewing a confrontation to better research Green.

And there was a data trail, reports here and there, petty crimes, pickpocketing, and it was only chance that she hadn’t gotten caught.

Armed with his research, sure of her villainy, Oak engineered a scene that was part public humiliation, part trigger pulling. Preying on her fear of birds, and while Green was in shook he accused her of thievery and worse. Only thinking the child needed to be scared straight.

So with that goal in mind the Professor offered her a path towards redemption. Work for him, help the other 'dex holders, and earn her squirtle and a path to a cleaner more moral life.

And if she had any objections he could call the police at any time.

She took the first option and got caught up in the varied disasters, Legend wrought, and otherwise, that peppered the Kanto region’s headlines. Going head to head against the League and Rocket with the “good guys” and trying to find her family in the madness.

But with other “bigger things” going on she wasn’t getting much support, and Silver, who she was trying to keep out of it, got dragged right in despite her protests he was too young.

In that final battle, in Ilex, when a Legend descended to wipe the slate clean, well things went bad for the Good Guys. Because the Legend of healing and light, cured the villain, the Rocket Boss, and left the 'dex holders, those seeking to stop one of humanity's “greatest evils” in shock.

Because Jirachi had healed Giovanni, granting him decades of continued life, and the man hadn’t repented a lick.

To put it mildly, Green was amused at the end result.

Her glee held five minutes, when Pryce and Lance appeared, throwing accusations of Giovanni and Rocket about being monsters while they themselves were worse monsters themselves. And that was when Green decided enough was enough.

So when Pryce simpered about “seeing the light” and “needing to be ready to face off the next evil” AKA Silver’s dad… Well, Green was about ready to let loose all the words she’d heard made adults blanch, she didn’t know what they all meant but she meant “Hell no”.

Pryce’s insane offer of training them, taking them back in froze her tongue in her head, broke her brain, she literally was blue screening in front of the Goodie squad and Lance and Mask and...

And Silver, whipped out Sneasel, summoned a squall of hail, and in the frigid downpour dragged them both off. They were on the run again, and as soon as they got to civilization found someone had tattled to Oak, and he, refusing to even consider there might be another side to it, had decided to cut them off.

The pair were with the teams in their pockets, the funds on hand, and the food in the packs, the good professor had locked own their temporary bank accounts, their phone service… everything they’d worked for, gone.

So they went back to old ways. Stealing and breaking in, scraping by, but now Rocket was watching them, as was Interpol, and the League, and the other Dex holders. They had to be so careful, daren’t get caught, and so they weren’t. By luck, Green found proof of her parents, an obituary of an aunt she sorta remembered that lead to a data trail, that lead to the possibility of going home.

So taking up her last bit of flagging optimism she offered Silver a place with her, at her home, in Sevii. Not too sure if it was really hers, or true, but she’d share if he wanted it.

He’d said yes like it was the only option and when she told him it wasn’t, he didn’t have to, he’d assured her, he wanted to.

“It’s not like I’m going with HIM,” Silver’d hummed, amused at Green when she’d asked him why he didn’t go home. They knew who his Da’ was, Rocket Boss or not, he was alive, and had sorta offered… Well offered to make Silver an Executive, whatever that was, but it’d been something. Home’d been alluded to at least.

But Silver hadn’t taken the offer. Turned down Rockets who approached him and fought back against the pushier ones who didn’t like his “no”.

“I’ve hurt enough people, I’m done hurting people, for the Good Guys and Mask and… I want to try home, can we try home?”

So they had, one last encounter, Interpol, trying to whine and dine them to their side and Silver’d used Sneasel to make it hail and they surfed a week.

From there it was a run of good luck. She’d remembered her name, remembered it right. They made it, they were home.

And what’s when all Hell broke loose.

Because Green’s family couldn’t deal with her absence or her return. They’d locked themselves into their own little worlds and small concerns to cope with her being dead and gone at the claws of a flying impossibility. Her trauma, and the “tagalong boy” who claimed (lied, he hadn’t wanted them calling Giovanni) he didn’t know who his folks, that Green’d saved him and he wasn’t going to be separated from her for anything, was a bit too much for them to deal with.

So they didn’t.

