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Pokémon Gakutensoku--All Together Now

Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
Follows after Safe Passage so it's probably best to read that first

"I'm not sure how much I can explain right now," Arven murmured, not directly looking at the phone before him, "but I'm going to need some costume stuff. And yeah I already called Penny but she hasn't answered." He sighed. "Do you know where to find a wig?"

Juliana paused. Through the phone, Arven could see their eyes widen slightly as they thought. "Um. I do. But you're not gonna like it."

"Ok, it doesn't need to be good." His friend's dramatic reaction was just comedic enough to take a bit of the load off his mind, and he laughed under his breath. "It's just temporary."

"Mr Saguaro's class wanting you to get into costuming? I know you know how to sew at least."

"Eh, not really. I can mend stuff but I'm nowhere near making anything new. Nothing like Atticus or anything." It was a relief for him, to be talking about something so casual. "Though I guess he's on a whole different level. I think he's done stuff even Mr Saguaro can't manage."

"You didn't hear it from me," Juliana said in a voice drenched in conspiracy, "but the scuttlebutt is that he's finally making her that Eevee suit she's wanted for so long."

Arven laughed, but there was work to be done. "Oh that's great. So, when you get that wig, can you bring it to the lighthouse tonight around five?"

"Absolutely! See you there!"

"Hey, so I need a favor."

This time it was Nemona on the other end of the line. "Sure thing! What's up? Need me to cover a new knife again?"

Arven had only recently been able to repay her for the purchase. It was expensive, but it was well worth it as an investment in his future as a chef, as Nemona had reminded him. "No, it's nothing like that. I just need to borrow some clothes."

Nemona laughed, the sound evolving into an extended "oooooooo! Are you going to have a job interview?"

He shook his head. "Nothing like that yet. But I do need to borrow some of your dad's clothes."

She paused and thought about it for a second, measuring things up in her mind. It had been a few months since she had seen her parents, despite living in their house, so she had to put some thought into it. "You're not as tall as mi papá, but I guess if you rolled up the cuffs..."

"It's not for me." The words were rushed and a little blunt. "I've got someone uh...in from out of town. He's taller than me. I need some uh...I don't know, casual shirts or something. Maybe a nice polo shirt maybe..."

"Haha, this must be really something. You're repeating yourself. 'Maybe a nice polo maybe'."

He sighed heavily. "Ugh, is it that obvious? I'm pretty nervous about introducing you. I mean, you kinda met him once, but--"

"Ohhh?" Nemona leaned in close to the phone and smirked at the camera.

It wasn't until her reaction that Arven realized what he had said. "Wait crap, no it's...I can't tell you anything else! I don't know what he'd be comfortable with, and I'd have to go all the way out there to ask him..."

She seemed confused. "He doesn't have a phone?"

He shook his head. "Actually no. He really did just blow in from far away..."

"Yeesh. Poor guy. Where's he from?"

"Uh..." Arven pretended to think about it, with a finger to his lips. "Paldea originally, I guess. But he's been away for a while."

"Oh, where has he been?"

This time he really did have to think about it. "I don't really know, actually. Around, I guess."

Nemona giggled. "Sounds like you've got quite the traveled amigo! I look forward to meeting him. Make sure he calls the airport soon, though. If they lost his luggage, it could be anywhere!"

Arven was going to ask what she meant by that but it only stood to reason. It was a logical conclusion to reach that a traveler who needed clothes must be in that situation. "Sure thing. Can you have them at the lighthouse at five?"

She leaned back and stretched. "Yeah, I can do that. It'll give me time to rest up a little."

"La Primera keeping you on your toes?"

"Oh, no, I actually haven't seen her for a few days. I've just been getting up early to go for a run before sunrise."

Of course she was. Arven smiled in a thin line, lips pressed tightly together. "Never change, Nemona."

"Actually, on that subject," She smiled back, much broader, with a familiar intensity in her eyes. "Your friend wouldn't happen to be a strong trainer, would he?"

"--Hahaha! Never change."

/Penny, you're not answering your phone. Can you meet me at the lighthouse around five tonight?/

/ah hi I turned my ringer off what do you need/

/Well, I need your hacker brain to look over a...really advanced computer/

/wow did you really just type out ellipses in a text? some of your dads shit then?/

/Yeah you could say that. I don't expect you to get into things tonight. Just look them over and see if you can help me out./

/yeah sure thing/

/Hey is it true that Atticus is making you that Eevee suit at long last?/

/goddammit juliana/

/Yeah it was Juliana/

/stg when I get my hands on them/

/Wow you're still typing. Uh, good news they'll be there too./


/Oh your shift key DOES work!/

The AI blinked as he exited sleep mode. The soft glow of the computer before him was a comforting sight, one he hadn't experienced since Zero Lab. He smiled softly at the graphs and figures before him. All of it would have been from some time before Turo had relocated to the crater full time, and some of the conclusions were incorrect. All simply because he would have lacked access to all the data yet; never because of any inaccuracies in the figures. Everything had been correct according to what Turo had known at the time, as always.

All of this was observed in less than a second, and he filed away a query for later to ask Arven for permission to update the calculations. It wasn't as though he lacked a sense of sentimentality; after all, that was what had kept him from altering anything in the rest of the rooms. But Turo would have wanted all the data to be as accurate as possible.

It would have to wait until later, though. What had roused him from sleep mode was the presence of four humans in the surrounding area.


The young man looked down the path to the south. Juliana was there, accompanied by their starter, Skeledirge. The croc kept waddling towards the lighthouse even as Juliana paused to wave. Arven waved back. "Hey! Good to see you! Seeing your mom?"

The student gestured for him to wait for a moment, and picked up their pace to jog up to him and recall Skeledirge to his ball before replying. "Ok, there we go. I wasn't able to get the wig I was thinking of, so I picked up something from an old costume." They fumbled in their bag for a moment. "Here, let me show you how to put the wig cap on."

Instinctively he started to bend over, even though Juliana was his height. They would no doubt be much taller than him in very short time. "Oh wait uh, it's not for me. I've got a guest staying here."

"And...your guest needs a wig..." They stared back at him, idly adjusting their purple sweatband. Recently, Juliana had taken to dressing more outlandishly, cutting their long brown hair into a purple shaved look, wearing tights that looked like a circuit board, and huge white shoes brought in from Alola, though Arven couldn't imagine that they could possibly be a popular style there.

"Yeah, he needs a wig. Uh...Juli..." Arven shifted slightly in place and looking up at the sky for a moment before dropping his gaze back to his friend. "I just want you to be prepared that this is probably going to be very emotional. Things are...going to hurt. They already have."

Their mouth fell open just a bit, head tilting towards the door. "Oh no. Does your friend have to hide from someone? Should we call Clavell? He'll know what to do..."

But just then, Nemona ran up the path, pulling a heavy canvas bag visibly overloaded with fabric. "I'm here! I...tripped once, but everything can just be dusted off. It'll be fine."

"I don't think he'll mind. Thanks a lot for doing this."

Nemona set the bag down and took a long drink from a canteen at her side. "Aaaah... Just let me know if there's anything else your friend needs."

Juliana looked northward, hand shielding their eyes. "That must be Penny. I hear Squawkabilly."

"I swear, you can hear those things anywhere. You even heard one on a tv down the hallway that time." Nemona patted her junior on the back.

Sure enough, the flying cab set down nearby, the four raucous birds chattering to each other all the while, and Penny emerged from the vehicle, hands stuffed deep in her pockets. She handed something to the driver and immediately turned towards the group. "Um. Hi guys."

Arven clapped his hands together. "All right, we're all here! So uh..." He paused, waiting for the cab to fly away even though it was unlikely the driver could hear him anyway.

"Ok, so I just got here," Penny noted, "but already your expression is, like, way more serious than it was thirty seconds ago."

"Yeah, I noticed that too." Nemona took a step towards Arven. "What's going on?"

"His friend is in trouble," Juliana told them. "He needs a disguise."

Arven backed away from the advancing champion and put his hands up in a weak defensive gesture. "That's not what's happening. He's probably the safest now that he's been in a long time. But I..." He sighed, deflating. "Look. Before we go in, I need to have a serious talk with all of you. Especially you, Juli. You talked to him more than any of us."

They looked confused. "This is someone I've met?"

"Yeah, you told me that over the phone, but you didn't say who it was. And you hung up before you told me if he's a strong trainer!" Nemona pouted but with a smile.

Arven sighed again and looked towards the door. This time, the light was on inside. Good, the AI had gotten his message. He couldn't really look inside, though. His father's demand for secrecy had led to the installation of a special window in the door that only granted a few feet of visibility. Enough to tell if Scatterbugs were nesting in the sink again, not enough to see anything in the lab. "Guys, uh...This is really serious, like I said. This is uh...someone I really thought I wouldn't ever see again. That nobody would. And I haven't even decided yet if I want him to be part of my life."

Nemona closed the distance and rested her hand on his arm with a gentle smile. "Arven, whoever this is, we can handle it."

In an opposite move, Penny had taken a few steps back, and drawn her hoodie over her head like a helmet. "Unless it's your dad somehow..."

None of them noticed, but Juliana swallowed heavily at that, throat tight and lips pressed into a white line.

Arven paused just long enough to prompt a "no WAY" from Nemona.

"No geez, it's not my dad..." he dispelled with the same defensive gesture before drooping into a slump. "But uh...it's close."

Penny paused with her hands up on the cords to her hoodie. "Uncle or something?"

"It's the AI."

From inside, the AI could hear the conversation come to a complete halt. Of course, he had heard what was being said, and moreover the revelation that had caused the sudden silence.

The humans knew all of that. What they wouldn't have been able to tell but the AI could discern as easily as anything was how each of them reacted physically.

Arven had been demonstrating signs of anxiety since his arrival, likely before. His heart rate had increased, and his respiration was noticeably more constricted than normal. Just before he had spoken, his cortisol levels had risen. The human memories that still lingered in the AI's programming linked this with the sensation of a sunken stomach, and he knew that Arven would be feeling nauseated from these strong emotions.

803B121, Penny, held her breath. The reason was unknown, but the AI wasn't concerned, as her other vitals were within normal range.

805C001, Nemona...well, he supposed that she would no longer hold that designation and made a note to update his file once a current one could be found. Nemona's heart had skipped a beat, and she contrarily released a long breath, the duration of which saw her heart rate return to normal.

And 805C393, Juliana...

He had not anticipated that Juliana would have reacted in such a way. The youth briefly exhibited signs of the same sunken feeling that Arven had, but it was quickly overshadowed by a rapid increase in heart rate, hyperventilation, and the sudden pounding of footsteps as they ran up to the door of the lighthouse. "It's locked!" the trainer screamed as they tried to force the door open. "Arven! Arven, I can't get in!"

"I told him to lock it for security." Arven's voice carried a normal tone, something else the AI wasn't expecting. "Here, I'll--"

"It's all right," the AI said aloud. At Juliana's sudden movement, he had approached the door, and when he opened it, he was nearly bowled over, Juliana's arms around him in a tight hug.

