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[Destroyed] Air Continent ~ Silver Trench

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R3 BOSS – VS Shadow Lugia
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Once a grand Dungeon of unfathomable depths, the Silver Trench was now a deep, dark gash in the sea near the Air Continent. Once called the Silver Trench because of the Legendary being that had once lived there, it is now called that for the great air bubble that is still held deep underwater, where the air behaves as if it is at sea level, and yet never rises to the top.

    It left a great, silvery scar under the ocean’s surface, visible from even bird Pokémon in the sky. It was considered to be a remnant of the Dungeon haze, theorized that one day the air bubble would collapse and all would return to normal. But until then, this chamber at the bottom of a rocky, wet trench remained, covered in bits of dead coral, rocks, and uninhabitable, slippery slopes.


    When the team first arrived, two Pokémon caught their attention. One was, of course, Darkwhite, spinning and dancing and singing some strange tune. It had no proper rhythm nor melody, constantly switching around with every beat, if they had beats. And then, behind her, bobbing her head to the rhythm that did not exist, was—

    “Master!” Meringue flew forward, but a Radiant barrier blocked his way.

    “Not too close,” Truffle said. “What in the world happened…?”

    Lugia’s back and wings were a deep purple; her eyes crackled with red energy; her front was a dark silver. It was nothing like the Lugia of legends, and yet just similar enough to be recognizable. While her general shape was the same, and she looked like Meringue from afar, a closer view would reveal the tough scales that covered her hide; rather than a sea guardian, she looked more like a sea monster. Two sides to the same legend, perhaps, yet here that made her all the more fearsome.

    A manic grin was all they could get from Lugia’s expression. Her eyes had no pupils—just a deep, glowing, crackling red. Occasionally something akin to a pupil flickered in and out, but it was fleeting.

    “I’m so happy to see you!” Darkwhite said, waving. “You came just in time! Lugia’s not a very patient Legend, I’ll tell you that much!”

    Lugia, at the sound of her name, perked up and let out a deep growl that shook the very bubble they stood in. The silvery lights from the sun, so, so far away from them, danced in intricate patterns that made Lugia’s dark scales glimmer like obsidian.

    “Sh-she looks terrible… What happened?!” Meringue choked out.

    “You can see it?” Owen asked.

    “Of course I can see it!” Meringue said.

    “I can as well,” Maple confirmed. “Has the corruption become so terrible that it’s visible even to us…?”
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