Refusing to believe, blurring the length of her absence in their personal narratives… They coped by embracing denial. She’d done her journey, was home, all could be well, could be normal, if only everyone’d go along with it.

So her parents tried to shovel first her, then Silver, into an idyllic life. Tweaking their personalities, expressing their expectations, rewarding them with affection and attention when they did good, were right…

It was gentler than what Mask had done to them but familiar, and Green’s response was to lie. Lie, and go along with it. She’d spent a childhood committing felonies, and they said they loved her, forgave her (didn’t want to hear which was wonderful because she didn’t want to tell) and as long as she was good they loved her. Being good wasn’t hard, didn’t hurt anyone. She could play this system, make it work.

Silver could not, would not.

Did not.

Taking his team Silver slipped away one night, and kept remote contact with Green. Reconciling with Yellow, dragging Green to reconcile with Yellow. They BFFed over snipping about how crazy the 'dex holders were, how weird Oak was, how silly Jirachi was, and battles and ‘mon raising, and Yellow had so many joltic she was crazy like that, and Sne’sne was going to eat every bird in Viridian, just watch her.

Green’s life was Silver, and Yellow and lies. Phone calls and texts, emails and pictures, and trying to “fit in” and relearn how to be normal.

And for a little it worked, everything was fine, everything was good.

Until one day, right after school, when she picked up her cell phone, expecting a telemarketer, or Silver, or Yellow, something sane..

And found Giovanni on the other line, idly wondering if he could talk to Silver.

“After all, she’d left with him, hasn’t she?”

She hung up, knee jerk to the ultimate jerk. He’d deserved it she was sure. And she panicked, because how had he known… He called back, offering to make her a deal, acting oblivious all the while.

One meeting, he’d help her explain anything she needed to her disbelieving folks, acquit her of any crime, give proof for the impossibilities of her life so they’d better understand and help her, and she, in turn, would give him what she knew of Silver.

And if she wanted to help him long term, in finding Silver, getting him home, her choice, no pressure.

And he’d pay, handsomely for her assistance, all it would take was one talk and her parents would be on board, she’d get what she’d wanted and he’d get what he wanted, then they’d be quits.

She gave him a time a promise of a call back. Nothing else. Then she let him go, not believing, not trusting, he was a criminal after all. The second he was off her phone Green called Silver… After all, it was Silver’s life, his freedom, and so it was as much his choice as hers.

“See what he wants.” The redhead had drawled, amused anyone actually cared, and curious to see where it’d go. “But try to get a million, a million sounds like a lot and we could share it, buy a permanent license, maybe even get a double battle license and try a new type of journey. That sounds fun.”

And it had, so she did, and that’s where the story Roost picks up per Greens perspective.

Personality/Psych notes:

Green is a rather anxious girl and hides it with a front of sass, humor, and pranks. If there’s a big red button she will press it, or blackmail someone else into doing so for giggles, and blame the fallout on others because she can.

She nurtures Silver and Yellow, a bit protective and hovering, part due to her parentification and part due to the fact she can’t really function as a child anymore. Having fun for fun’s sake baffles her. She always has a plan, an angle, or is ferreting other’s out of them for amusement or her own gain. Fond of the finer things in life, she’d not above stealing for the thrill or for the luxury that the money gathered after can net her. A hedonist, she lives for her senses and goes out of the way to indulge all the pleasures simple or otherwise. She dreams of having a private tropical island and a mansion with anti-bird catapults, canons, and traps (just in case oh-ho comes back) and hopes to never see another winter ever again.

Dreams of her own private island retreat, being filthy rich, and killing the Mask, are her main drives and deepest ambitions. And it’s only her fear of getting caught by the police or Rocket (and giving Gio way too much leverage over her) that’s stopped her from enacting her vengeance fantasies.

She’s utterly baffled by her two friend’s views in life. Silver just wanting stability and affection and Yellow wanting to save every wild wounded ‘mon and tree in her beloved Forest. She thinks they’re weirdos but loves them anyways… and has rooms planned out for them in her dream home in her head.

And a big training yard, and some sort of greenhouse conservatory for Yellow and…

“And while we’re at it we can have a stable of ponyta?” Silver would chime in at her, teasing her about her cloud in the sky castle thingie.