They were shaking, and he could hear sniffling. "I was so scared..." they murmured, barely audible. "I thought you vanished..."

To be met with such a strong emotion was something the AI wasn't prepared for, either in the suddenness of it or from Turo's memories. When Arven had displayed strong emotion, his father had mostly dealt with it by ignoring it, but this was different. Though he couldn't comprehend what Juliana could be feeing, it displayed many traits in common with grief. He would set aside his confusion as to why the trainer would be demonstrating a contradictory emotion, because human emotions were often contradictory, and rested his hands on their shoulders. "I worried that I would vanish as well. But I did not."

His own emotions were contradictory too. Why would he feel proud, he wondered, at inspiring this outpouring? Instead, he looked past, at Arven. The young man was watching them with an expression that was impossible to read, and the AI felt that perhaps it would be impossible for a human as well.

"It's good to have you back," Nemona started, a cautious tone to her voice. She was holding something back, but it was doubtful to be the same reaction Juliana was having.

Penny had averted her eyes, but nodded. "Yeah. Um...I said I was sure you were having fun in the future...but I wasn't really sure. So I'm glad you're ok."

"I am...or I will be," the AI said with a smile. "I am, at least, safe."

Juliana pulled back, the AI's hands dropping to his sides from their action, and sniffled as they looked up at his face. They had grown quite a bit since that day so long ago, and the angle wasn't nearly as pronounced as it had been then. "I'm sorry. You're here for Arven, aren't you, not any of us..."

He studied the trainer's face. Their vitals still indicated many complex signs, their mouth tight-lipped and wobbling. But the *why* remained unknown. They hadn't spent much time together, and he--

--No, that was it, wasn't it? Despite his connection to Arven, Juliana was the human he had spent the most time with, other than his creator. Even speaking with Arven earlier had been a shorter time than he and Juliana had spoken together in Zero Lab, or any of the calls he had made.

But while that was meaningful to him, why would it matter to someone who could easily spend any amount of time with any number of others?

He brought a hand to his chin, a gesture mirrored from his creator, and mimicked a sigh. He would have to set his questions aside for later. "I am sorry that my arrival has caused such painful emotions. However, I assure you that I am safe now. I do once again require your help, but it is nowhere near as dire as it was before."

Arven approached and put his hand on Juliana's shoulder. "Hey, little buddy. It's gonna be ok. He's planning on staying this time."

"Really?" The trainer sniffled.

The AI nodded slowly. "The program that tied me to the time machine no longer exists. Or..." He had just changed his position but assumed the same gesture as before. "More accurately, it does exist within me, but the machine itself has been shuttered. What code is in my programming is redundant."

Penny stood a little straighter at that. "That makes sense. But I imagine that's why I was called here. I'm not much for moral support, after all."

Arven nodded. "I was hoping you could give him a check-up or something."

The girl was about to reply when Nemona, who was in the midst of hugging Juliana tightly, piped up. "Oh! And if you have any pokémon with you, we'll have to get you supplies to take care of them!"

Juliana brightened a bit at that. "Nemona, is that your subtle way of finding out if he's going to battle you?"

"Weeeellllll, that too...but if you do, then I can help you with anything you need for them! Bigger beds or food or a vet recommendation, anything!"

The AI briefly turned towards Arven, head cocked in slight confusion, before addressing Nemona. "I am sorry to disappoint you. Although I formed bonds with a few pokémon in that era, I did not properly capture them, nor did any return with me."

The young champion pouted, but just for a moment. "Aww. Well, if you ever want any help, I'm your gal!" Juliana accompanied this statement with a thumbs up.

"So, what we should do is figure out what it is you *do* need and go from there," Arven said. "But the first thing we should do is go inside!"

"I suppose," the AI mused as he leaned back in the computer chair, "that what I want most of all is the ability to contact Arven directly, without having to rely on loopholes in my programming."

The three of Arven's friends sat in a line on the couch, with Arven leaning against the wall, petting Mabosstiff. "Yeah, he could only contact me if he didn't know for sure it was me."

"Even when I detected his specific biometrics, I still did not know for certain if you were carrying the phone that I had been contacting, so I was able to send you one final message before seeing you myself." The admission seemed to weigh on him, but it answered something Arven had been wondering.

"So I arranged this meeting without hearing from him," Arven told them, "just sent a message to the big computer telling him that I'd be coming with you guys around now."

Penny was taking notes on her laptop, something the others hadn't seen her bring and wouldn't have thought could fit into her Eevee satchel. "All right...but I assume that you're not going to be able to walk me through the process of breaking through the security system."

The AI's eyes widened slightly in an all too human expression of surprise, though he dropped to a neutral look a second later. "That is an unfortunate truth. I am sorry. However, once you are able to bypass that, I am confident that you will be able to make the necessary alterations."

"...sure hope so," she muttered.

"Yes. It is my belief, however, that if you are unable to do so, it is still possible. You may aid in potentially finding another."

Arven frowned. "Right now, I think it would be best to keep the number of people we know about this to a minimum."

"If my memory on this matter is still intact," the AI continued as he turned the chair to face Arven, "I believe Dr Clavell is a skilled programmer. I wish to speak with him regardless, on more personal matters."

"Doctor?" Penny mouthed.

"I remember Mr Jacq mentioning something like that," Juliana offered. "Though I think Clavell prefers the title 'director'."

The AI's eyes flashed the same brief blue they had when he had exited sleep mode when Juliana first entered the lab. "Ah, yes. Forgive me. The predominant memories I have of him are as a fellow researcher. My database has been updated."

The flash, however, had taken Nemona off guard. "¡Uy!" she startled. "What was that with your eyes?"

He tilted his head slightly. "Pardon? Oh, they must have flashed. Is that correct?"


"Ah. That is a sign that I am processing something. Pay it no mind."

She shifted a bit in her seat. "I'm just...yeah, I'm a bit on edge. I'm glad you're back! Don't get me wrong." When she smiled, her eyes were just a little more intense than he would have wanted. "And of course I really want to battle you someday." Her expression quickly fell to a frown. "But...you know, it's all so new."

Penny looked over at her sidelong. "I know computers are my expertise but I know you've seen them light up when they do things."

"But I've never seen a *person* do it! You know?" Nemona laughed nervously. It was clear to the others that there was something she wasn't voicing, but they knew to let it go.

The AI sat a little straighter. "A...person." A soft smile grew across his lips.

Arven coughed a bit. "Penny will figure out if there's anything wrong, or find someone who can, like we said."

"Aww, that's a sweet vote of confidence." It didn't come from Penny but from Nemona.

"I can at least try. Best foot forward and all that," the younger girl said flatly.

"So, what do you need?" Juliana blurted, tilting forward. "We're here to help with anything!"

The AI blinked in a startlingly human reaction, prompting Arven to look away again and pet Mabosstiff some more. "I...do not know."

Nemona stood and fumbled with the bag in front of her. "That's right! I got so caught up in things that I forgot to give these to you!"

Arven pushed off the wall and supported the bag from the bottom. "Here. Yeah, Nemona brought some clothes to borrow." He was looking at her when he talked.

"Oh, how generous!" The AI accepted the bag and glanced through the top. "Although, I do question why, when the closet in your father's room is still well-stocked."

Arven paused at that. "...of course it is. Of course. Why would I think he would take anything with him."

Mabosstiff snuffled at him, begging for Arven to pet him again.

"Uh..." Nemona watched Arven's sudden downturn with uncertainty. "Um, so...do you need them? My dad hasn't worn these in years so it should be fine. I don't know what your personal fashion is like but there should be something you like."

That was new. The AI set the bag down, next to the desk. "In truth, I have never thought about it before. I have always worn this garment." He placed a hand on his chest, gesturing to the bodysuit. "Although I suppose it would be nice to change things up."

"Pretty impressive that it's lasted this long," Penny remarked. "It doesn't look like it's even been scuffed."

"Yes! It was designed to withstand any sort of scenario. It's made from--" The AI was practically beaming as he launched into a long list of what were presumably materials, but were merely random collections of syllables to everyone else. There was no telling where one word ended and another began. But he stopped suddenly, bright smile tightening a bit, and bowed his head. "I suppose the specifics are not important. I am not used to speaking to others." With a look skyward, he let out a wistful simulated sigh. "I do miss the lab coat, however. It was not nearly as durable as the rest."

Nemona had been staring straight ahead, sitting rigidly at attention while he had recited the strange scientific terms, and it took her a second to blink back into the moment. "Yeah, I would imagine that would be something nice. Right now, what you have is basically a wetsuit."

"Dry suit, actually, but yes."

"And it doesn't leave much to the imagination," she continued. "You won't really be able to go anywhere without people staring at you, even without your resemblance to a very notable celebrity."

Next to her, Penny took a note. "On that subject, do you have a plan for dealing with that? You're going to have a lot of people thinking you're the professor, and I'm going to assume you don't want that."

"Especially after how he treated you..." Juliana sighed, a mournful tone."

The AI looked at Juliana for a moment before addressing Penny. "Eventually I would like to look into creating a slightly different face plate. I do not know if anyone but me can do so, however."

"A different face..." Arven murmured before finally slumping down the wall and gesturing for Mabosstiff to lay fully across his lap.

Juliana looked over at him but didn't say anything. If he was in distress, he would say something, right? He'd opened up since they first met and wasn't going to bottle things up any more. Right?

But the AI continued. "I confirmed that I still have access to Zero Lab, so I ought to be able to construct something like that myself. But right now, my priorities are open communication with Arven--"

To the side, the young man shifted further, burying his face in the dog's thick fur.

"--getting my programming examined, and speaking with Director Clavell."

Penny finished typing her line before replying. "Those sound like reasonable goals. Do you want Clavell to come here? If you plan on leaving the lighthouse for any reason, we can get you a hat and probably a surgical mask."

"Oh! I brought a hat!" Nemona exclaimed. "It's near the bottom of the bag. I hope you like the Levencia Staraptors!" She laughed nervously. "Uh. You can keep that. My dad got a bunch of them when his company bought ads, and he never wears them."

The AI nodded in acknowledgement. "Thank you. I have never worn a hat before. This will be a novel experience."

"I'm glad." Juliana was smiling even with concern still lingering across their face. "Uh...Arven, aren't you glad?"

Arven sputtered a bit before looking up. "Uh? I guess, sure. Hey, Mabosstiff needs to go out, so I'm gonna step out for a few minutes." He prompted the dog to move a bit and shifted up to his feet. "Come on, boy. We'll be right back."

Mabosstiff tilted his head and barked softly, seeming to grumble from the sudden decision but following behind, and the two headed out the door.

Penny had watched him go, but returned to her list. "I can take a look at anything you can show me today, but I'll tell you right now that I can't do much from this laptop. I may need access to the system beside you. I understand it's connected to the the network in Zero Lab, correct?"

"Wow, look at you go!" Nemona was impressed. "So professional."

The girl smiled, though she continued to look at her screen. "Thanks. Now, would that be feasible?"

