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Goals For 2022

The Walrein

Vicinal Dragging for the Truth
  1. gulpin
  2. kricketot
  3. bulbasaur
Well, it might be a bit late in the year for this now, but I thought it might be good to have a thread for sharing personal goals for the year - writing related or otherwise. I've got three writing goals myself this year, which I've tried to resist the temptation to make overly ambitious, given my failure to complete any long term writing goals for Nanowrimo events or New Year's resolutions before:

1. Publish at least 12 one-shots of at least 1,000 words in length by the end of the year.
By 'publish', I mean post on a public forum or fanfiction hub. Collections of shorts or drabbles can count as a 'one-shot' for this if their total combined wordcount is at least a thousand. Additionally, stories which have been submitted to contests but not yet publicly posted count as having been 'published'.

2. Publish at least 6 chapters of multi-chapter stories, at least 1,000 words in length each, by the end of the year.
The chapters don't all have to be for the same story to count.

3. Do at least one writing-related thing every day, beginning May 1st.
A 'writing-related thing' can include getting words written on a fic, editing a fic, posting a fic, working on an outline, working on a review, responding to reviews, or attending community writing events.

Current Progress

Twelve one-shots:
1. Pitch Meeting: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
2. Snorlax Is In Denial
3. TR Third Anniversary Drabble Bingo Prompt Fills
4. Whom The Gods Gifted And Whom The Gods Doomed
5. The Problem Of The Pidove
6. A Hero's Sacrifice
7. Wailord Sus

Six chapters:
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Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
hmm, goals, with my situation they're a lot lighter than I'd normally hold myself up to but here they are.

3 per month for this site, while keeping up my obligations on ao3

The reading rookiedee, helped me meet these goals. (chapters 20-25 for 26 years) Link to the reviews/story

Hoping to get Couches stuff up to speed this month. for easy access to Couch's work
added 5.30.2022, PRIORITY review PLA by the second week of July!
I finished blackjack's fanfic, ao3 won't let me post the review... go figure... So early gift sent. (6/6/2022)
hammering out couch's work, hoping to have his reviews wrapped up by end of next week (6/16?/2022)
Chapter 7 6.6.2022 link!
Chapter 8. Wound up cutting this monster up in bits and pieces (the base chapter was almost 80 pages) which took almost all of the month. Sent in the last bits on 6.30.2022

Couch chapter 9, preferably in the first two weeks. Aaand that chapter was almost 100 pages which derailed that idea nicely... Still, I got it done so yay?

By mid-august, I reviewed all of couch's stuff line by line. got everything for Obsession squared away...

We're gonna call this ifbench month because I really need to get a toe in on this writer's work.




My projects:

(beginning of the month) Reviewed complaints/concerns over Roost and set plans to apply changes.
Issues established.
accessibility issue
grammar fix-ups
some word choice tweaking
The resolution decided on adding an intro to the work, turning the stand-alone into a series. The introduction work "She sells seashells at the seashore" began to address accessibility. I will edit to hit other issues as time permits Estimating "seashells" to be 5ish chapters.

plot pointed "she sells" and put up RD chapter 1 on AO3. (5.18.2022)
(edited to as good as I can get it without help, so the final draft as it were is now open for reading! 5.19.2022)
(added chapter 2 RD on 5.30.2022)
(Did third chapter update for unrelated work on 5.31.2022)

chapter 1 RD

Posted an unrelated fic second chapter (yay writer's block in relevant projects!)
Finished a new RD chapter of Roost (23) and posted it on ao3 will update it with a link to the forum
Finished my contest entry for Negrek's villain it's my last planned project for the month.

In an effort to clean off some of my desktop and get SOMETHING 100 % done I've hyper focused on finishing "Training a Kantoian Sandshrew", even if the base story is driving me a little nuts. I've been twiddling drafts and hope to have all of it done by the end of the month.

August: the whole um progress thing. Its like the cake. An utter lie. Between beating. Lesson plans and reviewing ive descided to take the month off and do something soothing instead. Like peck away at a classic kanto pokedex or something...

Sept: ""

Oct ""

Nov: pick a folder from the xfer file and clean it out/ Possible break from new work as holiday seasons aren't restful for me.

Dec: Holiday review spree and the possible seasonal story will realistically take up most of my time so no preset goal.
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Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
1. Write two new chapters of Obsession (working on one right now)
2. Write two new one-shots (accomplished one of them!)
3. Write a new bit of my original story every two weeks (Um. failing this so far)

Edit--I finished the May chapter for Obsession as well as finished a second one-shot!
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  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
This year I'm mostly hoping to

- Finish posting TQftL on TR on its twentieth anniversary
- Start posting Morphic rewrite
- Post updated versions of Go and Curse
- Continue to attempt to read at least one chapter of a fic per week on TR, and write reviews where appropriate


Back on Her Bullshit
a Terrace of Indeterminate Location in Snowbelle
  1. espurr
  2. fennekin
  3. zoroark
My goals for this year are...
-- Publish at least to the halfway point of Electric Sheep, start Part IV
-- Attempt to finish my neverending rewrites so I can finally stop obsessing over the first stretches of the fic and move on
-- finish my trainer textbook fic, now that LA lore is available and I can incorporate it properly
-- publish at least four Crashing Fate novels
-- finish the short, ~eight chapter voidlands story idea I have tumbling around in my head right now


Oof, well, an earlier goal was to figure out my goals and post this thread sometime in January, so that's going well...

I honestly don't really know what realistic goals would be for me at this point! It's been a slow year for writing, but I've tried a number of different methods to pick things up over the years and still haven't found one that works for me. So, some light goals, I suppose, without serious ideas for how I'd accomplish them:

- Get a full read-through and outline of the remainder of Salvage done by the end of June. I had also wanted to get this done by the end of January :)))
- Publish at least four more chapters of Salvage this year
- Get ZG21 reviews wrapped up by the end of May


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Oof, well, an earlier goal was to figure out my goals and post this thread sometime in January, so that's going well...

I honestly don't really know what realistic goals would be for me at this point! It's been a slow year for writing, but I've tried a number of different methods to pick things up over the years and still haven't found one that works for me. So, some light goals, I suppose, without serious ideas for how I'd accomplish them:

- Get a full read-through and outline of the remainder of Salvage done by the end of June. I had also wanted to get this done by the end of January :)))
- Publish at least four more chapters of Salvage this year
- Get ZG21 reviews wrapped up by the end of May

Laughs I know I was waiting.


Junior Trainer
1. Get at least one chapter out a month of decent quality.
2. Start a new project that I can be happy about.
3. Get to the backlog of reviews I still need to leave for all the stories I've enjoyed.

Simple goals but it gives me plenty of flexibility to work with.
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