Which it wasn’t, it was on a beach, thank you very much, and…

“How many horses?”

“None Green, because I was joking…”

“No seriously I can add it to the west wing and… There’s space and…”

“NONE GREEN, I don’t like fire types, remember, Sne’sne, she’s an ice type…”

“What about those electric horses from Unov’”

“None Green, zero, no horses!”

Green’d never get why Silver was such a wet blanket at times.

Greens Team:

Jiggly, a jigglypuff, used for singing, stealth, and limited flight, her cuddle buddy ‘mon.

Nido, a nidorina, the special sweeper of her team, tricked out with what TMs she was able to steal and get her up to speed with. Specialized in training with escapes, digging, and special moves.

Blasty, a blastoise, stolen from oak, her physical brute with a water slant and a perchance for rain dancing.

Ditty: a ditto, she uses Ditty to obscure her looks (pretending to be accessories, hide the color of her hair, ect), break into things by acting like a key, and various other illegal activities. Ditty likes to shift into mini versions of ‘mon on walks and be playful. His role is mainly pet and secret weapon for Green and is the most playful of her team.

Sne’sne: Silvers Sneasel, shared between the two of them in all honesty with Silver now but responds to her as much as him and as much her partner in crime as Silver’s.

Her other team members were locked up then released into the wild by Oak.
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Jackie Ferin was just a random name I put up for my newest fic in my "Shifted Earth" series (working title)

He's a Floridan dude and his FIRST ACT STORY WISE is him strangling a Pichu to within an inch of its life for hurting his son. Course, the Pichu doesn't appreciate it and shocks him to the point of him being unable to walk ever again.

Now, six months after that, Jackie is washed up, in a dead-end office job, requires painkillers on the daily, and is going to physiotherapy to get use of his legs back. The world has moved on since the Great Shift that brought Pokemon to Earth too; mostly. People no longer try to kill or injure Pokemon on sight s much now (tho there are still a sizable following who believe Pokemon should be contained or exterminated still). Jackie's family resent him for his awful decision too; now he needs to prove to them that he can be redeemed...


Bug Catcher
Name: Ryan
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: Early 30's

Appearance: Ryan mostly wears the standard Australian ploice unifom when out on duty - police belt, black pants/boots, police hat and badge... as well as carrying his duty weapon, tazer, baton, pepper spray and flashlight. Off-duty it varies. He has black/brown eyes, short brown hair, and pale skin.

Fandom: Pokemon

Occupation: Police Officer

A police officer from a Pokemon-less Earth, Ryan Terwin is a friendly police officer who holds a strong sense of justice. He has a wife named Sandra, and a son named Marcus. His only goal is to protect his family and any Pokemon he comes across as best he can. While he is not completely adjusted to the Post-Shift world, he tries his best. In the chaos of the Shift, he had to defend himself against numerous Pokemon, leading him to teach Marcus that Pokemon should be treated with caution. Upon being assigned a case of Pokemon abuse regarding a Pichu, he calls the animal shelter the Pichu is being held at to check if it is alright.

While he is quite cagey with details regarding Pokemon, he does has his family's best interest at heart. For most of the Shift, he tries to protect his family as best as he can, while still trying to show them that Pokemon can be dangerous or kind.

Now, having adopted the aforementioned Pichu, Ryan's family ties and parenting abilities will be put to the test...

Notable Quote(s):
"Think of it this way. That Pichu doesn’t know where his family is, he’s on a world that he’s never known, and he looks quite young. That won’t be conducive to his survival. I’m taking him in, no exceptions.”
“I’m a police officer; it’s my obligation and duty to help those in need who cannot do so themselves. Secondly – people need to get used to living amongst Pokemon."

Ryan is the protagonist of Pokemon: Shifted Earth.
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Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
(Art by Gravemind)​

Name: Coleane

Species: Tropius

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Coleane lives in the trainer world, though she lived in the PMD world before she was summoned to the human world. She lived in Post Town with her mom and younger sister before she was summoned. Currently, she is travelling through Hoenn, on Route 120 at the current moment. She was a courier back before she was summoned, and regularly travelled through sky dungeons on her deliveries. She really looks up to humans, and wants to be like them.