The AI turned towards the computer and typed something rapidly. "I can add permissions to this device. My creator did not anticipate that I would ever set foot here, so I was not restricted from it. Incidentally, has anyone gained access to the research in Zero Lab in this time?"

"I've tried," Juliana admitted, "but I'm also not a very techy person. Do you want anyone to?"

"I do not quite know. I asked simply out of curiosity. But right now, I believe I would only entrust that information to Director Clavell."

Nemona leaned back and stretched her arms out behind the couch. "Ah, that makes sense. You had other people working with y--with the professor, right?"

"Yes. At its biggest, the research team dwelling in Zero Lab was populated with fifteen people. Although I believe a total of thirty-six worked on the entire study at various points." He shook his head. "Admittedly, my information on some of them is incomplete, as Turo did not care to recall them."

Penny typed something more. "That's too bad. You had to be pretty skilled to be approved for that project, right?"

"Absolutely. Only the best and brightest were permitted clearance." A bright smile crossed his face, a little wider than what would be considered natural on a human. "The four of you are similar in that regard. Though it was not the same as selecting a researcher, you had proven your strength and dedication." The smile relaxed just a bit, as if he was realizing the intensity of it. "I did not plan it that way, but I am pleased that it worked out in a suitable manner." And the smile faded into a wistful expression. "On my way here, I made many observations of my surroundings. Paldea is...more beautiful than I ever could have imagined. That those who live here can do so without fear is..." His voice cracked, and he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I apologize. Though I am physically incapable of displaying certain emotions, I still possess the impulse to do so. It often manifests in contradictory ways."

Another clack of the keyboard. "It's understandable. Would you want to be able to do things like cry?"

He took on a neutral position, hands on his legs, and faced her directly. "That would be a major alteration that would require intensive physical restructuring. If it is even possible, it is not a priority. Do not concern yourself with it at this time."

"Gotcha." She typed something else before closing the laptop. "If you want to get started, I've got some time right now."

The AI glanced towards the door. "If...you do not mind, would tomorrow be acceptable?"

Juliana followed his gaze, but no one was there. "All of us?"

"If you wish." He smiled. "I am grateful to have such a warm welcome. It is an unfamiliar feeling, but a pleasant one. I greatly enjoy it."

Nemona shot to her feet. "¡Cáspita! I'm glad to hear it! I can't wait for Penny to work her magic on you!"

He stood as well, but her words stayed him. "Oh, I am not in need of magic. I require--"

Juliana's laughter was surprisingly high in tone given their lower voice. "It's an expression. Figurative magic."

The AI's eyes flashed briefly again. "Of course. I understand."

Penny opened her laptop again and wrote one more note.

Juliana held the door for Penny and glanced back in, waving at the AI before closing the door behind them. "I'm so glad he's ok..."

"I'm sure you are. I know that was eating you up inside." The laptop had vanished from sight once again. "I'm happy for you. And for him." Though Penny's voice was unemotive from the prolonged social encounter, her friends would know her smile to be genuine.

"Oh, there he is!" Nemona began waving. "Aaaaaarven!" she called across the clearing to where the young man was, on the small cliff on the opposite side of the path. "Arven, we're going now! He wants to talk to you now!"

Even from the distance, they could see him inhale deeply before waving back. He seemed in no hurry to return, even with Mabosstiff bounding before him.

"Call me later, ok?" Juliana emphasized the instruction with a telephone gesture to their face, extended fingers to their mouth and ear.

Arven waved a second time and copied the gesture to verify, but said nothing.

He watched the group disperse, Nemona and Juliana heading south and Penny opting to walk, saying something about getting a snack in Cabo Poco, the town at the base of the hill to the northwest. Once they were out of sight, he finally eased himself down the small cliff, recalling Mabosstiff and letting him back out on ground level.

"...You think we could just leave him waiting, go back to the dorm tonight?" he muttered to the dog as he shuffled his feet still towards the lighthouse, already knowing the answer.

Mabosstiff barked softly and pushed against the young man's legs.

"Yeah, I can't be a coward. I guess I have to give him my answer at some point, yeah? I should at least make up my mind..."

He expected to see the AI at the computer again. Not at the kitchen table, sitting there expectantly with those same shining eyes his father had. "Arven. It is good to see you. Have Mabosstiff's needs been sufficiently met?"

What an awkward way of putting it. So stiff and formal, not at all like how a human would talk. Not even Turo at his most academic would have phrased it so roughly. "It's been a long time since you've talked to anyone."

"In a way," the AI nodded. "The pokémon of the future are great listeners, but they do not return the favor of conversation."

Arven sighed and turned a chair around before sitting, putting the back of the chair between himself and the AI. "You've always been pretty blunt, haven't you? Saying whatever you want to no matter what anyone else might think." Though he was facing the AI, he was again averting his gaze.

The AI's eyes flashed, and he bowed his head. "You have said something like this to me before. Just before I left."

The young man nodded. "Yeah. Because you picked the worst possible time to dump on me that d--what you said."

/Your father truly loved you./

The memory hung in Arven's mind, always there no matter what he did.

"I spoke the truth. I was created with his memories. I knew his mind, his thoughts, his beliefs." The AI rested a hand on the table and looked towards Arven with a slight frown and furrowed brow. "And I know that he loved you. I also know that he mistreated you. They are both true statements. I have struggled to rectify them, but the truth remains."

Arven shook his head. "Dropping that on me...did you consider how it would affect me?"

The AI lowered his head. "Would you have preferred not to know?"

The young man sighed. "I'm...I don't know. I can't really answer that. I'm kinda a...different person than I was back then." He tilted forward a little but pulled back, resisting the urge to rest his head on the table. "I'm really working hard now, studying cooking and nutrition and all that. I'm not aimless. He's not the center of my life and he hasn't been for years...Some days I don't even think about him!"

"And yet you are still Arven."

Arven paused before staring back at the robot, incredulous. "This is exactly what I'm talking about! If you're going to be around people, you need to think about what your words are going to do to them!"

The area around the AI's eyes tightened, his mouth dropping just a bit. He seemed almost hurt. "I am sorry," he murmured, his usually direct voice soft and regretful. "I do not wish to cause any harm. I wish only to make things right. It is one of my directives to protect you, and moreover, I *want* to protect you." His other hand rested over the first, covering it in a gesture resembling one of peace. "I will do what you ask of me but I must know what it is you want."

The young man flopped forward, head falling to his hands. "My god, you need to stop talking like that! Let's ignore for a minute that you *did* cause us harm, you acted like I wasn't even here earlier!"

The AI's expression returned to neutral, though he averted his eyes as Arven had done. "I apologize."

"All of this...changing your face, like it wouldn't mean anything. Saying it like it was nothing! That's my dad's face and you--" He stopped abruptly and tisked with his tongue before burying his own face in his hands and shaking his head.

After a long moment, the AI blinked, keeping his eyes shut for longer than normal, before looking back at Arven. "To continue looking like the man who hurt us both...I know that how I look hurts you. That you cannot look at me without seeing him." His voice, though so familiar, was softer and more stilted than Turo's in delivery. "Additionally, his celebrity would yield undue attention. I do not wish to lie about him any further, meaning I do not wish to make anybody falsely believe that he is still alive. I am aware that lying to you on that subject was harmful, but I judged it to be a necessary action for the greater good of Paldea." He mimicked a sigh again. It was amazing how realistic it sounded, though Arven knew it was just a sound file of his father's own voice. "I do not have to maintain that lie any further now. I do not wish to give anybody false hope. That is why I know that I cannot continue to look as I do."

Arven glanced up briefly, at that familiar face, before looking away again.

"I respect your father's brilliance. I loved him dearly, and I still do. Do not take this as a sign of disrespect."

"That's not the issue. It's not even what you said." Arven's hands balled up on either side of his face. "You just *say* stuff without...like when you were saying that dad's closet is still full of stuff. You said that so casually, like it didn't mean anything."

The AI was silent for a moment before cocking his head. "I am sorry. Both for that my statement caused you pain, and that I do not understand why that would have hurt you. It was an observation, nothing more."

"Oh come on!" Arven emphasized the cry with a fist pounded to the table, startling Mabosstiff at his side. "Telling me like it was nothing that he never came back for his stuff? That he didn't have any intention of coming back here? That he was just going to ditch me and the whole outside world?"

"It was an observation," the AI repeated, voice quiet and more halted than his usual stiff delivery. "Nothing more. I am sorry."

"Nothing more..." Arven grumbled. But the more he thought about what he had said, the stranger it sounded. "...dammit..."

The AI said nothing, just slid his hand across the table to rest over Arven's still-clenched fist.

"It sounds stupid now that I say it out loud..." Arven covered his face with his other hand, knuckles bent tight. "If one of my friends had said there were clothes in his closet, I wouldn't have gotten mad. I wouldn't have read all that extra stuff into it."

Again, the AI said nothing, only stroked the back of Arven's hand. His usually intense and direct gaze faltered, drifting to the table.

Arven didn't say anything either for a few minutes. Finally he sighed deeply and pulled his hand back to stand from the chair. "...I still...haven't decided yet. If I want you in my life or not. But after today I think I can make a more informed decision."

A nod. "Whatever you decide, I will abide by."

"I know. You seem like you'd stick by what you say." He fell silent again before slumping at the shoulders, and finally kneeling to nuzzle Mabosstiff, who eagerly leaned into the touch. "Would you be ok..." he started with his face in the dog's thick fur before looking back up at the AI. "Would you be ok if you were only in my life a little? Like, if we saw each other but not often?"

He couldn't see it through the table, but the AI smiled. "Of course. Though I know you have not yet made your decision."

"Right, right, just...makes it a little easier. I don't want to ditch you, after all. Even with human memories, you spent three hundred years in a world that sounds pretty desolate, so you'd got to readjust to things." He hugged Mabosstiff tightly before standing again.

"I would not call it 'desolate'." The AI was still smiling. "It was teeming with life, and very beautiful. It was simply not what I or he believed it would be..." He shook his head. "But that is behind me. I am here now, and I must exist here as things are. So I welcome any aid you would offer."

"Yeah. Just it might come slow. You can meet with the others without me, you know."

The AI nodded. "Thank you. I did know, but it is good to hear you say it. I did not wish to be rude."

Arven chuckled. "Well, you've already got a leg up on my old man then. He sure didn't care about being rude, unless the press or a sponsor was nearby."

"I apologize for his actions."

"It's not your place to do so," Arven reminded him. "You're not him. Otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation. For uh...a couple of reasons." He shook it off as he turned towards the door. "I've got some work to do tonight, but I want you to think about what I said."

"Absolutely. Thank you for your own patience. I know that this is asking a lot of you."

Arven paused before smiling just a bit. "I feel like we'll probably have more talks like this, won't we?" The smile, however, dropped. "I don't think you realized it. But when you told me dad really loved me. In the past tense..." His expression dropped further, into a dim frown. "That was how I found out he was gone. I don't know if you realized that when you said it, and I suspected something had happened to him, but.. that was how I found out for sure."

