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And lo, words written by Phoenixsong had once again happened, and there was much rejoicing. Or possibly much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Whichever!
Specifically, these words that have happened are courtesy of the above Thousand Roads' 5th Anniversary bingo card, and they are happening in an attempt to practice a bit with yet another contextless setting I mumble about in Discord sometimes.(Just kidding. They're only happening because I require More Companion Skiddo.) This is "PMDgypt"! Adjacent to it, anyway. Who knows what might change between now and Whenever I Might Actually Write A More Substantial ThingTM? But it's a start on some of the vibes, at least. Definitely had fun giving those vibes a shot!
So, yeah. Ancient Egypt. But, like, with talking pokémon in it. Words about that! Magical.
And heck, maybe someday even more words might happen in this very thread, filling in more of that bingo card or even entirely unprompted! ...Maybe. Eh. Let's not get too wild up in here, kids.
Content Warnings:
Nothing, really? Some very gentle and non-graphic mentions of death and funerary preparations and beliefs about such. As always, though, if I missed anything major, please do tell me so I can adjust this notice accordingly.
These are tiny and weird and unlikely to be revisited and most of the planning/initial writing for two of them was done in thirty panicked minutes while traveling to an appointment when I thought the bingo deadline was earlier (they've been cleaned up some over the rest of the day, but no guarantees they make any sense). Also one of the two Turbo Deadline Panic Mode pieces isn't even normal prose fiction so much as it is an extremely slapdash myth-ish storytime-ish sort of deal. As such they aren't worth the effort of serious critical analysis on your part, nor am I especially looking for that here. But hey, if you really wanna, knock yourself out. What am I gonna do, put a mummy's curse on you?*
Whatever miscellaneous thoughts/reactions you may have are, as ever, warmly welcomed.
Thanks for reading!
* No, I'm not, because those aren't real. I will think you're a little silly but will nonetheless appreciate the thoughts/advice, though!
Pyramids | Set and Horus | Death of a Pharaoh |
Maat Maintenance | Fall of Egypt | The Sphinx |
The Journey of the Sun | Weighing of the heart | Atenism |
Specifically, these words that have happened are courtesy of the above Thousand Roads' 5th Anniversary bingo card, and they are happening in an attempt to practice a bit with yet another contextless setting I mumble about in Discord sometimes.
So, yeah. Ancient Egypt. But, like, with talking pokémon in it. Words about that! Magical.
And heck, maybe someday even more words might happen in this very thread, filling in more of that bingo card or even entirely unprompted! ...Maybe. Eh. Let's not get too wild up in here, kids.
Content Warnings:
Nothing, really? Some very gentle and non-graphic mentions of death and funerary preparations and beliefs about such. As always, though, if I missed anything major, please do tell me so I can adjust this notice accordingly.
These are tiny and weird and unlikely to be revisited and most of the planning/initial writing for two of them was done in thirty panicked minutes while traveling to an appointment when I thought the bingo deadline was earlier (they've been cleaned up some over the rest of the day, but no guarantees they make any sense). Also one of the two Turbo Deadline Panic Mode pieces isn't even normal prose fiction so much as it is an extremely slapdash myth-ish storytime-ish sort of deal. As such they aren't worth the effort of serious critical analysis on your part, nor am I especially looking for that here. But hey, if you really wanna, knock yourself out. What am I gonna do, put a mummy's curse on you?*
Whatever miscellaneous thoughts/reactions you may have are, as ever, warmly welcomed.
Thanks for reading!
* No, I'm not, because those aren't real. I will think you're a little silly but will nonetheless appreciate the thoughts/advice, though!
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