Coleane loves flying, and has a fear of losing her wings. She's good with both land and sky, but does not know how to swim. She loves to sunbathe, and loves fruit even more. She's kind, friendly, and is willing to help others, and is waiting for the day when she can be a hero like the humans she looks up to so much. She idolizes humans, and believes they can do no wrong. She's comfortable with her body, but if she could become a human but keep her wings, she'd take it in a heartbeat. She currently has one team member, HTML, a Porygon, and her starter, supplied to her by the force that summoned her to the human world. She loves her name, and wishes she could use it in public, though her mother insists she only goes by Tropius when not at home.

Coleane is the main protagonist of In Tandem, my trainerfic.


Wandering Stray
Illustrated by ChibiPika

Name: Orion (nicknames: Ori, Scars)
Species: Absol
Gender: Male
Age: 18+
Featured Story: Stray
Setting: Hevalkin (PMD AU)

Shadow Pokémon Hunter and, later on, Peacekeeper soldier; former gladiator and mercenary

From afar, he appears to be an ordinary Absol. Upon closer inspection, he has a scrawny build due to poor nutrition. Due to neglecting his hygiene, his fur is often dirty and unkempt. His most striking feature is his face, possessing multiple scars from battles past. Black tattoos coated his eyelids, a symbol representing his association to the long gone Absol clan. His eyes seem to be fixed into a permanent glare, giving him an intimidating appearance.

As a soldier of the Peacekeepers, Orion wears a green ribbon with a rose insignia around his neck. For skirmishes and ordinary travel, he prefers to wear his linen armor.

Orion demonstrates exceptional skill in close combat due his experience as a gladiator and a protégé of the Samurott Hanzo, preferring to anticipate his opponents' movements before he strikes back with his horn and claws. He usually takes advantage of his more menacing appearance to keep his opponents anxious, using their own fear as a weapon.

While not his preferred approach, Orion is capable of using Shadow Ball as a ranged attack, either to dispatch weaker enemies or distract stronger enemies.

From the beginning of Stray, Orion is stoic, independent and antisocial. Due to past events, he's unwilling to bond with others and has major trust issues. He believes that loyalty is for fools, as it sets them up for betrayal. He's particularly vindictive toward thieves, bullies, soldiers and cults. His deep-rooted fear of attachment forced him to sever ties with many people in his life, sometimes ending with their death. With an unstable life and no known surviving family left, Orion struggled to keep friends and often avoided social interactions. He never knew warmth and affection from others and would flinch from even minor physical contact.

Despite being a cold individual, Orion does have a sense of duty (whatever job he receives, he'll get it done), provided he gets his pay. Whenever he receives a job, he'll speak in a frank manner. He specializes in exterminating Shadow Pokémon, able to deal with Shadow Tempests and kill many Shadows with ruthless efficiency, having been taught the skills he needed by the Darkrai Sect. He possesses an uncanny amount of courage in the face of danger, to the point of recklessness (one might even call it suicidal). Perhaps he was desensitized to fear during his time as a gladiator at the Daem Colosseum. This fearlessness can be a source of admiration for some, and a source of dread for others...

Due to a past traumatic event, Orion has pyrophobia. Large amounts of flames can easily make him lose his composure. He generally has a disdain for hot places, especially deserts and swamps.

During social situations, Orion can be short-tempered and reckless. He has little regard for the laws of the Civilized world and tends to get in trouble with the local law enforcement.

While Orion does eventually join the Peacekeepers, it was only to use his combat abilities to get decent pay. He is disdainful toward the Peacekeepers as an organization and would prefer not to have joined them at all.

Orion has a pessimistic outlook on life, believing that everyone only cares for themselves and that you can never truly put your trust in anyone. He believes that one must be selfish in this world in order to survive. Despite being a major taboo in the Civilized world, Orion will resort to hunting and killing for meat, if necessary. While he does demonstrate selfishness, he's capable of performing selfless acts where he gains nothing in return.