He waited just a moment before turning to the door, catching a glimpse of the AI's ashamed expression as he did.
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Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. quilava-fobbie
  6. sneasel-kate
  7. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, ran a little late with this one, but I’m here for the proper Catnip review that I got rolled, so let’s just dive in here and see what’s going on after that ending note from Safe Passage:

"I'm not sure how much I can explain right now," Arven murmured, not directly looking at the phone before him, "but I'm going to need some costume stuff. And yeah I already called Penny but she hasn't answered." He sighed. "Do you know where to find a wig?"

Juliana paused. Through the phone, Arven could see their eyes widen slightly as they thought. "Um. I do. But you're not gonna like it."

"Ok, it doesn't need to be good." His friend's dramatic reaction was just comedic enough to take a bit of the load off his mind, and he laughed under his breath. "It's just temporary."

"Mr Saguaro's class wanting you to get into costuming? I know you know how to sew at least."

I kinda wonder if it might have made sense to work in some description of where we are or else what’s going on at this point in time as part of these opening four paragraphs, since for people coming into this story without having read Safe Passage (e.x. for events like this), the added context could help quite a bit for understanding what’s going on here.

"Eh, not really. I can mend stuff but I'm nowhere near making anything new. Nothing like Atticus or anything." It was a relief for him, to be talking about something so casual. "Though I guess he's on a whole different level. I think he's done stuff even Mr Saguaro can't manage."

"You didn't hear it from me," Juliana said in a voice drenched in conspiracy, "but the scuttlebutt is that he's finally making her that Eevee suit she's wanted for so long."

Oh boy, I can already tell that Penny’s presence in this story is going to be amazing.

Arven laughed, but there was work to be done. "Oh that's great. So, when you get that wig, can you bring it to the lighthouse tonight around five?"

"Absolutely! See you there!"

Hrm, scene’s ending that quickly, huh? Though yeah, while I have some benefit from taking the time to read Safe Passage right before this, part of me wonders if it would’ve made sense to take a bit more time to set up the “this is where we are and what’s going on” of the present scenario such that Arven’s making these phone calls.

"Hey, so I need a favor."

This time it was Nemona on the other end of the line. "Sure thing! What's up? Need me to cover a new knife again?"

… Just how many kitchen utensils does Arven go through as part of his travels anyways? :copyka:

Arven had only recently been able to repay her for the purchase. It was expensive, but it was well worth it as an investment in his future as a chef, as Nemona had reminded him. [ ]

"No, it's nothing like that. I just need to borrow some clothes."

I think that it probably makes sense to elaborate on things a bit more, even if it’s a simple “but this time, it was for something else” if you’re not ready to tip your hand that it’s for a recently returned AI!Turo.

Nemona laughed, the sound evolving into an extended "oooooooo! Are you going to have a job interview?"

He shook his head. "Nothing like that yet. But I do need to borrow some of your dad's clothes."

She paused and thought about it for a second, measuring things up in her mind. It had been a few months since she had seen her parents, despite living in their house, so she had to put some thought into it. "You're not as tall as mi papá, but I guess if you rolled up the cuffs..."

RoboDad: “... Do you want me to tell her, or…?”
Arven: “No, let me handle this, okay?” >_>;

"It's not for me." The words were rushed and a little blunt. "I've got someone uh...in from out of town. He's taller than me. I need some uh...I don't know, casual shirts or something. Maybe a nice polo shirt maybe..."

"Haha, this must be really something. You're repeating yourself. 'Maybe a nice polo shirt maybe'."

If Nemona is going to directly quote Arven, it probably makes sense for it to be a word-for-word one with whatever Arven says. I went the route of assuming that “shirt” would be in both.

He sighed heavily. "Ugh, is it that obvious? I'm pretty nervous about introducing you. I mean, you kinda met him once, but--"

"Ohhh?" Nemona leaned in close to the phone and smirked at the camera.

Huh, somehow I didn’t realize all this time that this was a video call, but looking back up… yeah, kinda hard to see physical expressions if it wasn’t one.

It wasn't until her reaction that Arven realized what he had said. "Wait crap, no it's...I can't tell you anything else! I don't know what he'd be comfortable with, and I'd have to go all the way out there to ask him..."

She seemed confused. "He doesn't have a phone?"

He shook his head. "Actually no. He really did just blow in from far away..."

"Yeesh. Poor guy. Where's he from?"


Though I do wonder if you’re passing up a few things by not getting into Arven’s head and thought process a bit more. Beyond the obvious of being a potential tool of providing more context for what’s going on, it also would be a method for showing off what his mood and opinions of what’s going on are.
"Uh..." Arven pretended to think about it, with a finger to his lips. "Paldea originally, I guess. But he's been away for a while."

"Oh, where has he been?"

This time he really did have to think about it. "I don't really know, actually. Around, I guess."

The question isn’t where, Nemona, but… :copyka:

Nemona giggled. "Sounds like you've got quite the traveled amigo! I look forward to meeting him. Make sure he calls the airport soon, though. If they lost his luggage, it could be anywhere!"

Arven was going to ask what she meant by that but it only stood to reason. It was a logical conclusion to reach that a traveler who needed clothes must be in that situation. "Sure thing. Can you have them at the lighthouse at five?"

That actually makes me wonder where on earth Paldea’s airport is. Since canonically there is one since that’s how we get around to the DLC regions, but it’s not accessible on the world map.

She leaned back and stretched. "Yeah, I can do that. It'll give me time to rest up a little."

"La Primera keeping you on your toes?"

"Oh, no, I actually haven't seen her for a few days. I've just been getting up early to go for a run before sunrise."

Huh, on one level, you’d think that she’d run into her sister a bit more frequently, but I suppose that La Primera does have a busy schedule canonically, so it’s only logical it’d still be the case after the cast grew up a bit after the events of the game’s campaign.

Of course she was. Arven smiled in a thin line, lips pressed tightly together. "Never change, Nemona."

"Actually, on that subject," She smiled back, much broader, with a familiar intensity in her eyes. "Your friend wouldn't happen to be a strong trainer, would he?"

[ ]

"--Hahaha! Never change."

I kinda feel that something is missing before Arven’s last line, maybe some sort of reaction or something, but he certainly isn’t wrong there, since this definitely feels on-brand with the way that Nemona was in the games. o<o

/Penny, you're not answering your phone. Can you meet me at the lighthouse around five tonight?/

/ah hi I turned my ringer off what do you need/

/Well, I need your hacker brain to look over a...really advanced computer/

Oh, so this format here is meant to be texts. I suppose that clears up what on earth was going on in the first scene of Safe Passage.

/wow did you really just type out ellipses in a text? some of your dads shit then?/

Oh, Penny, you have no idea...

/Yeah you could say that. I don't expect you to get into things tonight. Just look them over and see if you can help me out./

/yeah sure thing/

/Hey is it true that Atticus is making you that Eevee suit at long last?/

/goddammit juliana/

I was going to say that it might make sense to drop in something like some description of Arven staring down at his phone and reacting a bit, but I’m too busy giggling from this moment here.

/Yeah it was Juliana/

/stg when I get my hands on them/


/Wow you're still typing. Uh, good news they'll be there too./


/Oh your shift key DOES work!/

I mean, we kinda need Juliana alive for this story to be ‘All Together Now’, so I’m sure that Penny won’t do anything too drastic? ^^;

The AI blinked as he exited sleep mode. The soft glow of the computer before him was a comforting sight, one he hadn't experienced since Zero Lab. He smiled softly at the graphs and figures before him. All of it would have been from some time before Turo had relocated to the crater full time, and some of the conclusions were incorrect. All simply because he would have lacked access to all the data yet; never because of any inaccuracies in the figures. Everything had been correct according to what Turo had known at the time, as always.

Ah yes, he’s finally here in the story.

Though I’m honestly surprised that Arven and the gang didn’t do anything with Turo’s lab at the lighthouse at all given that Safe Passage reveals that this is a few years after Violet’s campaign. Was the idea that they basically left it as a memorial to him?

All of this was observed in less than a second, and he filed away a query for later to ask Arven for permission to update the calculations. It wasn't as though he lacked a sense of sentimentality; after all, that was what had kept him from altering anything in the rest of the rooms. But Turo would have wanted all the data to be as accurate as possible.

Wait, is the ‘him’ there Arven or RoboDad there? I assume that it’s the former, but the phrasing is a little ambiguous at the moment.

It would have to wait until later, though. What had roused him from sleep mode was the presence of four humans in the surrounding area.

Ah yes, cue the freakout in 3… 2…


The young man looked down the path to the south. Juliana was there, accompanied by their starter, Skeledirge. The croc kept waddling towards the lighthouse even as Juliana paused to wave. Arven waved back.

"Hey! Good to see you! Seeing your mom?"

Ah, so Juliana’s a Fire-type trainer in this continuity. That actually makes me wonder if she’s also the same in The Future Between Us as a parallel continuity, or if that Juliana trained one of the other starters.

The student gestured for him to wait for a moment, and picked up their pace to jog up to him and recall Skeledirge to his ball before replying.

"Ok, there we go. I wasn't able to get the wig I was thinking of, so I picked up something from an old costume." They fumbled in their bag for a moment. "Here, let me show you how to put the wig cap on."

Instinctively he started to bend over, even though Juliana was his height. They would no doubt be much taller than him in very short time. [ ]

"Oh wait uh, it's not for me. I've got a guest staying here."

IMO, these paragraphs work a bit better separating out the description from the dialogue. Though I think that the last bit of description is missing a part tying back into Arven being a bit flustered or something like that.

"And...your guest needs a wig..." They stared back at him, idly adjusting their purple sweatband. Recently, Juliana had taken to dressing more outlandishly, cutting their long brown hair into a purple shaved look, wearing tights that looked like a circuit board, and huge white shoes brought in from Alola, though Arven couldn't imagine that they could possibly be a popular style there.

I actually wonder if this look is creatable in S/V’s character creator, since I’m actually not fully sure what this looks like. It definitely looks very ‘Miraidon’ from that description, though.

"Yeah, he needs a wig. Uh...Juli..." Arven shifted slightly in place and looking up at the sky for a moment before dropping his gaze back to his friend. "I just want you to be prepared that this is probably going to be very emotional. Things are...going to hurt. They already have."

Huh. I get Arven being hurt by things, but I’m actually a bit surprised that the others would similarly be affected. On one level, it makes sense given the blurb in Safe Passage about Juliana being gutted over failing to conjure Turo a second time at the crystal pool, but it might have made sense to build things up a bit more beforehand.

Their mouth fell open just a bit, head tilting towards the door. "Oh no. Does your friend have to hide from someone? Should we call Clavell? He'll know what to do..."

But just then, Nemona ran up the path, pulling a heavy canvas bag visibly overloaded with fabric. "I'm here! I...tripped once, but everything can just be dusted off. It'll be fine."

"I don't think he'll mind. Thanks a lot for doing this."

Arven: “Okay, deep breaths, Arven… here goes nothing.”