Orion is the last known surviving member of the Hevalkite Absol clan, and this fact weighs heavily on him. Since the Absol clan was usually associated with the "Uncivilized" Pokémon and believed to be partially responsible for the presence of Shadow Pokémon in Hevalkin, Orion faced a lot of prejudice and discrimination since he was a child. He displays no interest in reviving the clan, believing his heritage and his own birth to be a curse. Though he lived much of his life as a Civilized, it's never enough for those who despise the Uncivilized.

Orion tries to put up a tough facade to those around him and hardly ever shows his vulnerable side. Behind the mask, he is a self-loathing, depressed and lonely individual who's unable to confide his problems unto others. Though he won't admit to this, he does want a family. He also has a soft spot for children going through difficult times.

For those who managed to befriend Orion, he is a fiercely loyal companion who would put his life into peril to protect them.

No one knows where Orion was initially born and raised, not even Orion himself. He doesn't even remember his parents' faces. All he knows is that he was raised in an orphanage in Lusang, never to be adopted.

His childhood at Lusang was a difficult one. Other children would steal his food and pummel him while the adults weren't looking. It was at this point in his life that Orion would resort to dirty tactics of his own, finally snapping and giving the other kids a taste of their own medicine. This got him into even more trouble with the adults, who would turn a blind eye to his own troubles.

At some point, Orion was sold as a slave to the Asa'i Hara'min bandit clan, forced to work as a gladiator at the Daem Colosseum despite still being a cub. Though Orion did get stronger from this experience, he was a weak contender in the colosseum and was only kept there as a novelty fighter. As such, he was often mistreated and punished for his ineptitude.

Later on, Orion was freed by the Darkrai Sect, a band of mercenaries who hailed a mysterious figure known as Darkrai as a folk hero. Orion went under the tutelage of the leader, a Samurott named Hanzo, who taught the young Absol what he knows about combat and hunting down Shadow Pokémon. The Darkrai Sect was the closest thing that Orion had to a family, until Orion was forced to sever ties with them the hard way. Since then, Orion took refuge in the wilderness of the Condemned Plains, living a solitary life as a hunter-gatherer for an unspecified amount of time.

Later on, a horde of Shadow Pokémon surfaced and overwhelmed the Condemned Plains. Though Orion stayed alive, his options for food, water and shelter were dwindling. When opportunity struck, Orion took his first foray back into the Civilized world, where he participated as a mercenary for the Peacekeepers at the town of Vera. Little did Orion know, this supposedly simple job would thrust him into a new way of life.


Hesh (Wartortle, ranked Private in the Peacekeepers)
- Even though Hesh was also a resident of Lusang, he had never crossed paths with Orion back then. Since his father is the top general of the Peacekeepers, Hesh lived a comfortable childhood within the walls of Lusang. Following his hasty recruitment into the Peacekeepers, Hesh's life flipped into the opposite direction, and he learned the hard way on what it means to be a soldier.

Hesh witnessed Orion's combat abilities firsthand, envious of the Absol's ability to confront danger fearlessly. Orion initially paid little mind to Hesh, seeing him as a dumb, ignorant kid. Against the Absol's wishes, Hesh attempted to bond with him during his deployment. To some extent, Hesh managed to reach out to Orion, allowing him to open up a bit.

After the dangerous trek through the Condemned Plains, Orion cared enough about Hesh to be concerned about his well-being. The two developed a mutual trust into one another.

Yukie (Eevee) - Orion typically ignores the Uncivilized and prefers not to bother with them. After some persuasion from Hesh, Orion allows the orphaned wild Eevee to travel with them. Orion was moved by Yukie's commitment to find her lost sister and came to care for the little Eevee. In a way, Orion speaks to Yukie like a caring father to a child.

Yukie affectionally calls Orion "Ori", a nickname he reluctantly accepts.

Chloë (Chikorita) - Initially, Orion was put off by Chloë's perkiness and insistence to keep him from doing something reckless. Though Chloë tends to shrug this off as "doing her job" as his nurse, she seems to care more than she lets on. Orion finds her to be an annoying pest at times, but later comes to appreciate that she's doing her best for "someone like him."
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Wandering Stray
Illustrated by HaruMiju

Name: Hesh
Species: Wartortle
Gender: Male
Age: 15+
Featured Story: Stray
Setting: Hevalkin (PMD AU)

Peacekeeper soldier

Very much a plain Wartortle. Occasionally, he wears his green Peacekeeper ribbon, displaying his rank as a fresh-from-training Private.

While he knows some standard Water-type moves common to his species, Hesh's combat abilities were noted to be "unremarkable" by his peers. However, Hesh prides himself on his ability to swim fast at long distances.

Hesh is an easygoing and amiable military brat, despite his more fortunate upbringing compared to most other children. Due to his close bond to his Lapras mother, Hesh shared much of her compassionate personality traits; he was taught not to look down on others due to the circumstances of their birth—including the "Uncivilized" Pokémon that live beyond his hometown.

Due to this, Hesh managed to be somewhat open-minded and charismatic among other children, believing in what's fair and equal for everyone. At the same time, some children found him to be a pushover and took advantage of his kindness. Hesh was often bullied for sharing little in common with his father (General Typhon), calling him a 'disappointment' and a 'disgrace.'

After the disappearance of his mother, Hesh had grown into a depressed and lonely adolescent. On top of his average marks in school and somewhat distant relationship with his father (who's normally too busy to spend time with him), Hesh was terrified about his future and developed an inferiority complex. Out of desperation (to find his mother and to prove himself to others), Hesh enlisted into the Peacekeepers, despite objections from his father. This decision would change his life forever, as he would step out of Lusang's walls for the first time.

Hesh is naive to a fault due to living a sheltered life in Lusang, being too trusting of others to the point of putting himself into danger. He has a tendency to fall in love with Pokémon he viewed as beautiful too easily, making him easy to manipulate. He held a warped view on the Peacekeepers and his father, believing them to be akin to heroes of justice—when it's really just another way to make decent money for most Pokémon. He views his father as a legendary figure among the Peacekeepers and aspires to be like him. Hesh's emergent sense of justice would sometimes backfire on him, showing him that the world isn't as black and white as he thought.

During his first deployment outside of Lusang, Hesh is shown to be anxious and timid, especially in the heat of battle. He developed a deep fear of Shadow Pokémon after witnessing the kind of merciless carnage they're capable of. After meeting Orion, Hesh developed the courage to be able to make risky decisions, even at the cost of his own life.

Hesh is the only son of the Blastoise Typhon, the top general of the Peacekeepers, and a female Lapras. As a young Squirtle, Hesh was close to his mother, often swimming across the sea with her. One day, Hesh's mother disappeared without a trace; to this day, Hesh is heartbroken over this event and wishes to find her. The disappearance was declared to be a kidnapping by the Asa'i Hara'min clan, but Hesh was skeptical on whether this is true or not. His father reassured him that his mother will be found. But he couldn't wait any longer.

During his childhood, Hesh had a mostly comfortable life in the wealthy district of the port city of Lusang, never having to worry about finances or responsibilities. He even attended a prestigious school, with his only qualification being the son of the most important military leader of the Peacekeepers. But because Hesh has no other relatives and he rarely gets to spend time with his father, he was usually playing with friends or swimming through the canals of Lusang. During this period, Hesh had been largely uninformed about what goes on outside of Lusang's walls.

Hesh's passiveness tends to place him at odds with other children, who view him as an untalented military brat who is nothing like his father. This further shows in Hesh's leadership, fitness and combat ability, all of which were declared mediocre by even his instructors; this ultimately disqualified him from officer training, which is usually a high honor among the Peacekeepers.

At the age of 15, Hesh enlisted into the Peacekeepers against his father's wishes, believing it's the big break he needed to finally leave Lusang and make a name for himself. After only a month of basic training, Hesh was stationed at the rural town of Vera, where he fought from inside a garrison for the first time. The experience was far different than he was expecting; he never thought he would have to fight Shadow Pokémon so soon.


Orion (Absol) - Hesh was initially intimidated by Orion's appearance and demeanor, unsure of how to talk to someone from the infamous Absol clan. After Orion had saved his life, Hesh was awed by his ferocity in battle and developed newfound respect for the Absol. After a series of tragic events, Hesh tried to establish common ground, only to find that Orion wasn't interested in befriending anyone. After a treacherous journey across the Condemned Plains, Orion finally accepted Hesh's invitation of friendship, forming a solid bond between two soldiers.