Nemona set the bag down and took a long drink from a canteen at her side. "Aaaah... Just let me know if there's anything else your friend needs."

Juliana looked northward, hand shielding their eyes. "That must be Penny. I hear Squawkabilly."

Huh, did Penny go back to Galar or something? Since if she was still at Uva Academy, you’d think that the lighthouse wouldn’t be that far away from it.

"I swear, you can hear those things anywhere. You even heard one on a tv down the hallway that time." Nemona patted her junior on the back.

Sure enough, the flying cab set down nearby, the four raucous birds chattering to each other all the while, and Penny emerged from the vehicle, hands stuffed deep in her pockets. She handed something to the driver and immediately turned towards the group.

"Um. Hi guys."

Is she in her Eevee suit for the occasion? >:V

Arven clapped his hands together. "All right, we're all here! So uh..." He paused, waiting for the cab to fly away even though it was unlikely the driver could hear him anyway.

"Ok, so I just got here," Penny noted, "but already your expression is, like, way more serious than it was thirty seconds ago."

Arven: “... I suppose I should be more relieved that you’ve apparently forgotten about trying to get back at Juliana over leaking the Eevee suit, but… yeah, I’ve kinda got a lot on my mind right now.”

"Yeah, I noticed that too." Nemona took a step towards Arven. "What's going on?"

"His friend is in trouble," Juliana told them. "He needs a disguise."

Juliana: “Though who on earth is this friend if you’re this hesitant about telling us who he is?”

Arven backed away from the advancing champion and put his hands up in a weak defensive gesture.

"That's not what's happening. He's probably the safest now that he's been in a long time. But I..." He sighed, deflating. "Look. Before we go in, I need to have a serious talk with all of you. Especially you, Juli. You talked to him more than any of us."

They looked confused. "This is someone I've met?"


Arven: “Oi! Let me ease them into this!” O_O;
"Yeah, you told me that over the phone, but you didn't say who it was. And you hung up before you told me if he's a strong trainer!" Nemona pouted but with a smile.

Arven sighed again and looked towards the door. This time, the light was on inside. Good, the AI had gotten his message. He couldn't really look inside, though. His father's demand for secrecy had led to the installation of a special window in the door that only granted a few feet of visibility. Enough to tell if Scatterbugs were nesting in the sink again, not enough to see anything in the lab.

"Guys, uh...This is really serious, like I said. This is uh...someone I really thought I wouldn't ever see again. That nobody would. And I haven't even decided yet if I want him to be part of my life."

Time to see how good the gang is at reading between the lines. Like it’d be kinda lulzy if they needed things to just be spelled out for them, but I suspect that this is meant to be a much more serious and heartfelt moment, so…
Nemona closed the distance and rested her hand on his arm with a gentle smile. "Arven, whoever this is, we can handle it."

In an opposite move, Penny had taken a few steps back, and drawn her hoodie over her head like a helmet. "Unless it's your dad somehow..."

Well, that was fast. No lulzy moments this time, I see.

None of them noticed, but Juliana swallowed heavily at that, throat tight and lips pressed into a white line.

Arven paused just long enough to prompt a "no WAY" from Nemona.

Arven: “Uh… yeah, I still am working out how this all happened, but…” ^^;

"No geez, it's not my dad..." he dispelled with the same defensive gesture before drooping into a slump. "But uh...it's close."

Oh, huh. So Arven distinguishes between Turo and RoboDad. I suppose that makes sense since he also did that in TFBU where he considers one of the two to be a flatly better person.

Penny paused with her hands up on the cords to her hoodie. "Uncle or something?"

"It's the AI."

Everyone Minus Arven:

Arven: “Look, I’m still figuring this out myself too, okay?” >_>;

From inside, the AI could hear the conversation come to a complete halt. Of course, he had heard what was being said, and moreover the revelation that had caused the sudden silence.

The humans knew all of that. What they wouldn't have been able to tell but the AI could discern as easily as anything was how each of them reacted physically.

Wait, from picking up on their vitals? Or can RoboDad see through walls or something like that?

Arven had been demonstrating signs of anxiety since his arrival, likely before. His heart rate had increased, and his respiration was noticeably more constricted than normal. Just before he had spoken, his cortisol levels had risen. The human memories that still lingered in the AI's programming linked this with the sensation of a sunken stomach, and he knew that Arven would be feeling nauseated from these strong emotions.

Impressive for being able to detect this just from audio alone. Unless if RoboDad has other sensory inputs that he’s using to gauge how everyone’s reacting.
803B121, Penny, held her breath. The reason was unknown, but the AI wasn't concerned, as her other vitals were within normal range.

I went and looked up that sequence, and her student ID, huh? Neat incorporation of a little detail that I honestly completely forgot about from the games.

805C001, Nemona...well, he supposed that she would no longer hold that designation and made a note to update his file once a current one could be found. Nemona's heart had skipped a beat, and she contrarily released a long breath, the duration of which saw her heart rate return to normal.

Oh, so Nemona’s graduated from Uva Academy, huh? Right, you mentioned that in passing in Safe Passage, though it’s interesting to see that that’s still how RoboDad thinks of her internally.

And 805C393, Juliana...

He had not anticipated that Juliana would have reacted in such a way. The youth briefly exhibited signs of the same sunken feeling that Arven had, but it was quickly overshadowed by a rapid increase in heart rate, hyperventilation, and the sudden pounding of footsteps as they ran up to the door of the lighthouse.

"It's locked!" the trainer screamed as they tried to force the door open. "Arven! Arven, I can't get in!"

AI!Turo: “... Perhaps it would’ve been better for Arven to explain things in advance through text messages after all.” .-.

"I told him to lock it for security." Arven's voice carried a normal tone, something else the AI wasn't expecting. "Here, I'll--"

"It's all right," the AI said aloud. At Juliana's sudden movement, he had approached the door, and when he opened it, he was nearly bowled over, Juliana's arms around him in a tight hug.

Somebody’s missed RoboDad a lot. I’m honestly a bit surprised to see that given that in the canonical narrative, the player character didn’t spend that much time with RoboDad/Mom before the end of the campaign.

They were shaking, and he could hear sniffling. "I was so scared..." they murmured, barely audible. "I thought you vanished..."

To be met with such a strong emotion was something the AI wasn't prepared for, either in the suddenness of it or from Turo's memories. When Arven had displayed strong emotion, his father had mostly dealt with it by ignoring it, but this was different. Though he couldn't comprehend what Juliana could be feeling, it displayed many traits in common with grief. He would set aside his confusion as to why the trainer would be demonstrating a contradictory emotion, because human emotions were often contradictory, and rested his hands on their shoulders.

"I worried that I would vanish as well. But I did not."

I suppose that would explain a lot about why Juliana took failing to conjure Turo a second time in Kitakami so hard, since… yeah. She’s been waiting, what, four years by this point to catch a glimpse of any form of Turo by now?

His own emotions were contradictory too. Why would he feel proud, he wondered, at inspiring this outpouring? Instead, he looked past Juliana, at Arven. The young man was watching them with an expression that was impossible to read, and the AI felt that perhaps it would be impossible for a human as well.

Wait, is the ‘his’ meant to be RoboDad or Arven there? If the latter, it might make sense to explicitly say as much since the pronoun is a little ambiguous currently.

"It's good to have you back," Nemona started, a cautious tone to her voice. She was holding something back, but it was doubtful to be it was the same reaction Juliana was having.

Penny had averted her eyes, but nodded. "Yeah. Um...I said I was sure you were having fun in the future...but I wasn't really sure. So I'm glad you're ok."

"I am...or I will be," the AI said with a smile. "I am, at least, safe."

Ah yes, RoboDad just going and willfully hiding that he was depressed and isolated enough to yeet himself out of the future to the present there as mentioned in Safe Passage. Though I suppose it would be a bit of a mood-downer there.

Juliana pulled back, the AI's hands dropping to his sides from their action, and sniffled as they looked up at his face. They had grown quite a bit since that day so long ago, and the angle wasn't nearly as pronounced as it had been then.

"I'm sorry. You're here for Arven, aren't you, not any of us..."

AI!Turo: “... I can be here for multiple reasons?” ^^;
Juliana: “I’m just going to take that as a ‘yes’.” >_>;

He studied the trainer's face. Their vitals still indicated many complex signs, their mouth tight-lipped and wobbling. But the *why* remained unknown. They hadn't spent much time together, and he--

--No, that was it, wasn't it? Despite his connection to Arven, Juliana was the human he had spent the most time with, other than his creator. Even speaking with Arven earlier had been a shorter time than he and Juliana had spoken together in Zero Lab, or any of the calls he had made.

… Now that you mention it, RoboDad does spend a disproportionate amount of his screentime with the protagonist canonically, huh? Though I suppose that explains a few things about how Juliana was so torn up about his absence.

But while that was meaningful to him, why would it matter to someone who could easily spend any amount of time with any number of others?

It’s called ‘emotional attachment’, RoboDad.

He brought a hand to his chin, a gesture mirrored from his creator, and mimicked a sigh. He would have to set his questions aside for later.

"I am sorry that my arrival has caused such painful emotions. However, I assure you that I am safe now. I do once again require your help, but it is nowhere near as dire as it was before."

I should hope not given that the last time you met everyone, Paldea was on the verge of being overrun by a horde of robots.

Arven approached and put his hand on Juliana's shoulder. "Hey, little buddy. It's gonna be ok. He's planning on staying this time."

"Really?" The trainer sniffled.

Okay, so not that it isn’t on brand with the official cutscenes, but part of me wonders if this meeting would’ve had a bit of a different dynamic at all if the gang’s Pokémon were out. Especially Miraidon, since I remember how he reacted to that scene at the end of Indigo Disk in my playthrough.

The AI nodded slowly. "The program that tied me to the time machine no longer exists. Or..." He had just changed his position but assumed the same gesture as before. "More accurately, it does exist within me, but the machine itself has been shuttered. What code is in my programming is redundant."

Penny stood a little straighter at that. "That makes sense. But I imagine that's why I was called here. I'm not much for moral support, after all."

Arven nodded. "I was hoping you could give him a check-up or something."

I kinda feel as if there ought to be some sort of additional reaction from the characters here, but had trouble putting my finger on what or where it would work best.

The girl was about to reply when Nemona, who was in the midst of hugging Juliana tightly, piped up. "Oh! And if you have any pokémon with you, we'll have to get you supplies to take care of them!"

Juliana brightened a bit at that. "Nemona, is that your subtle way of finding out if he's going to battle you?"

“““subtle”””, but that does certainly sound very Nemona there.

"Weeeellllll, that too...but if you do, then I can help you with anything you need for them! Bigger beds or food or a vet recommendation, anything!"

The AI briefly turned towards Arven, head cocked in slight confusion, before addressing Nemona.

"I am sorry to disappoint you. Although I formed bonds with a few pokémon in that era, I did not properly capture them, nor did any return with me."

Aw. I assume that means that he also left behind his canonical team? (Assuming they didn’t get left behind with the Guardian of Paradise, anyways.)