Typhon (Blastoise, ranked General in the Peacekeepers) - Hesh shares a peculiar relationship with his workaholic father. Typhon occasionally tries to convince his son that he cares for him by regularly sending him gifts and money while he's away, while reassuring him that his work is of upmost importance. Hesh believed in him, clueless to how many secrets his father has been keeping from him...

Julia (Hawlucha, ranked Corporal in the Peacekeepers) - Julia is a young, spirited Hawlucha who befriended Hesh in his childhood. Being a year his senior, Hesh looks up to her like a strong older sister. Julia joined the Peacekeepers earlier and accumulated some experience out in the battlefield. When Hesh joined, she tried to help him grow stronger, knowing the pacifistic Wartortle didn't have the instinct to kill.

Geris (Croagunk, ranked Corporal in the Peacekeepers) - Hesh had known Geris since he was a young Squirtle, though he would never call the Croagunk a "friend." Geris seemed to be the opposite of him in terms of personality; arrogant, spoiled, bratty and thuggish. Geris is a walking definition of a true sociopath; someone whose only goal is to seize achievements and power for himself in spite of how many people he would have to harm along the way. Hesh had always disliked him, believing he's unfit to serve in the Peacekeepers.


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
Since enough time has passed, I've decided to make a new post instead of editing my old one to boost the thread a little!


Name: Michi Koizumi

(art by me)

Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 12

Appearance: Tohjoan (Japanese) by ethnicity. Physique typical of a girl her age. Mid-length pink hair (natural color), light blue eyes. Wears comfortable clothing, especially her brown hoodie that she loves and fingerless gloves.

Setting: Same as Red. Lives in an orphanage in Viridian, but spends a lot of her time in the woods of Pallet.

General: Michi is an orphan who never knew her parents. She is aura sensitive, which means she has the ability to sense the aura output of people and pokémon. Aura is generated by all people and pokémon and it contains information about their emotions. It is also used by ghosts to communicate, and by some pokémon to attack. Michi is able to understand the aura language of ghosts and is friends with many such mon - in fact, her friends are exclusively ghosts. She gets picked on by other kids for things for not fitting in. She likes adventuring outside, old things and reading and making up stories. She carries a small switchblade for protection and isn't afraid to use it.


Name: Andre Vincent Duval

(art by me)

Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 23

Appearance: Galarish-Kalosian (British-French) by ethnicity. Average male height, lean physique, very much a twink. Wavy mid-length mid-brown hair, mid-brown eyes. Has glasses with large, circular lenses. Typically wears neat clothing.

Setting: Same as Red. Born in Circhester, lived in Wyndon for a while (Kills-Other-Humans takes place during this time), now lives in Viridian (as of The Bringer)

General: Spoilered for being long and including murder, torture and drugging.

Andre is also aura sensitive like Michi, but neither has aura suggestion powers nor can he understand ghosts. He is, however, aura-color synesthetic, meaning that he perceives color alongside aura, different colors mapping to different emotions. Higly artistic, he is a painter by profession, although he does rely on money from his upperclass family to make ends meet. He is generally friendly, outgoing and polite, but he is starkly opposed to any abusive behavior and will not hesitate to call it out. He is bi/pansexual and often goes out in search of company in bars.

Secretly, though, Andre is a killer. Every few months, he seeks out an abusive man with the help of his aura sense which allows him to tell when people are lying, seduces them, brings them back to his place and drugs them. Once they awake, Andre tortures them, enjoying the intoxicating aura that a person fearing their death produces and, using it as inspiration, paints a special painting. Once they die, Andre calls up a criminal service to get rid of the body, erasing the evidence.

Andre feels conflicted about his hobby of killing. On one hand, he views it as his duty - since he is able to kill people like this, he should use that skill for the good of the community. On the other, he is terrified of the prospect of losing sight of his morals and becoming someone who kills those that haven't deserved it. He feels shame for what he is, but he has not been able to tell anyone but a single ghost that accidentally found out about his murdering back in Wyndon (in Kills-Other-Humans).


Name: Kohath I

(art by me)

Species: Human (Helixian)
Gender: Male
Age: Late 30s

Appearance: Helixian (no real-life equivalent) by ethnicity. 204cm in height, very muscular with extensive body hair. Curly dark brown hair, well-trimmed beard, striking yellow eyes, enlarged canine teeth. Wears clothing befitting a Bronze Age king, such as clean white toga-like garments and golden jewellery.

Setting: Same as Red, but lived about 4000 years prior in the Helixian Kingdom located in the Aava region, an arid region including a desert and oak forests.

General: Kohath was born into slavery and sold to a sailor's family near the sea. Like most slaves, he was mistreated and kept hungry. However, his life change when he met a strange talking omastar on the shore who called himself Helix. Helix healed his calluses, gave him food and trained him to fight, eventually leading him to stand up to his master and escape into the wilderness with Helix. He lived off the land, hunting and gathering, even taming a desert houndour companion he named Tsayedet. After some time, more escaped slaves who had heard of him had came to join him. With these new companions and more, the Helixian tribe was formed. With his powers, Helix kept these people healthy and enhanced them, giving them their signature yellow eyes and enlarged canines. According to Helix's wishes, the tribe raided and conquered village after village, eventually growing large enough to overthrow the king of the region and renaming the land to the Helixian Kingdom. Kohath reigned as the king, though second to Helix, whom the Helixian people worshipped. Kohath later married and had three sons, one of which inherited his position as king once he was past his prime. He died peacefully after a long life, much longer than many in that age would reach.
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flying in the name of love
  1. altaria
(art by yours truly! :quag: )

So, these lads are from the Pokémon Crossing series, a trainerverse with anthro animals instead of humans. Specifically, they're the protagonists of the main story Fly Me to the Moon.

Name: Benedict Sussex
Age: 14
Gender: Male (....?)
Species: Chicken
Birthday: March 25 (Aries)
Blood type: O-
Family: Galarian father, Hoennian mother
Distinguishing marks: Star-shaped birthmark on left shoulder

Favorite food: Sweet potatoes
Goal: Become the Hoenn Champion
Starter Pokémon: Torchic (Jojo), initially planned to start with a Rufflet

History: Born and raised in the Sonata District of Castelia City, Benedict was a young delinquent with a knack for getting into trouble. He's been suspended from school five times (three of which were for fighting teachers), and was on the edge of expulsion prior to the beginning of the main story. When his parents divorced due to a marriage that died years ago, his father refused custody because "he's gonna hold me back in the Pokémon World Championships!" so his mother took him to Hoenn.

Name: Tank Pepper
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Species: Rhino
Birthday: May 6 (Taurus)
Blood type: AB+
Family: Hoennian mom and dad, older twin brother
Distinguishing marks: Lightly toned abs, due to plenty of exercise during his time in Hoenn

Favorite food: Donburi bowl (made by his dad)
Goal: Research Pokémon, hoping to either meet several legendaries or become a professor someday
Starter Pokémon: Treecko (Fern)

History: Born and raised in Fortree City, Tank had a fairly normal childhood. He has ADD, and failed all his entrance exams due to his school refusing accommodations for his disability. Because of this, he had a much lower self esteem and went through a depressive episode until his mother contacted Professor Nook about Pokémon research. Along with the failed exams, Tank's depressive episode was also brought on by the murder of one of his best friends.

(CW for self harm mentions)
Name: Kidd Chavignol
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Species: Goat
Birthday: June 28 (Cancer)
Blood type: A+
Family: Kalosian father and mother
Distinguishing marks: Thin scars on wrists and inner thighs

Favorite food: Croquettes
Goal: Be validated, also be a good Coordinator
Starter Pokémon: Mudkip (Aquarius), wanted an Eevee at first

History: The unwanted child of a socialite model and a photographer, Kidd grew up in the high-end North Boulevard of Lumiose City. Despite the luxury and privilege of being in the uptown area, Kidd was raised in an unloving environment which led to his aloof and snarky nature. He was frequently bullied in school for not being a "cute" species like his classmates, and was betrayed by the only teacher he could trust. Once his parents finally divorced, Kidd packed up his belongings and emancipated himself, joining his first two friends on a journey.


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