The young champion pouted, but just for a moment. "Aww. Well, if you ever want any help, I'm your gal!" Juliana accompanied this statement with a thumbs up.

"So, what we should do is figure out what it is you *do* need and go from there," Arven said. "But the first thing we should do is go inside!"

Arven: “... Actually, now that I think about it, why didn’t we just hold this entire conversation indoors anyways?”

"I suppose," the AI mused as he leaned back in the computer chair, "that what I want most of all is the ability to contact Arven directly, without having to rely on loopholes in my programming."

The three of Arven's friends sat in a line on the couch, with Arven leaning against the wall, petting Mabosstiff. "Yeah, he could only contact me if he didn't know for sure it was me."

Oh, so their Pokémon are coming out for this moment. Surprised no Miraidon, but I suppose that the lab might be a bit cramped where there’s already 5 people and a not-particularly-small dog inside.

"Even when I detected his specific biometrics, I still did not know for certain if you were carrying the phone that I had been contacting, so I was able to send you one final message before seeing you myself."

The admission seemed to weigh on him, but it answered something Arven had been wondering.

"So I arranged this meeting without hearing from him," Arven told them, "just sent a message to the big computer telling him that I'd be coming with you guys around now."

Arven: “Though I still don’t understand why on earth dad would even program this restriction into you.” >_>;

Penny was taking notes on her laptop, something the others hadn't seen her bring and wouldn't have thought could fit into her Eevee satchel. [ ]

"All right…” she said. “But I assume that you're not going to be able to walk me through the process of breaking through the security system."

The AI's eyes widened slightly in an all too human expression of surprise, though he dropped to a neutral look a second later. "That is an unfortunate truth. I am sorry. However, once you are able to bypass that, I am confident that you will be able to make the necessary alterations."

"...sure hope so," she muttered.

I personally feel like the first paragraph would work a little better expanded and split into one for the description and one for the dialogue. Though yeah, this probably would’ve been a good occasion to try and track down your software documentation, RoboDad.

"Yes. It is my belief, however, that if you are unable to do so, it is still possible. You may aid in potentially finding another."

Arven frowned. "Right now, I think it would be best to keep the number of people we know about this to a minimum."

Nemona: “Wait, why do we want to do that again?”

Arven: “Because I’d really rather not deal with half of Paldea’s press camped out 24/7 in front of this lighthouse?” >_>;

"If my memory on this matter is still intact," the AI continued as he turned the chair to face Arven, "I believe Dr. Clavell is a skilled programmer. I wish to speak with him regardless, on more personal matters."

"Doctor?" Penny mouthed.

"I remember Mr. Jacq mentioning something like that," Juliana offered. "Though I think Clavell prefers the title 'director'."

Some minor punctuation errors there. Though yeah, I sure hope that Turo left good documentation somewhere and didn’t just spaghetti code TuroOS, since otherwise that’d probably be an unholy nightmare to try and figure out what routine is handling RoboDad’s internal embargo routine.

The AI's eyes flashed the same brief blue they had when he had exited sleep mode when Juliana first entered the lab. "Ah, yes. Forgive me. The predominant memories I have of him are as a fellow researcher. My database has been updated."

The flash, however, had taken Nemona off guard. "¡Uy!" she startled. "What was that with your eyes?"

He tilted his head slightly. "Pardon? Oh, they must have flashed. Is that correct?"

Oh, so it was giving everyone war flashbacks of the final boss fight from the games, huh? :copyka:


"Ah. That is a sign that I am processing something. Pay it no mind."


AI!Turo: “I assure you, things are fine at the moment.”

She shifted a bit in her seat. "I'm just...yeah, I'm a bit on edge. I'm glad you're back! Don't get me wrong."

When she smiled, her eyes were just a little more intense than he would have wanted.

"And of course I really want to battle you someday." Her expression quickly fell to a frown. "But...you know, it's all so new."

Ah yes, priorities™~

Penny looked over at her sidelong. "I know computers are my expertise but I know you've seen them light up when they do things."

"But I've never seen a *person* do it! You know?" Nemona laughed nervously. It was clear to the others that there was something she wasn't voicing, but they knew to let it go.

Again, war flashbacks to the final battle of S/V, since RoboDad/Mom’s eyes glowing feels like it’d trigger quite the Pavlovian response from anyone from the core party of four.

The AI sat a little straighter. "A...person." A soft smile grew across his lips.

Arven coughed a bit. "Penny will figure out if there's anything wrong, or find someone who can, like we said."

"Aww, that's a sweet vote of confidence." It didn't come from Penny but from Nemona.

Penny: “Wait, you mean right now? But I don’t know if it’s even possible to decompile whatever code libraries are inside his head!”

"I can at least try. Best foot forward and all that," the younger girl said flatly.

[ ]

"So, what do you need?" Juliana blurted, tilting forward. "We're here to help with anything!"

The AI blinked in a startlingly human reaction, prompting Arven to look away again and pet Mabosstiff some more.

"I...do not know."

Penny: “... Do you have some sort of interface where we could plug you into some sort of data port, or…?” ^^;

Nemona stood and fumbled with the bag in front of her. "That's right! I got so caught up in things that I forgot to give these to you!"

Arven pushed off the wall and supported the bag from the bottom. "Here. Yeah, Nemona brought some clothes to borrow." He was looking at her when he talked.

"Oh, how generous!" The AI accepted the bag and glanced through the top. "Although, I do question why, when the closet in your father's room is still well-stocked."

It might be differences in authorial style in action, but it might make sense to try and put the described actions definitively before or after certain lines, since something about the present delivery made things feel a bit muddled to me.

Arven paused at that. "...of course it is. Of course. Why would I think he would take anything with him?"

Mabosstiff snuffled at him, begging for Arven to pet him again.

"Uh..." Nemona watched Arven's sudden downturn with uncertainty. "Um, so...do you need them? My dad hasn't worn these in years so it should be fine. I don't know what your personal fashion is like but there should be something you like."

inb4 it’s a bunch of embarrassingly out-of-fashion duds that would get rejected by a charity shop.

That was new. The AI set the bag down, next to the desk. "In truth, I have never thought about it before. I have always worn this garment." He placed a hand on his chest, gesturing to the bodysuit. "Although I suppose it would be nice to change things up."

"Pretty impressive that it's lasted this long," Penny remarked. "It doesn't look like it's even been scuffed."

… What on earth is that bodysuit made of anyways to go 300+ years without a scratch?

"Yes! It was designed to withstand any sort of scenario. It's made from--"

The AI was practically beaming as he launched into a long list of what were presumably materials, but were merely random collections of syllables to everyone else. There was no telling where one word ended and another began. But he stopped suddenly, bright smile tightening a bit, and bowed his head.

"I suppose the specifics are not important. I am not used to speaking to others." With a look skyward, he let out a wistful simulated sigh. "I do miss the lab coat, however. It was not nearly as durable as the rest."

Arven: “I… think that I’m just going to chalk that up to ‘it’s made of magic’, really.”

Nemona had been staring straight ahead, sitting rigidly at attention while he had recited the strange scientific terms, and it took her a second to blink back into the moment.

"Yeah, I would imagine that would be something nice. Right now, what you have is basically a wetsuit."

"Dry suit, actually, but yes."

"And it doesn't leave much to the imagination," she continued. "You won't really be able to go anywhere without people staring at you, even without your resemblance to a very notable celebrity."

Oh, so RoboDad’s showing off all the sculpted robotic muscles right now under that dry suit, huh? Though that makes me wonder if Turo built him such that all the parts that didn’t immediately show were mechanical or if he went full Terminator by giving RoboDad a full-body “skin”.

Next to her, Penny took a note. "On that subject, do you have a plan for dealing with that? You're going to have a lot of people thinking you're the professor, and I'm going to assume you don't want that."

"Especially after how he treated you..." Juliana sighed, a mournful tone."

AI!Turo: “... I could always pretend that I’m his long-lost twin brother ‘Duro’? My analysis of human media seemed to indicate that such occurrences were surprisingly common.”
Arven: “Yeeeeah, no. That doesn’t work so well outside of fiction.”

The AI looked at Juliana for a moment before addressing Penny. "Eventually I would like to look into creating a slightly different face plate. I do not know if anyone but me can do so, however."

"A different face..." Arven murmured before finally slumping down the wall and gesturing for Mabosstiff to lay fully across his lap.

That actually makes me wonder if RoboDad and RoboMom under the skin are fundamentally the same robot/AI/whatever, just with different aesthetic dressing. It makes me wonder what Sada left behind for Turo in Violet since you just know that the robot was either Turo’s creation or based off designs of his.

Juliana looked over at him but didn't say anything. If he was in distress, he would say something, right? He'd opened up since they first met and wasn't going to bottle things up any more. Right?


But the AI continued. "I confirmed that I still have access to Zero Lab, so I ought to be able to construct something like that myself. But right now, my priorities are open communication with Arven--"

To the side, the young man shifted further, burying his face in the dog's thick fur.

Yeah, I’ll take the under on that ‘open communication with Arven’ going without incident.

"--getting my programming examined, and speaking with Director Clavell."

Penny finished typing her line before replying. "Those sound like reasonable goals. Do you want Clavell to come here? If you plan on leaving the lighthouse for any reason, we can get you a hat and probably a surgical mask."

So what are they going to do to deal with the glowing eyes anyways? A welder’s mask?

"Oh! I brought a hat!" Nemona exclaimed. "It's near the bottom of the bag. I hope you like the Levincia Staraptors!" She laughed nervously. "Uh. You can keep that. My dad got a bunch of them when his company bought ads, and he never wears them."

Wait, is there actually a ‘Levincia Staraptors’ in canonical media? Or was that created wholesale for this story?

The AI nodded in acknowledgement. "Thank you. I have never worn a hat before. This will be a novel experience."

"I'm glad." Juliana was smiling even with concern still lingering across their face. "Uh...Arven, aren't you glad?"

Arven sputtered a bit before looking up. "Uh? I guess, sure. Hey, Mabosstiff needs to go out, so I'm gonna step out for a few minutes." He prompted the dog to move a bit and shifted up to his feet. "Come on, boy. We'll be right back."

Oh hey, I think I know how Arven is feeling like inside:


Mabosstiff tilted his head and barked softly, seeming to grumble from the sudden decision but following behind, and the two headed out the door.

Penny had watched him go, but returned to her list. "I can take a look at anything you can show me today, but I'll tell you right now that I can't do much from this laptop. I may need access to the system beside you. I understand it's connected to the network in Zero Lab, correct?"

[ ]

"Wow, look at you go!" Nemona was impressed. "So professional."

Wait, is Penny meant to go through some sort of boot-up sequence for the computer here? If so, it might make sense to more clearly describe it and what’s going on.

The girl smiled, though she continued to look at her screen. "Thanks. Now, would that be feasible?"

The AI turned towards the computer and typed something rapidly. "I can add permissions to this device. My creator did not anticipate that I would ever set foot here, so I was not restricted from it. Incidentally, has anyone gained access to the research in Zero Lab in this time?"

"I've tried," Juliana admitted, "but I'm also not a very techy person. Do you want anyone to?"

Juliana: “... Which in retrospect was probably pretty dumb of me since I could’ve just asked Penny for help.” >_>;

"I do not quite know. I asked simply out of curiosity. But right now, I believe I would only entrust that information to Director Clavell."

Nemona leaned back and stretched her arms out behind the couch. "Ah, that makes sense. You had other people working with y--with the professor, right?"

I mean, I don’t know how smart of an idea that is, since Clavell still manages to make some pretty big fails in judgment in the canonical narrative.

"Yes. At its biggest, the research team dwelling in Zero Lab was populated with fifteen people. Although I believe a total of thirty-six worked on the entire study at various points." He shook his head. "Admittedly, my information on some of them is incomplete, as Turo did not care to recall them."

Huh. I wonder if that’s also something that’s present in canonical fluff. Like I could certainly buy it given that it seemed like there were a decent number of installations in Area Zero, but I actually don’t remember there ever being an explicit staff log anywhere in it.

Penny typed something more. "That's too bad. You had to be pretty skilled to be approved for that project, right?"

"Absolutely. Only the best and brightest were permitted clearance." A bright smile crossed his face, a little wider than what would be considered natural on a human. "The four of you are similar in that regard. Though it was not the same as selecting a researcher, you had proven your strength and dedication."

The smile relaxed just a bit, as if he was realizing the intensity of it. "I did not plan it that way, but I am pleased that it worked out in a suitable manner." And the smile faded into a wistful expression. "On my way here, I made many observations of my surroundings. Paldea is...more beautiful than I ever could have imagined. That those who live here can do so without fear is..."

His voice cracked, and he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I apologize. Though I am physically incapable of displaying certain emotions, I still possess the impulse to do so. It often manifests in contradictory ways."

This last paragraph here is long enough that you might want to consider breaking it up into a few smaller ones. It doesn’t need to be as many as what I suggested here, but “at least three” feels like a decent minimal baseline for how big it is.

Another clack of the keyboard. "It's understandable. Would you want to be able to do things like cry?"

He took on a neutral position, hands on his legs, and faced her directly. "That would be a major alteration that would require intensive physical restructuring. If it is even possible, it is not a priority. Do not concern yourself with it at this time."

So RoboDad doesn’t have tear ducts. But it makes sense since The Simpsons taught us all why that’s a terrible idea for robots.

"Gotcha." She typed something else before closing the laptop. "If you want to get started, I've got some time right now."

Wait, huh? Can RoboDad be updated with OTA software updates or something? Since I didn’t see any mention of cabling hooking him up to the computer or anything.

The AI glanced towards the door. "If...you do not mind, would tomorrow be acceptable?"

Juliana followed his gaze, but no one was there. "All of us?"

"If you wish." He smiled. "I am grateful to have such a warm welcome. It is an unfamiliar feeling, but a pleasant one. I greatly enjoy it."

Well, you’re certainly making the story live up to its title with RoboDad’s thought process. :V

Nemona shot to her feet. "¡Cáspita! I'm glad to hear it! I can't wait for Penny to work her magic on you!"

He stood as well, but her words stayed him. "Oh, I am not in need of magic. I require--"

Juliana's laughter was surprisingly high in tone given their lower voice. "It's an expression. Figurative magic."

Penny: “Technically, it’d be programming magic-”
Juliana: “Penny, that’s still figurative there.” >_>;

The AI's eyes flashed briefly again. "Of course. I understand."

Penny opened her laptop again and wrote one more note.

Huh, I wonder what the note was supposed to say. Or if we’re going to wind up finding out what it was later on.

Juliana held the door for Penny and glanced back in, waving at the AI before closing the door behind them. "I'm so glad he's ok..."

"I'm sure you are. I know that was eating you up inside." The laptop had vanished from sight once again. "I'm happy for you. And for him." Though Penny's voice was unemotive from the prolonged social encounter, her friends would know her smile to be genuine.

Okay, so I know that it’s an artifact of this story and Safe Passage being written primarily from Arven’s perspective, but a part of me wonders if the effects of RoboDad’s absence on the rest of the cast ought to have been dwelled on a bit more. Like we kinda got it for Juliana through that one incident that’s recalled in it, but there’s not a lot of explicit delving in this story on its own.

"Oh, there he is!" Nemona began waving. "Aaaaaarven!" she called across the clearing to where the young man was, on the small cliff on the opposite side of the path. "Arven, we're going now! He wants to talk to you now!"

Even from the distance, they could see him inhale deeply before waving back. He seemed in no hurry to return, even with Mabosstiff bounding before him.

Yeeeeah, I see that Arven is doing well™ right now.

"Call me later, ok?" Juliana emphasized the instruction with a telephone gesture to their face, extended fingers to their mouth and ear.

Arven waved a second time and copied the gesture to verify, but said nothing.

Let’s check in on how Arven’s doing right now:


He watched the group disperse, Nemona and Juliana heading south and Penny opting to walk, saying something about getting a snack in Cabo Poco, the town at the base of the hill to the northwest. Once they were out of sight, he finally eased himself down the small cliff, recalling Mabosstiff and letting him back out on ground level.

"...You think we could just leave him waiting, go back to the dorm tonight?" he muttered to the dog as he shuffled his feet still towards the lighthouse, already knowing the answer.

Mabosstiff barked softly and pushed against the young man's legs.

So that’s a “no”, right? Since this certainly feels like a “no” right now.

"Yeah, I can't be a coward. I guess I have to give him my answer at some point, yeah? I should at least make up my mind..."

Huh. And here I thought that Arven had already settled on things. Guess we’re going to find out what he has to say to RoboDad.

He expected to see the AI at the computer again. Not at the kitchen table, sitting there expectantly with those same shining eyes his father had.

"Arven. It is good to see you. Have Mabosstiff's needs been sufficiently met?"

What an awkward way of putting it. So stiff and formal, not at all like how a human would talk. Not even Turo at his most academic would have phrased it so roughly.

"It's been a long time since you've talked to anyone."

Arven: “Also, did you really need to give me the same look my dad used to? Since I have… feelings about him still.” >_>;

"In a way," the AI nodded. "The pokémon of the future are great listeners, but they do not return the favor of conversation."

So… nothing changed between now and 300 years into the future? ^^;

Arven sighed and turned a chair around before sitting, putting the back of the chair between himself and the AI.

"You've always been pretty blunt, haven't you? Saying whatever you want to no matter what anyone else might think." Though he was facing the AI, he was again averting his gaze.

The AI's eyes flashed, and he bowed his head. "You have said something like this to me before. Just before I left."

Wait, is that canonical? Since I swear I don’t recall any lines relating to ‘bluntness’ or anything close in the endgame sequence of Violet.

The young man nodded. "Yeah. Because you picked the worst possible time to dump on me that d--what you said."

/Your father truly loved you./

The memory hung in Arven's mind, always there no matter what he did.

Boy is it a cursed idea to think that Turo was finally coming around to the idea that he should stop neglecting his child only to suddenly get cut down by crossfire from a little territorial spat between his bike dergs.

"I spoke the truth. I was created with his memories. I knew his mind, his thoughts, his beliefs." The AI rested a hand on the table and looked towards Arven with a slight frown and furrowed brow. "And I know that he loved you. I also know that he mistreated you. They are both true statements. I have struggled to rectify them, but the truth remains."

Arven shook his head. "Dropping that on me...did you consider how it would affect me?"

The AI lowered his head. "Would you have preferred not to know?"

Arven: “Honestly, I’d have preferred to think that he didn’t care about me. Then I wouldn’t feel so conflicted about him not being here.” :sadwott:

The young man sighed. "I'm...I don't know. I can't really answer that. I'm kinda a...different person than I was back then." He tilted forward a little but pulled back, resisting the urge to rest his head on the table. "I'm really working hard now, studying cooking and nutrition and all that. I'm not aimless. He's not the center of my life and he hasn't been for years...Some days I don't even think about him!"

"And yet you are still Arven."

Arven paused before staring back at the robot, incredulous. "This is exactly what I'm talking about! If you're going to be around people, you need to think about what your words are going to do to them!"

Doesn’t sound like Arven’s moved on that much from his dad from a reaction like that, just saying.

The area around the AI's eyes tightened, his mouth dropping just a bit. He seemed almost hurt. "I am sorry," he murmured, his usually direct voice soft and regretful. "I do not wish to cause any harm. I wish only to make things right. It is one of my directives to protect you, and moreover, I *want* to protect you." His other hand rested over the first, covering it in a gesture resembling one of peace. "I will do what you ask of me but I must know what it is you want."

The young man flopped forward, head falling to his hands. "My god, you need to stop talking like that! Let's ignore for a minute that you *did* cause us harm, you acted like I wasn't even here earlier!"

AI!Turo: “... Isn’t that an artifact of my programming preventing me from directly reaching out to you?” ^^;

The AI's expression returned to neutral, though he averted his eyes as Arven had done. "I apologize."

"All of this...changing your face, like it wouldn't mean anything. Saying it like it was nothing! That's my dad's face and you--" He stopped abruptly and tisked with his tongue before burying his own face in his hands and shaking his head.

Yeah, Arven really hasn’t fully moved on from his dad, just saying.

After a long moment, the AI blinked, keeping his eyes shut for longer than normal, before looking back at Arven.

"To continue looking like the man who hurt us both...I know that how I look hurts you. That you cannot look at me without seeing him." His voice, though so familiar, was softer and more stilted than Turo's in delivery. "Additionally, his celebrity would yield undue attention. I do not wish to lie about him any further, meaning I do not wish to make anybody falsely believe that he is still alive. I am aware that lying to you on that subject was harmful, but I judged it to be a necessary action for the greater good of Paldea."

He mimicked a sigh again. It was amazing how realistic it sounded, though Arven knew it was just a sound file of his father's own voice.

"I do not have to maintain that lie any further now. I do not wish to give anybody false hope. That is why I know that I cannot continue to look as I do."

This second paragraph is another one that felt like it was long enough to be worth breaking up into a few smaller pieces.

Arven glanced up briefly, at that familiar face, before looking away again.

"I respect your father's brilliance. I loved him dearly, and I still do. Do not take this as a sign of disrespect."

That actually makes me wonder how this Arven would’ve reacted to Miraidon slobbering up the Turo from the Crystal Pool at the end of ID if he’s this conflicted about AI!Turo’s resemblance to him.

"That's not the issue. It's not even what you said." Arven's hands balled up on either side of his face. "You just *say* stuff without...like when you were saying that dad's closet is still full of stuff. You said that so casually, like it didn't mean anything."

The AI was silent for a moment before cocking his head. "I am sorry. Both for that my statement caused you pain, and that I do not understand why that would have hurt you. It was an observation, nothing more."

"Oh come on!" Arven emphasized the cry with a fist pounded to the table, startling Mabosstiff at his side. "Telling me like it was nothing that he never came back for his stuff? That he didn't have any intention of coming back here? That he was just going to ditch me and the whole outside world?"

AI!Turo: “I mean, those are factual statements and I still don’t understand the intricacies of human emotion, so… yes?” ^^;

"It was an observation," the AI repeated, voice quiet and more halted than his usual stiff delivery. "Nothing more. I am sorry."

"Nothing more..." Arven grumbled. But the more he thought about what he had said, the stranger it sounded. "...dammit..."

The AI said nothing, just slid his hand across the table to rest over Arven's still-clenched fist.

AI!Turo: “... Perhaps it would be for the best to get a guide of how you would prefer me to deal with such subjects in the future? Since I feel like there’s much that I need to update in my databanks right now.”

"It sounds stupid now that I say it out loud..." Arven covered his face with his other hand, knuckles bent tight. "If one of my friends had said there were clothes in his closet, I wouldn't have gotten mad. I wouldn't have read all that extra stuff into it."

Again, the AI said nothing, only stroked the back of Arven's hand. His usually intense and direct gaze faltered, drifting to the table.

Arven didn't say anything either for a few minutes. Finally he sighed deeply and pulled his hand back to stand from the chair. "...I still...haven't decided yet. If I want you in my life or not. But after today I think I can make a more informed decision."

Well, that’s certainly different from how Arven was depicted in The Future Between Us. I know that you mentioned that this and Safe Passage are set in a different continuity, but that definitely drives it home there.

A nod. "Whatever you decide, I will abide by."

[ ]

"I know. You seem like you'd stick by what you say." He fell silent again before slumping at the shoulders, and finally kneeling to nuzzle Mabosstiff, who eagerly leaned into the touch. "Would you be ok..." he started with his face in the dog's thick fur before looking back up at the AI. "Would you be ok if you were only in my life a little? Like, if we saw each other but not often?"

IMO, it might make sense to show off Arven’s reaction and/or thought process a bit more. Though sounds like Arven’s still in the process of sorting out how he feels about his father all these years later.

He couldn't see it through the table, but the AI smiled. "Of course. Though I know you have not yet made your decision."

"Right, right, just...makes it a little easier. I don't want to ditch you, after all. Even with human memories, you spent three hundred years in a world that sounds pretty desolate, so you'd got to readjust to things." He hugged Mabosstiff tightly before standing again.

Arven: “... Which in retrospect I guess means you must be pretty lonely, but… I don’t know, can’t you spend more time with Juliana for a while? They’ve missed you and don’t have this whole ‘you awkwardly remind me of my deadbeat dad’ thing going on.”

"I would not call it 'desolate'." The AI was still smiling. "It was teeming with life, and very beautiful. It was simply not what I or he believed it would be..." He shook his head. "But that is behind me. I am here now, and I must exist here as things are. So I welcome any aid you would offer."

"Yeah. Just know that it might come slow. You can meet with the others without me, you know."

I think that you’re missing a couple words from Arven’s line there.

The AI nodded. "Thank you. I did know, but it is good to hear you say it. I did not wish to be rude."

Arven chuckled. "Well, you've already got a leg up on my old man then. He sure didn't care about being rude, unless the press or a sponsor was nearby."

Yeeeeeah, I can see why Arven is weirded out / having trouble coming to terms with RoboDad right now.

"I apologize for his actions."

[ ]
"It's not your place to do so," Arven reminded him. "You're not him. Otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation. For uh...a couple of reasons." He shook it off as he turned towards the door. "I've got some work to do tonight, but I want you to think about what I said."

[ ]

"Absolutely. Thank you for your own patience. I know that this is asking a lot of you."

This feels like another moment that would particularly benefit from slowing down to describe the scene and what’s going on in it a bit more.

Arven paused before smiling just a bit. "I feel like we'll probably have more talks like this, won't we?" The smile, however, dropped. "I don't think you realized it. But when you told me dad really loved me. In the past tense..." His expression dropped further, into a dim frown. "That was how I found out he was gone. I don't know if you realized that when you said it, and I suspected something had happened to him, but.. that was how I found out for sure."

He waited just a moment before turning to the door, catching a glimpse of the AI's ashamed expression as he did.


Well, that’s certainly a downer ending note there.

Alright, made it to the end, and boy is that a different ride than the last storyline that I read dealing with Arven coming to terms with things after the events of Violet. Once again, the star of the show in this story is the characterization and seeing how the characters have all evolved in the course of a few years after the canonical narrative while still feeling very on-brand. AI!Turo was particularly fun to see, especially with your depiction of his personality having shades of his creator, while still a very ‘AI’ outlook with quirks specific to that.

As for criticisms, I generally think that the story was well done, if very much requiring reading Safe Passage to provide background context. While it works when read in conjunction with that story, I kinda wonder if being a bit more generous about touching on the things that were covered in that story would’ve helped this one feel a bit more standalone for readers coming in without reading it. Like the whole bit about Juliana being especially affected by AI!Turo’s departure in Violet is something that isn’t really delved into in the text, but it is in Safe Passage in a very memorable flashback. It just feels like either that flashback or a different one to add to that information without repeating old content would be easy to bring up in a few sentences. It’s not necessarily a flaw per se, but it does mean that a few things mentioned here will feel a bit “told and not shown” without the benefit of reading the story alongside its preceding work.

If there’s any one flaw about this story that exists in a vacuum, it would be that I found myself wishing at points that you had been a bit more generous about description and getting into the mind of the characters, since large chunks of it felt close to being disembodied dialogue. Like I could still largely gather what was going on between the lines, but there were some points where I got tripped up a bit with visualizing things or else getting a read on characters’ thought processes precisely because of a lack of narration/description text. It would also go a long way to breaking up the flow of otherwise pretty large continuous blocks of dialogue.

But altogether, I thought that things were a pretty fun read @Blackjack Gabbiani . I presume from the ending note that this story is meant to be continued elsewhere at some point in the future, but it’s definitely got me piqued.

Hope the feedback was helpful, and I’ll be seeing you around again sometime.

Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
Ok things are gonna go a bit out of order as I dip back and forth to see what to reply to...

In fact the third part is up right now! It's called Cutivate The Vine.

I may have messed up making this a series of short fics instead of one solid piece but I wanted to be able to write stories out of order if need be. For right now they're all in order though, and so's the fourth piece I'm working on now.

It's funny. You keep suggesting I break up paragraphs but I was always taught that you *don't* do that until there's a perspective shift, that all single character action goes in one paragraph. Is that a more recent thing? Regional?

I'll elaborate on the others and their thoughts on things as the series expands. As I said, Juliana is based on me (so uh, please call them "they" and not "she" in the future. You adjusted by the end but you did it a few times) and thus had my reaction to things, including a quick and intense fixation on the AI. But imagine it from their perspective. You're a normal teenager who randomly gets asked by a major scientist to care for a weird dragon, this request leads you to all manner of wild places, you have to contend with some very creepy and very painful times, and when you and your friends decided to go get group trauma together by descending into the most terrifying place in the known world and face beings not of this world, you're met with signs that everything around you Should Not Be. And then you break off from the group and try to meet the professor on your own only to find out that they're a robot, covering for a dead guy, and beseech you to please save everyone by destroying everything their creator had built. You speak to them and they're so kind, and troubled by the true professor's intentions, but know that they're going to lose all control once you do what's required of you. You watch helplessly as your new friend is taken over not once but twice by the security program that's highly implied to be the lingering wrath of their creator, and you have to fight them as it dawns on you that destroying everything their creator ever built *may include them* even though they're thinking, feeling beings. And then even when you win, defeating the monster that killed the true professor, your new friend has to leave, never to return, to save everyone. Will they be safe? They were still twitching pretty hard. Will the crystals keep them powered or will they die once they reach their destination? You can never really know. And they're gone, with your friend crying out for a parent he knows is gone.

And then a few months later you take your new crystal turtle for a walk at a lake and meet with the spectre of the true professor. Not really, since you can figure out that this is probably a different one than the one from your world who lived and died for their obsession, but are you trading one obsession for another? Can you put faith in their word that they'll go home? For how long? But now you carry that book, with that name in that handwriting. You never let it out of your inventory. You ride the motorcycle dragon around three regions, thinking about the circumstances in which you obtained it, but can never really have answers.

Something like that would be bound to mess a kid up. Seeing their robot friend back and safe would lead to some very heavy emotions. So that's where Juliana is coming from.

I'll bring Miraidon in soon. For now though I have to plan that.

Re: the first two calls being video, the game implies that this happens by default, since we get the little icons up of whoever is speaking except for "Cassiopiea". Plus the phones jerk out in front of the player instead of relying on sound alone, which would need to be close.

What does Nemona's sister have to do with Geeta's schedule?

Re: your joking use of "Duro" as a name...yeeeeah I've seen that a few times as a joke since it means "hard". I think you can guess what sort of fan media would use such a pun.

Juliana's look is very much doable in the character options since it's what my character is wearing right now. The giant white shoes are gotten from Atticus at the auction house, I think the hairdo may be a postgame option, and the tights are somewhere.

I made up the sports team but I remember looking up what teams exist in that general area and there was one that I think was called the Hawks or the Raptors or something, but I don't remember off the top of my head. Lavencia is also where I imagine the airport though there's none there in canon (I did mention it in All The Time In The World, which may or may not be related to this series but only in the way of general headcanons about the characters).

Juliana started with Fuecoco because I did. I don't get to mention it here but his name is Ancho.

Penny took the cab from the school because let's face it she's not gonna walk BOTH ways and she wants to get snacks on the way back.

About the AI being blunt, after the AI said "your father truly loved you", Arven replied with "You...you can't... You can't just go and say a thing like that now!" It was a very frustrating thing to hear, and as I said, it was the first real confirmation he'd had that his father was gone. Everything up until then had just been a terrifying suspicion. It came off as tone-deaf, even though it was the last chance the AI really had to get this important message across.

Why would Turo program these restrictions into the robot? Because he was paranoid--the entire creation of the robot to begin with was because he felt he couldn't trust anyone but himself--and this thing was already asking too many questions, showing too much opposition... To say nothing of how the AI was meant to be restricted to a very small area and never leave it.

Even in the game, Arven differentiates between his parent and the AI. "Yeah. Somewhere deep down, I...kind of already knew it. I knew that thing was fake...but it...When it said my name, using his voice and wearing his face..."

As for how the AI is able to tell how everyone is reacting, remember, he can pick up on vital signs from a distance. He was able to do so in the scene where the team first arrives in Area Zero.

The good news and bad news of AI Turo's code is that however spaghettified the base code is, he can help Penny unravel it since that would be part of his memory banks....but updates may not be, considering he canonically didn't know about the PPP, meaning it was added later, so he may be in the dark about any similar updates (though none will be as harsh as that).

I'm curious what the lapses in judgment that Clavell makes are because the only thing I can really think of is the ending, where he more or less brushes off Arven's own grief to tell him to study, which seemed a bit out of character.

I don't think I can reply to every single point like this so let me know if you have anything specific you want me to address!
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